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The Date RPTopic%20Title
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Welcome to the latest installment of the Date RP.

The Date RP is exactly what it sounds like: you create a character and go on a date with someone! There are a few rules, though:

1. There can be double dates, but this is obviously not required.

2. No sex of any kind is allowed on the forum. Just so you know.

3. Follow all of Gerkuman's rules, including the 50 word rule. Please make your responses long enough for others to respond to.

4. You can have multiple characters, but don't overdo it. There are others who need dates too, ya know.

And that's about it. Apps go in the other forum.

Have fun, everyone!
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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CarChaseCityMan (Chase) arrived at the park, walking underneath the large archway, looking at the trees nonchalantly. Behind him was the smoldering wreckage of the car he destroyed on the way over to the park. Surprisingly calm, Chase took a seat on a park bench and decided to take a nap.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Anthony being at the park looks up at the sky and looks at the clouds. Man.... today is boring..... He thought as he let out a yawn and falls asleep on an empty bench for he was very tired.
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Candace Riona was looking around town in a limo. She was bored. She touched her heart shaped necklace made of rose quartz for good luck. She felt like she would need some luck soon.
(I hope something exciting happens soon. Everything's been to normal for the past few days.) Candace thought.
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Lida charged through the park. She was just a little lost. Ordinarily, she'd run in circles several times until she found her destination, but today, she didn't want to be late. Stopping in front of a bench with some man napping on it, she tapped him.
"Erm...Hello! I'm sorry for interrupting your nap, but, uh...could you tell me which way campus is? I got turned around," she said.

((The man could be either Anthony or Chase. Revival time! Maybe!))
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Chase jumped up in surprise. "AHHH! Don't attack me, weasels!" He blinked and looked around, only to see a girl standing there in front of him. He had been having a particularly strange dream, and thus his surprised shout.

"Oh! Um... Sorry! I, uh... I was asleep there..." He sounded like an idiot, babbling. "I mean, uh, the campus? Sure, I'll show you where it is! I'm Chase, by the way," he said, rubbing his eyes and extending a hand for her to shake.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Weasels?" Lida asked. "That's a strange thing to be dreaming about." She laughed. "Thank you very much, Chase. I'm Lida. It's a pleasure to meet you." She shook his hand with a smile and adjusted her glasses. "I appreciate it."
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Last edited by Lida_Rose on Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The Date RPTopic%20Title
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((It's Chase, :P))

Chase grinned. "I'm sorry again. I don't know what I was thinkin'. I'm not, like, weird or anything though. I guess I ate something right before I fell asleep, and..." he trailed off. "It doesn't matter. Uh, well, let's start walking, then?" he suggested, gesturing for her to follow him down the trail.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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((Right! Sorry! My brain is scrambled! I edited it!))

Lida chuckled.
"Trust me, I've dreamed of even stranger things. Ever have a dream where your dad randomly turns into a flamingo? And then he starts playing with a yo-yo? That's an odd one," she said with a laugh. "Oh, right! Yes, walking! Quickly!" She followed Chase down the trail. "So, uhhh...Nice weather today, isn't it?"
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Re: The Date RPTopic%20Title
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Chase chuckled. "My dad, who is NOT a yo-yo playing flamingo, told me that when someone starts talking about the weather, they've got something else on their mind. What's yours?" he asked, leading the way through the tranquil park.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Eh? I'm just making friendly conversation," Lida said. "Although...If you must know what's on my mind, it's something like: 'Oh, crap! I'm gonna be late to my first day of class! Crap, crap, crap!', only the non-censored version of that." She chuckled. "Oh, by the way, I love the name 'Chase'. It reminds me of 'House'. Ever watch it? It's a good show!"
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Chase nodded. "Yeah, I love that show! I also love Australians. It's kind of a mix of awesomeness for me. Although I doubt that Chase is anything like me."
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida shrugged.
"I wouldn't know if he's anything like you unless I knew you, which I don't. Yet," she said. "I wish my doctors were smart like House, although I could do without the 'tude, you know?" She walked faster and looked at Chase. "Oh, by the way, you look handsome like Chase, if that's not awkward for me to say at all." She giggled nervously.
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Re: The Date RPTopic%20Title
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Chase smiled and struck a pose. "Well, you know, it's whatever." He laughed and shook his head. "Well, I don't think it's awkward. It's very nice, really. And if you would let me, I'd tell you that I think you're really pretty too." However, Chase was unable to feel nervous about anything due to a medical condition, so he simply smiled.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida blushed with embarrassment.
"Thanks..." she said, twirling her hair around her finger nervously. It wasn't often she was called pretty by anyone outside her family, after all. "Uhhh...Glad to hear it?" She chuckled. "If you think I'm pretty, you should see my sister! She's absolutely gorgeous!"
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Re: The Date RPTopic%20Title
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Chase shook his head. "I think you're just fine, no offense to your sister or anything." He gave her a wink as they passed by the lake in the park. The campus was down along the trail, and they kept on walking at a leisurely pace.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida blushed even deeper.
"Th-thanks..." Come on, think of something else to say. "Ummm...So! What do you see when you look in the lake over there?" Smooth, Lida. Smooth.
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Re: The Date RPTopic%20Title
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Chase thought for a moment, staring out at the calm, placid lake. "I... see water. A whole lot of water. What do you see?" he asked her. What a strange question to ask, he thought.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Ummm...Water, too. And fish feces. Yuck," Lida answered. "Although...I also see the beautiful reflection of the sky, and sunsets past. I see...myself trying to catch minnows in a lake similar to it with my bare hands, and almost succeeding. ...Oh, I love writing, and I can sometimes be a poet, except I'm not good with poetry. Can't you tell?" She laughed.
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Chase grinned broadly. "Wow! That's awesome! I've always loved writing. Art in general. It's probably one of the most important creations of mankind, if you really think about it. Where would we be without it?" He trailed off. "Um, anyway, what are you studying at the campus?" he asked, in order to change the subject.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Yeah! I know! I'm always reading and writing!" Lida said. "Although, there are few actually good things I've written." She twirled her hair around her finger nervously. "Oh, I'm an undecided major right now, but I'm planning on going into Psychology. I just think I'd be a good therapist, messed up as I am, you know?" She laughed. "Uh...Are you going to college, too? Do you have a major decided?"
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Re: The Date RPTopic%20Title
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Chase was suddenly hesitant to speak. "Um, yeah, of course! My major is in... Life. I major in Life." I am a preeeetty convincing liar, he thought. Chase applauded himself in his mind.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida laughed and shook her head.
"You're not going to college, are you?" she asked. "Hey, it's totally fine if you aren't! Not everyone needs an education. Just, you know, some really, really want one! It's cool! Que sera, sera, and stuff!" Majoring in life? Did he really think I wouldn't see right through that, after reading the whole book on all possible majors in this college and memorizing them?
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Damn! Chase scolded himself. Life? What kind of a retarded answer was that? He shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm just not... really normal, is all. I try to seem like an average guy, but..." He sighed. Here came the rub. Would she still accept him, even if he was an adrenaline junkie kleptomaniac?
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Well, 'normal' is a relative term. I'm not exactly normal, myself," Lida said. "It's okay, though! Who wants to be normal, anyway? Normal can be such a bore! However...I sense there's more to your statement than that. I mean, you stopped mid-sentence and sighed, so...Like, is there something I should know?" She wasn't really that judgmental of others, but a whole bunch of scenarios as to what Chase would say flashed through her mind, and she hoped it was none of those things. She looked at him and waited tensely for him to say whatever he was going to say.
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Chase scratched his head. "Um, ok. So, let's say I had a little problem with taking things that aren't mine. A lot. And sometimes, these things are cars. I don't think I ever told you my full name. CarChaseCityMan. I get chased quite a lot. In cars. By the police." While it felt good to tell her the truth, Chase felt uncomfortable for the moment.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida sighed with relief.
"Good," she said. "I mean, bad! I mean...Not good, but not as bad as I was worried you'd say!" She furrowed her brow. "Have you gone to therapy for your problem? I bet it would help! I mean, if you wanted to stop, that is. If not, well, then...It'd be a bit awkward. I mean, like, uhhh...I don't like witnessing someone do something I know is wrong, even if they can't help it, you know?"
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Chase spoke up softly. "Don't you want to be a therapist?" He looked up at Lida with a smile. "I trust you." In truth, he had no idea if it was even possible for him to change, but he felt like Lida might be able to help him.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida laughed.
"I'm not a therapist yet. I know a few who are much more certified than I am. One that helped me get over something, and another that helped my family with something else," she said. "Although, uhhh...I could try helping you! I might not be any good, though..." She twirled her hair around her finger nervously again. "I mean...Well, whatever you want to do." She smiled slightly. "I will support you any way I can!" Really, Lida? A complete stranger?
Well, I know his name, at least. And he's the person I've had the most interaction with outside my family for a long time. Might as well help him however I am able to. Besides, he's nice enough to take me to campus in time for my class, right?

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Chase grinned. "That's awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Lida." They had arrived at the main campus building. "Here you are. Maybe we could get together later?" he asked.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida smiled.
"Maybe. I'll see you then, Chase." She walked inside the building and pulled out her schedule, only to blush with embarrassment. She mixed up the days. The class didn't start until the next one.
"Ummm..." Trying not to look stupid, she walked around the building once, then right back out, hoping Chase wasn't there to see her humiliation.
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Chase, however, was sitting on a park bench, smiling joyfully. He was exceedingly happy at having met Lida that day, and he was planning for a date later on. He was pretty bad at that, though, so he just stared out at the lake.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida didn't know how to get home from campus...except to go back exactly the way she came.
Damn it all. If only directions stuck with me, and I could drive alone, and I had a car. Then I wouldn't need to walk back across the park to the bus...Ugh. Glumly, she walked down the trail until she saw Chase sitting on a bench again. Yeek. He's going to think I'm so stupid if he sees me now... She took off her shoes and slowly, stealthily, tried walking around the bench in a way where Chase wouldn't notice her.
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Anthony wakes up and yawns. "What a nap. I slept like a log." He said as he goes to take a shower.
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Chase yawned and leaned back on the bench, when he saw a squirrel scurrying around. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed, and followed the squirrel with his eyes as it scampered around. It went in circles at first, then ran right underneath the bench and behind him. He turned around to see it, and saw Lida sneaking up behind him without her shoes on.

"L-Lida? Why are you sneaking..." he trailed off. "Are you hiding from me?"
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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Lida blushed from embarrassment as Chase noticed her.
"Ummm...Hi again," she said awkwardly. "O-of course I wasn't trying to hide from you! Well, okay, I was! I mean, you know how after you agree to date someone, you're not supposed to see them until the date? Yeah, that! Because my mother always said that's what you're supposed to do. Haha...yeeaah..."
Way to be a convincing liar.
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Chase shrugged. "Well, why are you here then? Cutting class or something?" he asked, still a little confused. She was as bad a liar as he was, he noted.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"Ummm...Class was cancelled, for some reason! It was nasty!" Lida lied hastily. "Of course, nobody notified me, so...uh, yeah. No fun at all." She giggled uncomfortably. At least, if he believed her lie, it didn't seem like she was stupid. Maybe she needed to change the subject? "Soooo...What were you thinking about before I arrived?"
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Chase smiled. "I was looking at the lake, trying to see what you saw. Really, I was thinking about you," he said, rising from the bench.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
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"R-really? I mean...uh..." Lida began, blushing. "Wh-what about me? I mean, like, I, like, uh..." Way to go, genius. Stumble all over yourself. "I lied to you!" Yeah. Just blurt that out. "About being cancelled, I mean. I...actually miiight have, hypothetically, like...gotten the day wrong on my schedule somehow. And that's never happened before! I swear! So...Like, you were thinking about a liar. Ahahaha...Yeeaah...Sorry 'bout that."
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