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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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He watched as Sheila went in, and heard nothing to the sound of a cracking whip, so he walked in silently behind her, shutting the door ever so quietly. For once, he stood in the backdrops, listening to the ongoing conversation, and observing the once 'Master of turn arounds', and what looked to be a little girl. He decided to let the Experienced speak to the man, unless something had to be said, which with Howl, could be anything.

"I promise I will explain everything later. It's kind of a long story..." Sheila then turned to the little one and whispered something to which the man began to build a smirk. Howl could read anyone he talked to given a couple minutes with them, but he didn't know what to expect from this man. That grin wasn't cynical, but it wasn't for excitement. And with that feeling, he responded with the most unexpected: "Okay. I'll give you the magatama...If you can find it."

Howl was in attempt to say nothing, so he silently mouthed to anyone looking. /What?!/
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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((Get ready for a long post, people. Not like we haven't had our share of these.))

As Phoenix appeared slightly confused at the thought of Franziska suddenly taking this 'magatama' with "no questions", Rose turned her gaze to the door as Sheila wheeled herself through the door, followed by Howl as well. Nodding in their direction, she cleared the way for Sheila to go inside the living room, beside Franziska.

Trucy looked slightly confused as the lady with the whip and the other lady in a wheelchair who just came in, that Phoenix had just introduced as Sheila Axiom, were looking for the magatama. "Why would they want that thing anyway?" she thought, but looked up as the wheelchair lady turned and whispered, "That isn't really meant for a young audience." Trucy nodded, and turning to the lady in black, she said, "Want to take a little tour, Miss Rose?"

Taking Sheila's cue, Rose nodded, and responded, "I'd love to, Trucy." Then, seeing Howl's bewildered expression, she let out a sigh, and gestured, "Come with us if you want. Unless you actually want to stay with that whip." She took the young magician by the shoulder, and followed as Trucy skipped along the narrow corridor. They turned around a corner, and Trucy opened a door, leading to a rather small room, a bed lying at one corner.

"This is my room!" Trucy exclaimed with a grin, as she plopped down on the bed. Rose examined the contents of the room, which were mostly either clothes or magic equipment. Finding a bean bag seat, she seated herself, as the young girl turned and asked, "Um, Miss Rose? Why do Miss Francheeze-ka and Miss Sheila want Daddy's magatama? I mean, he never actually does anything important with it or anything, whenever I'm with him."

Rose raised an eyebrow. "Never uses it?" she thought aloud. "That's odd...Well, Trucy," she then replied, "What did your 'daddy' tell you about the magatama? It might help explaining if you tell us what you know."

Trucy put a finger to her chin, as she recalled what he said about the magatama. "Well," she began, "he says it can sense when someone has a secret or something, but I never see him using it, so I don't actually know how it works. But even if he doesn't use it, he always keeps it in his pocket anyway."

The prosecutor nodded in contemplation. "I see," she replied, thinking, "How do we get it like that then...?
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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((Quick note: The pronunciation of "Franziska" is actually "fran-sis-ka". "Francesca" is pronounced "fran-ches-ka".))

Franziska immediately noticed Howl's signal of disbelief. She concurred. Just what exactly was going on here? She turned back to Phoenix."Wh-What is that supposed to mean, you fool!? You haven't lost it, have you!?" Switching stances, Franziska lashed at Phoenix's chest. *WHIP* "Because if you have, I can assure you the last thing you see will be my whip." *WHIP* *WHIP* She threw in a few more for good measure. "Mr. Phoenix Wright! Answer me!" *WHIP* "I swear, if this whole endeavor has just been a tremendous waste of my time.... GRRRAAH!!" *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP*

((Short post. I know. V_V))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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Howl nodded and followed behind Rose and the magician child. AS they entered the child's room, he just leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. Nothing excited him with their small talk until the magatama came about. "He never uses it? That's odd. That used to be his go-to thing to solve most cases from what I've read. Maybe he doesn't have use for it anymore?"

Periodically tuning into their conversation, he heard a pair of oddly clashing words from the little one. "I mean, he never actually does anything important with it or anything...he says it can sense when someone has a secret or something, but I never see him using it...But even if he doesn't use it, he always keeps it in his pocket anyway." Howl began to think there was more to this than just a simple "I don't know." and "If you can find it." So as always, he let his 'nose' come into this mess. He spoke with an oddly low, rigid voice in hopes to intimidate the little girl into spilling something. "That... sounds odd. Showing when there's a secret aground sounds like something important... and if you've never seen him use it, and you insist he doesn't use it, then why are you so sure it's in his pocket? Why keep it in such a ready area to use if he never uses it?" He looked to Rose. "I'm probably over-reaching this by a mile, but why would Mr. Wright hand over something so powerful such as an item that can detect lies and secrets to just anyone? What... if this is all a test? To see if we can really handle the magatama since it harms the user if nothing new is obtained by using it? As obscure as it sounds that he would plan for something that may never happen, such as someone wanting to obtain the magatama... but this is THE Phoenix Wright we are talking about. I think he's wanting us to 'work' for the right to have the magatama. Think about it; it cannot be merely lost. You don't just 'misplace' a diamond, you store it away were nobody would think to look. He didn't 'lose' the magatama I'm sure of it. He knows where it is, and I'm sure this little pup knows too." He gave a slight stare over the girl.
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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((I know, I know. Just wanted Trucy to mispronounce her name, that's all.))

Trucy looked to the door as the white-haired man who came in with Miss Sheila a while back spoke up to her remark. "That... sounds odd," he said, staring sternly into her eyes. "Showing when there's a secret aground sounds like something important...and if you've never seen him use it, and you insist he doesn't use it, then why are you so sure it's in his pocket? Why keep it in such a ready area to use if he never uses it?"

"Well," she replied, tapping her chin once more, "it was a gift from someone special, I think Daddy called her Maya, who was like...a person who talked to spirits? But I just know it's in his pocket 'cause he usually brings it along, especially when he says he has 'investigations'. I think it works something like what my Daddy taught me a long time ago, before Daddy took me in. He says if I focus enough, I could see when a guy's lying, through his movements. So I guess since I help out Daddy whenever I'm with him anyway, he doesn't need it that often."

Rose grew more curious as she listened to what Howl, then Trucy, had to say. She then faced the other prosecutor as he inquired, "Why would Mr. Wright hand over something so powerful such as an item that can detect lies and secrets to just anyone? What if this is all a test? To see if we can really handle the magatama since it harms the user if nothing new is obtained by using it? This is THE Phoenix Wright we are talking about. I think he's wanting us to 'work' for the right to have the magatama. Think about it; it cannot be merely lost. You don't just 'misplace' a diamond, you store it away were nobody would think to look. He knows where it is, and I'm sure this little pup knows too."

Looking to Trucy for more answers, Rose said to the girl, "Well, Trucy? You heard what Howl had to say, now I guess it's your turn. What you said may sound plausible, I suppose, but what we're asking now you know where it is now?"

At that moment, the young magician adopted a solemn look, and nodded. "'re the kind of people Daddy talked about," she stated, her voice losing its ordinary charm. "Nothing escapes your notice...except what's important." Then, standing up, Trucy regained her normal composure and, putting a hand on her hip, grinned, exclaiming, "Well, if you're going to have a treasure hunt for Daddy's magatama, best to start right now! I'll give only one hint though: under the earth. So get to it!~"
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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Howl wore a victorious smirk. "Heh. Score one for the wolf pack."

He rubbed his chin, eye closed. "Under the Earth, eh? Earth. Meaning our dwelling location, the planet, or could be synonymous with world. What could be 'under' the world?" He tried to slowly piece some kind of plan together.

"Okay, let's start a little bit back. The gi- Trucy, stated that Phoenix uses the magatama for investigations, meaning he keeps it in an easy to reach place, such as a pocket. If this be true, then we can strike the thought of the magatama being under dirt, eliminating the need to dig. But, she also says to the exact opposite tone that he doesn't use it now, so why keep it in a pocket? Now, should THIS be true, we couldn't eliminate anything, and thus be on an empty road with no map. We need to eliminate one of these contradictions. So, I ask you now Trucy - when was the last time you saw your Dad using the magatama? Give as much detail as you can."
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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Rose was confused at the thought. "Under the earth?" she pondered, "As in the world? Or earth as in soil?"

Then Howl spoke up, stating, "Okay, let's start a little bit back. Trucy stated that Phoenix uses the magatama for investigations, meaning he keeps it in an easy to reach place, such as a pocket. If this be true, then we can strike the thought of the magatama being under dirt, eliminating the need to dig. But, she also says to the exact opposite tone that he doesn't use it now, so why keep it in a pocket? Now, should this be true, we couldn't eliminate anything, and thus be on an empty road with no map. We need to eliminate one of these contradictions. So, I ask you now Trucy, when was the last time you saw your Dad using the magatama? Give as much detail as you can."

Rose looked back to Trucy, as she thought for a bit then responded, "Well...I guess it was on one of those days when he went on his investigations, I think...a couple of days ago? He got the magatama from Mi...oh, sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that. But anyway, after breakfast, I saw him put it in his pocket and go out. Then after that, he put it back where he always does,'ll have to look for that place, and I'm not telling!~"

"Tricky little girl, isn't she?" Rose sighed, trying to think of where to start. "Well," she faced Howl, "I suppose that solves your little contradiction, Mr. Ingmune, but what could 'earth' mean, then? If Mr. Wright would hide it in a not-so-obvious yet easy-to-reach place, then obviously it would not be literal, as Trucy here wouldn't be able to see him actually getting it right after breakfast, plus they don't appear to have any sort of basement. And if that's the case, then we have to look for any 'earth' inside the house. An indoor plant, maybe?"
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Meeting "Mr. Wright"Topic%20Title
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"... I don't trust this little one. Too many strings to snag by questioning her."

He sighed, redirecting his thoughts towards Rose. "But why would he bury such an item of such value? I guess at this point, we may just have to accept that fact, and that Wright may be a little... off. Let's then play with this 'earth' idea." He crossed his arms, and went back to leaning on the doorframe.

"Trial 1: He buries the magatama. So then, with constantly burying and unburying a magatama, he could destroy the roots of the pla..." His voice trailed off. His eye slowly began to work itself around the room, and he snapped his finger, slight grin present. "Wait, Rose. Did you see any dead or withering plants on the way in? Think about it; if he were to put it under the soil of a plant, and constantly is digging it out, or burying it in, then it would only be natural for the landmark plant to slowly wither, or just plain die from so much abuse to its' roots, right?"
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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A... car? Well that was fast... This "Franziska" person must be a fast driver...

Zed then saw an elegant car appear in the distance and was surprised to see a quite stereotypical chauffeur at the wheel.
"So where are your friends right now?"
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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Rose paused, pondering the question that Howl had just raised. "A withering plant?" she thought, trying to recall any plant inside of the house. Turning back to her fellow prosecutor, she replied, "Yes and no. I did see one plant, but it didn't look half as pale as it would be if what you have said was true." Then Rose looked out the window, thinking of other possible solutions to under the earth. "Wait," she stopped. "If the magatama was in a pot as large as that in the living room, I doubt that its roots would actually be damaged enough to cause withering in the plant, as only the top of the soil would be needed to hide it, if this magatama would fit inside Mr. Wright's pocket."
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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((I'm waiting for Lida to post. . . What about everyone else? What's going on?))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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((I'm waiting on Panda))
Thanks Double M (The Middleman)
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((Same here))
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((Can't. . . let. . . .PO. . .RP. . . die!!!! LIVE!!!!!))
((Seriously, though. Does anyone have any intentions of posting anymore? It's been almost a month since the last progression >_> ))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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((Gawd, I AM sorry for my neglect of this, guys! *is repentant*))

"So where are your friends right now?"

"They're at the residence of one Phoenix Wright. I assume you've probably heard of him? He was formerly an attorney of some renown in these parts." Portia replied.

Looking out of the window, she ascertained that they had indeed arrived (there was something to be said for the workmanship of German cars after all) and opening the door, stepped out gracefully. Knocking, would of course be the polite way to proceed, but Portia felt that at the moment, formalities would simply be a waste of time.

"Hello? Franziska?" she called, figuring that the whip-wielding prosecutor would be her best bet, as she appeared to be the only one who knew that Portia was coming.
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((Thank god you're here Ports))

"Yes, I only found out about him during his most recent case. State vs Iris, I believe it was."
He looked out the window remembering all the articles he read on that case.
So many different stories... The public was never properly informed about how that case ended, at least back in Japan.
When the car stopped, Zed muttered: "So I'm finally gonna meet the Phoenix..."
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Franziska continued to glare at Phoenix Wright, waiting for him to answer.

"Hello? Franziska?" Portia called out from near the front door of Wright and Co.

Franziska's gaze left Phoenix Wright for a second, looking in the direction of the outburst. She then turned her head back to Phoenix. "I'll be right back. Don't you dare think about going anywhere. Understand!?" She didn't wait for him to answer. Heading towards the door, Franziska greeted Portia. "Portia Schwarz. It's a pleasure to see you again." Recalling their conversation over the phone, she realized why Portia was here. "You mentioned on the phone that you had a theory about the case. . . . Care to elaborate?"
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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((I'd apologize for double posting. . . but I don't think anyone would see, or even care.))
((I have a feeling that the PORP is going to die soon. I don't want it to happen, but it seems inevitable. Does anyone even check here anymore?))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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((Well, this point of dying has happened a lot of times so we can never say. I'm still waiting for LWOD though, so I can't continue without his post.))
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Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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((It's just a bit of inactivity, I think. They'll be back, I hope. If not then a bomb falls from the sky and kills all the inactive characters, so the RP may continue. :garyuu: ))
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((I'm still here, it's just that there's no que I can use so I can get in.))
Thanks Double M (The Middleman)
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It's not too late to join, right?

Name: Klavier Gavin
Age: 28
Job: Prosecutor
Appearance: Quite tall, blond hair, purple jacket, blue eyes, necklace.
Bio: Klavier has been a prosecutor since he was 17, his band, The Gavineers, were split up since the conviction of one of they're members. He likes to tease people. His brother, Kristoph Gavin, is responsible for two crimes.
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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((I dunno, if it doesn't die most likely you can))
Thanks Double M (The Middleman)
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((I kind of feel that I should write a eulogy. . . Or is the current idea that we should kill off the inactive characters?))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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((I dunno because not everyones inactive because they want to like if one person gets lazy and someone else is waiting about a week or two to do their part and then they assume that person still hasn't posted yet and then they become the inactive person.))
Thanks Double M (The Middleman)
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((Which is why I'd imagine we'd discuss who is eliminated and who is not.))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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Audere est facere.

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((True. But with the number of people that we have right now, I doubt we'd get far. It would mean eliminating half of the characters, I'd imagine.))
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(( LWOD has apparently visited CR lately a couple of times. Maybe he's lost interest in it or something. :yuusaku: Let's cast some votes. With 5 active roleplayers, do you want to continue or not? ))
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Audere est facere.

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Well, okay. If we have five active players...we've survived thus far, I suppose. We could survive again. Let's just let them disappear as they did in the old thread if they don't reply within n days. XD
I've been away for far too long.
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((That sounds decent. . . Maybe we should send out a mass PM warning all the "inactive" RP'ers that, if they don't post, they will be eliminated.))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
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Akiak wrote:
(( LWOD has apparently visited CR lately a couple of times. Maybe he's lost interest in it or something. ))

Sorry for double posting, but I just wanted to say that he's lost interest in a lot of things >_>
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
"Welcome back to reality! We've been waiting for you."- :kyouya-pull:
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((Okay, let's wait for the other 2 players to "vote" and then a PM warning will do. I'm having fun thinking of how to eliminate the inactive players. :karma: ))
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A True English Diva-To-Be <3

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((AAAAA SORRY FOR THE INACTIVITYYYYY =( I want to resume in this RP, so pleeease don't kill off Portia, darlings~))
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Audere est facere.

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((The last time we eliminated some, we just said they were given more work and had to go out of the investigation. Up to you people to think of a more creative way, but....))
I've been away for far too long.
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((I think I can but It's really complicated doing it))
Thanks Double M (The Middleman)
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(( Gee, I've forgotten the story now... Maybe we should let this one slide off into the abyss of forgotten Roleplays...? ))
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Akiak wrote:
(( Gee, I've forgotten the story now... Maybe we should let this one slide off into the abyss of forgotten Roleplays...? ))

((At this rate, this seems inevitable. I've enjoyed RPing with you all.))
"So when you run out of paint, you Americans use gravy as a substitute. I see."- :no-no:
"Welcome back to reality! We've been waiting for you."- :kyouya-pull:
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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Audere est facere.

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((I suppose it had to come to this. Maybe another time, one of us, or even a random user, can resurrect this from the dead, but as of now....Glad to meet you all here~))
I've been away for far too long.
So long, in fact, that all of my signatures now exist behind a paywall.
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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Perpetual Prosecutor

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(( Guess so. It's been a lot of fun. I would have liked having Zed meet Howl, I was curious what would happen, oh well. This was a top-notch RP from beginning to end. And GDM, your Franziska interpretation was pure perfection. Seeya. :varanbaran: ))
Re: The Prosecutors' Office - Missing MagatamaTopic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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((GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! SorrysorrysorrysorrysorrySORRYYYYY!!! I have been inactive for forever, and I am really sorry. And sorry again. Er...Times that by 1000, man. I know y'all were counting on me to post, but I was just feeling so sick, I couldn't concentrate on anything for a while. While I am still sick, I at least now can concentrate a bit more, so I will return for as long as I possibly can. Sorry, sorry...Now to read over this thread and explain the story so far through my character's POV. Good enough to bring this back from the dead? I guess we shall see. Note: If I missed anything due to the fact that I cheated and skimmed, let me know!!! ...If you're there.))

"I will give you the magatama...if you can find it," Phoenix said. Sheila gaped.
"Wh-what?! What do you mean...?" she started asking, only to be interrupted by Franziska Von Karma and her whip. Looking away from the violence before her, she saw Howl, Rose, and Trucy all head off. Where were they going?

As Franziska whipped him, all Phoenix could do was laugh darkly. He opened his mouth to tell her what he meant, but then he heard someone call for her, and Franziska told him she'd be right back and made sure to remind him not to go anywhere as she walked off toward her visitor.


Sheila stared at Phoenix.
"I-I'm so sorry, Mr. Wright. Are you okay?" she asked. Phoenix chuckled darkly.
"I'm fine. You know, in all honesty, I almost missed that whip." Sheila sighed.
"Mr. Wright..." Sheila bit her lip. "What did you mean by, 'if you can find it'?" Phoenix grinned.
"Isn't it obvious? I can't let just anyone take my magatama, so I hid it," he answered. "Some other people were after it earlier..."
"Who else was after it?" Sheila asked. Phoenix chuckled.
"They never figured out where it was," he answered. "Maybe if you tell me why you need it so badly, I will give you a hint." Sheila looked down the hall to Franziska, noticing she was engrossed in conversation.
"We think...there is a spy among us," she responded. "There was a murder in the courthouse. Specifically, the room right next to the security room. And...We kinda found out a lot of crazy stuff from there." Sheila laughed timidly. "Anyway, we assume that our friends amongst prosecutors are either hiding something important, or...well, spying on us." She shuddered slightly. Phoenix nodded.
"Sounds like quite the predicament. If you can't trust your own friends, then who can you?" He wore a forlorn expression as he said this and Sheila was sure he was speaking from experience. "My magatama is close to its origins.
"So...Kurain Village?" Sheila asked. Phoenix chuckled.
"Now, Sheila, why would I send it back there? I haven't been to Kurain in...a long time." He looked lost in thought and Sheila sighed.
"Right. Must be mistaking your meaning." Phoenix's eye twinkled.
"You and your...'friends' will find it," he said simply. Sheila chuckled.
"I never knew you as a 'riddle' person. You used to be so direct about everything. If your words wouldn't say it, your actions would. It's as if I don't know you anymore, Mr. Wright." Phoenix looked down at Sheila.
"A lot as changed." Sheila nodded her agreement, then turned, waiting for someone else to talk to her.

((Ahaha...4:15AM here, so I'mma going to bed...Was my attempt at a revival successful? I guess I'll find out tomorrow. Nighty night.))
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