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Re: Things You Miss From When You Were YoungTopic%20Title
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Video tapes and VCRs.

I can't even count how many times I've broken or smudged a DVD so much it doesn't work anymore... Oh well, Blu-Ray discs are a little bit less fragile...
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Yaragorm wrote:
Video tapes and VCRs.

I can't even count how many times I've broken or smudged a DVD so much it doesn't work anymore... Oh well, Blu-Ray discs are a little bit less fragile...

I still have them and play them. :3
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Oh, Sky Dancers! I had a few of those when I was a kid, and my mom hated them because one of them got stuck in my hair once.

Who had those Tamagotchi things as a kid? The little handheld virtual pets? I was terrible at caring for them, but I had a bunch of them. I had an orange one that I would carry around with me all of the time.

Oh god. How about Furby?! I had two when I was about nine, and both of them broke within a week. Yet, people were insane about getting them. Such a terrible toy. XD
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arcane-phoenix wrote:
Who had those Tamagotchi things as a kid? The little handheld virtual pets? I was terrible at caring for them, but I had a bunch of them. I had an orange one that I would carry around with me all of the time.

Oh god. How about Furby?! I had two when I was about nine, and both of them broke within a week. Yet, people were insane about getting them. Such a terrible toy. XD

Tamagotchi: i came in a little late with those things. the first one i had was a 2.0. :p. which i lost/broke two of. and i have a 3.0 i got a few christmases ago (which i don't remember asking for...) that is actually in my sight right now.

Furby: SHUT UP
alles ist scheisse
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Nii wrote:
At the other side of the world, most likely. ;U; I still have my Barbies but they all look like crackwhores now LOL! And Polly Pockets! Oh my god, I still have some of mine too! I remember getting that big mansion-like one complete with a garage and a small car. I'd mess around with it for hooouuurs! xD

I never got a mansion, but I had this giant castle from a brand that wasn't Polly Pocket, but it was kind of the same thing. It was sparkly and really nice :D I have one where you can move Polly around the place with a magnet or whatever, but the only fun part about it was moving her back and forth over and over again XD. I also have countless other sets.

Nii wrote:
I remember me and my friends would fawn over them and their songs back in grade school. We'd fight about who amongst us were Baby Spice, Posh Spice, Sporty Spice, etc.. xD Fun times~

Although I do remember the first cassette tape--PFFT CASSETTE--I got was of the Backstreet Boys. My uncle got it for me. And I fangirled over Nick Carter hurr. >U>; I was a sucker for his hair and pretty boy-ness.

Ahh cassettes, I remember those...barely XD Oh yeah, and I had a few of those Spice Girl dolls. I had Sporty, Posh, and Baby. Baby had some weird blue suit on. She was a "special edition" or something like that. I really wanted to get Ginger. After she left the group, that doll was extremely rare to find.

Oh, and I had a huge crush on Nick Carter(and his brother Aaron Carter *is shot*) as well. He was definitely the best looking out of them all. I felt sorry for Howie. Did anybody like him??

arcane-phoenix wrote:
Who had those Tamagotchi things as a kid? The little handheld virtual pets? I was terrible at caring for them, but I had a bunch of them. I had an orange one that I would carry around with me all of the time.

Oh god. How about Furby?! I had two when I was about nine, and both of them broke within a week. Yet, people were insane about getting them. Such a terrible toy. XD

Yup!! I still have my Tamagotchi somewhere in my room. They were the shit. I never really took good care of mine, but I got a newer one a few years back and I still never took great care of it XD
I still have my Furby too. Those things were terrible. Mine's kinda ugly and I hate how it's just standing across from my bed, staring at me. I remember I got it for Christmas when I was 10 and I played with it for about 5 minutes and that was it. Colossal waste of money...

Did anybody have....BEANIE BABIES!? Oh good lord...
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BEANIE BABIES! I used to have entire boxes filled with those! XD Remember when McDonalds had their Beanie Baby promotions? My family would buy Happy Meals just for the Beanie Babies. That also reminds me of the "solid gold Pokemon cards" that Burger King had for a while... I never got any, but some of my friends still have theirs.
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TAMAGOTCHI! I don't know where mine is now, but I used to fiddle with it all the time when I was younger. I brought it with me everywhere, even to classes, and constantly check whether it pooped or not. My teachers were furious! x'D I remember seeing my little sister with a Tamagotchi... kit of some sort a few years back. Times really have changed.
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arcane-phoenix wrote:
BEANIE BABIES! I used to have entire boxes filled with those! XD Remember when McDonalds had their Beanie Baby promotions? My family would buy Happy Meals just for the Beanie Babies. That also reminds me of the "solid gold Pokemon cards" that Burger King had for a while... I never got any, but some of my friends still have theirs.

I have them in my closet and some under my bed. I wasn't huge on collecting them, but I liked getting them. My mom still has hers in her closet somewhere. I had friends who were really into collecting them; it was serious business XD I liked to sleep with some of mine and I always wanted to rip the tags off, but my sister and mom didn't want me to because it would be worth more money. Now they're worthless. Glad I didn't fork out huge bucks for those things... But I remember getting those in Happy Meals too!! I got the lobster most of the time and I got the inchworm once.

I wasn't really big on Pokemon, but I remember a friend of mine and I found a shit ton of Pokemon cards scattered throughout our neighborhood for some reason. We spent a few days going around and finding them. I don't remember what we did with them, but I think I gave them to her because she or her sister liked Pokemon...
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I still have my green furby I named Trisha. <3
Them Smoochie things were cute.
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Hahaha, everyone in my school had Tamagotchis when I was in Fourth Class. You'd be out on yard and these complete strangers would come up to you and ask if your Tamagotchis could meet each other, or even get married. You'd have your babies' spouses all planned out the minute they were born, it was so funny. Half the Tamagotchis in school were related to each other somehow.

Is it sad that I still have a Tamagotchi? XD I'm sort of nearly 15 lmao.
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silentxfilmstar wrote:

Did anybody have....BEANIE BABIES!? Oh good lord...

Still have them... scarily enough.

One thing I don't miss about them was all the price hikes for "rare" beanies. While I'm guilty of buying one or two of those (consignment shop only), I couldn't believe some fool out there was willing to pay $3500 (read: $3500, and this was back in 1997-1998) for one of the original monkeys. That, and I don't miss all the counterfeiting. Then again, I suppose it taught a lesson or two to those folks willing to easily part with so much dough.
"Descole? You don't mean Mr. I-Like-to-Wreck-Things-with-Mechanical-Monsters-and-Dress-Up-as-Posh-Ladies Descole?" -Emmy Altava

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Oh dear God, Beanie Babies. I was OBSESSED with them as a child XD

And my Furby- I think that was one of the most problematic toys I've ever owned. It used to wake me up in the middle of the night asking for food....
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

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Beanie Babies? My grandparents have this huge collection of them donated by my aunt. I still play war with them everytime I visit. =D
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Oh God, Sky Dancers. XD I didn't care THAT much about the toys, but there was a cartoon based off 'em that I was utterly obsessed with when I was, like, 5. In retrospect it was so bad it was good.

As for Furbies, I had one when I was, like, 7. My dog got a hold of it WHILE IT WAS ON, and the Furby was all "ME NO LIKE! D:" and we were all laughing way too hard to do anything about it.

And I still have a few Beanie Babies lying around, I think...

Also, if really early adolescence counts as young, Bonus Stage. I'm still completely and utterly obsessed with it, despite the fact that it ended when I was 13. XD
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Crying and not looking like a pussy,
Being able to do anything because I "thought I could",
and my father.
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~ Homework being easy.
~ Not having to worry about tuition/college/real world.
~ My parents giving a shit enough about each other to talk to each other.
~ Trading Pokémon cards with my friends
~ Pokémon being cool in general.

I do NOT miss middle school, however.
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Just being careless, not thinking about tomorrow and doing things without being a tiny bit worried.

Nothing was perfect in those years either but... at least it seemed like it was and that was enough...
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Spice girls. <3<3
I watched an old tape of them last week. I cried when Geri left. ;.;
I miss 2001.
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Being able to talk to people your own age and not having them take every other sentence and turn it into something dirty.
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My Tamagotchi. I got it to Gen 13 and then I gave it to my dad to look after for the day and he lost it.
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-Other girls not being a bitch and complaining 'WEAR EYELINER BITCH, YOUR LIPSTICK IS THE SAME COLOUR OF YOUR LIPS!' *cringe*
-Being a rich kid (I still am, but it was awesome for everyone to bow down in my path.)
-The Pokémon TV Show
-1990's Music

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Going Live / Live and Kicking on BBC1 every Saturday morning
Getting a copy of Smash Hits everyweek
Pasting mutli-colour glitter on my eyelids

Thanks to Nadindi for the avie and sig!
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¢ħłөвø $ħөЌª wrote:
Spice girls. <3<3
I watched an old tape of them last week. I cried when Geri left. ;.;
I miss 2001.

Aww, when I was in third grade all of my friends and I loved them. Remember the goofy Spice World movie?

Who else used to watch the old Sonic and Mario cartoons every morning? The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was ridiculous, but fun; I remember the little "Sonic Sez" sessions at the end of each episode. I don't recall as much from the Mario Super Show, though... :sadshoe:

How about the... questionable live action Super Mario Bros. movie?
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arcane-phoenix wrote:
Aww, when I was in third grade all of my friends and I loved them. Remember the goofy Spice World movie?

Oh, I loved them too. And yes, I remember that movie. It was mediorce at best, but the video game for the PS1 was downright abysmal... The sad thing was I rented it all the time XD

Here's a clip of it

arcane-phoenix wrote:
Who else used to watch the old Sonic and Mario cartoons every morning? The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was ridiculous, but fun; I remember the little "Sonic Sez" sessions at the end of each episode. I don't recall as much from the Mario Super Show, though... :sadshoe:

I do! Those shows were awesome and spawned some of the best YouTube/Internet memes ever.

"That's NO good!" -Sonic The Hedgehog

"SnooPING AS usual I see!"- Dr. Robotnik

"Mama?! Mama Luigi?! Hahahahahaha!"- Mario

I saw the Zelda cartoon as well, which was also ridiculous.

"Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!"- Link

arcane-phoenix wrote:
How about the... questionable live action Super Mario Bros. movie?


That movie's so bad it's hilarious.

Does anybody remember The Littlest Pet Shop? I used to LOVE those. I collected almost all the original ones. The new ones are atrocious. :beef:
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^ I remember Littlest Pet Shop!! My sisters and I had quite a few of them of the original ones. They made a cartoon and ruined the pets, and then I think they made little playsets almost like Polly Pockets, I had one with cats. Oh dear lord, those new ones are so FUGLY. They don't even look like animals. Same with My Little Ponies. WTF is up with those baby ponies?!
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The cool joker, Image

not these gay ones\/



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I miss swinging around a pole without being called a stripper.
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Sesame Street, before it was Commercialise Me Elmo and when they had the cute little animations and the really trippy 70s inspired stuff.

I grew up on that stuff when I was little (early-mid 80s), and I still remember bits and pieces. Having kids of my own, though, I've watched it lately, and, well, it's crap. There's more of the real-time stuff and less of the nifty little animation things and more segments that go on and on and on. It was way more random, seemed partially acid-inspired, and was just a lot more fun when I was a kid.

Also, to the people remembering Furbys... has anyone else here read Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis? I was always kind of freaked out by Furbys, but after reading that, I am scared shitless. Seriously-- I saw one in an op-shop a few months back and I jumped. :/

(Also, damn, I feel old... I was a teenager when the Spice Girls were big news.)
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The old TMNT tv shows I had on tapes. My sister's then boyfriend gave them to me for an Xmas present and I watched the hell outta them x]
Spyro the Dragon on the PS1, too. One of the first games I ever played that wasn't Pokemon.
Speaking of which, I miss the proper old gameboy Pokemon games like Yellow and Red and Blue. Ah, I loved those managable 150 Pokemon!! xD
Edit: And S Club 7 adn Steps-oh I wish Steps would get back together for one last show...
EditEdit: I hated my Furby! I used to shove it in the wardrobe. I one threw it out of my window (2nd story up) onto the concrete and it didn't break. Bah xD
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I don't know if anybody said this, but I really miss the old Nickelodeon. You know, the shows like Rugrats, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren & Stimpy, The Angry Beavers, Invader Zim, etc. etc.... Same goes with Cartoon Network, I miss the old CN too (Dexter's Laaaaab...).

I also miss my N64, SNES and Sega Dreamcast.
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Arukidasu wrote:
EditEdit: I hated my Furby! I used to shove it in the wardrobe. I one threw it out of my window (2nd story up) onto the concrete and it didn't break. Bah xD

Oh noes! Not Furby abuse! My Furby was the most demanding little bitch I've ever laid eyes on (I swear even real children are easier to please) but I inexplicably adored her XD Though I did have to bundle her in several vests and cram her in the back of my wardrobe to make her go to sleep...
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Arukidasu wrote:
Edit: And S Club 7 adn Steps-oh I wish Steps would get back together for one last show...

Did you ever watch Miami 7 and the other one they did? Cringe-tastic acting but me and my mate still loved it -__-

Oh and I have Stomp by Steps on my laptop :bellboy:
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LadyLuckDoubt wrote:
(Also, damn, I feel old... I was a teenager when the Spice Girls were big news.)

Nice to be reminded that I'm not alone! :will:

arcane-phoenix wrote:
BEANIE BABIES! I used to have entire boxes filled with those! XD Remember when McDonalds had their Beanie Baby promotions? My family would buy Happy Meals just for the Beanie Babies.

:beef: I was on the other end of that craze!

I miss...

*The days when there were more Rocky Rococo locations in my area. There's still one in my state, so I'm not completely deprived--I must take my next girlfriend there at least once--but it's at least 30 minutes away by car. Personally, I am convinced that it's nearly impossible to find better pizza than theirs...and some of their advertisements are hilarious!

*Reasonable prices. Kween has said this before, but it bears repeating. Just ten years ago, a 20-ounce bottle of Coke cost 94 cents. The price has jumped by more than 50% since then. As for before I was blows the mind what one dollar used to buy. Thanks a lot, Roosevelt. :nick:

*Being able to perform near-perfect splits sideways and front-to-back as well as side kicks almost straight up.

*The days when my NES worked properly. Nowadays it's so temperamental...

*The Simpsons arcade game. I must have spent a small fortune playing that side-scrolling beat-em-up.

*The original Game Boy--that clunky gray/white monochrome monstrosity that stole my gaming heart. It's not much now, but it beat the pants off those Tiger hand-held games.

*All those Nintendo-based cartoons! My brother and I used to get up super early just to watch Captain N and the Video Game Masters.

*Garfield (particularly the holiday specials), X-Men, The Tick, and though I'm embarrassed to admit it...Ronin Warriors.

I don't particularly miss this, but...does anyone remember the commercials for Magic Potty Baby?
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Ahahahah, my avy and sig are messing up so when I scrolled down I saw my previous post.
I laughed my ass off and started to quote it, when I read DoMaya at the top.

Now I feel lame for being the only one to laugh at my joke.....
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You mean the one about the Joker? For what it's worth, I got some laughs out of it.
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I miss rocky and bullwinkle, but luckily we have the series on DVD, but not the movie just yet.
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Ace Fangirl

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- Only 151 Pokemon.
- Dexter's Lab; Ed, Edd and Eddy, Powerpuff Girls and all the other decent cartoons on CN.
- Playing Harry Potter and Pokemon at lunchtime with my best friend.
- Not caring that you're wearing something your mum picked out of your closet.
- Painting each of the nails on my hand a different colour.
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The Real Human Being

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All the wonderful things your parents said would happen.

Thinking being an adult would be fun.

Music that wasn't about killing people, bitches, sex, money, or drugs.

Being praised for all the small things.

Waking up each morning and having a conversation with your parents while eating sugary cereal.

Being able to climb trees without looking like a retard.

Hot lava that magically appeared on the ground, unless it was a dark tile.
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Ace Fangirl

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DoMaya wrote:
Hot lava that magically appeared on the ground, unless it was a dark tile.

My brother and I played that in the supermarket.

- The hardest thing about maths was multiplication without a calculator.
- Not having to wear a uniform to school
- Fads, like marbles and pokemon cards (well, I suppose fads still exist, but nowadays they're just stupid)
- Not realising the true meaning behind Fall Out Boy lyrics
- MAGIC SCHOOL BUS. 'Nuff said.
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