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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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Hey Arki :edgy:

So, I took on board what you said in my art thread, and tried to draw something a bit actiony. I think the hands are wrong, and the anatomy probably is too.

Well, here it is.
Spoiler: Deigo gets personal

Edit : Uploaded the transparent one by accident, ok now.
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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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First, were you using the below picture as a referance

Spoiler: Jademacalla awesomeness

Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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'One who should not exist..'

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Hi Arkillian!
So i tought, might as well post one of my drawings here..
So yeah, this is drawn on paper, and i've made a picture of it with my webcam, so i'm sorry about the quality.
I'm planning on uploading it sometime tough.

Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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Arkillian wrote:
First, were you using the below picture as a referance

Spoiler: Jademacalla awesomeness

No, it wasn't that one. It was one were he was in a bath robe and he had a small gun in his hand - not a pistol though, looked like an automatic gun - and a cup in his other hhand that he was drinking from.

Although I changed it around a little bit, I just kinda used his posture and his expression as a reference.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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H4RDMEISTER- Was it one of these two?

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If not- please link me an image of what you were going off. IT'll give me a better idea what you were 'aiming' for (Lol-pun :edgy: )


Please don't take this the wrong way, but a picture needs to be a certain quality for me to see the picture. If I can't see the picture, then I can't critique it. Not only is it too small, but it's too dark for me to see it. If you can scan it, or take a photo in an evenly lit area with no flash, with it self supported, then I'll happily give you crit. Right now, I can't even photoshop it to a point that I can see it. Sorry :(
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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Arkillian wrote:
H4RDMEISTER- Was it one of these two?

Image Image

If not- please link me an image of what you were going off. IT'll give me a better idea what you were 'aiming' for (Lol-pun :edgy: )


Please don't take this the wrong way, but a picture needs to be a certain quality for me to see the picture. If I can't see the picture, then I can't critique it. Not only is it too small, but it's too dark for me to see it. If you can scan it, or take a photo in an evenly lit area with no flash, with it self supported, then I'll happily give you crit. Right now, I can't even photoshop it to a point that I can see it. Sorry :(

Sorry there, I was on my Ipod at the time so I couldnt get an image up.

That one is the one I was using.
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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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OK- I see your problem now, and to be honest, it's not an easy fix ^^; You've gone STRAIGHT to a really difficult pose here. Why is it difficult? The arms. Those arms aren't straight out, they're foreshortened, and you've chosen a cool pose, btu his bath robes cut off what the foreshortening looks like, so you've gotten it wrong in your version. Sorry if that's too critical, but that's what's happened. I dont' know what he looks like under the robes, but doing a VERY rough sketch so you can get the idea of how foreshortening works, I've redlined the original to see if it can give a better idea of how his form is.

Spoiler: A redline of what his body looks like approx under the robe- Sorry Jademacalla if you see this T.T Please forgive me!

The gun arm is a bit wrong at the elbow, but you sorta get the idea right? you need to use lines running into the arm to show the depth in his arm. That... it's something I'd rather you learn later on your own once you've figured out how YOU draw the human form. I don't think you're ready for freestyling a pose from a pic yet. If you go off a naked base then sure, go for it, but you need to learn the building blocks first :) (I'm not tryign to be mean her- personal opinion, that's all)

Besides that, congrads for giving it a GO at least! Take what I suggest here, and give a few easier ones a try, and you'll find them easier to do :) If you can do life drawing, it makes you understand foreshortening better. I couldn't foreshorten before them. It's a guy thing I think. You guys can think in 3D. Chicks have issues with it *grumbles*

Anyways- there's a few other things I CAN help with! I'll point those out for you :)

  • Expression- You've almost got the expression Jade does in his pic if you're copying that. It's hard to tell via that tiny pics what he's doing, but I know off experiance these facts- it's a stern face. Serious. His eyebrows will be even heighted, and arched down in the inner eye side. They will be low set- almost touching, if not touching the eye in your picture. The eye will have a flat top, and a steep incline either side it (You have that ;) Goob job figuring it out!), but his lower eye lids are raised to a flat. They're angry eyes, not so much the eye brows though. He also has a flare in his nose, btu your style can't show that. You'd normally show it in the mouth with a lemon bitter mouth expression or something equaly intense. Make the expression yourself. Do you feel serious doing it? If not, modify it till it feels right. This is why artists pull faces as they draw unconsciously ;) To draw it right, the face has to pull it otherwise it wont come out right.
  • Torso- Your torso needs to be turned away to match the pose. Jademacalla is GREAT for photo refs cause he's (ex?) army or something. He knows how to handle a gun. If he does a certain pose, it'll be the correct pose for the gun, so keep an eye out for that. Actually, I used a pose of his for one of my pics:-
    Spoiler: Zeth bond pic + ref
  • Tilt- Do you draw at a desk, or is the tilt on purpose? I use to draw on a desk and never realised that all my pictures were tilted about 10 degrees to the left- like yours is. The way to fix this, is by sketching where the head is, and then drawing a line straight down. This shows gravity. If half of your person is on one side of the line, and the other half is on the other side, then he'll be balanced, and upright on your page. If it was on purpose, then maybe more incline and a horizon line in the background is needed.

Hope this all helps! Please don't be discouraged from doing foreshortening from this- it looks alright. Just learn the ground ups first before you leap into modifying poses. That way, you learn it right :)
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Not sure what to ask meself, I would ask for colour guidance as I'm useless with painting 'smoothly', that and certain things like hair fibre etc. are beyond my comprehension XD egads... That is, regarding this thing- ... -116126941.

I won't ask about the figure itself, it's old and it might be better off when I finish my Ema Skye figure one and showed that.. but if there's anything particularly glaring please let me know :edgy:
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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Holey crap!! I got stickyed!! :godot:

Oops- I said I was gonna give you crit on it at DA and never got around to it, didn't I? XD *did a bad T.T sorry* I'm usually better than that! I must've gotten distracted, and it got hidden somewhere in my inbox of 600+ messages >.> I should make it a resolution to keep that list under 100... :grey:

Alright- I'm not an expert on colour, but from what I know, I'll give it a go, and maybe someone more knowledgeable than me might step in with more pointers? *looks out hopefully*

  • Path- The subject placing and pose of Godot is effective for the picture, but one thing that the picture needs is a path for the eye to follow. This is a little hard to describe as there is only one thing in this picture and not many things to look at. The eye needs to be able to examine the whole picture bit by bit to take it all in. The way you show your subject where to go is via colour value or the hue (Wether the colour is a redy yellow, or a limey yellow), colour saturation (Whether it is an intence red or a dull red), and luminosity (Whether it's a red, a blood red, or a pink). The contrast between light and dark is what draws the eye around a picture for more than 2 seconds. A good way to spot if you have a good path is by turning your picture into grey scale

    Spoiler: Like so....

    Now, your luminosity range isn't too bad, so don't fret. There's just a few areas where it needs more contrast to define the features, and your eyes will follow over the picture easier. So when I look at the picture through the luminosity, my eyes ping to the mask, and I have problems moving on from there, cause that is the darkest value in the picture. You can still keep your medium and lights where they are, you just need to be a bit clever with your colour choice. if you look at the saturation of the picture- how pure the colour is, the mask pops again, but the rest is very low in the saturation count. The skin is a bit saturated, so the colour version for this is a little easier on the eyes to move around. I tinkered with overall colours a bit, and found that if the mask grow was knocked back, then you notice him as a whole ALOT easier. I also desaturated the whole pic a little so he worked better with the background. A slight tint to the background can give it the warmth it needs for a vibrant forground that that's what you want :)

    Spoiler: My tinker with colours
    This is a little easier on the eye to look over :) The whole picture is the subject now rather than just the mask

    Hue.... This is where I'm still learning, but if you add complimentary colours to your based colours, you can simulate light even without changing the value. Example...

    Spoiler: A vague hue example?

    I'm not good at hue, so bare with me, but notice that the background has a picture on it of different PW characters? If that was all one colour you wouldn't notice that. The orange colour at the bottom pops more than the top colour, yet if you turned it into grey scale, both colours have the same value luminosity wise. The warm reds and yellows are naturally brighter than the blues and greens. I wont go too much further int othat thoguh as most of my knowledge on it is still only via reading and not practice.
  • Definition- Definition is REALLY important to draw the eye into the picture, cause blurred objects get ignored cause it looks like it's unimportant and in the distance, and sharp objects look important and close to you. The hair and mask have definition in it, which draws the eye, but the nose lacks alot of definition, and the vest's stripes are also. The shirt and tie could use a bit of definition to show where the shadows begin and end, but they're ok for now. Getting them right comes with practice and learning what looks right. I suggest using a referance for the nose if you're unsure how to draw it. there's no shame in references :)
  • Hair- Unless you were going for the fluffy look (Which isn't bad- don't get me wrong! He looks cuddly!), hair has small amounts of static cling, so it grips together naturally into segments. Keep that in mind when you colour him cause you may want to attack it in segments to give it the dimension it needs. This of corsse is artistic liscence thoguh. If you want to give him fluffy hair, I haven't seen any complaint comments from your viewers :)
  • Shading- Did you go off a referance when shading this? I suggest that you do for the first few to make the digital learning process easier on you, even if you know shading. What you need to decide is where your light source is, how intense the light is, and what colour it is. For example:-

    Spoiler: Excuse it's half finishedness

    This picture may be pencil, but it still has the basics- Godot in this has a yellow light source above him from the angel above, and since it's closest to his face, his face is the most saturated with yellow. The shade is all in it's complimentary colour, purple (Complimentary colours, are colours that make the other stand out- polar opposites on the colour chart, like red and green, blue and orange) I guess this is sorta what I was saying before where hue can give lighting difference... A yellow light casts a purple shadow though. cool light casts a warm shadow. Don't make the colour difference too intense thoguh- you want a MUCH less saturated colour as the shade than the highlight, but if your light is bright, your shade will be dark, unless light reflects off something else near it.

Um... there's ALOT of exceptions to these rules, but give them a try and if it doesn't feel right then try somethign else till it does :) sadly I can't give much more than this, except don't use the dodge and burn tool for colouring. It looks tacky, and it doesn't give a good shadow colour as it warps the hue as it does it's thing. Doge I have found however is great for extreme highlights on glossy surfaces like in this pic

The highlights in his hair popped really nicely in this

I hope I was of some help. Sadly, I'm a traditional gal so all my tips are based off traditional methods. I wish you luck with your Ema pic, and post it here if you want me to share some thoughts on it :) I'd rather crit new art than old cause people progress and they don't usually want to know what they did wrong a year ago >.>
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Arkillian wrote:

Heavens, thank you so much for this! :D I never even thought about grayscaling before, and I'll certainly pay more mind to saturation and hues in future paints.


The hair, oh my XD I think the 'fluffiness' was me overdoing it with the big ol' white blocks from the inside out, to chunk it up before adding the fibres! (Truth, that wouldn't be too bad if he was a chibi/mini-me Godot- oh do want ;3;). I'll have to plead guilty to laziness there..

Only reference I really used at the time was Capcom's own drawing... <.< not cool for noses! D'oh!

Ah, Dodge/Burn... I never once used DB and haven't for a while XD I tend to use Multiply/Lighten (I think? can't remember) and low-opacity brushes to build up, and very very thin opaque ones for 'hatching' darker colours (sometimes)

Anyway. As far as the 'technicalities' of colouring are concerned this is a really big help! Much appreciated, and props for showing a decent example of how dodge is really used, too! :godot:
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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Arkillian wrote:
OK- I see your problem now, and to be honest, it's not an easy fix ^^; You've gone STRAIGHT to a really difficult pose here. Why is it difficult? The arms. Those arms aren't straight out, they're foreshortened, and you've chosen a cool pose, btu his bath robes cut off what the foreshortening looks like, so you've gotten it wrong in your version. Sorry if that's too critical, but that's what's happened. I dont' know what he looks like under the robes, but doing a VERY rough sketch so you can get the idea of how foreshortening works, I've redlined the original to see if it can give a better idea of how his form is.

Spoiler: A redline of what his body looks like approx under the robe- Sorry Jademacalla if you see this T.T Please forgive me!

The gun arm is a bit wrong at the elbow, but you sorta get the idea right? you need to use lines running into the arm to show the depth in his arm. That... it's something I'd rather you learn later on your own once you've figured out how YOU draw the human form. I don't think you're ready for freestyling a pose from a pic yet. If you go off a naked base then sure, go for it, but you need to learn the building blocks first :) (I'm not tryign to be mean her- personal opinion, that's all)

Besides that, congrads for giving it a GO at least! Take what I suggest here, and give a few easier ones a try, and you'll find them easier to do :) If you can do life drawing, it makes you understand foreshortening better. I couldn't foreshorten before them. It's a guy thing I think. You guys can think in 3D. Chicks have issues with it *grumbles*

Anyways- there's a few other things I CAN help with! I'll point those out for you :)

  • Expression- You've almost got the expression Jade does in his pic if you're copying that. It's hard to tell via that tiny pics what he's doing, but I know off experiance these facts- it's a stern face. Serious. His eyebrows will be even heighted, and arched down in the inner eye side. They will be low set- almost touching, if not touching the eye in your picture. The eye will have a flat top, and a steep incline either side it (You have that ;) Goob job figuring it out!), but his lower eye lids are raised to a flat. They're angry eyes, not so much the eye brows though. He also has a flare in his nose, btu your style can't show that. You'd normally show it in the mouth with a lemon bitter mouth expression or something equaly intense. Make the expression yourself. Do you feel serious doing it? If not, modify it till it feels right. This is why artists pull faces as they draw unconsciously ;) To draw it right, the face has to pull it otherwise it wont come out right.
  • Torso- Your torso needs to be turned away to match the pose. Jademacalla is GREAT for photo refs cause he's (ex?) army or something. He knows how to handle a gun. If he does a certain pose, it'll be the correct pose for the gun, so keep an eye out for that. Actually, I used a pose of his for one of my pics:-
    Spoiler: Zeth bond pic + ref
  • Tilt- Do you draw at a desk, or is the tilt on purpose? I use to draw on a desk and never realised that all my pictures were tilted about 10 degrees to the left- like yours is. The way to fix this, is by sketching where the head is, and then drawing a line straight down. This shows gravity. If half of your person is on one side of the line, and the other half is on the other side, then he'll be balanced, and upright on your page. If it was on purpose, then maybe more incline and a horizon line in the background is needed.

Hope this all helps! Please don't be discouraged from doing foreshortening from this- it looks alright. Just learn the ground ups first before you leap into modifying poses. That way, you learn it right :)

Thanks a lot for all of that Arki, I appreaciate all you wrote. I was looking at it to see what I could do, and decided to scrap it and start a new one. Sorry if i wasted your time :(

Well I drew this last night, and I have just finished it. Oh yeah, I thought of an idea for a comic, and it sounds good to me.
Spoiler: Godot ownage

I think his right arm and sleeve looks a bit off, but I'd like your opinion/crit/whattodoanyideaseh?

*Edited around .... 50 times*
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Last edited by H4RDMEISTER on Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title
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Ask yourself - what do you think looks off about the arm?

The arm doesn't look foreshortened- with it being extended far out like that- so bear in mind then that the two arms should be the same size (the left is bulkier for some reason). Remember to keep this in mind at all times when drawing arms/legs/hands etc.

Remember to bring weight into your drawing- how does clothing work? If the sleeve has some surplus material, then it should be hanging down (I'd redline but unfortunately I have the choice of a laptop touchpad from hell and potential RSI, or nothing at all). When you draw, think carefully about these and how they affect your drawing. You seem to have ruffled up the clothes directionally, which is good, but you'll still do yourself a favour to take it a step further :3

Also the colour style doesn't seem to work for lines as rough as this. You might fare better if you did clean, solid lines, and built it up with hatching/cross hatching for the 'scribbly sketchy' dynamic, if you're going for minimal tones such as this.

Just a few pointers really- I'm not that good analytically but I hope I was of some use at least. :uramidn: Keep it up!
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Holy whack! Unlyrical lyrics Andre

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I've never cross-hatched before, so hes what I came up with.

Spoiler: Click ->

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Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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Oo H4RDMEISTER oO- This is going like useless crit to you, but what I'm going to answer is that I think you should try a few different poses, get a better idea of how to fore shorten and THEN ask for crit. Crit isn't a substitute for practice. I've given you the best start I can, and all the faults I can see in the picture are all to do with not 'seeing' what you are drawing. The only way to correct that is with practice. Hard knocks and all I'm sorry, but it's how it is.

Sadly, I can crit your art till the cows come home, but at the end of the day, it takes me 1/2hour or more to do a crit like the one I gave you. I can't be doing that to every picture you draw, cause it'll kill my arms. I had to take 2 terms of life drawing before I understood foreshortening myself cause it's a 3D understanding of the body. I could attempt to draw the body form of every pic you give me, but that's not how you learn. What you need to do is do some nude studies of the human form. When you see what the BODY does, then you'll get what the clothes do.

Sorry that it was an open ended crit. There's ALOT I could type to help you out, but most of it you're best to discover at your own pace. This is sadly a crit thread, not a how to draw thread and I need to draw the line somewhere :( Sorry.

Oh- you did a post. I wouldn't suggest doing cross hatching till you learn shadow hon. Cross hatching isn't a block shading process. It creates a false sense of tone via lines that a thick and thin and spaced out

Spoiler: Example

If you want to do a line art, I suggest using long smooth lines, but not cause it's not cool as it is- infact, it's unique for you, but cause it's easier to look at.

Question- have you ever tried drawing a picture based off a photo trying to get it as realistic as you can? Maybe that might help you get an idea of shading. Do it with pencil though- not ink.
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Oops. :udgy:

Do it with pencil though- not ink.

Funny you should say that :will: I'm being taught through contour line drawing, and my tutor advised us to bring ink pens and use those instead of pencil. It's so that we don't use guidelines- every stroke counts, we look at the model more than we look at the page, and 'feel' the lines as they're being drawn. Sometimes you have to keep your eyes fixed on the model, and NEVER look at your page 8( Even if it looks an absolute MESS first time, it actually starts to make sense controlwise..

Tangent alert!

It's hard to describe H4RDMASTER, but certainly keep going with pencil practices first, particularly shading. Look at a photograph and see the wealth of the tones are in it- preferably a darkroom/dimly lit one for the more extreme shadows.
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Heheh- yeah, you'd definitely use a pen for contour work. Drawing from the right side of the brain does that actually with getting you to draw a wrinkle on your hand. It's a really enveloping exercise ^^ I think though that for the purpose of discovering shadows and shading, pencil has the safety net of being able to erase it and has a degree of personalization to it. As long as the pencil is kept sharp it'll be sweet :) Try to use art paper for this though- not printer paper. 80gsm paper turns in to a large wrinkle from pencil. 120gsm has a bit of meat behind it and can take the pressure. I use to use Bockingford for my pencil pics if that helps. I now use this nice German paper that feels nice to draw on and is pure white ^^ It's lovely to work on <3

One extra thing- if you're working in black and white- turn the picture into grey scale for you're first few so you learn to see the shadows. When you start seeing them then you'll get a better idea of how they look in colour too :) No point making the task more difficult than it needs to be :nods:
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Posts: 120, hey. :3c
I was sketching out box art for my fangame today at school, and seeing as it's the only recent stuff I have that's srs aside from a sketch of Dahlia, if you could critque this one for me, I'd be very grateful! ;;

Spoiler: why is my perspective always so weirded out OTL

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Would anyone mind critiquing this for me (eep, sorry for asking so much ><)?
I tried to apply some of Arkillian's tips, but they probably didn't come out right hehe x( I know the left shoulder/neck looks wrong...
I want some comments on the picture composition, maybe...? As well as some other stuff that should be brought to light before I keep on making mistakes xD;;
Ukes with glasses.
Re: Crit thread- Need any help improving your art?Topic%20Title

Waiting on Godot...

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PESSTAR wrote:, hey. :3c
I was sketching out box art for my fangame today at school, and seeing as it's the only recent stuff I have that's srs aside from a sketch of Dahlia, if you could critque this one for me, I'd be very grateful! ;;

Spoiler: why is my perspective always so weirded out OTL


Hrmmm... alot of the problems are in the head, cause most of is is easy to overlook. If you want me to do a red line crit, you'll have to wait till I get home next Sunday. till then, I'll try verbally (This is gonna fail.... this really needs a red line crit T.T )

  • Her mouth needs to be higher and go down more at the sides, even for a smile. Sorta like Gumshoe in the firsst panel here-
    Spoiler: Comic page of Gumshoe and Miles
  • Her hair is too high- see the line just under the top of her hair? IF you go to that line, then it'll look more egg shaped than stretched
  • Rather than going down, the collar of the shirt should tilt up to show the upturned angle rather than down
  • Her left shoulder seems too limp >.> I'm... not sure how to tell you to fix that without a redline crit though. Sorry :sadshoe:
  • Her prosecutor's badge needs to be smaller. Maybe... 1/4 size? I assume it's the same size as the Defense badge? Defense badges are only about 3/4 of an inch or something in size. Don't worry- it'll be more noticeable when it's inked :)

I'm sorry I can't give more than that just yet. I'll endeavor to remember to redline it when I get home. I'm not near a printer and scanner or a tablet right now to do it sadly :( I'll be a cool pose for a box cover when it's done though ^^

Heurim wrote:
Would anyone mind critiquing this for me (eep, sorry for asking so much ><)?
I tried to apply some of Arkillian's tips, but they probably didn't come out right hehe x( I know the left shoulder/neck looks wrong...
I want some comments on the picture composition, maybe...? As well as some other stuff that should be brought to light before I keep on making mistakes xD;;

I've talked to my friend I'm staying with who is more of an anime artist than me (Nani), and she says that she likes the composition cause it has a nice triangulation of all the elements in the picture, and she likes the details in the foreground of the candy. The rest we had a bit of a talk about, and she said that the neck needs to be wider at the bottom (shoulder side) and rounded more for the trapezius muscle. She also suggested that you do some studies of hands cause there was some issues there- we weren't sure if the issues are in the original though cause the pic seemed over exposed.

The primary thing for you is editing your image to a postable state. Do you use photoshop? If you do, get your picture as a grey scale, and adjust what's called the 'levels' till your whites are white, your blacks are black, then till your greys are not colliding with the incorrect info without losing them in delicate ares like the hand if the hand isn't showing all of its lines. If you don't have photoshop or a levels function, then if you can advise what program you use, and I'll see if there's a similar function you can use. If after all of that, you can't get rid of it, I suggest cropping out unwanted info in the pic like the black stripe on the right. It makes the picture more focused on the ACTUAL subject, cause the black on the right attracts more attention than the lineart does. I have to actively ignore it to look at the pic.

You've done a nice job on the pic though ^^ You've made some improvements ^^ I like the manga feel of the pic.
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Thanks for going to all that trouble, Arkillian...xD;; I'm really sorry if I caused you to go out of your way.
I attempted to Photoshop off the large shadow at the bottom of the picture, but ended up failing Dx
Thanks to the critique, I'll be lining that pic more confidently now. Thanks again~ ^^
Ukes with glasses.
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It's what ther thread is here for :) I only hope that what is said here helps improve your art.
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Yo. I made a new picture and was hoping I could hear your opinion on it.

I realized I don't do too many full-body poses, particularly ones a little more complicated than just standing, so I tried going for one lying down on their stomach. It's my first try to be honest, but after a little tweaking of the rough sketch I think I got the proportions down. I also don't draw feet much, so I figured what the hey.


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johnny rainbow wrote:
Yo. I made a new picture and was hoping I could hear your opinion on it.

I realized I don't do too many full-body poses, particularly ones a little more complicated than just standing, so I tried going for one lying down on their stomach. It's my first try to be honest, but after a little tweaking of the rough sketch I think I got the proportions down. I also don't draw feet much, so I figured what the hey.


You did a great job at it ^^ I was admiring it in your thread. She has a nice endearing look about her ^^ I can see a few things thoguh.

  • Her neck appears to be too thick as there is little difference in space between the jaw and the neck. When strut forward like this, the neck will extend the face forward, flattening out any fat under the chin above the neck. Unless you have a referance that suggests me wrong? I'm still learning, so it's entirely possible *nods*
  • Her right ankle is wider than her left. I suggest thinning the right a little and giving the other some fat. Fat cankles are bad, but so can ones that look too skinny.
  • Her thighs need to be more in line with the rest of her body to suggest that she's on a flat surface. If she's not, then give her a little bit of simple scenery so it looks like a pose you'd make on said object. Maybe some shadow would help to ground her too.
  • Her hair could use a bit more texture in it to make it look like there could be separation. Like... a zigzag line. Not smooth ones. Smooth lines imply a solid mass. Maybe a light pink shimmer of a highlight?

Taht's about all. After that, I'm starting to get picky :) You did a lovely job on her ^^
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Points taken, thank you. I didn't even realize the neck until you mentioned it, I was too worried about her lower half.

I do want to sprucen the picture up, and those suggestions make perfect sense so I'll be sure to fix it up with what you mentioned.

And yeah, I think I can speak for a lot of people on the up-and-coming that legs(especially feet) can be death to draw. I've been trying to do some various poses but I always come short on the legs(sometimes literally, heh).

Anyway, thank you for the critique as always!
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Giving it a go is the only way you'll learn :) Alot of people are too scared to try new things out but seriously, you can only get better with practise.
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Back with a revised April May. Made the adjustments you suggested, though I didn't have time to add some type of shadow on the bottom.

First and second pics posted for comparison.

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johnny rainbow wrote:
Back with a revised April May. Made the adjustments you suggested, though I didn't have time to add some type of shadow on the bottom.

First and second pics posted for comparison.

Besides the fact that she needs to really be lying on something, It's looking alot better now. I think she should have a full fledged background, but just some simple shading underneath her would be fine :) No need to stress though- it was your first practice piece on a complex pose, right? I'd worry more on poses than prettying up the pic :)
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I'd love some help!

I'm still working on this; I already know about the cravat missing a shadow, and the suit missing wrinkles. : 3

It's also up at


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Oh- I already gave you some crit on your DA site, but I could see if I caould be even pickier if you want. I don't think there's a huge amount more that I could give on that pic though, I'd need something more complex to spot anything else major.
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What do you see behind the mask?

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I'm still working on the male anatomy and I'd love to show you another pic soon, but it's not Ace Attorney fanart. Would it still be okay?
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Sure. I'll crit anything :)
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What do you see behind the mask?

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Aw, that's sweet! You pretty much have been my tutor in terms of male bodies so far, so I'm glad you keep it at that *g*

Hope I won't screw it up cause I'd love to ink it with my new graphic tablet later (this thing is cool, but so tedious to get used to!) and so I hope the sketch will be fine.
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Wow, you seem to give some really helpful criticism! I'll have to post a drawing of mine I'm working on once I finish it. I just decided to try realism since manga wasn't really doing it for me, and I'm pretty happy with it so far, but I'd definitely want any tips I could get on improving. ^_^
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Sure thing :) I'll give it my best, and I'll crit anything humanoid. I may have problems if the picture isn't humanoid, but I can try. My best crit is for realistic styles rather than manga styles, but art is pretty universal, so I can make atleast an effort on most things. Feel free to link me anything. I have only a few things I require- What you don't want crit on, that the quality of the image is to a standard I can see it all without blur / exposure distortion, not on refil, and that you're willing to hear anything I say. I wont burn your art, but you have to be willing to get critique.
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Yeah, no problem. I'll post it when I'm finished (which admittedly may be a while x3).
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Hey- can I ask people something- Is Traditional art just uncool? Or do people just like digital art better. Something I've noticed is that digital art seems to have a TOTALLY different audience to traditional art of the same caliber.I wanna know people's take on this
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Arkillian wrote:
Hey- can I ask people something- Is Traditional art just uncool? Or do people just like digital art better. Something I've noticed is that digital art seems to have a TOTALLY different audience to traditional art of the same caliber.I wanna know people's take on this

I personally prefer Traditional Art to be honest, Arkillian. It's not that I'm more confident with it than than digital but I find that looking at traditional art is better because you can see the effort put into it. Digital art just doesn't seem to have that aspect for me. Does that make sense?
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Tap wrote:
Arkillian wrote:
Hey- can I ask people something- Is Traditional art just uncool? Or do people just like digital art better. Something I've noticed is that digital art seems to have a TOTALLY different audience to traditional art of the same caliber.I wanna know people's take on this

I personally prefer Traditional Art to be honest, Arkillian. It's not that I'm more confident with it than than digital but I find that looking at traditional art is better because you can see the effort put into it. Digital art just doesn't seem to have that aspect for me. Does that make sense?

That's... not really what I mean ^^; Digital art for the younger audience seems to get alot more responce than traditional methods. For Phoenix Wright art, I can do a crappy pic in digital and it'll get comments- constructive and complimentary, but if I do traditional media, I get negative feedback and the odd 'it's nice'. It's not just me though- alot of traditional artists I see seem to have that too. Is it just the transferal of medium that destroys the magic? I mean, digital gets it's ass handed to it 10 fold if you're talking IRL (Screen or a print versus a pencil pic or a copic picture or whatever), but online it doesn't seem to appeal. Maybe cause it's not bright enough in colour? or the character is lost?

Don't get me wrong when I say this- I don't enjoy digital, and I'm not going to flip primarily to digital just for comments. That'd be contrary to my beliefs in art. One of my passions in art is understanding the aesthetics too thoguh- why people like a picture so that I may learn, and employ similar techniques. Digital is a pattern I have noticed.

Is it perhaps more relevant because people like it better than traditional methods? Or perhaps there is a spot colour issue, where too much colour is lost in the scanning process? Perhaps it's like the fandom thing where it's comments BECAUSE it's digital. You know? the 'I like your art cause you draw in a medium I like'. It's somethign that confuses me, as I am a fan of aesthetics- not method of conveying it.

((I hope I didn't use too many weird words there O.o Please tell me if I make no sense. It's difficult to explain my mentality on art simply))
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Hey, Ark.

I got an urge to draw earlier today, so I sat and drew a picture of the first character that came to mind. ^^; I'd like some crit if you could. :) Thanks!

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Nadindi wrote:
Hey, Ark.

I got an urge to draw earlier today, so I sat and drew a picture of the first character that came to mind. ^^; I'd like some crit if you could. :) Thanks!


Sorry- I said that I was going to reply to this on Friday ^^; I ended up coming home too late and couldn't do anything on the crit cause I was away on camp all weekend :( Had to pack for it >.> DAMN I'm tired out from it. Had to push a 4x4 up a hill and service, and potato sack races, and square dancing.... XD Whole body aches from it ^^;

Anyways- that's not the important stuff. Time for crit.

I'm not sure where to begin, but I'll start with the basics:-

  • Pose- I think for a beginner artist, you've chosen a REALLY difficult pose to do. I'll assume you didn't use a referance in this for the following reasons:-
  • The positioning of the arms is outwards, rather than relaxed, so although you may be wanting him to look like he's plotting, plotting in a sitting position is usually hands upwards and against the chest, cause it needs to be stable enough to think and not put much effort into balance.
  • The legs aren't actually crossed in this picture. The body is twisted to the side, and one leg is higher than the other. That's just line representation thoguh. It's easily fixed

To fix this, I suggest a reference- specially when you're starting out. Once you've done a posea heap you can flag it and take it on the wing, but till then, you're just learning wrong without it. Lastly on the pose, what you seem to have here is a big twist in the body.

Spoiler: What the waist up is doing
Notice how Obama's shoulders face square on? That's the upper body effect you have

Spoiler: What the lower body or legs are doing
Note how his shoulders and suit... even the head is on an angle away from the viewer? I see you've tried to replicate this in the pose, but it came out looking front on cause both shoulders are equal in length.

There is good stuff though! Besides you giving it a go, you've actually done a great representation of a sitting pose. IT has alot of key elements, and it does look very Kristoph (Still debating on if he crosses his legs though. Not many men do that. Apparently it's uncomfortable). The stuff that is wrong with this picture is easily fixed for you, cause you seem to have a pretty good eye for form! I guess it's onto the emails now! ((Not tonight though- I wanna draw >.< ))

Ok... This is where I probably should teach some basics, but that's probably best done via email. Not for privacy, but cause I said I'd do it anyways. I now know where you are approx with art, so I know where to start, so hopefully I make a good art teacher for you!
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