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Casey Taylor: Ace Attorney (Case 1 Demo)Topic%20Title

Creator of Casey Taylor: Ace Attorney

Gender: Female

Rank: Suspect

Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2021 12:10 am

Posts: 1

Casey Taylor: Ace Attorney: A New Game for PyWright

What started off as a throwaway idea I came up with at university is now a full-on hobby project.

Casey Taylor: Ace Attorney is set around 20 years after Spirit of Justice, and it is a story about a recently graduated attorney who had just founded his own law firm with his grandfather. His expertise for the moment is civil lawsuits, but he will come to learn that some insignificant looking cases can hide the biggest conspiracies.

I have completed the first case with placeholder sprites and a few things I promise to polish up when I get a few new sprites. But hopefully, this will give you an idea of what to expect in an Ace Attorney fangame.

Case 1: The First Suit

When a trans spirit medium is sued for fraud, Casey digs deeper and discovers some evil intent from the plaintiff.

Case 2: The Band Suit

A bassist is fired from her band for her extremist views, and she is suing her band for wrongful termination. It is Casey's job to argue that the firing was justified, and maybe dismantle the agenda of the bassist...

Case 3: Suited for Technology

When Casey is hired by his close friend to defend her against her boss, he rediscovers past relationships, workplace vendettas, and his very first legal dilemma.

Case 4: The Family Suit

To be determined...

What's New?

Apart from the game focusing less on murders and more on lawsuits, Casey Taylor promises to improve upon the flaws of the second Ace Attorney trilogy; a sort of reboot, if you will. You will also see a trans spirit medium, Magnus Masterson. Given how Capcom handled trans people the way they can, I knew that it was my duty as a trans woman to ensure that trans characters would be decent protagonists portrayed accurately and in a positive light.

Masterson Diamond

A mixture of the perception gimmick and the Mood Matrix, this heirloom shares more than a few karat in terms of value to any case.

If a witness feels contradictory emotions, the spirits in the diamond will let Magnus know, and he will percieve it to help witnesses feel clear enough to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Certain colours mean certain emotions; just look out for which one the witness is hiding according to the little sparkles, and decide your presentation from there. This will be demonstrated in the prologue.

Content Warnings

This game will contain depictions of discrimination against trans characters, tragic death mentions, subtle sex references and cult references.

Known bugs

Some players may experience the text wrapping not working. This game was programmed on PyWright 0.989, so this version of the engine is recomended.

Download Links

Those of you who don't have PyWright 0.989 might want to download here: ...

Those of you who just want the file can download here: ...

Help Wanted

While I have done most of the graphics, music, programming and story myself with some help, I cannot draw proper character sprites to save a life, and I want a few playtesters to help me refresh the story and polish up my programming. If you're interested in helping, please send me your potrfolios either via email or via DMs.


Twitter: @Cleverhardy99

Discord: Cleverhardy#3886

You can also join in the Casey Taylor Ace Attorney Discord if you want to catch up:


Written, Planned and Directed by Cleverhardy

Additional ideas by Agenderash, SuperAJ3

Lead Coder: Cleverhardy

Diamond Programmer: Jupiter

Coding assistance: Scuttle, SuperAJ3, Spybreak, Ana, Jupiter

Alpha playtesting: Savo

Story Assistance: Eerew, Phantom Handholding, Savo

Animation assistance: Phantom Handholding

Music by Cleverhardy

Based on themes by Masakazu Sugimori, Yasumasa Kitagawa and Hiromitsu Maeba

Additional music by SuperAJ3

Voices by Cleverhardy and

Placeholder Sprites courtesy of FenrirDarkWolf, Hesseldahl, Dypo, Ledrert, Lind, Silver Glas andTear

And a grateful thanks to
Super AJ3
Phantom Handholding
Dinah Woodrow
Ace Attorney Online

Special Thanks to the Ace Attorney Case Developers Discord

And a Very Special Thanks to Shu Takumi and the original team behind the franchise who worked at Capcom
Credits subject to updates
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