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George wrote:
If only there were girls like you at my school ;_;
I guess that you've learned that nice guys like us finish last?
A guy I know and I have talked about this often. Somehow the jerks get the girls and the nice guys are alone (like that guy and I). That's the agreement we came to, anyway. But I'm not changing my ways, so...
I'm hoping that that is just a high school trend and that it is different in college, where girls are probably looking for a different kind of person.

It's the exact same thing at my high school too. All the girls are swooning over the football players who are too arrogant to really care about them while the guys who would actually give them the light of day stand on the sidelines watching. I guess it's fitting that most of the girls at my school are sluts anyway. God, I wish there were more girls like you at my school, xfma_addictx. Us nice guys would have more of a chance. :phoenix:
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In this case, well, I plead the 5th.

Besides that, the simplest reason I can give is that Iv spent too much time observing others in relationships and from that I cant understand why anyone does it.

As far as 'the nice guys finish last thing" I think its a cop out not to mention a serious turn-off)
VERY few people ( guys or girls) or generally 'nice' without wanting something in return. Its just human nature.

A lot of the 'nice guys' are fake as hell. I once knew a guy who seemed perfect. Turned out to be just a generally horrible person.

Then theres the guys who are truly nice ( its common in the 'otaku' 'gamer communit ) that of time theyre lazy ass losers with NO life.

Last edited by The 5th on Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Looking too interested is pretty much the kiss of death, because most girls will be like "Ohhh I could have him, but I'd rather have some guy that doesn't want me". I could go into more detail about this but I have to go back to class. D=
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The 5th wrote:
In this case, well, I plead the 5th.

Besides that, the simplest reason I can give is that Iv spent too much time observing others in relationships and from that I cant understand why anyone does it.

As far as 'the nice guys finish last thing" I think its a cop out not to mention a serious turn-off)
VERY few people ( guys or girls) or generally 'nice' without wanting something in return. Its just human nature.

A lot of the 'nice guys' are fake as hell. I once knew a guy who seemed perfect. Turned out to be just a generally horrible person.

Then theres the guys who are truly nice ( its common in the 'otaku' 'gamer communit ) a lot of time theyre lazy ass losers with NO life.

You seem to have a rather biased attitude toward relationships, it seems. Just because someone took advantage of you once doesn't mean everyone will.

I'm a genuinely nice person. I'm not the type of guy who would take advantage of a girl. If someone wanted to talk with me, I'd talk with them. If they needed help, I'd help them. I'm rather talkative, and I've been told I'm pretty funny. Explain to me how any of this is a turn-off, maybe I'm missing something. Should I be more of an ass? Maybe I should turn my hat sideways and start calling everyone "homie". Would that help?

Most high school girls seem to fall for the jocks and "cool" guys who don't give a shit about them, while people like me aren't given the light of day. It happens in every school around the globe. Just take a look at the posts on this topic. Maybe if people opened their eyes and looked past what's "hip", we wouldn't have this problem to begin with.
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R_Bond wrote:
You seem to have a rather biased attitude toward relationships, it seems. Just because someone took advantage of you once doesn't mean everyone will.

I'm a genuinely nice person. I'm not the type of guy who would take advantage of a girl. If someone wanted to talk with me, I'd talk with them. If they needed help, I'd help them. I'm rather talkative, and I've been told I'm pretty funny. Explain to me how any of this is a turn-off, maybe I'm missing something. Should I be more of an ass? Maybe I should turn my hat sideways and start calling everyone "homie". Would that help?

Most high school girls seem to fall for the jocks and "cool" guys who don't give a shit about them, while people like me aren't given the light of day. It happens in every school around the globe. Just take a look at the posts on this topic. Maybe if people opened their eyes and looked past what's "hip", we wouldn't have this problem to begin with.

First of all let me stop your first comment dead in its tracks. Im not one of those stupid weaklings who was hurt once and bases everything off of that. That person didnt take advantage of me. In fact, I never dated him. ALMOST did, but then i started to see his true colors and got rid of him. Heh, now the weakling blames his bad attitude on me.
Iv actually have not been taken advantage of in a relationship. Im logical enough to REALLY get to know someone before blindly jumping into a relationship .

I know, I know. Iv heard the same rant before. Iv also heard it from the other side too " Guys only want to date cheerleaders with big tits and bleach blond hair" and Im sure its true on both accounts. Is just HS. It really doesnt matter at all.
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Jocks are crap. I mean, they're arrogant and egoistic. I don't think all girls dig jocks, maybe dig a grave for them..... yes (Asians don't like jocks). Copy into your browser
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...uh, I've seen plenty of Asian girls go out with jocks in my high school.
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Having a companion and not being lonely sure is great stuff.
If you come across an older post of mine, sowwy
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Holy Hell wrote:
Having a companion and not being lonely sure is great stuff.

your such an asshole y do guys like u get all da girlz n guys like me get nothin its not fair

it sucks to be nice ;_;
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The 5th wrote:
R_Bond wrote:
You seem to have a rather biased attitude toward relationships, it seems. Just because someone took advantage of you once doesn't mean everyone will.

I'm a genuinely nice person. I'm not the type of guy who would take advantage of a girl. If someone wanted to talk with me, I'd talk with them. If they needed help, I'd help them. I'm rather talkative, and I've been told I'm pretty funny. Explain to me how any of this is a turn-off, maybe I'm missing something. Should I be more of an ass? Maybe I should turn my hat sideways and start calling everyone "homie". Would that help?

Most high school girls seem to fall for the jocks and "cool" guys who don't give a shit about them, while people like me aren't given the light of day. It happens in every school around the globe. Just take a look at the posts on this topic. Maybe if people opened their eyes and looked past what's "hip", we wouldn't have this problem to begin with.

First of all let me stop your first comment dead in its tracks. Im not one of those stupid weaklings who was hurt once and bases everything off of that. That person didnt take advantage of me. In fact, I never dated him. ALMOST did, but then i started to see his true colors and got rid of him. Heh, now the weakling blames his bad attitude on me.
Iv actually have not been taken advantage of in a relationship. Im logical enough to REALLY get to know someone before blindly jumping into a relationship .

I know, I know. Iv heard the same rant before. Iv also heard it from the other side too " Guys only want to date cheerleaders with big tits and bleach blond hair" and Im sure its true on both accounts. Is just HS. It really doesnt matter at all.

Thank you for correcting me. I'm glad you saw who he really was before any damage was done. Good for you! :butzthumbs:

I agree with your last statement to a point. By the end of their senior year in high school, most girls realize that jocks probably aren't the best husband material while the guys discover that there's more to life than being cool. On the flip side, during high school it's so frustrating to watch girls swoon over someone who would dump them in a second for a girl with a bigger butt. They get away with this for so long, they're shocked and confused when they get out into the real world and realize society doesn't work that way.

Like I said earlier, I wish there were more girls like xfma_addictx that looked at personality over popularity.

@Holy Hell: Prick. :igarashi:

Last edited by R. Bond on Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ok, well, I think there are nice guys out there who don't want to take advantage of a girl. I'm sure of that. I know it exists (I have quite a bit of proof. Or it's my own proof). So I want to say- the best way to get a girl without getting into trouble is not to take advantage of anyone. It's not fair. Its not fun. And sometimes your left with a broken relationship, or worse.

Unfortunately, I don't have any advice on asking anyone out. Since no one has asked me out anyways, I have no experience. Personally, though, I would prefer being FRIENDS with the person other than have that 'random guy from the back of the class' asking me out on a date out of the blue. That might be nice for some girls, but I would run and avoid you. Maybe. Or I would at least be a little creeped >_> Actually, I'm getting pretty creeped out about how popular I'm becoming on CR ._.

And, at our school a couple of years ago, sports were actually FROWNED upon. Everyone wanted perfect grades and didn't want to associate with jocks. Now are teams are really going well, and we have a good balance between sports and academics. And with a school with more than 2000 kids, it's much easier to find friends who DON'T sit on the bleachers (or not often... one of my friends is on the Volleyball team, but that's an Asian sport :P)

Remember, the bleachers can only hold so many fans. There's got to be people who DON'T sit on them. Just look for them.

OK, I'll eat my hat if there isn't ONE girl who is NICE at your school.

And no, guys, I'm not free. Can't date until I got my driver's license. >:P

And really, if your in High School, don't be such a worrywart! Remember, you still have 4 years of College ahead of you- It's a great time to find someone you really care about that shares (or doesn't) your interests. And most colleges have a HUGE student body with students from around the nation, or even around the globe. So don't get so anxious that this is your 'last chance'. GO TO COLLEGE D:<
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Actually, reading back on what I posted earlier, I may have overexaggerated a bit for the sake of my rant. Things really aren't that bad. I'm well-liked in my class, and despite what I've said, I'm somewhat popular. I've just never been asked out. I'm by no means thinking this is my last chance either. I still have three years of high school, and I intend to enjoy as much of it as I can. And yes, you can keep your hat. :minuki:

Speaking of driver's licenses, I got my permit a few weeks ago! :rock'n:
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The 5th wrote:
As far as 'the nice guys finish last thing" I think its a cop out not to mention a serious turn-off)
VERY few people ( guys or girls) or generally 'nice' without wanting something in return. Its just human nature.

A lot of the 'nice guys' are fake as hell. I once knew a guy who seemed perfect. Turned out to be just a generally horrible person.

Then theres the guys who are truly nice ( its common in the 'otaku' 'gamer communit ) that of time theyre lazy ass losers with NO life.

Oh yes, don't get me started on the "nice guy" thing.

The reason so many guys fall into this trap is because they hang out with girls that they have crushes on who complain about how inconsiderate their boyfriend or crush is. They're even careless and naive enough to say things like "I wish he was more like you" which gives the guy the wrong signals.

What the girl doesn't say is that she still wants someone who is interesting. Simply put, being nice is not the only requirement for a relationship. There has to be attraction and you have to have something in common. If you're nice but you're atrociously boring and awkward, that's not enough.

Not only that, but so many "nice guys" are only being nice because they think it's their chance to finally get some action. When they get turned down they become vindictive and insulting. That's not very "nice" is it, gentlemen?

Last edited by Whodi on Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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johnny rainbow wrote:
akane: You'll never know if you're gonna be eternally single, unless you try and find someone to be in a relationship with. I'm not saying you should be a hound/whore and hit on everyone you think is attractive, but rather nobody is gonna go anywhere just sitting down, twiddling their thumbs and crying in loneliness and angst, waiting for their Prince Charming/Princess....Peach to rescue them.

I'm quite aware of that; however, whenever I like a guy, I usually turn psycho and it's a huge turn off. I'm working on fixing it XD Until I do that, it's going to be difficult for me to date.

I also don't go for guys who are complete jerks. I love personality in guys and I tend to find the ones with cuter looks more attractive than the ones who are all drop dead gorgeous. I mean sure, they're good to look at, but that's about it.

With that being said, as other people have mentioned, I still have another year and a half of high school and then 4-5 years of university. Then, there's after that to meet people. It would just be nice to have a different sort of companion that isn't just a friend, you know?

I'm sure that everyone knows XD

But yeah I'm starting to like this guy, but I'm not really sure if he'd ever go out with me >.<
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xfma_addictx wrote:
OK, I'll eat my hat if there isn't ONE girl who is NICE at your school.

...I'm tempted to say there aren't just to see you eat your hat.
I'm guilty of it, Really.
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Bensan wrote:
xfma_addictx wrote:
OK, I'll eat my hat if there isn't ONE girl who is NICE at your school.

...I'm tempted to say there aren't just to see you eat your hat.

Sorry, I lied.

But I could eat my 'Canada' hat (that's shaped like a Maple Leaf XD)

R_Bond wrote:
Speaking of driver's licenses, I got my permit a few weeks ago! :rock'n:


I don't get mine till the summer of junior year ;_;
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Phff, You call this a Zombie apocalypse?

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R_Bond wrote:
Speaking of driver's licenses, I got my permit a few weeks ago! :rock'n:

Isn't the driving age 16?
Gyakuten Phoenix wrote:
Yeah, well maybe if I wasn't so much better than everyone else, I wouldn't have to talk about it so much.
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Well actually it depends on where you live to determine what age you can get your licsense, some states are at 15 and others are at 16 and 17.

ON TOPIC: Nice guys finish last, the story of my life.
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xfma_addictx wrote:
Unfortunately, I don't have any advice on asking anyone out. Since no one has asked me out anyways, I have no experience. Personally, though, I would prefer being FRIENDS with the person other than have that 'random guy from the back of the class' asking me out on a date out of the blue. That might be nice for some girls, but I would run and avoid you. Maybe. Or I would at least be a little creeped >_>

I hate when guys do that to me. Some butt ugly guys just plays around with me when they say "I want to go out with you." or "My friend wants to go out with you." Fudge OFF man. I felt like smacking them in the face.
^Credit to 天才/sophia! <333 Thanks so much!
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Whodi wrote:

Oh yes, don't get me started on the "nice guy" thing.

Not only that, but so many "nice guys" are only being nice because they think it's their chance to finally get some action. When they get turned down they become vindictive and insulting. That's not very "nice" is it, gentlemen?

You know, when someone says to me " Nice guys finish last" it translates to " Theres nothing wrong with me. Im perfect, its ALL the girls fault and I will not even entertain the idea the of changing anything about myself."

Bombom Dubbie wrote:

I hate when guys do that to me. Some butt ugly guys just plays around with me when they say "I want to go out with you." or "My friend wants to go out with you." Fudge OFF man. I felt like smacking them in the face.

Christ i hate that. Some guys think its 'cute' or 'spontaneous or whatever". No, its just creepy. Thats why I really hate those movies about some guy stalking 'the girl of his dreams who does not even know him and is then portrayed as a bitch for turning him away.
Please guys, do not buy into this drivel.

R_Bond wrote:
Thank you for correcting me. I'm glad you saw who he really was before any damage was done. Good for you! :butzthumbs:

I agree with your last statement to a point. By the end of their senior year in high school, most girls realize that jocks probably aren't the best husband material while the guys discover that there's more to life than being cool. On the flip side, during high school it's so frustrating to watch girls swoon over someone who would dump them in a second for a girl with a bigger butt. They get away with this for so long, they're shocked and confused when they get out into the real world and realize society doesn't work that way.

Like I said earlier, I wish there were more girls like xfma_addictx that looked at personality over popularity.

@Holy Hell: Prick. :igarashi:

Your welcome of coarse.
Its unfortunate my best friend was so damned naive though. Now shes dating him and he treats her like dirt. We were like sisters and I havent talked to her in years. It was my choice though. I couldnt stand to hang around that situation...

..why did I just imagine the sound of a psych lock shattering??.. oh well

Do you seriously think that girl is one out of very few who look for personality? Like I said, the feeling is mutual for both sexes.
Makes one wonder why it is people have so many problems. I happen to think its because theyre trying to hard.

Last edited by The 5th on Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Balrog wrote:
R_Bond wrote:
Speaking of driver's licenses, I got my permit a few weeks ago! :rock'n:

Isn't the driving age 16?

Canada and the USA work differently. Also, each province/state will have different ways of doing it. In BC, you have to be 16 to get your Class 7L (Learner's) and Class 7 (New Driver).

I like nice guys, nice guys just don't like me :(

Although, there are cases when a guy will like me and I don't really see him in that way. It's not that there's something wrong with the guy, he's just not someone I can see myself dating.
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I'm starting to see where we hit a roadblock when it comes to relationships. Both sides seem to have different interpretations for what the other side thinks and does.

I was just using xfma_addictx as an example, of course I don't think she's the ONLY sensible girl out there.

Most girls don't seem to understand that behind the scenes, many guys are under a lot of pressure from their peers to get a girlfriend. It's sort of a pride thing to us. If we aren't able to get a girlfriend, we're looked down upon by some people. That doesn't bother me though. I'm way too busy at the moment, I wouldn't be able to handle a relationship at the moment anyway. :payne:

The age you can get your permit here in California is 15 and a half, which for me was the end of last December. The age you can get your license is 16. Yeah, my friends are jealous that I'll be driving to school at the beginning of my sophomore year. :wellington:
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R_Bond wrote:
Most girls don't seem to understand that behind the scenes, many guys are under a lot of pressure from their peers to get a girlfriend. It's sort of a pride thing to us. If we aren't able to get a girlfriend, we're looked down upon by some people.

The same goes for girls. A lot of girls will feel like they're not good enough if they don't have a boyfriend. I have a friend who gets rejected constantly (Although I'm not sure why), but it's like her main goal in life to have a boyfriend. I know another girl who pretty much has to have a boyfriend in order to live (I think she's changing, though).

In general, I'm a pretty independent person, so it's not like I'm going to suffer without a boyfriend. I've managed for quite some time, anyways. Shojo anime/manga depresses me though because that's all it's about. It'll piss me off after watching/reading it for a short amount of time.
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R_Bond wrote:

Most girls don't seem to understand that behind the scenes, many guys are under a lot of pressure from their peers to get a girlfriend. It's sort of a pride thing to us. If we aren't able to get a girlfriend, we're looked down upon by some people. That doesn't bother me though. I'm way too busy at the moment, I wouldn't be able to handle a relationship at the moment anyway. :payne:


I rest my case. You solved it yourself.

*Does smirky shaking-head Edgey pose*....

Alright Ill tell you..

Girls who always have BFs are looked DOWN upon because it makes them look easy. "Sensible girls' do not WANT to look easy so they do not go for the jocks or anyone. if anyone at all. At the other spectrum are the girls who dont care if they look easy and are always dating these 'jocks'.That is why you are very unlikely to end up dating one of these 'sensible girls' in HS.

Bah, 'what girls dont understand " Its perfectly clear. I hate to tell you this guys, but almost nothing is 'behind the scenes' with you. :franny:
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R_Bond wrote:
Most girls don't seem to understand that behind the scenes, many guys are under a lot of pressure from their peers to get a girlfriend. It's sort of a pride thing to us. If we aren't able to get a girlfriend, we're looked down upon by some people.

I'm enjoying the irony of this dated mentality.

And 5th is right on the point where guys don't have any excuses. A man's pride will usually be his downfall, especially in relationships.
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The 5th wrote:
Girls who always have BFs are looked DOWN upon because it makes them look easy. "Sensible girls' do not WANT to look easy so they do not go for the jocks or anyone. if anyone at all. At the other spectrum are the girls who dont care if they look easy and are always dating these 'jocks'.That is why you are very unlikely to end up dating one of these 'sensible girls' in HS.

Bah, 'what girls dont understand " Its perfectly clear. I hate to tell you this guys, but almost nothing is 'behind the scenes' with you. :franny:

Mmmm Mmmm MMMM. Complete and utter crap, So tasty.

No seriously, I'm about to freaking hurl. This is sickening.

First off, How in the bloody hell does having a boyfriend make you -easy-? 'Oh look, she has a guy shes dating. SHE MUST BE A SLUT' 'I concur, Let us shun her!'. If it was multiple boys at very short intervals, It'd make sense. But always having one? Phrase yourself a little different. I'd have to say you meant 'Bat shit paranoid about how they look' chicks instead, But feel free to -god damn phrase yourself and what you're trying to say right-.

Not like I'm going to even pay heed. The next line is just one of my -favorites-. 'O lul its a guy, obviously they're entirely horny and just want sex. lez stereotype them'. God damn, Give us the benefit of the doubt will you! Plenty of us aren't like that, you just have to. I dunno... Look for them? We just don't put ourselves out there, because we're looking for someone -more- than just looks.

Of course, If you're trying to say we're just like a book to read. Get the bloody hell away from me, I hate people who think like that.
I'm guilty of it, Really.
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You really think that? Sorry, but there's quite a lot going behind the scenes that you probably don't know about. The same goes for girls as well. I'm not going to argue this point any more, though. I think we've established that there's a lot we singles can learn from each other.
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R_Bond wrote:
You really think that? Sorry, but there's quite a lot going behind the scenes that you probably don't know about. The same goes for girls as well. I'm not going to argue this point any more, though. I think we've established that there's a lot we singles can learn from each other.

*nods* I do think that. Like I said, were all from the same planet. We may be performing different shows but were using the same technical crew.

Men and women both have pride, they both like sex and they both get jealous. The only difference is how much little we let others see it.

Ill tell you right now my pride is VERY important. Whenever something goes wrong in my life my response is always " Im not worried. Ill figure it out, I always do..but that bastard..made me look bad. I wish nothing but horrible things on him"

Aak! was gonna say more but class is over. bai bai for now.
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Bensan wrote:
'O lul its a guy, obviously they're entirely horny and just want sex. lez stereotype them'.

The 5th wrote:
Men and women both have pride, they both like sex and they both get jealous. The only difference is how much little we let others see it.

I'll say it right now as a female, guys aren't the only ones who think about sex constantly. I dunno, maybe it's just me XD It's just a stereotype. The 5th, if you hadn't pointed out that both sexes think alike (For the most part), I would have posted more.

It's like saying that girls are sensitive, etc. and guys are strong, etc. I know plenty of guys who are fairly sensitive; it has nothing to do with being 'feminine' or 'masculine'. Girls are going to have some sort of other motive in dating, just like guys. Maybe not all of them, but hey, not all guys are like that too, right?
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I... that was actually my point, Thanks for entirely double stating that. Or did you think I was being -serious- there?
I'm guilty of it, Really.
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Bensan wrote:
I... that was actually my point, Thanks for entirely double stating that. Or did you think I was being -serious- there?

I meant to put your name as well >.< Oops :knock-knock:
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Edit: My internet was really messing up and I ended up posting twice >.<

Last edited by Robo-Aly on Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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No real harm done, I'm just getting a bit well...overly defensive at the moment. Probably the whole pride issue, Now I feel like I've just gone and proved the other side.

But yeah, Thats entirely my point, and glad to see not everyone thinks against it. People who stereotype entirely on the basis of 'Male' or 'Female are one of the Ten...err...twenty...hundred or so things that can really set me off.
I'm guilty of it, Really.
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akane wrote:
Bensan wrote:
'O lul its a guy, obviously they're entirely horny and just want sex. lez stereotype them'.

The 5th wrote:
Men and women both have pride, they both like sex and they both get jealous. The only difference is how much little we let others see it.

I'll say it right now as a female, guys aren't the only ones who think about sex constantly. I dunno, maybe it's just me XD It's just a stereotype. The 5th, if you hadn't pointed out that both sexes think alike (For the most part), I would have posted more.

It's like saying that girls are sensitive, etc. and guys are strong, etc. I know plenty of guys who are fairly sensitive; it has nothing to do with being 'feminine' or 'masculine'. Girls are going to have some sort of other motive in dating, just like guys. Maybe not all of them, but hey, not all guys are like that too, right?

*nods* Thank you. That was my point exactly.

. I never ever said anything about guys only liking sex. He made that up on his own.

Perhaps the idea that 'women never say what they mean' is so ingrained into society that he simply assumed there was hidden meaning where theyre wasnt. ( if I had a dime for every time that happened...)

I assure you Im quite straight forward. I keep getting on my best guy-friends case about never just 'saying WTF he means" Its very frustrating...aaanyway..

It was a general statement, it goes for both genders ( why must I constantly point that out? ) I find that people in general are not very difficult to read.

I leave you with an anecdote;

On another forum that Im on someone posted one of those obligatory " guys vs girls' jokes.

" Girls take things much more personally than guys.
" Guys think about sex every .07 seconds"

Girls response: lol yea thats true about girls.
Guys response: OMFG!!1!! NO WE DONT!! THATS NOT FAIR!!1!1 RAWR!!1
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Well, we don't... :yuusaku:

I'm not helping my case any, am I?
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R_Bond wrote:
Well, we don't... :yuusaku:

I'm not helping my case any, am I?

Ah, no. Not really.

:psycho-lock: ....I probably think about porn about every few seconds or so.
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I'm waiting untill I finish my studies before I start looking for a girlfriend. And conquer my shyness (this may take a while, so I'm gonna have to be patient)! :ben:

I do feel lonely now and then though (especially around Valentine's Day).
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NinjaMonkey wrote:
I'm waiting untill I finish my studies before I start looking for a girlfriend. And conquer my shyness (this may take a while, so I'm gonna have to be patient)! :ben:

I do feel lonely now and then though (especially around Valentine's Day).


That's why CR is here for you!

And why does that guy in art class stare at me? I'm absolutly sure he doesn't like me (I know he has a girlfriend and they've been going out for a while)... but it's creepy. XD
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I don't mind not having a boyfriend. However, there is someone I love. I know it's deeper than a crush. Every time I meet with him I'm more and more convinced he's the sweetest guy alive.

But, as it turns out for me: Guys who are sweet are taken and those who aren't are jerks. :sadshoe:

And somewhat related: Half of my biology class seems convinced I'm dating the guy who sits behind me. He's a friend of mine, and the only nice kid in my side of the classroom. My lab partner always shouts, "YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!" in the most annoying way possible. And now everyone seems to think we're together.
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Quandtuniverse wrote:
I don't mind not having a boyfriend. However, there is someone I love. I know it's deeper than a crush. Every time I meet with him I'm more and more convinced he's the sweetest guy alive.

But, as it turns out for me: Guys who are sweet are taken and those who aren't are jerks. :sadshoe:

And somewhat related: Half of my biology class seems convinced I'm dating the guy who sits behind me. He's a friend of mine, and the only nice kid in my side of the classroom. My lab partner always shouts, "YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!" in the most annoying way possible. And now everyone seems to think we're together.

@_______@ That's horrible!

That reminds me when I was talking with a guy (who's a friend of mine), when a guy came up behind us while we were talking/coaching at the same time, and said 'You look so cute together!'. It took me days to figure out what he ment. >_>
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