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Ghost Fables Sign-Up Thread (Closed)Topic%20Title
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Ghost Fables is the official sequel/spin-off to Black Fable 2. It stars and is written by YOU. Kinda. The idea is that everybody submits characters around the premise I give, any relevant details you want for your character in the story, and then I try to whip up this hodgepodge of ideas into something coherent. And it’ll be way cooler than that sounded.

Essentially I have my own ideas and a lot of “howdunnits” have been written, but the whys, whos, and even the whats are mostly up in the air. If you submit an idea you’re genuinely excited about, I promise I will do everything I can to include it. But the idea is that this is just going to be a cohesive mystery that mostly lines up with everyone’s original characters.

The scenario is Umineko/And Then There Were None/Knives Out/Clue/Black Fable 2. Wealthy family get-together, murder ensues, secrets come to light. The game is story-heavy and the gameplay is solving mysteries (which happens formally through your characters in segments similar to trials in DRF games).

Consider the story a “create your own adventure” in terms of the characters featured and the story twists. Like Black Fable 2, I’m hoping there’s a lot of collaboration with creating characters. Unlike Black Fable 2, I don’t want people to just jump in with the character they want to be and the people who sign-up later being forced to fit in around that. So we’re gonna do two phases of sign-ups, which is probably more complicated than the process needs to be but that’s the plan unless somebody comes up with something better.

Spoiler: Premise
(I call the family the Smiths but the name is going to change)

Gideon Smith was the most successful person in the Smith family. Despite tradition, he inherited the headship while the previous head hadn’t died since he was already recognized as the most fit to lead. While he had many successful financial endeavors, his true passion was his hobby of writing mystery novels (particularly overusing locked room mysteries). He had never made a career of it, but had done it since he was a child. However his close family and friends knew that this “hobby” could be a truly deep and scary obsession at points.

Gideon died years before the start of the story under mysterious circumstances. The headship/wealth of the family is still up for grabs during the events of the story, including by people not related to the Smiths (consider this when thinking of your character).

Despite this drama, every year the Smiths have an annual reunion where they meet at the family estate in remembrance. The mansion has always felt a little… spooky. Those who have grown up in it have always felt that the place is haunted and traded stories. These feelings have only been exacerbated since Gideon’s death.

When a series of locked room murders and impossible crimes occur at the mansion, the Smiths can’t help but wonder if Gideon has returned.

Spoiler: Structure
There will be two threads: a living thread and a dead thread (purgatory). Living players will be allowed to read the dead thread, but will have to pretend they don’t know its contents. The tentative plan is for the game to be one timeline.

The dead thread’s story is just as important as the living thread’s and will likely be where the mysteries are solved. You can choose whether or not you want to participate in this if two threads seems like too much. Or you could consider it when mapping out your character’s arc.

Living Thread:
The general story/mystery. People get killed, you react to it. Secrets revealed and conflict in the family.

Dead Thread:
The characters must solve Gideon’s final story to get some amazing reward/avoid some terrible punishment. Details TBD.

Spoiler: Mysteries
The format will be “similar” to an F game. It’s more like 10+ mini-mysteries and one trial instead of 4/5 larger mysteries/trials. Alibis for each mystery will be a paragraph at most (unless you’re the killer).

There won’t be formal clues like muddy footprints, having to explain how the killer didn’t get blood on their clothes, etc. I won’t elaborate too much here for now but the mysteries are much closer to riddles and will be solved in a more debate-styled format. I am intentionally trying to avoid an evidence list or staring at a spreadsheet of alibis.

The story has supernatural elements but not a single mystery in the game has a supernatural solution. Everything is completed with human tricks.

Spoiler: Character Notes and Ideas
Notes before signing up:

1) Nobody is getting cut from the game. So take that into consideration when making your character.
2) Your character does not have to have a twist or strong connection to the main story. In fact not all characters will, even if every single player wants one (it just won’t be feasible). I will do my best to give your character something to do, but every story needs supporting characters and if you feel more comfortable in that role that is fine. In fact you can be a supporting character with a massive backstory, it just probably won’t be relevant to the game.
3) The story has a lot of blank spots. I have not decided the circumstances of Gideon’s death, who killed him, or why he died as an example. Hopefully this gives an idea of the scope of ideas and twists you can contribute.

(Everything that follows is just a suggestion, if you already know the kind of character you want you can skip it. None of these characters have to actually exist in the game and this template is more to make the family tree easier to talk about)

First Generation: The Grandparents. Any possible siblings or cousins of the grandparents.
Second Generation: The parents and aunts/uncles. Gideon and his siblings. Any possible cousins. In-laws married into the family or significant others.
Third Generation: Children of the second generation. Can be a child/teenager/young adult.
Family Doctor/Lawyer/Au Pair/Etc
Family friends

Characters can exist outside of these generations if you wanna be like a great grandparent or a baby from a teenager or something idk what crazy ideas people are gonna come up with.

Some things to consider for your characters (again none of these are requirements just very loose suggestions). If your character is married into the family, they probably came from a wealthy family already. Marriages are somewhat business arrangements, so if your character married for love that’s probably an exception to the norms of the Smiths.

While the characters are wealthy, that doesn’t mean they have liquid assets or no outstanding debts. So for character motivations and story-building, it would help me if your character MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. REALLY NEEDS. A LOT OF MONEY. RIGHT NOW!

Spoiler: Bonus Character Section (Optional Reading)
If you’re already getting overwhelmed by the amount of information just skip this part because it’s not relevant to most characters.

I will allow a few players to play as a ghosts/demon character in the dead thread. This could be in addition to your living character or your only character. I don’t want to get too into detail on this right now but basically I’m looking for these characters to fill a specific role, while not wanting there to be too many of them.

The one thing I will say is that if you have a dead and living character, you will never be able to post as both characters in the same thread. So your living thread character will not end up “traveling” to the dead thread essentially.

Spoiler: Survey and Character Creation
(Link to survey at bottom of post)

My plan is basically:

Phase 1 (The link below):
Submit your character idea(s). Can be as vague or specific as you want, but your ideas should be flexible if you want more story involvement. I suggest reading the FAQ for more clarifications before filling out the survey. The survey is pretty bare-bones if you think any extra questions would be helpful.

Phase 2:
This is more for me and not really a phase for players.

I am matching up people based on responses from part 1. So if Panda says he wants his character to be a murderer with his wife, and SC says they want their character to be a murderer with her husband, I’m going to make them a husband/wife pairing in the family tree.

I’ll also take into account any specific players that you wanted to work with if your characters were planned together or something. I'm going to be doing a lot of talking with players to massage placements out. When this is done I’m going to make a flexible family tree and post it in the thread. You will receive a role PM.

Phase 3:
By now people will know 75% of their character and their place in the family tree. This is when I want people to excessively collaborate because this last 25% could be the richest part. Post a spoiler-free description of your character in the thread, give minor details that people would know about you. Likes and dislikes. Etc.

You will also be allowed to privately collaborate with characters that you have a more personal relationship with. I really hope that people have fun with this part, and try to think of natural details or shared experiences you have with whoever you’re collaborating with.

It’s not as big and scary as it might sound and I’m not asking for too much effort. It’s more like I just want people to recognize that pretty much the entire cast has pre-existing relationships and it’d be a good idea to figure out which family members/family friends you like, dislike, or have a secret with.


One last thing I’ll say before you fill out the survey. Gideon is obviously a central character to the story, but he’s a flexible character. So when considering Gideon’s relationship to your character, I’m pretty much fine with anything including the more extreme ideas. For example, if it’s important to your character that he was abusive, he’ll be abusive. If it’s important that he was always super nice and lovely to your character, that’s what he’ll be.

The only detail that’s important about Gideon is that he was the head of the family and he liked writing locked room mysteries. Anything else I’m more than willing to be flexible on, and I recommend others approach the game with the same mindset even if it’s not to the same extreme.

Spoiler: FAQ
How can I have a successful character-creation process?
Communicate with me. Let me know what parts of your character are important to you, and the experience you’re hoping to have.

What if I want to be involved in the story but don’t have ideas or twists?
Submit a vague outline of a character. It would be like some general description of your character and their personality and then something like “I want them to have a dark secret” or “I want them to be framed” or “I have a secret love-child or something equivalently scandalous”. Then I’ll fill in the blank.

What if I don’t want any details of my character changed?
If you want to be a character who is just part of the story/family, and your backstory/twists (or lack thereof) is really only relevant to you, it will be fine as is. It’s only when you want to be involved in the story where you should be flexible.

There’s also a chance you can submit a character with your own backstory/twists that happens to match up perfectly with something I’m doing, but I’m just saying what to expect.

I submitted an idea I was excited about and it wasn’t in the game :(
That’s not a question.

There are a lot of reasons I might reject ideas and none of them speak to the quality of yours. What if three people want to be Gideon’s killer and all their motives are in complete conflict? Essentially you should just shoot your shot and submit an idea because there’s a good chance it’s something I can make work or will be better than anything I’ve thought of. I’m going to do my best here.

Will there be Umineko spoilers?
All the characters are user-submitted and I’m not using any mystery solutions or twists from Umineko in this game. This rule will also apply to submissions from people who’ve played Umineko. The structure will feel familiar to Umineko fans the same way the structure of an F game is similar to DR.

1) I won’t be inactive.
2) If something happens in the game that is against what I expect, I will still make an effort to participate. I will do my best to not let my personal feelings about the game bleed into my character’s actions.
3) I will not be a jerk to other players. I know the difference between constructive and destructive criticism.
4) If my character is aware of a major twist, I understand that I will be expected to keep it secret until I’m given the green light since this is ultimately a mystery game. I understand that if I don’t like this plot restriction, I should sign up as a character who doesn’t have as much plot involvement.
5) I won’t use meta means of communicating private information such as screenshots, PMs, and smoke signals. I will be sportsmanlike. [Considering the number of twists and mysteries in this game, this rule is especially vital].
6) If I am tempted to have my character act in a way that seems like it would seriously mess up the cohesion of the game, I will talk to the GM so we can work something out.
7) I am forever gracious to Panda for making the maps.

Phew I know that’s a lot but I probably just made it sound more complicated than it actually is.


You submit your own character to the game and after getting your role PM, work with other players to collaborate on details.

There’s a living and dead thread. A bunch of mysteries will occur in the living thread and by the end of the living thread’s story, the dead will gather to solve the mysteries in a big climactic trial. If you’re skeptical, don’t be! I am very, very excited about this game and think people will have a lot of fun.


Anyway, this game is supposed to be a collaboration! The game will probably take place in West Germany circa 1988, but it’s possible this will change if people are passionate about other settings and it ends up fitting better. I have some reasons for choosing this but it’s not super important and is more flexible than you think (like if you want to be a family member from East Germany who is just reuniting with the family, I can move the year to 1992. But for now I will keep things simple).

The only thing I’ll say is to not worry about your character’s name being German. We can say it’s a common quirk in the family that the members have unusual names or names of all variety of nationalities. So if you want a Japanese name in a German family, go for it.

But the family needs a last name, so everybody can feel free to contribute on that for now! Maybe even a name for the island. I’ll also say that all of these decisions aren’t a majority vote or anything. I’m basically gonna go by people’s surveys or just read the temperature on thread discussion before making a decision.

Spoiler: Sign-Ups
1) Southern Corn
2) Hanzo Shimada
3) Doctor Nanjo
4) Kachu
5) Winston Payne
6) KamiPanda
7) Planetbox
8) Datamatt
9) DootDootDoot
10) Collin
11) Bad Player
12) NIKI
13) Mec
14) Franzise Deauxnim
15) Knor
16) HonestIago
17) CaptainPancakes
18) Joker

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:02 am, edited 7 times in total.
Re: Ghost Fables Sign-Up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Ok here's a text dump. If this seems like a lot to follow, keep in mind most of this info probably won't be relevant for your individual character. Just depends on who you have familiarity with.

Spoiler: General Lore
- The headship doesn’t go to the “oldest son” or anything, though that’s usually the case. The head has the right to choose anybody they want to be the next head.
- The game starts with a short prologue at Gideon’s funeral. Not every character attends.

Spoiler: Timeline
Island Occupants:
Frederick was the one who purchased Geistfabel. Albrecht and Heinrich moved there as teenagers. (Probably 1930s?)

Some time in the 1940s Heinrich and Frederick move out and Albrecht raises his family in the manor. Julia is part of the servant staff at some point in this time period. The total time range is probably like 1949-1981.

When Frederick dies in 1981, Gideon moves in with his family (+ Lynde) and kicks Albrecht out.

When Gideon dies in 1986, Gideon’s family still remains at the manor along with the servant staff (who come and go except for Juna). Lynde lives there as well.

Gideon meets Edna and gets her pregnant (this year might be adjusted for Agnes’ age). Edna begins to live in Gideon’s guesthouse while Valerie, Gideon, and Agnes live in the mansion.

Edna recruits Juna for help around the guesthouse (Hamburg mansion). Juna is primarily her servant initially.

Valerie dies at the beginning of the year.

Gideon adopts Lynde at the end of the year.

Gideon is named head while Frederick is on his deathbed. Frederick dies at some point later in the year (he dies of a rare genetic disease called Brandauer’s).

Gideon travels the world a lot, sometimes bringing family members with him and sometimes traveling alone. Some think he’s trying to avoid Geistfabel.

March 1st, 1986:
Gideon’s birthday (2/29) celebration at the Geistfabel mansion. Dies at some point during the night.

March 15th, 1986:
Gideon’s funeral.

February 28th, 1988:
Family arrives on Geistfabel island for the reunion.

Gideon doesn’t have an exact age (40s probably), and it’s probably not necessary that he does. But if everyone wants to figure out EXACT ages we can.

Spoiler: First Generation Family (and older)
Albrecht von Brandauer (KamiPanda)
Gideon’s father. Growing up he would raise his kids with an iron fist, and wasn’t afraid to strike them if needed. Some could think he was too strict, but the pressure to succeed growing up in the von Brandauer family was immense. Some would crumble, and some would harden into diamonds. All that being said, he's a part of some pleasant memories.

Unfortunately, he’s getting well into his years. He’s had several strokes and is now wheelchair-bound. His mental faculties get worse every year, and he’s constantly attended to by a doctor. Despite their upbringing, Gideon’s siblings can’t help but feel sorry for him.

His wife/Gideon’s mother died well before the events of the game.

Heinrich von Brandauer (Winston Payne)
Gideon’s uncle. A kind old man, but can have a tendency to ramble about his hobbies. Despite being born in the von Brandauer family he had to work hard to achieve his seat at the table. He and his brother were candidates for the headship, but Gideon was unexpectedly named the heir by their father. He never seemed to show any resentment for it, at least not outwardly.

He has a wife and kids, but they don’t appear in the game. He’s somewhat of a father figure to Gideon and his siblings considering Albrecht’s strict nature.


Frederick von Brandauer
Doesn’t appear in the game. Gideon’s grandfather. Heinrich and Albrecht’s father. The previous head--shockingly named Gideon as his successor while on his deathbed.

Spoiler: Second Generation Family
Gideon von Brandauer (JesusMonroe)
Previous head of the family. While he was successful, he could be arrogant and ruthless. Would always give his family and friends his manuscripts to read. Effin' dead but considering his nature, it's not out of the question that that's a lie.

Edna von Brandauer (formerly Schneider) (Southern Corn)
Gideon’s second wife. She was Gideon’s mistress during his first marriage and he got her pregnant during this time. Edna was much younger than Gideon so this was extremely scandalous.

Edna gave birth to their daughter and Gideon insisted that she be raised in the household and had a father figure. This wore on Valerie until one day she took her own life. Her body wasn’t even cold before Gideon announced his intentions to marry Edna. This was extremely, extremely scandalous. But considering Gideon’s position in the family it was hard to make too big a deal of it even if people voiced their distaste.

Edna seems mostly well-meaning and claims she truly loved Gideon. Even if she’s telling the truth, there’s no denying she made some poor decisions in her youth. A lot of the family probably finds her shady, but she still raises her child and the family is usually able to put aside grievances for an annual reunion.

(Edna might not end up being Gideon's wife in the final version of the game, but he at least had intentions of marrying her before he died)

Harley Nicholas von Brandauer (Hanzo Shimada)
Harley is Gideon’s younger brother. Ever since he was a child, Harley always liked to annoy his siblings by taking apart their possessions, but he would impress them by putting them back together. This curiosity led him to surprisingly working at an auto garage out of college and pursuing a lifestyle as a mechanic--a stark contrast from the rest of the family. He still expects his share after Gideon's death despite not contributing to the family's success.

He has a lovely wife and two children who don’t appear in the game. Harley wears a coverall that is stained with grease and oil from working on cars. He has facial hair showcasing that he's an adult with two sons.

Friedrich “Fritz” von Brandauer (Planetbox)
Gideon’s youngest sibling. He and Gideon would always butt heads when as kids, but still mostly got along as siblings do.

Fritz was always involved in entertainment and eventually took to trying to start his own TV network, with the flagship show being an adaptation of some of Gideon’s most famous works, featuring his most famous character. He’s even the lead actor! Business and creative decisions began to poison the relationship between the brothers however.

Nonetheless, the show is a massive hit! (The books are better though).

Cecilia "Cici" von Brandauer (formerly Monet) (Joker)
Frtiz’s wife. She’s a French actress and screenwriter, and she met Fritz while working on some production together. She's somewhat of a narcissist and thinks she's a better actress than she actually is.

Although she thinks too highly of herself, she generally gets along with her husband's family, but her attitude does cause some fights between them from time to time. Tends to look down on the staff/employees of the mansion.

Ingrid von Brandauer (DootDootDoot)
Gideon’s twin sister (but she likes to joke that she’s the oldest). The closest to Gideon out of all the siblings, and a massive fan of his mysteries. She usually tries to break them after solving them, which Gideon actually appreciated since they made his stories stronger. She’s had moderate success in her career but has had trouble finding a husband of her own and starting a family. She did have a powerful husband at one point, but divorced him for seemingly petty reasons.

Mia Pfeiffer (Franzise Deauxnim)
Ingrid’s best friend and roommate. She’s attended several get-togethers now, and seems to mostly get along with everyone. Whether it’s genuine affability or just being polite, who knows. Maybe if Ingrid stopped faffing about with her friends all the time, she’d finally find someone.


Valerie von Brandauer
Gideon’s first wife. Died as mentioned above, and doesn’t appear in the game.

Spoiler: Third Generation Family
Agnes von Brandauer (Kachu)
Gideon and Edna’s daughter. She’s had a very weird life, being raised by Valerie as her mother for some time. She resented her parents for some time after Valerie died but as she got older she started to realize the situation was a little more complicated than first glance.

She shares a lot of common interests with Gideon. She’s a giant bookworm and especially loves mysteries of course.

Lynde “von Brandauer” (HonestIago)
Gideon and Edna’s adopted son… though it doesn’t really feel right to say that.

Lynde was born in the iron curtain and is a very skilled dollmaker. His dioramas are incredibly detailed, and could often include mystery themes. Gideon was able to hear about him, and wanted the boy working for him immediately. Unfortunately, crossing the Berlin wall was no easy feat even with Gideon’s massive wealth and connections.

But Gideon always gets what he wants, so he formally adopted the boy despite him being 20 years old already. He even lived with the family, which was very strange and made his actual family uncomfortable (it doesn’t help that Lynde is socially odd by nature). Still the awkwardness faded eventually and he’s invited to reunions with everyone else.

Erik von Brandauer (Collin)
Fritz and Cici’s son. Decently friendly. Has a tendency to act rather cocky, playfully snarky (when he doesn't dislike someone; then he's just scathingly sarcastic), full of himself, and perhaps overly confident. Still a bit younger so massive success isn't expected of him quite yet, but many eyes are on him to see the kind of man he'll turn out to be.

Raphael Fontaine Montague von Brandauer (Bad Player)
Heinrich’s grandson, Gideon’s first cousin once removed. Raphael used to be handsome, smart, funny, and cheery. Now he’s only some of those things. When he was a young boy, his face got badly burned and scarred. It’s been a source of shyness for a while, and he tends to be more comfortable wearing a simple mask than exposing his face.

He’s generally pretty mopey as he feels cast and isolated from society since he’s marked with or without the mask (he prefers the wary fascination with the mask than the unbridled disgust without, however). The real question is does he feel angry or sad over his fate?

Spoiler: Servants
(General thing to keep in mind is that the mansion has other servants, these are just the ones who happen to be on shift during the story)

Julia Weber (NIKI)
Head servant. Worked in the family since she was young. Can clean anything in a pinch. She’s a downright angel, and just as much family as everyone else. Has enough seniority where she can boss others around, and is capable of pulling off any task if needed. Cleaning is her specialty but she also has a penchant for dress-making and embroidery.

She’s older than she looks, certainly old enough to have cleaned up after the second generation when they were kids. Not afraid to remind them either.

Juna Wessely (Datamatt)
Caterer. Polite and well-mannered, but a bit deadpan. Has worked with the family for some years. The family generally treats her kindly but she gets along better with the servants or younger members. Her food is incredible, so she’s always a necessity for every reunion.

She's from East Germany, but her family escaped while she was young. She grew up in pretty poor conditions until Edna eventually recruited her for help around the mansion.

Jolina Wolff (Mec)
The family reunion is an extremely important event, so only the best hands can be on deck. Unfortunately it’s flu season and many of the best servants have called in sick. She’ll have to do…

Spoiler: Other
Verrier Bain (KamiPanda)
Albrecht’s caretaker. He's a qualified medical professional and acts as Albrecht's personal doctor. Verrier acts on Albrecht's behalf for many decisions and Albrecht trusts him to do so. He comes across as kind and friendly, if a bit distant.

Meta Richter (Doctor Nanjo)
The family lawyer. Has helped the family out in a variety of pinches (divorces, estate disputes), but she primarily worked on Gideon’s behalf (even before he was the head). Nonetheless she’s earned a great deal of respect and gratitude from the family.

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Wed Feb 17, 2021 3:25 pm, edited 16 times in total.
Re: Ghost Fables Sign-Up ThreadTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Okay, this is epic. Sure, I'd like to sign up please! Survey sent and I agree to the SPOOK-MAMA. Very scary. Can't wait for the gaming that ensues.

Also I have no preference on the family last name yet but it'd be really funny if it stayed Smith and was just super generic.
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Well, this'll be a interesting game for sure. Count me in! Survey is sent and I agree to SPOOK-MAMA!

And I agree with SC, I don't have a preference on what the family name will be.
Re: Ghost Fables Sign-Up ThreadTopic%20Title
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This kinda reminds me of how before DRF I was like “man, Dangantonpa could never be a good forum game,” and then you threw some rules down and I was like “Wow, looks epic.”

NG7 similarly used a clever format to push my expectations as well.

This format looks sick as heck and my mind is swimming with ideas! I’ll agree to the SpOOK MAMA and I will fill out the survey once I’ve committed to some things! Really really excited! Seems like a special experience! Really good sign up set up to organize some of the chaos!
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Whoa baby this looks like it's gonna be good.

I'm agreeing to spooky mama, survey is gonna wait while I stew over some ideas.

I think if we're rich Germans we gotta have a fancy rich last name but if everyone else really pushes for Smith then that's that. When I think of Umineko or other rich families I feel like they gotta stick out. Cause then locals go "Do you know the Smiths?" and then they're like "Yeah uh which ones?"

Also I have to ask even though I have nothing to follow it up with but is the Island setting like a necessity? I don't think I could come up with anything better suited but I was just raising the question in case something out there actually exists. I'm curious since I'm assuming it's on an island only for the sake of trapping people in the same location. I think islands are fine but I felt like bringing this up anyways even though it's probably not going to go anywhere.

Regardless I'll send my survey as soon as I got something, can't wait for this it seems like it's gonna be a blast.
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I'm interested but I currently have zilch ideas so if I can come up with something in time I'll be sure to send something in. If the cast is half as good as BF2 was this will be great! =)
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Rookie Killer

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I agree to the SPOOK-MAMA. This looks really fun. I still need to finish off coming up with character ideas but I'll to try to submit the survey soon.
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This seems very cool! I can't wait to see how it turns out. I agree to the SPOOK-MAMA yes!

Our family surname should be Schmidt it would be great
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Island setting is not a necessity. Mostly for the sake of trapping people and also makes it easier to “completely” eliminate the possibility of other parties involved in the story.

Smith would be very lame.
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SPOOK-MAMA agreed to, I’ll fill out the survey whenever I have free time

Also since y’all are like really struggling right now here’s some last name ideas

Mondblick - “Moonview” in German LOL

Geist - “Ghost” in German

Schatten - “Shadow” in German

Of course probably none of these are real German last names probably, but Gideon Geist sounds kinda cool
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SPOOK-MAMA agreed to, WOOOOOO! this is really looking like it'll be a great game and I've sent in that survey already.

Also I do really like Geist as a surname.
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Shy guy

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Geist is cool. Goole could be a good surname too, I think it would be a neat reference, though it might be too British.
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Agreed to the spookmama. I'll be filling out the survey in the evening when my brain functions more.

Consider adding particles like "von" or "zu (and a place name)" if you want to make it sound more like a rich family tbh
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"von Geist" I think might be better

Also instead of an island the game should take place in a SPOOKY DESERT MANSION where the group is trapped inside by a RAGING SANDSTORM
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Planetbox wrote:
"von Geist" I think might be better

Also instead of an island the game should take place in a SPOOKY DESERT MANSION where the group is trapped inside by a RAGING SANDSTORM

This, but it's actually the Bavarian mountains in a really really cold and terrible snowstorm that lasts for weeks
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Datamatt wrote:
Planetbox wrote:
"von Geist" I think might be better

Also instead of an island the game should take place in a SPOOKY DESERT MANSION where the group is trapped inside by a RAGING SANDSTORM

This, but it's actually the Bavarian mountains in a really really cold and terrible snowstorm that lasts for weeks

I wasn't going to mention it but I always though being snowed in is a very cool closed circle setting even if it's only aesthetically different from a rainstorm
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My drafts switch between snowstorm and rainstorm. Snow is just a lot harder to navigate for situations where people might need to travel between houses or something.
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JesusMonroe wrote:
My drafts switch between snowstorm and rainstorm. Snow is just a lot harder to navigate for situations where people might need to travel between houses or something.

To be honest I think snow is overall better just for the aesthetic. Also because fireplaces and stuff during snow are cool

Even better if it happens during Christmas and there are santa hats involved
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Pitching in to say I also love "van Geist" as a surname. Pretty epic honestly.

Snowstorm would also be cool I guess.
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I'm gonna drop a vote for von Geist, it's kind of growing on me

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Something something all the houses have cool sky bridges between them for the sake of big snows
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van Geist sounds pretty cool now that you guys brought it up.
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Oh also I'm accepting applications for map-maker. You would get nothing except gratitude in return.

I can also make the maps myself, but anybody who knows my games might feel this is a bad idea.
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I guess I can make maps NG5-style if no-one else volunteers. They'd just be floor plans, like in a mystery novel, so it's the same as NG5.
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Just realized that Umineko having a character named “Battler” gives precedence for someone in this game to name their character “Gamer”
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good thing i hadn't fully settled in on a name yet
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Planetbox wrote:
Just realized that Umineko having a character named “Battler” gives precedence for someone in this game to name their character “Gamer”

what about Joker, the family assistant?
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Gamer von Geist is a good name

also hi i agree to the SPOOK-MAMA and plan to sign up once i get a heckin idea
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Planetbox wrote:
Just realized that Umineko having a character named “Battler” gives precedence for someone in this game to name their character “Gamer”

but umi was a japanese game, so to complete the cycle you need to use the German word for "gamer"

also JM pinged me so I guess I have to play, agree to the scary mom and all that stuff
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Bad Player wrote:
but umi was a japanese game, so to complete the cycle you need to use the German word for "gamer"

That’s “Spieler”, which sounds way less sexy
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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I have gotten some last name suggestions from my trusty German friend:

"Interest timeframe because you would have the last remnants of the old geman noble families and the new generation of industrialists
If you favor the last remnants of a noble family you can either go with the classic 'von'
Adlerberg, von Reichshalt, von Sattlerstadt
Or the the new generation of young industrialists that came from old German junker families.
Bierthaal, Sachs, Goldfurt or maybe Oberhall"

I'll say I'm personally a fan of von Reichshalt or Adlerberg
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I’m personally a fan of Geistshalt and Geistberg

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Planetbox wrote:
I’m personally a fan of Geistshalt and Geistberg

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Datamatt wrote:
I have gotten some last name suggestions from my trusty German friend:

"Interest timeframe because you would have the last remnants of the old geman noble families and the new generation of industrialists
If you favor the last remnants of a noble family you can either go with the classic 'von'
Adlerberg, von Reichshalt, von Sattlerstadt
Or the the new generation of young industrialists that came from old German junker families.
Bierthaal, Sachs, Goldfurt or maybe Oberhall"

I'll say I'm personally a fan of von Reichshalt or Adlerberg

I think all of these are good options. However, out of those, von Reichshalt is probably my favourite since it exhibits the fancy aura that the family should have and, as a bonus, I feel like it goes well with my character's first name.
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I dig von Reichsalt but if PB dies on the hill of Geistshalt I’d accept that outcome
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meanwhile i still like van/von geist most
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I like Sachs and Oberhall.
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I like Von Reichshalt too
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of those mentioned I like von geist and von reichshalt

and goldfurt (pft)
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