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Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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"Yeah," Jean said to Victoria, "That would really suck." He continued to make his way into the room, getting behind Tyray.

"Hey, are you getting anything?"
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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Yo Dawg!

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"Nothing so far..." Tyray said, keeping an eye on the display. He began examining the various fixtures in the room. There was a cabinet to the back of the room. He opened the door and saw some rather expensive looking tea sets, which were the only things in the room not covered in dust. He moved on to another chest.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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Victoria looked around and coughed a little. Then she heard something. "EEEK!" she cried as she jumped back, but felt stupid when she discovered it was just a mouse. "Ugh! Mice!"
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Jean jumped and went to Victoria's side with his fists up. When he saw it was a mouse he chuckled.

"Stay calm, I think it smells fear," he whispered.

As Tyray turned towards the source of the scream... What was that in the hallway on the camera?
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Victoria laughed and playfully pushed Jean. "Shut up, Coolkid." she said, "It startled me!" She looked at him and tilted her head. "By the way, why do you always wear those glasses? What do your eyes actually look like?"
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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Yo Dawg!

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"Y'all don't scare me like that...geez," Ty said with an annoyed tone in his voice. He checked the camera on the screen. In the filmstrip there was something in one of the previous frames. He paused the recording and clicked back to that point. He was surprised at what he saw. "Guys, come look at this.." he said
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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"You see Tori, I'm actually Cyclopse from X Men," Jean explained, "If I take off my sunglasses lasers shoot out of my eyes and decimate everything in the way." When he heard Tyray he quickly walked to the screen, taking off his glasses to get a better look. This revealed his eyes, green with hazel flecks.

On the screen, in the hallway was a shadow of a person. It looked like someone in a straw hat, like a farmer.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Victoria was walking over and Stopped when she notice he took off his glasses. They made him look... Even cuter than with the glasses on (which she would never say 'cause it would just feed his huge ego). She blushed a little bit but shook it off and walked over to them. "What is it?"
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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I'm bad at puzzle solving..

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Aeria hurried into the room. She had been looking at other things and the group had gone ahead without her! She walked over to Tyray and nearly choked. Jean wasn't wearing his sunglasses! She looked at the screen. There was a shadow. It looked like a person... maybe with a hat? A farmer? This was a farmhouse, after all.

"That's a farmer. It has to be. And it fits this place. This is a farmhouse," Aeria said.
Professor Layton & The Lost Future. Best game ever.

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Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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"Maybe it was one of the things you picked up in the barn," Jean guessed, "We have ghosts pigs and this. Maybe it was a pig farmer that lived here?"
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Victoria was perplexed yet again. Why didn't her sense go off? Today, things were just getting stranger and stranger. Then she thought about Jean's eyes again.... She should convince him to take his sunglasses off more often...
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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Jean shook off his thoughts, "But anyways, we need to focus. With this evidence here we know we've got something. Maybe we should go check out the Graveyard now?"
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Victoria nodded. "We'll probably find import clues to solving this mystery there." She said, "And maybe a zombie or two. In that case, we run or shoot them in the pancreas! wait... That's not right..."
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Isn't it 'shoot them in the forehead'?" Aeria asked, laughing. "And I don't think we'll run into any zombies." She chuckled. Zombies! Those make-believe creatures that walk around and get shot in the forehead by humans, and have created the mythical event of the zombie apocalypse. DUN DUN DUUUUN. Like we were going to have a zombie apocalypse! She smirked when she thought about it that way. The only thing they were to find in a graveyard was a ghost. Or two. Or three. Or ten.
Professor Layton & The Lost Future. Best game ever.

I live everywhere and nowhere, usually as Kumori. My YouTube is 'WoodULikeSumCatFood', shamelessly ripped from a friend of mine.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Victoria laughed as well. "I knew that wasn't right!" she replied, "Where did I get pancreas from?" Really. Pancreas? What an obscure body part!
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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Yo Dawg!

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"Haha shoot 'em in the pancreas and give them diabetes," Ty joked, "I don't even think a zombie can get diabetes, unless maybe he eats a real fat guy, but then that would give him a heart attack."

He continued investigating.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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"Could be worse,"Jean joked, "You could try shooting them in the gallbladder." He shook his head. This was just silly.

"Anyways, let's get to the graveyard." He looked out the window towards the graveyard. They would have just enough time to investigate before the sun went down.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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It's yuzikichan!

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Victoria nodded, Grabbed Jean's hand and began to run for the graveyard. This was going to be awesome!! They were sure to find a ton of clues there!!
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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Guess what Argyle was doing the entire time the rest of the group was investigating the farmhouse! That's right. He was chasing ghosts! Not to any avail, of course. He had met back up with the group, but he was zoning out, thinking about the sheriff and the plague, when that middle-aged woman ghost appeared. Suddenly, Argyle started shaking. He couldn't really think. That woman, and her talking and...what could have happened? When she disappeared, Argyle could only mutter a meek, "W-wait..." He then saw a shadow move in the distance. Another ghost?

Without thinking, he ran after it. He didn't even notice, before he took off, that Jean had taken the journal. As soon as he reached the spot he thought the shadow was, it was no longer there. I should stop acting like a rookie. This is stuff a novice would do. I should just stick with the group, he thought. As he turned around, he realized the group was no longer there. Dammit! Where did they go?! He slowly walked over to where the group was, and started examining the area for clues as to where they went. It turned out, such attempt at deductive reasoning was unnecessary.

"EEEK!" Victoria's voice rang out. It sounded like the scream was coming from the farmhouse! Argyle ran as fast as he could toward the location, all kinds of terrible thoughts brewing in his head. Was the group in danger? Had someone attacked them? Was there a particularly scary ghost before them? What if they died? It would be Argyle's fault if something happened to the group simply because he wasn't there! It was with these thoughts brewing in his head that he charged the door, forcing it open.

Stopping in his tracks after that charge and looking around almost wildly, he noticed that the group looked completely fine...And they looked like they were leaving. True to his nature, Argyle straightened up and looked calm, even though he was embarrassed by his impulsive behavior. Like a damn rookie...
"Hello, everyone. What did I miss?" he asked as casually as if this sort of thing happened everyday.

((For those who think it would be tedious to read this whole thing...You only have to read the last paragraph or so. Heh, heh...))
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Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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"Too Awesome to Die"

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"We saw a shadow in the farmhouse," Jean said, being dragged along by Victoria, "Now we're going to check out the graveyard. Care to join?"
Child of Lida_Rose and Aliucon. Married to yuzikichan0! Father of Ha³ and Apollo72.
Re: Arkham Paranormal Detective AgencyTopic%20Title
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You’re so small in such a big world...

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"Of course I would like to join," Argyle said. "If you'll have me. You guys did move away pretty fast as soon as I left." He chuckled at his quipping, then cleared his throat and looked all serious once more. "Right. To the graveyard." As he started walking to the new location, he dug through his pockets, then stopped, his eyes widening for a moment. The journal! Shit! I must have dropped it! Okay, calm down, Argyle...act like a professional, here. Maybe one of them picked it up?
"Did any of you, by any chance, pick up a journal?"
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