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Hibutima wrote:
Hello there. I've always seen very many awesome spritesheets that'd be incredibly useful for me to use in the old ace attorney editors like OL and aaonline, but I've never been able to use them as ACTUAL sprites with frames. Could someone give me a step by step tutorial on how to do this, or, perhaps if there's a preset way if you can do it online?
Thanks in advance!
I haven't found a good way quite yet, but might be helpful.(I haven't really used it successfully, but it could work for you!)
Oh, and if you need to get rid of a sprite background,
here's Lunapic. It has a tool to get rid of backgrounds.
(Keep in mind that it doesn't work if the image is really long and skinny, because it'll just blur everything. Specifically when I've done it with minisprites.)