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Posting Guidelines (please read before posting)Topic%20Title
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Deputy of Self-Esteem

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This forum is for Sprites and Sprite edits.

Please post only your own work. If you want to make a sprite based on someone else's work, please get permission from that user first. If it contains spoilers, make sure you label as such in the topic. ONLY Phoenix Wright sprites and edits are allowed here (but if you used, say, Mega Man sprites and made PW characters, that is cool, too).

If you would like to submit any of your work to Court Records, please make a note in your post.

If you want someone else to make a sprite for you, please post your request in the request thread. It's stickied, so there's really no excuse for not seeing it.

Also, please put all your sprites in one thread rather than clutter the board with individual threads for each new set of sprites you make.
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There are many aren't there, but anyway how would you get the sprites?
Don't mind me, just passing through.
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How do you post a pic off your computer e.g. 'my documents?'
UPDATE: Don't worry, I've figured out the whole web-server thing :D
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Yo Dawg!

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Can I post OC sprites?
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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Neon Lemmy Koopa wrote:
Can I post OC sprites?

As long as they're PW-related or made using PW-sprites, yes.
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Marsha2112 wrote:
How do you post a pic off your computer e.g. 'my documents?'
UPDATE: Don't worry, I've figured out the whole web-server thing :D would you do thinking of doing recolorations on some sprites... :sadshoe:
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Yuki Fan~!

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how do you put images under spoiler tags? I try and it turns out as a red cross :sadshoe:
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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You should just be able to use the image tag, highlight it, and then press the spoiler tag.
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you are already guilty.

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Sorry for reviving an old topic, but I don't want to create a new one just to ask something in a forum for submitting things.

I wanted to ask, is it possible to post more than just graphic rips here. I recently ripped the entire sound library from all 4 ds games (all sound effects in wav format, all music in midi format), and I wondered if it'd be ok to post those here.
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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Something like that ought to go in the Defense Lobby~
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I did some sprites on my computer and saved them to my documents. Is there any way to post them?
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nuuuuu, stoooooop

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You have to upload them to an image hosting service, like Imageshack or Photobucket etc.
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Hi guys I've done a couple of edits turning Vegeta into a prosecutor using PW's sprite and some rips from a GBA game, just making sure there's nothing against posting mash-up sprites using other game characters before I make my topic.

If not, i can always take out Vegeta's face and turn Feenie into a super defense attorney :phoenix:
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So, um, how do you put something from Paint onto Photobucket? :eh?:
Thanks to the combined awesomeness of Ceres and the Vickinator, I shall TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
...Just kidding. But check out the sig they made me!
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^^Isn't that Olga as a Grammeraye, ORLY?

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Silly question, how do i get my photobucket picture as my avatar
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i need help , i want to make a custom sprite but i dunnow how to...

i only have photoshop and imagesready ..can someone help me? :phoenix:

PM me plz :hobolaugh:
Im a DA =P
Re: Posting GuidelinesTopic%20Title
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Sorry for the necro, but I have a question. Say I'm going to start a sprite topic to house my edits but I'd also like to put the banners and such I've made in it. I don't have a lot of both so I thought it would be better to simply squish them all into one thread. Am I allowed to do that? If so, would it be better to make the thread in the Sprites forum, or would Present Evidence be more fitting?
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To answer that one simply:
Putting those in mah thread has never stopped me before...yet.
So I guess It's allowed in a way. Yea. Propably possible.
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Nii wrote:
Sorry for the necro, but I have a question. Say I'm going to start a sprite topic to house my edits but I'd also like to put the banners and such I've made in it. I don't have a lot of both so I thought it would be better to simply squish them all into one thread. Am I allowed to do that? If so, would it be better to make the thread in the Sprites forum, or would Present Evidence be more fitting?

A question in a similar vein:

I usually design sprites before I get around to making them. Would it be okay to post "Concept Sketches" in my spriting thread? I sort of want to keep everything together.
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I'd say

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As long as you post sprites as well, yes.
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Well... I grouped all of my avatars and sigs that I made into one Paint thingy(I do not have big vocab.) and if I upload it onto ImageShack, will it upload all the avis and sigs into one photo???
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filipinoamerican wrote:
Well... I grouped all of my avatars and sigs that I made into one Paint thingy(I do not have big vocab.) and if I upload it onto ImageShack, will it upload all the avis and sigs into one photo???

If all the avis and sigs are on one document, yes, I believe it will upload as one photo. You can upload multiple images on ImageShack though.
[Signature in construction until I make a new one]
I'm back, mate! Still lurking like a ninja but whatevs :3
Re: Posting GuidelinesTopic%20Title

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uhhh... how do you add a sprite to a post? I know stupid question.
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Make an account on imageshack, photobucket, tinypic etc.
Upload the sprite.
You'll get various options underneath the image, one of them will have surrounding the url, click on it and it'll be copied.
Paste it in a new message and your sprite should be there. You can use the IMG button on the message creator to similar effect, just be aware that you can't link images directly from your computer.
Re: Posting GuidelinesTopic%20Title

put text here....

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is it possible to post a GIF file? And if so how do i post it?
sorry for bad english I'm dutch :sadshoe:
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Deputy of Self-Esteem

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xB0BBYx wrote:
is it possible to post a GIF file? And if so how do i post it?
sorry for bad english I'm dutch :sadshoe:

Sign up for a service, like Upload your image there, and then it provides a link.

put the image in the IMG tags like so...

And vola!
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I have a question- say you've worked on a sprite, and you'd like to get a critique on it; you're not really trying to show it off or anything, just figure out how you're doing on it. Where would you post it?
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Aquabreeze wrote:
I have a question- say you've worked on a sprite, and you'd like to get a critique on it; you're not really trying to show it off or anything, just figure out how you're doing on it. Where would you post it?

If you don't want to make a thread to show it off, post it in the "Request Thread" and ask for a critique. Hope this helps!
(More peeps should visit the rules section, kudos! :will: )
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Maybe is kinda late , or not even the right topic, if that is the case, can i ask to get it removed, or well if its needed to be delated its ok,
I personally use this page to animate Sprites, as imagesready and another gif animators started to stop working in the middle of animating prossess, if its ok ill ieave the link here as a spoiler.
Spoiler: Animator page

It allows you to use your HD images, set the W n H and the speed of the animation. hope it helps someone.
Re: Posting Guidelines (please read before posting)Topic%20Title
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Art Person

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Can I request this page be a bit more obvious for new members? (Capitalise the "please read before posting", perhaps?) A few people in a row have requested sprites that are ripped already from official games and on CR's main page, yet they manage to miss them. Maybe link to the "Media" section in the OP to help those people out!
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