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Ghost Fables ~ Dead Thread EpilogueTopic%20Title
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This is the Dead Thread for Ghost Fables. The Living Thread is here.

You do not have to participate in the dead thread.

If you are reading this game after the fact, the reading order is Living Thread Prologue -> Living Thread Chapter 1 -> Dead Thread Chapter 1 -> Living Thread Chapter 2 -> Dead Thread Chapter 2 etc.

Spoiler: Table of Contents

Spoiler: Family Tree
(Thank you Panda and Kachu respectively!)



Spoiler: Maps
(Thank you Panda!)

Spoiler: Cast
1) Edna von Braundauer (Southern Corn)
2) Harley Nicholas von Brandauer (Hanzo Shimada)
3) Meta Richter/Edelfäule (Doctor Nanjo)
4) Agnes von Brandauer (Kachu)
5) Heinrich von Brandauer/James Moonview (Winston Payne)
6) Albrecht von Brandauer/Verrier Bain (KamiPanda)
7) Friedrich "Fritz" von Brandauer (Planetbox)
8) Juna Wesseley (Datamatt)
9) Ingrid von Brandauer (DootDootDoot)
10) Erik von Brandauer (Collin)
11) Raphael Fontaine Montague von Brandauer (Bad Player)
12) Julia Weber (NIKI)
13) Jolina Wolff (Mec)
14) Mia Pfeiffer (Franzise Deauxnim)
15) Detektiv Christof Erhardt (Knor)
16) Lynde "von Brandauer" (HonestIago)
17) Angelo (CaptainPancakes)
18) Cecilia "Cici" von Brandauer (Joker)

Last edited by JesusMonroe on Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:06 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Re: Ghost Fables ~ Dead Thread Chapter 1Topic%20Title
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The group of four was simply sitting in the Geistfabel manor. Except it was not the Geistfabel manor. This was the unfeeling, eternal world of Limbo.

[Scene Music]

“And with that… our story is about to begin.” The Ghost Writer closed the book in his hands, weary of writing for a while. All in all, he was proud of how things had gone so far.

That was just his title however… in a previous life he was once known as Gideon.

“Slow start, I know. But what do you think, everyone? Who do you think our victim will be? Culprits?”
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"Sorry I don't really have any ideas Giddy. Can I call you that?" replied a blond-haired man seated across from the Ghost Writer."Ya know, this almost reminds me of what happened just last year. You sure there aren't any witches involved?"
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A ghastly-looking young man was standing in the corner, leaning against the wall. His blank, empty eyes were leveled onto the ground, looking at nothing in particular. A sinister grin crept over his face.

"...If it's you in charge, shouldn't it be someone surprising..?" the man said in a soft whisper. "How about...the detective? Wouldn't that be more interesting..?"
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The fourth occupant sitting head-down in the room is a devilish-looking young woman with pale, pink pink hair twisted into knots to long, coiled horns on either side of her head. Her demonic skin his a reddish-purple like that of a grape, and her tattered peasant's dress looks like it could be made of the same caked dirt and grime that coats it.

Gideon's words seem to irritate the fiend as she growls and cuts into the table deeply with a clawed hand.

She lifts her head and the others can see her most horrifying feature: grey, flaking mold bubbles like molasses from her open eye sockets and unnaturally-wide mouth.

There's a gurgling noise as she draws breath and hocks a wad of the mold into a pile in front of her.

With her mouth momentarily free, she says, "What the fuck is with the And Then There Were None wannabe premise?!"

[Edelfäule's Theme]

She grabs a can of Austrian Red Bull from one of the many cases of cans stacked up behind her. She cracks the lid open and knocks the whole thing back, crushing the can. She tosses the metal scrap at the weird guy in the corner, "Fuck no! Only a chicken-shit writer would make the killer a stranger to everyone like that Detektiv. A boring-ass premise like that is only good for emesis."

"Hey Ghost Wichser," she kicks Gideon under the table to make it clear she's talking to him, "all these fucking characters are shit. All this teasing is riling me up, and I'm about to screw off unless they start talking about their emotional problems and fuck off with this bone-dry kneecap sucking."

This demon who has been acting up is one known as Edelfäule, and she's an unsavory character that seems to have drifted in from the wastes of purgatory.
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Winston Payne wrote:
"Sorry I don't really have any ideas Giddy. Can I call you that?" replied a blond-haired man seated across from the Ghost Writer."Ya know, this almost reminds me of what happened just last year. You sure there aren't any witches involved?"

"Names hardly have any meaning anymore, don't they? I am only Gideon in 'spirit' regardless, his life ended when he was killed." He was clearly amused with his pun. "Witches are far too '87 though, ghosts are in!"

CaptainPancakes wrote:
A ghastly-looking young man was standing in the corner, leaning against the wall. His blank, empty eyes were leveled onto the ground, looking at nothing in particular. A sinister grin crept over his face.

"...If it's you in charge, shouldn't it be someone surprising..?" the man said in a soft whisper. "How about...the detective? Wouldn't that be more interesting..?"

"Oh-ho! And blatantly break one of Knox's commandments? You must not know me at all, Angelo!" Truthfully the man knew Gideon well, since such a thing was not in fact out of the question. Gideon had already been in this world for several eternities, and committing a grievous sin in the world of mystery would certainly end his existence, if serious enough. There was a more than significant chance he would be crazy enough to do it.

Finally, Gideon's nose wrinkled at this new 'challenger' who approached his story. Yet she wasn't the first malcontent he faced against, and wouldn't be the last. And like all the others, she too would eventually kneel before his newest, stupefying story. "Not to worry, Edel. Before the end of this chapter, I'm sure we'll have our first visitor."
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The young man's blank eyes soon transition over to Edelfäule. He stares with curiosity at the disgusting creature -- the bubbles foaming at the eyes. He tries to initiate a conversation.

"Edelfäule, that's no way to talk to a genius," he says. "Besides...if they release all their skeletons right away, then that's no good either, is it..? You have to stir the pot a little bit, first. Why don't we wait just a little bit more?"

He creeps over to the others. He takes off his white gloves and places himself next to "Gideon." His pale skin wretches as he takes another seat.

"Everyone, so unwilling to submit to the work of a master. No one knows how to appreciate art, anymore..."

"Oh-ho! And blatantly break one of Knox's commandments? You must not know me at all, Angelo!" Truthfully the man knew Gideon well, since such a thing was not in fact out of the question. Gideon had already been in this world for several eternities, and committing a grievous sin in the world of mystery would certainly end his existence, if serious enough. There was a more than significant chance he would be crazy enough to do it.

"...Don't they say to learn the rules well so you can break them?" he asked, not facing Gideon. His soulless eyes moved to the floor as he fiddled shyly with his gloves. "For a situation like this, you don't want to just stick with the basics, do you? Those old things are outdated, anyways..."

'Angelo's' soft voice cracked a bit as he stretched his legs outward, trying to get more comfortable.
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Edelfäule wretches again, adding to the pile of rot and spit in front of her. She shakes her head nearly gouging the others with the far ends of her horns, “A genius? An eternity with such a soft skull must be bliss. I’m jealous, Angel-ho; I wish I could have shit for brains and shit for taste. Then I could rot in this shit for all time and be fulfilled.”

“You would have to be a pig intestine to be excited about the unmarked meat this Ghost Wichser is going to butcher. You should let me in the driver’s seat and I’ll show these gentlemen a good time before the first body even falls,” she reaches out and attempts to place a clawed hand on Gideon’s book.
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Angelo crashed onto the floor, his stare shifting towards the ceiling.

"...There's no need to be jealous. You'll see soon, enough, after all. We're witnessing history happen right before our eyes. Lucky...lucky...we're so lucky..."

He held out his hands in front of his face, keeping them elevated.

"What could you even improve, anyway..? Are you telling me there's a brain hiding somewhere in that ugly, busy face of yours? No, your vision wouldn't even compare..."
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“You’re really going to preach this patience bullshit when you’re getting all thirsty for Gideon’s mystery right now?” It’s clear from the gagging that Edelfäule is either disgusted or just genuinely can’t breathe. Either way her leaking eyeholes twitch, staring down at Angelo. “You must be one of his sycophants who gets all fucked up when you go without having one of his sloppy, slobbery closed rooms to satiate you. As if your casual ass wasn’t here for those insubstantial magic tricks.”
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"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" A mighty scream cut across the bickering. Albrecht, restored to his former glory in limbo, was rather upset about the situation, to put it mildly. "You!" He shrieked, pointing a finger at Gideon. "This is your doing! What arcane voodoo have you performed? What vile magic, what... deal with the devil did you make? How dare you do this to your own father!"
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Angelo and Edelfäule's conversation was cut short by the sudden screeching of an ugly, formerly-alive man.

"...Oh. Edelfäule, it looks like while we were bickering, someone died right under our noses."

Angelo crept over to Albrecht and placed his palm on his cheek. " they'll all be sent here."
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"Ah, father! Welcome! Couldn't resist reading another of my stories?" Gideon surprisingly seemed happy to see the old man. "Please enjoy the tea! It's lukewarm, but unfortunately the only thing that has any flavor in this world."
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"Get your hands off me, you filthy lowlife!" Albrecht roared, batting Angelo's hand away so he could properly glare at his son. "You dare mock me? You brought me here! Snatched that damn medicine out of my hands just when I needed it! If you weren't already dead I'd kill you!"
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"Oh, did I?" Gideon said with an exaggerated look of bafflement on his face. "I'm dead though, aren't I? Is this like when you accused me of stealing the headship? Perhaps you need a nap."
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"You're insufferable! Humanity must really be at a low point in history if your books ever got popular," Albrecht grumbled, quickly realising this wasn't going to go anywhere. "Why'd you bring me here? Pretty vengeance?"
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"I didn't 'bring you' here." Gideon bluntly replied, eyes darkening on his father. "Those who are here are those unable to move on. So tell me father, what unsatisfied you about your life? What's chaining your soul to this world?"
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"Such a ridiculous question! What sane man accepts his own death?" Albrecht retorted. He seemed content to remain standing for now. Maybe he was just happy to actually be able to after so long. "I'm not chained to life by some weakness, it is my strength! The drive to keep on living, where lesser men would have long given up. I saw you appear in the land of the living: if you can do it, then so can I!"
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KamiPanda wrote:
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" A mighty scream cut across the bickering. Albrecht, restored to his former glory in limbo, was rather upset about the situation, to put it mildly. "You!" He shrieked, pointing a finger at Gideon. "This is your doing! What arcane voodoo have you performed? What vile magic, what... deal with the devil did you make? How dare you do this to your own father!"

The man once known as 'James' had apparently unceremoniously dozed off but the sudden scream startled and awoke him - also knocking off his sunglasses. As he went over to pick them up, he spotted Albrecht, "Albie! Is that you? Listen, I know you don't know me... let's just say that I've been watching you.. But we just need to move past that and move on to more important things. You know, in my opinion, me and you are actually quite similar characters. I'm a successful American businessman and entrepreneur, and you're the rightful head of the wealthy von Brandauer family. That's why I believe it's in our best interest for us to work together and perhaps form a little partnership. In fact, I think I have the perfect proposal that would accomplish just that. Would you like to hear it?" It seemed like the arrival of the old man had somehow energised James as he didn't have any shame interrupting Albrecht and Gideon’s argument. However, his positivity seemed unlikely to be genuine.

Last edited by Winston Payne on Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"...Partnering with a dead man..? What use is there for that..?"
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Ignoring Angelo, Albrecht beamed at James. "Finally, a man who speaks sense! Yes, I'll listen. So long as you aren't planning on wasting my time, this could be a very fruitful discussion!"
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KamiPanda wrote:
Ignoring Angelo, Albrecht beamed at James. "Finally, a man who speaks sense! Yes, I'll listen. So long as you aren't planning on wasting my time, this could be a very fruitful discussion!"

"Oh that's a shame Albie, I really hope you reconsi-," James probably wasn't expecting his offer to even go that far, "Wait wait sorry about that... it's just been a while since I've negotiated a deal so I'm getting a little bit rusty. As for what this proposal involves... we will um..." James spent a while trying to come up with an idea. "It'll be a quid pro quo sorta deal. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. We're both businessmen right? This world here seems like a real untapped market. It's hard to get your foot into it, trust me I've tried. But with our combined expertise, I'm sure we can somehow turn a profit," it seemed like Limbo had only made James more delusional. "However, more importantly, we need to find a way outta here so you can get your headship back and I can go back to my business and loving family. Who knows, maybe when we're back, you could even give me little investment." James offered his hand.
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"Tell us about your family again, James," Angelo said with a dark, curious stare. "I always enjoyed hearing about that pitiful lot."
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Albrecht readily took the offered hand in a firm handshake. "I don't know about this 'profit' idea of yours, I've no interest in staying... wherever here is," he said, glancing around limbo in distaste. "But you say you want out? Then our goals are in agreement!" He turned to sneer at Gideon. "See that, son? This is my answer. I don't know what your plans were, but I will play no part in them! I'm not just some character in your inane plot! This... man, and I, will find our way back to the living realm, whatever it takes!" Then he glanced back at 'the man'. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name?"
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"Tell us about your family again, James," Angelo said with a dark, curious stare. "I always enjoyed hearing about that pitiful lot."

James smirked, "They're kinda like the lot we have down there. Somehow stranger though.... It's been a while since I've heard anything from them but I'm sure they miss me. You could meet my family if you want, they're in this world somewhere."
KamiPanda wrote:
Albrecht readily took the offered hand in a firm handshake. "I don't know about this 'profit' idea of yours, I've no interest in staying... wherever here is," he said, glancing around limbo in distaste. "But you say you want out? Then our goals are in agreement!" He turned to sneer at Gideon. "See that, son? This is my answer. I don't know what your plans were, but I will play no part in them! I'm not just some character in your inane plot! This... man, and I, will find our way back to the living realm, whatever it takes!" Then he glanced back at 'the man'. "I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name?"

He weakly shook it back, "Name's James."

Last edited by Winston Payne on Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"I'm looking forward to working with you, James," Albrecht said earnestly. "So, firstly: what is this place? I'm hoping you can give me a straighter answer than my son would."
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“Oh come on, Father.” Gideon pouted. “It’s a mysteryyy. Play with meeee.”
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Albrecht glared at Gideon, but took the bait. "What mystery? There's nothing mysterious about anything that's happened so far!"
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“You saw a ghost, didn’t you? You don’t find that even a little strange?” He smirked as if he knew the answer already, because he did. “Come on, why don’t we play a game? The four of us were just in the middle of one—if you win, you can leave.”
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"Everything that's about to happen is by your father's genius design..!" Angelo exhaled, with enough blind devotion where it could feasibly be a lie. His eyes were still fixated on the ceiling, looking aimlessly at nothing in particular. "I wonder if he has anything left for you in his plan..."
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Albrecht's expression twisted in discomfort. "You always were a sly one. Exploiting not one, but two of my weaknesses: I'd be proud if I weren't the one on the receiving end." He sighed, before continuing. "I'll do anything if it means I can get out of here! And as you well know, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's things that are out of place. Your infuriating obsession with introducing new mysteries to the world only creates more uncertainty and chaos. I refuse to let that stand! I'll unravel whatever tangled web of nonsense you've concocted, and if it means my revival, then all the better!"

After that declaration, he took a moment to glare at Angelo. "You, sir, are a freak. Are you even real, or are you just the manifestation of Gideon's ego?"
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"Very good." Gideon unsheathed his pen as if it were a sword and began writing.

"I have presented several riddles throughout this story already. One of these riddles is 'impossible'. If any of you can identify it, you will have freedom from this world. The impossible riddle may have presented itself already, or it may have yet to appear."

He closed the book.

"Father, you claim that my ghost took your medication and killed you. That is a fine theory, but a theory with supernatural elements is an impossible one. So if that is your answer, then this game is already over."

Albrecht was knocked back at the red statement from Gideon, falling onto his keister. The other three seemed more prepared, and only had their clothes blow slightly from the force. Albrecht blinked in disbelief... the red words.... they held a different and strange power to them.
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"...Who knows?" Angelo sighed towards Albrecht, still not looking at the others. His empty eyes deepened further and further. "Well...nowadays, I consider myself to only exist because of him. That much is true."

He put his hands down.

"...Yeah, it's all thanks to him..!"


Angelo rose from his fetal position as Gideon unleashed his riddle, like a snake in a basket. "...Let's just play along, right? Let's just play along..."
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"Congratulations on dying, you sick Nazi fuck. Maybe now that you're out of the story we can all forget that you were ass, and you can fade into obscurity," Edelfäule snarls, pouring herself a cup of tea out of the lid of the teapot. She makes a mess everywhere and nearly burns her hands. As a special bonus, she pours in half a can of Red Bull and takes the whole cup like a shot.

"Anyway, seems to me that someone took the old man's medicine, brought him upstairs to the attic, and then left. The old man locked the door, maybe because the killer told him to. He died when he was unable to find his medicine in the case of his attack. Then they tossed the medicine back in through the crack in the door, after the old man died but before any of the others arrived on the crime scene," Edelfäule spits, satisfied with her response. "I'll take my prize from you now, Ghost Wichser."
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"What nonsense are you spewing now?" Albrecht shouted angrily at Gideon as he got back up, unsettled by the strange force just now. "I saw you there with my own two eyes! You grabbed the nitroglycerin bottle from my hands and then stood by as you watched me die! There is no mystery to solve there."

He turned, then, to Edelfäule. "Ah, you must be the demon Gideon formed a contract with to create this whole ridiculous afterlife. You are every bit as foul as I imagined a demon to be."
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
"Anyway, seems to me that someone took the old man's medicine, brought him upstairs to the attic, and then left. The old man locked the door, maybe because the killer told him to. He died when he was unable to find his medicine in the case of his attack. Then they tossed the medicine back in through the crack in the door, after the old man died but before any of the others arrived on the crime scene," Edelfäule spits, satisfied with her response. "I'll take my prize from you now, Ghost Wichser."

"The bottle can't fit through the door crack. But I do love the enthusiasm!" Gideon said, a genuine-seeming response.
KamiPanda wrote:
"What nonsense are you spewing now?" Albrecht shouted angrily at Gideon as he got back up, unsettled by the strange force just now. "I saw you there with my own two eyes! You grabbed the nitroglycerin bottle from my hands and then stood by as you watched me die! There is no mystery to solve there."

"Then say it father. Say it's the impossible crime. If you're wrong, you'll be damned to eternal suffering. But there's no way something you saw with your own two eyes could be wrong, riiight~?
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"Ngh!" Albrecht flinched at the response. "Damn you!" He scratched at his head in frustration. "I suppose it's possible you were just projecting an illusion, taunting a dying man. Maybe my brain was playing tricks on me due to the heart attack. Or maybe everyone sees a spectre come to haunt them in their final moments. You are - infuriatingly - right: I can't yet prove anything. And if this place," he said, gesturing all around him, "is your world, I suppose 'proof' is king. Though if I can't trust my own experiences, what can I trust?"
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KamiPanda wrote:
"Though if I can't trust my own experiences, what can I trust?"

"The red words. Everything I say in red is the truth!" There was another powerful gust, though Albrecht was more prepared for this one. "To lie with red is the ultimate sin of this world, and results in the immediate second death of the user."

He smirked. "And I know what you're thinking. 'That could be a lie!' All I can say to that is trust in my rules--there is no game without rules."

He took the book out and began writing, "That's how I can confidently rebute Edel's theory without a second thought. Because the pill bottle can't fit under the study door crack. You see? In fact, neither the pills nor the bottle ever traveled through the door while it was locked with the chain."
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Albrecht grimaced. "Right, of course... Your world, your rules. It's too risky for me to assume otherwise. Fine, I'll play along. I can try finding a different way out at the same time."
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"Most excellent. Find a way out if you can. That will be something you'll need to set your goals on for the next chapter. We need to stay lockstep with the main story."

"Next chapter?!" Albrecht shouted. "I'm not done spea-"

~~Chapter 1 END~~
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