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November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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[This RP is closed to myself and Mitsurugi Reiji. Thanks in advance..]

Raining again...

It had been the third straight day of rain this week, and while normally the pink-clad one disliked such weather, as of late she paid no mind. Each day seemed to meld into the next, and time didn't seem to matter. But why? What sort of abrupt change could have overtaken her?

It's been over two months since Miles left...

Two months prior, Edgeworth had left for England...Having spoken with him prior to that, Yuuka was informed of his reasoning, to start things over. He was sick of things as they were...She could understand his point wholeheartedly, but try as she might, she couldn't convince him to stay. That was part of what ate at her constantly, and partly due to her not fulfilling her promise of finding him "no matter what" quite yet.

She figured he must be content with things now, but she still missed him. All the times they had gone to the arcade, and all their conversations...When something bothered her, she always went to him. And now that he was gone, there was nothing but a void within. And with Franziska gallivanting off with Nick...

I guess I'm all alone again..

She paused in the middle of the sidewalk, unusually lively at this time of night, nearly one in the morning. Moving her umbrella aside, she glanced up at the rain with a heavy sigh. Rain could be construed as rain, pure and simple, but this particular shower reminded her of those in November; cold and unforgiving, and yet warmer than the icy confines of her empty mind. There was nothing she could do now, even if she did go to England, what were the chances of finding him?

But I can't give up completely...

She had long realized that in her mind was a deeper feeling than that of friendship she felt toward him, that much she knew, and that much she had verbalized at one point, merely as a crush. But as the saying went, absence makes the heart grow fonder...But was that really what it was, or just some phase? She wasn't sure, but she knew she at least wanted to see him again.

By now, she had aimlessly wandered in front of a small gift shop that had long since closed. A set of three stoops set before it, the top one untouched by the cold rain. And so, she stepped forward, and settled herself upon it, propping the umbrella against her arm as she drew her knees up, now thankful she had decided to wear jeans and her long pink coat. She looked ahead, chestnut hues empty and devoid of focus.
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. p r o s e c u t o r .

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Rain rain go away, come again another day. We want to go outside and play, come again some other day.

That ridiculous nursery rhyme had been wavering within his mind, the haunting medley looping endlessly as he, Miles Edgeworth, sat within the cab. Shifting uncomfortably he found himself wishing silently that the tune would cease to play but that was a hope to high for even the angels to reach. With a deep sigh he dipped his head to the side, stormy gray hues slipping shut as his head fell against the window. He flinched.


It was a question that he had been avoiding for quite some time. Perhaps he knew the truth and didn’t want to confront it. Or maybe he just didn’t want to learn the truth. But regardless of that Miles found himself back in LA, which was caught in quite a nasty rainstorm. Lightning erupted in the sky, illuminating it for mere seconds. Thunder boomed loudly from all directions making the window, of which his head was upon, rattle.

I shouldn’t … No, I couldn’t …

Soon the cab pulled up to the hotel he would be staying at for the duration of his trip. The demon lifted his head from the glass and turned it to the lone suitcase that sat beside him. He hadn’t packed much as he did not plan on staying long. It was business, and strictly business! Miles had to keep telling himself that and it was becoming nothing more then a chore.

Thanking the cab driver with a tip he slid from the vehicle and strode up to the front doors of the hotel. He didn’t opt to move inside, but instead he just stood there. “I can’t believe I’m back here … again.”
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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You're the only one who really knew me at all..

A song she'd heard once before lingered in the back of her mind, as she finally forced herself to stand once more, umbrella in hand. Possibilities bounced around in her head; She knew it wasn't her fault that he left, but the fact that she didn't do much to stop it... it killed her inside, akin to a disease.

How can you just walk away from me,
When all I can do is watch you leave

Suddenly, she looked to her left, where a cab had stopped, and someone got out, thanking the driver with a tip. Her head tilted; but why would she be so interested? It was probably some stranger...

But....wait! She clearly recognized his voice...Watching him closely, she had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Staring in awe, she couldn't even speak..

Take a look at me now....

She stepped forward, as if in a trance. He probably wouldn't notice her at first, but that was fine. She was now a few feet from him, the corners of her lips tugging upward in a smile. She had to be sure...

Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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He flinched. It had been automatic like a simple responce. He didn't dare turn to the familiar voice at first because he still couldn't decide what to do. Ignore her and continue inside, or pause and re-introduce him. It's been so long. But I don't want to come off as rude.

"Ms. Kaoru Yuuka. Pleasure to see you 'gain." He replied with the slightest hint of a British accent. It suited him well and the demon was quite aware of this; using it to its upmost advantage. Pivoting himself in her direction he leaned down to set the suitcase beside him, a slight smile pursing the ends of his glossy lips.

"I've been meanin' to return ... s'just the business overseas took a bit longer then I had anticipated. Much longer. I do apologize. Bloody wankers can't do a thing right. S'good thing I was there to set them straight." He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as his silver tresses fell over his clouded hues.

"Seeing as the rainin' something awful perhaps we should head inside. We could reaqauint over some tea ... Mm, that'd be ace. Missing that bit about England already." Smiling just so he scooped his briefcase up and stepped over to the front doors, pulling the far left one open for her.
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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Her eyes widened as he addressed her; so he did remember, AND she wasn't seeing things! But something was different...That accent. It was evident that his tenure in England had affected him. But it....did suit him.


She quickly caught herself as she began to feel a blush touch her cheeks, simply putting on her usual smile and nod. A chuckle emitted at "bloody wankers"; something about that phrase always struck her as amusing. "Ne, it's fine Miles."

He seemed calmer, at least in her perception anyway. And even with the accent, he was the same Miles she'd known before he left. As he scooped up his suitcase, she closed her umbrella and skipped ahead as he held the door for her.

"Why thank you, sir." She chuckled, setting the umbrella on a rack to dry, while waiting for him.

"I missed you while you were gone~ But I'm glad you're back!"
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“Your welcome Miss Yuuka.” He replied under his breath as he waited for her to pass though the archway. Fingertips unfurling from about the study metal handle he too passed through, nodding his head as she expressed how she had missed him. He had nothing to reply; instead he let the silence loom about, growing thicker with each passing second.

“…Excuse me a moment.” Stepping through the crowds surmounting in the lobby he made his way for the front desk. Resting his hand atop the wooden desk he gazed at the woman behind the counter, his gray hues sparkling while a slight smile pursed his lips. “Miles Edgeworth. I believe there is a reservation under that name.”

The young woman behind the counter felt her cheeks burn for a moment and she glanced aside to keep the demon from taking note of the color erupting in her face. Swallowing hard she nodded her head, fingers moving rapidly along the keyboard that sat before her. “We do. Your room is on the third floor. Room number 127.” Handing over a metallic keycard she returned the smile he had given her before. “Enjoy your stay here, sir.”

“Of course.” Whirling about he slid the card into the depths of his pocket. Returning to Yuuka’s side within minutes he set his hand upon her shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze. “It’s quite crowded here. Let’s find somewhere a bit quieter.” Letting his hand fall from her he began weaving in and out of the people, moving towards a secluded part of the hotel.
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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She couldn't help but notice the looming silence that filled the air with his lack of reply. But then, that was the way Miles handled things and she didn't expect any different.

She was about to speak when he excused himself, and she nodded, as he headed for the wooden desk. A soft snicker passed her lips as the receptionist succumbed to the demon's natural charm; But who wouldn't? She saw Miles take a keycard, as he thanked the woman and put it in his pocket. Within minutes, he was at her side again, and her cheeks erupted in that light pink again as he squeezed her shoulder.

"Okay Miles." She managed to find her voice and smile, following quickly behind him, lest she get lost. Though she had stayed in town, she hadn't been to this hotel; She had no reason to. Eventually, she caught up with him again, looping her arm around his. It brought back memories of their times together before he left.

"So how was it in England....? Besides the...uhm...'bloody wankers'?" She chuckled softly.
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Miles strode through what seemed like an infinite number of people, which was simple enough at first though became much of a problem when Kaoru chimed in with a question about his exploits in England. He stepped back a bit and waiting until she was moving alongside him before he spoke. Lack-luster hues fell down upon the brunette and he blew out a sigh, making a brief motion with his right hand. “It was beautiful back in England. Much nicer then it is out ‘ere. No comparison.” He shook his head not quite believing that last line. What did it matter though? Some things were better forgotten. “It is very different though and I s’pose I can’t ‘onestly compare the two places.”

He paused, trailing off as he reached the pair of wooden doors that lead into the restaurant. Gripping the brass handle firm he pulled it open and escorted the young woman inside. “I don’t know though. I ‘ave missed being ‘ere … if not just a bit.” Nodding his head he blew out a sigh. Miles Edgeworth was home but could he still call this place home? Probably not and there in itself was the sad part. He wanted to return and to remain in L.A. but it hurt. Franziska.

Shaking the feelings he offered a smile down to Kaoru. “Now. Now. It isn’t polite for me to just ramble on … ‘nough ‘bout me.” He stepped to a table far off in the room that was pressed up against the window. “Tell me, ‘ow ‘ave you been?”
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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A smirk pursed her lips. How did she know he would say something like that? But something was off about the way he said it, she just couldn't place it. Then again, she knew what he felt. It was like comparing L.A. to Kyoto. And like it hurt for him to stay in L.A., it would do the same to her if she stayed in Kyoto. And was beginning to hurt to stay here, too.

They say misery loves company.

Being lead into the restaurant, she thought about what he said, how he missed being here just a little bit. The reason why he left didn't need to be asked; it was rather obvious, she had been there when it happened.

And oddly, the two of them had a similar experience; cast asiide. Though he was cast aside for another, and she was simply....abandoned.

I'm sorry Larry disappeared on you... She still remembered Nick's words. They didn't help...Especially when she learned that the goofy male panicked when telling Nick things had begun to get serious. She had gotten over the sadness, but resentment still remained.

She looked up at Miles as he smiled, returning the gesture as she linked an arm around his. It was easy to say she was fine; unfortunately, Miles could read her like one of his favorite books.

"'s been really lonely..I've...erm. Kinda been abandoned. Heh.."
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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" ... abandoned." Miles repeated as he cast a glance outside the window with no intention of gazing at a single thing. Instead he found himself looking at his reflection in the glass ... the demon cringing before staring down at the table. "I'm not goin' to be 'ere very long so I might as well ... might as well apologize now. I didn't mean to abandon you as well. Not leavin' a name. No address."

Miles looked up at her and offered a small smile though it faded just as quickly as it came. "Why don't we do somethin', like 'ol times. 'Least make up for what time we've lost."
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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[Watchin' you]

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Yuuka watched the demon intently as he gazed toward the window, cringing at his own reflection before staring at the table. She slumped slightly, being reminded of him just....taking off. While Franziska and Nick had taken his leaving alright, Yuuka hadn't; she didn't understand why or where he went, and so she couldn't follow him like she had promised once....
And seeing how he wouldn't be here long, she had to at least make up for it.
"I'd like that, Miles." She replied, smiling. "Maybe we could go to the arcade again...."
Re: November Rain [closed]Topic%20Title
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Miles nodded his head with a brief sigh, his clouded gaze shifting from the window and to the young woman sitting across from him. His lips curled upwards into that of a smile and he pushed his chair back a bit. So much for tea. “The arcade?” He repeated, pondering the though over in his head. It was fun enough the first time around, so why not give it another go? He had nothing better to do with his time now seeing as the wankers down at the Precinct were rather slow with preparing his work. “Sure. I could go for that. Let off some steam.”

He stood up, nudging the chair back. “I wonder if this hotel has an arcade …” He trailed off, not doubting the fact that it very well could have its own closet arcade. It would be much better then going to some kid-infested hellhole. “Let’s look around.”
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
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