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Cohdopia (Allebahst/Babahl)Topic%20Title
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That oh so interesting country that Capcom created has captivated my interest. I really like the purported culture from what we see and it definantly gave an interesting place that has really gotten me curious.

I've wondered where it is but in all honesty I'm no Geography buff so my half-assed guess would be that it is a Mediterranean country, possibly an island, near Greece or Turkey.

Let's discuss the (fictional) country, and offer up some ideas as to where it could be.

EDIT: Changed the wording so even those who don't actually read it understand I knew it wasn't real :)

Last edited by Percei on Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Cohdopia (Allebahst/Babahl)Topic%20Title
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Umm, I don't think it's a real place. Lol
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Really!? I had no idea!

Here I was thinking it was an absolutely real country that totally existed. Silly me. It's not like I pointed out in the first sentence that it was a country Capcom created, heavens no!

Thanks SO much for pointing that out for me :)
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I'd really like to know what the catalyst for the civil war that split the country in two was. To the player's knowledge, it happened about 7 years ago, not long after the events of Turnabout Reminiscence. I'd like to see Capcom build on this point in potential future sequels. It has the potential to deliver an epic, international drama subplot.
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Mr. Bear Jew wrote:
I'd really like to know what the catalyst for the civil war that split the country in two was. To the player's knowledge, it happened about 7 years ago, not long after the events of Turnabout Reminiscence. I'd like to see Capcom build on this point in potential future sequels. It has the potential to deliver an epic, international drama subplot.

A recent replay of T&T led me on this train of thought:
Come to think of it,
Spoiler: in case 3-4
... before you out "Melissa Foster" as Dahlia, the subject of her being out of the country until recently comes up when trying to find a way to verify her identity. It's mentioned that she lost all her ID paperwork in a civil war overseas. She could be lying outright for all we know, but...

We can place Turnabout Reminiscence as happening roughly six months before Turnabout Beginnings, because in the former, Gumshoe had very recently made detective; in the latter he says he made detective six months ago. Assuming the timing is solid and Cohdopia fell into civil war shortly after AAI-4, do you think it's possible that "Melissa" was in fact overseas and perhaps in Cohdopia when the conflict broke out?

... 'course, with her history, if she was, for all we know she could have caused the damn thing! XD
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That actually makes a lot of sense. I bet it's a coincidence, but I really like the connections made. Plus, I wonder if Cohdopia is a beautiful place or not, Colias is constantly trying to get people to come, I wonder if it's because it's not an attractive place, another reason could be it has some sort of bad reputation and Colias is trying to change it?

P.S. I was bored.



Spoiler: CIA World Factbook?
Principality of Cohdopia

Background – Founded in the mid 1400s by Grecian settlers on an island off the coast of Italy, Cohdopia has grown to be a trading giant and a tourism hotspot. Though settled by Greece, the Island was quickly culyivated by a group of Italian struggles, after some strife Greece aquiesced the small terriory to Italy. The cultures and languages mixed and soon grew to be come a unique brand of culture, paired with it's own national language. In 1850, Cohdopia bought its independence from Italy and began to thrive and prosper. In 2011, something happened, and civil war broke out, after three months of battle, the country split into the Kingdom of Allebahst (with its capitol in Corebast) and the Republic of Babahl (with its capitol in Ahbaru). After two more years of fighting the countries reached a stalemate and began to operate in relative peace. Over the years their relationship mended and following a series of events at the Cohdopian Embassy in the United States, the countries rejoined to become the Principality of Cohdopia in 2019.

Geography –

• Location – Europe, island in the Mediterranean Sea, southeast of Italy.
• Map Reference – Europe
• Climate - Temperate; Mediterranean with hot; wet summers, and cool dry winters.
• Terrain – Northern region very mountainous with many smaller villages but with a level area to the east, a plain bridging the north and south parts of the island. Southern region mostly hilly, but with multiple terras and a mountain range on the south shore.
• Natural Resources – Timber, Salt, Marble, Whitecrystal, Fish, Arable Land, Copper, Pyrites, and Silver.
• Natural Hazards – Moderate Earthquake Risk, Flooding, with Regional Risks of Landslides, Mudslides, and Avalanches.

People –

• Population – 1,103,523
• Nationality –
o Noun – Cohdopian(s)
o Adjective – Cohdopian
• Ethnic Groups – 56% Cohdopian, 24% Greek, 18% Italian Other, 2%
• Language – Cohdopian, Italian, Greek, English

Government –

• Conventional Long Form Name – Principality of Cohdopia
• Conventional Short Form Name - Cohdopia
• Government Type – Principality
• Divisions – Allebahst (Northern Region), Babahl (Middle and Southern Region), and Neutralis (Eastern Island).
• Capital – Ahbaru (pronounced Ah-Bar-Oo)
• National Holidays –
o Independence Day – December 18 (1850)
o Reunification Day – March 18 (2019)
o Festival of the Flowers – May 5 – May 12 (1881)
o Feast of the Butterfly – November 31 (1802)

Economy –

• Overview – Cohdopia is a largely craftsmanship-focused Capitalist economy. Producing artists and craftsman while also focusing on agriculture. It makes a large amount of money from exporting its natural resources and crafted goods. The country’s lush climate also makes for large agriculture focus in the Allebahst region, while the southern Babahl region is more retail and industry focused.
• Agriculture Products - Fruits, Vegetables, Grapes, Alabaster Berries, Grain, Olives; Beef, Dairy products; Fish
• Industries – Tourism, Textiles, Stonemasonry, Wood, Metal, and Clay Products, Wine, Artistry.
• Exports – Wine, Artwork, Wood, Metal, and Clay Objects, Ink, Printed Objects, Whitecrystal Oil.

^It's got quite a bit of creative inflection because there's not so much info, but I tried to keep it realistic^

Last edited by Percei on Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sounds pretty reasonable and in keeping with what little the canon gives us. I certainly get a "Mediterranean" vibe from Colias. Some flavor of European at least.

And wow... that's more well-thought out than some Nationstates countries. Given the geography of that region though, they might have a volcano risk as well; an island in that region stands a pretty good chance of being created from volcanism instead of tectonic uplift. Maybe not an active volcano, but easily an extinct or almost extinct one. That could also fuel tourism via hot springs and energy production via geothermal power.

I'm envisioning a strato-type cone atop a much older shield-type volcano, something similar maybe to Mt. Etna in Italy.
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Yeah, and even then it's pretty heavily truncated. I can definantly see there being a volcano risk. I didn't take that into consideration, again not a geography buff, but I can tweak that easily. :)

EDIT: Did you notice the vague cause of the Civil War?
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Cohdopia is where Dee came from.
lol, a connection, or a coincidence?
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Y'know, like my chain of logic about Dahlia being in Cohdopia, Dee being from Cohdopia or of Cohdopian descent is probably a coincidence but still ample speculation fodder. The Cohdopian mob got started from splinter Italian mobster groups, maybe? XD
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Lol, it's not impossible.
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Allebahst/Babahl? OTP.
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They seem to have a tendency to make up countries since Apollo Justice; possibly since now that the game is nationalized, they don't want to offend anyone by having the killer come from that country.
So far to my knowledge, we have Zheng Fa, Cohdopia->(Allabahst/Babahl)->Cohdopia, and Borginia.

Would be interesting if one case were to take place during a war; and it turns out the killer was tricking both sides into fighting each other over an invented conflict.
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They don't :c

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I love the marked differences between both countries. The time when these come to light most is when you're at the lobby between both embassies, and you can talk to the guards of the Allebahstian and Babahlese emassies.
Allebahst Guard: "I gotta check you or you can't get into Allebahst rrah rrah"
Babahl Guard: "Oh, visitors! Come in! The Babahlese Embassy has its doors open for anyone!"

I loved it when Kay tried to enter the Allebahst Embassy and the guard tried to check her, so she decided to go through the Babahl Embassy, and the guard tells her something like "Of course you can come in!".

Ace Attorney games are getting more and more filled with international elements. AJ had case 3, and AAI has cases 2 and 5, with a soft influence of the then-Cohdopian Embassy in case 4. And, in my opinion, they're dealing with it incredibly well.
In fact, I think that cases with plots with these international elements are my favourite ones from their respective games. I wouldn't mind if the next game focused more in Zheng Fa, since Cohdopia and Borginia have enough development. Maybe more of a background on Lang, I dunno.

Percei, through Case 2, when the whole timezone mixup happens, I wanted to locate Borginia and Zheng Fa in a map, too, so... I know how it feels to be that bored.
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I always thought of Cohdopia as being a Balkan state on mainland Europe, but putting it on an island in the Ionian sea probably makes more sense.

On that note, where would Zheng Fa be? Given that Chinese is the national language, it seems reasonable to place it just south of the PRC in Southeast Asia, bordering Vietnam, Laos and/or Burma/Myanmar. It'd also fit with Zheng Fa apparently being a developing country (hence the serious smuggling issue).
From a plot-writing point of view, it'd also be ideal for giving Lang and Interpol more work to do. You could have gunrunning, human trafficking and the like, possibly involving a resurgent remnant of Alba's old ring, and Lang and Franziska finding their efforts stymied by red tape and corruption.
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I pictured Cohdopia to be an island off the coast of Italy too! Probably because my background is an Italian island on the other side of Sicily. I also imagine there to be a slight arabic influence in Cohdopia as well as Italian and Greek. guys are making me want to go there. Oh wait...It doesnt exist. :nick:
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I thought of the Balkan on mainland Europe, too, but that's only because it's the only place in Europe now that has any background for civil wars, and where country-splits actually happen, even recently (Montenegro, then Kosovo).
But an island makes just as much sense.
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I always thought Cohdopia had to be a Mediterranean country, too. The situation there reminds me a little of the island of Cyprus, which is divided into Greek and Turkish parts.

Percei's ideas sound perfectly plausible to me, and it was lots of fun to read your description. The only thing that I'd change is the divisions because in the intro for Turnabout Ablaze it's said that the country is torn into two with Allebahst in the west and Babahl in the east.

Recently on the PW kink meme, I read a fic that mentioned the idea that there are two different ethnic groups in the country and that the people from Babahl were always treated as second class citizens.
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Oh my, I completely forgot about that. I'll get to changing that immidiately. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that it would be the reverse. I kind of feel like Allebahst would have the lower class if it was like that.
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Percei wrote:
I don't know why, but I get the feeling that it would be the reverse. I kind of feel like Allebahst would have the lower class if it was like that.

Same here, and I think it would add some intrigue to Alba if he came from such a background and managed to become a war hero and who knows what else despite that. Then again, Allebahst is a kingdom and Babahl a republic, so maybe the people in Allebahst kept the royal family in power (since Cohdopia is a principality) while the people in Babahl went for reforms, which could indicate that they were a lower class and wanted to change things.

Of course, you could argue that the people in Allebahst were the lower class and put some old, traditional family into power to show that they're a real nation with their own royalty. I'm not even sure why I'm pondering this since there is no way to know what kind of conflict caused Cohdopia to be torn into two and what the country is actually like. This is all just pointless theorising, but it's lots of fun.

I recently started writing a fic about Manny Coachen. Is it okay if I use some of your ideas in my fic, Percei?
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I pictured it being somewhere in eastern Europe.

I believe Lang referenced Zheng Fa being a new country.

He said something about the counterfeit money smuggling might bring the country to ruin and "prevent a second or third generation from being born."

I think Zheng Fa split from China sometime recently (in terms of when the game takes place).
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Go for it, I'm glad I can help :)

PS If you were wondering, in the factbook I mention alabaster berries. How I picture it, Whitecrystal Oil has properties similar to Olive Oil and is distilled from the aforementioned "Alabaster Berries", and when mixed with a ground white crystal, aptly named Whitecrystals, it makes Babahlese Ink.
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Nice interesting topic. I'm pretty good which regards to geography, and this topic fascinates me.
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I made some Cohdopia backgrounds, they're for an idea I have but anyone can use what I've gotten so far, and they work perfectly with the game sprites :)

All the BGs are in the proposed capital of Cohdopia, Ahbaru.

Spoiler: Backgrounds
Image A vineyard where Alabaster Berries are Grown.
Image The Exterior of a popular Cafe called Trattoria Colpo.
Image The entrance to the harbor.
Image A balcony overlooking the harbor.
Image A terrace on the seawall which now houses the Primidux statue.
Image A popular beach in Ahbaru.
Image The promenade/façade of a villa.

I really like these BGs, and they're just what I envision the place to be like.
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Given the short span of time between civil war/somewhat peaceful coexistance/reunion (7 years is a pretty short span for that sort of thing, I think,) I'd love to see someone play with my idea that Dahlia was in Cohdopia when things hit the fan, and that maybe she somehow helped cause it. She's such a sociopath and manipulator I could totally see her getting in the good graces of someone important and then using them for her own ends. (Civil war to erase her identity so she could come back home as Melissa Foster despite having no identification?)

And wow, those BGs are great!
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Percei wrote:
I made some Cohdopia backgrounds, they're for an idea I have but anyone can use what I've gotten so far, and they work perfectly with the game sprites :)

All the BGs are in the proposed capital of Cohdopia, Ahbaru.

Spoiler: Backgrounds
Image A vineyard where Alabaster Berries are Grown.
Image The Exterior of a popular Cafe called Trattoria Colpo.
Image The entrance to the harbor.
Image A balcony overlooking the harbor.
Image A terrace on the seawall which now houses the Primidux statue.
Image A popular beach in Ahbaru.
Image The promenade/façade of a villa.

I really like these BGs, and they're just what I envision the place to be like.

These are fracking amazing. I don't even know what to say.
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Percei wrote:
Really!? I had no idea!

Here I was thinking it was an absolutely real country that totally existed. Silly me. It's not like I pointed out in the first sentence that it was a country Capcom created, heavens no!

Thanks SO much for pointing that out for me :)

whoops XD
sorry, didn't notice that, you were kinda talking about it like it was real, so I thought you thought it was real, sorry!
oh, and sarcasm is the absolute lowest form of humor, mind you. :l
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Like KingRaptor, I thought of Cohdopia as a Balkan country situated on the mainland Europe, but it being an island is just as, if not more, possible.

I always saw the people of Babahl as the lower class. Perhaps I'm influenced by that fic, but it makes quite a lot of sense to me. VampireNaomi made a good point about the differences of the countries' government types. Also, comparing the countries' immigration customs(Is that the right word for it?) we see that the Babahlese readily welcome foreigners into their country. Coupled with the country's fixation on tourism, it gives me an impression of a country that tries every method to improve their economy... after years and years of their resources being exploited by the people of Allebahst, perhaps?

You did some real quality work, Percei! That factbook was a good read; I can see you thought out it well, it makes a lot of sense and keeps with what information we got out from canon. And those backgrounds are beautiful♥ How did you make them? It's like a country taken right out of my dreams. Too bad it's fictional, because I'd love to go to such a beautiful place. ;_;
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I agree that it's probably a Balkan country. I don't think it's as interesting as Borginia but that's probably because we don't know much about it. But yes, fictional countries are cool.
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Percei wrote:
I made some Cohdopia backgrounds, they're for an idea I have but anyone can use what I've gotten so far, and they work perfectly with the game sprites :)

All the BGs are in the proposed capital of Cohdopia, Ahbaru.

Spoiler: Backgrounds
Image A vineyard where Alabaster Berries are Grown.
Image The Exterior of a popular Cafe called Trattoria Colpo.
Image The entrance to the harbor.
Image A balcony overlooking the harbor.
Image A terrace on the seawall which now houses the Primidux statue.
Image A popular beach in Ahbaru.
Image The promenade/façade of a villa.

Awesome! Which location screens did you use?
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:P It's a secret, but I've had them laying around for awhile.
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Those are some pretty amazing backgrounds, Percei xD That looks like a nice place to live :P

I think it would be pretty neat if Dahlia fled to Cohdopia... although she might not have had a big part in the war.

Anyway, you all might like the idea of it being in the Balkans, but I'm going to have to disagree with you guys. Just because they had a civil war doesn't mean it has to be in the Balkans. The main reason I don't believe it is a Balkan is because of the Primidux statue. It is pretty apparent that the name is a combination of "Primi" (first) and "dux" (leader), but this is Latin. If Cohdopia was in the Balkans, the name would come from a Slavic language instead of a Romance language. Thus, Cohdopia is probably in or near the Mediterranean area.
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That's why I kind of placed it in the middle. The Cohdopian language LOOKS like it could be similar to Greek, but many other signs point to Italian/Mediterranean influences.
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I always kinda pictured it as being along the Adriatic Sea, in the area of Croatia-ish. And I agree with the whole Babahlese being the lower class, since it's the Kingdom of Allebahst, which to me suggests that since they had a monarchy, then there had to be some sort of "royal blood" thing going on to sort the whole kingship thing out, along with the whole "NO ONE IN OUR EMBASSY WITHOUT PERMISSION" thing seeming to me as sort of reflecting the fact that the aristocracy wouldn't want any commoners/would be assassins running around in their buildings, so there'd be stricter policies on who can come in.
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wow, awesome backgrounds, no wonder they depend so heavily on the tourism industry =D

You listed Italian as one of the official languages, which is fine, due to the proximity and it splitting off from Italy, but would Greek also be one of the official languages, seeing as how the Greeks first settled there, and some part of the population is Greek descent?

One that that kinda irked me a bit though, is why would they have the reunification thing at an Embassy in the US, as opposed to in some neutral place in Cohdopia where the leaders of both countries are? It'd make more sense if they unified the country inside the country... Same with the statues, why would they be in the embassy instead of at the respective countries?
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MapleRose wrote:
One that that kinda irked me a bit though, is why would they have the reunification thing at an Embassy in the US, as opposed to in some neutral place in Cohdopia where the leaders of both countries are? It'd make more sense if they unified the country inside the country... Same with the statues, why would they be in the embassy instead of at the respective countries?

Yeah, that whole thing doesn't really make sense in retrospect. The only possible explanation I can think of is that the Primidux statue was brought to the United States for a good reason, maybe to keep it safe from the unrest in Cohdopia, and then never returned because suddenly there were two of them. If that were the case, then it just might be justified to hold the reunification thing where the Primidux statue was. It's still a pretty feeble explanation, but it's all I can come up with.
Re: Cohdopia (Allebahst/Babahl)Topic%20Title
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I was really fascinated by Cohdopia, I wish we'd been given more information about the civil war and how the countries came to split.

I picture Cohdopia as being a Balkan state too and in my head, I imagine it having a border with Borginia for some reason.

Bad Player wrote:
If Cohdopia was in the Balkans, the name would come from a Slavic language instead of a Romance language. Thus, Cohdopia is probably in or near the Mediterranean area.

OBJECTION! Romania is in the Balkans and Romanian is, believe it or not, a Romance language similar to Italian. So it could be situated near Romania and Cohdopian could also be a Romance language =)
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MapleRose wrote:
wow, awesome backgrounds, no wonder they depend so heavily on the tourism industry =D

You listed Italian as one of the official languages, which is fine, due to the proximity and it splitting off from Italy, but would Greek also be one of the official languages, seeing as how the Greeks first settled there, and some part of the population is Greek descent?

You mean I didn't? Huh, I must have overlooked it, but I definitely meant to include it, so yeah, that's error on my part, I'll correct it.
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I find it weird that Allebahst and Babahl would keep their national treasures (The treasures that caused the split of Cohdopia mind you) In a foreign embassy surely if they were important then the Primidux would be kept in the respective countrys and not America.
Re: Cohdopia (Allebahst/Babahl)Topic%20Title

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thats exactly what i was thinking O.o
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