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Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title


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I have a little dilemma for all of you. Does anyone else find it strange that, after a year of hiding, Edgeworth suddenly comes out of hiding the day before a trial. After that, the next morning, Franziska is suddenly shot outside the courtroom, and Edgeworth just comes in after that, knowing everything about it? I smell a rat.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

Witty filler.

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Well, let's see:

1) Shelly de Killer was the one who shot Franziska. Shelly de Killer has practically no links to Edgeworth, unless you're suggesting that Edgeworth hired him, which is also silly. Why? It's not like Edgeworth had some special reason to want to prosecute.

2) It could be what we call "narrative coincidence" or "deus ex machina." They wanted to explain what happened to Edgeworth, explore his mentality, and explain the theme of the game (Justice for all). They had one case, so they brought Edgeworth back so most of the morality parts could take place in court. Also supports the whole friendship theme.
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Friendly Neighborhood Naruhodou

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I think it was implied that Edgeworth had been watching Phoenix from afar, so to speak. When he found out about this case, I suppose he considered it the appropriate time to reveal himself to Phoenix.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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People have already gone into the deeper story aspects of it that really make it memorable, so instead of rehashing that, I'll talk about it from another perspective: the writing was excellent.

Gumshoe was my favorite character in PW1, and I though that he was almost dull in the first three cases, which disappointed me very much. Sadshoe But boy, he made up for it in this one. Great lines, great story role, and he looked funny at the end. Detective Gumshoe And while some people hate Oldbag, I find her hilarious. I loved her diatribe to Phoenix about "Are you what you wanted to be when you were five? No? Then why should I be held accountable for my testimony changing?" (very, very rough paraphrase) I thought her new uniform was especially funny. Wendy Oldbag "Hotti" made a funny return appearance too. Dr? Hotti

The first three cases are also loaded with typos, which really annoyed me at times.Dr. Grey But this one has almost none. I guess the proofreader was awake for this one. And the general courtroom drama just is more exciting than the first three cases. This is partly due to better story and Edgeworth's return, but the writing in general seemed sharper and the back-and-forth between Phoenix, Udgey, and Edgeworth was more intense than the first three cases. And there were some funny lines in the courtroom. The judge was perhaps more lovably clueless than he has ever been Judge, and I cracked up at Phoenix saying "Baseballs have stitches! Footballs are made of leather!" There were some great sprites, too - like de Killer's radio exploding and Adrian's glasses shattering.

Anyway, the deeper parts of this case have been discussed a lot - defending a guilty client, the story was interesting, Adrian is one of the best-developed minor characters so far. But in addition to this, I also think it's probably the funniest case in Justice for All.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

Friendly Neighborhood Naruhodou

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I love how Edgeworth is the only character in the game who actually thinks Hotti is the real director.

Edgeworth Dr? Hotti
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The Law 'Shark'

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Was Edgeworth NOT involved in the special De-Killer Hunting task force?

I was under the slight impression he was being enlisted/volunteering in order to assist the capture of the assassin - otherwise there was no good reason for him to talk about having such ties to such a group in the first place.

that may not be his whole reason for being absent for a whole year, but it explains his connection to the case somewhat in that he was there FOR the purpose initially of tracking down De Killer with them.

...maybe we're past that in the conversation, but whatever! Think
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Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title
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For some reason, I dont like case 4. i dreaded replaying it. dont know why. this is fun to watch though: :scratch:
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Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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person132 wrote:
I think it was implied that Edgeworth had been watching Phoenix from afar, so to speak. When he found out about this case, I suppose he considered it the appropriate time to reveal himself to Phoenix.

I'm pretty sure that when they showed Edgeworth at the airport talking on the phone to Gumshoe, he was reading about Phoenix in that newspaper. Or at least, that's a common theory.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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Phantom Phoenix wrote:
person132 wrote:
I think it was implied that Edgeworth had been watching Phoenix from afar, so to speak. When he found out about this case, I suppose he considered it the appropriate time to reveal himself to Phoenix.

I'm pretty sure that when they showed Edgeworth at the airport talking on the phone to Gumshoe, he was reading about Phoenix in that newspaper. Or at least, that's a common theory.
I'd consider it fact. If you look closely at the paper itself, you'll see Franziska herself on it.

Now who has Franziska been hunting after in legal circles? :sal:

So, yes, Edgeworth was watching from afar the way I feel. Though I think he'd have taken any opportunity after the third case to have done it: the soonest case preferably.

Cripes, Edgeworth really felt like a guardian angel in that case, while still feeling like an outright obnoxious braggart in court. It's a shame how he overshadowed Franziska then, save in everyone's favourite Deus Ex moment of the case.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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i don't play the game but... the fact that wavy gravy :enguard!: hires :shelly: to kidnap :maya: seems surspicious from the begining

yea, i know shelly wants to 'protect his assassins honor' but still...
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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MatEngard wrote:
i don't play the game but... the fact that wavy gravy :enguard!: hires :shelly: to kidnap :maya: seems surspicious from the begining

yea, i know shelly wants to 'protect his assassins honor' but still...
Not only would it not seem so drastically suspicious, it would also be nigh-on impossible to piece together at that time.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title
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MatEngard wrote:
i don't play the game but... the fact that wavy gravy :enguard!: hires :shelly: to kidnap :maya: seems surspicious from the begining

yea, i know shelly wants to 'protect his assassins honor' but still...

Matt never hired Shelly to kidnap Maya, Shelly did kidnapped Maya to force Phoenix into defending Matt in court.
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it is when you look underneath the underneath
It's not a hole in the wall. It is a wall surrounding a hole.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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khaaan! wrote:
MatEngard wrote:
i don't play the game but... the fact that wavy gravy :enguard!: hires :shelly: to kidnap :maya: seems surspicious from the begining

yea, i know shelly wants to 'protect his assassins honor' but still...

Matt never hired Shelly to kidnap Maya, Shelly did kidnapped Maya to force Phoenix into defending Matt in court.

Yeah, he kidnapped Maya because Matt was being framed for the murder. And Shelly said he always makes sure that his clients are never accused of the crime, or something like that. Maya was the reason that Phoenix took the case.
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Yeah. I'm a sucker for that kind of thing, I always get really emotionally attached to the storyline and the angstier it is, the more I love it.

You know what was interesting, though? My brother read a walkthrough and then attempted to spoil me several times. (I just went LALALALAALALALA on him). Naïve as I was, I really believed Matt was innocent. My brother told me about the two endings- how in one Matt was guilty and in the other Adrian was guilty, but that's all he said.

So I thought I had to get Matt convicted even though he was innocent o_O In my mind, De Killer was acting alone, hahaha. I'm so clueless. Well that did make me very distraught. I was actually very relieved when Matt revealed his true self, cuz then I could go GUILTY on him without feeling guilty myself XD
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

Friendly Neighborhood Naruhodou

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Something I noticed when playing case 4 over recently:

Only one part of the game is completely truthful; it sees through Matt's deception from the very beginning and tries to warn you that the case is not all it seems to be.

The music.

In the other two cases with investigation, the Detention Center always plays the "Jailor's Elegy", IIRC. In case 4, talking to Matt Enguarde uses "Search - In the Midst 2002", a track exclusive to Case 4 and played only when talking to Matt and when questioning Adrian on the first day of investigation, when she appears to be the murderer. Anyone who evokes that theme must be suspicious.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

L Lawliet

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I was spoiled beforehand but the emotions of the case really got me. What was the best point during the case was when Phoenix had to choose between guilty and not guilty.

The end of the game was pretty sweet. What Maya drew really struck me and well I've read it's a nice foreshadowing of the third game or something. Looking forward to it!

What was the worst was when... Adrain cried helplessly. Even though this was obviously a game, I felt really bad for her. But I'm glad things turned out fine.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title

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this for me was also my fav case in the 2nd game wud have been perfect if it had the music from the first game instead lol , anyway it was gr8 coz it kept me on the edge of my seat and when u had to pick wheather adrain was guilty or not guilty i had to really think it throught coz i got so attached to her and other charecters , also cool thing was figuring stuff out b4 phoneix did :D , but overall brillent case , also with edgeworth when he said to ardain " i dnt care if you choose death just give me your testimony first " i was like ouch thats harsh but best case in whole of 2nd game for sure
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Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title


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I thought Case 4 was just awesome. I was indeed prepared for it to be generic, I really thought it was going to be a rip-off of the Steel Samurai case from 1-3.. ho-hum. And then.. Maya is kidnapped! Whoa! I really thought there was something odd about that.

I thought Adrian was the initial murderer. She confesses to the crime, but there is another twist in the tail. Holy bananas, Batman! And it is genuinely emotional (this may be to do with Maya getting kidnapped, and Phoenix being torn between saving his friend and what he knows to be "right"). Having to defend the bad guy was a great twist and the case was very well done.
I honestly did not see Matt being the bad guy and was shocked by the kidnapping.

As for the suicide note, at first (when I saw Matt as the bad guy) I thought Celeste hadnt comitted suicide at all, but had been killed by Matt.
And yes, I still believed in Matt right up to the end. Initially I thought it was Adrian's fault, why on earth couldnt Matt speak for himself?

What :maya: did at the end was so sweet :)

To whoever mentioned the music, thats very good thinking. I didnt notice that!

The bad ending leaves a shadow of :hobohodo: (Or got me thinking).

Spoilered to be safe.
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in regard to Dr. Mancusio post about picking guilty or not guilty i picked not guilty becasue at the time i was so intent on saving maya i didnt think about anything else. I know i prob seem like a bad person lol
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Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title


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I picked guilty because at that time I couldn't picture Maya being REALLY angry. A world in which my best friend was so hurt and sad wouldn't be worth living :(
Did you at first think Adrian was the murderer? At first I thought Adrian was the Dee Vasquez of this case, Adrian and Juan had maybe had a fight because Juan was angry at Adrian for controlling his friend/rival Matt (rival or not, they still could have respect for each other), and Juan was intending to kill Adrian, but Adrian killed in self defense.
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I definitely loved this case, especially for its difficulty. HOWEVER! It has a fatal contradiction. (Haha, I just couldn't resist!)

When Phoenix visits Matt and takes him on as a client, he asks him point blank (as he usually does): did you kill him? And Matt says no. No Psyche-Lock or anything.

Maybe this is worded differently in the Japanese version, but I know that when you hire someone to kill someone else, legally, that makes you the killer. Therefore, even when he revealed himself to be the evil jerk he was, I still didn't think he did it. It was an impossibility to me.

That was the only thing that I was a little bothered by in the game. In the end I resolved it in my mind by saying that Matt basically told the truth, just not the whole truth. It still isn't quite right, though.

Franziska is actually one of my favourite characters so I welcomed an opportunity for her to develop. :franny:

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Matt basically told the truth - to the letter. "I didn't kill anyone!". That doesn't mean he told the "whole" truth though (as Phoenix works out, if Matt is innocent, why the kidnapping?). But when he said "I didn't kill anyone" he means it in the literal sense of not doing the deed himself. That doesn't mean he's not a bad person, something the game hides from us until the last moment. That's whats clever.
As for Psyche Locks, they tell if a person is holding secrets AFAIK, not if theyre lying.
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Yeah, that seems to be the argument that the game implies, too. It just made me feel a little bit betrayed by the Magatama.

I guess it doesn't really detect the lies as such, but that's certainly how Nick uses the device--he basically goes around asking questions and if someone goes "uh, I was asleep", and locks appear, then he knows something's up. And Matt was definitely hiding something! Of course, a later question would reveal that with the crazy amount of locks (quite a sight!). :ack:
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Case 4 is embodied by the emotion is evokes by both the player and the people in the game itself.

It's an emotional roller-coaster. And, to put it rather bluntly, pandemonium ensues. It's also a rush to do what must be done. The stress Phoenix feels in trying to get Engarde an acquittal becomes your own stress, you feel with Phoenix to the point where you say what he says: You just don't know what to do. I can't speak for others, but when playing Case 4, I felt the absolute hopelessness get me. In this case, Phoenix pulled himself from the brink of death nearly 12 times. It just gave you an idea of how you were hanging on by a mere thread.

But, the emotional build-up began on the second day of investigation. Unlike even Turnabout Goodbyes last day of investigation, it had such emotional tension that you were unsure to even laugh at anything. Edgeworth even helped you, Gumshoe put his job and nearly life on the line for you, and yet, the situation still seemed worse than abysmal. Adrian is an emotional wreck and doesn't seem like she'll be able to help you. Other than little Pearl for the latter day, you are alone.

The emotion climaxes when Engarde reveals what could possibly be the biggest "WTF" moment in history. I mean it. He reveals that he's working with DeKiller, and you need to get him an acquittal or Maya gets killed. Engarde's menacing, hopeless, and dark music begins to play at the moment he reveals the "True" Matt Engarde (Search~Core 2002), adding to your feeling of misery, hopelessness, and betrayal. It seemed like nothing could be done. It felt as though a long string of investigations climaxed to Matt Engarde revealing himself to be the murderer, something that has never happened in the series before or since.

Unlike every other trial, no glimpse of hope appears. No saving evidence appears. You feel as though there's no damn way you could ever win. You knew there's no way everyone would return the same out of this. And you continue to fight Matt alone in the courtroom, with nobody, not Edgeworth, Dekiller, Matt, Maya, the Judge, or anybody on your side or fighting with you. You fight this grim, hopeless battle by yourself, all alone.

Until Franziska arrives, and hope with her. Franziska is pretty much personified as hope, as she brings the three final keys of evidence. Gumshoe nearly got himself killed to get them to you. Franziska Von Karma, the one woman with an almost inhuman hatred for you; your very name brought a bad taste to her mouth. Yet, only she stands with you to fight against Matt Engarde, and fight for truth and justice. However, after placing the evidence in your hand, she leaves the choice up to you.

Phoenix prevails. He shows the true meaning of justice. As Edgeworth, ironically, had taught Phoenix, Justice is not winning a trial, it's finding the guily, well, guilty.

And that, is the reason why Case 4 is one of the best cases in the whole series, or potentially the best.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title


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That really is a fantastic analysis. Case 4 was so good, very gripping and emotional, hard to believe I was simply playing a video game. Through this trial, we discover what being a lawyer means to Nick. He says he became a lawyer to help people and find innocent people, well, innocent. One day, he had to find a guilty person guilty, despite the fact he's a defense attorney. That's just what justice is.
It's like the flip side of Edgeworth helping Phoenix in grade school. We know Edgeworth as a prosecutor, but then he protested Phoenix was innocent, because it was the right thing to do.

As for the psyche locks, the abscence of them at the start sets out a brilliant twist. If they had appeared at the beginning when Matt said he didnt kill anyone, I dont think Case 4 would have been nearly as emotional and involving as it was.

GS3 is going to have to pull some rabbits out of its hat to top this. 2-4 was one of the best cases in the entire series, if not the best.
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Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title
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I liked that it was a different issue this time and not like the others where the defendant was innocent.

I also liked how DARK it was. I mean.. they showed the death scenes so many times.. suicide? playing with people? assassins? snuff? personality disorders... etc I thought it was well thought out.
Re: What makes Case 4 so good [Case 4 SPOILERS]Topic%20Title
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grim_tales wrote:
I thought Case 4 was just awesome. I was indeed prepared for it to be generic, I really thought it was going to be a rip-off of the Steel Samurai case from 1-3.. ho-hum. And then.. Maya is kidnapped! Whoa! I really thought there was something odd about that.

I thought Adrian was the initial murderer. She confesses to the crime, but there is another twist in the tail. Holy bananas, Batman! And it is genuinely emotional (this may be to do with Maya getting kidnapped, and Phoenix being torn between saving his friend and what he knows to be "right"). Having to defend the bad guy was a great twist and the case was very well done.
I honestly did not see Matt being the bad guy and was shocked by the kidnapping.

As for the suicide note, at first (when I saw Matt as the bad guy) I thought Celeste hadnt comitted suicide at all, but had been killed by Matt.
And yes, I still believed in Matt right up to the end. Initially I thought it was Adrian's fault, why on earth couldnt Matt speak for himself?

What :maya: did at the end was so sweet :)

To whoever mentioned the music, thats very good thinking. I didnt notice that!

The bad ending leaves a shadow of :hobohodo: (Or got me thinking).

Spoilered to be safe.

You didn't need to spoiler tag this post. This whole thread is riddled with spoilers. :jake:
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Well, the whole kidnapping situation was a cool plot. The music was pretty cool, too. I don't know, I just like it all.
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i have no idea what to say about case 4 it was just so great :gymshoe:
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