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Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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As humans, there's always things to do everyday. So we can share one aspect in common: chores... no matter which is it; household chores, career chores, etc.
Just say your usual tasks, and if possible we can even share the easier ways of doing things. I'll begin this.

Among one of my favourite household chores is doing the dishes. The tip that I can give out is, if the dishes are greasy: before washing the dishes (or other utensils that you want to wash), wipe the grease with wiping cloth while the utensil is still warm. Grease is more difficult to be removed from cold surfaces. Only then you get rid of the residues with detergent and water. Wash as usual as you'd do to dishes.

So, anyone else? You can even just mention briefly what you do ^_^

:keylady: Hmmmm... whatever, it is time to fly return~ :edgy:

(7o_o)7 Sprite Arts Game char Deja-vus? Chores AA char in 3D! Ryu CR!

People should live freely without constraints.
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Richard Wellington

Last edited by Ryu on Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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...drinks 17 rootbeers per trial

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I really don't do any household chores, since it's just me in my messy, messy college dorm.

But I'm basically the chore-girl at work. Get things off the high shelves, take cardboard to the compactor, polish the display cases for the Yu-Gi-Oh cards (Which kids get their handprints on MERE SECONDS after I finish), inventory and sort the Webkinz by species, get the boss his coffee... Oi.
Stereo's Ace Attorney Chibi Project!
36/80 finished. Currently working on: Redd, Ini, Ben & Trilo, Lotta
Re: ChoresTopic%20Title

Sometimes I have to get the dog's food. :/
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Naruhodou wrote:
You can even just mention briefly what you do ^_^

If you come across an older post of mine, sowwy
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Pretty much trash, dishes, laundry, cleaning the living room, and my bedroom(doesn't count much).
Don't mind me, just passing through.
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I kinda do whatever whenever around the house, lest my grandma starts whining then I'll do more to shut her up XP

I do alot of dusting, kitchen (sometimes bathroom) cleaning, and glass/window/tv cleaning at my grandparents :P Here at home I hardly do anything but pick up my stuff every so often.

At school I go waste my life =P

At work I sweep/empty trash, since I'm usualy the lone cashier abandoned at the register before closing =_= Aside from that and cashier work, I do whatever needs done or I'm told to do, or sit there and doodle cactuar all over the notepads XD
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I do whatever needs to be done. Or not.
--Millini (Official CR Rock Prince and Gavinism convert.)
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Prufursurnkfa fushcatchurrr

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If you're enjoying chores, you're not doing it enough.
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I clean all over everywhere! T_T Most frequently, I do dishes. I even enjoy myself when I can put on some music to keep my feet moving.
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Dishes, Sweep the floors, clean my room *usually when my brother makes the mess*, fold towels, and sort my books.
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(ace attorney gremlin mode activated)

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I have to...
Clean Kitchen
Clean Bathrooms
Clean rest of the house
Fill/Empty Dishwasher
Wash dishes that don't fit in dishwasher/Dry them/Put them away
Cook (the only chore I enjoy. I love cooking <3)
Clean my room
Empty the 12 trash cans scattered over the 3 floors of our house.
Do laundry
Mate socks
GO TO SCHOOL AND DO HOMEWORK D: (I like school, but sometimes I just...)

Sorry I had to ramble about all my chores.

And I forgot!
Vacuuming and sweeping.
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I go out to get odds and ends from the shop; bread, milk etc. I unload and load the dishwasher. I know it's not a lot, but Mam is a bit OCD with cleaning, she won't let ANYONE else do it XD;;;
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It's stuck?

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The only chores I have are ones that keep my mind busy. I have a huge clutter on my desktop that I always need to sort and my other desk is no exception. I keep most of my stuff in boxes anyway. :shy:
Lana_Skyes_Heart wrote:
SO I was stuck all day inside the changing room with nothing but a glued on bra.

Panty thief strikes again! :-P
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I need an avatar and sig... |:

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-Load and unload the dishwasher.
-Walk my dog.
-Clean my room.
-Go to school and do everything around it.

That's pretty much it and i'm still complaining.
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Tinker wrote:
If you're enjoying chores, you're not doing it enough.

--Millini (Official CR Rock Prince and Gavinism convert.)
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Office policy dictates that all Prosecutors must have a clean and professional workspace. That's my chore.
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Ah chores... yuck. What more is there to say? :godot:

Oh and Mr. A.D.A., congratulations on winning another trial!
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The Law is just a Game...

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Thank you, Thank you very much.

*Does Elvis moves*
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Let's see what do I do?

At home:

Clean bathroom
Clean stairs
Clean rooms
Trash stuff

Work in the Male Supply department
Do worksheets and expand our knowledge even more
Make sure my Subordinates don't do anything stupid
Enforce the rules of my unit and get a bad reputation by my subordinates for doing so because they can't follow the rules and are immature enough to even think I'm the bad guy when I'm doing my job when its their own their own fault

Thats about it.
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I just finished refurbishing my office, and now back to work on KIV documents.
:keylady: Hmmmm... whatever, it is time to fly return~ :edgy:

(7o_o)7 Sprite Arts Game char Deja-vus? Chores AA char in 3D! Ryu CR!

People should live freely without constraints.
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Richard Wellington
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im a slave lol I do whatever im told.... -_- *sigh*
Re: ChoresTopic%20Title
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How Daft of you

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Ummm... dorm.

I have a dust-buster somewhere around here my ex er... lent me.
I use it... sometimes.
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:Ace Author has a nice ring to it...

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Sweeping... the... FLOOR!

Sorry, I just hate it so much..................
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WhyWaitForGodot? wrote:
Sweeping... the... FLOOR!

Sorry, I just hate it so much..................

Whenever I sweep, I make the kitchen dirtier. D:
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:Ace Author has a nice ring to it...

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How does that work? :udgy:

No, I have become good at it...but I hate doing it :sadshoe:
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(ace attorney gremlin mode activated)

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I dunno how it becomes dirtier. It's like all the dust hides and when I sweep it all comes flying out. :/
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If that's the case, switch to vacuum cleaners instead.

The quiet type, that is. ^_^

:keylady: Hmmmm... whatever, it is time to fly return~ :edgy:

(7o_o)7 Sprite Arts Game char Deja-vus? Chores AA char in 3D! Ryu CR!

People should live freely without constraints.
That's how life should be! -
Richard Wellington
Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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I cant stand dishes but i do like doing laundry (though at times where im in a big point in a video game i get annoyed when i have to do it)
Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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Even with a dorm room, I still have some chores:

- Doing my laundry
- Taking out the trash
- Shop for groceries
- Vacuum Floor

I don't have to do any of these, I just do them to keep my room and other stuff cleaner.
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Ken wrote:
As humans, there's always things to do everyday. So we can share one aspect in common: chores... no matter which is it; household chores, career chores, etc.
Just say your usual tasks, and if possible we can even share the easier ways of doing things. I'll begin this.

Among one of my favourite household chores is doing the dishes. The tip that I can give out is, if the dishes are greasy: before washing the dishes (or other utensils that you want to wash), wipe the grease with wiping cloth while the utensil is still warm. Grease is more difficult to be removed from cold surfaces. Only then you get rid of the residues with detergent and water. Wash as usual as you'd do to dishes.

So, anyone else? You can even just mention briefly what you do ^_^

My favourite house chore, too! :edgy: Before washing the dishes, I arrange the cutlery separated from the plates and cups.

I also throw the rubbish every evening, after dinner. When refilling the bin with plastic bags, I put the largest bag in first then more bags. So you don't have to keep refilling the bin every night!

I have to supervise my 7 year old sister when she brushes her teeth, so that's a chore to me.
^Credit to 天才/sophia! <333 Thanks so much!
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Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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I do gardening. It's always good to contribute to Mother Nature. Copy into your browser
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Um... homework. That's about it, really.

God, I feel like a spoiled brat. :sadshoe:
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Slammin' Flower Child

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D: I hate cleaning the bathroom. Mostly because I share a bathroom with my sister and she friggin doesn't know how to keep it neat. And she doesn't know how to clean the bathroom. I also hate doing laundry when my mom yells at me to do it while I'm doing homework. If she didn't get all mad about it, or didn't ask me when I'm doing homework, then I wouldn't care. :edgeworth:
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Ayries Kukku wrote:
I go out to get odds and ends from the shop; bread, milk etc. I unload and load the dishwasher. I know it's not a lot, but Mam is a bit OCD with cleaning, she won't let ANYONE else do it XD;;;

You're lucky.

My mom is so lazy D= I'm so lazy, nothing gets done.
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Well, I usually take care of cleaning the house, washing the dishes and as well as hanging the clothes out to dry. But usually I only do it if no-one else does it. Which is pretty common.
Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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Ayup, ayup

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Dishwasher. I'm in charge of that, ayup. :yogi:
My dog. I gotta walk her and feed her.
Emptying all the wastebaskets in the house. I like the fact that we're using liners in all our wastebaskets now. Makes for an easier job...
Setting the table/cleaning the whole dinner.
Vacuuming/dusting/washing the floors.
Cleaning the room.

...It's much easier to do all this when you have an MP3 player or radio or something with you.
Actually, I have a problem with my iPod. I can't just sit down and listen to it. Unless I'm in a car, I have to be doing something along with listening to it.
...I know I'm weird.
Single and daughter to Syke y Ayasato and nintendofreak...ayup...
Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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I can't believe I'm typing this.

I Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution of The United States.

And keep my office clean.
Imagesig by Rhia
My Trial Record, 14-0. I support Klavi & Krissi.

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Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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I hated doing my laundry when I was at home, but now that I'm in a dorm I like it a lot for some reason. Though it would be a lot easier if I had an actual laundry basket instead of just a bag.

Oh shoot, that reminds me I was going to do a load today. I completely forgot... :knock-knock:

Well, maybe it's not too late to still do it tonight. Man, the one chore I like doing and I forget to do it... I'm such an airhead.
Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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>Clean my bed
>Get prepared for school
>Wash the dishes
>Help my younger siblings to prepare for school
Re: Responsibilities, Errands or Obligations...Topic%20Title
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Do laundry (since that Ken doesn't), help my cousins make cakes before a holiday festival, teach my classmates Maths, History and Science, do class assignments (we call them as homeworks). Copy into your browser
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