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Happy Maria

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Most of you might have heard of PopCap games,the people who've made such games like Plants vs Zombies,Bejewelled,Zuma,and Bookworm. Well,the latter they made a prequel to,and it's called Bookworm Adventures! It's a one of a kind genre,mixing your typical word game with an RPG of sorts. I won't say any more,but go play it! It is truly underrated,but it garnered a sequel as well,which I dare say is even better! The sequel is the best game ever played IMO,so..ya.

What are your thoughts on it?
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Happy Maria

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Also,can I just say I love the poster for this game? It even shows,shouldn't say that one. :payne:
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Ace Procrastinator

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As a friend on mine on the CR discord would say, that's dank af.
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Happy Maria

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I don't speak your 1337 language,but thanks (?)!
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Ace Procrastinator

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That was one of his compliments lol. But seriously though that's pretty cool :will: .
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Happy Maria

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Yeah,I'd even say there's a hidden layer of subtlety that one may not notice until completing the game.
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Happy Maria

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Also,may I just add that the music in this game and it's sequel are great? I'd say their music even rivals AA's in how amazing it is.
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Happy Maria

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Some interesting stuff I found out:

Apparently,there was to be a topaz tile in the game that looked like this:

Apparently did 10% more damage,but nothing else. I can see why they removed it. It looks way too similar to the garnet tile,and it also doesn't do much else besides a little bit of damage.

Other gems for comparison:

Also,apparently in the original Bookworm Adventures,no 16 letter words can be used,as the devs thought that it would be impossible. This was fixed in the sequel though.

Finally,the diamond and crystal tile are reversed in terms of overkill. You need to do 12 extra hearts to annihilate,but 14 to obliterate. Odd,because diamond is more op in general.
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Happy Maria

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MAN IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME. But recently I finally got this game (the first one) reinstalled and am now having the time of my life on it. I forgot how good it was, too. Just finished the first book- Oedipus Lex. I took a screencap of my high scoring words so far so here you go:

Spoiler: Slight page stretcher

And yeah, I stupidly put my cursor over a couple of the words, but for reference, they're 'PADDLING' and 'BLAZONED' respectively.

I keep forgetting that although this book starts off pretty simplistic (even not granting you access to a good deal of the gameplay mechanics and such) it gets super interesting in its latter half. A newbie to the series would seriously struggle for securing some super special success here. I know for sure I did when I played it all those years ago. I was stuck in the Labyrinth of Crete forever. Now though, I just went through all of them, guns a-blazing, winning without even dying once (though even then, it was pretty close at some points!). I even learnt some words I didn't even know existed till now- I didn't know stamina had a plural, I thought Blazoned didn't exist (just emblazoned), and I don't even understand 'Potterer' or 'Floorers'. Currently, my word average is 5.7 or 5.8 (so much closer to 6 than 5, unlike what the game says).

Minigames were pretty close too. The first one where you had to spell as many words as possible from one word was interesting. I tried my hardest, but ultimately only managed to spell 29 words, so I didn't quite get the last health potion. The second one was also a bit of a fluke. The word started with a, so I tried annex. It was wrong, but I tried atone. This time though I got really close so I tried alone and I got it! It was a fluke, because it's always nearly impossible to win that game, much less get the diamond tile (though I have seen that happen once before, surprisingly enough). The third one was also pretty close. There's a bit of a loophole in that one where you can start at any point in the game so I go from top to bottom. Ultimately though I didn't get the power up potion since I barely missed a U in the last row.

In terms of enemies, not many really gave me trouble. I guess my health went kind of low in the underworld level, but that's because the enemies start to do a lot more damage then while my health was also a little low. I will admit that those freaking metal birds really got to me with their bleed attacks (which is where I messed up and forgot to use my purifying potions) and I think the Nemean Lion encounter I struggled a bit more than usual. I think there was this one point in chapter 8 or 9 where I really messed up and accidentally made a word which could have easily backfired on me had the enemy survived and even kill me, but did just enough for them to die and me to move on. I really let out a sigh of relief when that happened. Other than that, not much. Chapter 10 had the 'trickiest' enemies by far (especially those basilisks, yo), but at that point I was too stacked with potions, gems and treasures for them to have any real effect on me. Heck, Medusa didn't even properly hurt me, that's just how OP I was.

But yeah, that's about my experience with Book 1 so far. I'll try out Book 2 when I can, but…yeah, I'm not too fond of that one. Well, at least I've got the Tome of Knowledge to mess around with. Always my favourite part of this stuff, man.
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Happy Maria

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YOOOO BOOK 2. Book 2, man. What a frigging clutch that was. It really managed to subvert my expectations in several ways, but fortunately in the end I (somehow) prevailed through it all, coming out without a single death! Here're my highest scoring words for this one.


Once again, the word average actually is about 5.8 here. Hopefully I'll get it to 6 soon.

But yeah, wow. So many things happened which I didn't even expect. I should probably start from the beginning.

I'll admit, I didn't properly prepare for chapter 1 at all. I just jumped into it and started. For some reason the enemies did a lot more damage here and it was the closest I technically came to dying (though the other chapters were really more closer, but in a different way). I struggled more than usual, but I managed to come through it all. After that, chapter 2 went quite well. Nothing wrong that I can remember. Chapter 3 though, I did a huge mistake. Before this my strategy was to take the Theseus Boots, Aegis of Athena and the Hand of Hercules into every chapter. This time though, since petrify was pretty prominent, potentially, I prowled prettily and put a precautionary measure to take the Medusa Bust into the tomb instead of the Aegis of Athena.

This turned out to be a huge mistake. Just a warning to you all, Defense is better than Offense. Only neglect the Defensive when you're sure you can go all out on the Offensive (aka when you're around my skill level/word average). I really had to fight to secure my place since the enemies did so much more damage without the Aegis. Thankfully, I managed to beat them all and make it through. Then I quickly took the minigame (the word turned out to be 'TOADY'- which I only got by a complete accident) and leapt into the Sphinx. The riddles I remembered pretty well and I got them all correct, without any mishaps this time, and then proceeded onto the next one.

Chapters 5 and 6 turned out to be pretty simple. The pirates kind of annoyed me with their gem stealing and the baby roc got pretty close to killing me, but other than that it went well. The minigame also was alright, though I couldn't spell as many words with 'PIRATES' as I did with 'SUPPORT', but there's not much to do about that, really. The mirage level was admittedly annoying mainly due to the surprisingly large level of damage the enemies inflict (and the extremely lazy Mirage Goat) and just the burns caused by Xel. The flying market level had some amusing moments, and I think I really shone here in terms of word building. In the flying armour battle, I manage to save enough words to create 'MALEVOLENT', which gave me 2 crystal tiles and increased my word average by a lot. Admittedly I gave up a little on Maladin just because of how easy he is, but other than that it was pretty stellar.

Then comes Chapter 9. I wasn't looking forward to it at all as that was where the difficulty really got raised, so I played a minigame to get even more gems! This time I got a clean sweep and went in guns a-blazing. Even after my unfortunate tomb encounter, I decided to take the Genie Lamp (though it was replacing the Thesus Boots this time, as I had learned my lesson about defense). And…I did extremely good? I just used all the gems I had plus the magic lamp's powers to just beta up all the genies. I had to be very careful around the Jinn and the Air Spirit as they did more damage, but other than that I really excelled. Even Shaitan was just one and done, which is pretty surprising from me.

And then came chapter 10. Whoo…this was quite something. I'd used up all my resources on chapter 9, so I had only 10 healing potions and 5 purification potions left. I was extremely paranoid at this point and started taking longer to contemplate the words to play. The first 3 enemies were not a pretty sight. The second guy gave me a severe burn, which I had to waste a purification potion on that. The Elementalist too was hard and I had to use up all my purifying potions on her. Then the Necromancer came. At this point I just said screw it and went all out on the attack damage. Surprisingly, I killed him in just a few words! Then the Twisted Vizier arrived and I was definitely spooked. For whatever reason though, he didn't even heal once the whole battle, so I just used the strongest words on him and he went down without much of a fight. And remember, at this point, I only had healing potions left, so it was really just the biggest stroke of luck that I beat him! And when the fight ended, I threw my hands in the air in absolute ecstasy, relieved that I had beaten him. My heart was racing at the time, but I managed to save my best words and call it a day. It's quite a shock to me, you see.

But yes, that's my experience this time. Hopefully my lack of potions won't burden me for Book 3 too much, but…yeah. That's all.
Re: Bookworm AdventuresTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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I finished Book 3.

I didn't die once.

This is a record for me.

Spoiler: Some screen caps I took (Spoilers for the final chapter)
High scores for this book:

Yes, I actually managed to finally up my word average to 6, which helped a lot. The word over which I'm holding my cursor is 'BRACKETED'.

Overall Scores:


(Had to censor my name, sorry)

How I looked like at the final boss (w/ Demon Lex)+ Stats:



The final strike (didn't quite get the actual moment but it destroyed him)


My favourite word:




I'm immensely pleased with this run of Book 3. I seriously thought I was going to do much much worse after how weakened Book 2 had left me, but surprisingly I don't think I had any major difficulties? Well, sans Frankenstein, his constant healing below half health was really annoying and I'm quite happy that I managed to end him at all. But other than that, not even the later bosses fazed me. Even Grim, Dracula and the Mummy I defeated very quickly, the latter being one I one shotted.

I accumulated quite the number of health potions too this run, which was quite useful. I think I managed to one shot a large number of enemies, so that's something new. I wasn't expecting to do so good too, especially in the middle where I kept waiting for anything but healing potions but the game kept giving me healing potions anyway, lol. Not that it mattered in the end. Near the finale, I actually got kinda bored and let the enemies get their hits on me just because I could take them, and in the last one, I took the Scimitar of Justice instead of the Boots just because. I don't think it even made a difference, though.

Er…yeah. I'm trying to come up with stuff to say, but…that's it! Overall, this has got to be my best run of this game ever and I cannot express my joy at finally one upping this game, as it were. If you haven't played this before, I still strongly recommend that you do. It's extremely fun and it is pretty hard at points. For now though, I'm taking a little break before I try out BA2. Phew.
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Happy Maria

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Alright, so I've finally started my BA2 replay! Some screencaps, first of all:

Spoiler: Slight Page Stretcher

My high scores for this book! Not too bad. I'm actually around 6.8 or 6.9 as my average word length here.




The three 13 letter words!




Look it me


Nice line.

Right, so this has been fun and easy so far. Minigames were nice to me, and the enemies weren't too bad either. Got a fair amount of overkill while also getting a better word average. During the last 2 chapters though, I got seriously freaked out because I wanted to maintain my good word average while the tiles were quite frankly garbage. Meanwhile there were the rainbow tiles and the Mad Hat, which made things easier for me. I managed to get by, but I realllly want to reach that 7 letter word average.

Anyway, onto Book 5, where I'll promptly get beaten up and served on a platter.
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If you scroll through this thread quickly, you'll pretty much only be able to see the same avatar in all posts. Time to change that.

So yeah, I've been playing through the first game. I'm still pretty early on, so I will probably not provide any screenshots* until I finish the first book.

Game has been alright so far. Things definitely got harder (and more interesting) with chapter 5 though, which I just beat. I wasn't expecting to die twice in a level so early on...

So...that's it. I will update here when I get farther in the game, I guess.

(* speaking of screenshots, how do I change the game resolution? It looks all weird when I play it on fullscreen, and I can't find a file with graphic settings in the installation directory, so I have to just play it windowed for now.)
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Happy Maria

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Yes, like I said, the first book's difficulty definitely increases quite fast, and you'll actually find yourself struggling in some parts. Chapter 6 is even harder. I don't joke when I say I was stuck in that for months, maybe years. The ones following are just as hard.

As for the resolution, if you click the menu in the bottom right corner in game, or click the options in the main menu, you can enable 3D Acceleration, which might help. It won't be enabled if it isn't supported by your computer though.

Have fun with the game!
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Happy Maria

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Anyway, finished Book 5 as well! My high score below:

Spoiler: Sorry, but I didn't take quite any egregious screenshots this time

This one I think, I ruined my word average. It was in Chapter 8 where I started using 3/4 letter words so that I could spell out Favourite, but it took too long and I ruined everything. Wasted a lot of potions in the last three chapters so I'll only be going into Book 6 with just Health potions.

There were still some highlights here and there, but overall this was substantially worse than my Book 4 run, which is to be expected. Still got through deathless, though. Now Book 6…that will be quite interesting. I honestly don't expect to live through Book 6, especially that final boss.
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Happy Maria

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I finished Book 6.



Spoiler: The egregious screenshots are back!

Best part of the game, yo.


Me facing off against the final boss.


Me completely destroying the final boss.


Proof that I did indeed finish everything deathless. Note my lack of resources near the end. The Machine really depleted me.


The final level up.


My best words! I actually think my word game was pretty weak this time compared to the usual.


My overall best words this game. The right scores are for Adventure Replay, don't worry. Note my username :p

Right, so what can I really say? This was really nice! I finally one upped my favourite game period! It was a little easy for the first few chapters, but then the difficulty really ratcheted up mid-game. I think chapter 8 is pretty tricky, especially due to the hard hitting enemies and all the potion/gem stealing going around. The Machine was absolutely brutal. I went into that with max health potions, 3-4 power ups and 5-6 purifies. I game out with 3 heals and purifies and no power ups. I really really couldn't let it get the upper hand on me, especially phase 3. Actually, the machine was comparatively easy compared to previous runs. Didn't let it do too much damage on me.

Anyway, now I'm done! With the main game, anyway. I still have Adventure Replay mode, and the achievements to go with it. After that, I'll be leaving quite satisfied. Not that I'm not now. It took me nearly 10 years, but I finally one upped you, Bookworm Adventures! Ahhhhh.
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I have finally resumed playing this. I intend to get much further than this today, but first I'm just going to leave the best word I've made so far here.


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Happy Maria

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I like that word squint eyed Lex. Truly deserving of the word. Though DRAINS and JAINS were much better options tbh.

Also yeah you better get much further you still have to complete the first book :p
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And after all this time, I have finished...

...the first book. Hey, it's not my fault I get distracted with other stuff enough that it took me this long. Also I kind of really suck at this, to the point that, well...just look at this.


...yeah. I'm not good at this at all. Hey, at least I was getting better by the last chapter or so. And it actually got pretty fun by the time everything got more difficult, so I'll keep playing it. Hopefully with less short words and words in general now...
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Happy Maria

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You finished this Book in less than a month?! It took me maybe some years or so to do it, so clearly I have some competition here!

Though yeah, generally is a good idea to try and come up with 5 or more letter words per round instead of focusing on three letter words, there'll be much less room for error afterwards.

Book 2 should be really easy coming from this though. You'll die a few times, sure, but as long as you try and strive for a larger word average, you shouldn't have too much trouble with most of it.
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Aaaand I finally finished Book 2. The first few chapters were actually pretty easy, but those last two are the reason I didn't finish this like two weeks earlier.

Spoiler: I think I got a bit better at this.

And actually finishing that last chapter made me physically tired so yeah. I'll move on to the last book later. Let's see if I can get that word average to 5...
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Happy Maria

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Haha, yeah, like I said, first 8 chapters are pretty silly for the most part, but when armoured comes in, you're pretty screwed. I can sympathise with you on the last 2 chapters so much, the damage level is unreal. Hey, at least you're definitely making an improvement here! Get ready for Book 3, though...
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I just wanted to record this historic moment.


Aaaand I'll probably never make a word like that again. Specially if I'm facing a tougher enemy and am about to die.
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Happy Maria

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Not bad XD I'd recommend using your power up potion on that though, gives you a good overkill and better gems to use as a result.
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And I have finally finished this! Without dying in real life due to that damn mummy!

Spoiler: Holy crap you can see my improvement in these screenshots

The game made me want to jump off a bridge at times but being difficult is good so 10/10 game I guess. I'll get around to playing the sequel soon. Probably as soon as today or tomorrow, definitely before BA3 is released though.
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Happy Maria

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Yeah, honestly you really did improve there. I’m impressed! Glad you enjoyed it. What were your thoughts on the final boss, by the way?
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well SC forced me to post here again so.

I've started playing BA2. No screenshots yet, I'm on like ch8 now. I def like it so far, the game definitely started getting difficult much faster than BA and it thankfully doesn't waste much time with another tutorial which is great. I've managed to get by without dying so far though. And I've actually kept my word average at 5 since the start yay. Also actually choosing which minigame to do is a blessing, and rainbow tiles seem interesting.

So yeah it's definitely better than BA1 so far, will update when I'm not posting under duress.
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Happy Maria

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Cesar Zero wrote:
well SC forced me to post here again so.

I've started playing BA2. No screenshots yet, I'm on like ch8 now. I def like it so far, the game definitely started getting difficult much faster than BA and it thankfully doesn't waste much time with another tutorial which is great. I've managed to get by without dying so far though. And I've actually kept my word average at 5 since the start yay. Also actually choosing which minigame to do is a blessing, and rainbow tiles seem interesting.

So yeah it's definitely better than BA1 so far, will update when I'm not posting under duress.

Hey you're welcome.

The increasing/more consistent difficulty is why I appreciate BA2 more, though. It's more gradual and there aren't any huge difficulty spikes unlike BA which suddenly just gets harder whenever it feels like it (especially with the armoured thing, gosh). Book 4 is alright, it's not really my favourite but it has some okay moments. PRetty simple for the most part and it's not really easy to die until the last two chapters or so. The new gameplay mechanics are pretty fun as well, and the minigames this time are way easier to do.

Anyway yeah you have good taste keep going.
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Top 10 Anime Revivals

Spoiler: Yeet

Yeah I did that. With only 1 death somehow, fuck the Queen of Hearts and that chapter in general. But yeah the game is cool and all blah blah I'll talk more later, now back to the game and to trying to get the-only-other-person-reading-this-thread-knows-what to work.
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Happy Maria

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Ooh, nice words there! Yeah, Book 4 isn’t particularly hard for the most part but it’s simple and funny, especially early on. It’s a nice happy start to the game which I like. But yeah, final chapter’s pretty freaking hard. I like potion steal as a mechanic though, it’s made more interesting by the fact that you have a max potion limit this game. Anyway, Book 5 will definitely prove to be more interesting...and difficult. Very difficult.
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Man, I DO really like Peggle, and I always have wanted to experience some of the other games of the popcap golden age.

That said, should I still play BA1 if I've been spoiled for some of the key story moments? Or should I just skip to BA2/wait for BA3?

I mean, I do have tetris to occupy my time regardless, but some wordtris might be fun to try.
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@mods I'd like to report a dishonest post done with the sole purpose of helping someone BLACKMAIL me ...hey that's a good word I should look out for it in BA-

Err but yeah you just go play BA1 now or something, I'm forced to go back to work now so frick you SC no Book 5 update for you.
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