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Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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i-nsertnameher-e wrote:

Xray wrote:
Okay, my thoughts.

IMO, Apollo was always more bright and confident than Phoenix was.While Phoenix often had nervous breakdowns and guessed his way to victory, Apollo was more confident in his actions.

Plus, his backstory is interesting, what, with him being related to Thalassa and all.

Well, he does wear a bright red suit. *shot*
But uhm, yes. It's all so interesting and fun to speculate on. :D

Yes, speculating is fun! :redd:
Mostly a lurker now. I used to be active once upon a time.
Thank you PandaPrinzessin for the sig and avy, I love them!
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
arcane-phoenix wrote:
Amazing explanation family

NinjAngel wrote:
Amazing explanation about family

FFFFF~ Why is everyone here so amazing? :B
That's right.
It's because we're Apollo fans. 8D

Of course that's the reason. Pfft. We don't just speculate about his sexuality or how he sleeps with everyone, like in some other character threads...not mentioning any in particular. (Granted, I haven't been to a few of those threads in quite a while...)

i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
I like the family dynamic they have going on. It's really adorable and it works out so well!

Spoiler: Nomnomnomtheories
As for Machi reacting with how Thalassa is a mum, well, I think he wouldn't like it that much. At first, at least. Because she may go off with Trucy [and Apollo, after or if he accepted it] and spend more time with them for all the lost years and leave him behind. Or she may pay more attention to them because they are related by blood. I'd feel bad for Machi. D= But if he did get used to it, him and Phoenix would totally rock out. :P
But Ema and Klavier would still be apart of it, no matter what. Like the crazy cousin's or the aunt and uncle or something...? xDD

Yeah Machi is supposed to be punished by death or something, ain't that how it works? It's such a terrible crime to commit that it's punishable by death? Maybe I read it wrong...
Machi might have gotten lucky! Maybe? xD

I absolutely ADORE the idea of Apollo opening up to them eventually. My mind is fleeting to fanfics I want to write. Ugh~!

I think Machi was going to be put to death only if he went back to Borginia...him confessing in an American court room kind of saved his life. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he was kept in jail for a few months...I haven't played that case in forever. I really need to get working on my replay of the game before AAI comes out. XD

But, OMG THIS DYNAMIC. I can't stop thinking about it. XD It really is one of my favorite parts of this game. Especially in 4-2 (which is the case I'm in the middle of playing), where the two of them are both being, like, flippant and sarcastic with each other. Like Apollo's, "...I'll deal with you later." I dunno. It's just so funny to watch them.

i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:
i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
This is so late, lawl.
BUT YES. Really? No way~ Destinyyyyyyyyyyy~8D
How long have you been taking lessons? I've been taking them since the end of my freshman year so that's about...twoish years? xD *fail!math*, 11 years. XD But I haven't legitimately practiced for about three years. ^^;;

WOAH! =O That's a long time! I bet you're amazinggggggg~ 8D<333

I'm really not that good. I rely too much on sheet music. I can't play from memory worth a damn. ;_;

i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:
2) LOL I giggled a bit reading the first sentence. XD BUT ANYWAY, I agree with your observations about the images. I always get that impression when I look at the orchestra picture, and those character sketches are AWESOME. I especially like the image where he's holding his wrist with his other hand. It's just...been so heavenly hinted at that Apollo has a...feisty personality, you know? I just....UGGGGGGGG. I WANT. SO BAD. I really hope something worthwhile gets announced at TGS this year or something. ;_;

2) Yaaaaaaaay~<3 Same here, on everything. I'd love to hear an announcement, even if it's just like, "YEAHWE'REWORKINGONITCALMDOWN *throws merch to angry fans*" But it'd be better if they mentioned at least if Apollo is going to be in it! =O

Dude, that's really ALL I want. That's it. Just a confirmation that it is, indeed being worked on, and that yes, Apollo is still the main character.


i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:
...I really want Apollo to have a friend who's a producer/DJ. With whom Apollo goofs off in the studio every once in a while. XD

PFFFFT. Do want and so support so hard. <3

I still don't quite know how this managed to enter my headcanon--this in particular, and "Apollo sings" in general. *sigh* OH NO WAIT I REMEMBER. The guy who voices Apollo in the TGS specials is actually a singer. So yeah. XD

i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:
...And suddenly, I wrote a book.

And I love you for it <333
NinjAngel wrote:
... O_o I need to compile all of this somewhere...

It's all here on this thread! ....but kinda spread out. D=

Yeah. I wonder if I should go through the thread and put all my stuff in a Word or Text would really help if I one day decided to actually sit down and write a fic. XD

Xray wrote:
Okay, my thoughts.

IMO, Apollo was always more bright and confident than Phoenix was.While Phoenix often had nervous breakdowns and guessed his way to victory, Apollo was more confident in his actions.

Plus, his backstory is interesting, what, with him being related to Thalassa and all.

I'm glad that you think Apollo is a different character from Phoenix, and not just an expy or something. It really annoys me when people say Apollo is just a shell of Phoenix, because I don't see them as the same character at all. They're just way too different to me.
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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I return! :keiko: And pssh, I'm glad to know that someone enjoys my speculation! I try. ^^; I love the GS4 cast so much.

Yeeeaaah, adding Machi to the dynamic would make it interesting because I can't see him going along with it at first, at all. He spent years with Thalassa as her "adoptive" son, and he grew to trust her and love her very much. To suddenly learn that she has children of her own... he'd feel replaced and extremely hurt. :< And I agree that Thalassa would spend time with her biological children to catch up, which would just make Machi's bitterness/loneliness/jealousy/etc worse. The kid would be a wreck for a while, probably. After everything began to calm down and he adjusted to the changes, though, I can see him warming up to his "siblings" a bit more. It'd still be horribly awkward, though. Another thing I can see is Phoenix showing affection and support to Machi in his own strange way. I feel that Nick would understand why he felt so terrible, especially considering that he knew about Thalassa and her children for a long time. They totally would rock out after a while. I dunno, Machi and Phoenix just... seem like they'd get along well. I can't explain it.

If I remember right, Machi would have only been sentenced to death had he gone back to Borginia to be charged for the smuggling. Apollo managed to save him from that by saying that he wouldn't get the death penalty for admitting to his smuggling crime in the USA. (That was one of Apollo's most awesome moments, if you ask me!) I'm pretty sure Machi still spent at least a few months in prison for the crime, though, especially considering that he wasn't in the end credits. So... yeah. Machi needs a hug, damnit. A really big hug.

And pssh, Apollo is definitely not an expy of Phoenix! He's a very different person, as a few others mentioned already: he's much more headstrong and confident. Just look at him in 4-3 when it looks like Daryan is about to get off the hook. At that point it looked like everything had gone to hell, but Apollo never started to give in. (Actually, this makes Phoenix's words about finding some way to break Daryan before the final court scene more meaningful, considering that Phoenix himself has had plenty of experience with hard-to-break criminals and situations before. He doesn't want Apollo to give up, no matter how hard it gets. <3)

Yes, Klavier and Ema should definitely act as the aunt and uncle of the "family"! XD They'd be so fun to have around. This just keeps getting better and better. Most awesome family ever. The judge can come visit and be the ridiculous old grandpa of the group! *gets shot*
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Ugh. Lawyers.

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NinjAngel wrote:
Of course that's the reason. Pfft. We don't just speculate about his sexuality or how he sleeps with everyone, like in some other character threads...not mentioning any in particular. (Granted, I haven't been to a few of those threads in quite a while...)

What, us? Pfffft. Nuh-uh. We're the more amazing kind of fans that come up with intricate back stories while speculating on who he sleeps with and his sexuality.

NinjAngel wrote:
But, OMG THIS DYNAMIC. I can't stop thinking about it. XD It really is one of my favorite parts of this game. Especially in 4-2 (which is the case I'm in the middle of playing), where the two of them are both being, like, flippant and sarcastic with each other. Like Apollo's, "...I'll deal with you later." I dunno. It's just so funny to watch them.

That part was so adorable!
It made me ship TrucyxApollo more...;_;
I love their family dynamicness, but at the same time it's my two OTP's combined into a family like setting instead of OT3. So it is a bit weird to get used to, but...

I still love it and find it incredibly adorable and in need of some more love.

NinjAngel wrote:
I'm really not that good. I rely too much on sheet music. I can't play from memory worth a damn. ;_;

No that's ok! Sheet music is there to help, that's why we have it! =D Pffft, compared to like the millions of other people who can't play or can't play well, you're amazing. <3

NinjAngel wrote:
Dude, that's really ALL I want. That's it. Just a confirmation that it is, indeed being worked on, and that yes, Apollo is still the main character.


Can I get an Amen.

NinjAngel wrote:
I still don't quite know how this managed to enter my headcanon--this in particular, and "Apollo sings" in general. *sigh* OH NO WAIT I REMEMBER. The guy who voices Apollo in the TGS specials is actually a singer. So yeah. XD
Oh yeah, it's that KEN guy [w]right?
Speaking of which...
Does anyone know who voices him in the English version? I was really curious, and I think this has been gone over before, but I forget. xD

*great theories*
The judge can come visit and be the ridiculous old granpda of the group! *gets shot*
I think it fits perfectly. And sounds amazing and so Udgey like. xD
Yeah, after looking through some stuff Machi would only be put to death in Borginia. He would have to serve some punishment, at least. D8
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Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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Just...quoting everyone is getting to be too difficult. That, and it's easier to just quickly reply. XD I'm not quoting anymore. Just assume I'm talking in response to everything above (and I'll mention names if necessary).

God...the more I think about Machi's situation, the more I wonder just how the hell the whole "reveal" is going to turn out--or how it will be executed in the first place. I just can't see it right now, really. Especially if you add Machi into the whole family stew. I'm still amazed that I've never quite thought about him before now...this thread does wonders to my headcanon. <3

But after reading your (arcane-phoenix) spiel about Apollo, and how he had saved Machi...maybe it wouldn't be as awkward, you know? Machi would be grateful to Apollo for saving him from a much worse fate than he could have been subjected to, even if he did end up in jail for a couple of months. And we did get to see Machi smile at the end. So, I mean...yeah. Maybe it wouldn't be as weird as I'm fearing...? Especially because I could see Trucy trying to make him feel as welcome as possible in her own way.

I always thought that, if Apollo really was an expy of Phoenix, then I would like Phoenix as much as I like Apollo--or at least like him in the same way I like Apollo. But I don't...which means they aren't the same at all. XD He is more headstrong, I agree with that. And he does appear more confident in certain areas. (But he also seeks people's approval to make sure he's doing things properly...even if he did it right from the start. XD That's the impression I got, anyway.) The fact that he gets so damn flustered is also a bit different from Phoenix. (What was that conversation they had? "You look cute when you're flustered, Polly." "...I'll deal with you later." LAWL.)

Also, and I think I may have mentioned this before, I have a huge weakness for the kind of ability Apollo has, in that not everyone is able to "perform" it because it's restricted to a certain bloodline. When I found that out for the first time, I was just like "jfdkalhfkdlaj FUCKIN' AWESOME!" I mean, the Magatama was pretty damn epic, but this is a different kind of epic because only certain people are privileged enough to have access to this ability. Also, the ability itself is kind of awesome. To literally be so perceptive that not even you know consciously you're perceiving something...I feel like there needs to be a spiritual element or something. XD There probably isn't, like, but it's just so awesome. I feel like Apollo would be able to hack life if he used his bracelet AND the Magatama, though. O_o Ah, listen to me ramble...

EDIT: OH HEY WUT. You replied while I was writing. XD So...all of the following is directed at you sweetie!

Actually...I wouldn't mind having a serious discussion about his sexuality. O_o Is that even possible? Personality, I see him as someone who goes for the person, not for the gender...but I'm not sure if I can actually provide any "proof" of that. I dunno. Besides, everyone's a little bit bisexual. XD

See, I'm such a hypocrite, because I'll ship Twincest to the high heavens, but "regular" incest I just can't do. Now, I did really like Phoenix/Apollo for a while, but that ended up turning into a Father/Son kind of "shipping," which I find way more adorable. Which is why I enjoy the family dynamic so much. I just don't want to think of the implications of shipping Apollo/Trucy, really...especially if something happened before they found out. >.>

And yes, it is KENN. They guy who does the YuGiOh GX opening and voices Judai. XD As for the English voice...isn't it supposed to be someone in-house? It's the same for the Japanese version, though--only the specials have professional VAs, I think.
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Udgey would be the life of the party! 8D

NinjAngel wrote:
Just...quoting everyone is getting to be too difficult. That, and it's easier to just quickly reply. XD I'm not quoting anymore. Just assume I'm talking in response to everything above (and I'll mention names if necessary).

God...the more I think about Machi's situation, the more I wonder just how the hell the whole "reveal" is going to turn out--or how it will be executed in the first place. I just can't see it right now, really. Especially if you add Machi into the whole family stew. I'm still amazed that I've never quite thought about him before now...this thread does wonders to my headcanon. <3

But after reading your (arcane-phoenix) spiel about Apollo, and how he had saved Machi...maybe it wouldn't be as awkward, you know? Machi would be grateful to Apollo for saving him from a much worse fate than he could have been subjected to, even if he did end up in jail for a couple of months. And we did get to see Machi smile at the end. So, I mean...yeah. Maybe it wouldn't be as weird as I'm fearing...? Especially because I could see Trucy trying to make him feel as welcome as possible in her own way.

I always thought that, if Apollo really was an expy of Phoenix, then I would like Phoenix as much as I like Apollo--or at least like him in the same way I like Apollo. But I don't...which means they aren't the same at all. XD He is more headstrong, I agree with that. And he does appear more confident in certain areas. (But he also seeks people's approval to make sure he's doing things properly...even if he did it right from the start. XD That's the impression I got, anyway.) The fact that he gets so damn flustered is also a bit different from Phoenix. (What was that conversation they had? "You look cute when you're flustered, Polly." "...I'll deal with you later." LAWL.)

I was the other way around because before this thread, I tended to focus solely on Machi's relationship with Apollo and Trucy and how he would fit in with the family dynamic. XD It's like we're fitting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle!

I should probably save this for the Machi topic, but the way I see his character is that he takes a pretty long time in general to warm up to others and truly trust them. It's something I've discussed a lot with another friend who used to post at this site, actually; we assumed that he was orphaned at a young age, and thanks to that his behavior is very awkward at times. He doesn't process thoughts in the same way that most people do. That aside, though, I think that once Machi does warm up to someone he can be a very gentle person, and Thalassa even mentions that a few times. After the awkwardness faded away, I think he would appreciate Apollo and Trucy's company and see them as close friends. :3 He'd be able to feel at ease in their presence instead of withdrawing into himself like he does around strangers. Even then, though, I think a part of him will always feel a bit jealous/bitter about them being Thalassa's biological children. :< He wants Thalassa to be happy, though, so he wouldn't let those feelings get to him after a while.

I noticed that about Apollo, too! That he tends to seek the approval of others before carrying things out. XD It's sort of cute, especially because he'll still seek approval when he doesn't really need to. He always has those little flustered moments, too. Polly gets... touchy at times, but he still seems to be confident in his abilities. He relies less on luck and more upon his own judgment, which I think really helps differentiate him from Phoenix.
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Are u alwright, Mr. Wright?

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Having played the previous ones, my first impression was..
'he looks cute' xD
then when I actually played the game I just LOVED APOLLO!
hah hah you know, his personality and his actions are so funny, furthermore he is like so workaholic.
The fact that we don't know how his childhood was makes him a little brave man, it's impossible not to love him ha hah

The first time Trucy called him 'Polly' made me laugh so badly, and it was great seeing them both getting on that well.
Apollo really deserves being the main character, actually I like him more than Phoenix...
Although I'd love he being on GS5, I wouldn't want to make him lose his case being a prosecutor /:

And, he tends to open his heart, like
when he saw Vera was alive
. Phoenix wouldn't have almost cried because of that.
Apollo is just sweet (:
The last thing... I was REALLY GRATEFUL because Mia didn't appear saving Phoenix's ass this time, I was hell upset about it..
Apollo just trusted his ability AND
some Mr. Hat help though HA HA HAH
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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Randomly but not really off topic...I got the artbook in the mail today. <3 And I spent an hour and a half just going through it like I had never seen it before (which is mostly true, seeing as I can't read the Japanese notes in the original). And...LAWL at some of the comments. I was especially happy that the picture I like so much with Trucy looping her arms through Klavier's and Apollo's arms was titled "Best Friends!" Yes, that exclamation point was actually there. Which only adds fuel to my crazy-Apollo-family fire. XD

(Also totally off topic, but Young!Klavier wears Gavinners brand cargo pants and army boots. O_o I had to read that, like, three times, and then I started giggling so hard I choked. His band has a whole merchandising line!)

And for those who are interested: Quotes from case 4-3! When I replay the games, I always end up writing down a bunch of things.

Spoiler: For length
Apollo: (To be honest...[Klavier] was kind of cool. And I'm kind of envious. Not that I'd ever admit that to Trucy.)```

Examining the Gavinner's dressing room (alone)

"That's an odd guitar. The design is that character I saw in the hallway, but with sunglasses. What a strange mascot. He looks like he's crying. Since when was rock about crying?
......They should name this this guy "Emo."

"A police uniform. Next to it is a policeman's hat, and a pair of handcuffs. One of the band members must like the police. Must be Mr. Gavin's* 'bad influence'.
......I thought rock 'n' roll was all about being rebellious."

"There's graffiti on the lipstick. Wait, but the Gavinners are all guys. ...Maybe Prosecutor Gavin wears lipstick?"**

"That guitar looks like it was made out of a cop car door......That's right. Trucy's not here to set me straight. Now I feel kinda lonely."

Examining the Hallway (with Ema)

Apollo: That's Prosecutor Gavin', the Gavinner's dressing room.
Ema: Put so much as a hand on the door and I'll Snackoo you!
Apollo: Hold on! But I just came out of there!
Ema: Don't play smart with me!
Apollo: (*sigh*)

Examining the Hallway (with Trucy)

Trucy: I'm thirsty, Apollo!
Apollo: ...Want something to drink?
Trucy: Hmm...How about...This one! A Steel Samurai Soda!
Apollo: ("Now in Real Steal Flavor")...Hmm.
Trucy: Huh?
Apollo: ...Here, my treat.
Trucy: Hey! This isn't enough change.
Apollo: The machines outside are cheaper. This one is highway robbery.

Examining the Gavinner's dressing room (with Trucy)

Apollo: A police uniform hangs on the stand.
Trucy: Ooh! I want to try it on! "Nothing to see here, move along."
Apollo: ...It's OK, you don't have to go that far to be "speical." I mean, you're not exactly the type who's "just another face in the crowd."
Trucy: Really? You think so? Hmm...I guess you're right!
Apollo: (...Now I feel like a meanie for making that insinuation.)^^

Apollo: Those are some pretty heavy-duty gloves. Maybe they have to carry around hot pots or something?
Trucy: They are a little thick. I couldn't even stuff a pigeon in those.
Apollo: ......That's exactly what I was thinking.

Examining Lamiroir's dressing room (with Ema and Trucy)

Trucy: Ah, ah, Apollo! Look at that thing! It's huge! That...that's a TV!!!
Apollo: Um, yeah, a wide flat screen TV. I want one of these.
Ema: You'll be wanting for a long time on your salary, junior. Wait till you're as famous as Mr. Wright was, then dream.
Trucy: I don't think Daddy was ever rich, even when he was in law.
Apollo: Great, just stomp on my dreams why don't you.

Apollo: A sort of pin-fastener for attaching things to clothes. Not a safety pin-type, though.
Trucy: So if it's not a safety it a danger pin?
Apollo: I suppose if you stuck it in your eye, then yeah, sure. But you could do that with a safety pin, too, for that matter.
Trucy: ......Thanks for taking the fun out of my danger pin.
Apollo: (Aw, you're driving a danger pin through my heart, here.)

Apollo: The middle of the weapon is a revolving chamber. That's where you load the bullets. A revolver, see?^
Trucy: Revolver...Revolver...That sounds a bit like "Wonder Bar"! Especially if you say it really fast!
Apollo: Uh...I guess.
Trucy: You know what I always used to think? I used to think the closest sound to "Wonder Bar" was "One Liver"! There's just so many words in the world, Apollo! Isn't it amazing!
Apollo: ...So many words, so many different people. (...People like Trucy.)^^

Apollo: Yikes! Don't point that think at me!
Trucy: Don't worry! I'm an old hand with firearms. I have one that shoots "Bullets"!
Apollo: I don't want it shooting any bullets, thank you!
Trucy: Not those bullets, silly. My gun shoots "Bullets, the magic cat."
Apollo: A cat...comes out of a gun?
Trucy: I can tell by your expression you've never heard of that trick. It's a great one!
Apollo: (Honestly, that one sounds halfway interesting.)

My thoughts (as marked by the following symbols)
```: D'aw. Idol warship. Makes the brother idea that much more cute.
*: When does Apollo ever call Klavier "Mr. Gavin"?!
**: LAWL that he even insinuates this.
^: Of course he would start describing a gun. He's probably as much of an "old hand with firearms" as Trucy is. ;D
^^: Apollo's such a bastard. XD

This was a GREAT way not to do homework. XD

EDIT: So I was looking at the Ace Attorney Wikia. They mentioned that Apollo claims he's good with astrology. When did he say that?! I feel like I need to incorporate that into my headcanon somehow...XD
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I spent yesterday looking through all 37 pages of the Apollo Appreciation Thread and found this shocking but amazing piece of Apollo art that was originally posted by Komachi.


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NinjAngel wrote:
So I was looking at the Ace Attorney Wikia. They mentioned that Apollo claims he's good with astrology. When did he say that?! I feel like I need to incorporate that into my headcanon somehow...XD

I'm 99% sure that he says it near the beginning of case 4-4, when he tries to speak with Vera in the detention center. XD He and Trucy are trying to get her to open up, and I think Apollo asks her "What's your sign? I'm good with astrology, you know!" Or something along those lines.

4-3 had some adorable quotes, didn't it? I think Bullets the Magic Cat was my favorite, along with the conversations Polly and Trucy have when you examine the vending machines in the hallway. (And then there's Ema. "I want tea!")
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god all those random quotes apollo said to try and make her talk... least they're not in my mind anymore
Spoiler: All AA games
the following people are EEEEEEEVIL:
karma, gant, morgan le fey, slashface aka engarde, penguin/atmey, black dahlia, and devil's hand (aka hirohiko aka figure it out yourself)
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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arcane-phoenix wrote:
NinjAngel wrote:
So I was looking at the Ace Attorney Wikia. They mentioned that Apollo claims he's good with astrology. When did he say that?! I feel like I need to incorporate that into my headcanon somehow...XD

I'm 99% sure that he says it near the beginning of case 4-4, when he tries to speak with Vera in the detention center. XD He and Trucy are trying to get her to open up, and I think Apollo asks her "What's your sign? I'm good with astrology, you know!" Or something along those lines.

4-3 had some adorable quotes, didn't it? I think Bullets the Magic Cat was my favorite, along with the conversations Polly and Trucy have when you examine the vending machines in the hallway. (And then there's Ema. "I want tea!")

Aha! I do remember something akin to that. Thanks for reminding me. ^_^ And that quote with Ema...God. I don't know whether I love her or hate her...but this is not the place for that. XD

So, I came to the realization the other day that my headcanon wants Apollo and Klavier to have met before, even if it was only for a brief moment (like when they were younger, and Klavier was visiting his brother/helping him move in to his new home, and he saw Apollo and they played for a bit, but maybe their names were only mentioned in passing to each other...or during that trial mentioned in my headcanon above, Apollo wouldn't talk in the beginning, so Kristoph sent in his brother as "a stranger," and so Apollo and Klavier sat in the defense lobby, sitting back to back, and Apollo told his story to Klavier, who repeated it to Kristoph, and the only reason Apollo talked was because he was sure Apollo would never see "the stranger" again).

...Brain. You need to stop wondering off. XD
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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NinjAngel:you got it? whoooooop! That's awesome! >D I love the description for Apollo, how his hair is supposed to be like a growing sprout or something. I just died from adorableness.
Klavier's crazy fans will buy anything with his name or the Gavineers logo on it, haha. xD I kinda want a pair now...

NinjAngel wrote:
EDIT: OH HEY WUT. You replied while I was writing. XD So...all of the following is directed at you sweetie!

Actually...I wouldn't mind having a serious discussion about his sexuality. O_o Is that even possible? Personality, I see him as someone who goes for the person, not for the gender...but I'm not sure if I can actually provide any "proof" of that. I dunno. Besides, everyone's a little bit bisexual. XD

See, I'm such a hypocrite, because I'll ship Twincest to the high heavens, but "regular" incest I just can't do. Now, I did really like Phoenix/Apollo for a while, but that ended up turning into a Father/Son kind of "shipping," which I find way more adorable. Which is why I enjoy the family dynamic so much. I just don't want to think of the implications of shipping Apollo/Trucy, really...especially if something happened before they found out. >.>

And yes, it is KENN. They guy who does the YuGiOh GX opening and voices Judai. XD As for the English voice...isn't it supposed to be someone in-house? It's the same for the Japanese version, though--only the specials have professional VAs, I think.
It's always easier to make characters bi. I tend to do it with all my favorite characters. It's just...easier. xD

Spoiler: small rant
I think it is quite odd. People get all disgusted at the thought of ApolloxTrucy because of they are related. But then things like [lets use the AAverse] Gavincest and IrisxDahlia are more accepted [IMO] and it's like...they are full blood related and the same gender. I'm not saying that being with someone of the same gender is bad, it's just in our society it's looked down upon, along with incest, so together it'd be even more morally corrupt. At least Trucy and Apollo would be a hetero couple who are not fully related; only half by blood.
Now, now. I do like Gavincest and IrisxDahlia at times so I'm not hating on those who like that. I just find it surprising a lot of people would prefer that, or find it unacceptable, to ApolloxTrucy.
I think as long as they didn't have kids with each other [adopt?] it'd be fine.
Love can be love, right?

I found Phoenix/Apollo to be adorable and hot. I just grew fond of it so meh. xD To each his own, amIrite?

Ahhhhh yes! KENN that was it! :D

Oh and pffft. Now all I can see is Apollo going up to someone and being all, "What's your sign? ;D"

Ptapcc: That picture is so cute. I didn't know it was ever posted here! *saves*

Oh yeah! Happy February the 14th everyone! I love all you guys here and am happy to have a place to share my crazy-ness about Apollo! :D

To NinjAngel; my hun~<3:
Baby, you must be a mala prohibitum offense, because you have FINE written all over you!
*attempt at nerdy-lawish pickup line*
I'm glad your mine (Valentine)! You're the Dark to my Krad, You're the Hero I'll back up, defense to my lawyer, the guilty to my love, the pal to my weenies!...
Errr-what I'm trying to say is Happy Valentine's day. I hope you have an awesome day. I love you~<333
Courtroom Romance Afficianado || Talk to me about your fav rarepairs
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Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
NinjAngel:you got it? whoooooop! That's awesome! >D I love the description for Apollo, how his hair is supposed to be like a growing sprout or something. I just died from adorableness.
Klavier's crazy fans will buy anything with his name or the Gavineers logo on it, haha. xD I kinda want a pair now...

NinjAngel wrote:
EDIT: OH HEY WUT. You replied while I was writing. XD So...all of the following is directed at you sweetie!

Actually...I wouldn't mind having a serious discussion about his sexuality. O_o Is that even possible? Personality, I see him as someone who goes for the person, not for the gender...but I'm not sure if I can actually provide any "proof" of that. I dunno. Besides, everyone's a little bit bisexual. XD

See, I'm such a hypocrite, because I'll ship Twincest to the high heavens, but "regular" incest I just can't do. Now, I did really like Phoenix/Apollo for a while, but that ended up turning into a Father/Son kind of "shipping," which I find way more adorable. Which is why I enjoy the family dynamic so much. I just don't want to think of the implications of shipping Apollo/Trucy, really...especially if something happened before they found out. >.>

And yes, it is KENN. They guy who does the YuGiOh GX opening and voices Judai. XD As for the English voice...isn't it supposed to be someone in-house? It's the same for the Japanese version, though--only the specials have professional VAs, I think.
It's always easier to make characters bi. I tend to do it with all my favorite characters. It's just...easier. xD

Spoiler: small rant
I think it is quite odd. People get all disgusted at the thought of ApolloxTrucy because of they are related. But then things like [lets use the AAverse] Gavincest and IrisxDahlia are more accepted [IMO] and it's like...they are full blood related and the same gender. I'm not saying that being with someone of the same gender is bad, it's just in our society it's looked down upon, along with incest, so together it'd be even more morally corrupt. At least Trucy and Apollo would be a hetero couple who are not fully related; only half by blood.
Now, now. I do like Gavincest and IrisxDahlia at times so I'm not hating on those who like that. I just find it surprising a lot of people would prefer that, or find it unacceptable, to ApolloxTrucy.
I think as long as they didn't have kids with each other [adopt?] it'd be fine.
Love can be love, right?

Spoiler: In response to the rant
I'm not entire sure why it is the way it is either...although it might be because they're the same sex--no chance at pregnancies so they can still have sex--that same-sex incest is more accepted. I also take into account that Trucy and Apollo are seven years apart--and for 15 and 22, that seven years is a huge difference. Incest is a societal taboo anyway, but it's mostly because of "what happens if they have kids together?" Same-sex incest pairings sort of take care of that question.

..I mean, it doesn't help that I have a half brother who's three years older than me and five years older than my sister, so I get the full effect of the "squick" factor that ApolloxTrucy inspires in people. It's like how people who have a twin don't understand twincest, I suppose.

i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
I found Phoenix/Apollo to be adorable and hot. I just grew fond of it so meh. xD To each his own, amIrite?

Ahhhhh yes! KENN that was it! :D

Oh and pffft. Now all I can see is Apollo going up to someone and being all, "What's your sign? ;D"

I still don't know how I prefer Phoenix and Apollo's relationship, really. XD But because I'm so attached to Klavipollo...well. ^^;;

LAWL. Classic pick-up line made even better. I'm still trying to find out how/why he would be good with astrology. XP

i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
Oh yeah! Happy February the 14th everyone! I love all you guys here and am happy to have a place to share my crazy-ness about Apollo! :D

To NinjAngel; my hun~<3:
Baby, you must be a mala prohibitum offense, because you have FINE written all over you!
*attempt at nerdy-lawish pickup line*
I'm glad your mine (Valentine)! You're the Dark to my Krad, You're the Hero I'll back up, defense to my lawyer, the guilty to my love, the pal to my weenies!...
Errr-what I'm trying to say is Happy Valentine's day. I hope you have an awesome day. I love you~<333

...<3 Words cannot articulate how AWESOME I think this is. Or how I just broke down in silent laughter upon reading it. Dammit, I wish I could come up with something so breathtaking to return as a gift. But OH that made me laugh on a day that I needed it (and it's not related to Valentine's Day, btw...too much homework. D: GIVE ME SNOW DAY NAO!)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I LOVE YOU~~~~
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title

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you're all nuts

happy valentine's day

god today could use a fanfic of feeniris or mayick
Spoiler: All AA games
the following people are EEEEEEEVIL:
karma, gant, morgan le fey, slashface aka engarde, penguin/atmey, black dahlia, and devil's hand (aka hirohiko aka figure it out yourself)
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Are u alwright, Mr. Wright?

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Well Apollo/Phoenix have a lot of potential
Mr. Wright seems like so experienced contrary to Apollo (x
that's the best pairing evah period! xD
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title

i'll get an avvy later

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you're more nuts than i thought

anyway, phoenix may have experience, but apollo still has the awesomeness left over from edgeworth.
Spoiler: All AA games
the following people are EEEEEEEVIL:
karma, gant, morgan le fey, slashface aka engarde, penguin/atmey, black dahlia, and devil's hand (aka hirohiko aka figure it out yourself)
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~*Deux Ames Un Coeur*~

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Greener223 wrote:
you're more nuts than i thought

Then why are you still here. XD

Greener223 wrote:
anyway, phoenix may have experience, but apollo still has the awesomeness left over from edgeworth.

So...Edgeworth/Apollo is crazy awesome? XD

I think I'm gonna write a fic of some kind in celebration of this being the week AAI comes out, and in celebration of me FINISHING MY FREAKING PAPER. @_@

...But I should probably write that paper first. ^^;;
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justice is always wright ;)

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thank godness there's a topic like this,all over the internet i see apollo hates just becouse he's the new hero :odoroki:

i mean apollo justice is confident,and is rather focuses more on logic than phoenix wright,although i preffer the "acting first,thinking later" :edgy:

but i must say,apollo has been the fastest developing charectar and i am sure that if we give him 2 more games then he might surpass phoenix wright and become a legendry defense attorney himself :redd:

besides as cool as phoenix wright's legendry objection is and his magatma is.

braclet(perceave) > magatma(phsyce-locks)

Chords of steel > legendry objection

apollo has just yet to improve his attorney skills and be able to make actions that are as epic as wright's and be able to defeat a prosecutor who doesn't help him(not klavier obviesly) without anyones help at the climax of the trial :karma:
Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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Are u alwright, Mr. Wright?

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I think you missuderstood..

I meant Mr. Wright has more experience BUT in love stuff (: While Apollo seems so lovable and unexperienced in that aspect <3.
Apollo is the greatest thing ever made and I love him xD
he's my most favourite character in the universe but I can only see him with Mr. Wright hah hah

Apollo's confident, has a great voice, has a past that can confirm future games about him which makes me happy (:
and yes, I've seen a lot of Apollo haterz and I still don't know why /:
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New court records is a lolwhat. *attempts to get used to changes*
Eeeeeeeek~! AAI came out today! Anybody get it? I'm getting it tomorrow because we had a snow storm so none of my license-bearing family anted to brave the elements. 9:

NinjAngel wrote:
Spoiler: In response to the rant
I'm not entire sure why it is the way it is either...although it might be because they're the same sex--no chance at pregnancies so they can still have sex--that same-sex incest is more accepted. I also take into account that Trucy and Apollo are seven years apart--and for 15 and 22, that seven years is a huge difference. Incest is a societal taboo anyway, but it's mostly because of "what happens if they have kids together?" Same-sex incest pairings sort of take care of that question.

..I mean, it doesn't help that I have a half brother who's three years older than me and five years older than my sister, so I get the full effect of the "squick" factor that ApolloxTrucy inspires in people. It's like how people who have a twin don't understand twincest, I suppose.

Spoiler: Because spoiler tags make things fun
That's quite true that same-sex incest; no chance of kids is always a good thing.
Ahhh, but so are Phoenix and Maya and they're a hugely popular pairing. I'm pretty sure? Yeah 24 minus 17 is 7. *failatmaths*

Ahh yeah I don't have a step sibling so I can't imagine how weird it would be to pair up a couple that is step-related and have one. :lana: And same with the twin thing. I do have a sister though. <3 *doesn't really help at all*

NinjAngel wrote:

...<3 Words cannot articulate how AWESOME I think this is. Or how I just broke down in silent laughter upon reading it. Dammit, I wish I could come up with something so breathtaking to return as a gift. But OH that made me laugh on a day that I needed it (and it's not related to Valentine's Day, btw...too much homework. D: GIVE ME SNOW DAY NAO!)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I LOVE YOU~~~~

I'm so happy it made you giggle and made your day! :3 You don't have to come up with anything; you're the perfect gift. <3
PFFFFT, please take some of the snow I'm getting then! I'm happy to share! 9:< *sending the rain snow your way*
I LOVE YOU TOO~<3333333

NinjAngel wrote:
I still don't know how I prefer Phoenix and Apollo's relationship, really. XD But because I'm so attached to Klavipollo...well. ^^;;

It's alright to have multiple ships with the same character! I mean, I adore ApolloxPhoenix, but I'm not gonna dislike and never look at any other pairings with him. I'll look at EmaxApollo, TrucyxApollo, EdgeyxApollo, even Klavipollo [at times :|].
You can have your cake and eat it too!
And if not then pshhhhhhHAH, ship what you will! :D

NinjAngel wrote:
So...Edgeworth/Apollo is crazy awesome? XD

Crazy yes it is. xD~

TheoMANOo wrote:
Well Apollo/Phoenix have a lot of potential
Mr. Wright seems like so experienced contrary to Apollo (x
that's the best pairing evah period! xD

Yessssssssss *victory fist pump*

Hey I know you, from over at right? :D

Phoenix_Justice wrote:
thank godness there's a topic like this,all over the internet i see apollo hates just becouse he's the new hero :odoroki:

I know right? It's sort of like, "Hey, now we have two amazing defense attorneys [one of which is SUPER ADORABLE]. Double your pleasure double your fun right? ;D"
I don't like the hate. It makes me sad. D=

Greener223 wrote:
you're all nuts

happy valentine's day

Haha, right back at 'ya. xD

Edit:OHHHHHHHHHkayyyyyheyyyyyy have you guys seen this?:
Mind blown.
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Re: Apollo Appreciation Thread! (may contain spoilers)Topic%20Title
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I do not know what to think about "Apollo's real father." I would just prefer NOT to think about it...and then go on with my merry way. XD

Spoiler: Rant-reply-thing
Well, they aren't really step-related--that happens when you have a kid from one parent and a kid from another who's parents got married after a previous divorce or something. Like, my dad is my brother's step-dad (kind of...bro never lived with us) because he's a kid from my mom's previous marriage. But bro and I are half-siblings because we share a parent.

Also, I think 17/24 is not as different as 15/22. The maturation that occurs within ~14-18 years of age in a typical kid is kind of astounding. Trucy's definitely more of a "kid" than even Maya was.

I somehow managed to get AAI yesterday. O_o I totally wasn't expecting it until Friday. I've only gotten through the first case, though, because homework is a bitch...

And this new layout is still throwing me for a loop. It's amazing that even on a 1600x900 resolution, I can still only see one post at a time. XD

W-what...I-I'm cute? *blush* Um...>.>...<.<...<3
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i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
Edit:OHHHHHHHHHkayyyyyheyyyyyy have you guys seen this?:
Mind blown.

Haha, well thanks. That's pretty much the reaction I was going for. XD

Oh ~Polly~
I know who Apollo's real father is, and I have evidence...
Spriters needed for fanmade GS5! It's gonna be BIG!
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Are u alwright, Mr. Wright?

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i-nsertnameher-e wrote:
New court records is a lolwhat.
TheoMANOo wrote:
Well Apollo/Phoenix have a lot of potential
Mr. Wright seems like so experienced contrary to Apollo (x
that's the best pairing evah period! xD

Yessssssssss *victory fist pump*

Hey I know you, from over at right? :D

I just realized it was you by reading your fanfiction profile !

I read your Valentine's fic which motivated me to make mine as well xD I uploaded it a couple of days ago
hah hah it's obviusly an AxP one :3 and cleaner than the last one though hah hah
i'ts nice to see you here (:
even more when you share my ApolloxPhoenix crazyness xDhaohaohao
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So, I haven't posted here in a while, but I wanted to share something.

So, this morning, I got out of the shower, and... my little Bang-lettes (AKA, my little poofie wisps of what probably should be bangs) were sticking up. I looked like Apollo. I was seriously about to do a "Chords of Steel" thing, but then I was like, "Wait. My mom's home. She might finally send me to the mental institution."

Yeah. Just wanted to share that, because it made my morning. :odoroki:

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I just want to say how much better I think Apollo is than Phoenix. He may have started out slow, but he got wayyy better. The leap of logic he got from Alita scratching her scarf? Brilliant. Lamiroir hearing Daryan's voice from the air vent during her performance? Amazing. Vera was the forger? Fantastic.

Phoenix has Mia to help her every other case, but the only help Apollo needs is his own explosive confidence. Heck, even Miles needs to ask "What would Phoenix do" when he's backed into a corner.
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After looking at the GS3 Wii wallpaper, I got to thinking how much I want one of these for GS4. PLEASE let that game come to the Wii as well! ;_; I want an awesome wallpaper...

So, I have an idea for a fic. That I swear I will write because it needs to be done. And, if I get my homework done at a decent time tonight, I'll start on it. The idea just won't leave me alone, and it combines a lot of mini things from my out-there headcanon, so I really wanna do it. :D NOW! On to the homework~

EDIT: OH HEY WUT. I wrote something? XD You guys need to, like, get up on me and keep me writing this until I finish it. <3 It's rather short for a chapter, but it's only the Prologue.
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Meep? :<

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NinjAngel wrote:
After looking at the GS3 Wii wallpaper, I got to thinking how much I want one of these for GS4. PLEASE let that game come to the Wii as well! ;_; I want an awesome wallpaper...

I knooooow! I don't even plan to play the Wiiware games, I just love the wallpapers. If there's a Wiiware remake for AJ, I'll only be interested in seeing the adorable wallpaper that'll come with it. So many fun and cute characters, and in one picture!

Gigahand: I know, right? Apollo is very insightful. Aside from the examples you mentioned, another one of my favorite moments was when he completely turned Machi's trial around by saying that he wouldn't be sentenced to death for confessing to cocoon smuggling in the USA. Absolutely brilliant. :odoroki:
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GigaHand wrote:
I just want to say how much better I think Apollo is than Phoenix. He may have started out slow, but he got wayyy better. The leap of logic he got from Alita scratching her scarf? Brilliant. Lamiroir hearing Daryan's voice from the air vent during her performance? Amazing. Vera was the forger? Fantastic.

Which makes it even more ridiculous that Apollo practically needed Klavier to spell it out for him that the panties blocked the car's tailpipe. I mean, Phoenix once solved a case with something he found in a tailpipe; there's no way Apollo would forget that piece of evidence.

The problem with Apollo Justice is that the writers sometimes forgot he was the star of the game and made Phoenix or Klavier all but solve the case for you. The next game should be better if the prosecutor is more hostile, forcing Apollo to do his own thing.
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Icarus wrote:
GigaHand wrote:
I just want to say how much better I think Apollo is than Phoenix. He may have started out slow, but he got wayyy better. The leap of logic he got from Alita scratching her scarf? Brilliant. Lamiroir hearing Daryan's voice from the air vent during her performance? Amazing. Vera was the forger? Fantastic.

Which makes it even more ridiculous that Apollo practically needed Klavier to spell it out for him that the panties blocked the car's tailpipe. I mean, Phoenix once solved a case with something he found in a tailpipe; there's no way Apollo would forget that piece of evidence.

The problem with Apollo Justice is that the writers sometimes forgot he was the star of the game and made Phoenix or Klavier all but solve the case for you. The next game should be better if the prosecutor is more hostile, forcing Apollo to do his own thing.

I didn't get that impression. Klavier vaguely hinted at the panties, saying "review all you know". The only thing he completely spelled out was how Daryan heard Apollo and Ema in the backstage hallway (And that Lamiroir was blind [if you go that way], but that's unrelated to the case for the most part). Also, the knife in 1-5 was a crucial piece of decisive evidence, there is no leap of logic, however small, necessary for a piece of evidence like that to solve a case (and it was easy to forget about the panties). Which it didn't, really.
Spoiler: 1-5
Gant confessed once he was implicated in SL-9.

Also, most of Phoenix's investigation in 4-4 was completely unrelated to the murder of Drew Misham, rather it was tying up the loose ends in the flashback case. Figuring out that Kristoph was the client was merely a happy coincidence. I agree completely on your last point though.
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The writing was a bit...well, sloppy, as far as Apollo's logic and reasoning were concerned. I agree that he performed some amazing leaps of logic at some points, but at other times it was all "LAWL wut?" Then again, there is the difference between the player and the character. For example, in case two, when Trucy says "You know what I think? I think the police forgot to look in the safe," that may have seemed like an "oh, here's the answer, don't screw it up" for the players, but I think it can be safely assumed that Apollo came to that conclusion before Trucy mentioned it, and that was the two of them sharing a "knowing" moment...does that make any sense? XD

Which, I remember something to that effect being stated in an interview, though about Phoenix at the time: Apollo is NOT the player, and he comes to conclusions on his own terms, separate from us.

As for Klavier handing you some ways, it was a breath of fresh air, and it toned down the difficulty enough for new players. And I still want him to be around in the next game--the relationship between Klavier and Apollo, as I've stated before, could turn out very interesting (especially because of Kristoph, actually...)--I would also like a new prosecutor who forces Apollo to face the idea that not all lawyers, defense or prosecution, are out for the truth. Phoenix had that kind of experience very early on in his career. In quite a few ways, Apollo got lucky for his first year as a lawyer. In other ways...not so much.

...Were any of Apollo's clients full-on innocent? We had Phoenix, who pulled some shady tactics to get Kristoph in prison; Wocky, who's a gangster (albeit one currently in reform); Machi, who was involved in smuggling; and Vera, who was a forger. That's one hell of a client list. XD
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NinjAngel wrote:
...Were any of Apollo's clients full-on innocent? We had Phoenix, who pulled some shady tactics to get Kristoph in prison; Wocky, who's a gangster (albeit one currently in reform); Machi, who was involved in smuggling; and Vera, who was a forger. That's one hell of a client list. XD

He's had better luck than Phoenix. His clients' crimes were
Spoiler: AA 1 through 3
being Larry (self-explanatory XD), petty theft, falsification of evidence, assault and battery, murder, grand larceny, accomplice to murder and jerkassness.

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Sorry to double post, but there's an idea I had that I want to share.

Some people say that Apollo wasn't really important to the story of his own game, that he could be replaced with an unassuming ordinary nobody of a lawyer and the game would pan out mostly the same. Not only that, but Phoenix did most of the work. Like I believe I have said earlier, Phoenix did barely anything past his last trial, the jurist system and the bloody card (which, due to the circumstances, must have been made by Trucy, but ordered by Phoenix regardless). The jurist system managing to be what nails (pun not intended) Kristoph can't be intended, because that implies that Phoenix knew that the red envelope (which he saw but never opened) contained the poisoned stamp, and that it didn't kill Drew earlier (for those who lack common sense, this is impossible). So, Phoenix's act being the saving grace of the last case? Coincidence. No way around it. As for 4-1, if he wanted to come out and just plain do everything he would have. He was even asked to, but he didn't. Instead he drops increasingly subtle hints.

Now, about Apollo's supposedly minimal role. All that separated him from a generic nothing was his relation to the Gramaryes and the eyes that come with it (which, incidentally, opens doors for character development). I'm not going to deny this. However, what these people fail to adress is Phoenix's role in his own premier game. All that separated him from a generic nothing was the classroom trial; everything was happening to characters around him. Now if we replace each lawyer with some ordinary bozo who happened to work for the same law firm, we lose Phoenix's motivation for being a lawyer (which IMO is pretty unimportant, but interesting regardless) and Apollo's relation to the Gramaryes (an awesome reveal which, as I said, opens doors for character development). Which do you think is better?

EDIT: And to those who just say Apollo should have done more rather than everyone else did too much, again I refer back to Phoenix in AA (not counting 1-5, because for the purpose of this comparison that case does not exist as in was not in the original version of the first game).
Spoiler: 1-4
It was Larry that showed up in day 2 of court with the testimony that saved Edgeworth from a guilty verdict, it was Mia that prodded Phoenix to keep coming up with random ideas and hope that one of them made sense, and it was Maya that took the DL-6 bullet from Von Karma. So there.

tl;dr this.
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justice is always wright ;)

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GigaHand wrote:
tl;dr this.

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GigaHand wrote:
*insert awesome post here*

Yesss. I feel as though Apollo gets a lot of slack that he doesn't really deserve, and your post summed up my thoughts well. I think GS4 was a good introduction to his character: it showed us that he's very headstrong, a trait that makes him different from Phoenix. When it comes to what he believes in, he tends to be rash. That, and he seems to rely less on sheer luck than Phoenix used to.

Personality aside, I'm looking forward to his future character development! He has a lot of potential, thanks to his relation to the Gramarye family. It should be interesting to see how things play out.
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Totally agree. I feel I am one of the few fans who actually like Apollo. To the point of crushing on him. *cough* He really is different from Phoenix. To be honest, I like magic more than channeling. I was always fascinated about magic and the unknown.

I am so impatient for GS5. I want to see more Apollo and the other characters. Plus, all those cliff-hangers must be continued! Grr! *sighs* Fan-fics keeps me sane while waiting for any news of GS5.

And yes, Apollo has a lot of potential! Maybe more than Phoenix. Plus, Apollo is 2 years younger than Phoenix when he started law. Though, Phoenix was doing an Arts degree, so maybe that's why he started later.

Anyway, I really do like Apollo as a character more than Phoenix (though, I enjoyed the first 3 games), even though he has one game while Phoenix has 3. I wish people don't come to conclusions and wait until Apollo gets 2 more games to prove how great a character he is.
Proud shipper of FeeniexIris, ApolloxEma.
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Kýrie eléison

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As long as Apollo's back-story remains mostly unexplained, I feel he ought to be the player character in GS5 and beyond. His biggest pitfall in GS4 was really no fault of his own but rather that he little personal investment in most of his cases, compared to Phoenix and GS1. I believe Apollo will become more popular if gamers see how he acts in situations where he has a true personal stake (especially when the final case rolls along) instead of acting as Nick's chess-piece (as what happened in case 4-4).
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788-1860) wrote:
Suffering by nature or chance never seems so painful as suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another.
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GigaHand wrote:
Sorry to double post, but there's an idea I had that I want to share.

Some people say that Apollo wasn't really important to the story of his own game, that he could be replaced with an unassuming ordinary nobody of a lawyer and the game would pan out mostly the same. Not only that, but Phoenix did most of the work. Like I believe I have said earlier, Phoenix did barely anything past his last trial, the jurist system and the bloody card (which, due to the circumstances, must have been made by Trucy, but ordered by Phoenix regardless). The jurist system managing to be what nails (pun not intended) Kristoph can't be intended, because that implies that Phoenix knew that the red envelope (which he saw but never opened) contained the poisoned stamp, and that it didn't kill Drew earlier (for those who lack common sense, this is impossible). So, Phoenix's act being the saving grace of the last case? Coincidence. No way around it. As for 4-1, if he wanted to come out and just plain do everything he would have. He was even asked to, but he didn't. Instead he drops increasingly subtle hints.

Now, about Apollo's supposedly minimal role. All that separated him from a generic nothing was his relation to the Gramaryes and the eyes that come with it (which, incidentally, opens doors for character development). I'm not going to deny this. However, what these people fail to adress is Phoenix's role in his own premier game. All that separated him from a generic nothing was the classroom trial; everything was happening to characters around him. Now if we replace each lawyer with some ordinary bozo who happened to work for the same law firm, we lose Phoenix's motivation for being a lawyer (which IMO is pretty unimportant, but interesting regardless) and Apollo's relation to the Gramaryes (an awesome reveal which, as I said, opens doors for character development). Which do you think is better?

EDIT: And to those who just say Apollo should have done more rather than everyone else did too much, again I refer back to Phoenix in AA (not counting 1-5, because for the purpose of this comparison that case does not exist as in was not in the original version of the first game).
Spoiler: 1-4
It was Larry that showed up in day 2 of court with the testimony that saved Edgeworth from a guilty verdict, it was Mia that prodded Phoenix to keep coming up with random ideas and hope that one of them made sense, and it was Maya that took the DL-6 bullet from Von Karma. So there.

tl;dr this.

This. All of this. I just feel like it needed to be posted again. <3 I don't think I could have summed up my points in a more cohesive manner. Especially the point concerning first-appearance comparison. People do tend to compare GS4 Apollo to GS1-3 Phoenix, when it is CLEAR that Phoenix got way more character development in 3 games than any character could have gotten in just one. But that's not the way they need to be compared. It needs to be rookie-Phoenix vs. rookie-Apollo. Bringing up 1-4 was also a good way to frame the comparison...because it gives a concrete example. All in all, awesome post. :odoroki:

And have I already mentioned how much I adore his connection to the Gramaryes? Have I? Because if I haven't, I need to. >.< GOD DAMN IT'S SO AWESOME. I even bolded the text above. XD I have such a weakness for things like this~ And the Gramarye family connection is able to provide background info for a lot of people. Apollo, for his childhood (He mentioned he had heard of the Troupe before--from where?); Trucy, in her living with both the Gramarye family and troupe; Valant, for an "outsider-insider" perspective to the goings-on for the actual Gramarye family within the Troupe and what that meant to him; and, of course, Thalasa, the daughter of Magnifi--and the fact that the family itself could have been one of the major reasons she decided to leave Apollo behind. The potential for this convoluted's just amazing, and I really hope we get some answers on it. It's just such a messed-up conspiracy-ridden family--more so, in some ways, than even the Fey family. And it's fascinating.

Cohdopia Over All wrote:
As long as Apollo's back-story remains mostly unexplained, I feel he ought to be the player character in GS5 and beyond. His biggest pitfall in GS4 was really no fault of his own but rather that he little personal investment in most of his cases, compared to Phoenix and GS1. I believe Apollo will become more popular if gamers see how he acts in situations where he has a true personal stake (especially when the final case rolls along) instead of acting as Nick's chess-piece (as what happened in case 4-4).

Also agreed. A case with a personal twist would be awesome, especially if it was revealed in a not-so-generic way. I really don't want to have to worry about a kidnapped Trucy. :edgeworth: That got old really quickly, I think. It would be definitely be cool because there's a different dynamic there (especially if the kidnapping happened before it was revealed they were siblings--would YOU want to find out you had a sister after something horrible happened to her?). It would make for an interesting way to reveal that they are siblings, though. But, if we want more backstory (which we do), then a good way to get that going would be to have something from Apollo's past creep up on him in the form of one of his trials...

Also, your display picture is AWESOME. XD
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Kýrie eléison

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NinjAngel wrote:
But, if we want more backstory (which we do), then a good way to get that going would be to have something from Apollo's past creep up on him in the form of one of his trials...

Just as long as we don't have a repeat of 3-1 by having Kristoph defend his future protege or anything like that; just because it happened to Phoenix shouldn't mean Apollo ought to be accused of murder too earlier in his life (for that matter, I hope Trucy can get through GS5 without getting accused of murder like Maya did).

Also, your display picture is AWESOME. XD

Judge Frollo > Udgy :udgy:
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788-1860) wrote:
Suffering by nature or chance never seems so painful as suffering inflicted on us by the arbitrary will of another.
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I agree with NinjAngel. The story about the Gramaryes is magnificent! Even better than the Fey family, though, I have to admit that I am more intrigued by magic than spirit channeling (it seems so scary... channeling dead people). I look forward to GS5 because of Apollo and the continuing story of the Gramaryes. There is a lot of potential, since there was ton of unanswered questions in GS4. Most importantly the fact that Trucy and Apollo are related. I want to see how this is revealed to them.

I am so impatient for this new game, especially because we don't have any info about it! Oh well.

Personal plot for Apollo? YES. I would love to see him deciding something drastic like how Phoenix had to choose between guilty and not guilty for Matt Engarde in JFA. But I do not want to see Trucy kidnapped. Nope. Trucy doesn't seem like the type to get into a lot of trouble like Maya. More like causing trouble. lol
Proud shipper of FeeniexIris, ApolloxEma.
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