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Re: Danganronpa F6: Beneath the Surface (Chapter 2 Tribunal)Topic%20Title
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[The trial will end in 4 days, sometime on 4th August. Good luck to all.]
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Belphegor's words stung more than a wasp could ever hope to. Brandy had trouble even looking at her fellow team members. Even though they had just been through a tribunal to uncover the mystery of Carrie's murder, nothing could have prepared her to lose Charlotte, the thief girl who idolized and looked up to her as though she were some kind of superhero.

"For the investigation," Brandy said as she struggled to fight back tears. "I was with the guys at the... at the scene. Nail already went over findin' the die, the amulet, the tubes n'... her book. Her favorite God damn book..."

She put her hand in front of her face and looked down to try and hide the obvious fact that she was crying.

"Them silver tubes looked like they might fit together somehow... but I guess I should at least mention some details 'bout the autopsy Kliff did, too. He said since it was already so damn cold it was a bit hard to figure out the time... the time of death. She had two stab wounds on her... I can't do this... it shouldn't have been her..."

On her podium sat a picture book, old, worn, and very obviously used. It was about Robin Hood, Charlotte's source of inspiration. It soon found itself assaulted by teardrops from above, as Brandy struggled to keep her composure.

"....she had bruises on her neck...." Brandy muttered. "She had bruises... the action wasn't fatal but someone tried to strangle her first 'fore they gave up and stabbed her. One of her wounds even had a spear still stuck in it... I'm sure Kliff could do a better job at explainin' the autopsy."

She wiped her face and addressed the others. "I don't know which o' y'all did this to her... but you best pick a god and pray. 'Cause when this is over I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass you'll have toes for teeth."
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"...I apologize you have to go through this, Mrs. Henn. As a group, we shall find the monstrous killer and rid them from our sights! Now then, let us begin our deliberations."

Ivan brought his baton to his forehead, recalling the events prior to the body discovery.

"I feel like I should mention the events that happened leading up to Mrs. Church's disappearance. It may or may not be relevant...but I shall leave that up to our discussion.

First, the five of us in the Lower Cavern group discovered an interesting slip of paper in the meeting room. It seemed to contain the password for a safe, yet we could not locate the storage device in question.

Next, at around four, everyone except Nail was at the meeting room. Oliver had come in and accused Mrs. Church of stealing his prized flute. Mrs. Church, of course, denied the accusation, whilst Oliver continued to mudsling at her like a wild bully. Oliver left fifteen minutes later (past 4), leaving just Sebastian, Mrs. Church, and I. At that moment, Mrs. Church also confessed one of her belongings had been stolen. A conversation ensued, and Mrs. Church seemed deeply hurt under Sebastian's words. She proceeded to leave...

Fifteen minutes later (4:30), I was out on my own attempting to find a means of escape from the lower caverns. I brought some tools from the armory and chipped at a corner right by the icy lake. I...thought I may have made a breakthrough, as I heard the ice wall shatter, but...nothing seemed to happen. I find that strange. Anyways, I started to head back, and had vision of the concrete building. I could see Sebastian cleaning the meeting room, and I saw Mrs. Church exit the building from the meeting room entrance and going around to the other entrance. I went back to digging, and heard the flutter of wings, and that's when I found the ominous photo of Mrs. Church.

At that moment, I attempted to locate her with the assistance of others. Heading towards the meeting room, I notified Sebastian around 5:50...he said he would remain at the meeting room while I went over to the armory to notify Oliver. Later, we notified Nail.

Of course, we could not find her..."

Ivan put away his baton and crossed his arms.

"...Alright. That covers ramblings were quite long, so I will leave the investigation results to Daniel or Matt."
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"Now that it's come to this, there's no choice but to continue onwards..." Seb muttered numbly. "I'll go over all I can.

"Ivan covered what happened first. We met in the meeting room where Nail showed us the safe password. He'd found it inside a hidden compartment in the desk.

"At around 2 I was with Oliver in the staircase room, when Charlie showed us a book she'd found. Nail had been meditating and reading it in the red room, apparently. It was another of those strange magic tomes: old and worn, yet somehow the ink remained a glossy black. As you might imagine it was full of spells, spells that required the user to draw a magic circle and then say some hocus-pocus magic words. Spells for speed, changing size, flying, cloning and many more... But then Nail appeared, as he does, and took the book from us, as he was still in the process of reading it himself. The whole affair was... unsettling, really. I hate magic.

"At around 3 I heard some kind of... screaming, and high-pitched sounds, coming from the floor above me. I went up and knocked on the door to check, but Oliver answered, saying he didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. It was strange, but I didn't want to pry.

"Then at roughly 4 o'clock was the meeting Ivan described. Oliver accused Charlie of being jealous of his fame and success, for some reason, and the argument spiralled out of control until Ivan stepped in. Oliver left, bringing it to 4:15. Charlie mentioned that something of hers had been stolen, which... riled me up a little. She was always leaving things lying around and tracking mud through the building, it didn't surprise me to hear that she'd lost something. Someone probably just picked it up after she dropped it somewhere. I was only speaking my mind, but, perhaps I went too far, as Charlie swiftly left." Seb sighed, before continuing, "Still, it's far too late to dwell on it.

"After Ivan left, I set about cleaning up the meeting room. Again. At around 5:30 however I heard strange noises again, high-pitched sounds, somewhat like whining. I went up to check on Oliver like before, but he didn't respond when I knocked. Despite that he was inside the room as normal when I entered. He said he still missed his flute, though he hadn't been crying, and hadn't heard anything unusual. I quickly checked around the room to make sure, but didn't find anything out of place, so I soon left.

"Back in the meeting room I resumed cleaning, until Ivan arrived and showed me the photo. As he said, I was to remain there while he searched elsewhere. We both heard the strange whining again, and he quickly left to go search. In the meantime I went back to cleaning, keeping an eye out for Charlie all the while. I didn't see any sign of her, however, and was still there when the others returned and we all discussed her disappearance. That was when we heard everyone else arriving from the upper caverns, and went to meet them."
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Matt was chugging down a beer which he finally was able to grab and there wasn't anyone that was going to stop him, not even Belphegor himself was going to stop him he thought.

"Ahh shit...right...well where the crap to begin.
Matt scratched his head.
at (5:00) the ice cracked and the girl fell in the lake, along with her wheelchair and the typewriter of hers so helped fish her ass out of the lake and the doc carried her to the igloo since she wasnt doing to well after falling in and few minutes later noticed the typewriter floating so fished that sucker out of the lake. damn thing got damaged a bit from falling in so decided to fix it, figure be a bigger pain in the ass if she didn't have a way to communicate."

"After a short time of tinkering with the damn thing (5:15) got it fixed and delivered it to the igloo where the girl was." Matt rubbed his chin. "Lets see. think it was somewhere around (5:45) when I got to the mess hall to eat some grub the moron made, got there same time as the brat, not long after the bitch and the dumbass over there showed up." matt pointed to brandy. " Soon after we got seated the moron came out to start bringing out food, and the girl showed up with the doc's help. next to show up for food was the idiot" refering to bennett. " and after we all started eating the hardass showed up looking like utter shit...tried to ask him why but the fucker wouldnt respond to anyone, shrugged it off and continued eating. everyone left at (6:45) besides the moron, doing dishes I guess."

Matt took another drink of his beer.
"As for investigating shit, me and the two stooges looked around the meeting room, place was fuckin spotless. only dirt in the damn place was the shit we dragged in. there we didnt find much, shelf there was oddly empty though...also found a piece of paper near the fireplace with a “-00” on it or something like that...kinda wounder if it might be time related...anyways went outside afterwards and place was also cleaned...found a pretty nice chunk of glass, large enough you could someone with it if ya wanted. only other thing we found there was a crowbar near the snowbank. I think that about covers everything I can remember."
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"4:15, I was cooking in the kitchen. I heard something outside the kitchen once, but saw nothing when I turned around to check.

5:30 I finished cooking and spent the next 15 minutes placing the food into the mess hall.

5:45, Matt and Benjamin were the first to come to the feast, then Ms. Yandell and Brandy. Klifford and Shizune also arrived, after he had saved her from the freezing lake.

6:45, by then, everyone left, so I stayed to clean up.

Investigations: (Red Room and Stairway Area)

We found a camera sitting on a shelf that was supposedly in the armory until today. Desk had a bunch of papers and pens. There was a whistle to call Bruce with for the exit door. The door next to the red room had a big dreary book, apparently belonging to Nail. Below it was a ripped up photograph, which when put together, was just a picture of a book."

Ciro shrugs.

"I think that's all I have to say. I don't know how they'll find someone close to me for the punishment. But sure, I'll try my best to help locate Charlotte's killer."
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Shizune wearily and gloomily hefted Claudia up to the top of her podium, then leaned against the pedestal a bit for support as she typed up a letter.

Dear Stars,

Mr. Gustily has more or less summarized what happened to me, as well as the dinner. After I fell through the ice, I went with Dr. Pratt to one of the igloos to recover. Perhaps my fall was the 'ice shattering' Officer Ivanov claimed to hear? In any case, I believe I slept for nearly an hour before rejoining the others to eat.

As for my investigation, Mr. Pérez has explained our findings. We checked the red room as well but found nothing of note there.

I apologize for having nothing else to contribute at this time, but please feel free to ask me anything and I will do my best to answer.

Shizune Takata

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"Did you hear that, Matt? If we lose the trial, you'll die." Benjamin postulated. "So let's do our best."

Benjamin took a deep breath before beginning. "At around 4:50, I had a bad feeling that something terrible would happen. Ciro was alone in the kitchen and I didn't particularly trust him, so I decided to quietly observe him for some time. I monitored him from just outside the kitchen. I took notes of his actions in great detail.

"At around 5, I heard a commotion outside. This is when I met with everyone by the lake, and Matt retrieved Claudia from the lake. I wasn't observing Ciro for this entire period... let's say it was about 4 minutes.

"Ciro finished cooking and I left the kitchen entrance. I still spied on him through the mess hall entrance, and it took him about 15 minutes to keep the food ready. He called everyone for dinner and I checked my notes--there wasn't much of importance.

"At 5:45, everybody gathered at the mess hall. The order was already covered by other people. The table had 10 seats, 4 on each side and one at the ends. Also for some reason Ciro handled our dishes with old, pink rubber gloves. It struck me as odd. This was when Klifford and Shizune entered, where Shizune thanked Matt for his help. I suppose Ciro had to be refreshed on the lake incident at this point.

"Bennet showed up late and we began to eat, but there wasn't much conversation. Then Daniel arrived, seeming clearly affected by something but he was unwilling to explain himself. We all continued eating, and everyone left by 6:45. Ciro cleaned up.

As for the investigation, I was with Seb and Micah. We found a can of red paint in the armory. Seb believed it was originally in the stairway area. The clothes and tools were also moved around as if they were sifted through. We found a big pile of clothes in one corner of the room and underneath it we found blood on the floor, which had also stained the clothes. I believe that's all."
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One part of Benjamin's testimony immediately stood out to Seb. "Pink rubber gloves? Mine, I believe," he said monotonously. "I lied when I said nothing had been stolen from me back when Nail's item was taken, as I'd hoped to keep the incident under wraps. But I'd assumed someone took the gloves to find out my weakness. As it turns out, Ciro just wanted to use them himself?"
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"Really?" Benjamin sounded surprised but didn't quite look it. "I suppose that makes him quite a hypocrite."

He then turned to Shizune. "Also thinking about it, I do have a question. What were you doing on the lake? I didn't see how you falling transpired, only the aftermath."
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Bennett sighed deeply and crosses his arms. “Right, okay. Brandy and Nail pretty much covered what we found anyways... Did anyone ever find Oliver’s flute? What if those dumb silver tubes we found on Charlotte can be put back together as the flute?”

He continues, after scratching his head a little. “I arrived late to the feast, losing track of time in these damned caves. Everything went as the others said, with Sergeant Sleepyhead showing up even later than I did and acting all out of it. After we ate, Brandy and I went out for a walk, and ended up finding that entrance. It was all blocked up, of course, so Brandy went back to tell everyone else while I got to work on opening a way through the damn thing. You all know what happened after that...”
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JesusMonroe wrote:
"Really?" Benjamin sounded surprised but didn't quite look it. "I suppose that makes him quite a hypocrite."

He then turned to Shizune. "Also thinking about it, I do have a question. What were you doing on the lake? I didn't see how you falling transpired, only the aftermath."

Shizune blushed slightly before writing a response.

Dear Mr. Bledsoe,

I can't say I was doing anything in particular on the lake; I was merely wandering around and clearly not paying close enough attention to my surroundings. After criticizing Mr. Pérez' reckless actions, this is especially embarrassing for me. I promise to be more diligent in the future.

Sincere apologies,
Shizune Takata

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"Let's see..." Klifford began. "After Shizune fell in the lake, I was a part of the group that rescued her. She wasn't looking well, so I took her to an igloo to take care of her. I think we arrived there around 5:05. She had a high temperature and she was coughing a lot. Luckily I was able to bring her temperature down a bit, and she was able to rest. About 10 minutes later, Matt brought Claudia into the igloo. We talked for a minute, and then he left."

"Shizune woke up around 5:50, and I handed Claudia back to her. Then after talking for a minute, I helped her over to the mess hall. We arrived there at 5:55. Matt and Benjamin covered what happened there, so I don't think I need to repeat it."

"As for the investigation, I was with Nail, Bennett, and Brandy. I examined the body. Charlotte's neck was heavily bruised, and she could have been choked, but I don't think it would have been fatal. Unfortunately, her body was so cold, I couldn't get an accurate estimate of when she died... There were two wounds on her body as well. One wound was on her chest, and the other still had a spear in it. Both of the wounds nearly go through her body, and would be fatal. They appeared to be made from some kind of long, stabbing weapon."

"On the body, we found a black die, a bag filled with silver tubes that looks like it can be put together, a mysterious amulet around Charlotte's neck, and a picture book story about Robin Hood. Brandy took the book, and Bennett took the die. And that's pretty much it."
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JesusMonroe wrote:
"Really?" Benjamin sounded surprised but didn't quite look it. "I suppose that makes him quite a hypocrite."

"Dont that raise another question? when did he take them? or why for that matter. Dont see the reason he would do that even if he needed them, moron could have just asked to use them."
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"He took them very early on, around the time Nail's item was stolen," Seb said. "Relatively soon after we discovered the ritual monument with the dice in the first place. He had plenty of time to do the ritual if he so wished, but... Well, I suppose there's also a chance that Ciro merely had a different set of pink rubber gloves of his own. That just strikes me as unlikely, is all."
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KamiPanda wrote:
"He took them very early on, around the time Nail's item was stolen," Seb said. "Relatively soon after we discovered the ritual monument with the dice in the first place. He had plenty of time to do the ritual if he so wished, but... Well, I suppose there's also a chance that Ciro merely had a different set of pink rubber gloves of his own. That just strikes me as unlikely, is all."

"Thats what im saying, heres what I think...victim was stabbed right, so the bastard used the gloves he took to hold the glass we found back at the meeting room, thing was large enough to be used like a knife afterall so might have used the gloves to grip it."

"Course that still raises the damn question about when he had the time to do it if he did anyways."
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"The gloves were in the upper cavern, though," Seb pointed out. "There was no way to get between the two caverns; they're disconnected spaces. It wasn't until Bennett broke that ice barrier that you all could get through to the lower cavern where Charlie was."
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KamiPanda wrote:
"The gloves were in the upper cavern, though," Seb pointed out. "There was no way to get between the two caverns; they're disconnected spaces. It wasn't until Bennett broke that ice barrier that you all could get through to the lower cavern where Charlie was."

"Call it my gut, but something tells me there's more to to this shit then we know. maybe he had a way to kill her from the side he was on, hell maybe he didnt care who it was on the other side which is the real reason the bastard caused the cave in."

"Obviously can't think of or prove how he pulled it off if he did. just thought id say what my ass was thinking."
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Shizune stifled a little cough with the back of her hand.

Dear Stars,

Is there anyone who has not yet detailed their alibi for the past couple hours?

Yours truly,
Shizune Takata

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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
Shizune stifled a little cough with the back of her hand.

Dear Stars,

Is there anyone who has not yet detailed their alibi for the past couple hours?

Yours truly,
Shizune Takata

"While Oliver remains, I would like for Nail to elaborate past his investigation -- after we had all discovered the safe code, of course. He was stuck with us in the lower caverns, where Mrs. Church was killed."

Ivan tilted his head at Nail. "Were you in the red room the entire time..?"
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"Actually, on the topic, now would be a good time to go over what happened in the lower cavern before all this," Seb said.

"Yesterday was the day of the mine collapse, when Nail, Ivan, Charlie, Oliver and I got trapped in the lower cavern. I'm not sure about all the others, but Charlie and I went to the armoury early on to grab some tools and maybe break through the cavern entrance, though they were a bit too heavy for us. It was then that I noticed some of the weapons were missing.

"After talking a while, Ivan and Oliver turned up. At the time we weren't aware Nail was even in the cavern with us. The bat showed up too, then said he heard something from downstairs and flew off. A few moments later we heard him screech, and rushed down to see what the fuss was all about.

"We found the door to the red room slightly ajar, the bat having gone inside. As we entered ourselves, we saw... Well, Nail was shackled to the wall. He was bleeding from wounds all over his body, his suit was torn to shreds and he was barely breathing. He'd bled enough to be kneeling in a pool of his own blood, but thankfully was still alive. The missing weapons were scattered around him, generally covered in blood as well.

"We did our best to help him down, and used clothes from the armoury to bandage his wounds at his suggestion. It was then that I asked Bruce if there were any small cracks or holes he could find to get through to the others, and he flew off. We then headed over to the cavern entrance to see if we could break through now that we had Ivan. Here we just about managed to hear the Morse Code Benjamin was sending, probably resonating through the stone or travelling through the open air between the cavern entrances or something. You generally know what happened after that. Eventually, unable to progress, we headed off to sleep.

"That covers just about everything. Though earlier today, before everything else started, Oliver was staying cooped up in the armoury, playing his flute. Probably not relevant, but I thought I'd mention it for completeness's sake."
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"I was indeed, Sir Ivan. After I reclaimed my reading material from Sir Oliver, Sir Sebastian, and Miss Charlie, I took it upon myself to remain in one single location for the duration of the day. After all, I thought it best to give my wounds time to heal with little stress upon them, and if everyone knew where to find me, there would be no question as to where I was at any point in time.

"Though I suppose now is as good a time as any to declare that yes, I did see Miss Charlie before she died, as she retreated into the red room to escape the harsh words of Sir Oliver. Truly, I am surprised that he acted in such a boorish way, but we are all under a great deal of pressure, so I understand it, if nothing else." Nail laid his hands onto his podium. "I offered my ears in sympathy, and she used them to great effect. Afterward, I gave her the charm that was noticed on her person. A placebo, if you will. Sometimes having belief that something will help is just as powerful as something with the power to help. After that, I am uncertain as to what happened before you, Sir Ivan, entered the room with her picture."
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"Thank you for your statement," Ivan bowed.

He thought for a few moments before continuing.

"I do wonder how Nail ended up in such a state," Ivan pondered along with Sebastian. "...I hate to bring it up, but Mrs. Church had asked about the 'curse,' sending him into a very strange state of mind. Past the theft of his item, he seemed to have little memory over what had happened. I believe, he was attacked within this period...after he left and 'cursed' us."

"Do you still remember nothing, Nail?"
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"Charlotte... I am sorry that I acted the way I did towards you. I truly regret the words I said. I... No, WE will find your killer and bring them to justice. You will be avenged," Oliver said somewhat quietly, looking down at the ground as he said it. He then looked at the others.

"Right. So then, to start off, Nail found a piece of paper with some sort of code for a safe on it. Five rather strange symbols. In any case, around 3:00, I went into the armory -- where I had left my bag -- to play my flute in an attempt to unwind. However, when I opened the bag... there was nothing in there. My precious flute -- my only connection to home -- was gone. I... Well, to put it bluntly, I got angry. I heard a few knocks at the door, but told the person knocking that I did not want to be disturbed, as I was, well, seething."

"Eventually, though, I came out of the armory and into the meeting room, where I saw Sebastian and Charlotte talking about... dust? I'm not sure. Ivan went to walk through the room, but I cut him off and told him to wait. After that, I..." He sighed. "I exploded at Charlotte. I wasn't thinking clearly, and so I thought that she stole my flute, being a thief and all. I truly regret my words... I was such a rude, uncouth, reprehensible fool... Thankfully, Ivan cut into the argument, and I stormed off into the armory like the boorish fool I was. That was the last I saw of Charlotte. Once I calmed down, I wanted to apologize, but... it seems that wouldn't be the case," he glumly conceded.

"In any case, it was around 4:15 when I returned to the armory to stew in my thoughts. It was then when I had an epiphany. The second floor of the armory looked much different than the first floor, even though the building was completely rectangular from outside. So I figured that since none of us found a safe to use the code on, it was in a secret room, behind a wall in the armory."

"Ah, next, at 5:30, Sebastian went to check on me. I didn't say anything in response when he knocked, as I was still somewhat lost in my head, so he just entered. He told me of a strange noise like whining when he was downstairs. Unfortunately, I didn't hear anything of the sort. After that, Sebastian left me. Then, at 6:00, Ivan came into the armory, and that is when he showed me the photograph of Charlotte. We thoroughly searched the room to see if she was hiding anywhere, but found nothing."

"At 6:30, Officer Ivanov showed the photograph to Nail, and Nail speculated that it was a plot by someone -- that we were being manipulated." He sighed. "We entered the meeting room to find Sebastian cleaning. We chatted for a while, mostly about Charlotte's disappearance, before we heard yelling from outside, presumably from the other group. That should just about cover everything I did, as Ciro has already summarized our investigation. I... dearly hope that I will be of service to everyone during this tribunal. How I acted was inexcusable. I wish to make up for that."
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“I believe you all know what happened in the upper cavern”, Benjamin said knowing that that wasn’t true but also knowing that everyone could just read the thread.

“But you have no memory of how you ended up shackled?” Benjamin questioned Nail. “Curious. Do you have any suspicions? It sounds like you were tortured, but to what end?”

Benjamin was clearly bothered by this but moved on. “Additionally, it may be worth checking the tome for any references to an amulet, or taking a photo before casting an incantation. I have a feeling magic may have played a role in this evening’s events.”
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Belphagor asserts, not missing a beat.

"Of course, there are individuals here who had a good glimpse at the book and have a good idea of the rituals necessary."

"Alright, well many of you have given your testimonies at this point. You are well on your way to formulating your theory. I am excited to see where this goes."

"To guide you, allow me to suggest a topic..."

> "Where is the last place Charlotte was seen? What could this mean?"

> "Additionally, what could have been the murder weapon? What does this suggest?"

"Have trust in your wit. Think fiercely."
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"Well, there was the spear embedded in her chest..." Oliver said, cupping his chin as he thought. "So either that's the murder weapon, or the killer impaled her after she was dead to try and lead us off of their trail. Those are the only two options I see at the moment."
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"Do you still remember nothing, Nail?"

"Unfortunately I do not," Nail shook his head. "All I remember is checking my pockets and finding an item missing. My dossier, to be specific. Then I got angry and... it all went blank from there."

JesusMonroe wrote:
“But you have no memory of how you ended up shackled?” Benjamin questioned Nail. “Curious. Do you have any suspicions? It sounds like you were tortured, but to what end?”

"If I had to wager a guess, it would be that someone did not take kindly to my actions, whether I meant them as myself or not. To my knowledge, only one person would have the power to both transport a being elsewhere and also have the authority to assault said being in the interest of doling out punishment for breaking the rules." Nail shrugged. "As to whether that happened, I know not."
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Collin1002 wrote:
"Well, there was the spear embedded in her chest..." Oliver said, cupping his chin as he thought. "So either that's the murder weapon, or the killer impaled her after she was dead to try and lead us off of their trail. Those are the only two options I see at the moment."

Olivers mention of a spear clicked in his head.
"So assuming it was the murder weapon couldn't it be possible someone used a hole of sorts to strike her? the moron was in the upper tunnel, so if where she was is above it then it could be possible...another interesting thing looking at what we know is the last time anyone seen her so far was at a similar time the brat there took his eyes off the moron."
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Dear Stars,

To my understanding, Officer Ivanov was the last to see Ms. Church, correct? I believe he saw her outside the concrete building, right?

The outer walls of the building are gray, much like the wall in the photo of Ms. Church, aren't they? Could the photo have been taken then?

Shizune Takata

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"Are you suggesting that Mrs. Church was stabbed by a spear...through some sort of hole?" Ivan questioned Matt. "How do you suppose they got the body to the river if the killer was at the upper caverns anyways?"

Ivan nodded at Shizune.

"Yes...I spotted her going back into the building. I...think she was headed towards the second floor. Up there, the lighting was dim and gray, so perhaps the picture was taken there..?"
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"Are you suggesting that Mrs. Church was stabbed by a spear...through some sort of hole?" Ivan questioned Matt. "How do you suppose they got the body to the river if the killer was at the upper caverns anyways?"

Ivan nodded at Shizune.

"Yes...I spotted her going back into the building. I...think she was headed towards the second floor. Up there, the lighting was dim and gray, so perhaps the picture was taken there..?"

Matt scratched his head for a moment.
"Maybe the bastard had an accomplice? With that whole dice crap happening maybe he found the dirt on someone they helped him from the lower tunnel."
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"By the by...I failed to mention this before, but I was chipping at the ice wall with a spear. I had left it after I went into the building. likely the spear that was found by Mrs. Church."
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Shizune frowned and blinked tiredly a couple times.

Dear Stars,

This talk about the spear reminded me of something; it may be irrelevant, but several weapons were found surrounding Mr. Nail when he was discovered, correct? What became of those?

Yours truly,
Shizune Takata

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A bit late to the party, Daniel finally speaks up. "My investigation was already covered by that soldier over there," Daniel points to Matt, somewhat groggily.

"As for what I was doing. At around five, I helped Shizune with their damned wheelchair when it fell into the lake with a few more soldiers. After that, we got her typewriter back. I did a few things I had to put off before coming to the dinner. That's all."
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".... what did you do?"
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“Why’re you bein’ so vague...?”
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Belphagor nods, listening to them speak.


"I suppose you all have talked about the murder weapon enough. You have acknowledged the spear and a possible origin for the spear, but you also acknowledge that it might be some sort of decoy."

"I would now like you to try to trace the steps of Charlotte and try to make sense of them. Put yourself in her shoes and see what you find. It'll be an important step, I'm sure."
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"Oh yes, these," Ciro takes out the pink rubber gloves. "Do you want these back?" he addresses Sebastian.

"I found these on the cave floor, and figured 'hey, these could be useful', so I picked them up so help break off parts of the ice to preserve our food."
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JesusMonroe wrote:
".... what did you do?"

"A bathroom break and some exercise, soldier. What were you expecting me to say?"
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