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| Not Just A Computer Game 2.0 | (Accepting new members)Topic%20Title
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. . . Thank you for purchasing a copy of Virtual Reality RPG Game . . .
. . . Uploading NPCs, Items and SFX . . .
. . . Loading . . .

Error: Interference in loading
. . . Fixing Error . . .
/.ERROR./ We're terribly sorry, but somehow you have been stuck in our game.
You can no longer log out and must stay in here forever.
But please enjoy it, it's just like real life.
...But with a twist of monsters.
. . . Enjoy the game . . .

Welcome to the Virtual Computer Game Roleplay!

This is a continuation from this thread.

It's a game world that's loosely based in a modern world, with the added bonuses of monsters, NPCs and magic.

If you wish to join, please just fill out the form below and either PM it to me or post it in the thread. ^^

Spoiler: Character Form
Job: (See Below)
Species: (See Below)
Experience: (How long you have been trapped in the game)

Spoiler: Species
Humans: You are the main species in the game. All attributes are well balanced.
Angels: You have the highest mana points in the game. Your best abilities are magic and healing.
Demons: You have the highest health in the game. Your best abilities are strength and speed.
Vampire: You are like humans except you can suck health out of monsters and other players. Your best abilities are speed and magic.
Werewolf: You have the ability to transform into a wolf at will, your powers increasing at a full moon. When it's a new moon, you are extremely weak. Your best abilities are strength and endurance.
Elves: You have amazing eyesight and are very light on your feet. Your best abilities are accuracy and speed.
Nymphs: You can hide yourself extremely well and can control nature without magic. Your best abilities are healing and endurance.

Spoiler: Jobs
Priest: You have the ability to heal.
Warrior: You are an expert in hand to hand combat.
Mage: You are an expert in using magic for fighting and other uses.
Summoner: You have the ability to summon a monster to aid you in battle.
Thief: You are an expert in the arts of stealing.
Rogue: You can change your appearance at will, but it takes a huge amount of energy.

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Last edited by Nadindi on Sat May 29, 2010 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: | Not Just A Computer Game 2.0 | (Accepting new members)Topic%20Title
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Spoiler: Nadindi
Name: Zoey Blackbird
Age: 17
Job: Mage
Species: Vampire
Appearance: Long, straight black hair and wide red eyes. Very pale. Wears a dark red dress that comes to her thighs, and black flat shoes.
Powers: Hypnotism which can only happen if she maintains eye contact for long enough. Superhuman speed. Element is spirit.
Biography: Used to be obsessed with killing, hides her outside life from the others as best she can. Was previously in a relationship with Cairus.
Experience: Seven months.

Name: Cairus DeTemple
Age: 20
Job: Mage
Species: Vampire
Appearance: Tall, with shoulder length, deadly straight black hair. His eyes are a very vivid red. He wears a black, open shirt with a pair of loose black trousers.
Powers: Vampiric speed and senses, his magic is of the Earth element.
Biography: Somewhat well known and feared in the game world. He doesn't see his inferiors as anything to bother with. Nothing is known of his life before the game. Was previously in a relationship with Zoey, and has tangled with the party before with the opportunity to kill Austin, but he let him live. His reasons are unknown.
Experience: Three years.

Name: Verity Hemata
Age: 19
Job: Thief
Species: Elf
Appearance: Wavy red hair that reaches just below her shoulders, she has bright green eyes and a face with angled features and pointed ears typical of the elves. She carries many disguises and outfits - she is introduced wearing her waitress disguise.
Powers: She has an uncanny ability to use almost any weapon she can get her hands on moderately well, but her main power is in long range weaponry and daggers.
Biography: Verity bought the game out of a mild interest after she managed to find some extra money on the floor. She piled that with some spare savings she had to buy the game, but was dismayed when she became trapped. She's generally a positive person.
Experience: 1 month.

Spoiler: PandaPrinzessin
Name: Belle Thorne
Age: 19
Job: Rogue
Species: Nymph
Appearance: Short auburn hair and green eyes- unnaturally thin due to spending almost eight months unconscious, but to her delight is gaining weight. She's not very tall and wears jeans and a green halterneck top with canvas trainers.
Powers: Belle has control over natural elements, such as plant life and the weather, but has found she is also possessed of some telepathic abilities, though she hasn't worked out how to control them yet. Can also change form as she is a Rogue but refuses to do this unless she has no other option.
Biography: Belle became stuck in the game a few days after her nineteenth birthday and had the misfortune to wander into a glitched area where she was unable to find anything to eat. After a couple of days of searching, she eventually discovered a clump of berries which proved to be poisonous, putting Belle in a coma. She isn't sure how long she was unconscious but believes it to have been around eight months. Belle attributes the fact that she didn't starve or die of thirst while comatose to the glitches in the game and counts herself lucky to be alive. She dislikes wasting time and talking unnecessarily but her abrupt manner disappears when she becomes close to someone.
Experience: Close to a year

Spoiler: Aliucon
Name: Ronan Farfnair
Age: 26
Job: Warrior
Species: Human
Appearance: Ronan is tall, has straight blue hair in a ponytail, and deep-blue eyes. He usually wears white tight clothes (shirt and trousers) and black fingerless gloves. He has no scabbard for his silver-hilted sword, but keeps it closely tied to himself through a set of two discreet snow-white belts on his waist. For footwearing, he has a pair of black army boots.
Powers: Before, he was able to incorporate ice magic on his fighting skills, albeit to a much lesser degree than any magician of the same level could achieve, and only with combat-oriented intents. Due to a handful of events, this power is currently unavaliable. It is also worth to note that his initial class is currently bugged.
Biography: Before being involved with the game, he was a boy very disturbed by the fact that no effort in his life could win his parent's approval and congratulation, no matter how much he had accomplished in his school life and, afterwards, at work. One day, he bought the game, which was intended as a gift to his younger brother (far from being an act of love for his family, this was another attempt at winning approval to himself from his siblings) and, as he tested it, got stuck in the game. Seeing himself unable to escape the virtual reality, today he tries to excel at both his job in the game and hopefully others as well, so he would be one day an omnimaster, which would certainly be an accomplishment to be reckoned with inside the game. He tends to be honest, and dedicated once his mind is set at something. Does his best to be cordial to everyone he meets, especially (to the surprise of many) to NPCs, with whom he symphatizes maybe as much as real players. He seems to be haunted by something from his past, tracing as far as Titania, his initial town in the game.
Experience: About 4 months.

Spoiler: ShadowEdgeworth
Name: Mika Cadenza
Age: 20
Species: Human
Job: Rogue
Apperance: Spiky crimson hair, brown eyes, thin, quite tall. Wears a brown suit, dark blue shirt and a dark brown tie slightly loosened. Also wears white converse trainers.
Rouge Apperance: Slicked-back black hair, dark red eyes, with pale skin and is taller. Wears a black suit, dark red shirt and a dark blue tie. Also wears black converse.
Powers: Mika's spells focus on electricity. He can summon thunderstorms, direct lightning strikes, and throw thunderballs. He can fly for a short amount of time at supersonic speeds, but can fly for longer when slower. He also can use his Rouge ability to transform into a different version of himself, one that manifests on his darker side, but will only use it if there is no other option.
Biography: Mika was absorbed into the game a few hours before he was due to go to his sister's wedding, deciding to try out the game before. Of course he found that he couldn't get out. Becoming increasingly panicked as he could find no one to even ask what was going on, he reluctantly set camp by a forest. It would be months before he met someone he could speak to again.
Experience: 5 months.

Spoiler: Slezak
Name: Jay Slezak and Jeremy Slezak
Age: 21 and 26, respectively
Species: Both humans
Job: Both magicians; Jay focuses on electricity, Jeremy focuses on ice/water
* Jay: About average height and weight, has medium-length very dark brown hair, hazel eyes, usually wears blue outfits. (Current outfit: lightweight blue shirt and shorts and black running shoes, a black case strapped onto his belt to carry inventory items, and a silver bracelet dotted with blue gems [which holds mysterious power somehow] on his left arm)
* Jeremy: Just a smidge taller than Jay and a bit thinner, has shoulder-length bright (nearly-glowing) blonde hair, green eyes, usually wears green outfits. (Current outfit: almost the exact same as Jay's except his is green, but he still has the black running shoes, inventory case, and bracelet that matches Jay's, also worn on his left arm.)
Powers: Jay has an affinity towards electrical-elemental spells, whereas Jeremy uses water/ice-elemental spells. They're slightly white-magic (Healing, buffs/debuffs) focused but also like dealin' out the damage as well. If this game had alignments (lawful v. chaotic/good v. evil), they'd both be neutral/good. They'd focus on defending their allies, but don't mind attacking enemies at all either. Friendly casualties they cannot remedy hurt their morale significantly, but not devastatingly (They're aware death must happen, but it's always heartbreaking to see a friend fall).
They cast spells through body motions and record spells they learn into their own "spellbooks" (which are just sketchpads that came from the real world which they have in their cases). They can learn (and eventually hope to gain the ability to compose) magical songs which they "play" with gestures as well, which can affect the mood of the party and cause other interesting effects. They can also use any kind of weapon for physical attacks, even their bare hands if they must. They also hope to gain some summoning skill in the future. Forming such a close bond (and probably with the aid of the bracelets), Jay and Jeremy have developed a mental link and can communicate telepathically, no matter how separated they become from each other. They can also perform combo moves together if they're in the same battle, at the cost of some MP (and the other brother's turn for that round), but they can deal a lot of hurt to the unfortunate target.
Bio: "The J-twins", as Jay and Jeremy have been called--even though they're not actual twins, just really close brothers--were freelance investigators/detectives--though they ARE certified--before they became trapped. They have a fascination with the paranormal and other things that cannot be explained, as well as music. They made the peculiar bracelets using materials and instructions that came in a mysterious package. Since the brothers built the bracelets, the bracelets have adapted to the brothers' personalities and somehow, have acquired supernatural powers even in real life. The brothers keep them on as often as possible because of how important they seem to be. Even though Jay and Jeremy are quite young, they have had many adventures and misadventures. They have never gotten themselves trapped inside a game however.
One day, When the brothers started reading reports of people entering a "catatonic state" after they bought, installed, and logged into a mysterious virtual-reality role-playing game, they decided to conduct their own search. Each picked up a copy of the game with the full intent of investigating the cause of the "loading interferences" and figuring out a way to escape that fictional universe. They also had the goal of bringing as many willing people as possible with them or even just repairing the log-out system. They won't force anyone to leave, because they know some people would rather stay in the game than go back to their life outside the game. The brothers don't know if they'll get anything out of the game--other than entertainment, excitement of the mystery, and meeting new people--because supposedly with virtual reality, since YOU'RE in the game, your real-life "stats" would increase. Nevertheless, they'll do the best they can to "level themselves up" as much as possible before they find the answers they're seeking.
They're jovial, polite, and love meeting new people and making new friends, though they occasionally give off a philosophical aura of seriousness that may put some people off. They can occasionally get too serious for the moment. Despite this, they can be humorous and even wacky at times, always enjoying a good laugh. They're all seriousness when it comes to important situations though and can spout some deep comments when they're feeling like it. As far as the virtual-reality RPG goes, they'll never forget they are inside a game and will do what they can to make sure nobody around them does either. If worse comes to worst and they can't find a way out, which they know all too well might happen--though it'll take some serious skill to make them give up the chase--they'll do what they can to enjoy it, spending their remaining days doing stuff inside the game, knowing all too well the world well-and-truly "around" them is passing them by.
Experience: Two or three "game days", which seem to have lasted a few real-life months. They are still unsure how exactly the time system in the game works.

Spoiler: DoMaya
Name: Ligus (pronounced LIE-GUSS) (Named in Game; The Anomaly)
Age: 28
Job: Hero (Highest level Warrior)
Species: Demon
Appearance: Long black hair that fades to white near it's end, he has red eyes and pale skin.
He wears black pants with holes in various areas and a black T shirt. But when he battles he takes the shirt off,
Revealing a tattoo reading;
His arms have been wrapped in bandages, and on his hands he wears Gauntlets.
On each finger a different rune is etched, when translated they read as;
Powers: (while in first form)

Counter Stance.

The caster changes his stance, increasing his speed by 15%. While in this stance the caster has a 30% chance to dodge a close range attack and deal 160% of the total damage of the targets attack.
The probability of a counter landing changes by the difference in the casters speed and the targets speed, by up to 80% maximum and 10% minimum.

Heat Break shot.
The fist is turned so that the knuckles face outwards, the caster then spins his fist as he punches, making a corkscrew blow. But, the attack is focused at the heart. The heart stops beating, negating any healing buffs and stopping the target for 1-5 seconds.
This attack deals no damage to undead units and Vampire Race players.

The caster runs straight at the target, increasing defence by 60% while cast. But it decreases the speed of the caster after the dash by 50%, this regenerates at 5% every ten seconds.

A left uppercut is thrown at a mid length angle, this attack does no damage to the target but negates any defensive buffs and decreases the targets defense by 30%
This effect does not stack.

(Second form)

Hitman Stance.

The caster lowers his left arm keeping in at waist level.
The casters attacks all increase in range, while losing 10% of the total speed.
(small bursts of energy are sent out with each punch, giving it 10% more range.)


A rapid jab is thrown at a low angle, making it hard to dodge.
This attack increases in speed by up to 50% the longer the caster uses it.
(+15% speed every 2 seconds.)
The speed boost remains for 10 seconds after the end of the combo.
This cannot be used in any stance but the Hitman Stance.

Chopping Right.

The Gaulents of the caster elongate along the casters arms, giving them blades.
This attack can only be cast while in Hitman Stance.

Brutality (buff)

The longer the caster stays in the Hitman stance the stronger he becomes.
Giving him a maximum of 300% of his normal strenght.
(+10% Strength for every two minutes.)

(Third form)

Hyper Stance.

This stance replicates both the Counter Stance and the Hitman Stance. Speed is decreased by 20% but the strength and range increase by 35%
This stance constantly decreases energy by 15% every 3 minutes.
Any negative buffs are negated at expense of 5% of the casters energy for each buff, while positive buffs are doubled.
fWhile in this stance the caster gains minor flight ability and can reflect any magic based attacks that are hit by the gauntlets.

Cross Counter.

This can only be used in Hyper Stance, the Caster dodges an enemy's attack with a 15% success rate.
The caster then hits the Target in a vital, dealing 200% of the enemies damage + the total speed and strength of the caster.
((With full brutality and right after a flicker, that's 200% + (335% + 130% x2) = 12f20% Holy shit!))
But, if the counter fails then the caster takes 300% of the targets attack and loses 80% of his remaining energy.

Biography: Ligus was a hacker that tried to alter the game's BIOS, he altered his own character to try and make himself a Game Master.
He Failed, getting stuck in the game as a result.

His race was demon by pure chance, the BIOS the altered gave him random stats and a random class.

Experience: ((Not to god mod here or anything, but I'm going to say he got trapped in here 2 months after the game was made.

Spoiler: Lida_Rose
Name: Austin Zimmern
Age: 14
Job: Warrior
Species: Werewolf
Appearance: He's tall with long, brown hair and eyes. Bronze skin.
Powers: Once he turns into a wolf, he has super speed and strength and when he howls a song as a wolf, everyone will feel the mood he is trying to create.
Biography: He was a very sickly boy. A paraplegic, he couldn't do very much outside of school. He quickly turned to the computer as his source of entertainment. When the new virtual reality RPG came out, he bought it immediately since he already played every game he owned and was starting to get bored.
Experience: He has been in the game ever since it came out...However long that is?

Spoiler: Rarikou
Name: Seyicer Leseo
Age: 16
Job: Warriors:
Species: Demon
appearance: 5’7. Long blac hair, piercing blue eyes, and black clothing, black combat boots, with twin short swords, that can be put together to make a longsword
Powers: Seyicer has control of the water and it’s many forms, though prolonged control is very taxing on his energy
Some of his attacks:
Art of the ice field:Controls about 50 yards of moisture in the earth to harden the surrounding floor into ice. As well as providing more stregth for ice attacks, it's not easy for people to balance on the ice. Uses minimum strength.

Parch: Evaporates a small selection of water.

Steam: Concentrates enegry into scalding-hot steam.

Shatterheart: After the ice field is created, Seyicer can make it rise into a glacier, and promptly shatters it, forming many falling blades of ice. THis is the most taxing ability he has.

Frost Saber: Seyicer creates swords of ice from the Artic field.

Tsnami: Only available if near a gaint body of water, Seyicer controls to water to form a large tidal wave. THis take a lot of enegry

Biography: An athlete and gamer at birth, Seyicer couldn’t help but but the latest virtual reality game… so naturally it was his fate the he got stuck in it. He’s always had the worst luck, but he won’t stop until he’s become the best at anything and everything he does. Since getting into the game, he finds fun and happiness in travelling, and slaying anything he considers evil. When it comes to his powers, he calls it "Aquamancy."
Experience: 3 months

Spoiler: Justice
Name: Joshua D'ven
Age: 19
Job: Mage
Species: Elf
Appearance: Josh is a well built white elf, wide in the shoulders, strong in the torso, long in the legs. His hair is thick and brown, with some scruff on his chin. He typically wears a Tyrolean with a red feather in it, regular blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a dark red long coat, and work boots. His right ear pokes out from underneath his hair and hat.
Powers: Adept in the art of areo-kinesis , he controls the wind and air around him through various hand gestures, often times using a "Wind Whip" to fight arguably on par with warriors.
Biography: "Aw piss, I pay fifty dollars and now I'm stuck here!" Joshua was always an avid gamer, and he loved hanging with his pals. It was his turn to buy the game this month, and he obliged. He knew what everyone wanted to get, and because he was the one who paid for it he got to try it first. He was always big on RPGs and fantasy, so he naturally was delighted...until he got stuck. "Okay pal-friends. Call the game company, pull out a guide, and sit your butts down. I am stuck!" He took to it pretty quickly though. He's a bit of a sarcastic guy, but he means well, and cares deeply for people.
Experience: "How the hell should I know? I barely kept time in Tetris!" A couple of months, probably two.

Spoiler: angel_of_nature
Name: Delphi Arden
Age: 21
Job: Priest(ess)
Species: Nymph
Appearance: Long dark sea green hair, jade eyes, light blue tank top, loose brown pants and black sandals.
Powers: Healing of all species, controlling natural elements, telepathy as main mode of conversation due to muteness from in-game glitches.
Biography: Delphi was a zoologist who bought the game as a present for her 11-year-old nephew. While previewing the game, she became trapped in a forest and, while finding a person who can at least tell her where she is, has been constantly examining and healing the various creatures she has found on her way, wherever she was headed.
Experience: Four months.

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Last edited by Nadindi on Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:57 am, edited 6 times in total.
Re: | Not Just A Computer Game 2.0 | (Accepting new members)Topic%20Title
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((Right guys, time to post your new character forms and we can pick up where we left off. :) ))
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Re: | Not Just A Computer Game 2.0 | (Accepting new members)Topic%20Title
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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((Oohh, this looks awesome, Nads <3 Here's my profile~

Name: Belle Thorne
Age: 19
Job: Rogue
Species: Nymph
Appearance: Short auburn hair and green eyes- unnaturally thin due to spending almost eight months unconscious, but to her delight is gaining weight. She's not very tall and wears jeans and a green halterneck top with canvas trainers.
Powers: Belle has control over natural elements, such as plant life and the weather, but has found she is also possessed of some telepathic abilities, though she hasn't worked out how to control them yet. Can also change form as she is a Rogue but refuses to do this unless she has no other option.
Biography: Belle became stuck in the game a few days after her nineteenth birthday and had the misfortune to wander into a glitched area where she was unable to find anything to eat. After a couple of days of searching, she eventually discovered a clump of berries which proved to be poisonous, putting Belle in a coma. She isn't sure how long she was unconscious but believes it to have been around eight months. Belle attributes the fact that she didn't starve or die of thirst while comatose to the glitches in the game and counts herself lucky to be alive. She dislikes wasting time and talking unnecessarily but her abrupt manner disappears when she becomes close to someone.
Experience: Close to a year ))
Click on Janice for graphics ^^
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Grand Balance (Yin-Yang)

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((This certainly looks good. An add of two of each Job and Species is surely a good thing. And Ms. Prinzessin, welcome to the RP!! Hope you enjoy it.

Name: Ronan Farfnair
Age: 26
Job: Warrior
Species: Human
Appearance: Ronan is tall, has straight blue hair in a ponytail, and deep-blue eyes. He usually wears white tight clothes (shirt and trousers) and black fingerless gloves. He has no scabbard for his silver-hilted sword, but keeps it closely tied to himself through a set of two discreet snow-white belts on his waist. For footwearing, he has a pair of black army boots.
Powers: Before, he was able to incorporate ice magic on his fighting skills, albeit to a much lesser degree than any magician of the same level could achieve, and only with combat-oriented intents. Due to a handful of events, this power is currently unavaliable. It is also worth to note that his initial class is currently bugged.
Biography: Before being involved with the game, he was a boy very disturbed by the fact that no effort in his life could win his parent's approval and congratulation, no matter how much he had accomplished in his school life and, afterwards, at work. One day, he bought the game, which was intended as a gift to his younger brother (far from being an act of love for his family, this was another attempt at winning approval to himself from his siblings) and, as he tested it, got stuck in the game. Seeing himself unable to escape the virtual reality, today he tries to excel at both his job in the game and hopefully others as well, so he would be one day an omnimaster, which would certainly be an accomplishment to be reckoned with inside the game. He tends to be honest, and dedicated once his mind is set at something. Does his best to be cordial to everyone he meets, especially (to the surprise of many) to NPCs, with whom he symphatizes maybe as much as real players. He seems to be haunted by something from his past, tracing as far as Titania, his initial town in the game.
Experience: About 4 months.))

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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((Great to have you on board, Panda. :edgy: Now to make my profile known to the world. ^^

Name: Mika Cadenza
Age: 20
Species: Human
Job: Rogue
Apperance: Spiky crimson hair, brown eyes, thin, quite tall. Wears a brown suit, dark blue shirt and a dark brown tie slightly loosened. Also wears white converse trainers.
Rouge Apperance: Slicked-back black hair, dark red eyes, with pale skin and is taller. Wears a black suit, dark red shirt and a dark blue tie. Also wears black converse.
Powers: Mika's spells focus on electricity. He can summon thunderstorms, direct lightning strikes, and throw thunderballs. He can fly for a short amount of time at supersonic speeds, but can fly for longer when slower. He also can use his Rouge ability to transform into a different version of himself, one that manifests on his darker side, but will only use it if there is no other option.
Biography: Mika was absorbed into the game a few hours before he was due to go to his sister's wedding, deciding to try out the game before. Of course he found that he couldn't get out. Becoming increasingly panicked as he could find no one to even ask what was going on, he reluctantly set camp by a forest. It would be months before he met someone he could speak to again.
Experience: 5 months.))
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff

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((Let us add another car to the profile train! Woo woo!

Name: Jay Slezak and Jeremy Slezak
Age: 21 and 26, respectively
Species: Both humans
Job: Both magicians; Jay focuses on electricity, Jeremy focuses on ice/water
* Jay: About average height and weight, has medium-length very dark brown hair, hazel eyes, usually wears blue outfits. (Current outfit: lightweight blue shirt and shorts and black running shoes, a black case strapped onto his belt to carry inventory items, and a silver bracelet dotted with blue gems [which holds mysterious power somehow] on his left arm)
* Jeremy: Just a smidge taller than Jay and a bit thinner, has shoulder-length bright (nearly-glowing) blonde hair, green eyes, usually wears green outfits. (Current outfit: almost the exact same as Jay's except his is green, but he still has the black running shoes, inventory case, and bracelet that matches Jay's, also worn on his left arm.)
Powers: Jay has an affinity towards electrical-elemental spells, whereas Jeremy uses water/ice-elemental spells. They're slightly white-magic (Healing, buffs/debuffs) focused but also like dealin' out the damage as well. If this game had alignments (lawful v. chaotic/good v. evil), they'd both be neutral/good. They'd focus on defending their allies, but don't mind attacking enemies at all either. Friendly casualties they cannot remedy hurt their morale significantly, but not devastatingly (They're aware death must happen, but it's always heartbreaking to see a friend fall).
They cast spells through body motions and record spells they learn into their own "spellbooks" (which are just sketchpads that came from the real world which they have in their cases). They can learn (and eventually hope to gain the ability to compose) magical songs which they "play" with gestures as well, which can affect the mood of the party and cause other interesting effects. They can also use any kind of weapon for physical attacks, even their bare hands if they must. They also hope to gain some summoning skill in the future. Forming such a close bond (and probably with the aid of the bracelets), Jay and Jeremy have developed a mental link and can communicate telepathically, no matter how separated they become from each other. They can also perform combo moves together if they're in the same battle, at the cost of some MP (and the other brother's turn for that round), but they can deal a lot of hurt to the unfortunate target.
Bio: "The J-twins", as Jay and Jeremy have been called--even though they're not actual twins, just really close brothers--were freelance investigators/detectives--though they ARE certified--before they became trapped. They have a fascination with the paranormal and other things that cannot be explained, as well as music. They made the peculiar bracelets using materials and instructions that came in a mysterious package. Since the brothers built the bracelets, the bracelets have adapted to the brothers' personalities and somehow, have acquired supernatural powers even in real life. The brothers keep them on as often as possible because of how important they seem to be. Even though Jay and Jeremy are quite young, they have had many adventures and misadventures. They have never gotten themselves trapped inside a game however.
One day, When the brothers started reading reports of people entering a "catatonic state" after they bought, installed, and logged into a mysterious virtual-reality role-playing game, they decided to conduct their own search. Each picked up a copy of the game with the full intent of investigating the cause of the "loading interferences" and figuring out a way to escape that fictional universe. They also had the goal of bringing as many willing people as possible with them or even just repairing the log-out system. They won't force anyone to leave, because they know some people would rather stay in the game than go back to their life outside the game. The brothers don't know if they'll get anything out of the game--other than entertainment, excitement of the mystery, and meeting new people--because supposedly with virtual reality, since YOU'RE in the game, your real-life "stats" would increase. Nevertheless, they'll do the best they can to "level themselves up" as much as possible before they find the answers they're seeking.
They're jovial, polite, and love meeting new people and making new friends, though they occasionally give off a philosophical aura of seriousness that may put some people off. They can occasionally get too serious for the moment. Despite this, they can be humorous and even wacky at times, always enjoying a good laugh. They're all seriousness when it comes to important situations though and can spout some deep comments when they're feeling like it. As far as the virtual-reality RPG goes, they'll never forget they are inside a game and will do what they can to make sure nobody around them does either. If worse comes to worst and they can't find a way out, which they know all too well might happen--though it'll take some serious skill to make them give up the chase--they'll do what they can to enjoy it, spending their remaining days doing stuff inside the game, knowing all too well the world well-and-truly "around" them is passing them by.
Experience: Two or three "game days", which seem to have lasted a few real-life months. They are still unsure how exactly the time system in the game works.

PROFILE END. Okay, let's see just how much longer this one is than everyone else's! :P))
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
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The Real Human Being

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Name: Ligus (pronounced LIE-GUSS) (Named in Game; The Anomaly)
Age: 28
Job: Hero (Highest level Warrior)
Species: Demon
Appearance: Long black hair that fades to white near it's end, he has red eyes and pale skin.
He wears black pants with holes in various areas and a black T shirt. But when he battles he takes the shirt off,
Revealing a tattoo reading; Image
His arms have been wrapped in bandages, and on his hands he wears Gauntlets.
On each finger a different rune is etched, when translated they read as;
Powers: (while in first form)

Counter Stance.

The caster changes his stance, increasing his speed by 15%. While in this stance the caster has a 30% chance to dodge a close range attack and deal 160% of the total damage of the targets attack.
The probability of a counter landing changes by the difference in the casters speed and the targets speed, by up to 80% maximum and 10% minimum.

Heat Break shot.
The fist is turned so that the knuckles face outwards, the caster then spins his fist as he punches, making a corkscrew blow. But, the attack is focused at the heart. The heart stops beating, negating any healing buffs and stopping the target for 1-5 seconds.
This attack deals no damage to undead units and Vampire Race players.

The caster runs straight at the target, increasing defence by 60% while cast. But it decreases the speed of the caster after the dash by 50%, this regenerates at 5% every ten seconds.

A left uppercut is thrown at a mid length angle, this attack does no damage to the target but negates any defensive buffs and decreases the targets defense by 30%
This effect does not stack.

(Second form)

Hitman Stance.

The caster lowers his left arm keeping in at waist level.
The casters attacks all increase in range, while losing 10% of the total speed.
(small bursts of energy are sent out with each punch, giving it 10% more range.)


A rapid jab is thrown at a low angle, making it hard to dodge.
This attack increases in speed by up to 50% the longer the caster uses it.
(+15% speed every 2 seconds.)
The speed boost remains for 10 seconds after the end of the combo.
This cannot be used in any stance but the Hitman Stance.

Chopping Right.

The Gaulents of the caster elongate along the casters arms, giving them blades.
This attack can only be cast while in Hitman Stance.

Brutality (buff)

The longer the caster stays in the Hitman stance the stronger he becomes.
Giving him a maximum of 300% of his normal strenght.
(+10% Strength for every two minutes.)

(Third form)

Hyper Stance.

This stance replicates both the Counter Stance and the Hitman Stance. Speed is decreased by 20% but the strength and range increase by 35%
This stance constantly decreases energy by 15% every 3 minutes.
Any negative buffs are negated at expense of 5% of the casters energy for each buff, while positive buffs are doubled.
fWhile in this stance the caster gains minor flight ability and can reflect any magic based attacks that are hit by the gauntlets.

Cross Counter.

This can only be used in Hyper Stance, the Caster dodges an enemy's attack with a 15% success rate.
The caster then hits the Target in a vital, dealing 200% of the enemies damage + the total speed and strength of the caster.
((With full brutality and right after a flicker, that's 200% + (335% + 130% x2) = 12f20% Holy shit!))
But, if the counter fails then the caster takes 300% of the targets attack and loses 80% of his remaining energy.

Biography: Ligus was a hacker that tried to alter the game's BIOS, he altered his own character to try and make himself a Game Master.
He Failed, getting stuck in the game as a result.

His race was demon by pure chance, the BIOS the altered gave him random stats and a random class.

Experience: ((Not to god mod here or anything, but I'm going to say he got trapped in here 2 months after the game was made.))

Last edited by DoMaya on Sat May 29, 2010 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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((Thanks, guys, I'm sure I'll enjoy it here ^^ Just to let you all know, I'll be on holiday for a week so Belle won't be coming in till I get back :3))
Click on Janice for graphics ^^
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((Right, updated the characters with all of your profiles, and I've just added Lida's old one. New characters - you can find some way to slot into this main one or form one of your own. Heck, even join Ronan as he tries to find this main party, anything goes. Now to continue where we left off. And it continues with a bang.))

The waitress shifted restlessly from foot to foot, her eyes on the credits being held in the hands of Zoey, the brothers and Mika. There were more noises coming from the kitchen - banging accompanied by some raised voices, and she flicked her eyes over her shoulder in the direction of the noises before returning her uneasy gaze to the money in the hands of the party, a hand tapping against her side impatiently.

Zoey raised her brows at the seeming impatience, using her thumb to idly move one of the credits in her hand as she waited for Austin to get his own money out. This waitress really was starting to be suspicious. She didn't even seem like an NPC, so she must be a player. Was it even possible for players to get jobs in shops and restaurants?

Suddenly, Zoey's suspicions were confirmed as the waitress suddenly darted forward, knocking the table and scooping the credits from the hands of whoever had them, as well as their full purses that were still out, before she took off at a run. The table knock had been ridiculously tactful, Zoey thought with dismay as she realised that it had fallen to pin her side of the table to their chairs. Of course it was the best idea to restrain the two fastest players - the werewolf and the vampire.

An expression of outrage flickered onto Zoey's face, and she heaved at the heavy table with her hands. They had just been robbed. Zoey Blackbird didn't get robbed. "Could you help?" she said irritably to the humans on the other side of the table, annoyed that even her vampiric strength wasn't enough for the ridiculously heavy table.
^ Click for my graphics ^
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Grand Balance (Yin-Yang)

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((I would go around the town more, possibly ending up finding Belle or something (too bad she won't be around for a while, though, but good holiday to you, Prinzessin!), but this gives me a cue, and since I wasn't doing anything relevant to the plot up to now, you'll have to excuse me, but I'm going to take it. ^^"))

Ronan wandered from inn to another inn, from a store to another, and yet no sight of his objective. Once he found himself near the entrance again and figured he must have made a lap around the whole city, he paused and sat down on the street, leaning his back against the nearest house. Ronan was now feeling with intensity his legs' complaints, and tried to distract from it by gazing over the city's movement, which was fluent enough to make him feel in a city in the real world, yet so full of angels and demons and other races. Including elves, a race he had seen very few through his adventures, or maybe he could just not notice their pointy ears at times. Ronan wanted to drown into some kind of trance upon the adventures he had had on the game, but since no really happy thoughts were arising, he was unsuccessful. However, it was this failure that allowed him to actually pay attention to a thud coming from his far left. Though somewhat far from him, it was possible to distinguish about 4 figures between them. One had been knocked to the ground, while another was running to the opposite direction.

"Hey, watch it!!" yelled one of the figures near the fallen human, directing to the running person, which, before dissapearing into an alley, could be sighted by Ronan, and he noticed in that quick analysis that it was a red-haired female and was carrying one too many purses and money than normal in her hands. This instantly made Ronan alert, for thievery had been common ground in Tepple and hardened Ronan against it. He stood up, but hesitated in advancing upon feeling his leg hurting. Yet his eyes could not turn a blind eye to such suspicious activity. On the thrill of the moment, maybe a crazy, quick thought that even if it proved to be nothing, he would at least explore more of the city crossed his mind. But the main thing that stuck in his head was pursuit. He sprung towards the place where the woman had dissapeared, almost knocking another one of the people near the fallen human in the process, but avoiding it at the last second.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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The Heir to the Planet

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Location: the place bewtten space and time, mind and matter. Yes, I am in the velvet room

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Name: Seyicer Leseo
Age: 16
Job: Warriors:
Species: Demon
appearance: 5’7. Long blac hair, piercing blue eyes, and black clothing, black combat boots, with twin short swords, that can be put together to make a longsword
Powers: Seyicer has control of the water and it’s many forms, though prolonged control is very taxing on his energy
Some of his attacks:
Art of the ice field:Controls about 50 yards of moisture in the earth to harden the surrounding floor into ice. As well as providing more stregth for ice attacks, it's not easy for people to balance on the ice. Uses minimum strength.

Parch: Evaporates a small selection of water.

Steam: Concentrates enegry into scalding-hot steam.

Shatterheart: After the ice field is created, Seyicer can make it rise into a glacier, and promptly shatters it, forming many falling blades of ice. THis is the most taxing ability he has.

Frost Saber: Seyicer creates swords of ice from the Artic field.

Tsnami: Only available if near a gaint body of water, Seyicer controls to water to form a large tidal wave. THis take a lot of enegry

Biography: An athlete and gamer at birth, Seyicer couldn’t help but but the latest virtual reality game… so naturally it was his fate the he got stuck in it. He’s always had the worst luck, but he won’t stop until he’s become the best at anything and everything he does. Since getting into the game, he finds fun and happiness in travelling, and slaying anything he considers evil. When it comes to his powers, he calls it "Aquamancy."
Experience: 3 months
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!

Last edited by Rarikou on Sat May 29, 2010 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Son of a..." began Mika, seeing the waitress disappear out of sight. But he made his first priority getting the table off Austin and Zoey. He walked to the side of it.

"Ok, ok..." he said, as his hands glowed golden with electricity. He prepared the shot. "That should do it... enough to throw it off."

He used a thundershock to force the table off them, almost hitting the other diners. "Ah, well, job done. Now... how are we going to leave here without paying...?"
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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The Heir to the Planet

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{{Okay, I'm going to join at this time!}}

Seyicer yelped with surprised as a bolt of electricit was fired, and a table almost nailed him. Angry he got up and faced his caster, "What was the point of that? You looking for a fight?" Seyicer asked, his hand on one of his sword sheaths.

"Hmph, I'm getting more and more used to If you can call it a game now that I've been stuck in it for a while..." Seyicer thought, with a small grin.
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!
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"Um, er, no, I was helping my friends over here. Yeah, I had to move a table." said Mika, arms folded with a small grin. "It was either that or having hem stay here until the fire service got here, and as we've just been robbed, I don't see that as much of an option, mate."
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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The Heir to the Planet

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"Ah, Sorry... I've been more hotheaded then I used to be... stupid game probably did it... anyway, would you like some help? My name is Seyicer Leseo, a... traveler.

Something felt right by asking to help... Seyicer wasn't sure why, but the first thing he learned when he first got stuck was that gut instincts prevailed over all else.

He took his hand off his sword, and relaxed,"YOu're forgiven for that table."
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!
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Grand Balance (Yin-Yang)

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((Welcome to the RP, Rarikou! I suppose I could give continuity to my own chase, but it seems to be bad form for me to act very much on my own without the others having their opportunity to make their move. I'll only help myself to one more movement.))

The alley grew darker as Ronan moved through, only managing to follow the girl from a distance, for his legs would not stand taking him faster than he already was. It made a 90 degree curve to the left after some time, and it continued in a fork, where, much to his dismay, Ronan lost sight of the female perpetrator. At the curve, however, when he managed to catch up to that point, some gold coins had been dropped in her hurry. How careless. was Ronan's immediate thought, and he grabbed the ones that were on the ground while trying to figure out which way he should follow, a decision which wasn't made anytime faster for he began to feel the fatigue getting better of him again. He vaguely wondered who did that gold belong to, but other matters took over his head.

"Shoot, I'm not that good with directions..." He muttered to himself, looking around the alley, but feeling no one's presence. Approaching the fork, he looked for an indication in both ways. One, the road to the left, led to the continuation of the main street, while the other followed a road which was nameless to Ronan and had a lot of traversing players. Anxious that every moment he spent thinking, the perpetrator could be getting far from his reach, he decided to follow the second path, mingling with the other individuals and trying to trace the criminal.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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The Real Human Being

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Ligus walked into the town, he was looking to get something to eat.

Now where is a restaurant around here? He asked some of the NPCs in the area, but none of them would talk to him.

Damn these humans, refusing to talk to me because of the way I look.

He walked into a random building, just in time to see a table fly across the room.
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((Welcome, Rarikou. I'll add you to the list when I'm on an actual computer. ^^))

As soon as Mika managed to blast the table off of her, Zoey sped out of the door with the force of her fury, teeth gritted as she ran from the restaurant, gone in less than a second. Slowing only for a moment in order to find some dusty prints, she flew after the trail, hearing...two sets of footsteps? An accomplice?

The 'waitress' had her mouth open slightly from exertion as she kept running, unaware that she had dropped some of the loose coins. She could hear a man gaining on her, and she started to panic. Her hair had come out of their loose bunches, the bands probably lying on the floor somewhere as her hair now whipped around her shoulders. Sure, she was fast, but the man had only begun chasing when she had already started to tire.

Her panic only escalated when she began to faintly hear another, fast paced set of feet chasing her. Zoey sped past Ronan, only vaguely registering that he was familiar before she caught up with the thief as she rounded a corner, grabbing her throat with a hand and tugging them both onto the cobbled ground. Zoey barely registered the pain, keeping her hand on the thief's throat as she panted slightly, fury evident on her face.

...Panting? Zoey realised only now that that meant that she was breathing. In close proximity to a human. She almost stopped herself before she realised that there was no bloodthirst. There was a fleeting hope that she had somehow conquered that nature before she dismissed it, realising that there was a scent - it was just less tantalising than that of a human. It was...almost unfamiliar.

The thief looked up at the pale, obviously vampiric girl straddling her, fear clear in her brown eyes as she twisted under Zoey's grip. "...L-let me go," she whispered half heartedly, clutching the money in her hand tightly as she squirmed. Bad idea - the squirm made her hair fall back over her ears.

Zoey blinked in surprise - they were pointed. The thief was an elf? That was odd. Elves were usually so...refined. "What do you think that was, elf?" she hissed, covering her surprise well. She looked over her shoulder briefly as she heard Ronan catching up.
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Mika saw Zoey jet off in pursuit of the waitress. He considered taking a view from the sky but decided not to. He turned back to Seyicer. "Well, the more we can get on our team the better, I say." Mika replied. "I'll introduce you to the others once they gather their senses."
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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The Real Human Being

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Ligus laughed as all the commotion from the thief allowed him to chug an untouched pint of beer on a nearby table.

He then grabbed a tip someone had left on their table and sat down at an empty one.

The service here is horrible! Ligus yelled as he tapped on the table.
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The Heir to the Planet

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Seyicer nodded. "That will be just fine."

He then noticed the women chasing each other over... probably something random. One was on top of the other, but Seyicer figured they'd try something... "Artic Field." He whispered. making the nessacary hand motions. The ground undserneath the two women began to freeze over into ice.

"You two cut it out." Seyicer ordered, running up to them, on the ice in an attempt to fix things
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!

Last edited by Rarikou on Sun May 30, 2010 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Grand Balance (Yin-Yang)

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Ronan had continued his trail for the thief, when another female individual passed by him so fast he didn't have the time to notice how it looked other than it was a female. When he looked forward, the same person was hastening up towards the same direction as him. He heard a thud as both women fell to the ground, ending with the pursuer over the supposed thief. Ronan hastened up to get to the scene and get a closer look, and when his eyes set upon the person on top, the features came to mind: the long black hair and dark-red dress rang some bells. In the brief instant she looked over her shoulder (maybe upon noticing his approach), the red penetrating eyes sealed it. It was Zoey, one of the people he was looking for. Despite wanting to say something right as he arrived at the scene, he had to spend a few seconds to gather his breath.

"Zoey!" He started, as it WAS the first thing to come to his head. Analysing the situation, the girl really had considerable amount of money with her, and given the fact the vampire was tightly holding her neck in fury, the perpetrator must have robbed from them. It crossed Ronan's mind that she should be very strong if she had managed to do so, and as a result his right hand was as near of his blade's hilt as it could. It was definitely a weird girl, dressed as a waitress and all. "What- ...I mean, can you explain the situation?" Ronan said, closing him, but not so fast as to alarm his colleague, which, he thought, might not even consider HIM a colleague.

((I was going to react at Rarikou's action, but I decided to leave it kind of blank, sorry. I am somewhat confused as to how he managed to arrive in the area so soon, but I will react to it in my future post if it goes along.))

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff

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((Haha, well I didn't expect this to get going so fast! Oh well, time for my addition then. Welcome all new players and an advance welcome to future joiners. I hope you all enjoy this story.))

"H-hey!" the brothers called out as the waitress nabbed everything that wasn't nailed down and pushed the table over onto Austin and Zoey. Before they could realize what was going on, Mika had already stood up and flung the table across the room, followed by Zoey dashing out of the restaurant.
"Dammit! Next chance I get, I'm throwing points into reflexes. I didn't even get the chance to fire off a quick bolt spell at her," Jay hastily remarked. The brothers noticed Mika speaking to someone they had never seen before, but the stranger seemed to dash off after the thief before the brothers could say anything.
"Who was that, Mika?" Jeremy asked as the brothers, thinking quickly, checked their belts. Yep, their inventory cases were fine. They were locked in place anyway. Anyone who wanted them would basically have to steal the brothers themselves. They reached into their inventories and pulled out the remotes to call their hoverboards, but hesitated.
"Should we go after them?" Jay asked Mika, "We can run through this city in just a couple minutes with our transportation."

((This reminds me, I forgot to add something to my profile. Basically Jay and Jeremy have some high-technology in the game. Their status menus are accessed through PDAs which they received at the start of the game. As for the hoverboards, they were Christmas gifts from a friend, which Jay and Jeremy modded with a remote device they can use to call the boards whenever and wherever they need them... including, somehow, in the virtual world of the game itself.))
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
Excellent source of puns.
Refrigerate after opening.
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The Real Human Being

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Ligus finished eating, the tip form the wealthy man was more than enough to pay for a hearty meal.

Well, I'm full now... Ligus said to himself, drinking another pint.

Maybe those women can be more fun. Ligus sighed as he got up.

He put both of his arms in front of his face, and ran out the door.
Chasing the women.
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for all

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Name: Joshua D'ven
Age: 19
Job: Mage
Species: Elf
Appearance: Josh is a well built white elf, wide in the shoulders, strong in the torso, long in the legs. His hair is thick and brown, with some scruff on his chin. He typically wears a Tyrolean with a red feather in it, regular blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a dark red long coat, and work boots. His right ear pokes out from underneath his hair and hat.
Powers: Adept in the art of areo-kinesis , he controls the wind and air around him through various hand gestures, often times using a "Wind Whip" to fight arguably on par with warriors.
Biography: "Aw piss, I pay fifty dollars and now I'm stuck here!" Joshua was always an avid gamer, and he loved hanging with his pals. It was his turn to buy the game this month, and he obliged. He knew what everyone wanted to get, and because he was the one who paid for it he got to try it first. He was always big on RPGs and fantasy, so he naturally was delighted...until he got stuck. "Okay pal-friends. Call the game company, pull out a guide, and sit your butts down. I am stuck!" He took to it pretty quickly though. He's a bit of a sarcastic guy, but he means well, and cares deeply for people.
Experience: "How the hell should I know? I barely kept time in Tetris!" A couple of months, probably two.

((Hope this works!))

Josh was wondering about outside a town, fighting some stray boar like creatures with his wind whip. Smacking them away and tossing them into one another was all child's play for him...and that's saying something considering this is a video game. "Bah, little...monsters. Annoying as, what's that?" Josh looked over and saw the town. He knew from experience what a town meant. Food, equipment, people to talk to, and possibly something to do other than kill boars. "Alright!" He shouted excitedly, as he ran towards the town. Poor guy didn't know about all the ruckus going on...hell, this is an RPG. The minute he meets the rest of the wackos stuck in the game he's gonna end up on some kind of quest or in some kind of party...oh well!

As he ran towards the town he spotted a small place. They were all the same thing in RPGs anyway, so it didn't matter much to him. He heard some banging and ruckus coming from inside, but after experiencing this game for awhile he knew one of two things were going on. 'One' He though to himself 'I go in there and I end up working in this place for a while, doing mini quests which lead me to something more...or two.' HE trembled a bit. 'I end up in some party with some odd-balls, but I get food and credits...possibly even equipment. Hmm...either way, I know I SHOULD go in there...but I'll wait outside the door instead.' And so he did, he leaned against the door and listened in, waiting.
If Justice is blind, then Truth shall lead. Together they will find Liberty.

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((@Rarikou - could you edit your post slightly? ^^; I'm sorry, but what you RPed doesn't make much sense, as he didn't actually go after the two women. Also, new characters added to the list. :) ))

"Stealing?" The elf replied weakly, finally seeming to give up as she held the money out to Zoey, who quickly took it. Zoey turned back to Ronan, releasing the thief's throat but keeping a firm grip on her with her legs. "This elf just attempted to rob me, Austin, Mika, Jay and Jeremy. Attempted being the key word." Tilting her head to the side briefly as she took in Ronan's appearance, her eyes finally lit in recognition. "Ronan, correct?

Not liking the way she was ignored, the elf squirmed under Zoey's grip again, pushing at her with her arms. "Can you let go? I won't run off, promise." That much was true enough - she wasn't so stupid to think that she could outrun a vampire when she had already spent this much energy. Zoey looked at her doubtfully before complying. It was rude to speak to Ronan without being at the same level as him anyway.

Brushing off her dress, she offered a polite smile to Ronan, keeping the elf in the corner of her eye as she stood as well, brushing her hair back over her ears and scowling as she folded her arms. "Long time no see," Zoey said, making sure not to come too close. Ronan was human, after all.
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The Heir to the Planet

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{{oh, I thought we were already in the area when they arrived...kay, I'll fix it...}}

"Ah, stealng... not good, not good." Seyicer said, from behind Ronan... "Who are you Elf? WHy did you steal from this woman?"

He glanced at the angered woman, "You can let her go now. She returned the money so unless there's some sort of Sherriff or something, you have no more reason to stay with her."

"Oh, I'm Seyicer Leseo, by the way."
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
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((I'm just rewinding this a bit, to show things from a different perspective.)

Josh listened closely through the door, something about an elf robbing people is what he took in. 'Hmph, 'nother elf eh? A thief at that, makes sense. Though robbing people in public places isn't an easy feat.' He slowly creaked open the door to see what was going on with his own eyes, until the thief dashed out. 'Alright you know what, I don't even care now.' He began wondering away from the restaurant, slowly in the direction of where the thief went. Until some other girl dashed out of the same place in almost the same way, nearly trampling the poor mage. '...I'm gettin' tired o' that.' He picked up the pace slightly because now, well, he was curious. Things were getting interesting to say the least, and fighting alongside partners was easier than fighting boars for hours on end by yourself, at least that's what Josh thought. He looked around as he slowly strolled towards the action, everything in this world was beautifully rendered, textured, almost to the point of looking like real life. There was a style about it though, a bright bloom if you will, that seemed to cover the lands in this world. It was a lot like a dreamy sensation. He was still pretty far away from the conversation between the elf and the vampire, but with his sharp eyes he could sort of make them out. He continued to walk closer, in hopes of seeing what was going on.
If Justice is blind, then Truth shall lead. Together they will find Liberty.

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{{Can I have a second charater, like some of you did, so Seyicer can have a travelling companion... I'm probably going to be leaving you guys soon...}}}
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
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Ligus got to the group, it was closer than he had expected.

A normal person would be out of breath, but Ligus was not normal in the slightest.

He asked the vampire who had just gotten up,
What's going on here? He asked it with a sigh at the end, as if he didn't really care.
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((I see no problem in that, Rarikou. But maybe you should ask Nadindi first. But what do you mean by saying you'll be leaving us soon?))

Ronan loosened the arm that was ready to grip his sword's hilt, and nodded in understandment. "Theft... that is unbecoming of an elf. Glad this is cleared, then." He muttered, but in his mind, he thought that the woman had a lot of guts, attempting to steal from a whole party. She must have desperately needed this money for some reason...

Then Ronan heard Zoey calling him by the name, and confirmed it was indeed him with a nod. Before he could go on, however, the elf complained to be let free, and Zoey did stand up, but still seemed to be alert. When she directed herself to Ronan again, it almost starled him. She smiled. Ronan didn't expect that. When the vampire had looked at him before, when they were about to enter Tepple, her eyes had left the impression of coldness and apathy, or at least that was what Ronan felt. Now it was much lighter, and despite the recent incident, there was no extreme bad emotion like hatred or whatever he expected. Maybe some anger, but that was it. Someone, or something, must have changed her. Austin? Maybe the party she was with? There was a "Mika" she mentioned whom he didn't know...

Taking a second to compose himself, he smiled back to the vampire, and bowed respectfully. "Yes, it has been some time. I'm glad to see you, despite the circunstances. I've been looking all over for you guys... I was wondering if I could rejoin..." He began, but then remembered that the coins he collected should be given back to her. Maybe he should put the matter of his search aside and keep with the more urgent matters. He put his hand on his pockets, searching for the coins he had gathered before. "Oh, I guess my story can wait. Let's return the money to whom it rightfully belongs first. Your thief dropped some coins on the way." He drew them out and offered it to Zoey, though he didn't actually approached her, just stuck his hand in Zoey's direction.

That was when he heard someone speaking right behind him. He looked back over his shoulder, and followed the man as he spoke, and as he introduced himself. At first Ronan thought he was too much of a suspicious individual, with so much black in his clothing, but his voice didn't sound threatening at all, so he relaxed in that matter. He waited before introducing himself to Seyicer, though, for the question seemed to be firstly directly to Zoey and the 'waitress'.

Then came a voice that had such strenght it shook him to the point he almost dropped the coins he had in his hand. He looked at that direction, sighting the unique demon that had just arrived. His voice was as strong as one could get, and his physical appearance seemed familiar to Ronan in some way, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him. Woah... I feel an aura of immense strenght coming from him! I... can't even estimate what his level might be! Ronan thought, but kept it to himself... whyever these people were here now, the matter at hand was firstly and foremost with Zoey. Ronan looked at her again, waiting to see her reaction.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
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The Heir to the Planet

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I'll go ahead and post the character, but It's up to Nadini... I'm just posting to cut back on time. I can change or delete this, if nessacary.

I may not join your group, is all I'm saying. Seyicer isn't fond of travelling with too many people...

Name: Mariah Valentine
Age: 16
Job: Summoner
Species: Demon
appearance: 5’6. Long black hair, wise green eyes, and black clothing, white combat boots, A small staff and a wakashazi ( A small dagger), that can increase to the size of a spear

Powers: Mariah can summon beasts to do her will, being a summoner. She also has to ability to slow down/ slash speed up someone’s perspective of time, such as speeding time on a person, to where everything is slower to them, witch is useful for fighting, as well as healing. Mariah cannot go back in time, however. The beasts she she summons are different, though she prefers dragons.
Her most powerful summons are chant-required: She has to bend and touch the ground while reciting a summon-chant

Biography: Seyicer’s Girlfriend from before the game, Mariah tried out the game with Seyicer, so naturally she got stuck as well. She’s Seyicer’s opposite: Kind and caring, willing to help those in need, She constantly travels with Seyicer
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!

Last edited by Rarikou on Sun May 30, 2010 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ligus saw how Ronan stared at him, it wasn't un-natural for NPC's to do that.
But Ligus knew that he was a real person, so he walked up to the group.

A thief huh? Ligus bent his 6;3 frame to meet eye to eye with the thief.
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Joshua noticed another person was in the area, this time a demon. 'Hmm, you know, I think I started this game out wanting to hunt demons and vampires...the vampire seems okay for now, but I don't like the looks of that demon...what to do>' He conjured up a small gust of wind to aid him in his speed, as he dashed forward towards the group. His coat waving in the wind. "Well!" He said aloud to the group. "Nice to see that I'm not alone out in the bush!" He ran over with the wind aiding him as he held his hat on his head. "You folks mind if I ask a few questions? Or do you push all elves to the ground like that eh?" Now stood before the group of people, but he kept his distance. Who wouldn't? There were vampires and demons about, granted he was an elf so they probably wouldn't care much for his blood and flesh...hopefully. "I saw you all running this way; got curious."
If Justice is blind, then Truth shall lead. Together they will find Liberty.

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"Well, no use staying around here if everyone's gonna leave like this," Jay said finally as two more people started running out of the restaurant. The brothers summoned their hoverboards and hopped on them. They raced out of the restaurant and looked for any signs of where the thief might have gone. The people that had just run out of the restaurant were running towards an alley, so the brothers followed behind. They kept their speed slow so they didn't run over anyone and eventually came upon a crowd of people near the other end of the alley. The brothers recognized Ronan, Zoey, and the thief, but the other people were new to them.
"Hey everyone, what's happening here?" Jeremy asked as the brothers jumped off their hoverboards and called them away. "I'm Jeremy Slezak and this is my brother Jay, by the way," Jeremy remembered to say, in the presence of people they haven't met yet.
"That woman had some nerve, stealing from a party of obvious adventurers," Jay remarked angrily, looking past everyone else to the thief. 'I could electrocute her right here, right now, but I know better,' Jay thought.
'There is nothing stopping us from doing it though,' Jeremy replied jokingly in his own thoughts. It also wasn't like the brothers to just blast anyone without good reason, which is why they refrained from doing so.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
Excellent source of puns.
Refrigerate after opening.
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"Crap, more people." Seyicer thought, looking around at the people who were joing the group. He groaned, and walked away, lloking for a horse he could buy.

He was useless in a group, it made him feel strange, always has. He placed his hand on his sword as he walked away, something didn't feel right. Someone in that group didn't like demons... of that , he was sure.
'Let them come, if they want a fight." Seyicer thought, laughing.

There was a river towards the center of town, and it's here that Seyicer decided to lay down. Just being near water made him feel stronger, more relzxed... it was no surprise he felt safest here. One wrong move from an enemy, and they'd have a face full of scalding hot steam.
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!
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Mika saw the brothers about to leave. "Ooh, better follow." He jumped, and with a flash of golden energy, burst through the restaurant doors and took to the skies. He almost immediately spotted Zoey, the thief and one other person, whom he didn't recognize. He touched down next to Jay and Jeremy. "Hey, hello, name's Mika Cadenza." he announced, again following the brothers, although his voice wasn't as enthusiastic.

"That woman had some nerve, stealing from a party of obvious adventurers," remarked Jay, angrily.

"Yes, very opportunistic." replied Mika, looking at the 3 people.
Engaged to Reiji!
Credit to Nadindi for the awesome sig! :D
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((Rarikou - if you want to add the character in order to just be with your own, that should be fine. It would be confusing if you added both to this party though. ^^;))

Zoey took the money from Ronan carefully, stowing it in her pocket before turning her attention to the newcomers. The one who had introduced himself as Seyicer seemed safe enough, if a bit arrogant. But her attention was immediately drawn to the other man. His red eyes and pale skin were almost reminiscent of a vampire, but Zoey knew better than to mistake this man for anything but a demon.

Her eyes flicked back to Ronan, and she was almost embarrassed for him as she saw the dumbfounded look on his face. Sure, this guy practically OOZED power, but it was nothing she hadn't seen before. ...Actually, this guy kind of reminded her of Cairus with his appearance and powerful demeanor.

The thief tried not to show any fear on her face, but it was almost impossible with this huge, imposing man peering straight into her eyes. She gulped, her eyes flickering to Zoey. Surely the vampire wouldn't let her be hurt? "H-hi. I'm Verity," she said weakly.

The arrival of Jay, Jeremy and Mika provided an appropriate distraction for Zoey, and she handed them their share of the money. "...We have her under control," she said to them, ignoring the glare that was shot her way at this by Verity.

((Aaaand Nadindi has a new character.
Name: Verity Hemata
Age: 19
Job: Thief
Species: Elf
Appearance: Wavy red hair that reaches just below her shoulders, she has bright green eyes and a face with angled features and pointed ears typical of the elves. She carries many disguises and outfits - she is introduced wearing her waitress disguise.
Powers: She has an uncanny ability to use almost any weapon she can get her hands on moderately well, but her main power is in long range weaponry and daggers.
Biography: Verity bought the game out of a mild interest after she managed to find some extra money on the floor. She piled that with some spare savings she had to buy the game, but was dismayed when she became trapped. She's generally a positive person.
Experience: 1 month.

Wheww. ))
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The Heir to the Planet

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{{It's a few posts above me... I'm not planning on joing all of you.I'm just going to be on some random Rpg quest for now.,, hunting a mark. THat'll give me something to do }}

"There you are, you lazy bum!" Mariah said, walking up to Seyicer, next to the river. "We're leaving!"

"Ah, I was almost asleep." Seyicer complained, getting up all the same. "I take it you have some sort of lead?"

"There was a man who saw our mark a few days ago, in a neighboring village."

Seyicer nodded. He walked forward, "Were you able to buy some horses?"

"They're waiting for us as we speak, at the stables." Mariah said, looking proud.

"I can count on you to get things done." Seyicer said, stretching.
"That's because you're so lazy." Mariah teased, elbowing him.
"Yes, dear." Seyicer laughed, waling in the direction of the stables.
Son to electroboy . engaged to the lovely-girliedinosaur24 that's right: be jealous Oh yeeah, OriginalBubs is my crazy uncle., and I love sending him into oblivion
Time to feed the sandwitch and eat the baby!
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