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Characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Sparing the obvious ones (Apollo, Trucy, Klavier, etc.) which characters would you like to see more of in the next game? Please, limit this discussion to Apollo Justice characters only.

Anyway, I'd like to see some more of Eldoon, Brushel, and Vera. Eldoon is a doctor so he could help out Apollo which complex autopsy reports or maybe take the stand as a witness and point out a report's flaws. Brushel is more or less what Lotta was in Turnabout Goodbyes, albeit more eccentric and repulsive. Vera was a major figure in 4-4, so it would only be fair to see more of her.


[Edited by Croik - not to step on your toes, but one thread is plenty for "characters I want to see in GS5"]
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Pretty much just Vera and Thalassa. Brushel is irritating, imo, and while Eldoon's OK, I don't see what purpose he'd serve. With Apollo, Trucy, Nick, and Klavier pretty well locks (along with Udgey and Charley), there aren't too many others I'd want.

Kristoph I'd save for GS6, unless they're doing two games instead of a trilogy.
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I want to see more of/learn more about everyone in 4-4:

Brushel, Vera, Drew, Valant (win), and

Spoiler: 4-4
Thalassa/Lamiroir, definitely

Also, even just a cameo by everyone's favorite O.G. would be cool.
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I really want to see Wocky again... that would make me a happy fangirl. Especially if he gets to do something important or something. The Kitakis are just cool and Wocky in particular is really fun.

Vera would also be really nice to see again; not only is she important, but she's also nice and it would be cute to see her have fun with Apollo and friends. :)
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does ema count :D Must see some Ema x Apollo XD Wocky or Lamroir and certainly the Gavinners
sigTolombo conMagic
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I wanna see Wocky!!
and Valant!!
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I want to see Brushel... but ALSO Lotta Hart from PW.

Valant won't appear again...

Klavier WILL, I think...

Vera... maybe. But maybe as "Adrian" in PW 2 and 3, with a "I am much better since the last time we met!".

I want to also see Olga Orly... she had a LOT of potential, IMO, to become a really "developed" character.
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Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title
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Writer Awakened need Klavi avatar BADLY!

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Wrestlemania wrote:
Valant won't appear again...


You kiddin'? He's one of the Gramaryes! I'll bet ten bags of Snackoos he's in GS5 in some form.
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I'm almost positive that Brushel will return. He fills a sort of "Lotta Hart" type role, and he's a lot more fun than she was. Eldoon really seems like a one case only character, as do the Kitakis. Lamiroir is basically a given. I wouldn't be surprised to see Vera back either. Valant seems unlikely and I don't know about Olga.
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And I'm just WAITING for theses three in particular:
-Pearls- Will she be the master? WILL SHE!?
-Franny (hopefully doing Adrian)
Oh my GOD. I miss him something AWFUL. I really hope they let him back in in GS5, I really do!
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Writer Awakened wrote:
Wrestlemania wrote:
Valant won't appear again...


You kiddin'? He's one of the Gramaryes! I'll bet ten bags of Snackoos he's in GS5 in some form.

I'm not so sure about that, since he made a decision at the end of AJ
Spoiler: 4-4
He decides to go to the police and confess to his crime. I'd say he'll be in prison for a while.

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I want to see Kristoph in an early case, to be honest...
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Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title
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I just wonder what Ganon's up to... :)

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I'm hoping that Vera, Brushel, and Valant are gonna be in the next game.
Spoiler: 4-4
I really think that with the way the game ended Thalassa/Lamiroir and Kristoph are gonna come back. :3
Also want Machi to come back, but that's just 'cause I'm a fangirl.. :s

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It would be awesome to have a Kristoph flashback, since it would spiritually be the opposite of the Mia flashback cases, but I don't see what they could do with it. The Kristoph saga seems to be wrapped up.

I don't think this game lends itself to a sequel easily, although I think I could've said the same thing about AA1.

I can see them going in two directions, either phasing out Phoenix completely, or reintroducing some of the old cast, albeit in witness type roles rather than main character deals. Edgeworth is probably the most popular character in the series, so I could see the producers forcing his reintroduction onto Takumi and crew like they did with Phoenix (though I think the Mason System was the biggest missed opportunity in history in terms of Edgeworth reintroduction opportunities).
Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title
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Writer Awakened need Klavi avatar BADLY!

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Gerkuman wrote:
Writer Awakened wrote:
Wrestlemania wrote:
Valant won't appear again...


You kiddin'? He's one of the Gramaryes! I'll bet ten bags of Snackoos he's in GS5 in some form.

I'm not so sure about that, since he made a decision at the end of AJ
Spoiler: 4-4
He decides to go to the police and confess to his crime. I'd say he'll be in prison for a while.

Spoiler: 2-4, 4-4
Remember, Adrian went to jail for doing the same thing (altering a crime scene to blame someone else for a murder) and she served less than 7 months in jail (because she was in T&T). So why wouldn't the same apply for Valant? Besides, they could always visit him in prison. Would they really not include Trucy's "uncle" in GS5?

My money's on seeing everyone from 4-4 (who's still alive at the end) at least once.
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I'm really hoping they bring Klavier back and don't introduce some random new prosecutor. More character development plz.
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Gwiffen wrote:
I'm really hoping they bring Klavier back and don't introduce some random new prosecutor. More character development plz.


Moar :rock'n: is needed indeed.
Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title

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Not including the main characters who are given as far as showing up (Phoenix, Apollo, Trucy, Klavier, and Ema), I would love to see Vera again.
Spoiler: 4-4
It would be really rewarding to see her actually moving on with her life like she decides to do after the case is resolved. Besides she cute and sweet.

I get the feeling we're going to see Valant again. The Gramaryes are right now set up to be very central to the series, so I could see him coming back towards the end of GS5.
I'll bet we're going to see Brushel again. I think someone mentioned earlier that he's just got this vibe around him for being a repeat character. I'm not sure how I feel about that... I guess I found him funny.
I also think we'll see Eldoon again. I mean Phoenix and Trucy eat at his noodle stand frequently (and Apollo promised to start stopping by his stand in 4-2).
Spoiler: 4-4
Thalassa will clearly be back. There is simply too much unresolved about her and she is directly related to two of the main characters.

It might be fun to see Wocky and his parents again (Little Plum scaring Apollo amused me far more than it should have <_<).
It could be very cool to see Kristoph again, but I get the feeling they might be done with him.
Spoiler: 4-4
How many people can he kill from jail? I wouldn't object to having him turn up in some respect again though,. They already have that interesting rivalry set up between Phoenix and Kristoph after all.

I think that's all the big ones for me.
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Mia, why would we see Valant so soon?
Spoiler: 4-4
He'll be in prison, after all...

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Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title

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Wrestlemania wrote:
Mia, why would we see Valant so soon?
Spoiler: 4-4
He'll be in prison, after all...

Spoiler: 4-4
True, for forging evidence and trying to frame Zak. Adrian was out in six months. Perhaps he'll get a bit more time since he wasn't caught until much later, but I'd still say he'd probably out within a year. Besides the games don't always follow each other closely time wise and usually cover about a year, so I don't see it hard to imagine by the last case he'd be a free man.

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Since Ema will definitely be back, I just hope she's less bitchy this time around...
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I'd love to see Vera and definitely Lamiroir. I wouldn't mind Wocky either!
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Mia_Fey wrote:
Wrestlemania wrote:
Mia, why would we see Valant so soon?
Spoiler: 4-4
He'll be in prison, after all...

Spoiler: 4-4
True, for forging evidence and trying to frame Zak. Adrian was out in six months. Perhaps he'll get a bit more time since he wasn't caught until much later, but I'd still say he'd probably out within a year. Besides the games don't always follow each other closely time wise and usually cover about a year, so I don't see it hard to imagine by the last case he'd be a free man.

Adrian was in the final case of JFA and, timewise, the next case Phoenix would've taken, in T&T.
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Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title
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But the point is that

Spoiler: 2-4, 4-4
Adrian was in jail for less than seven months for the same crime, so if GS5 takes place a year after AA4, then Valant would already be out of prison by the time GS5 started. Also, remember that Valant had already served prison time (he was in the Detention Center seven years before)

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First off, get the staples out of the way:

:hair-flip: :sassy: :hobohodo: :minuki: and :odoroki: are mandatory whether I like it or not.

:kyouya: is most likely, but not a guarantee.

IF :garyuu: is in this, he will be legally declared Mr. Dahlia Hawthorne, I'm sorry.

Now, characters I want from AA in GS5?

:chopchop: :doodle: (Sparky) : These characters were fun. (I am VERY surprised that, with all of Sparky's possible emotes, not one is in the database...)

Characters from PW?

:lana: :jake: - A little Ema Background for Apollo.
:pealshock: :maya: :edgeworth: :gymshoe: :cody: :moe-laugh: :ayame: - Phoenix needs to get his posse bach together. What happened to the guys? What happened with Iris and Phoenix? Did Cody actually grow up to be an actor for the GS5 version of Steel Samurai? How has Moe and the gang fared over the past seven years? Have Pearl and Maya gotten Kurain Village on the map? Finally, the burning question: WHERE THE HELL IS EDGEWORTH!?

:shelly: - It's freaking Shelly de Killer. Maybe the creators picked up the idea for Hakuro de Killer...? Feh, I wish!

Finally, any role changes?

Yeah, I have one: Have Winston be the defendant in a case! See how he feels!
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Hakuro de Killer wrote:
:pealshock: :maya: :edgeworth: :gymshoe: :cody: :moe-laugh: :ayame: - Phoenix needs to get his posse bach together. What happened to the guys? What happened with Iris and Phoenix? Did Cody actually grow up to be an actor for the GS5 version of Steel Samurai? How has Moe and the gang fared over the past seven years? Have Pearl and Maya gotten Kurain Village on the map? Finally, the burning question: WHERE THE HELL IS EDGEWORTH!?

As much as I would love that, I'm pretty sure that that arc is done with.

I realllllyyy want to know what happened though >.< You'd think that a lot of them would keep in touch. Maya seems like she's such a big part of Phoenix's life for her to sort of just disappear.

Edgeworth, too. Hehehe. I'm sure that was also a part of his "secret mission" *grins*
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Writer Awakened wrote:
But the point is that

Spoiler: 2-4, 4-4
Adrian was in jail for less than seven months for the same crime, so if GS5 takes place a year after AA4, then Valant would already be out of prison by the time GS5 started. Also, remember that Valant had already served prison time (he was in the Detention Center seven years before)

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Spoiler: 2-4, 4-4
Varan not ONLY tried to frame Zak, and hide it from the law, but he didn't have a REASON to do so. Adrian wanted revenge. Valant wanted personal gain, as in, the magic.

ALSO, He chose to hide the truth, which he actually KNEW, for 7 years. Adrian didn't know what had happened! She tried to pin the blame on who she THOUGHT did it. Valant KNEW that Zak didn't kill Mangifi.

Next, Valant was also involved in the "murder" from a long time ago. However, I am sure that he would probably be taken OFF these charges once he learned that Trucy's mother was never dead... but he'd put blame on himself partially for what happened. Adrian... well, she didn't really do ANYTHING with the original situation between Matt and Juan. It was Celeste who was the third person.

The point I am making is this: Valant did a LOT more things than Adrian did.
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None of that has any real basis in court. It's merely what he did that counts, not why. I doubt a stronger motive really has anything to do with final sentencing.

The only way this rule is exempt is in the case of:

Self-Defense (Only counts in murder or assault charges, mostly.)
Insanity (Apparently nonexistant in the GS world)
Diplomatic Immunity (also nonexistant)
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You think that his "magic show" ideas would last?

I mean, he DID say...

Spoiler: 4-4
That he grew "tired of these vanishing acts"

Who wants to see Valant WITHOUT a Gramarye background?
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Re: Apollo Justice characters you want to see in GS5 (maybe spoiTopic%20Title

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Wrestlemania wrote:
I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Spoiler: 2-4, 4-4
Varan not ONLY tried to frame Zak, and hide it from the law, but he didn't have a REASON to do so. Adrian wanted revenge. Valant wanted personal gain, as in, the magic.

ALSO, He chose to hide the truth, which he actually KNEW, for 7 years. Adrian didn't know what had happened! She tried to pin the blame on who she THOUGHT did it. Valant KNEW that Zak didn't kill Mangifi.

Next, Valant was also involved in the "murder" from a long time ago. However, I am sure that he would probably be taken OFF these charges once he learned that Trucy's mother was never dead... but he'd put blame on himself partially for what happened. Adrian... well, she didn't really do ANYTHING with the original situation between Matt and Juan. It was Celeste who was the third person.

The point I am making is this: Valant did a LOT more things than Adrian did.

Spoiler: 2-4, 4-4
And revenge isn't personal gain? What did Adrian gain from framing Matt? Satisfaction that she had finally gotten him for what he did to Celeste. Adrian did not know Matt's own crime in regards to Juan and although it crossed her mind that Matt could have done it, she clearly doesn't try to pin the crime on him because she believes he killed Juan. She does it as revenge for Celeste (who killed herself by the way and however horrible Matt was to her, it's unlikely he could have been held responsible for her death in court). Also, Adrian is caught in court and although Valant stayed hidden longer, he comes forward of his own free will. The police are often willing to cut a deal of some sort when the criminal cooperates (as long as the crime isn't too heinous) and this would clear up an old case with a lot of mystery around it. I imagine the cops would be willing to deal to finally close it.

As for Thalassa's "murder," not only is she not dead, but its unclear who fired the bullet that hit her, so it would be difficult to prove anything against Valant there. Since even he doesn't know who "killed", it makes it harder to confess to that (besides we don't know that he planned to tell them any more than about his framing Zak. That was what weighed so heavily on him). Besides Magnifi and Zak were as much responsible for the cover up as Valant and while they can't be held responsible in court for their parts in the cover-up, their crimes don't get added on to Valant's sentence. It doesn't work that way. Besides, the one most responsible for the cover-up is Magnifi and I imagine that Valant would receive very little for it (if he mentions it at all). Adrian got six months, so I still fail to see how under a year is so impossible for Valant's crimes to be paid for in full even with everything included.

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RazeTora wrote:

And I'm just WAITING for theses three in particular:
-Pearls- Will she be the master? WILL SHE!?
-Franny (hopefully doing Adrian)
Oh my GOD. I miss him something AWFUL. I really hope they let him back in in GS5, I really do!

Read the rules please.

EDIT: *facepalm* Did any of you guys even so much as glance at my post? NO PHOENIX WRIGHT CHARACTERS GAWD! Make a seperate topic for that! Or, if you're incapable of such I'll do it for you.
Which Phoenix Wright characters do you want to see in GS5?Topic%20Title
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Post about all related parties in this thread. Not my other one. Capice? :redd:
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Maya (yesss), Pearl, Edgeworth, Fran, and Lana. Definitely Lana.

It would be cool to see the Skye sisters reunited.
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... None of them if it can be avoided. I'd rather those characters remain to be played with in fanfiction and fanart rather than bringing them back into the games. Okay, if they decide to include some PW characters, here are the ones I wouldn't mind seeing... Iris (probably one of the few characters I would be genuinely happy to see in the next game), Edgeworth (I do love him but small role only here), Maya (only if she can manage to stay out of trouble... she doesn't exactly have a good track record there... and has a small role in the game), Pearl (I could see her having a larger role actually although no more spirit channeling in the new series. We're into magic now), Franziska (she must whip the new defense attorney into shape... small role only here as well), and Lana (I was actually disappointed that Ema doesn't even mention her in the game and she was only in 1-5. Another character I would actually be happy to see in the game or at least hear mentioned).
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It disappoints me that people sometimes say that if Maya shows up she's going to get in trouble :yuusaku:. I mean, sure, she got herself into danger more than most people, but she always brightened up otherwise dreary scenes and she always genuinely tried to help out. She always made my day with her silliness, at least :butzthumbs:
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I was 17 when I joined this forum. During this time I participated in a thread that made light of sexual assault and event making jokes about it. I didn't think much of it at the time other than portraying a villain. I am older, looking back see how unacceptable & disgusting. I removed the comments because I do not wish to condone this behaviour. But of course fragments remain. I can only apologise for any hurt of distress caused.
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Hakuro de Killer wrote:
None of that has any real basis in court. It's merely what he did that counts, not why. I doubt a stronger motive really has anything to do with final sentencing.

The only way this rule is exempt is in the case of:

Self-Defense (Only counts in murder or assault charges, mostly.)
Insanity (Apparently nonexistant in the GS world)
Diplomatic Immunity (also nonexistant)

The insanity defense does exist, remember the case where Robert Hammond defended Yanni Yogi?

As for the topic, I'd really like to see Brushel again. I loved his sprites and his appearence, although I find those "end quotes" sometimes very irritating.

We need a Brushel smilie!
Re: Which Phoenix Wright characters do you want to see in GS5?Topic%20Title
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I really miss some characters. The ones I really would want to see would be:

Maya. I really liked her, and I really would hate to see Phoenix just DUMP her. And I know where all those Samurai DVDs came from.

Pearls. She's Trucy's age, and I would just want to see her come and take a visit.

Edgeworth and Larry, just so that we can see them all together again. :P

Gumshoe. But only if he's married to Maggey.

Ron and Dessie DeLite. With a kid.

Godot. Because he's awesome.

Hmm... I don't think I want to see anyone else...
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Re: Which Phoenix Wright characters do you want to see in GS5?Topic%20Title
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It's so sad to say that,I really wanna see in GS5:

*Phoenix Wright.Of course,he's one of my fav lawyers pal! :D

*Maya.She really suits to be in there^^

*Franziska von Karma.Her,what more can I say? I am madly in love with her pal! xD

*Mia.We were truly best friends with her T.T

*Edgeworth.Hehehe *Blush* ^^

*Me.How long have I yearned for being the STAR of GS pal! :D

Those ppl who I need^^
But my Franziska would better be there! :eh?:
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Re: Which Phoenix Wright characters do you want to see in GS5?Topic%20Title
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The Judge's brother, Gumshoe, Edgeworth and Franziska (Apollo needs to get whipped, IMHO) would be the ones that come to mind immediately.

I'd like to see Angel Starr (and maybe Jake Marshall) appear as well.

Maybe Maya and Pearl could have a cameo appearence in one of the cases as well, but that's all (and definitely no spirit channeling or Pearl/Maya in trouble stuff either).

And finally, seeing as I have an itch to play another case like 2-4, Shelly de Killer (I don't doubt he's still around after 8 or so years).

EDIT: I'd like to see one of the murderers from AA/JFA/T&T get accused of another murder in prison (one out of the following: Ini Miney, Luke Atmey, Matt Engarde, Frank Sahwit).

As for Lana being in GS5, I'd have though she'd have been charged with manslaughter over falsifying evidence that lead to an innocent man (Joe Darke) being executed. So I doubt she'll appear.
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