Untold Secrets is an 8-case Ace Attorney fangame of my own that is set after Turnabout Time Traveler. Major spoilers for, Ace Attorney 1-6 and the Investigations duology. This is one of 2 Ace Attorney fangames I've been working, being this the first one since may of this year and the second one being an HD remaster of The Contempt of Court in august. Like TCoC HD, Untold Secrets will also be made in the upcoming Ace Attorney Turnabout Creator. This is one of, if not the most ambitious project of my life, because not only it will contain a fuck ton of story (I'm not exaggerating), but how the trials and investigations will be puzzled to make sense will be one hell of a job (ESPECIALLY the final 2 cases), so expect the game to be 30+ hours long with an estimated time of 6+ years to be fully done. That of course depends on how many people will help.
A bit over a week has passed and not much has happened. Apollo and Maya are in Kura'in, Trucy is doing a magical show and Athena is working on a case. It's just you in the Wright Anything Agency alone. Suddenly a rain of cases start to pop up, starting with your good ol' friend Larry Butz being arrested for murdering his co-worker via poison. As time passes, you start to suspect that maybe these cases are connected not only to each other, but previous ones you took almost a decade ago. Your goal is to unravel them and find out what connection they all share, who is behind it all and what is his or her goal.
Latest news: there has been a change of plans for this game. Now it won't be a sequel to TCoC, and the reason is because I've been formulating a better plotline for this game, plus TCoC has a good closed ending, meaning there's nothing much to add to a sequel. Now his game will be called Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney or Athena Cykes: Ace Attorney - Untold Secrets (I still haven't decided), once I've got a really good understanding on the plotline, so take all 8 cases's synopsys with a grain of salt. I hope this idea turns this game for the better.
Case 1: The Poisonous Turnabout
Date: october 8th 2028 "When something smells, it's usually the Butz." is a phrase your probably heard about before. Larry Butz has been accused of killing one of his co-workers via poison. Your goal is simple enough: prove he didn't do it and discover who is the true culprit.
Case 2: Turnabout Celebrity
Date: october 13th 2028 You are with Trucy at the Wright Anything Agency, until Athena slams the door and yells that you both HAVE to see the news on the TV. You do this and you see that Matthew Jackson, an ex-defense attorney that dissapeared for 25 years, was arrested for murder. But who is Matthew Jackson? Matthew Jackson was a normal dude, just like you and me. He had a family he loved, he had a couple of friends he loved, and was about to graduate from university. Until one day, Matthew's life changes forever. He's walking in the street with his phone and headphones, and gets run over by a car. When he wakes up, he's in that exact location, but 100 years in the past. That's right! he time traveled 100 years in the past to 1926. But the most inexplicable thing of all, is that he GAINED IMMORTALITY. To this day nor he nor anyone knows how he time traveled and gained this power by just getting run over. Since his arrival, he gained fame across the world and multiple nicknames, but the most famous of all "the immortal human being". In 1979 he started the carrer for attorney in the Themis Legal Academy, and 4 years later he graduated. For 20 years he went undefeated, until in 2003 where he lost his first case to none other than Manfred Von Karma. Devastated, he quit his job and dissapeared. For 25 years, not much of him was heard, other than he went to his home after he quit and being a suspect of a murder that occured almost 7 years ago, but due to lack of proof police couldn't do anything. This is a one-of-a-kind deal you CANNOT let pass, since if you manage to get him a not guilty verdict, the fame and money you'll get will be huge.
Case 3: Turnabout Halloween
Date: october 31st 2028 It's Halloween! nothing can go wrong during the spookiest day of the year, right? well a kidnap occurs. The victim is a man called Jake Idnap, and the prime suspect is his friend, Ian Vitness. A witness found both close to Brisbane's mansion, with Jake dead and Ian holding a knife with blood, Idnap's blood. Police shortly arrive and arrest Vitness, but did he actually commit the murder, or is there something more sinister behind?
Case 4: Turnabout Legends
Date: march 3rd 2003 We go back 25 years in the past, where you take the place of Matthew Jackson, a defense attorney with 20 years of experience. Your client and friend, Noah Harrison, is arrested for suspicion of murder. Not a big deal, you've dealt with harder cases before, but what IS a big deal, is that the prosecutor will be none other than Manfred von Karma. A prosecutor who hasn't lost a case in his 27 years of experience. This battle will for sure be legendary.
Case 5: Turnabout on Thin Ice
Date: november 14th 2028 One of Matthew's guards is found dead, and the prime suspect is another of Matthew's guards. The bad news don't stop there, since the guard was killed with a garrote wire, having DNA of the guard that allegedly used to kill him. A garrote wire huh? sounds similar to those cases. Could it be that? naaaah it's just your imagination.
Final case: Turnabout Salvation
Date: december 10th 2028 Almost a month has passed since your last trial. You thought you could rest easy since you managed to [REDACTED], however Gaspen Payne goes to the Wright Anything Agency telling you that his older brother, Winston Payne, was arrested on suspicion on stabbing [REDACTED]. Not only that but a witness saw him in the act and escaping the scene. You are in complete shock since why would HE of all people wound [REDACTED]? Gaspen begs you to take his brother's case, because not only he's completely sure he didn't do it, but due to his bad reputation, you are his only hope. With that, a question circulates your mind: should you take his case, even though he was mean to you in the 3 times you've met him, ever since your very first case, or should you refuse to give him and Gaspen a lesson?
Extra case 1: Turnabout Legends (Alternate ending)
Date: march 3rd 2003 Turnabout Legends but Matthew solves the DL-6 incident.
Extra case 2: The Time Travel
Date: september 10th 2026 A side story about Matthew's past before the time travel event.
Disclaimer: the synopsis for all 8 cases could change over time depending on my needs so check from time to time. Secondly this project is not affiliated with Capcom in any way. It is made by a fan, for the fans.
That's all for now folks, and of course, don't hesitate in asking. Any help is also appreciated
Last edited by Matias329 on Thu Jan 16, 2025 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Untold Secrets is a 8-case Ace Attorney fangame of my own that is set in a slightly altered universe with the events of The Contempt of Court as canon, 8 days after Turnabout Time Traveler. Major spoilers for The Contempt of Court, Ace Attorney 1-6 and the Investigations duology. This is one of 2 Ace Attorney fangames I've been working, being this the first one since may of this year and the second one being an HD remaster of The Contempt of Court in august. Like TCoC HD, Untold Secrets will also be made in the upcoming Ace Attorney Turnabout Creator. This is one of, if not the most ambitious project of my life, because not only it will contain a fuck ton of story (I'm not exaggerating), but how the trials and investigations will be puzzled to make sense will be one hell of a job (ESPECIALLY the final 2 cases), so expect the game to be 30+ hours long with an estimated time of 6+ years to be fully done. That of course depends on how many people will help.
This sounds like such a fantastic project! The depth and ambition you're going for with Untold Secrets truly impress me. The idea of tying together several cases and delving more into those earlier incidents gives the narrative a fascinating new dimension. Seeing a fangame with such a strong story focus is amazing; players will have a great experience for more than thirty hours! I'm excited to watch how everything turns out, and you deserve praise for accepting this enormous challenge! I wish you well and eagerly await any updates!
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