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Re: Character TYPE you would like to see?Topic%20Title
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Watatata~! wrote:
Deaf witness.

Importance of case involves a sound... of course.

And exactly how are you supposed to cross-examine him/her? :knock-knock:[/quote]
How'd we cross-examine someone blind? D:
Re: Character TYPE you would like to see?Topic%20Title
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Needs more Black man. Image
Seriously, I'd like to see more dark skinned people. The only slightly dark skinned people I can think of is, Zak Gramarye, Acro and Godot.

:odoroki: :Don't worry Mr Mann, I'll prove it wasn't you.

Image :DAMN, I didn't kill nobody. You gotta save me Mr. lawer guy.

Image :DAMN, man do your bracelet thingy on him.

:odoroki: :Uh... OK...

(As you can tell I never got that gig as a GS writer...)
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Magnifi could be passed off as a black man if you ask me. :Temsai: (not stereotyping at all, I'm just pointing out that he has REALLY dark skin)
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Someone who thinks they're a vampire or werewolf or some type of supernatural creature.

Character: I wasn't anywhere near the scene because I was changing into my wolf form.

Apollo: HOLD IT! What are you talking about? There's no such thing as werewolves!

Character: How dare you?! Would you say ghosts don't exist?!

Apollo: Well, yeah. (That's kinda what I was getting at...)

Then HoboPheonix bursts into the courtroom: OBJECTION!
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well we got to play as :phoenix: , :edgeworth: , :odoroki: , and mia. i would like to play as maya and do some medium things lol

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theatrejunkie wrote:
Someone who thinks they're a vampire or werewolf or some type of supernatural creature.

Character: I wasn't anywhere near the scene because I was changing into my wolf form.

Apollo: HOLD IT! What are you talking about? There's no such thing as werewolves!

Character: How dare you?! Would you say ghosts don't exist?!

Apollo: Well, yeah. (That's kinda what I was getting at...)

Then HoboPheonix bursts into the courtroom: OBJECTION!

lol that would be a great character to play as

Strong bonds are what leads us to Justice!
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I'm with the people who say Multiple personality (have the personalities know about each others' existance but not what they are like). Also give them a notebook that they always carry and have them write down everything (so when they switch personalities the other ones will know what's going on).

First personality= :uramidn: + :franny: + :grey:
Second Personality= :godot: + :kyouya: + :maya: (don't know why)
Third= :pearl: + :doodle: + :shelly:

That is what I want the next prosecutor to be like.
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I would like a kind of prosecutor that is overconfident, not like Godot, but seriously overconfident in his abilities. But in reality he/she is really good, and will manipulate the entire court- witnesses, jurists(?), the Judge, and Apollo, just to get the guilty verdict (kind of like what Phoenix did in 1-5, the final day of court, y'know, cuz I don't want to say any spoilers...). Like, he knows everything, seems like he is always in control, and the only person who can see through his intricately woven web of connections, twisted words, and ambiguous statements is Phoenix.

I also would want a main villain who would be sociopathic, hell-bent on getting revenge on Apollo/the main character, and will kill and torture anybody Apollo cares about to see him suffer.

Wow. I am really getting hung up on this sociopath idea.
Whoever said nothing was impossible obviously never tried to close a revolving door.
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"Cornered music plays"
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Well sociopaths make great villains, they just do, no clue why. Actually making the prosecutor the sociopath would be a good idea, especially if they were the main villain, aka murderer in several cases which the criminal wasn't found until final case- have the reason they weren't found out be they hid the evidence that would have incriminated them. Bonus points if an innocent person ends up being sent to jail in one of the cases because of the hidden evidence.
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Bronze Samurai

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I'm with whoever said a prosecutor who was a sociopath or who had mutiple personalities (and had one just for court) who was the main villan.
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A bookworm.

:3 I think it'd be fun to have a prosecutor who always has a book in front of him or her, and then when you present something wrong, he or she could just ignore you, being absorbed in the book and say something like, "Hmm? Oh, did you say something, Mr. Attorney? Well, it probably wasn't important anyway, seeing as how the evidence you've provided is completely irrelevant."

Then the judge could say something, and BAM. Penalty.

Also, the multiple personalities thing sounds cool. ;D
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A hypersomniac (someone who can fall asleep whenever they close their eyes for long periods of time), a schizophreniac (hears voices, hallucinates, etc.), or a germophobe (because that's just funny.).
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I say cranky old person in wheel chair

OROR umm a REALLY girly girl (I know there's already some but YEAH..)

And I know this sounds perverted but I swear I'm not trying to be, more little kids. I mean we got Cody and Pearls... and then what?
Spoiler: 4-4
Vera and Trucy in the flash back yeah but, that was a flash back

Re: Character TYPE you would like to see?Topic%20Title


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A character with selective mutism.
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I would love to have a completely optomistic person who thinks everything will turn out great but also hangs out with a totally pesimistic person ^_^
And a actor/actress who is a witness. It would be soo hard to cross examine a atcor.actress.
Finally a dolphin who can be a witness Since Edgeworth is a dolphin wisperer he could translate ^_~
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An actor wouldn't be hard to cross examine unless you had to use the percieve system and that wouldn't even be hard unless they are a good actor.

However percieve is like a superpower so they would still not be so difficult to deal with.
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All I REALLY want to see is a new prosecutor that will totally kick Apollo's ass. xD

What I mean is... Klavier was WAY too nice. Apollo needs a prosecutor that will really make him have to work for his verdict. Like a Von Karma. It will help him develop as a defense attorney and as a character.
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Mr. Ygrrjfjdosowhatever

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Here's an idea that's pretty unheard of: What if there was a prosecutor who was exactly the opposite of von Karma - he actually tries to lose, but he's such an incredible prosecutor that he wins every time by accident, and has a perfect record which he is constantly trying to end. Sort of like Fortune of MGS2, in a way.

Perhaps this could be combined with the multiple personalities thing. As in, maybe having one personality that will do anything to win, while the other wants him to lose, or at least doesn't care.
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^^ Good idea.
:odoroki: = Apollo
:minuki: = Prosector who is opposite of Von Karma

:odoroki: Why can't I beat you? The defendant is innocent!
:minuki: I know that but for some reason I just can't lose
:odoroki: Why?
:minuki: I don't know, the judge won't let me
:udgy: Don't blame this on me
:minuki: You always say the defendant is guilty for some reson
:udgy: You're the one who prooves to me the defendant is guilty
:minuki: Do I?
:udgy: Yes
:minuki: Why won't I break my perfect win record!
:odoroki: I'll help you.... he...he...he...

LuminousXMI wrote:
An actor wouldn't be hard to cross examine unless you had to use the percieve system and that wouldn't even be hard unless they are a good actor.

However percieve is like a superpower so they would still not be so difficult to deal with.

But the actor would be used to hiding any twitches or habits. He would convince himself that he actually didn't commit the murder so in his mind he isn't lieing and therefore won't have any habits :redd:
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Acting and fooling yourself are very different, one of the things about the twitches is they could be subconcious or even outside their control. The fact is the actor would not be able to lie to themselves to get rid of something they aren't aware of.
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acing and fooling yourself maybe different but they can be linked and in order to act one must make them selves believe they are who they are pretending to be and in order to do that one must fool themselves into thinking the are who they are pretending be and a good actor.actress should be very good at this technique :shoe:
If Apollo was to cross examine a actor it wouldn't be easy. A actor knows how to hide subconsiouss titches because if they didn't then they wouldn't be a good actor, they wouldn't be able to act if everytime they spoke they touched the back of their neck or something. :keiko:
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First even if they could hide not do something like that there would still be a physical response when they lied, that's what happens when someone lies, and that tension is supposedly what triggers the percieve ability. Kristoph didn't have any sort of movement when he was found out though the percieve system, it was out of his control and it would have been for an actor too, no matter how good. An actor trying to hide that may end up moving their hand to make sure that no one sees where it is. This would in itself be a significant giveaway for the percieve system.

Then even if I were to concede that they could hide from the percieve system that way, you still are making the flawed assumption that being a good actor means they are good liars, or that they can come up with a lie that will not contradict the evidence. Actors can be convincing in movies because there they are playing a role for one, therefor they are not making something up (the writer does that for them). Secondly they have don't have too worry about contradicting evidence because there isn't any evidence to the contrary of what they say. Then finally they are usually acting out the story not telling it.
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Good point bout percieving ^-^ I guess no one could get through that :P
I act, (yay another play this month :keiko: ) and one thing a actress must kno is to be convincing, when you lie you have to be convincing. Just by pretending to be someone else you are lying, to the audience you are the character but the truth is that your yourself. When you testify you tell a story, when you act you tell a story.
Anyway the point of their being a actor/actress would be the amazing costumes ^-^
Just realised there was already a actors in GS :will: so I think what would be nice would a actress ^-^
Thanks Christie so much for Pearl which I adopted from her :3 Yay Christie
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spr fckn srs peepz

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Honestly, I wish we'd have a non-polarizing prosecutor.

Early Edgeworth was meh (lol gumshoe you suck lol oh wait i lost CRAWWWWWLING IN MY SKIN), later Edgeworth was annoying (I know what happened but I'll be DAMNED if I let you know what it is because I'm a dick), Franziska sucked balls (oh hey look I'm cheating and everyone lets me because stfu i whip u lol), Godot was a stupid character concept gone mad and Klavier didn't fucking care (oh hey look I lost meh whatever I have my MILLIONS OF FANS AND DOLLAH DOLLAH BILLS Y'ALL to console me in my time of need).

How about a NORMAL GUY as prosecutor? Someone who does his job, who truly believes your client is guilty, and will use anything within the rules to do so. Never loses his composure unless something really critical happens, so Apollo can't get a good read on the guy.

Not a complete douchebag, not a cakewalk like Klavier... just, y'know a normal, run of the mill prosecutor, no gimmicks, no frills, no cheating, final destination. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
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Wrestler Hatman wrote:
Honestly, I wish we'd have a non-polarizing prosecutor.

Early Edgeworth was meh (lol gumshoe you suck lol oh wait i lost CRAWWWWWLING IN MY SKIN), later Edgeworth was annoying (I know what happened but I'll be DAMNED if I let you know what it is because I'm a dick), Franziska sucked balls (oh hey look I'm cheating and everyone lets me because stfu i whip u lol), Godot was a stupid character concept gone mad and Klavier didn't fucking care (oh hey look I lost meh whatever I have my MILLIONS OF FANS AND DOLLAH DOLLAH BILLS Y'ALL to console me in my time of need).

How about a NORMAL GUY as prosecutor? Someone who does his job, who truly believes your client is guilty, and will use anything within the rules to do so. Never loses his composure unless something really critical happens, so Apollo can't get a good read on the guy.

Not a complete douchebag, not a cakewalk like Klavier... just, y'know a normal, run of the mill prosecutor, no gimmicks, no frills, no cheating, final destination.

Firstly I have to present a question. What is normal? The answer is that as for people normal can't really be defined, save one exception, boring. Quirks help make a person interesting. You need negative and positive traits (not so many positive with a rival), as it turns out having one of the more important characters as a flat character is not wise. Honestly "normal" would not be good because, I'll say it again the only way to get even close to normal is to minimize a character's depth. Even within your parameters for normal this person is still seriously lacking in depth. Honestly even the victims have more character depth!
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spr fckn srs peepz

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LuminousXMI wrote:
Firstly I have to present a question. What is normal? The answer is that as for people normal can't really be defined, save one exception, boring. Quirks help make a person interesting. You need negative and positive traits (not so many positive with a rival), as it turns out having one of the more important characters as a flat character is not wise. Honestly "normal" would not be good because, I'll say it again the only way to get even close to normal is to minimize a character's depth. Even within your parameters for normal this person is still seriously lacking in depth. Honestly even the victims have more character depth!

So, character depth means having annoying character fixtures? A gimmick? A schtick? Lemme tell you that's not character depth, it's tools you use when you have no character depth to speak of and you need your audience to resonate with the character. Hell, I found Edgeworth meh but he still had some sort of character. The rest? Throwaways. The lot of them. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
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A quirk is an odd habit which helps make a person stand out so yes it does give them some sort of depth, also your'e assuming all quirks are annoying, which may be true for you in which case you are a very ill tempered individual.

The fact of the matter is the more you know someone the less normal they are, no one is normal. When you give a character depth they become different, abnormal, the opposite of what you're saying you want. In fact I'd say character depth is in esscense abnormality in the fact that they have quite a bit known about them (what makes them tic, how they act, history)
every part makes them kind of wierd (opposite of normal).

Godot has depth
Motivation: self hate + denial with Mia's depth (shown through his hate of Nick and resultant hostility), Making up for letting Mia die/ loathing Dahlia
History: was a great defense attorney, who after Terry's case investigated Dahlia and was poisoned which put him in a coma and when he woke up someone very important to him was dead.

Franziska has depth
Motivation: obsession with perfection, percieved need to live up to her father's reputation (or the von Karma name) and desire to defeat Edgeworth
History: prosecutor at age of 13, always beaten by Edgeworth, had Manfred as a parent (not much is known about his parenting style but we can probably infer something based on how he acts towards Nick)

Klavier, well I don't care about proving he has depth.
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spr fckn srs peepz

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LuminousXMI wrote:
Franziska has depth
Motivation: obsession with perfection, percieved need to live up to her father's reputation (or the von Karma name) and desire to defeat Edgeworth
History: prosecutor at age of 13, always beaten by Edgeworth, had Manfred as a parent (not much is known about his parenting style but we can probably infer something based on how he acts towards Nick)

Bolded parts mean wha-huh? Didn't see that in game and I'm gonna need a quote before believing those. Also, 2 and 3 had bullshit motivations for "defeating Phoenix Wright". It's not even so much the surrealism of the entire thing than the fact that you have two characters that are fixated on Phoenix for barely supportable reasons and honestly, it feels more like "Oh we're fixated on Phoenix because we kinda have to in order to justify our presence there." At least this is the feeling the writing gives me, and especially in 3 because it's specified that Godot's a no show if Phoenix can't go. At least it seemed like with the first one, Edgeworth didn't specifically choose the cases just because Phoenix took 'em. It just happened that way.

'sides, normal doesn't have to mean boring. Just someone that isn't "ZOMG I MUST DEFEAT YOU APOLLO!" nor "Hey Apollo here's the case I don't really care lol". Something that isn't in the extremes. Unless you really believe they can't pull off something like this in these modern times, where the art of nuance is dead. - Because the only fantasy worlds I like are those I write myself.
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Yeah I agree that klaviers attitude kind of sucks and having a person obsessed with beating some person they just met is pathetic. However I must say just because they are sort of a loser (or just desperately needs to get their prioritites straight) in your eyes that doesn't mean they have no depth.

Spoiler: that quote you wanted
von Karma:
You've always... You've always
left me alone and walked on
ahead without me.

von Karma:
Miles Edgeworth...
I've always hated you.


von Karma:
And then... Finally, my chance
to take my revenge on you

von Karma:
If I could win against that
man... If I could make Phoenix
Wright bow down in defeat...

von Karma:
Then this "girl" you left
behind would have risen higher
than you!

Got that quote from the Justice For All script. :franny:

Godot is a no show if Mr. Nick isn't defending cause he is thoroughly obsessed with revenge/ fooling himself and has absolutely no interest in anyone else because he couldn't blame them. Godot only became a prosecutor to make things difficult for Nick.

Let's be honest they may not have good motivations, but not everyone has great motivations.
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Ace Attorney is all about quirks. Who'd want every character to be like Penny Nichols minus the Steel Samurai fangirlism?
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This may sound stupid and probably would never happen but, here's my idea. The defense being the Judge and Damon Gant being the prosecutor.
At the end of case 5 of the first game Gant says "It's the beginning of a new era" or something like that. Could this have been a hint? Don't ask why this is in a spoiler box...
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LuminousXMI wrote:
Yeah I agree that klaviers attitude kind of sucks and having a person obsessed with beating some person they just met is pathetic. However I must say just because they are sort of a loser (or just desperately needs to get their prioritites straight) in your eyes that doesn't mean they have no depth.

Oh, come on. Both Franziska and Klavier were horribly flat and boring characters. After having them seen for a minute, you've seen all of them. The same could kind of be said of Godot, but at least his gimmick was kind of amusing and slightly different every time.

EDIT: That reminds me, "depth" comes from crazy places. I always thought Spark Brushel was incredibly surprising, as by the end of 4-4 he has solved everything Phoenix has. And more. Now that's some hidden depths right there.
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Wrestler Hatman wrote:
How about a NORMAL GUY as prosecutor? Someone who does his job, who truly believes your client is guilty, and will use anything within the rules to do so. Never loses his composure unless something really critical happens, so Apollo can't get a good read on the guy.

Not a complete douchebag, not a cakewalk like Klavier... just, y'know a normal, run of the mill prosecutor, no gimmicks, no frills, no cheating, final destination.

We already have one of those. His name is Winston Payne. :pft:

Anyway, I'd like to see a hobo character (besides Phoenix), who regularly takes a swig out of a bottle and hiccoughs a lot.... (somehow I doubt that this would make it past the censors, but still, I can dream).
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Tinker wrote:
EDIT: That reminds me, "depth" comes from crazy places. I always thought Spark Brushel was incredibly surprising, as by the end of 4-4 he has solved everything Phoenix has. And more. Now that's some hidden depths right there.

Yeah, and he managed it despite seemingly never listening to anyone. He's pretty awesome.
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Erm... I plead the fifth?

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Uno dos tres cuatro cinco-cinco seis

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A cute, dorky witness who had a crush on the victim. :maya: Dunno why.
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uh, objection?

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I want to see Pearl :pealshock:
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Wait Franziska has no depth?

A girl who had grown under a roof of great expectations which she was never able to reach. In the end she became unstable. She acted as thought she were high and mighty, but when faced with authority she showed she was weak. She hid behind a mask of Von Karma and whip to gain attention, to gain praise. In reality she was weak, easily jealous, clingy and easily influenced. Her GOAL in life was to live up to everyone's expectations. She knew she could never do that. She even said that she was never as smart as everyone thought she was. But then came someone who wasn't a Von Karma but still surpassed her, Franziska got jealous and always wished to catch up with him and try to defeat him. But she never could.

Godot has depth too. I don't understand where the idea that those two are flat. They have more depth than Phoenix and at LEAST on par with Edgeworth. Capcom put a lot of thought into these prosecutors, I'm sure they know what they're doing.

As for characters I hope to see:

A weak and childish defendant who is blamed because (s)he is the only one with motive to do so. In reality, the murder is a friend who is very protective and madly in love with the defendant and wanted to protect the defendant, so they killed the victim.

For a prosecutor, maybe someone who is very set in their ways and stubborn. They immediately choose the defendant is guilty, no matter what. This person will never change their views and demands that everyone shares their ideas. This person is also very whiny and will not shut up if you do not agree with them. This person does not cheat, but this person knows how to manipulate the thoughts of the jury members. They can sway the hearts of these jury members, but they never give any evidence. They just do whatever they can to appeal to the jurry. Apollo always comes with lots of evidence, but he still cannot defeat this prosecutor, since he is able to make the jury turn a blind eye to all of the evidence. This person is untouchable with no criminal record, and does community service and yada yada. Perfect citizen who is able to win the hearts of the jury.
Thank you ILoveMaxGalactica* for the signature~
Re: Character TYPE you would like to see?Topic%20Title
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The Glimmerous Fop

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I want a villain like Sosuke Aizen from Bleach. Someone like a mastermind whose plans are well though off, critical at making decisions and is successful at hiding his true intent. And to spice things up, make this guy a mayor or any government official of some sort holding political power. The villain can do his acts by being a friend to Wright and Co., helping them out while making them scapegoats in the end.
Re: Character TYPE you would like to see?Topic%20Title

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aquajet16 wrote:
I want a villain like Sosuke Aizen from Bleach. Someone like a mastermind whose plans are well though off, critical at making decisions and is successful at hiding his true intent. And to spice things up, make this guy a mayor or any government official of some sort holding political power. The villain can do his acts by being a friend to Wright and Co., helping them out while making them scapegoats in the end.

Don't we already have someone kinda like this? :garyuu:

Besides the whole "mayor or government official or some sort holding political power", :garyuu: is what you described.

Spoiler: 4-1 and 4-4
"Someone like a mastermind whose plans are well though off": Had the trial of Vera Misham not been under the Jurist system, :garyuu: would have gotten away with almost everything.

"critical at making decisions": He was the best defence attorney around once Phoenix was gone, so he must have been incredible at cross examination.

"successful at hiding his true intent": three words for you. UNBREAKABLE PSYCHE LOCKS

"The villain can do his acts by being a friend to Wright and Co., helping them out while making them scapegoats in the end": He defended Phoenix when he lost his badge and helped Apollo in his first case, while he was in truth the culprit behind both of these incidents.
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