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In the last part of the four-part interview with AA6's development staff (Translation here), posted today on Gyakuten Tsūshin, there is a section where the staff members are asked to ask each other questions, and series producer Eshiro had a nice one: whether they would want to work on a new Ace Attorney game, in any form? Some answers are quite surprising, like a suggestion for a VR-Ace Attorney, or even an action game, but especially art director Fuse's suggestion of doing basically a reboot appears to be one the might be considering. It appears that AA6 was also made so they could go forward with the current series, but also so it could open the door for other directions.

If you read the interview, you'll notice that Yamazaki has also been transfered to work in Tokyo now, and Fuse was praised in an earlier part as doing very good as the co-director this time, and Eshiro even suggested Fuse could do a title as a director solo, so I think it's definitely not something we should just wave away as daydreaming.

People interested in a reboot? A VR-Ace Attorney? An action Ace Attorney? :D
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Regarding the first point, I'm getting kind of sick of reboots in media. Besides, the only time a reboot really works is when it's a franchise that nobody knows of, or one that hasn't seen a title in years.

Ace Attorney is neither of these things, with people still being invested in the current storyline. ... 44a161.gif

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I have expressed my interest in wanting an Ace Attorney reboot, at this point the cast is too bloated and the characters aren't growing enough and some don't get the spotlight they deserve and a internet reviewer once said that if you keep labelling entries by numbers nobody except the hardcore fans are gonna keep buying a game named 'Gyakuten Saiban 8'

At this point a reboot is probably for the best financially speaking as they could keep Phoenix, Edgeworth and Maya for the older fans but have them start from scratch.

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Please no reboot. The only reboot I'd accept is the trilogy redone in HD using 3D models, and have bonus cases in each title adding on to the original plot. No changing the story or cases please. Keep Takumi's genius in tact!
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They've already tried a reboot. We saw where that went.
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I don't agree with having Phoenix being in two different continuities. A new cast in the same universe has already been tried, and Capcom's meddling had Phoenix in that game.
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The action Ace Attorney is tempting. I've always wanted to play as Gumshoe and chase down criminals, especially if there will be road rage involved. Even better if we can play as Missile and bite people.

Too bad the other two options just aren't interesting at all. Ace Attorney is not Pokemon; it's not just about walking around and calling people out on their BS. While it's basically become mandatory that Phoenix is included in the game somehow, he doesn't need to be the main character anymore. That said, it's true when Takumi tried DGS, it didn't garner nearly as many sales or attention because it didn't have Phoenix in it (even though his ancestor is basically him).

I really don't care what they try with Phoenix to get him into a game, since it's bound to be an important role regardless. I just hope they can keep writing amazing side characters into the games, since they make up a pretty big part of them.

...Now that I think about it, if they do dare to take the amnesiac route again so that Phoenix doesn't remember anything about himself again, I'd expect it to be much more than the gag in 2-1. That was just silly, and not in the good way.
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I'd love to see an Ace Attorney action game. But I hope it stars a completely new character, like a detective. And someone that's actually competent, because I despise Gumshoe and would rather he never make another appearance ever.

Reboot wise, I'm only open to it if they include characters that aren't just the main 3 (Phoenix, Edgeworth, Maya). I can totally see them pandering to nostalgia again with a main 3 only reboot. =|
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With Yamazaki seemingly all out for the moment, and even away from Capcom's Osaka HQ, I wonder whether someone else will take over the series now (who might go in a different direction with the series). Don't forget, Yamazaki has worked on six Ace Attorney titles now, one after another, (and supervises a lot of other Ace Attorney material) and that's basically all he has done ever since he joined Capcom, so I can imagine he wants to do something else for a change.
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I'm ready for other writers taking the lead if need be and maybe taking another prominent supporting character and making a game around them or going the straightforward route to make Apollo Justice 2 if that's a possibility.

I just kinda hope for some sort of shakeup in the GS team even if that's risky for business. I honestly would like to see certain of the mainstay writers depart outside of Yamazaki as well - can't know exactly who but some are clearly better than others - and I really wish some highly skilled solo-writer artist could take over this series again so we can get some proper, consistent plotting and story development and a better sense of writers personality again.

Don't care if its more dry, more lighthearted or more grit, just some direction that has a clear sense of self throughout that I personally felt was lacking in AAI, AAI2 and DD and what I've sensed of SoJ so far. They may vary in quality of plot and characters but boy do they all miss just that sense of authorship both Takumi's games or the CING games had.
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Are we sure this transfer is permanent? The article seemed really vague. It could be that he's being sent to assist another project for the time being and will return to Ace Attorney. Think Takumi back for the crossover after Ghost Trick.

He even mentions them reassembling in the futre. I can see it going either way.

Oh god, no reboots please. That's essentially DGS (minus the different time period, and for Apollo Justice), that's what AJ could have been, they made their bed, now lie in it. Though I would love to see new spin-offs taking place between timeframes, like an AAI featuring Franziska or something.
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A reboot would be cowardly. Even the Resident Evil team stood firm on their decision not to reboot the franchise no matter how certain "fans" whined because they know that a lot of the fans are engrossed with the lore they've created up to this point.

I do like the sound of an action ace attorney, it could lead to a good shake-up if done right.
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My take is "please not another reboot and please not a new spinoff"

An action game with Ace Attorney characters and health bars and quick button presses sounds like a spinoff of the type that doesn't sound very interesting, so I hope you guys imagined an action game being puzzle and contradiction solving via more dynamic gameplay in a 3D space or something, cuz I would totally be up for that.

The first thing I thought when someone mentioned an action game was literally that Ace Attorney kind of game I thought about that had investigations that feel like the bar sequences in Catherine.
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Reboot? Ugh, please not that. I'd rather have another Investigations style game than rebooting the main series.

I suppose Investigations could potentially work as V-R but that all rather depends on whether V-R really fully takes off or not.

I'm not adverse to this suggestion of maybe some different gameplay styles, but I don't think now is the time for a reboot :-/
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I think if Yamazaki wants a break from the series, maybe just wait until the DGS trilogy ends before making another major game? I'm sure Eshiro and Fuse could work on actual HD remakes of AJ and maybe the AAI games. That should fill the void. It also gives the translation team time to work on DGS.
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None of those options sound appealing to me. I don't see any reason to reboot the series, since it's still going on strong right now. VR had always been boring to me, and an action ace attorney game wouldn't really be an ace attorney game. Plus...

Spoiler: GS6 Spoilers
With how they ended GS6, they can easily continue the series in Khura'in or Japanifornia.

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Thunder84 wrote:
None of those options sound appealing to me. I don't see any reason to reboot the series, since it's still going on strong right now. VR had always been boring to me, and an action ace attorney game wouldn't really be an ace attorney game. Plus...

Spoiler: GS6 Spoilers
With how they ended GS6, they can easily continue the series in Khura'in or Japanifornia.

That is what they're also considering of course. But like they said, with what they did, it's possible for the series to go in any direction now, whether it's one of the choices you mention, or a completely different direction (a 'reboot').

I really wonder why Yamazaki moved to Tokyo though, and during the development too. They really don't say anything about it. It's weird, because Capcom HQ is in Osaka and the main teams are all there (Takumi's team is also there). I don't even know what they do in the Tokyo offices and how big R&D is there.

I also wonder whether Yamazaki will become a producer in the near future. Most people in Capcom usually make take on producer-roles by now and Yamazaki definitely has enough work experience by now. Takumi is really a special case in the sense that he doesn't want to produce games (and from what I gather from interviews, I don't think he'd be really good at it to be honest).

(Trivia: Of all the producers of the series, only Matsukawa had no experience AT ALL on the development floor. DGS' Kojima is probably the least experienced after her, with a short time as planner. Both Inaba and Eshiro have a long career starting as programmers and finally becoming producers. Eshiro is the only one who also had experience at directing games).
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I think you're right about Yamazaki not being interested in being a producer. Reading through all the interviews with him and Eshiro you can tell that Yamazaki is almost exclusively interested in the creative aspects and wants to create things without minding whether it's marketable or not while Eshiro is the one who sort of molds his ideas until they get a broad appeal, just as how Yamazaki wanted a game about Ema but they ended up choosing Miles since he was popular and a big fan-favorite.

I also thought about the fact that Yamzaki was moving to Tokyo of all places and like you I had to double check what departments Capcom actually have in that area, and like you say, none of it seems to be related to projects or game-development.

The way I see it is that Yamazaki was burned out as we know after AA5, and had to be convinced to make SoJ until he accepted but then perhaps he knew that once this was over he genuinely needs a break and took on a role within Capcom where he is less directly responsible or something or where he doesn't have to juggle a thousand things at the same time and appearing at cons all the time.

It would be super cool if it turned out Tokyo is secretly some new home for newfound game projects and he's working on a new franchise or something, but I highly doubt that lol.
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They do have R&D teams in Tokyo. Deep Down should be one of the games that is developed there, for example.

I think a fair amount of big-wigs can be found there too. I remember a DGS interview in Dengeki Nintendo where Takumi said he had to travel to Tokyo to show of a first demo of DGS. So I guess management is also there. But yeah, Capcom has always been mainly an Osaka company, so it is a bit strange to be transfered there, especially during a time when he's actually directing and writing a big game.
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There is still one plot line left to resolve.

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Well, he most likely had fulfilled most of his role on SoJ by the time he moved, right?

It would be very unexpected if he suddenly worked on Deep Down, but lord knows what that game even is anymore :P

I also had a genuine thought yesterday that it would be awesome if Yamazaki became a story director on Monster Hunter xD
With how there's Monster Hunter stories coming and how I always felt there is some sort of untapped potential in the main series for storytelling, I would like to see someone prove it lol. There are so many silly characters that are never properly used in the MH games, but particularly with 4 I felt they managed to make a cute little arc for each area and now I just wish they'd go even further. I love the atmosphere, vibes and aesthetics, and didn't a scriptwriter off of the series work on DD and SoJ too anyway? I'd just like to see it happen with a genuinely ambitious story writer at the top lol
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A reboot would probably completely alienate fans of the original series even if it's really good it would still be very weird to have a complete retcon, who actually wants that? I mean last reboot was only a mediocre game and they ended up going back on their decision to reboot anyway.
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Kessler wrote:
A reboot would probably completely alienate fans of the original series even if it's really good it would still be very weird to have a complete retcon, who actually wants that? I mean last reboot was only a mediocre game and they ended up going back on their decision to reboot anyway.

Wait when did they reboot the series? Where was i when this happened?

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linkenski wrote:
Well, he most likely had fulfilled most of his role on SoJ by the time he moved, right?

Not really. He is still the director, and they even say he travelled up and down Tokyo and Osaka every weekday for months! That's about 5 to 6 hours a day lost just on travelling. You don't do the trip that often if your job is basically done. So like the other people in the interview said: it's really weird he had to go to Tokyo suddenly.

Kessler wrote:
A reboot would probably completely alienate fans of the original series even if it's really good it would still be very weird to have a complete retcon, who actually wants that? I mean last reboot was only a mediocre game and they ended up going back on their decision to reboot anyway.

Well, it also depends on the producer. Eshiro is a very different producer than Matsukawa (who did the first DS game and AA4), and I have a feeling that Eshiro would be more open to a reboot (he also produced DmC for example). He has been on the development floor for a long time (he was even a programmer for the original Street Fighter II), and I think he would consider a reboot concept easier than Matsukawa (who had no experiences with game developing and was much more focused on just promoting her games to get good sales numbers. Which worked for the series by the way, because she sold A LOT of the games, but at the expense of holding on on Phoenix for AA4...)
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I've had ENOUGH ports of the trilogy, so I reboot would just be redundant. Honestly, I just want Apollo Justice and perhaps the investigations games to get ported. Other than that, I just want new games.
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Klonoahedgehog wrote:
Kessler wrote:
A reboot would probably completely alienate fans of the original series even if it's really good it would still be very weird to have a complete retcon, who actually wants that? I mean last reboot was only a mediocre game and they ended up going back on their decision to reboot anyway.

Wait when did they reboot the series? Where was i when this happened?

I think he's referring to Apollo Justice. The game kinda felt like it was supposed to be a reboot but then Phoenix got shoehorned in. So I think some fans see it as a partial-reboot.
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What about DGS then? People call it a spinoff. I guess the prequel status makes it neither :P
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linkenski wrote:
What about DGS then? People call it a spinoff. I guess the prequel status makes it neither :P

Well, it's Capcom and Takumi themselves who see DGS as a seperate series and I myself wouldn't call it that either, as it can be quite different both in tone and style. It's not a prequel, in the same sense that AAI series is not a sequel to the first three games, even if it is set after those events.
"One dumbbell, Watson! Consider an athlete with one dumbbell! Picture to yourself the unilateral development, the imminent danger of a spinal curvature. Shocking, Watson, shocking!" - The Valley of Fear
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Do what Devil May Cry did and reboot with a completely unsatisfying aesthetic.
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Gyakuten$aiban wrote:
Do what Devil May Cry did and reboot with a completely unsatisfying aesthetic.

You just made me imagine Ace Attorney with hollywood actors and stuff. Blegh.
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Aside from any future mainline games I'd most want to see another AAI or, however unlikely, a Mia Fey game.
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SpacedOut wrote:
Aside from any future mainline games I'd most want to see another AAI or, however unlikely, a Mia Fey game.

I'm sure a Raymond Shields game would be even MORE unlikely than that. :P

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This is hard for me because I feel like what might be best for the series isn't best for me as a fan of the localized games.

If we were guaranteed to get every new AA game in the west, I'd say a big change is probably in order, whether that be a new spin-off with different gameplay mechanics or a similar game but one that goes in a completely different direction. I'd be interested in a new protagonist or putting smaller characters like Apollo & Trucy at the forefront of the franchise again like they tried to do with AJ.

However, it pretty much is known that games without Phoenix on the cover don't get localized. So me asking for more variety or a new protagonist is basically me asking to not play the game at all. Now, obviously this is subjective and selfish, but I would like to see future games localized.

So I'm divided in where I want to see it go. I think a possible way to go would be keep making games with Phoenix but make them very different in tone and style or gameplay. GS6 is the third part in the "second trilogy" of AA games, so I think they could start fresh with something with little problems. In theory they could even make a third AAI game but just starring Phoenix (it's not like Edgeworth's status as a prosecutor really affected the outcome of the stories that much except for how it was implied the criminals were punished at the end of the case). Putting Phoenix in a sudden unexpected criminal situation like what happened to Edgeworth in AAI 1 might be a good way to keep him as the face of the franchise but get some new ideas into the series. Using the new 3D models to make crime scene investigation happen in full 3D might make the game stand out as well.
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