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Anybody else completely love this series? Season three is coming in March (so excited for that!) but does anyone read the books? I'm on Dance with Dragons part two and loving it. So yeah setting up this thread for general Game of Throne's chitter chatter.

....and since I'm kinda obsessed with Game of Thrones and Ace Attorney at the moment (as this incredibly long post will shortly prove). I did a "who would the characters from AA be if they were put in the GoT's world..." and yeah, spent waaay too much time on it. Lots of spoilers if you haven't read the Game of Throne books and also if you haven't played GS1-4 plus AAI.

Once I did one I just had to do them all :maggy:

So from House Greyjoy we have...
Kristoph Gavin as Balon Greyjoy. They're both cold, manipulative bastards.

Kay Faraday as Asha. Yeah, they're just both badass and do whatever they want, not your typical goody-two-shoes but that's not to say they don't have a good heart.

Larry Butz as Theon. Okay this doesn't seem like it works but it really, really does. Both had their fair share of chasing woman (one more successful at this that the other) and in general they tend to be failures at life, always disappointing family and friends. I both like, hate and often pity them, and while they are capable of being decent human beings they ultimately just act too selfishly and don't put their heart in the right place. SIDENOTE: I feel so uncomfortable with what George RR Martin has done to Theon's character and would not like the same mistreatment of Larry to happen ever.

House Stark part one
Phoenix "Nick" Wright as Eddard "Ned" Stark. Yes these two are one. Both honest, and lets face it, naive men who see the best in people and unfortunately sometimes have to make difficult decisions. Also nice little parallel with the fact that Nick is betrayed and loses his attorney badge; Ned also is betrayed and loses his head >.<

Thalassa Gramarye as Catelyn Stark. I don't really like either of them but there is an obvious parallel since Thalassa is shot in the head and survives to return as a mysterious cloaked stranger. Catalyn is likewise killed and also returns as a mysterious cloaked stranger.

Shi-Long Lang as Robb Stark, "The Young Wolf". In their wolfish ways these two are both trying to exact revenge for their families. Shi-Long wants to restore his family’s honour; Robb tries to do the same by becoming the King in the North.

House Stark part two
Gregory Edgeworth as Benjen Stark. Don't really know much about either of these characters. I suspect I've met Benjen since his disappearance but it hasn't been explicitly said so I'm still not sure, and of course I haven't played AAI2. In any case I think that they are both good guys, I see them as being very resourceful and dependable.

Apollo Justice as Jon Snow. So Apollo is kinda Phoenix's bastard game, I love it but it doesn't always get the respect it deserves just as Jon is a great guy but is often treated unfairly because he isn't a 'trueborn son'.

Acro as Bran Stark. Okay the obvious: they both can't walk. But there are more similarities than just this. Such as they have a strong affinity with animals; three birds fly around Acro... the three-eyed crow... just saying.

Furio Tigre as Rickon Stark. Yeah, well, Rickon isn't much of a major player at the moment so I can't judge his character much. He might still pop up in the Dance with Dragons I'm still reading (hope so) but that's not seeming likely. All I really remember about the kid is that he is a bit more beast than boy, and well Furio is The Tiger.

House Stark part three
Iris Hawthorne as Sansa Stark. So my logic was "which AA character is really beautiful and gentle but a bit useless/annoying." Immediately came up with Iris. I mean I don't hate either of these characters really but just certain moments they annoy me. Like I remember in one of the books Daenerys has just freed all these slaves and the whole city is crying out 'mother, mother, mother', it's just a really awe-inspiring moment, and the very next chapter is Sansa's which starts with her deciding what dress to wear... priorities a little disappointing there.

Trucy Wright as Arya Stark. So I love Arya, she's very cool and powerful and doesn't have a problem with lying, lots. Trucy is all those things, and I particularly like this fan drawing of her because the stick she's holding could be Needle!

Overseas part one
Diego Armando as Khal Drogo. It even sorta rhymes... Again a fan drawing rather than a sprite because, lets face it, the Khal does not wear suits. My basic reasoning for this mash-up is that they are both incredibly hot and die too young.

Dahlia Hawthorne as Melissandre. Well the Red Priestess isn't totally evil (she just likes to burn a few people every now and again) but I could totally see Dahlia rocking this role.

Morgan Fey
as Mirri Maz Duur. Revengeful, evil spirit medium could easily play the revengeful, evil witch.

Overseas part two
Daryan Crescend as Bronn. Well technically he isn't really overseas but he's a sellsword and, honestly, Daryan is just begging for more phallic imagery. They are also both selfish and have a bad taste in humour.

Zinc LeBlanc
as Salladhor Saan. Brightly coloured clothing, check. Greedy, check. Foreigner, check. Pirate, well Zinc totally could be.

House Targaryen
Richard Wellington as Viserys. Yeah both slimy bastards, too greedy and heartless to realize how stupid their plans are.
Mia Fey as Daenerys! Of course! Both super awesome, independent and caring. Not to mention sexy. They can also both inspire loyalty and so much passion.

House Bolton
Matt Engarde as Ramsey Snow. God I hate both of these characters. They have so much cruelty and evil in them.

Damon Gant as Roose Bolton. Well they both are pretty cruel and they have a really power aura. Plus Roose is a very quietly spoken man and Damon does that annoying long pause when he wants to make sure everyone listens to him.

House Mormont
Dick Gumshoe as Jorah Mormont. A bit bear-like and they won't give up a lost cause. Even if you don't want them around anymore, they'll stay devoted like gum on your shoe.

House Tyrell
Jake Marshall as Loras Tyrell. Simply because I think he would guard a damsel in distress and like Loras he's a bit arrogant and doesn't really care what others think of him.

Dee Vasquez as Queen of Thorns. Forgotten the character's name but the old lady who poisons Joffrey. So these two ladies are extremely cunning and they're tough, you do not want to be an enemy of theirs.

Angel Starr as Magaret Tyrell. Beautiful but they also know a thing or two and you shouldn’t underestimate them.

House Reed
Ema Skye as Meera Reed. I think Meera's a feisty, good-hearted and capable young woman like a certain scientific detective I love very much.

Misty Fey as Jojen Reed. So these two are very spiritual and mysterious. Jojen is also described a few times as seeming much older than he really is so I figure an old lady is a good choice for him.

House Baratheon part one
Miles Edgeworth as Stannis Baratheon, the first of his name. They don't smile. Will do anything in the name of what they perceive as justice. Can be harsh and unrelenting. Yeah these two fit together surprisingly well.

Vera Misham as Shireen Baratheon. Painfully shy and you just want to hug them because they seem so lonely. Also while Shireen has scars from the greyscales she suffered from, Vera has been slowly poisoned through most of her childhood... safe to say these little girls have unfortunate health issues.

House Baratheon part two
Klavier Gavin as Renly Baratheon. Two posers who know how to attract people. Not bad guys at all but they have bad brother relations to say the least.

House Baratheon part three
Zak Gramarye as Robert Baratheon. Man, these two are just the worst. Namely they're too damn irresponsible and selfish. Sure they have the potential of being halfway decent but then they go and do something dickish and good people suffer for it.

Jacques Portman as Joffrey. To sum them up: win, win, win, I'm such a winner, oh wait, I feel like being a dick, yeah no-one likes me, I lose.

Pearl Fey as Tommen. So they both have manipulative mothers who set them up too high (Pearl to be master, Tommen as King) and they basically do whatever is asked of them. Obedient, brainless kids.

Regina Berry as Myrcella. I've grown to really like Myrcella, she seems like an intelligent and sweet girl. I'm thinking Regina would suit her character only after the event of JFA as Myrcella isn't a crybaby and I think that trial made Regina grow up a lot.

House Clegane
Valant Gramarye as Sandor Clegane. It isn't a perfect fit, but you know these characters are both disliked and yet they aren't really as bad as they let everyone think. Sure they are dishonest but I think there are redeemable parts to them and I found both very interesting characters.

House Lannister
Manfred von Karma as Tywin Lannister. Cold, cold fathers who care so much about the family name. Still, they might not be loved by many, but they do get respect and you can't deny they hold a lot of powerful/influence.


Damian Hinge as Jamie. Well they seem a little stupid at times, but they care a lot about their country and also are misguided in their trust of certain people (Damian in Manny and Jamie in Cersei)

Shelley DeKiller as Tyrion. Yes. It's a fact. Tyrion can be a gentleman, he is very superior in intellect and makes calculating plans, and oh my god never betray him because you will DIE.

House Tully
Lana Skye as Lysa Tully. So basically Lysa gets manipulated by Baelish, kills her husband and sends that letter to her sister which starts the whole catalyst for war. Lana gets manipulated by Gant and while she's doing it to protect her sister it turns her into a cold, distant bitch. Also Lysa dies out of a Skydoor, or was it a Skye-door?

Ron DeLite as Robin Arryn. They're wimps! Such needy, little wimps.

Tyrell Badd as Brynden "Blackfish" Tully. Just realized with his name Tyrell Badd should be a Tyrell really, but I think he suits being the Blackfish more. These two are capable, solid guys if somewhat loners and a little scary.

Maya Fey as Ygritte. Not really because they are such similar characters, but more because I can just picture Maya saying to Phoenix lots "You know nothing Phoenix Wright". Plus she introduces to Nick the secrets of spirit channelling a lost art that most people don't believe in. Likewise Ygritte teaches Jon Snow (not just about sex) but about her world, with giants and other things that people from Westeros simply don't believe in anymore.

Desiree DeLite as Gilly. Both these girls are strong and gutsy but sometimes they need a man to save them. Too bad for Gilly it's Samwell Tarly, just like it's too bad Desiree is saved by Ron DeLite.

Winfred Kitaki as Mance Rayder, The King Beyond the Wall. Tough guys to their core and they can lead even in the most dangerous of circles.

South part one
Franziska von Karma as Brienne of Tarth. Yeah you don't want either of these women as your opponents in a battle. All the same they have a good heart and when they're your ally they won't let you down.

Bruce Goodman as Davos Seaworth. What can I say, they are both good men.

Marvin Grossberg as Samwell Tully. It's mainly a fat person thing. Also they are a bit cowardly, I mean I know George RR Marvin makes a point that Sam is brave because he doesn't let being scared stop him, but still the guy's a wimpy character.

Alita Tiala as Shae. I liked both these characters to begin with but they let me down. Shae undoubtedly more so. Also kinda funny that they are both strangled.

Machi Tobaye as Podrick Payne. It just works.

South part two
Redd White as Petyr Baelish. They try to fit everyone in the palm of their hands. Also merciless and generally smarmy.

Drew Misham as Varys. Okay so looks wise I would have picked Jean Armstrong for this, but then I remembered that Drew has those unexplained paintings of all of Apollo's cases. This man knows more than he should, just as The Spider has more web strands than we know of.

Max Galactica as Gendry. Well Max is really just a farmboy and Gendry is like a smithy so both kinda humble upbringings. Not to mention Gendry has a bit of an attitude problem that doesn't make him exactly likeable to people, same with Max, but if they got past this then they'd be fairly okay guys.

Yanni Yogi as Walder Frey. Revenge is on their minds and I hate them both for it. Truly their spitefulness takes on new levels.

What we can learn from this...
- Neither game of thrones, nor ace attorney, or obsessions in general have helped me with my essay.
More to the point:
- Phoenix and Shi-Long both get beheaded
- Apollo really is Phoenix's (bastard) son and Trucy is really his daughter. So is Iris which is kinda weird.
- Miles's father didn't really die, he just got lost behind a wall.
- Mia is Diego's moon of his life and Diego's is Mia's sun and stars <3
- Morgan Fey is burned alive to birth a dragon
- Jake Marshall and Klavier Gavin have sex
- Angel Starr married Pearl Fey. Thankfully they do not have sex.
- Gumshoe gets it bad for Mia and is rejected.
- Miles is a King
- Shelley DeKiller kills Manfred von Karma and Alita Tiala. Why the hell not.
- Redd White murders Lana Skye
- Maya and Apollo have sex. I also have a theory that Jon Snow and Daenerys will get together so I'm gonna say Apollo also gets it on with Mia.
- Dear god. Desiree and Grossberg....can't finish this sentence. Too horrible.

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I picked up the books about seven years ago (with the exception of ADwD, of course, which came out in 2011). I have seen the first two seasons (season 2 dvd on sale tomorrow in North America), and am definitely looking forward to the third. Some of the changes haven't bothered me as much as others, though I do have some concerns about how they'll handle the Kingslayer's storyline without the cathting of a thertain thapphireh lover.

I could some of your parallels working on the surface... but a little deeper, eh, it's rather hit-or-miss. For example, I would have compared Brienne of Tarth to Pearl Fey rather than Franziska von Karma...mostly because of the naivete they share... not to mention their determination and stubbornness (especially in holding on to childish ideals). Heck, you could say they were both raised as an only child by a single parent since
Brienne's siblings all died, and Pearl's elder twin sisters were taken away by their father long before she was born. And because of this 'only child' status, there's quite a bit of pressure on them... with Brienne, to marry and bear heirs instead of running around as a female warrior... with Pearl, to excel at spirit channeling and take back the role of Kurain Master.

It's interesting you compare Apollo to Jon since
Spoiler: if you haven't completed ADwD
Jon's future appearances are also a huge uncertainty (but in his case, this is due to his mortal wounds).

I will say your Bolton comparisons are almost spot-on.
Spoiler: Bolton talk, some spoilers if you haven't completed ADwD
Boltons love a red flayed man. Gant loves a skewered man. And he has no problem hurting people to get his way--same with Matt. Also, neither Ramsay nor Roose show much respect for women. Ramsay himself is a product of rape, and he terrorizes, rapes, tortures, and murders many women. Matt is not quite that bad, but he is still cruel and a womanizer, and has no problem hurting Celeste in his game with Juan.

Damn I wish I had time to do a re-read.
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I haven't actually seen the show or read the books myself, but my Dad has read them and basically his opinion on it was that they were the most boring books he has ever read. :P It's kind of put me off reading them even though there are so many great reviews. What do you think makes them so good? I'm really interested.
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Well, they're boring if you dislike long, descriptive passages of everything (and I mean EVERYTHING), and a plot that is constructed from various viewpoints in various parts of the world.

But it's just such a damn good plot, and I'm a god damned sucker for character development of any kind. Also, there are plenty of memorable moments to enjoy... or cringe at... of course, that depends on how you feel about the folks involved.
"Descole? You don't mean Mr. I-Like-to-Wreck-Things-with-Mechanical-Monsters-and-Dress-Up-as-Posh-Ladies Descole?" -Emmy Altava

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Adrian in black wrote:
Well, they're boring if you dislike long, descriptive passages of everything (and I mean EVERYTHING), and a plot that is constructed from various viewpoints in various parts of the world.

But it's just such a damn good plot, and I'm a god damned sucker for character development of any kind. Also, there are plenty of memorable moments to enjoy... or cringe at... of course, that depends on how you feel about the folks involved.

Heh, I'm also a sucker for character development.

I don't know, it seems interesting, but those long descriptions you mention put me off it. I prefer more fast paced books.
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Love what you put together, gem!

This week's episode was fantastic! Burn in hell, you piece of shit (but seriously. Kudos to Jack Gleeson and all the work he put into the series)
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I like what I've seen but haven't really had time to catch up or anything and I kind of got Hannibal and True Detective on top priority right now...
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