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What are some peoples all time favourite films and why

Some of mine are as follows

The Green Mile ( it is very long yet not once do I feel it gets boring and does make me shed man-tears at the end and got to love tom Hanks accent he does in the film )

The Dark Knight Rises ( I know the film is full of plot holes but I really Enjoy Tom Hardys Potrail of Bane and just a fun film to watch)

L.A confidental ( I love mystrey films and this films has a awesome overall mystrey and the ending is very good and some nice twists)

Les Miserables ( musical movie) ( I know it got mixed opinions but I like musicals and I even like Crowes singing *gasp*)

A few Good Men ( an excellent and very well acted courtroom drama with interesting view on who is considored responsible for the overall crime)
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Here's a bit of my forever favorite movie:

Corpse Bride:
Often seen as the second of Burton best stop motion movie. I think that the story balance perfectly the cliché story while having quite an original set up and concept to make it forget that it's a story you heard a million times (in my opinion). This movie was there to help me pass through my first broken heart because of the ending (love the moral, we should have more kids movie endorsing those kind of things), so it will keep forever a special place in my litttle heart.

Amélie/ Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain:
Probably one of the most overated foreing movie in the world, I though it was okay the first time I watched it, the second time I fell in love with it. The main reason I didn't loved it the first time was because there was so much characters in this film that the main character is almost push aside most of the time. The second time I got it. Amélie IS someone who prefer to stay invisible. She IS a shy person that, while wanting to help people, is afraid of going into direct contact with them. It's normal she get easily pushed aside, that's what she is. The presentation of each character is quite unique and I like that. The score is just a master piece and yeah, a faboulous movie.

My most favorite pixar movie, is about a rat who try his chance at becoming a great cook even if it seem impossible. I think I love this movie because the plot is so relatable to anybody who dare to try something different (in my case trying to become an artist even if I have a greater potential in science and trying to work in a male domain while every women in my family work in traditional female domain). Really a great inspiration for me and those quote are just delicious! I never get tired of those two: "Anyone can cook, but only the fearless will be great" and "Not everyone can become a great artist... But a great artist can come from anywhere".

Honorable mentions:
Coraline for teaching me that even if animated a kid's movie can creep adult.
Spirit away for showing me a truly moving kid's movie.
Persepolis for explaining me how a revolution can turn horribly wrong (and help me understand better what's going on in the east)
Hugo for remembering me why I love movies so much each time I feel hopeless about the movie industry.
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Barry Lyndon. Gorgeous, wonderful music and very entertaining. I do like the novel, but the movie is an utter delight. The only person I know IRL who likes it is, funnily enough, my little sister, who was four when she watched it with me. I was to watch it with my mother, but she lost patience and compared it to Monty Python (which isn't a bad thing at all in my book, not that I would compare the two, though).

Persona or Through a glass darkly. Or rather, both, but I like playing favourites. I have a very hard time deciding which is my favourite Bergman movie, though. The fact that these are, though, says a lot, since Bergman, next to Peter Greenaway, is my favourite director.

The Baby of Mâcon has to be my favourite movie by Peter Greenaway (I find most of his movies absolutely breathtakingly wonderful, though). It's beautiful, ugly, dark, occasionally funny, occasionally grotesque and disturbing as bloody murder. No movie, book or anything has given me such angst in concentrated form as this movie. The first, second and third (...after watching it the first time I was certain I would never ever see it again, but I was very wrong and happily bought it when I found it in a store just some week after) time I watched it I just sat there and stared for a while.

The blood of a poet. So damn gorgeous it's basically porn to me. I love Jean Cocteau.

The Wall. I didn't listen at Pink Floyd the time (I still can't say I do it actively, even though I do like them) I saw it, but it immediately became a favourite.

Marat/Sade. I can't get tired of that movie. It's like I discover new things each time I watch it or read the play.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I love German expressionism, I love silent movies and I love Conrad Veidt.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Just my kind of humour, I have a faiblesse for movies based on plays (and this movie is based on my favourite one) and I adore Tim Roth - Gary Oldman is lovely as well.

The last temptation of Christ. I find the Bible very interesting, and I love artistic, alternate takes on its people and stories. Jesus is very complex in this movie, and I love Judas as well. I can't wait to read the novel it's based on.

Some other favourites are Rope, Taxidermia, Steamboat Bill Jr., 491 and Faust by Svankmajer.
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I'll say it a million times if I have too because my favorite movie is the original Gojira, the 1954 Japanese Monster movie.

I'm not really gonna go in depth, but basically I consider it a near perfect movie. Good characters, great soundtrack, awesome visuals and a good story and theme to go with it. I really don't know what else I can say.
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I gotta say, I love Tarantino's movies. How many times did I watch Pulp Fiction...? 4, 5? Anyway, I get a thrill out of the opening scene every time I watch it. I love these dialogues, and the sense of humor, too. Just by watching his movies and some interviews, I know he has the same sense of humor as me. Maybe I shouldn't find these things funny, but they are the only movies that make me laugh. I don't laugh at "comedy" films. I like violent humor.

Mavericks, avengers, outlaws, love all this stuff. Kill Bill and Django Unchained are great, too. To be honest, I love all his movies, except maybe for Rersevoir Dogs. Watched them all at least twice.
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I like Tarantino too, even though I have a few pet peeves when it comes to his movies overall. When I was 14-15 the Kill Bill-movies were my favourite films, I don't know how many times I watched them and with what amount of people - parents, a sibling, friends, a partner (well, I've always been a person that revisits and revisits his favourite but here... I'm surprised I didn't tire of them). Me and dad watched them several times when I visited him. Fond memories.

Reservoir Dogs is actually my favourite by him nowadays. Rediscovered it, so to speak, three years ago and watched it a couple of times. I feel like watching it again soon - I adore Tim Roth's acting, and Harvey Keitel is great too.
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I don't like Reservoir Dogs as much as I like Pulp Fiction or Kill Bill, but it definitely has some memorable scenes. Like this scene, where Mr. Blonde is dancing when he is about to torture a guy and burn him alive. Crazy shit. I remember it every time I am talking about this movie, lol. Thing is, this movie has nice dialogues, but it isn't action-oriented and dynamic like the others. And action is an important factor for me. I like movement, and physical intensity in movies. Some kind of dynamism, at least, and the rhythm of this movie is relatively slow. What are your pet peeves with those movies? I think some things about Inglorious Basterds bug me, but not too much.

I like watching his movies with friends, too. And with my cousin. My cousin probably loves Tarantino as much as I do. We are definitely going to watch The Hateful Eight together. I am crazy about this movie.
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That scene is pretty damn memorable indeed, haha. Yes, the movie is definitely more slow-paced... As for myself I don't mind it. Then again, I don't watch a lot of action-oriented movies. The intensity in Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction is absolutely great, though, it definitely plays a big part in them. I certainly understand your point of view.
Well, one of my pet peeves is that things can get a bit... gimmicky. As if some of the witty dialogues mainly are there to be quotable because he made it his thing. I just think it feels a little forced at times. This doesn't mean that I don't find any of these certain dialogues good/memorable/amusing, or that I think that the whole thing is forced, because I do like quite a lot of them, and I definitely understand why so many people enjoy it.

Ah, that sounds so nice! I really long to see that movie...
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Saw that one old movie based on then there were none, it was a parody with multiple endings and it was legit funny and entertaining.
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Fight club - because Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are really really great in it. Damn, Edward Norton is bloody brilliant in it. Also I'm usually impatient when it comes to movies over 2 hours, but here I'm invested every second. There are just so many small details I don't wanna miss and and... I don't know. I just love it. I was a little iffy about the ending the first time I saw it, then the second time I just got shivers all over.

Disney movies - I love them in general. The Emperor's new groove, Lilo and Stitch, Mulan, Big Hero 6, Pocahontas, The hunchback of Notre Dame are the best ones. For vastly different reasons.

Lock, stock and two smoking barrels - Because it's hilarious and the plot is just so neatly packaged.
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Yes! Lock, stock and two smoking barrels is utterly delightful.

The list I wrote a year ago still stands, more or less, but there's a genre I've enjoyed for the longest amount of time in my life:

Something I'm absolutely crazy about is slasher-movies from the late 70's to 80's. Some of them are extremely kitschy, but it's a kind of kitsch I enjoy. I do find a few genuinely creepy, though. Halloween and April Fool's Day for example, I don't know how many times I've seen these particular two movies since I first saw them, the former when I was twelve and the latter when I was thirteen. I'm picky when it comes to my favourites, but I can't think of many movies of this certain genre I actually dislike, apart from boring sequels and such (and there are a few enjoyable sequels too, I like Halloween 2, 4 and 5 for example.) Another genre I love is giallo.

I absolutely love watching horror movies in general, though; classics, semi-obscure ones, new and "commercial" ones... I can be quite picky, though, especially when it comes to the newer ones. For some reason I often have this "cosy-creepy" feeling when it comes to older horror flicks, but when it comes to a lot of newer onces they just feel... bland. Quite fun to watch, but not memorable. Those that are memorable are those who surprises me and/or manages to actually scare me (and there aren't as many older horror movies that manages to do that, actually; pleasant shivers, but not this adrenalinish kick). Which might be the reason I'm so picky when it comes to them - I love a good scare but I'm definitely hard to scare. A movie that (almost) keeps me from sleeping is a movie that I'll rewatch and show my friends.
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Going for Miles wrote:
Fight club - because Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are really really great in it. Damn, Edward Norton is bloody brilliant in it. Also I'm usually impatient when it comes to movies over 2 hours, but here I'm invested every second. There are just so many small details I don't wanna miss and and... I don't know. I just love it. I was a little iffy about the ending the first time I saw it, then the second time I just got shivers all over.

Oh yes, this movie is fucking awesome. "Things you own end up owning you". Brilliant. At first, I didn't like the ending all that much, either, but now I see it as something symbolic... cathartic. And I love Edward Norton. The guy always chooses to be in interesting, deep movies. Like American Story X, or Birdman.

Adding some movies to the list:

Oldboy (2003) - Everyone, no exceptions, should watch this movie. I'm not kidding, lol. It has everything. Good acting, good soundtrack, good drama and mind blowing plot twists. And generally makes the viewer absorved in existential rumination. Maybe not a good movie to watch if you are in a bad mood or depressed, though.

Whiplash (2014) - This movie deals with a theme everyone can relate to, at least to some degree. The acting is very good, too, and the protagonist's instructor... lol. He is the kind of character that makes you genuinely angry, wishing you could punch him in the face. Probably the best movie I watched in the last year.

@WaitingforGodot - Horror movies can be fun, but I think I've created some kind of "resistance" to them. Like, they don't scare me anymore. Suspense can make me a little tense, but horror and gore... I just don't feel the impact anymore.
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Oh yes, this movie is fucking awesome. "Things you own end up owning you". Brilliant. At first, I didn't like the ending all that much, either, but now I see it as something symbolic... cathartic.

Yes, excactly. That's how I see it too.
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dangerousoffender wrote:
@WaitingforGodot - Horror movies can be fun, but I think I've created some kind of "resistance" to them. Like, they don't scare me anymore. Suspense can make me a little tense, but horror and gore... I just don't feel the impact anymore.

Ah, yeah, I understand. I'm very hard to scare when it comes to them, always have been, even though I'm not completely immune to them yet, haha. I've seen loads and loads, and still it's only a few percent that managed to scared me (even though there are a few more that have creeped me out). I just continue browsing until I find something memorable and/or scary (there are a lot of them I know I liked quite a bit while watching them - but then I realize I don't remember much later on; had fun watching them but apparently they didn't stick).
Gore, though, I've never really liked that. I've seen a lot of gore but I'm not even sure why because they either gross me out in a bad way or bore the hell out of me.
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There are quite a few films that I enjoy, but these two have always been my favorites:

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
I grew up reading the Harry Potter books and watching the movies afterwards, never vice-versa. Chamber of Secrets was my favorite book in the series because of the mystery surrounding the attacks and the bits of evidence pointing to several possible culprits keeping you on your toes (not unlike quite a few Ace Attorney cases :godot: ). Coincidentally, the film version of Chamber of Secrets was the closest to the book out of all the Harry Potter films. Naturally, this made me very happy. I don't care what Honest Trailers says, Chamber of Secrets will always be my favorite installment in the Harry Potter series, books and movies alike.

Apollo 13
For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by spaceflight, particularly the advances and achievements of the Space Race. The thought of travelling beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere thrilled me, but the fact that something could easily go drastically wrong horrified me. This combination made me very interested in the "successful failure" of the Apollo 13 mission. By the time I first saw the movie, I had already learned about the several hurdles the crew had to jump through in order to make it home safely. However, despite knowing what the end result would be, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. The fact that I was watching a dramatization of the events that I had only read about prior made me realize just how difficult it was to bring the astronauts home safely.

My viewpoints regarding these films may not be completely objective, but I stand by my reasoning for liking these movies more than any other.
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Toy Story 1, 2, and 3. And I already enjoy 4 because that makes sense. :yogi:
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The Incredibles.

I make a trollface when someone asks me, "What's your favorite superhero movie" and that is my reply, but that is honestly one of my favorite movies of all times. It is a brilliant deconstruction of the superhero genre with really likable, realistic characters you can empathize with. Not to mention the soundtrack is one of my favorite movie soundtracks of all time. : D
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shippersdreamer wrote:
I'll say it a million times if I have too because my favorite movie is the original Gojira, the 1954 Japanese Monster movie.

I'm not really gonna go in depth, but basically I consider it a near perfect movie. Good characters, great soundtrack, awesome visuals and a good story and theme to go with it. I really don't know what else I can say.

this guy gets it

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Hayao Miyazaki films. Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. Grave of the Fireflies made me cry.

The King and I, The Sound of Music, Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera.

Now all I need is a Miss Saigon movie and I'm good. ^^
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Mine are:

1. Ghostbusters 1 (Havn't watched 2 yet)

2. Star Wars 5

3. Doctor Who 50th

4. Lego Movie

5. Wreck it Ralph

6. Avengers 2
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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One guilty pleasure of mine is The Da Vinci Code. I think it's really beautifully shot and it is a really interesting story (and the movie ditches some of the "evidence" that is too hard to suspend your disbelief and is a little more grounded). As long as you A. watch the extended cut (the original cut has some problems) and B. don't consider it actual history or a religious attack or anything other than a fun adventure movie that's basically an adult version of National Treasure and I'm sure you'll have a good time. The sequel, Angels & Demons is good too; in some ways it's a better film but it's not as interesting story-wise to me. It's also extremely violent, especially the extended version. (Some other guilty pleasures I have are 2010: Odyssey Two and Prometheus, two sequels which aren't very well-received.)

I love Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This is another amazingly beautiful film, and the martial arts scenes are fantastic. (I know there's a sequel that was made for Netflix but I heard it wasn't that good and tried too hard to be Lord of the Rings or something).

Blade Runner is really good, although it's a little depressing. I'm a big Film Noir fan so any neo-noir film is right up my alley.

Others I like a lot are Rain Man, Stranger than Fiction, The Matrix, Frost/Nixon, and Office Space. I have a lot more that I really enjoy but I'm not in front of my Blu-Ray collection so I can't remember all of my favorites (that sounds weird, but I don't have a top 5 favorite movies or anything, I can't really sort through it past the first 25, mostly because my opinion can change day by day.
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This is the fracking epitome of guilty pleasures for me.

Other than that,the Marx Brothers are classic comedians and are great. Laurel and Hardy as well as Mr.Bean carry the genre.

I also really like most of the 3D Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks movies I've seen.
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Star Wars Episode III is maybe my most watched movie of my entire life. I have a friend who's nuts about it. We saw it in theaters back in the day and I remember his big brother's first comment after it was over was "Wow that was a boring movie" lol. I get that it's hated, I think I know why but for me it's the sort of movie that just has some kind of redeeming value to it from the great picture to the endearingly dorky dialogue and the story beats themselves. While some are poorly executed like how obvious the Emperor is (not saying who it is, duuuuh) and how stupid some of the main characters are or how wooden the acting is at times I just have an undeniable admiration for those moments at the same time. The movie genuinely touches on the subjects that harken back to Star Wars's core philosophy of good vs evil. The jedi are fallible and the movie is aware of it. I LOVE how it never points this out in a patronizing way to the audience. It takes the context of the selfless good Jedi and cruelly selfish Sith and shows the vulnerability of both sides with Anakin's story, the dark side of the Jedi who show doubt, they're privileged, they're also kind of redundant in a way, and how a selfish person like the Emperor can lure you in to his world-views by appealing to that doubt that makes you become selfish.

It's a stunning movie with a beautifully 5-act Shakespeare tragedy plot. Screw all the haters, I loved this movie.
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