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Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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As some people may not know, a group of AA fans (myself included) are currently writing a fan version of AAI3, also called End of an Era. Though it is more fanfiction in format, we have a resident artist who created a cover art and crime scene photos (and profiles for the new characters), and we wanted to get music for the story as well. Music specific to AAI3, that is.

We want a lot, and we realize (now) that it may be too much for one person, so here are the songs we were hoping for, what we want to see in them, and when we'll need them:

1. a Pursuit theme (Episode 1, end of July 2016). What's an AA game without it? I love "Wanting to Find the Truth", and would love a remix of it, but thematically, AAI3 falls in the middle of AAI and AAI2, so if you want to add influences from "Lying Coldly" to it, I'd understand. Just make it celebratory, make it dramatic (lots of oomph), and make sure it sounds like an AAI game. I love DGS's theme tons, but I don't want it here. This is one of our most wanted songs.

2. Objection themes. (Episodes 1 (July) and 4 (Spring 2017?)) Spoiler alert: Both Edgeworth and Franziska are POV characters in this story. I know T&T gave everyone the same one, but I'd rather split it up like DD did. Edgeworth's theme doesn't need major changes (Seriously. Look at how much Phoenix's theme has changed from DD to SoJ), just take his 2011 theme and play around. I also like the opening to his 2009 Objection, but that isn't required if you can't make it work. Long as it sounds like him and sounds like an Objection, I think it'll sound good. The story's about him... basically watching as the legal world starts going down the drain (it's set between Phoenix's disbarment and UR-1). This is in Episodes 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Franziska's isn't needed until Episode 4, but I want hers more than I want Edgeworth's. We can reuse his 2011 if needed, Franziska's never had one. We want it to embody her character best you got: loosely based on her Great Revival theme, powerful, bit blunt and harsh, fairly fast paced. Edgeworth might be calm and watching for opportunities, but Franziska's a fighter. She's not taking the Dark Age lying down and she isn't afraid to hide it.

3. The three Investigations (beginning, middlegame, and core) (Episode 1). I don't need these to change much, just slight (but noticeable) alterations to 2011 work. This isn't a high priority, but if you choose to do one, please do all three of them. These songs come in a set, it'd be wrong to switch between games for them.
-I may have already found a person for these three. Well, they want to do Core, but are hesitant about the other two.

4. the Confrontation themes (Moderato, Allegro, and Presto) (Episode 1). I also don't expect these to change all that much from 2009 and 2011, with the exception of Presto, which is essentially a mix of Allegro and Pursuit. That one really depends on the Pursuit. Same thing as the Investigations. Do all three, or none at all. it's easier this way. This is a higher priority than the Investigations, up there with the Objections.

5. Confess the Truth theme (Episode 1). This one we want almost as much as a Pursuit, because they've become so iconic. 2009 is more dramatic whereas 2011 is more sad, and we want to lean on the dramatic side (just like DD and SoJ are doing). With two exceptions, most of the times Confess the Truth plays the person confessing with be really angry/crazy in their breakdown. The exceptions feature a lot of crying/giving in gracefully as they explain the situation, so it can't seem out of place in either scenario. Sorry I can't be more specific. If someone else thinks of a better way to describe it, I'll tell you what they said.

6. Specific Character themes.The amount we want them varies by character. I'll go in order of appearance of the ones we actually plan to create/change.

a. Simon Blackquill (Episode 1). He's twenty in this story. We can't play "Twisted Samurai" for him yet. That's like giving PW:AA Phoenix the theme of "Forgotten Legend". He's not there yet as a character. This game features his first ever case, when he's still awkward and not as confident in himself or his abilities. He hasn't met Metis yet, either. Basically, we want a lightened up version of "Twisted Samurai" (if that's impossible, tell me. I'll try to come up with something else.), think of how Sebastian goes from "Reasoning" to "Farewell" as he grows in competence. I want a "Reasoning" version of his prosecutor theme. Not necessarily slower (it doesn't feel fast enough to begin with), but less confident in its skin. We're struggling to describe this one, but it's one we really want.

b. Green Dyman (Episode 2). An OC. He's the CEO's personal assistant at our fictional console company, and constantly stressed about deadlines, progress of work on things, how slow the murder investigations are... basically whatever he can get stressed about, he does. He's nice when he relaxes a bit, but he's quick to irritability most of the time. Every time I think of his theme, I picture the guy running around in circles and freaking out about things. Give me frantic, fast paced, and with little reprieve. He's a major character, so we really want him to have an individual theme.

c. Kristoph Gavin (Episode 2 (Fall 2016)). We can't use "Solitary Confinement" the same reason we can't use "Twisted Samurai" for Blackquill. Think of SC as the reminiscence of his actual theme, maybe it can be used loosely in the song. Very classy, kinda dramatic, with just a hint of darkness (like almost all the rival themes have). He's the rival character here, after all. Really want it. One of the co's recommended the song "symposium magarum". Look it up, though I can only kinda see it myself.

d. Lawrence Edward Eten the Third (Episode 2). He's a shy, socially awkward computer specialist who gets suspected of a murder and has trouble pleading his case. we want him to have a very electronic, techno theme. He's important, but only to a single episode, so we don't need this one as much as the others.

e. Chuck Huld (Episode 2). A low level financial worker who prefers to intimidate people than talk to them. Despite this, he's smarter than he looks. We want his theme to be "tough", lots of drum and bass line. The melody itself should be pretty simple. We want it the same amount we do Lawrence's.

f. Zachary Cache (Episode 3 (Winter '16/'17)). We want a detective them that's both Badd and Gregson. Maybe take the basic arrangement of Gregson, modernize it, and try to incorporate the over all "don't mess with me, I'm a pro" mood from Badd's theme. We want it pretty badly, but not as much as Gavin, Dyman, and Blackquill.

g. Amy Riter (Episode 3). Her name is a pun on "game writer", as she's the sole writer for a small gaming company that just made it big with their first game. Shes a brilliant writer, very creative, but also temperamental. We really want to draw indirect parallels between her and Dee Vasquez, so the idea to take part of the melody from "Light and Shadows of the FIlm Studio" was put forward, and I really like it. The song doesn't necessarily have to be more upbeat than that song, but less somber for sure. I want this one a lot, but in the scheme of things, it isn't super important she she gets an individual theme.

h. Lyra Pitch (Episode 3). She's the music director who normally works with the in-universe equivalent of Nintendo, but collaborated with Riter's company for their breakout game. She's one of the less crazy witnesses, far more calm and cooperative than most the cast. Her theme should be fairly simple, but... pretty. Very melodic, somewhat soothing. Her priority is lower than Riter's.

i. Coldana Dharless (Episode 4) She's one of those rich people with more money than they know what to do with, and well known for donating to local hospitals and orphanages. She's your typical rich woman (throwing money around, polite but controlling, slightly naive as to how the world works for poorer people, not taking the police entirely seriously when they question her in case four), and she knows how to be imposing when she wants to be. I don't have much direction for her theme other than that I want it to reflect her character. Her priority is high, on level with Zach, Gavin, Blackquill, and Dyman.

j. Last character specific theme: Colton Evans Obergefell (Episode 5 (summer 2017)). He's the CEO of our fictional console company, and very old, less than a year away from retiring. I want his theme to be very grand, sweeping, maybe a little pipe-organ sounds mixed in (but not too much. He's not Gant). I want this song to sound like it COULD be a Big Bad theme (kinda like "Goddess of Law"), but not outright malicious. Just fairly imposing. His priority is the same as Dharless.

Kay and Gumshoe's themes aren't changing.

7. Non-specific character themes (Episode 1). I only need three, one for Suspicious People/Doubted People (people Edgeworth and Franziska find suspicious), Eccentric/Loud/Noisy/Lively People (those comedic and oftentimes annoying witnesses), and Difficult/Lamenting People (for the more serious witnesses that may or may not be hard to deal with. Call them what you wants, the AAI's like to change it around. This one is a middling priority, not absolutely necessary but much appreciated.

8. Two/Three Reminiscence themes. Thing is, we don't know what scenarios exactly we're using them for, and the first will likely show in Episode 2, so let's leave this one alone for now.

9. Logic/Trick theme (Episode 1). Not picky on this one, so long as it isn't super high pitched for most the song. I don't know how anyone is able to think with those playing. Just a remix of the 2011 theme will do. This is a mid-level priority, as they aren't insanely iconic, but always nice to have around.

10. A Suspense theme (episode 1). This is the lowest priority on the list, since they almost never change drastically from the basic song. But if you want to do one, great. Don't let me stop you.

11. A Fate theme (Episode 2 or 3). For when the Suspense theme isn't dramatic enough. I don't have any specific direction for this one. Just take 2011's and make sure it stays dramatic. This is a mid-high priority, as it plays at important moments.

12. A Victory theme. (Episode 5) I have a strange request for this one: I want it to be triumphant,but also a bit hollow/sad. The reason is that AAI3 is going to have one of the least happy "canon" endings of the franchise, to symbolize the new Dark Age that's fast approaching. This is a high priority, but won't play for a long time.

13. An Ending Theme. (post-Episode 5). No idea how these work, and we have time to figure it out.

If any of these interest you/you have any questions, feel free to ask them below, and I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If you do any one of these, I'll take it back to my cowriters and betas to make a decision (it's this or recycle from other games. I'm sure we'll love it).

Also, please tell me the name you want to be credited by, so I can let all the viewers know you assisted (unless you want to remain anonymous), and thanks in advance for any assistance you can give!
I am writing AAI3 this summer, with the community's help. Anyone who wishes to submit ideas/become a member of the project can do so here:
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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That's quite interesting! I've discovered now that some fans were thinking about an AAI3, but I can't help with music, but I'll be waiting to play this game! :redd:
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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Oh it's okay. Though like I said earlier, the project is a bit more fanfiction in format. I couldn't find anyone who know programming/animating by the time we started. Still, I hope you enjoy! We're halfway through writing the first case.
I am writing AAI3 this summer, with the community's help. Anyone who wishes to submit ideas/become a member of the project can do so here:
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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Atuyhan Ihdamdhas

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I had made these, but they were composed with the main series games in mind. Hope you like them, though!

Investigation ~ Opening

Investigation ~ Middle

Investigation ~ Core

Confess the Truth


Pursuit Variation

Also, I have a fangame coming up, so I might use some of these tracks.
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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Wow. I really like the three Investigations! But it won't let me play Core for some reason.

You don't mind if I use the Investigations tracks? I like the others too, but the Pursuit reminds me of JFA more than an AAI, and I like the Confess the Truth, but it isn't what I'm after. Thank you so much for sharing with me.
I am writing AAI3 this summer, with the community's help. Anyone who wishes to submit ideas/become a member of the project can do so here:
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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Atuyhan Ihdamdhas

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Silver-Dono wrote:
Wow. I really like the three Investigations! But it won't let me play Core for some reason.

You don't mind if I use the Investigations tracks? I like the others too, but the Pursuit reminds me of JFA more than an AAI, and I like the Confess the Truth, but it isn't what I'm after. Thank you so much for sharing with me.

You can use the Middle theme. The Pursuit was meant to be a mix between JFA and DD.
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What about the other two? I would love to have a set, but I don't want to use them without permission.
I am writing AAI3 this summer, with the community's help. Anyone who wishes to submit ideas/become a member of the project can do so here:
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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Atuyhan Ihdamdhas

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If you want, I can make two new ones especially for this. Like I said, the Opening and Core themes were made for a main series game.
Re: Trying to Get Music for AAI3Topic%20Title
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If you're willing, I'd love that! Your remixes all sound beautiful.
I am writing AAI3 this summer, with the community's help. Anyone who wishes to submit ideas/become a member of the project can do so here:
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