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Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Snake nodded, standing upright again and sheathing the flashlight. "I'm fine. But would you like to tell me what ghosts are doing around here? Seriously, it's one crazy villian after another here," he sighed, then thought for a moment, deciding that this was pretty much exactly what he was used to anyway.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Grand Balance (Yin-Yang)

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Terra was sure he hadn't done a good job in aiding to suck the mischievous ghosts into that weird contraption of theirs, but he tried. His body was far too fatigued to act 100% right now. "I'm fine. At least I know I can go on. The bomb was nothing, it's just... I was involved in a fight earlier that tired me." He explained to everyone, touching his shoulder again so the armor would disappear, only the shoulder guard remaining. "Are you OK, Bang? If need arises, I have one drink that will help heal our minor injuries."


Marisa was having fun, assaulting the Draches in a relentless string of attacks. After she beat up most of them, she went after the mastermind once again. Boy, this wasn't the fight she usually got. Usually the mastermind was alone, and showering her with all sorts of curtain fire patterns and what-not. This one, though, was persistently attacking her with machines. Maybe that was something Nitori would do. It was fun to test her might against something new... but she was losing output. He had been attacking for too long. Her and Reimu were causing untold chaos in the skies, but it wasn't enough...

She got hit by the bazooka blasts, which she didn't see coming. Then a bomb. It was enough to impact her to the point she was wounded, where she couldn't go straight at Tron's direction, and her witch's hat fell off to the ground. She landed, and some of the star's aura diminished, as not to burn her skin. She could now see the taunting Tron clearly in front of her. She smiled, and as she did, she felt a drip of blood go down her lips.

"You're good, ze. But I'm not done yet. And it seems you aren't either. But now, the hat is off!" She then glanced up to the Gesellschaft. "You know, getting to you is quite problematic. You have too many of these kids defending you. Might as well just blow up your fortress first. I was willing to try my strength against that laser which I dodged the first blast anyway." She spoke, in a matter-of-factly fashion. She hadn't displayed the most brilliant of logics in her short speech, but she hardly obeyed logic, anyway.

She didn't bother to pick up her hat. She took an impulse to leave the ground, and surrounded herself with light and energy again. She aimed to go next to Reimu. "The spell has been on for a few seconds now! Let's deliver the final blow!"

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Bang grinned "Why thank you Master Terra it's kind of you to offer but as a ninja I am used to such assaults, it will take much more than that to defeat the great ninja Bang Shishigami!" he said his scarf fluttering brilliantly "However it was very impressive how you captured that ghost, now I see how these devices are supposed to work" he said examining the nozzle of his own vacuum cleaner "Still let us proceed...." he paused as he took a step down the hallway towards Snake "Hmm...I can sense something....maybe it's just a ghost but let us be cautious nonetheless!" he warned the others as some hidden presence entered his senses however he was unsure of where it was.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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The hunter had been flying for what seemed like hours. There were two possible explanations for this, one, that kushala daora was just that strong but somehow didn't kill him or two, something odd had happened to him and he was leaning towards two with each passing minute... Yeah, he definitely failed this mission and no felynes were going to get him.

The hunter felt the air change around him when he could see a small green flying dot. A Rathian? That would be bad since he was still badly hurt from his fight with the kushala. But the closer he got the bigger the dot became until he was able to make out it was some sort of giant metal flying machine! Oh crud thought the hunter as he braced himself as best as he could and made a loud "THWACK!" sound onto the green flying fortress.

When he opened his eyes he saw him made a dent just bigger then himself into what seemed to be the front of the fortress. When he tried to move he noticed that his arms were caught in some holes he probably made when he crashed. This meant he was stuck here until whoever owned this flying fortress would remove him and probably make him work until he paid this off...This can't be good...I thought I was done with crashing into things!
Thank you Delsy for the Awesome Game Over Sig! If you're still here, I still love it!
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Snake once again rolled his eyes. "So you can just 'sense' this crap? Lemme do it." He flipped a switch on the Solid Eye, an eyepatch-looking device over his right eye. Looking at the radar, he did indeed detect a presence in the vicinity, but it was cloaked by something. "Huh. I guess you're right, Bang. I just don't know where they are right now." He tapped the device and grumbled hoarsely. "Piece of junk."
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Tron smirked, standing up smugly with both of her hands on her hips. "Haha! My Servbots are tougher than they look after all, little girl! Perhaps now you'd like to flee?" But no...she wasn't going...she...was she seriously going to attempt to blow up the Gesellschaft?!

Tron let out a pure outburst of laughter, clearly amused by the girl's bet. "YOU? Blow up the Gesellschaft?! That's rich! You're just a little girl with some E grade magic tricks up your sleeve! You'll be swatted like the fly you are before you even get close!"

"Miss Tron! Something just crashed into the side of the ship!"

"Huh? What was that, 7?" She spoke into her headset, listening to his words. "Well, what is it?!"

"We're not sure, but it made a really big dent!"

"Damaged our ship, did it? Well, bring it aboard! We'll sell it if it's worth something, and if it's a person, take them to the Torture Chamber!"

"Aye aye, Miss Tron!"

"As for YOU..." Tron pressed a button, and her mecha opened up to reveal a small sort of gun inside of it. "Let's see how you deal with a little fire, hmmm?" As she said this, the Gustaff began launching fire everywhere in a swaying motion.


A side panel opened up behind the Hunter, revealing a metal claw that immediately took hold of him and proceeded to pull him inside the ship. He was moved through circuitry and gadgets and wires before finally falling onto a treadmill. This was Tron's Torture Chamber.


Luigi wasn't sure how to answer Snake's question, so he left it hanging in the air. Instead, after making sure Bang and Terra were okay, he tried the first door on the left...only it was locked. He heard a sinister, ghost-like giggle as he attempted to turn the knob behind him, and turned around...yet nothing there. There was the door opposite however. What was in there? He found it was unlocked, and entered.

It was a study area with many books and a fireplace, along with a rocking chair that...was rocking by itself? Luigi shivered at this. Not only that, but this room was pitch black in itself! There was a table too, with many stacks of paper on it, and a plant in the corner...

Three orange ghosts suddenly sprung out of the air, surprising Luigi, who hid behind Snake cowering. They showed no fear; on the contrary, they seemed delighted to have victims to spook. They drew back their hands, ready to claw at the group.
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Bang turned and spotted his friends the brave Master Luigi and the stoic and wise Master Snake in trouble as the three orange fiends of the underworld closed in on them. Mustering all his anger he leapt into the doorway vaulting over the men "RAAAARRRRRGGGH! Begone evil spirits for BANG SHISHIGAMI compels you!" he cried activating the flashlight in the doorway blasting the three ghosts with the light dazzling them momentarily "Now my friends vanquish these foes while I distract them!" he said intently focusing his flashlight on the enemy while assuming his battle pose.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Insanity at its classiest.

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Snake ignored Bang's theatrics and simply pointed the nozzle of the vacuum at the middle ghost, then activating it. All the while, he thought of how crazy this was. "C'mon! Get these ghosts!" he growled.
My CR family is my beautiful wife Arkillian, and my three daughters Lida_Rose, Franzika Von ehmpke5, angel_of_nature and my son, Meenyman.
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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Grand Balance (Yin-Yang)

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Terra was surprised by the appearance of new ghosts. Right after Bang made his move, in a rather dramatic and heroic way, Terra jump and dashed in the air to the side of the ghosts, only then pointing the vacuum cleaner to try and suck the nearest one, which, by Snake's position, was the one to the right. This way, only the left ghost was completely free to do whatever he wanted.

As Terra noticed this, he also looked into the room through which these ghosts had just come from. It might just be his imagination, but he, having felt the power of darkness already, could swear the blackness in that room wasn't exactly natural. It gave out a eerie feel, a feel darker, much darker than the one of the ghosts. Terra was compelled to investigate, but he needed to take care of the ghosts first...


Marisa had been in the air, preparing for the attack, but Tron's insults got to her. She usually WAS a straightforward person, but the girl had insulted her magic skills, and to top it all, or rather, untop it, she was the one responsible for removing her witch's hat.

"What did you just say!? I'll show you the low-grade magic, you midget!" She screamed, and started to dive and rise according to the sway motion of her fire, easily dodging it. It was like Eirin's Youkai Blazing Wheel, only wilder and less constant. Deciding to teach Tron a lesson before rising against the Gesellschaft again, she decided to mimic Reimu's Duplex Barrier, which would use little energy in comparison to what she needed to destroy the airship, and would confuse Tron to boot.

She stood up on her broom and opened her arms. Two huge strings of lightning started to surround her, and the Hakkero shot several stars from Marisa's position. The stars changed direction dramatically and chaotically once they reached the first string of lightning, and again after the second one. They started to be shot out in speed against the people nearby.

Many thanks to PandaPrinzessin for this signature!
Re: The Final Revolution Reborn RPTopic%20Title
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((Sorry this took forever. Horrible past few days....I really need to give my Hunter a name...))

The hunter had started to enjoy the wind in his face when a large imposing metal claw appeared and promptly grabbed him and started to pull him through the ship. The hunter couldn't help but stare in awe as he was being pulled through the ship. All the wires and pipes and gadgets were something new to him as the only flying machines he'd ever been on were just hot air balloons. He snapped out of his awe when the claw dropped him on some sort of moving floor.

The Hunter immediately fell on his face as he landed, not being ready for the floor to be moving. But the hunter barely managed to scramble to his feet and start running to the middle before he was near the end of the treadmill. He didn't know what would happen to him if he fell off and had the oddest feeling that something bad would happen to him if he fell off...
Thank you Delsy for the Awesome Game Over Sig! If you're still here, I still love it!
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