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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Talk about Cammy Tose. And then examine the bookcase.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Socot wrote:
Also Planetbox minor typo in the case 3 description in the OP

'This case may have to potential to change Vesti's life forever.'



Spoiler: oof
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Talk about Cammy and the Window and the Bookcase.
I mean investigate the last two.

Examine: Document A

Vesti decides to take a closer look at each individual file in the room. He leans down and picks up the nearest one. Not seeing anything particularly interesting, he puts it back.

Examine: Document B

He leans down and picks up the next nearest one. Not seeing anything particularly interesting, he puts it back.

Examine: Document C

He leans down and picks up the next next nearest one. Not seeing anything particularly interesting, he puts it back. Deciding that this is going nowhere, Vesti gives up on investigating the documents.

Present: Aura Gold: Hospital Key Rings

Vesti pulls out the ring of keys he collected, and shows it to Aura. He remarks, “I understand that you have a ring of keys similar to this one. Does one of these keys open your office?” Aura replies, “Yes, one of them was made specifically to unlock the door to this room.” Vesti continues, “So, anyone with a key ring like this one could have gotten in here?” “Yes, that’s correct,” Aura answers. She quickly looks to her clipboard and begins writing, mumbling, “Subject is very interested in the means to enter my office. May be prone to criminal behavior.” Vesti sighs, and exclaims, “Okay, let’s be honest here. That one was a BIT of a stretch.”

Consult: Gold Plaque

Vesti remarks, “Hey, Lauren… Don’t you think it's odd that the plaque is the only thing in this room that wasn’t moved anywhere? You’d think your average ransacker wouldn't think twice about tossing it about the room… but whoever searched this room just left it in its original position!” Unfortunately, Vesti asks Lauren this question a little too loudly, and Aura overhears him. “Wait, before you jump to conclusions, that plaque isn’t where it used to be…” Aura explains, “When I entered this room and found it ransacked, I quickly noticed that the plaque had been knocked onto the floor and left there. Seeing it lying down there… well, it ticked me off. So I put it back on my desk. That plaque was the only thing that I touched. I fully understand the importance of preserving the crime scene.” Lauren replies, “Forgive me for asking… but do you have any proof of that?” Aura points to the left corner of her desk, and answers, “The plaque used to rest on that corner of my desk. Perhaps its outline can still be seen in the dust. If not, I suggest you take a look at where the plaque is resting now. It wouldn’t make sense for that to be the plaque’s normal location.” Vesti walks to the desk, and takes another look at its surface. Indeed, the plaque sits in the center of the desk, on top of several documents, and is facing the left wall, which is a strange location indeed. He then takes a look at the corner of the desk that Aura indicated, and finds a faint rectangular outline in the dust. With just one glance, Vesti can tell it matches the plaque.

Examine: Window

Vesti walks over to the large window and looks outside. The view is so magnificent that Vesti finds it surprising that Aura keeps her desk turned away from it. Unfortunately, the image of the landscape outside is somewhat interrupted by a gutter extending across the right side of the window. Vesti follows it down to the bottom of the wall, where it leads to a drain embedded into some muddy-looking ground. Vesti looks back and, seeing that Lauren has joined him, asks, “Do you think that whoever searched this room could have gotten in and out through this window?” “I suppose it’s possible…” Lauren replies, “At the very least, the window can be opened from the inside… but that doesn’t necessarily mean it was used…” {{Window and Gutter added to Evidence}}

Examine: Bookcase

Vesti walked over to the bookcase, which was far longer than it was tall. Vertically, it only took up about a quarter of the wall, but it spread horizontally about halfway across it. The bookcase was almost empty, with only a few books remaining on the left side of the shelves. There used to be more, but all of them are lying in a heap at the foot of the bookcase. Vesti squats down to take a closer look, but doesn’t notice anything interesting on the bookcase itself. Nor are the books particularly interesting. All of them are medical textbooks of some kind, with a few random folders mixed in. Vesti quickly sifts through the pile, but there doesn’t seem to be anything interesting, so he quickly abandons the search.

Talk: Aura Gold: Cammy Tose

While Vesti is returning from his adventure at the bookcase, Lauren asks, “Aura, what can you tell us about the victim in this case, Cammy Tose?” Aura flips to the next page on her clipboard and begins writing, mumbling, “Subject is exceptionally skilled at remaining on task.” Vesti mumbles, “Okay… I guess I can’t really argue with that one…” Aura looks back to Lauren, and replies, “Cammy used to be a very skilled doctor, and a valuable member of this clinic… Of course, she hasn’t been working that much recently…” Lauren continues, “Do you know of anyone who could have had a motive to kill Cammy?” “To be frank, I cannot ascertain why this crime was committed…” Aura answers, “Cammy’s been asleep for years, and her condition didn’t seem to be improving… Why would anyone kill someone who was already barely alive? …Still, I suppose figuring that out is your job…” “Gee, thanks for the help,” Vesti responds, “Speaking of which, how did Cammy get injured in the first place? I heard from your sister that she was injured at this hospital.” “…Yes, that’s correct…” Aura responds, “Do you really need to know about that? It’s not exactly a pleasant story, and not one I enjoy reflecting on…” Lauren answers, “Yes. Cammy’s past could potentially be important to this case’s motive.” Aura sighs, flips to a page near the bottom of the clipboard, and explains, “…Fine. This is what happened…”

“It happened about five years ago. I was in this office filing paperwork when it happened… In a hospital such as this one, it’s quite possibly the worst even that could occur… A blackout. Within an instant, the only light left in my office was the light shining from the window. Immediately struck with a feeling of dread, I rushed outside… I was relieved to see that most of the lights were still on. It seemed that only the lights in this hallway were affected…” Vesti interjects, “So, did Cammy Tose get lost in the dark and fall down the stairs, or something?” Aura sighs, and continues, “…Anyway, I told Cammy to check the fusebox so we could try to get the lights working again… Everything after that is a blur to me… I can’t even remember who it was who told me that the power had gone out in one of the wards… and I can’t remember how much time we spent down there, trying to save people… We acted fast, but by the time it was over, four of the people on life support in that ward had died…” Lauren asks, “Wait… I thought you said only the power on your floor was affected…” “It was… but the power went out twice…” Aura continues, “…The power in the ward was shut down from the fusebox…” “What!” Vesti shouts, “Are you saying Cammy killed those people?!” “Well… Yes and no…” Aura explains, “After things had calmed down, I had everyone search the hospital for Cammy, trying to find out what had happened. It didn’t take us long to find her… She was outside on the pavement, unconscious. She was immediately taken into the hospital, and she’s been in a coma ever since… It must have been her who caused that outage… but I know she didn’t do it on purpose.” Lauren gives her a dubious look, and asks, “…How could you possibly know that…?” Aura responds, “Because… while she was being taken into the hospital room, I checked her office… and found her suicide note…” The room is filled with a long silence. Aura returns her clipboard to its original position, and then continues, “Apparently, she was unable to cope with her guilt… And that’s all I have to say about that…” {{Cammy’s Injury added to Evidence}}

Investigation: Aura’s Office
There is nothing left to examine!
Aura Gold
Office Ransacking
Cammy Tose
Argenta Gold
Cammy’s Hospital Room
Security Room
Storage Closet
Hospital Lobby
Argenta’s Office
To Aura Gold
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Oh...oh dear that's disturbing.

Consult Lauren about the case from five years back and speculate that whoever killed Cammy must have been related to one of the people on life support who died. Ask Aura for the details of the suicide note as well as the people who died on life support.

Then move to Argenta's Office. We have a lot of questions for her.

Last edited by Southern Corn on Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Hold up we ain't done here.

Ask whether there was any signs of Cammy's condition improving before her murder. It's possible she was silenced by the real cause of the blackout.

Also ask why if it was so important to put the plaque back on the desk, she didn't put it back in it's appropriate place.

Then internally judge Aura for sending a doctor to do an electricians job for a whole hospital. It could have easily been a clumsy accident as she wasn't qualified to fix a complex fusebox for a hospital.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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Ask if there are, or were, any documents in the room pertaining to Cammy.

Also, if possible check if there are any footprints on the muddy ground around the drain. If the ransacker used the pipe to get out, they might have dropped down onto it and left marks.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Pierre wrote:
Then internally judge Aura for sending a doctor to do an electricians job for a whole hospital. It could have easily been a clumsy accident as she wasn't qualified to fix a complex fusebox for a hospital.

This isn’t one of those complicated things with the fuses, it’s just a box with switches in it for the power in certain rooms, but it's still called a fusebox despite not having fuses. That’s how the one in my house works, anyway.
That’s still the right terminology, right? It’s not called a switchbox or something?
I dunno, man, I’ve never even seen a fusebox in my life. I’m just going off what my dad told me.

Spoiler: ok
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Go... to... another area?
Maybe back to Cammy's Hospital Room?

Talk: Aura Gold: Cammy’s Condition

Lauren asks, “Have there been any signs of Cammy’s conditions improving before her murder?” “Not that I know of,” Aura replies, “Cammy’s condition has always been stable, for the most part. However, it’s been a long time since I personally checked in on Cammy. Argenta would know better than me, but she would have reported any major developments to me almost immediately, so I doubt any significant changes occurred that I’m not aware of.” “That’s unfortunate…” Lauren mumbles, “Thanks for the help anyway…” Vesti turns to Lauren and quietly asks, “Why do you think Cammy’s condition could be important?” Lauren explains, “If Cammy isn’t responsible for those deaths, it’s possible she was silenced by whoever was responsible before she could wake up… Of course, that’s just conjecture right now, and there isn’t any evidence to support it.” “You’re right,” Vesti replies, “Still, I think the motive for this murder is somehow related to that blackout… We probably need more information…”

Talk: Aura Gold: Old Documents

Turning back to Aura Gold, Vesti asks, “Do you have any documents in this room pertaining to Cammy Tose?” “I guess it depends on what kind of documents you’re talking about,” Aura replies, “Any documents pertaining to her time as a doctor here have most likely been disposed of by now. I’d imagine her patient records are still in an archive around here, but I doubt you could correctly interpret them, and I doubt they have any relevance to the case either. And if you wanted my personal document on Cammy… Well, I haven’t needed it in a while, so it would be a pain to track down…” “That’s fine. I don’t think I need any of that,” Vesti continues, “What about documents relating to the incident five years ago? Do you have a list of the people who died in the blackout, or a copy of Cammy’s suicide note?” “No, I wouldn’t have either of those,” Aura explains, “It’s been five years since that accident. Any information pertaining to those patients is most likely gone now. As for the suicide note, I’m certain that I don’t have it anymore. It was taken as evidence by the detective who investigated the incident…” Lauren writes something on her notepad, mumbling, “In that case, the suicide note and perhaps a list of those patients might still be in our police station archives… That might be worth looking into…”

Present: Aura Gold: Gold Plaque Again

“Wait a minute!” Vesti shouts, “If you thought fixing that plaque was so important, why didn’t you put it back in the right place?!” Aura retrieves her pen from behind her ear and begins writing on the clipboard, mumbling, “Subject enjoys questioning unnecessarily minor details…” “I’m a detective, it’s my job to question minor details…” Vesti replies, “Now answer the dang question!” Aura sighs, and explains, “Keep in mind that at the time I had just finished a fairly stressful surgery and suddenly walked in on this mess in my office… I wasn’t exactly in the clearest frame of mind, and when I saw that plaque on the floor I just moved it without thinking about where I left it.” Vesti mumbles, “Hmm… I see…” Noticing that Vesti doesn’t look convinced, Aura continues, “Look, I heard you and Lauren theorizing about that plaque, and I have a question for you… Which is more difficult to believe? A doctor walks in on her ransacked office and, seeing a familial heirloom lying on the floor, hastily puts it on the center of her desk instead of its original position… or, a ransacker breaks into my room and haphazardly knocks aside everything on the desk except a plaque they have a personal connection to… but they do pick up the plaque and move it about five inches across the desk for absolutely no reason…” Vesti mumbles, “…Okay, fine, I get it…” “Good,” Aura Gold replies. She then continues writing on Vesti’s page in her clipboard, but doesn’t read it aloud. Vesti finds it difficult to decide whether knowing or not knowing what she writes is worse.

Examine: Gutter

Vesti quickly returns to the window and takes a second look at the ground surrounding the drain outside. The marshy soil seems untouched. Even from five floors up, Vesti can tell that there aren’t any large marks or footprints in the earth. {{Window and Gutter updated in Evidence}}

Move: Argenta’s Office

Vesti remarks, “Lauren, I think it’s about time we finally talked to Argenta again, and asked her a few questions!” “That sounds like a good idea,” Lauren replies, “…but do we even know where Argenta is right now?” “Oh… Uh…” Vesti mumbles, “…I suppose we don’t… Well, that could be a problem…” Aura interjects, “If you’re looking for my sister, her office would probably be the best place to check. It’s on the fourth floor directly underneath this office.” “Oh, it’s right below this room?” Vesti shouts, “Hey, Lauren, we should climb down that gutter and go in through the window! Wouldn’t that be cool?” Lauren responds, “Let’s at least try to perform a somewhat professional investigation. …Besides, there’s no way you could climb down that gutter without falling…” Vesti replies, “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Lauren begins walking towards the door, explaining, “It means that we should get to Argenta’s office using the elevator, like normal people.” Lauren opens the door and continues out into the hallway, prompting Vesti to follow her, shouting insistently of his exceptional skill in descending the exterior of buildings. Once the two have left the room, Aura silently turns to her clipboard, and begins writing down some final notes.

Date: Tuesday, January 5th, 2016. Time: 2:55 PM. Location: Gold Clinic, Argenta’s Office.

Compared to the director’s office, Argenta’s office isn’t particularly notable. In contrast to the large double doors they passed through earlier, Vesti and Lauren are forced to go through the door to Argenta’s office one at a time. Fortunately, the small wooden door has been left open, so Vesti is able to see the office’s interior before even entering the room.

Argenta’s office is more organized than Aura’s, but this probably wouldn’t be the case if Aura’s hadn’t been made into a complete mess. The office has a single filing cabinet on the left side of the room, as well as a bookcase that’s filled with more random knick-knacks than actual books. A large cabinet sits near the right wall, but there isn’t much else there. Near the front of the room is a potted plant, looking sufficiently better off than Planty the Potted Plant was. The center of the room is mostly empty, except for a single chair just like the ones in the lobby, which faces Argenta’s desk, positioned sideways against the room’s small window.

Argenta is sitting at her desk Vesti and Lauren enter the room. Upon noticing them, she shouts, “Oh, hi Vesti! What brings you here?!” Vesti exclaims, “Hello! I’m just here to ask you a few more questions about this case.” Argenta quickly gets up from a weird exercise ball thing she’s apparently using as a chair, and walks over to the entrance to the office saying, “Well, ask away! I’d be happy to help in any way I can!” She gestures to the rest of the office, and continues, “Oh, and feel free to look around my office. I doubt anything here is relevant to the case, but who knows? Maybe you’ll find something…” Vesti responds, “Personally, I think that filing cabinet over there looks extremely relevant to this case.” “Nah, you wouldn’t want to look in there!” Argenta replies, “That’s just where I keep my hidden stash of bloody knives. It’s probably not worth investigating!” Lauren interjects, “Vesti, what did I tell you about professional investigations?” “Yeah, Vesti, GOSH!” Argenta crosses her arms, shakes her head slowly, and continues, “Why don’t you stay on topic for once?!” “Alright, fine…” Vesti mumbles, “Let’s take a look around…”

Investigation: Argenta’s Office
Chair, Desk, Filing Cabinet, Bookcase, Cabinet, Window.
Argenta Gold
The Crime
Five Years Ago
Aura Gold
Cammy’s Hospital Room
Security Room
Storage Closet
Hospital Lobby
Aura’s Office
To Argenta Gold
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Examine the filing cabinet. Surely, Argenta must be joking about having a hidden stash of bloody knives in there.
Then examine the cabinet.

Finally, talk about the crime, and the incident from 5 years ago.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Chide Planetbox for his unprofessionalism regarding the nature of the fuse box.

Talk to Argenta about her sister, then examine Argenta's desk and her window.

Also for Pierre's sake ask if she and I could go get a cup of coffee right now.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Examine her collection of nick-nacks and compliment her on these.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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Present that Security Footage, find out what she was doing in the victim's room. Also present the Gold Plaque and the Room Ransacking, just to see if there's anything to say about either.
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Spoiler: Oops I forgot an item on the examine list sorry
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Present badge... again.
Then talk about Aura and the Crime and then maybe Five Years ago.

Examine: Filing Cabinet

Vesti, determined to finally begin his professional investigation, begins by walking to the far left corner of the room and examining the filing cabinet. It’s just like the one in Aura’s room, with three unlocked drawers. Vesti quickly checks all three of them, but only finds files of hospital-related documents. He even checks beneath the folders and in the back of each drawer, but doesn’t find anything. Vesti shouts, “Argenta, now I’m disappointed. You said there’d be a bunch of deadly weapons in here!” Argenta walks over to the filing cabinet and looks into it, pretending to look confused. She mumbles, “Hmm… That’s strange… Someone must have switched them with those boring files before you got here!” “That sounds suspicious…” Vesti remarks, “You better not be lying to me, Argenta! That’s a crime! I’ll send you to jail if you’re not careful!” Argenta shouts, “Hah! You can’t arrest me if you can’t prove I’m lying!” Vesti retorts, “Well, if I told you I was secretly an alien from Mars, and you couldn’t prove I was lying, that doesn’t mean I’m telling the truth!” “Wow, you’re a real authentic Martian?” Argenta replies, “Gee, I always meet the coolest people!” “Y’know what? Shut up.” Vesti responds, “This whole murder thing is a big deal. I gotta be one hundred percent focused! So, if you distract me again, I’m gonna arrest you for being annoying.” Argenta laughs, and responds, “Y’know, I’ve got the perfect response to that, but I have to take out the trash tonight, and getting arrested would kinda interfere with that.” Vesti sighs in relief, and mumbles, “Alright… Now it’s time to start investigating the important stuff.”

Examine: Cabinet

Vesti immediately hones in on the most important-looking item in the room, the cabinet by the right wall, which is made entirely out of wood, with two doors that have knobs on the outside that can be pulled to open the cabinet. When Vesti reaches it, he sees Lauren standing nearby, and asks, “Have you checked inside this yet?” Lauren replies, “No, it doesn’t look particularly important.” “In this business, everything is important!” Vesti shouts, grabbing the knobs and pulling open the cabinet. Inside, he sees a colorful array of labcoats and normal clothes, as well as a few rolls of gauze bandages, but nothing actually important. Vesti remarks, “Wow, this investigation has been a total bust so far.” From across the room, Argenta shouts, “Hey, Vesti, I’ll give you five bucks if you climb into that cabinet and close the door!” Vesti replies, “That’s bribery of a police official! Wow, is there any low you won’t sink too?” Vesti closes the cabinet doors, which quickly lock into place due to the magnets on their undersides.

Examine: Desk

Vesti walks to the far side of the room, where Argenta’s desk sits against the window, facing the filing cabinets. Some kind of large exercise ball sits in front of the desk where a chair would normally be. Vesti kicks it with his foot, asking, “What the heck is this supposed to be?” Argenta explains, “Oh, I use that as a chair. Apparently it helps with balance or something. Whatever it is, it’s more interesting than a normal chair.” Vesti continues, “How did you even get it through the door?” “I inflated it after I brought it in, of course!” Argenta replies, shaking her head disapprovingly. “Geez, Vesti, you’re the detective here. Why do I have to explain everything?” Ignoring her, Vesti takes a closer look at the desk. Despite not having its contents strewn about, it is in about the same state as Aura’s. A computer takes up most of the available space, and the rest is occupied by a few documents with empty coffee cups and food wrappers thrown across them, which Argenta apparently hasn’t thrown away yet. A nameplate faces the door, and two picture frames face Argenta’s chair. One is the same family photo Vesti saw in Aura’s office, but the second is one he doesn’t recognize. He picks it up to examine it more closely. The photo depicts Aura and Argenta in what appears to be Argenta’s office, but certain details don’t match up. The desk is facing the door, and pushed against the left wall, revealing the window, through which a box of red and yellow flowers can be seen. Argenta sits in a chair behind the desk, and Aura is standing next to her. Most bizarrely, Argenta’s hair isn’t tied back, and for some reason it appears to be totally black. Obviously confused, Vesti asks, “Hey, Argenta, what’s up with this picture?” Argenta walks over to see what Vesti is looking at, and quickly answers, “Oh, you’re talking about my hair right? Yeah, I had it dyed for a few months. I can’t really remember why. I guess I was just going through a phase or something.” “Yeah, that’s pretty weird, but okay,” Vesti replies, “But was this room going through a phase too?” “Well, I guess…” Argenta explains, “This office wasn’t always mine. It used to be Cammy’s until… well… Anyway, we took this picture the day I moved in, so everything was in the position Cammy used to have it in. It was a little while before I got everything to be the way it is now.” “Alright, that makes sense,” Vesti mumbles, “By the way, black hair doesn’t really suit you at all, honestly.” Argenta remarks, “I’ll just take that as a compliment, thanks!” {{Gold Photo added to Evidence}}

Talk: Argenta Gold: The Crime

Lauren asks, “Do you have any information on the crime that could be helpful?” Argenta seems to think over the question for a few seconds, but eventually replies, “…No, not that I can think of…” Lauren continues, “…Can you think of anyone who would have had a motive to kill the victim?” “No, of course not…” Argenta replies, “Especially not today. I mean, I hate to say it… But if anyone wanted to kill Cammy… they had plenty of time, right?” “Hmm… But the only one who could know that would have to be…” Vesti gasps, and shouts, “THE KILLER!” Argenta responds, “Ah, but according to your theory the murder occurred around 12:45, when the body was discovered! And during that time, I was in the lobby… with you!” “Oh yeah, you’re right…” Vesti mumbles, “Y’know, that information could actually be worth noting…” {{My Testimony added to Evidence}}

Present: Argenta Gold: Security Footage

Lauren, taking a look at the notes she took about the security footage, asks, “Argenta, we checked the security footage outside the crime scene, and saw you enter it at 12:25 PM, and stay inside for about seven minutes… What were you doing in there?” Argenta explains, “I was just performing a check-up on Cammy, to make sure her condition was stable. Those can sometimes take a few minutes… and I may have gotten distracted a few times.” Lauren replies, “…But didn’t you say you refilled the victim’s IV bag at 12 o'clock?” “…Oh, yeah, I did…” Argenta explains, “But Cammy’s husband was there at the time, visiting her. I couldn’t complete all the procedures with him there, so I had to come back later.” “Hmm…” Vesti mumbles, “I suppose that makes sense…”

Investigation: Argenta’s Office
Chair, Bookcase, Window, Flower Box.
Argenta Gold
The Crime
Five Years Ago
Aura Gold
Cammy’s Hospital Room
Security Room
Storage Closet
Hospital Lobby
Aura’s Office
To Argenta Gold
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Examine the Window and Flower Box, compare them to the picture I guess.
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Happy Maria

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Not the best thing you've written this week but I can live with it I suppose

Also I just realised you've been making custom music for this and I haven't even been listening to them. Oh well

Anyway subconsciously berate Argenta for being super annoying and unhelpful

Then check the chair and bookcase and compare them to the picture

Also talk to her about her sister Aura
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Gettin' Old!

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Ignore the other parts of my personality that want to berate Argenta!

Smirk at the obvious chemistry between us and offer to extract a testimony about her 'stolen weapons' over a cup of coffee tonight.

All the while thinking in the back of my head:

If the photo was taken when she moved into the office then Cammy had been recently injured which means it occurred near the blackout and black hair would be perfect for blending into the darkness at that time.

Since that's on my mind ask her about five years ago and where she was before here. In a charming and polite manner.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
Re: Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations (CASETopic%20Title
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With the F2 RP going on, updates to this might go off schedule until the game ends or I die. I’ll try to keep this running smoothly, but don’t be surprised if updates get delayed (like this one lol) or just don’t happen.

Spoiler: you right SC :(
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Examine the Window and talk about Aura.

Examine: Window/Flower Box

Still standing next to the desk, Vesti takes a quick look out the window. It’s impossible to walk up to it with the desk is in the way, but Vesti can tell that the view outside is exactly the same as the view through Aura’s window. Still, something outside the window strikes Vesti as peculiar, and he quickly figures out what it is. The flowerbox he recalls seeing in the picture on Argenta’s desk isn’t visible outside. After taking a quick glance around the room, he sees the flower box sitting on a table at the center of the left wall, filled with a collection of orange marigolds and purple pansies. Vesti points at the flower box, then to the window, asking, “Wait, wasn’t that thing originally over there?” “You mean the flower box?” Argenta replies, “Yeah, that used to be buy the window, but having it there kept causing problems, so I just moved it over to the wall where I could still see it.” Vesti responds, “What kind of ‘problems’ would having a flower box on a windowsill even cause?” “Well… Y’see, what happened was…” Argenta explains, looking away, “Aura got mad at me because I kept accidentally pouring water on random people with the watering can… And a few times I accidentally dropped the entire can out the window…” Vesti gives Argenta a skeptical look, and replies, “‘A few times’?” Argenta continues, “Well… If I had to guess… I’d say about five times… Anyway, she told me we had enough patients as is, and made me move the flower box somewhere else.” Vesti mumbles, “So these are the issues hospital directors have to deal with, huh? Sounds like a tough job…”

Talk: Argenta Gold: Aura Gold

Argenta responds, “Well, all joking aside… It really is a difficult job! She has to keep the entire hospital running smoothly, keep track of all the patients, and even perform surgery sometimes! I could never manage to do all the things she does! Heck, even just filling out paperwork stresses me out…” Lauren remarks, “…It sounds like you have a lot of respect for your sister.” “Well of COURSE I do!” Argenta shouts, “She practically RAISED me! WHILE going through medical school, I might add! …She’s still pretty bad with people, though…” Vesti exclaims, “Y’know… I honestly find it kinda weird that the two of you are related…” Argenta laughs, and replies, “Yeah, I’ve heard that a lot… I guess that could have happened because of how differently we grew up… Then again, my parents were both fairly different people, but I’d rather not get into that.” Lauren asks, “Your father was the one who founded this clinic, right?” “That’s right,” Argenta explains, “…I didn’t know him for that long… but I heard that he cared a lot about his patients, and did whatever he could to help them…” Argenta sighed, looked to the side, and mumbled, “…I wish he was still around to help people…” The room is filled with a solemn silence, until Argenta exclaims, “…Anyway… Vesti, quick getting distracted! You need to focus on the investigation, remember?!” “Okay, geez!” Vesti replies, quickly looking around the room for something to examine.

Examine: Chair

Vesti’s eyes land on the slightly comfortable looking chair in the center of the room. It faces the far-right corner, and has some kind of long, white fabric draped over the back. Vesti pokes the chair with his foot, and asks, “Why do you have two chairs in this room, anyway?” Argenta explains, “That one is for visitors, of course! Geez, do you think I just sit in this office alone all day?” “Well, no…” Vesti mumbles, “I saw you in the lobby, after all…” “Yeah, right…” Argenta sarcastically remarks, “I only go down to the lobby to escape the bitter loneliness of this office!” “Before you two get into witty banter again…” Lauren interjects, “I’d like to ask what that white sheet over the back of that chair is.” “Oh, that?” Argenta replies, surprised by the question. “That’s not a sheet, those are scrubs for performing surgery. All the doctors with surgical experience have them in their offices, in case a surgeon is needed in an emergency.” Lauren writes this information in her notebook, while Vesti asks, “Oh, you have surgical experience?” Argenta answers, “Yeah, but I’ve only had to use it a few times. There are plenty of better surgeons here, but it’s nice to be able to help if necessary.” {{Hospital Scrubs added to Evidence}}

Examine: Bookcase

Vesti takes a quick look at the bookcase, which appears to be a similar model to the one in Aura’s office. However, unlike that one, there are only six books on the bottom shelf, which are slumped against the wall dejectedly. Various random objects of varying shapes and sizes are scattered across the top of the bookcase. Vesti can’t tell what half of them even are. There are a few strange statuettes, some weird flowery things, a few notepads, and a single unlit match. Turning to Argenta, Vesti remarks, “Wow, you’ve got some really crazy stuff over here!” Argenta replies, “Yeah, I like to collect interesting things and leave them there. But, to be honest, I can’t remember where I even got half of that stuff.” Vesti picks up the unlit match, and asks, “Does that mean you know just as much about this thing as I do?” “Nah, I do remember that one,” Argenta explains, “Some kid in school gave me that match, like, twenty years ago.” “Hmm…” Vesti mumbles, “This thing must have quite a rich history, then…” Argenta responds, “It sure does, but you’re not gonna have a rich history anymore if you drop that thing behind the bookcase!” Vesti quickly returns to match to the top of the bookcase and walks away.

Vesti takes another look at the picture, to see if he can spot the bookcase or the chair. The bookcase doesn’t seem to be in the photograph, but it could easily be behind the camera. On the other hand, the chair is visible, as Argenta is sitting in it.

Talk: Argenta Gold: Five Years Ago

Suddenly, Lauren asks, “Recently, Aura told us about the circumstances surrounding Cammy’s injury five years ago. …Do you have any comments on that incident?” Argenta sighs at the question, saying, “Ah, so you’ve heard about that now? …I’m afraid I don’t have much to say about it. I was still new to the job, but even then I was down in the intensive care ward the whole time, trying to save people… I only heard about what happened to Cammy later.” Vesti asks, “Do you think that incident could be related to the one that happened today?” “I guess it’s possible,” Argenta replies, “But if someone was trying to get revenge on Cammy, why would they wait five years to do it? Especially when she had already… well, you know…” Lauren continues, “Is it possible that Cammy could have been framed?” “Uhh… Well…” Argenta slowly replies, “I suppose it’s possible… But I wouldn’t know… I was never even on the top floor that day…”

Investigation: Argenta’s Office
There’s nothing left to see now…
Argenta Gold
The Crime
Five Years Ago
Aura Gold
Cammy’s Hospital Room
Security Room
Storage Closet
Hospital Lobby
Aura’s Office
To Argenta Gold
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Happy Maria

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Um yeah anyway, not much left. If there isn't anything else to see, go to the crime scene to something idk.
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Is Aura's window directly above this one? So, like, is it possible to climb up or down the drainpipe to pass between the two rooms?

Present My Testimony, see how much of an impression we made earlier.

Otherwise, move to the lobby I guess? Might be something there now.
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Get a detailed account of Argenta's actions during the blackout. That testimony might be vital.
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Sorry, no update this week. I have to finish a piece of music that's going to be in the next update, so this will basically be on hiatus until I finish it. I've been kinda busy recently, but ideally I'll have it done by next Friday.

This shouldn't happen again during this case, because I won't need to reveal a new song for awhile. I just got kinda overwhelmed by all the music I needed for this investigation, so I'm honestly surprised I haven't missed an update before now.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Gettin' Old!

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Huh...hadn't checked out all the music before.

Aura's theme sounds kinda terrifying and dissonant to me.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Pierre wrote:
Aura's theme sounds kinda terrifying and dissonant to me.

That wasn't what I was going for whoops.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Happy Maria

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Cry for a week waiting for the next update.
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KamiPanda wrote:
Is Aura's window directly above this one? So, like, is it possible to climb up or down the drainpipe to pass between the two rooms?

The two windows are directly above each other. Aura’s is wider though, so the gutter is maybe an inch or so to the right of Argenta’s window.

Spoiler: I’M BACK!
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Present the Gold Plaque or maybe the Gold Photo?

Talk: Argenta: Details about the Blackout

Vesti asks, “Argenta, could you provide a more detailed account of what you did during the blackout? That kind of information could be helpful.” Argenta sighs and answers, “I guess so… Honestly, I can’t really remember much… It was all just kind of a blur…” Vesti says, “That’s alright! Anything you remember is better than nothing!” “Hmm… Let’s see…” Argenta explains, “…I was on the same floor as the intensive care ward when the blackout happened, so I found out about it quickly. Then, like I said, I spent most of my time there… Then, about two hours later… they took Cammy in…” Lauren asks, “Do you remember seeing anyone suspicious heading to or from the fifth floor?” “No, not really,” Argenta replies, “So many people were in danger… The only thing I could really focus on was helping them.” “Yeah, that’s understandable,” Vesti says, “It must have been a really stressful situation.” “Yeah, it was…” Argenta mumbles, “For the last five years… I’ve been thinking about all the things I could have done to save those people… Aura tells me not to get stuck in the past, but… that day still haunts me…” Vesti replies, “Well, she’s right. You did the best you could, and that’s all the matters!” Argenta doesn’t respond to Vesti’s words. She just looks away, deep in thought.

Present: Argenta: My Testimony

Hoping to improve the mood a little, Vesti asks, “Hey, Argenta, remember when we met in the lobby? What were you doing down there?” Argenta smiles and explains, “Oh, I was on my lunch break! I always like to go down to the lobby during my break to see if I can meet any interesting people. And obviously I succeeded this time!” Vesti laughs and replies, “Yeah… I just wish we could have met in better circumstances.” Argenta says, “Well, once you catch the killer you can complain about that to them all you want!”

Move: Hospital Lobby

Vesti remarks, “Well, it’s about time we got going! Thanks for all your help, Argenta!” Argenta replies, “You’re welcome! Good luck with the case, Vesti!” Then, she slowly walks back to her desk. Turning to Lauren, Vesti says, “I think we should go check out the lobby again. Maybe there will be something new there now!” Lauren responds, “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Last time we went to the lobby, it didn’t go particularly well.” “Well, there’s no use dwelling on the past!” Vesti shouts, “Besides, we might as well drop by on our way back to the crime scene, because if we get there before Ann finishes the autopsy, things won’t be pretty.” Lauren smiles and mumbles, “Fine, I guess we might as well…” Then, she turns and walks out of the office. Vesti waves farewell to Argenta one last time and then walks out the door as well.

Date: Tuesday, January 5th, 2016. Time: 3:10 PM. Location: Gold Clinic, Lobby.

Vesti and Lauren enter the lobby, which appears to be about the same as it was before. The front desk, chairs, and potted plants are still completely intact, and a few civilians who’ve been trapped in the lobby due to the investigation are milling about. Vesti, not noticing anything important, sighs and turns to leave. However, Lauren holds out her hand to stop him from leaving. Vesti shouts, “L- Lauren?! Wha-” “Quiet,” Lauren whispers. She points to the other side of the lobby and says, “Look over there.” Vesti turns and follows her finger to where a man sits in a chair by the front entrance, his head in his hands. Lauren continues, “That man… I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before…” Vesti gets the same feeling, but he doesn’t make the connection until the man uncovers his face and looks up. Upon recognizing him, Vesti has a sudden flashback to the security footage. He exclaims, “I got it! That’s the guy who left the crime scene at 12:00!” “You’re right…” Lauren says, “Didn’t Dustin say he was Cammy’s husband? He could have some useful information.”

Vesti and Lauren walk over to where the man sits in the chair, staring solemnly out the window. He is wearing the same black suit that Vesti saw in the security video, as well as a pair of thick, black glasses. His hair, also black, is short and neatly combed. All in all, his appearance could be described as average. The only thing that stands out about him is a clear, crusty stain on the lenses of his glasses. The man continues looking out the window until Lauren says, “I’m detective Lauren Tehra and this is my partner, Vesti Gates. We’d like to ask you a few questions.” The man turns to face the two detectives, and asks, “…This is about her, isn’t it?” Vesti answers, “Uhh… That depends… Which ‘her’ are you talking about?” The man looks towards the floor and responds, “Well… My name is Samuel Tose… but she called me Sammy… Does that help?” Lauren slowly replies, “…I’d like to preface this by saying I’m sorry for your loss… but you were here on the day of the murder. Your testimony could very well help us find the culprit behind this incident.” “I know, I know,” Sammy says, as he slowly stands up from the chair and faces Lauren and Vesti. “Ask me whatever you want… I’ll answer to the best of my ability…”

Investigation: Hospital Lobby
Front Desk.
Sammy Tose
The Day of the Incident
Cammy Tose
Cammy’s Hospital Room
Security Room
Storage Closet
Argenta’s Office
Aura’s Office
To Sammy Tose
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Thanks for the confirmation!

Can't see much need to provide any evidence above the usual just yet. Examine the front desk while we're here, I guess.
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SOLEMNLY present the police badge.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Talk about the day of the incident and Cammy Tose.

Then presents Cammy's Injury. Let's see what he have to say about this.
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Talk to him about himself and note that his name rhymes with that of his wife.

Also SOLEMNLY ask him about his favourite colour.
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Geez guys what is your problem I used that word like once

Spoiler: This update doesn’t even have that word in it!
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Present badge to Sammy and ask his favorite color. Then talk about Cammy and maybe examine the front desk.

Examine: Front Desk

Before actually speaking to the witness, Vesti takes a quick glance over at the front desk. It looks like an average front desk, like the one in most of the hospitals that Vesti’s visited. The base of the desk is wood, with a top made of some kind of marble. The desk has two tiers, so the receptionist can keep stuff on the desk without the patients getting their grubby hands all over them. A bored-looking woman sits beside the desk, shuffling through papers. Vesti, recognizing her from the last time he was here, says, “Hey, Lauren, do you think we should ask the receptionist about the murder?” Lauren quickly glances at the desk, and says, “No, I’d rather not talk to her… I remember her being rather rude when we were last here.”

Present: Sammy Tose: Police Badge

“Now, before we get into the painful questions about what happened…” Vesti says, “I’d like to show you my badge!” Vesti quickly pulls out his police badge and then holds it out in front of Sammy, who stares at the badge for a few seconds and lets out a pained sigh. He mumbles, “That badge… it’s the same color as the necklace she wore… on our wedding day…” He clenches his fist and looks to the ground, and single tear sliding down his face. Lauren mumbles, “Vesti, we need to be careful with him. He’s probably really upset. Stop bringing up bad memories.” Vesti loudly whispers, “How the heck was I supposed to know that would happen?!” He sighs and puts the badge away.

Talk: Sammy Tose: Day of the Incident

Once Sammy seems to have calmed down, Vesti asks, “So, we know you were here at the hospital at the time of the, uh… incident. What were you doing from noon to 12:50 today?” Sammy lowers his glasses and glares at Vesti, saying, “…What are you implying?” Lauren quickly explains, “I assure you, any questions either of us ask are merely to get more information. If we wished to accuse you, we’d do so openly.” Looking away, Sammy responds, “Fine, I get it… I came to visit my wife at noon, during my lunch break… like I do every day. I talked to her for a bit, and when I was done, I left. I didn’t need to be back at my job until 1:30, so I waited in the lobby until it was time to leave… Then I got stuck here, after… well, you know…” Vesti says, “So, you were just in the lobby the whole time? Did you see anything suspicious?” Sammy replies, “No, not that I recall. Everything seemed fairly normal.” “That figures,” Vesti says, “It doesn’t seem like anything related to the crime happened in the lobby…” Noticing that Lauren appears to be deep in thought about something, Vesti asks, “Is something wrong, Lauren?” Lauren glances at Sammy, and mumbles, “…Don’t worry about it. Let’s continue with the interview for now.”

Present: Cammy’s Injury: Sammy Tose

“So, uh… What can you tell us about the event that led to Cammy’s injury?” “You two know about that, huh?” Sammy replies, “Well… obviously it’s not an easy story to tell… and I don’t know much more than what the detective told me…” “And what exactly did the detective tell you?” Vesti asks. “He told me the same lies they printed in the newspaper that day,” Sammy shouts, suddenly clenching his fists in anger. “It was all a bunch of complete nonsense about Cammy triggering a blackout and then jumping out a window!” Vesti recoils in surprise at the outburst, as Lauren says, “Still, they had evidence to back their claims… Do you have any evidence suggesting that she didn’t attempt suicide?” “I don’t need evidence!” Sammy replies, “I was her husband! I knew her better than anyone! She wouldn’t have done that! We would’ve worked through it together!” Vesti slowly mumbles, “Uhh… I don’t think that argument would really hold up in a court…” Sammy sighs, shakes his head, and says, “You want evidence? Fine… I have some evidence.” He reaches into a pocket on his suit and pulls out his wallet. Opening it up and reaching inside, he pulls out a small photo and turns it around for Vesti and Lauren. The photo depicts Cammy and Sammy, happily standing together in front of a window. The room looks vaguely familiar to Vesti, and once he notices some of the furniture in the background he recognizes it. The desk in the far-left corner of the room and the flowerbox outside the window appear just as they do in the photo of Aura and Argenta Gold that Vesti saw earlier, which was taken in Argenta’s office. Sammy continues, “If this photo doesn’t show how close the two of us were, then nothing else will… She definitely would have talked to me before attempting something so… drastic…” After a few second of silence, Lauren says, “You must have loved her a lot…” “Of course I did,” Sammy replies. He sighs as another tear forms in his eye. “The last few hours have been really hard… She stopped talking to me a long time ago… but I’m really gonna miss talking to her…” {{Tose Photo added to Evidence}}

Talk: Sammy Tose: Favorite Color

Hoping to lighten the mood, Vesti asks, “So, Sammy? What’s your favorite color?!” Sammy mumbles, “Dark blue…” “Oh, I didn’t expect that answer,” Vesti replies, “Why?” Sammy lets out a long sigh and says, “That… That was the color of her eyes…” Lauren glares at Vesti, who mumbles, “I, uh… probably should have seen that one coming…”

Suddenly, Sammy reaches into his pocket and pulls out an old-looking cell phone. He looks at the screen, frowns, and tries to put it back when Vesti asks, “What’s wrong? Are people sending you texts about what happened?” “I wish…” Sammy answers, “I thought I felt my phone vibrate, but I must have been imagining things… My phone isn’t getting any texts anyway. I forgot, I spilled some stuff on it today, and the screen froze.” He turns it around to show Vesti. Indeed, the screen is frozen, the time reading 12:04 PM. Sammy continues, “It’s quite a shame… I feel like I need to talk to my family at a time like this, but I guess I’ll have to wait until they let me go home…” Vesti replies, “Well… I’m not making any promises… but we’ll try to have this case figured out as soon as we can.” Sammy says, “I think… I think that would help a lot.” {{Sammy’s Phone added to Evidence}}

Investigation: Hospital Lobby
There is nothing left to examine!
Sammy Tose
The Day of the Incident
Cammy Tose
Cammy’s Hospital Room
Security Room
Storage Closet
Argenta’s Office
Aura’s Office
To Sammy Tose
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Poor Sammy :(

The screen froze just a few minutes after he entered Cammy's room. Ask him more about what happened there. If nothing else I'm curious what he could have spilled on his phone, especially as we didn't find any stains or anything in the room (I think).
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Emo to the extremo, eh?

After asking him that, SOLEMNLY move to Cammy's Hospital room or something.
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KamiPanda wrote:
Poor Sammy :(

The screen froze just a few minutes after he entered Cammy's room. Ask him more about what happened there. If nothing else I'm curious what he could have spilled on his phone, especially as we didn't find any stains or anything in the room (I think).


Ask Sammy what he's done since he arrived at the hospital. Try and establish a timeline.

Then consider asking Aura about the insurance details on Cammy's death. If Sammy was to profit from Cammy's murder via some life-insurance bit I wanna know!

Now come on! We gotta pin it on this guy! Vesti's future with Argenta depends on this!

Also ask Lauren for her thoughts, she seemed to pick up on something.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Spoiler: I’ll show you a real extremo if you ain’t careful, buddy.

Present Sammy Tose: Sammy’s Phone

Vesti asks, “Wait, Sammy… What exactly was spilled on your phone? According to the clock, the screen froze while you were visiting Cammy, right?” “Yeah,” Sammy says, pulling out the phone and gazing at it. “I don’t see how it could be important, but… some of the IV liquid got spilled on it.” “The IV liquid?” Lauren says, “How exactly did IV fluid get spilled on your phone?” Sammy explains, “Well, the doctor who was changing the IVs while I was there… Sorry, I can’t remember her name.” “Do you mean Argenta?” “Yeah, that’s it.” Sammy continues, “Anyway, Argenta was leaving to dispose of the old IV bag or whatever when… I guess she tripped or something, because somehow the contents of the bag ended up on me.” Sammy points to a pocket on the chest area of his suit and says, “I had my phone in this pocket. The suit’s pretty much dried off by now, but obviously the phone isn’t.” “Hmm… That’s interesting,” Vesti says, “…but probably not important.”

Talk: Sammy Tose: The Day of the Incident Continued

“Sammy…” Lauren asks, “Remember, I’m not accusing you of anything, but could you give us a more detailed account of your actions today? That information could be helpful.” “Well… Uh…” Sammy answers, “There really isn’t much more to say. I arrived at sometime around 11:55 and went straight to Cammy’s room. I stayed with her for maybe five or ten minutes, then I went back down to the lobby and waited there.” Sighing, he continues. “I wish I had stayed up there longer, but… how could I have known it’d be the last time I’d see her?” Glancing at her notes, Lauren asks, “And you’re sure you didn’t go anywhere else on the way to the lobby?” “…Of course not,” Sammy slowly replies, giving Lauren a skeptical look. “I was only visiting. Going anywhere else would have been trespassing.” “Hmm… I see…” Lauren mumbles. Noticing the same thoughtful look on Lauren’s face from before, Vesti says, “Hey, Lauren, didn’t you say something was bothering you earlier? What was that about?” “Well, I wasn’t sure whether to bring it up or not,” Lauren replies, “…but as a detective, one must thoroughly examine all avenues of the investigation.”

“Sammy, you keep insisting that you spent the entire hour in this lobby… but I find that strange…” “What?! Why?” Sammy shouts, “Where else would I have gone?” “I don’t know where you went, but you weren’t here,” Lauren continues, “If you were, we would have seen you when we watched the security cameras in the lobby… but we didn’t see anyone.” “Oh, that’s right!” Vesti shouts, “I definitely didn’t see him in that footage!” Looking flustered, Sammy replies, “W- Well, that doesn’t mean a thing. Maybe I was just out of the camera’s line of sight… or maybe you just couldn’t make me out. I don’t exactly stand out in a crowd.” Lauren sighs and mumbles, “Well… I suppose you’re right… We can’t exactly prove you wer-” “Wait, I got it!” Vesti shouts, “Hey, Sammy, I have a quick question for you. Are you sure nothing strange happened in the lobby while you were there?” Sammy crosses his arms and glares at Vesti, saying, “Of course I’m sure. Nothing of any relevance happened in this lobby.” “Oh, really?” Vesti asks, “I’d think an old man running in and screaming about bloody murder would be at least somehow relevant…” Sammy fiddles with his glasses and looks out the window, saying, “…What.” “It’s fairly simple, actually,” Vesti continues, “At around 12:45, Dustin Panne, the hospital’s janitor, burst into the lobby and reported the murder rather loudly. If you were in the lobby the whole time like you say you were, then why didn’t you see that?”

At this, Sammy turns to face the window. He stands silently, his arms crossed and his eyes closed. Eventually, he finally snaps, “I think the two of you should leave.” Lauren coldly replies, “Perhaps first you should explain yourself…” “There’s nothing to explain,” Sammy says, “Perhaps I was simply in the bathroom when the body was discovered.” “You can’t seriously expect us to believe that!” Vesti shouts. “It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t,” Sammy continues. “You can’t prove I’m lying. And unless this discussion was recorded, you couldn’t even prove to a court that I didn’t mention Dustin discovering the body.” Lauren responds, “The security footage is all the proof we need.” “I’ve already told you why that footage is useless.” Sammy turns back to the two detectives and pushes up his glasses, causing the glare on the lenses to obscure his eyes. He calmly continues, “Frankly, I find all of this insensitive. In case you’ve forgotten, my wife was just killed, and I’ve barely had time to grieve. Perhaps instead of wasting both of our time with pointless questions, you two should actually be trying to find the creep who killed her.” Sammy turns, spits out a quick “Good luck”, and walks off to the adjoining urgent care facility, leaving Vesti and Lauren standing silently in the lobby.

Move: Cammy’s Hospital Room

Eventually, Vesti finally says, “Well, I guess we should head back to the crime scene… Wouldn’t want to keep Ann waiting, after all…” Lauren mumbles, “You’re right… Let’s go.” With that, the two return to Cammy’s hospital room, too deep in thought to say much else.

Date: Tuesday, January 5th, 2016. Time: 3:35 PM. Location: Gold Clinic, Cammy’s Hospital Room.

When Vesti and Lauren enter the crime scene, they find it a lot less crowded than it seemed to be on the security footage. Only a few policemen are left, and most of them seem to be focused on attempting to open the closet. The second thing they notice is Ann Istheesa, who apparently relocated the wooden stool to the right side of the bed so that she could sit on it. She looks up from the folder of papers she was shuffling through when the two detectives enter and says, “Oh, there you are. You sure took your time getting here, didn’t ya? I swear, you people either come asking for the autopsy before I’ve even looked at the body or you show up five hours after I’ve finished. I mean, I already had to drive all the way over here, you could at least show me the common decency of arriving at a reasonable time.” After Ann seems to have finished with her rant, Vesti replies, “It’s nice to see you too, Ann.” “Yeah, sure, just dismiss all my grievances,” Ann continues, “You’re just like the HR guy back at the station. Everytime I see him and his stupid, self-satisfied grin, I want to put him on my operating table and see how long he’s still smiling.” Vesti asks, “Hey, Lauren, we’ve already done a background check on her, right?” Lauren answers, “I’m pretty sure we’ve done at least five… It might be time for another one…” Ann scoffs and says, “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. But remember, your entire case relies on me. I’ve got the autopsy report, and I even found something interesting that you all missed out on, apparently. If you want the info, you’d better show me some respect first!” “Yeah, alright,” Vesti says, “Let’s see what you found…”

Investigation: Cammy’s Hospital Room
Empty Space Where the Janitorial Cart Used to Be
Ann Istheesa
Autopsy Report
Something Interesting
Security Room
Hospital Lobby
Storage Closet
Argenta’s Office
Aura’s Office
To Ann Istheesa
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%


I know I used the same song twice in a row leave me alone
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Happy Maria

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Examine the empty space where the janitorial cart used to be. Grieves over it for 2 hours and conduct a funeral for it properly.

Also talk to Anne about the autopsy report.

Last edited by Southern Corn on Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shy guy

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Well, Sammy totally isn't suspicious at all. Nope. IV fluid stuff all seems to line up, though.

Ask Ann if she knows anything about our pal Percy.
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Gettin' Old!

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Show Ann respect by formally displaying my Police Badge
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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Spoiler: HMMM...
OshaliteX2 wrote:
Present badge and ask favorite color again.
Then talk about something interesting.

Present: Police Badge: Ann Istheesa

“You want respect?” Vesti shouts, “Well, I’ll show you respect!” Before Ann can respond, Vesti takes out his police badge and, with great flourish, displays it to the coroner. Ann gives Vesti an annoyed glare and says, “Don’t be ridiculous!” Ann points at him and continues, “That is downright disrespectful! When I was young, you didn’t see kids shoving things into their elders’ faces after they returned home from a long day of honest work!” Vesti replies, “…I mean, I’d hardly consider myself a kid.” “Oh, right. I apologize. It’s hard to tell, considering how much you act like one,” Ann says, “Still maybe you’re right… I shouldn’t be judging you based on how people used to act… Besides, I didn’t get the respect I deserved back then either… That aside, put away your stupid badge.” Vesti quickly puts it away, without quite as much flourish.

Examine: Empty Space Where the Janitorial Cart Used to Be

Vesti takes a look at the empty space at the foot of the bed, right next to Ann’s cart of surgical tools. Vesti remembers that the janitorial cart was sitting at that spot the last time he was at crime scene. Recalling the security footage, Vesti asks, “Hey, Ann, remember that janitor’s cart that used to be over here?” Looking through some documents, Ann says, “Yeah, what about it?” Vesti quickly points toward the entrance and says, “Were you the one who had it moved out into the hallway?” Ann explains, “Yeah. I needed my tools for the autopsy, and there wasn’t enough room for two carts in here. Without me tripping every time I examined the body from a different angle, that is…” Lauren asks, “Are you aware that an unknown party stole that janitorial cart after you had it moved outside?” “…No, I was not,” Ann replies, still focusing on her documents. “But that’s hardly my problem.” Ann points to Cammy's body and says, “She’s my problem. If those bozos can’t keep track of a janitor’s cart then it’s hardly my fault. Take any issues you’ve got about that up with them.” Lauren asks, “Do you remember the name of the officer you assigned that task too?” “Don’t know, don’t care,” Ann says. “Now, if you don’t mind, could we move along to the stuff I actually came here for?”

Talk: Ann Istheesa: Something Interesting

“Alright, fine,” Vesti says, “First, could you tell us about this ‘interesting thing’ you found?” “Sure. It’s a piece of evidence that you guys apparently didn’t run into.” She grabs an evidence bag from the nightstand next to Cammy’s bed and holds it up in front of her. Inside is a clear plastic syringe. Ann explains, “I found this shoved under the pillow on Cammy’s bed. It looks like the same kind of thing they’ve got everywhere in this hospital.” Lauren takes the bag from Ann and starts examining the syringe inside closely. “…I’m not surprised we didn’t find this. Neither of us checked underneath the pillow.” Ann replies, “That figures. I only checked down there because I was checking for wounds on the back of the victim’s head. I wouldn’t say a syringe is particularly out of place in a hospital, but it’s definitely suspicious that it was shoved under the pillow like that.” Putting away the syringe, Lauren asks, “Did you happen to check under the rest of the sheets while performing the autopsy?” “Yeah, I did,” Ann replies, “That syringe was the only thing I found.” {{Syringe added to Evidence}}

Talk: Ann Istheesa: Autopsy Report

Vesti asks, “Alright, can we see your autopsy report?” “Geez, finally. I thought you’d never ask. Usually you two are jumping at the chance to get your hands on these things.” Ann puts some of the documents into a folder and then holds it out to Vesti and Lauren. “The only copier in this hospital is four floors down, so I’m afraid you two are gonna have to share.” Vesti takes the folder from Ann and opens it, holding it so that Lauren can see it as well. Written in the report is,

“Victim: Cammy Tose. (Age 34)
Cause of Death: Single stab wound to chest. Weapon unknown.
Time of Death: Approximately 12:30.
Other Notes:
One slash wound is present on each of the victim’s legs. Both were dealt shortly after death.
A small needle wound is present on the victim’s arm.
Toxicology revealed some kind of anesthetic in the victim’s bloodstream.”

“Anesthetic?” Lauren asks as she finishes reading the report. “Why would anesthetic be in a comatose patient’s body?” “I don’t know; I’m just the coroner,” Ann replies, shrugging. “You guys get to figure that one out…” “Honestly, I’m more curious about this time of death,” Vesti says, “How’d you narrow it down to something so specific?” “I used this,” Ann says, pointing to the IV bag next to her. “It seems like the IV drip was dislodged during the murder, so we can use the amount of fluid left in the bag, along with some math, to determine when the bag stopped dripping. Luckily, some of the officers here already knew the info I needed to figure that out, so I was able to narrow down the time of death by a lot. …You’re welcome.” “Wait, that doesn’t make any sense!” Vesti shouts, “We did the same thing earlier and got a time of death about fifteen minutes later!” “I dunno, maybe I’m just better at math since I went through medical school,” Ann says, waving her hand dismissively. “All I know is that there’s approximately thirty or thirty-five minutes worth of fluid in that IV bag. I even double-checked my math and measurements, so make of that what you will.” “Hmm… That’s strange…” Vesti mumbles, “…I wonder why we got that mixed up.” Lauren looks at Vesti, sighs, and silently writes something in her notebook. {{Autopsy Report added to Evidence}} {{IV Bag updated in Evidence}}

Investigation: Cammy’s Hospital Room
There’s nothing new here.
Ann Istheesa
Autopsy Report
Something Interesting
Security Room
Hospital Lobby
Storage Closet
Argenta’s Office
Aura’s Office
To Ann Istheesa
What will you do?

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Isn't it because Argenta told us the bag held more fluid than that? Definitely sounds suspicious.

I guess Ann doesn't know anything about Percy. If there's nothing else to do here, confronting Argenta might be a good idea.
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Happy Maria

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Realising that the part of my consciousness who wants to take Argenta out may come at any second, sashay to her office and politely ask her to answer a few questions...

Over a cup of tea ;)
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Gettin' Old!

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Nnnngh....ask Lauren about the department policy on dating criminals.

And maybe present the stopped watch to Ann. Perhaps she can tell us what was spilled on it.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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Spoiler: Man, I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to these pre-update quips.
OshaliteX2 wrote:
I'm not sure...
should we move somewhere?

Present: Ann Istheesa: Percy Graham

Vesti asks, “Ann, have you met anyone by the name of Percy Graham recently?” In a dull monotone, Ann replies, “You mean Mr. ‘I use video games to mask my anger management problems’?” “Uh, yeah…” Vesti says, “That sounds about right.” Ann grumbles in annoyance and continues, “Yep, I’ve been running into him very often recently. For awhile, I even thought he was a reasonable human being, and I was astounded at how easily he could merge his hobbies with his job… Apparently I was wrong about that first part.” “What makes you say that?” Lauren asks. “Well, normally he just shows up, takes the autopsy, and goes on his merry way,” Ann explains, “…but on one case a few months back, my report contradicted his running theory, and he went totally insane. He claimed that I had falsified the report or somethin’ and was no worse than the criminal he was trying to catch. Of course, I told him to stuff it, and that was that. I dunno what happened with the rest of the case, cause after that experience I chose to take the rest of the day off.” Vesti mumbles, “Wow… Sounds like that guy has some serious problems…” “Hey, at least he knows when to show up for the autopsy report,” Ann remarks, “It’s been years, and you lot still haven’t worked that one out.” Vesti mumbles, “…Then again, I suppose we all have serious problems in Ann’s eyes…”

Suddenly, Vesti’s phone buzzes, indicating an incoming call. Vesti excuses himself from the conversation and answers it. A familiar voice speaks on the other end. “Hello, Vesti. I’ve finished my investigation, and I think I have this case worked out. Meet me in the main office, so we can get this nonsense over with.” “Wait, Percy? Is that you?” Vesti asks, “How did you even get this number?” Percy answers, “Some guy gave it to me.” “Seriously, again?!” Vesti shouts, “I swear, that guy is gonna compromise the case soon with all this info he’s handing out!” “I don’t have time for your pointless comedy routine,” Percy snaps. “Nor do I have the authority to make arrests, so get up here and do your job.” Vesti hears a click as the prosecutor hangs up.

Once Vesti puts the phone away, Ann says, “So, that was Percy callin’, huh? Well, well, speak of the devil…” Lauren asks, “What did he want, anyway?” Vesti replies, “Apparently he finished his investigation, and now he’s just a little too excited about getting this case over with.” Vesti crosses his arms and mumbles, “I swear, whatever happened to performing thorough investigations…” “Well, it’s alright…” Lauren replies, “We’ve probably found all the evidence there is to find by now, anyway.” “Well, other than the murder weapon,” Vesti replies. “But you’re right… We should probably just get going.” “Don’t expect me to come along,” Ann remarks. “I’d prefer to never see that creep again, if I had a choice.” “That’s fine, your presence won’t be necessary,” Lauren continues, “…But it might be a good idea to bring Argenta along…” Vesti shouts, “So I can impress her when I totally destroy Percy’s arguments, right?” Lauren adds, “…Her testimony could be relevant to the case… but I suppose that works too…” Vesti shouts, “Either way, I don’t wanna see what Percy’ll do if we leave him alone over there, so let’s get going. To the main office!” Vesti and Lauren walk out of the crime scene and head for the elevator. Once they’re gone, Ann lets out a sigh of relief and makes preparations to leave herself, hoping that the rest of the day will be fairly relaxing.

To be continued…

Prestige: 95%

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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