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Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Pixlking wrote:
Oh wow. When I last played this game, there was only one part of Case 3, and there wasn't even a fourth one planned.

Now there's a fourth one all of a sudden, with one half already completed?

I guess I have to finish playing Case 3, although I don't remember a lot from it. Is there some sort of summary that can get me up to speed?

Case 4 is actually the second part of the third case, which was made into it's own case. You probably want to replay case 3 before starting this one.
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Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Ah, thanks for that. I was pretty confused.

The beginning of the first post says "This will be changed accordingly as Case 3 is its own case.", but I think he means Case 4 is its own case?

Also, I'm really not in the mood to replay Case 3, but I read my own comments on the case and I think I remember the most important parts.
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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the fire mage

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the whole part 1 and 2 thing seemed odd to me. this is not like say dd where case 5 was basically day 3 of case 4. these are both stand alone cases unless the original plan was for this to be three cases that stretched five days.
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Apollon Flame

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megamike15 wrote:
the whole part 1 and 2 thing seemed odd to me. this is not like say dd where case 5 was basically day 3 of case 4. these are both stand alone cases unless the original plan was for this to be three cases that stretched five days.

Yes. Cardi originally intended for COC to be three cases alone.
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Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Okay, I just got done with the first trial of Case 4. I will post all of my thoughts here, as is tradition.

Here I am, back with my wall of text. I think I made one for every case now...? Or maybe just for the first and third case so far? I forgot if I did this for Turnabout Haunted Maplethorpe or whatever it was called.

The intro made me unsure whether I'm supposed to know who's speaking. I get that it's the puppetmaster listening to recordings of a conversation between Wright and, uh, Vulper? He's the one who called him "boogeyman" last time. Although, does Vulper say "mate" and speak with apostrophes that much? I'll figure that out as I go along.

Someone calls Phoenix and says it's "me". Why can nobody in this series introduce themselves?

The caller, who has no manners, gave me the address to a murderous house: 52 Silverhale Street. I guess I have to defend...someone. A man. That's all I know.

So, during the phonecall, I saved my game and changed the volume. Now the phone is constantly ringing during the call.

Okay, so this annoyingly arrogant guy might be the one we hear in the intro scene. Not sure, though. Sort of speaks like him.

As Phoenix hung up, the phone stopped ringing. Thank god. Can't listen to the Steel Samurai theme for the entire case.

Why would the crime scene answer why it should interest you, Phoenix? Well, maybe you know the victim and it's personal.

Wow, Phoenix. You stopped watering Charley? Screw you!

Okay, let's go to 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney or whatever.

Ah. The ??? guy in front of the building just said he knew me AND he said "mate".

"Mate, huh? That can only be one particular detective". Oh, whoops. So I should have DEFINITELY known who was speaking in the intro.

Detective Snow! Sorry for forgetting your verbal tic and confusing you with "Annoyingly Arrogant Caller".

Snow has a smooooooth theme song. I like it.

No record of the call on my phone! Snow says that maybe it was a ghost. Yeah, what if it was the "no one" that killed Maplethorpe?

"How would a ghost hold a phone?". Dude, there's different ghosts with different types of ghost tricks.

Nice, Snow gave me "special permission". By the way, after talking about "The murder", the talk option doesn't have a green tick next to it, even though I've already had the conversation.

Is that a prosecutor badge on the green jacket?! Wait, GREEN? Ooooh snap.

Ah, nevermind. NOW the "The murder" option having no tick makes sense.

Welp, Brisbane died like he lived. Being an idiot. Never really liked the guy. (Although I do like him as a character.)

Next mystery: Who is the defendant? My guess: Someone I don't know, but someone who has a link to something that I know about.

So the murder happened between 4 and 6 AM. That's when I go to sleep!

The witness is Brisbane's next door neighbor? What's his name gonna be? Strathpine?

Oh, I'm sorry. It's a lady.

Snow is listing stuff that was knocked over or destroyed. Let me guess: There is one item that is, for some reason, not knocked over or destroyed. Maybe. I dunno.

Brisbane called 911? Or maybe there is some other significance to the 1 and the 9. Then again, who called the ambulance?

What the shit? A piece of WIRE? THERE IS ALWAYS WIRE. EVERYWHERE. I'm not even joking, I'm 99% sure that "wire" has something to do with Aculeus or something.

I'm glad we can talk about the wire more.

So the killer didn't even "break" in. Maybe the way the killer "entered" wasn't even illegal. What if the killer was invited in? What if the killer LIVED here?

Off to see the suspect!

Oh, it's Renwick Smith! So I was wrong! By the way, whenever Renwick Smith blinks, some pixels appear in the upper right and left of his hair. It's like his head is pulsating ever so slightly.

Smith says that he and Erol have been friends since his first assignment. As far as I can remember, I was playing as Smith the moment they first met. Erol was pissed about losing one eye. (What an angry person. It's just an eye, dude.)

Smith doesn't want to talk to me and he doesn't want me as a lawyer. I guess I gotta present the card. That's gotta get him to talk.

It didn't.

And now I went back to Snow and showed him Smith's profile. I forgot I could do that!

Phoenix reminisces about all the times Smith has been suspicious. I'm glad he addressed the time Smith appeared in his office even though the door should have been locked.

And now we are off to find apples of information!

Oh yeah, I forgot there would be a new prosecutor. I mean, obviously there would be.

They arrested Smith at EIGHT in the morning? So it took them about two and a half hours to figure out who it was and that they should arrest him. Pretty fast if you ask me.

The neighbor saw Smith, huh? You know what? I know that masks could be involved or something, but I feel like there is something way crazier going on here. In the previous case, it seemed like his behavior changed a bit from time to time. Are there...two Renwicks somehow? If there is a guy who can disguise as anyone he wants to disguise as, in some way the killer of the previous case could be "no-one". Maybe there's some Phantom shit going on, with the killer having forgotten his true identity from all the impersonating.

Okay, we're defending smith! And I heard the front gate of the house shut!

...Aaaaand now there's a note on the table that wasn't there before.

Oh man, so the wire IS super important and it's actually the MO of "B"! What could "B" stand for? Maybe nothing? Maybe...Blanco? Or, uh, Brisbane? (No, that's dumb.) "Bob" as in Robert Snow? Oi.

There's a creepy sound upstairs. Did you record this sound yourself, I wonder? Did you google "creepy upstairs sound"? I don't know why, but I am really curious.

As I thought, it's Terry Greisen! And he seems to know a lot! But he won't tell me. Great! And B does indeed stand for the person's name.

Edgeworth! And he also got a troubling phone call! Was the caller who I think it was?

It was! The same guy who called me! Maybe the caller wanted the truth to come out, since Edgey and Feenie are such a great team.

Oh yeah, Brisbane was also one of von Karma's student's. A "special project", too! Sounds...great?

I think your way of writing Edgeworth's dialogue is on point.

Brisbane is...

...not dead?


I even recall Snow saying that there is no autopsy report for whatever reason.

Uh, is Brisbane wearing an eyepatch there? And hair is covering it? Did someone...take the enigmium?

And who ACTUALLY fucked up there? Everyone thought Brisbane was dead, except Edgeworth? Snow is super embarassed about it, too.

"My sympathies, Wright." Are we reading Edgeworth's inner thoughts!? Or, I guess he was whispering or something, since it was in brackets but not blue.

The wire has nothing to do with the case, Phoenix? I wouldn't go that far. It's certainly not the attemped murder weapon, though.

Ew, that photo! Pretty graphic, dude! I like it.

I also love how Phoenix immediately pointed out the red groove and that I didn't have to do it. It was too obvious. Oh, and is anyone gonna mention his missing eye?

Oh my god, there are no records about the last five years of Smith's life?

I don't really know what to do with this second testimony. Maybe I somehow have to point out that his eye is missing.

Oh yeah, who called 911 if Brisbane was unconscious? Got it.

"While it sounds likely, judging on his injuries and the amount of lost blood..." - I don't think you say "judging on". You say "judging by" or "judging from". Then again, English is not my first language, so maybe I'm wrong.

"Just why are Renwick's prints on this wire...?". Dude, that could have been from the day before or whatever. We know that Smith and Brisbane know each other.

Now we're thinking about a motive. I love how Snow is deep in thought for two minutes there. Is it finally time to point out the missing eye?

"I don't know if this will help my client, but let's just try this to keep the ball rolling". Same procedure as every case, Phoenix!

Whew, good thing I still remember this whole "enigmium eyeball" stuff from when I played this like three or four years ago. To be fair, it was pretty memorable.

Edgeworth is freaking out right now because he didn't know. I wonder: Is this after AAI2 or before AAI2?

"What was Brisbane's reason for having it as an eyeball?". Well, I dunno. Just to have it close, I guess?

Oh yeah, Judge! Thanks for reminding me that Grossberg was the victim in the first case. That is still pretty funny to me. What is it with fangames killing off established characters?

LOL, they both raised an objection. That is actually pretty original. Good job on switching up the good old "the court finds the defendant- OBJECTION!" that has been done 100 times.

But...why is Egdeworth surprised about me objecting? It's MY client, you know. I don't like guilty verdicts.

Okay, why can't we end the trial yet? I have to present evidence, and I'm not really thinking about it TOO hard, but I already got it wrong twice. First I presented Greisen's notes, which...wouldn't be good evidence, I have to admit. Then I presented the profile of the "mystery caller", which is something both Phoenix and Egdeworth know about, so I think that should have worked.

Meeeeeh, no. The enigmium doesn't necessarily have to be in the killer's possession. The killer can just hide it somewhere (like bury it) and then retrieve it later.

Yes, bailiff. Have them search the apartment even more thoroughly, since it can ONLY be there. Not in any other location on planet Earth.

Okay, I figured as much. Edgeworth wants to call the witness to the stand, even though he was winning. We have to hear every testimony to make sure we get the correct verdict.

"Oh, great...What quirky character do we have to deal with now?" Oh, Phoenix can read my mind now.


A teacher. Figured as much.

Would 53 Silverhale street really be "next-door"? I thought 54 was next door from 52, and 53 was on the opposite side. Maybe that's just how it works in my country, though.


She just called Edgeworth "Master Edgeworth". What.

Oh, she's calling me Master as well? Nice.

Yeah, why wasn't SHE the one to call the police?

Oh geez, let me guess: She didn't see it happen, but she did see Smith leaving the house, and then when she heard what happened, she went to testify.

She just said gloved hand. Well, that was easy. Might as well press every statement anyway for the jokes. We wouldn't want your hard work go to waste, would we? ;)


Oh, geez. Thanks for teaching me the word "sycophantic", lady.

And Phoenix just called Egdworth "swot"?! Are they slowly regressing into grade schoolers again?

What do you think, Mr. Wright? "It's useful"/"It sucked". Wow, that's direct.

Okay, I saw every line of text now. Time to present the wire.

Uuh, it was wrong? (And I got a guilty verdict and it went back to the intro.) But...why? Gloved hand + wire with prints on it = contradiction, right? Surely he wouldn't put on gloves for the walk home AFTER the murder.

Okay, the "smooth and chalk-white" was the contradiction, which is what I tried next. Still, gloves? What's up with that?

Okay, that mask is creepy. Looks like No-Face. Also, the killer knows her name is Morag!

Oh, she RECORDED the voice or what? With a "newfangled, portable telephone", no less. IT'S 2019, JUDGE.

Okay, even Smith is creeped out. Apparently, the blips and beeps on the phone sound just like the blips and beeps that come out of his mouth with every letter he says.

Oh my god, they are even starting to roleplay like they are in a classroom setting. What is happeniiiiiing.

Phoenix raises a good point. Why turn to her? Why not hide the fact that they're hiding a mask?

Oh, my. This all happened at 5:03 in the morning, but Brisbane's call was at 5:30? inb4 "he fell unconscious, woke up to call 911, then fell unconscious again".

"Good old Mr. Telephone to the rescue again". I didn't even notice. This is like the fourth time we have used it to object.

"Put your hand up, Mr. Wright." *pause* And then he points at her. That cracked me up. "I CAN'T RAISE MY ARM MORE THAN THIS DUE TO LIMITED SPRITES! AaaAARGH"

Oh my god, did the judge just impersonate Ms. Weever when he read out the last sentence of the recording?

Phoenix is doing what I would do: You say that the person she met might have indeed been Smith, but that means the assailant could have been someone else entirely. Maybe the two were secretly lovers and that's why Smith was wearing a mask!


Although, maybe it was a different red glowing object?

"I haven't seen any Psyche-Locks in quite a long time". Uh-oh. I remember what my theory was last case. Something about Smith stealing the Psyche Lock. Maybe he exchanged it for a fake one.

Whaaaat, Mr. Annoyingly Arrogant Phone Guy just mentioned Psyche-Locks. Are these common knowledge now? Maybe Sister Bikini is Hemlock.

Oh, Phoenix noticed it too. inb4 "just who is this X".

Aw, he didn't say it.

Oh, I thought this was the end of part 1. Don't tell me this case will go on for quite some more time and then it will be made into a seperate case and there will suddenly be a seperate Case 5? Just kidding.

EDIT: Aaaand, here's Investigation 2.

Investigation number 2!

You know what I just remembered? Something bugs me about the first trial. Was there a reason for Weever to lie? I mean, why bother telling us that she saw the crime happen and that she saw the guy's face? Usually, people either lie because they're the killer or evil (could still be the case) or because they THINK they aren't lying. Maybe she was just really scared because of the whole mask thing and then her brain added information on its own.

Miss Trunchbull! Haven't heard that name in a while!

So she saw Smith a few hours before the crime, too? Smith has got some explaining to do.


Oh no, one of the gold stars is in my court record now. How is this going to be used?

Everyone's doing impersonations today! Phoenix doing a bad Gumshoe!

An envelope! That's new. With a red blotch? What could this mysterious liquid be? I wonder.

Wow, there is another "mysterious smudge" in the cabinet! Okay, I actually wonder how that got there. Was someone hiding in it?

Okay, what else is new in this room? Rule of Three, right?

Uuuh, can't find anything. I'm just gonna leave.

Oh god, Creepy McDumbname invited me to his office.

And he has a picture if himself behind his desk, in the exact same pose as him. What is this, The IT Crowd? Hot Fuzz? Always makes me laugh.

I really dig the atmosphere in Chief Freude's office. The music, too. And he looks intimidating and...icy?

Wait, the evidence from a case that I was INVOLVED IN was stolen!?

Oh. That's VD-8. Turnabout Scapegoat.

Oh, the guy who stole it was...the guy who was killed in the interrogation room? What was up with THAT murder, again? That is probnably the murder I remember the least, probably because it wasn't really solved. (Was it?)

It's exposition time!

WE ARE GOING TO SEE VULPER!? Nice. So he isn't dead yet. And maybe he will look even more pathetic now.

I just realized (a bit too late): Didn't you use AAI style sprites in Case 2? What happened to that?

Freude knows that someone called me on the phone? Is it because Edgworth told him? Or...

PSYCHE LOCKS, you're back!

Chief Freude, could you be any more suspicious right now?

The magatama is broken. Hmm. Maybe the magatama Phoenix has is a fake and the reason he saw the locks is because the real magatama is somewhere in the Chief's office.

Phoenix returns to the police department office, has a little monologue, and THEN the time and location appears and the next scene plays out. That's sorta weird.

Snow's office! I always like talking to Snow. Well, I like second investigations in general, because there is always a lot of interesting stuff happening in them to set up the final trial. (Will the second trial be the final one though?)

Wait a minute, I was going to see Vulper! Don't distract me!

So. Earlier, Greisen said something about the bad guy being on the police force. Freude is mighty suspicious, almost too suspicious to be a bad guy.'s not you, is it?

Nice, Snow has his own office because he set his mind to it. I can respect that.

I just fixed the shredder by pulling out a piece of paper. Is this piece of paper going to have something interesting on it? Are you hiding something from me, Snow?

Wait, WHAT?!? Hemlock?! Hemlock is someone's actual last name? And his first name is...a rather short one ending in E. We don't have anyone like that in our Court Records. Although...Clive? Clive Hemlock? Nah.

W-what? Everyone is getting rid of the files on Hemlock? This is either the work of someone in the force (Freude?) ordering them to shred everything or this is just a joke made by the creator of the case to make fun of all the people who really want to know who Hemlock is.

And NOTHING is left? Whyyyyyyyy? Ravager 3000 my ass.

How is Aculeus ancient history, Snow? This is like...super recent!

Oh. That Brisbane phonecall is not good for us. Uuuh. Maybe Brisbane just thinks it was Renwick. Or that was Brisbane, but the perfect voice impersonator who killed Brisbane and who also did a perfect Smith impression to Weever. All of the impressions that people like the judge or Phoenix are doing in this case are just foreshadowing to this twist. ADMIT IT.

The half hour time gap is interesting. I wonder what it means. Maybe the masked guy wasn't even the killer. That would be funny.

Off to see Vulper. Please have crucial information.

Oh god, he's even more insane. Kaptain Krump. WHY DO YOU LOVE KRUMP SO MUCH, VULPY?

Oh, the little Krump puppet was actually one of the Boogeyman's puppets. Alright.

The Boogeyman is everyone and >no one<. Back to that mask theory I had! He's even the shoes.

How can he be omnipresent, though? Is there a realistic way for the boogeyman to hear everything we are saying right now? Are there cameras around here? If the Boogeyman was a man on the inside, like a police officer or something, it would work. Maybe he can hack into any phone and listen to every conversation. Not even just conversations OVER the phone, but maybe he can just hear what Phoenix is saying to Vulper right now through the microphone of Phoenix's phone. Can't really think of any other ways. Except if I'M THE BOOGEYMAN. ME. THE PLAYER.

Oh shit, Phoenix even pointed out the "no-one" thing. Now we're getting somewhere!

"I may even have to take a stab in the dark on this one...Oh...Sorry, Clive Warren...". Lol.

Well, crap. If the Boogeyman killed Clive Warren, then I really have to try to remember the Clive Warren case. It's probably the most mysterious case right now, and as I said, the one I remember the least about. Was Snow the defendant last case? What if he actually did it? Who was the one who triggered the whole "boogeyman" talk and made Vex confess? Was it Snow? Was it me?

Tell me everything about this torn document, please.

Hemlock is the Boogeyman! I mean, it's not really surprising, but I don't think it was 100% confirmed until now.

Let's assume Hemlock is the mysterious caller. Why would he know about the Magatama? Is he Dahlia's dad?

Oh man, Vulper just whispered to me in a really serious tone. I forgot: Maybe the finger puppet has a listening device in it.

Phoenix drops the magatama by chance and realizes it's a fake. Not through logic or anything. Luck. That is so him.

Renwick CONFIRMS that the Chief has my magatama! WHY, Chief?

Hemlock is listening to us as we speak? HE IS THE SECURITY GUARD AT THE DETENTION CENTER. That theory just works too well sometimes.

Oh, so Smith was the one who gave it to Freude. So my initial theory that I had YEARS AGO was correct.

"The real one this time." Yeah, I hope so, Court Record.

Annoyingly Arrogant Caller is Hemlock! I am actually...surprised for some reason.

Did Hemlock just quote Mia?

Aaaahahaha, he called again just to say that scary line.

I'm assuming that the case is actually over now. Am I correct about this? I jumped back to the conversation with Greisen after the To be continued screen for some reason.

So far, so good! How many years do I have to wait for the conclusion of this case? ;)
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Overall status: 80%
Investigation 1 - 100%
Trial 1 - 100%
Investigation 2 - 100%
Trial 2 - 100%
Investigation 3 - 90%
Trial 3 - 0%

Damn I was asleep when you updated.

work faster or else
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Apollon Flame

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Blizdi wrote:
Overall status: 80%
Investigation 1 - 100%
Trial 1 - 100%
Investigation 2 - 100%
Trial 2 - 100%
Investigation 3 - 90%
Trial 3 - 0%

Damn I was asleep when you updated.

work faster or else

I'm tired of quoting M. Bison's YES, so I'll just type it like the kids do nowadays:

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Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Cardiovore every time he releases an update to CoC:
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Apollon Flame

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Blizdi wrote:
Cardiovore every time he releases an update to CoC:

Plot-twist: Hemlock is actually Cardi's inversed reflection...! :o
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Pixlking wrote:
Okay, I just got done with the first trial of Case 4. I will post all of my thoughts here, as is tradition.

Here I am, back with my wall of text. I think I made one for every case now...? Or maybe just for the first and third case so far? I forgot if I did this for Turnabout Haunted Maplethorpe or whatever it was called.

The intro made me unsure whether I'm supposed to know who's speaking. I get that it's the puppetmaster listening to recordings of a conversation between Wright and, uh, Vulper? He's the one who called him "boogeyman" last time. Although, does Vulper say "mate" and speak with apostrophes that much? I'll figure that out as I go along.

Someone calls Phoenix and says it's "me". Why can nobody in this series introduce themselves?

The caller, who has no manners, gave me the address to a murderous house: 52 Silverhale Street. I guess I have to defend...someone. A man. That's all I know.

So, during the phonecall, I saved my game and changed the volume. Now the phone is constantly ringing during the call.

Okay, so this annoyingly arrogant guy might be the one we hear in the intro scene. Not sure, though. Sort of speaks like him.

As Phoenix hung up, the phone stopped ringing. Thank god. Can't listen to the Steel Samurai theme for the entire case.

Why would the crime scene answer why it should interest you, Phoenix? Well, maybe you know the victim and it's personal.

Wow, Phoenix. You stopped watering Charley? Screw you!

Okay, let's go to 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney or whatever.

Ah. The ??? guy in front of the building just said he knew me AND he said "mate".

"Mate, huh? That can only be one particular detective". Oh, whoops. So I should have DEFINITELY known who was speaking in the intro.

Detective Snow! Sorry for forgetting your verbal tic and confusing you with "Annoyingly Arrogant Caller".

Snow has a smooooooth theme song. I like it.

No record of the call on my phone! Snow says that maybe it was a ghost. Yeah, what if it was the "no one" that killed Maplethorpe?

"How would a ghost hold a phone?". Dude, there's different ghosts with different types of ghost tricks.

Nice, Snow gave me "special permission". By the way, after talking about "The murder", the talk option doesn't have a green tick next to it, even though I've already had the conversation.

Is that a prosecutor badge on the green jacket?! Wait, GREEN? Ooooh snap.

Ah, nevermind. NOW the "The murder" option having no tick makes sense.

Welp, Brisbane died like he lived. Being an idiot. Never really liked the guy. (Although I do like him as a character.)

Next mystery: Who is the defendant? My guess: Someone I don't know, but someone who has a link to something that I know about.

So the murder happened between 4 and 6 AM. That's when I go to sleep!

The witness is Brisbane's next door neighbor? What's his name gonna be? Strathpine?

Oh, I'm sorry. It's a lady.

Snow is listing stuff that was knocked over or destroyed. Let me guess: There is one item that is, for some reason, not knocked over or destroyed. Maybe. I dunno.

Brisbane called 911? Or maybe there is some other significance to the 1 and the 9. Then again, who called the ambulance?

What the shit? A piece of WIRE? THERE IS ALWAYS WIRE. EVERYWHERE. I'm not even joking, I'm 99% sure that "wire" has something to do with Aculeus or something.

I'm glad we can talk about the wire more.

So the killer didn't even "break" in. Maybe the way the killer "entered" wasn't even illegal. What if the killer was invited in? What if the killer LIVED here?

Off to see the suspect!

Oh, it's Renwick Smith! So I was wrong! By the way, whenever Renwick Smith blinks, some pixels appear in the upper right and left of his hair. It's like his head is pulsating ever so slightly.

Smith says that he and Erol have been friends since his first assignment. As far as I can remember, I was playing as Smith the moment they first met. Erol was pissed about losing one eye. (What an angry person. It's just an eye, dude.)

Smith doesn't want to talk to me and he doesn't want me as a lawyer. I guess I gotta present the card. That's gotta get him to talk.

It didn't.

And now I went back to Snow and showed him Smith's profile. I forgot I could do that!

Phoenix reminisces about all the times Smith has been suspicious. I'm glad he addressed the time Smith appeared in his office even though the door should have been locked.

And now we are off to find apples of information!

Oh yeah, I forgot there would be a new prosecutor. I mean, obviously there would be.

They arrested Smith at EIGHT in the morning? So it took them about two and a half hours to figure out who it was and that they should arrest him. Pretty fast if you ask me.

The neighbor saw Smith, huh? You know what? I know that masks could be involved or something, but I feel like there is something way crazier going on here. In the previous case, it seemed like his behavior changed a bit from time to time. Are there...two Renwicks somehow? If there is a guy who can disguise as anyone he wants to disguise as, in some way the killer of the previous case could be "no-one". Maybe there's some Phantom shit going on, with the killer having forgotten his true identity from all the impersonating.

Okay, we're defending smith! And I heard the front gate of the house shut!

...Aaaaand now there's a note on the table that wasn't there before.

Oh man, so the wire IS super important and it's actually the MO of "B"! What could "B" stand for? Maybe nothing? Maybe...Blanco? Or, uh, Brisbane? (No, that's dumb.) "Bob" as in Robert Snow? Oi.

There's a creepy sound upstairs. Did you record this sound yourself, I wonder? Did you google "creepy upstairs sound"? I don't know why, but I am really curious.

As I thought, it's Terry Greisen! And he seems to know a lot! But he won't tell me. Great! And B does indeed stand for the person's name.

Edgeworth! And he also got a troubling phone call! Was the caller who I think it was?

It was! The same guy who called me! Maybe the caller wanted the truth to come out, since Edgey and Feenie are such a great team.

Oh yeah, Brisbane was also one of von Karma's student's. A "special project", too! Sounds...great?

I think your way of writing Edgeworth's dialogue is on point.

Brisbane is...

...not dead?


I even recall Snow saying that there is no autopsy report for whatever reason.

Uh, is Brisbane wearing an eyepatch there? And hair is covering it? Did someone...take the enigmium?

And who ACTUALLY fucked up there? Everyone thought Brisbane was dead, except Edgeworth? Snow is super embarassed about it, too.

"My sympathies, Wright." Are we reading Edgeworth's inner thoughts!? Or, I guess he was whispering or something, since it was in brackets but not blue.

The wire has nothing to do with the case, Phoenix? I wouldn't go that far. It's certainly not the attemped murder weapon, though.

Ew, that photo! Pretty graphic, dude! I like it.

I also love how Phoenix immediately pointed out the red groove and that I didn't have to do it. It was too obvious. Oh, and is anyone gonna mention his missing eye?

Oh my god, there are no records about the last five years of Smith's life?

I don't really know what to do with this second testimony. Maybe I somehow have to point out that his eye is missing.

Oh yeah, who called 911 if Brisbane was unconscious? Got it.

"While it sounds likely, judging on his injuries and the amount of lost blood..." - I don't think you say "judging on". You say "judging by" or "judging from". Then again, English is not my first language, so maybe I'm wrong.

"Just why are Renwick's prints on this wire...?". Dude, that could have been from the day before or whatever. We know that Smith and Brisbane know each other.

Now we're thinking about a motive. I love how Snow is deep in thought for two minutes there. Is it finally time to point out the missing eye?

"I don't know if this will help my client, but let's just try this to keep the ball rolling". Same procedure as every case, Phoenix!

Whew, good thing I still remember this whole "enigmium eyeball" stuff from when I played this like three or four years ago. To be fair, it was pretty memorable.

Edgeworth is freaking out right now because he didn't know. I wonder: Is this after AAI2 or before AAI2?

"What was Brisbane's reason for having it as an eyeball?". Well, I dunno. Just to have it close, I guess?

Oh yeah, Judge! Thanks for reminding me that Grossberg was the victim in the first case. That is still pretty funny to me. What is it with fangames killing off established characters?

LOL, they both raised an objection. That is actually pretty original. Good job on switching up the good old "the court finds the defendant- OBJECTION!" that has been done 100 times.

But...why is Egdeworth surprised about me objecting? It's MY client, you know. I don't like guilty verdicts.

Okay, why can't we end the trial yet? I have to present evidence, and I'm not really thinking about it TOO hard, but I already got it wrong twice. First I presented Greisen's notes, which...wouldn't be good evidence, I have to admit. Then I presented the profile of the "mystery caller", which is something both Phoenix and Egdeworth know about, so I think that should have worked.

Meeeeeh, no. The enigmium doesn't necessarily have to be in the killer's possession. The killer can just hide it somewhere (like bury it) and then retrieve it later.

Yes, bailiff. Have them search the apartment even more thoroughly, since it can ONLY be there. Not in any other location on planet Earth.

Okay, I figured as much. Edgeworth wants to call the witness to the stand, even though he was winning. We have to hear every testimony to make sure we get the correct verdict.

"Oh, great...What quirky character do we have to deal with now?" Oh, Phoenix can read my mind now.


A teacher. Figured as much.

Would 53 Silverhale street really be "next-door"? I thought 54 was next door from 52, and 53 was on the opposite side. Maybe that's just how it works in my country, though.


She just called Edgeworth "Master Edgeworth". What.

Oh, she's calling me Master as well? Nice.

Yeah, why wasn't SHE the one to call the police?

Oh geez, let me guess: She didn't see it happen, but she did see Smith leaving the house, and then when she heard what happened, she went to testify.

She just said gloved hand. Well, that was easy. Might as well press every statement anyway for the jokes. We wouldn't want your hard work go to waste, would we? ;)


Oh, geez. Thanks for teaching me the word "sycophantic", lady.

And Phoenix just called Egdworth "swot"?! Are they slowly regressing into grade schoolers again?

What do you think, Mr. Wright? "It's useful"/"It sucked". Wow, that's direct.

Okay, I saw every line of text now. Time to present the wire.

Uuh, it was wrong? (And I got a guilty verdict and it went back to the intro.) But...why? Gloved hand + wire with prints on it = contradiction, right? Surely he wouldn't put on gloves for the walk home AFTER the murder.

Okay, the "smooth and chalk-white" was the contradiction, which is what I tried next. Still, gloves? What's up with that?

Okay, that mask is creepy. Looks like No-Face. Also, the killer knows her name is Morag!

Oh, she RECORDED the voice or what? With a "newfangled, portable telephone", no less. IT'S 2019, JUDGE.

Okay, even Smith is creeped out. Apparently, the blips and beeps on the phone sound just like the blips and beeps that come out of his mouth with every letter he says.

Oh my god, they are even starting to roleplay like they are in a classroom setting. What is happeniiiiiing.

Phoenix raises a good point. Why turn to her? Why not hide the fact that they're hiding a mask?

Oh, my. This all happened at 5:03 in the morning, but Brisbane's call was at 5:30? inb4 "he fell unconscious, woke up to call 911, then fell unconscious again".

"Good old Mr. Telephone to the rescue again". I didn't even notice. This is like the fourth time we have used it to object.

"Put your hand up, Mr. Wright." *pause* And then he points at her. That cracked me up. "I CAN'T RAISE MY ARM MORE THAN THIS DUE TO LIMITED SPRITES! AaaAARGH"

Oh my god, did the judge just impersonate Ms. Weever when he read out the last sentence of the recording?

Phoenix is doing what I would do: You say that the person she met might have indeed been Smith, but that means the assailant could have been someone else entirely. Maybe the two were secretly lovers and that's why Smith was wearing a mask!


Although, maybe it was a different red glowing object?

"I haven't seen any Psyche-Locks in quite a long time". Uh-oh. I remember what my theory was last case. Something about Smith stealing the Psyche Lock. Maybe he exchanged it for a fake one.

Whaaaat, Mr. Annoyingly Arrogant Phone Guy just mentioned Psyche-Locks. Are these common knowledge now? Maybe Sister Bikini is Hemlock.

Oh, Phoenix noticed it too. inb4 "just who is this X".

Aw, he didn't say it.

Oh, I thought this was the end of part 1. Don't tell me this case will go on for quite some more time and then it will be made into a seperate case and there will suddenly be a seperate Case 5? Just kidding.

EDIT: Aaaand, here's Investigation 2.

Investigation number 2!

You know what I just remembered? Something bugs me about the first trial. Was there a reason for Weever to lie? I mean, why bother telling us that she saw the crime happen and that she saw the guy's face? Usually, people either lie because they're the killer or evil (could still be the case) or because they THINK they aren't lying. Maybe she was just really scared because of the whole mask thing and then her brain added information on its own.

Miss Trunchbull! Haven't heard that name in a while!

So she saw Smith a few hours before the crime, too? Smith has got some explaining to do.


Oh no, one of the gold stars is in my court record now. How is this going to be used?

Everyone's doing impersonations today! Phoenix doing a bad Gumshoe!

An envelope! That's new. With a red blotch? What could this mysterious liquid be? I wonder.

Wow, there is another "mysterious smudge" in the cabinet! Okay, I actually wonder how that got there. Was someone hiding in it?

Okay, what else is new in this room? Rule of Three, right?

Uuuh, can't find anything. I'm just gonna leave.

Oh god, Creepy McDumbname invited me to his office.

And he has a picture if himself behind his desk, in the exact same pose as him. What is this, The IT Crowd? Hot Fuzz? Always makes me laugh.

I really dig the atmosphere in Chief Freude's office. The music, too. And he looks intimidating and...icy?

Wait, the evidence from a case that I was INVOLVED IN was stolen!?

Oh. That's VD-8. Turnabout Scapegoat.

Oh, the guy who stole it was...the guy who was killed in the interrogation room? What was up with THAT murder, again? That is probnably the murder I remember the least, probably because it wasn't really solved. (Was it?)

It's exposition time!

WE ARE GOING TO SEE VULPER!? Nice. So he isn't dead yet. And maybe he will look even more pathetic now.

I just realized (a bit too late): Didn't you use AAI style sprites in Case 2? What happened to that?

Freude knows that someone called me on the phone? Is it because Edgworth told him? Or...

PSYCHE LOCKS, you're back!

Chief Freude, could you be any more suspicious right now?

The magatama is broken. Hmm. Maybe the magatama Phoenix has is a fake and the reason he saw the locks is because the real magatama is somewhere in the Chief's office.

Phoenix returns to the police department office, has a little monologue, and THEN the time and location appears and the next scene plays out. That's sorta weird.

Snow's office! I always like talking to Snow. Well, I like second investigations in general, because there is always a lot of interesting stuff happening in them to set up the final trial. (Will the second trial be the final one though?)

Wait a minute, I was going to see Vulper! Don't distract me!

So. Earlier, Greisen said something about the bad guy being on the police force. Freude is mighty suspicious, almost too suspicious to be a bad guy.'s not you, is it?

Nice, Snow has his own office because he set his mind to it. I can respect that.

I just fixed the shredder by pulling out a piece of paper. Is this piece of paper going to have something interesting on it? Are you hiding something from me, Snow?

Wait, WHAT?!? Hemlock?! Hemlock is someone's actual last name? And his first name is...a rather short one ending in E. We don't have anyone like that in our Court Records. Although...Clive? Clive Hemlock? Nah.

W-what? Everyone is getting rid of the files on Hemlock? This is either the work of someone in the force (Freude?) ordering them to shred everything or this is just a joke made by the creator of the case to make fun of all the people who really want to know who Hemlock is.

And NOTHING is left? Whyyyyyyyy? Ravager 3000 my ass.

How is Aculeus ancient history, Snow? This is like...super recent!

Oh. That Brisbane phonecall is not good for us. Uuuh. Maybe Brisbane just thinks it was Renwick. Or that was Brisbane, but the perfect voice impersonator who killed Brisbane and who also did a perfect Smith impression to Weever. All of the impressions that people like the judge or Phoenix are doing in this case are just foreshadowing to this twist. ADMIT IT.

The half hour time gap is interesting. I wonder what it means. Maybe the masked guy wasn't even the killer. That would be funny.

Off to see Vulper. Please have crucial information.

Oh god, he's even more insane. Kaptain Krump. WHY DO YOU LOVE KRUMP SO MUCH, VULPY?

Oh, the little Krump puppet was actually one of the Boogeyman's puppets. Alright.

The Boogeyman is everyone and >no one<. Back to that mask theory I had! He's even the shoes.

How can he be omnipresent, though? Is there a realistic way for the boogeyman to hear everything we are saying right now? Are there cameras around here? If the Boogeyman was a man on the inside, like a police officer or something, it would work. Maybe he can hack into any phone and listen to every conversation. Not even just conversations OVER the phone, but maybe he can just hear what Phoenix is saying to Vulper right now through the microphone of Phoenix's phone. Can't really think of any other ways. Except if I'M THE BOOGEYMAN. ME. THE PLAYER.

Oh shit, Phoenix even pointed out the "no-one" thing. Now we're getting somewhere!

"I may even have to take a stab in the dark on this one...Oh...Sorry, Clive Warren...". Lol.

Well, crap. If the Boogeyman killed Clive Warren, then I really have to try to remember the Clive Warren case. It's probably the most mysterious case right now, and as I said, the one I remember the least about. Was Snow the defendant last case? What if he actually did it? Who was the one who triggered the whole "boogeyman" talk and made Vex confess? Was it Snow? Was it me?

Tell me everything about this torn document, please.

Hemlock is the Boogeyman! I mean, it's not really surprising, but I don't think it was 100% confirmed until now.

Let's assume Hemlock is the mysterious caller. Why would he know about the Magatama? Is he Dahlia's dad?

Oh man, Vulper just whispered to me in a really serious tone. I forgot: Maybe the finger puppet has a listening device in it.

Phoenix drops the magatama by chance and realizes it's a fake. Not through logic or anything. Luck. That is so him.

Renwick CONFIRMS that the Chief has my magatama! WHY, Chief?

Hemlock is listening to us as we speak? HE IS THE SECURITY GUARD AT THE DETENTION CENTER. That theory just works too well sometimes.

Oh, so Smith was the one who gave it to Freude. So my initial theory that I had YEARS AGO was correct.

"The real one this time." Yeah, I hope so, Court Record.

Annoyingly Arrogant Caller is Hemlock! I am actually...surprised for some reason.

Did Hemlock just quote Mia?

Aaaahahaha, he called again just to say that scary line.

I'm assuming that the case is actually over now. Am I correct about this? I jumped back to the conversation with Greisen after the To be continued screen for some reason.

So far, so good! How many years do I have to wait for the conclusion of this case? ;)

Spoiler: Responses
The intro made me unsure whether I'm supposed to know who's speaking. I get that it's the puppetmaster listening to recordings of a conversation between Wright and, uh, Vulper? He's the one who called him "boogeyman" last time. Although, does Vulper say "mate" and speak with apostrophes that much? I'll figure that out as I go along.

You probably noticed who was talking by the end, but if you didn't they're several quotes taken from different parts of the case, spoken by different people. Hemlock hasn't said a word, he's just playing back recorded snippets.

So, during the phonecall, I saved my game and changed the volume. Now the phone is constantly ringing during the call.

That's probably due to where you saved the game. Sometimes PyWright's a bit funny and likes to sort of skip a line sort of but not really and it just ends up mish-mashing them.

Welp, Brisbane died like he lived. Being an idiot. Never really liked the guy. (Although I do like him as a character.)

In all fairness quite a few people don't like him, which I can understand. He is meant to be a blindly relentless character but I can see how that would turn people off.

They arrested Smith at EIGHT in the morning? So it took them about two and a half hours to figure out who it was and that they should arrest him. Pretty fast if you ask me.

Yes it

There's a creepy sound upstairs. Did you record this sound yourself, I wonder? Did you google "creepy upstairs sound"? I don't know why, but I am really curious.

It actually came from a sound effects CD I've had knocking around for years (I asked for some weird stuff as a kid). I took that clip and then added an environmental effect to it so it sounded distant.

I think your way of writing Edgeworth's dialogue is on point.

Thanks, I was so looking forward to including Edgeworth in the game somehow. The sole reason I included Jake Marshall in Scapegoat was because I just REALLY wanted to write for him, and I always thought the same of Edgeworth, so why not bring him back for the finale a la every other official finale case?

"My sympathies, Wright." Are we reading Edgeworth's inner thoughts!? Or, I guess he was whispering or something, since it was in brackets but not blue.

Yeah I was doing what they did in the official games: Bracketed dialogue in white to represent whispering.

Ew, that photo! Pretty graphic, dude! I like it.

Thanks, I drew it myself!

"I don't know if this will help my client, but let's just try this to keep the ball rolling". Same procedure as every case, Phoenix!

*comedic shrug*

Edgeworth is freaking out right now because he didn't know. I wonder: Is this after AAI2 or before AAI2?

This is set just after AAI2. AAI2 would've taken place between the events of The Haunted Turnabout and Turnabout of the Snow. Hence why Maya in T-Snow references their easter egg appearance in AAI2 as happening recently.

Oh yeah, Judge! Thanks for reminding me that Grossberg was the victim in the first case. That is still pretty funny to me. What is it with fangames killing off established characters?

Dunno about everyone else, but this is MY reason. Back when I was just a nipper at designing cases and I started on T-Scapegoat, I chose Grossberg as the victim purely because I didn't yet grasp the concept of spriting a whole new character and thought "who's an extremely minor character in the games that no one will miss and doesn't appear in later games?" Turns out I was wrong on that bit.

Uuh, it was wrong? (And I got a guilty verdict and it went back to the intro.) But...why? Gloved hand + wire with prints on it = contradiction, right? Surely he wouldn't put on gloves for the walk home AFTER the murder.

It wasn't overlooked...

Oh, I thought this was the end of part 1. Don't tell me this case will go on for quite some more time and then it will be made into a seperate case and there will suddenly be a seperate Case 5? Just kidding.

Nope, there's just gonna be one more part that I'm working on now and then that's it! Contempt of Court DONE after all these years!

You know what I just remembered? Something bugs me about the first trial. Was there a reason for Weever to lie? I mean, why bother telling us that she saw the crime happen and that she saw the guy's face? Usually, people either lie because they're the killer or evil (could still be the case) or because they THINK they aren't lying. Maybe she was just really scared because of the whole mask thing and then her brain added information on its own.

She's actually quite fond of Renwick. She couldn't believe it was him she saw after hearing about the murder and was just lying to herself, pretty much.

Oh no, one of the gold stars is in my court record now. How is this going to be used?

Wait and see. That's all I'm saying.

Oh god, Creepy McDumbname invited me to his office.

Oh that's right, you didn't like his name did you? ...OK I do kinda wish I picked something that wasn't too "on the nose". One of those obvious ones like Will Powers or April May. But then again, Quercus Alba isn't a name either.

And he has a picture if himself behind his desk, in the exact same pose as him. What is this, The IT Crowd? Hot Fuzz? Always makes me laugh.

Someone got the IT Crowd reference!

I just realized (a bit too late): Didn't you use AAI style sprites in Case 2? What happened to that?

Oh the small ones? I dunno, never really thought about doing it again. I know of one example in Part 2 where I want to do that again though.

Snow's office! I always like talking to Snow. Well, I like second investigations in general, because there is always a lot of interesting stuff happening in them to set up the final trial. (Will the second trial be the final one though?)

Nah, there's gonna be three investigations and three trials in total. Part 2 will be: Trial 2 -> Investigation 3 -> Trial 3.

Wait, WHAT?!? Hemlock?! Hemlock is someone's actual last name? And his first name is...a rather short one ending in E. We don't have anyone like that in our Court Records. Although...Clive? Clive Hemlock? Nah.

It's somewhat rare but it can be a surname.

And NOTHING is left? Whyyyyyyyy? Ravager 3000 my ass.


Oh god, he's even more insane. Kaptain Krump. WHY DO YOU LOVE KRUMP SO MUCH, VULPY?

So many people wanted Krump again, but due to being dead this is what I did.

Phoenix drops the magatama by chance and realizes it's a fake. Not through logic or anything. Luck. That is so him.


So far, so good! How many years do I have to wait for the conclusion of this case? ;)

0.5 ;)

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0.5 years before the conclusion of COC. See, I told you guys Cardi would be done with the game before the Nintendo NX was released... :v xD
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you have until December.
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megamike15 wrote:
you have until December.

Christmas gift from Santa Krump, LOL. (Has anyone made a Santa Krump sprite yet...? HAHAHA)
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You have until last night!
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at this rate screw December he is gonna be done by October.
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Blizdi wrote:
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Trial 2 - 100%
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Trial 3 - 10%


"I have chortles." - Fawful
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Blizdi wrote:
Overall status: 85%
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Investigation 2 - 100%
Trial 2 - 100%
Investigation 3 - 100%
Trial 3 - 10%


"I have chortles." - Fawful

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So, I finished the first half of The Ensnared Turnabout, and I think it's time I revealed my theory about the true identity of Hemlock.

In order to solve this mystery, first we must think about the killer's name, Hemlock. Now, Cardiovore SAID it was chosen because of Aculeus and Allebahst's plant-based naming theme, but that's just too simple. I believe that there is a much deeper explanation for this nickname. If you think about it, it's fairly obvious. Hemlock is a plant, and what other plants do we know of? Well, there's only one answer, CHARLEY!

Now, I know what you're thinking. I bet you're all about to go and reply, "NUH UH Planetobx, you are a dum dum, get off the internet now. Charley was a potted plant in Pheenix Wrong's office, how could he have did done been to do kill people out of the office??!" Well, the answer is simple. I have reason to believe that Charley is not just one unassuming house plant, but in fact, several plants across the world connected by a system of roots. Charley's roots actually go through the pot and into the ground, where they connect to these other plants. This is how Charley knows about everything that's going on, because he is quite simply everywhere. After all, there are plants everywhere, even in the most urban environments, and there aren't many places you can go where he wouldn't be able to hear you. This also explains why Vulper calls Hemlock "everyone and no one". He is "everyone" because his roots spread all across the globe, but "no one" because he isn't really human. And with all that knowledge at his disposal, he could easily pull off his crimes, which I will now discuss.

First, let's talk about Brisbane's assualt. I believe that Renwick Smith and Brisbane are actually part of some kind of weird demonic cult, and the two were meeting that night to discuss business. The envelope Detective Smith was carrying was actually some kind of ritual script that the group was meant to perform at their next meeting. However, when Renwick left, he forgot to take off the cult's signature outfit (a robe and white mask) which led to an awkward situation with the teacher whose name I forgot. After the meeting, Brisbane went onto Facebook or something and clicked a link that was supposed to be an article about "Perfecting Your Angry Shouting Technique", but it was actually a rickroll. In a fit of rage, Brisbane broke his mask into a million pieces, set his robe on fire, and threw his eye out the window, which is why the police couldn't find them. Once he had calmed down, Charley attacked. Since we know Brisbane was standing at the kitchenette at the time, he was right in range for Charley to strike, as the cactus on Brisbane's kitchen counter was actually connected to Charley. He tried to strangle him with a garrote wire (which was actually one of his vines) but failed because Charley is a stupid idiot, and then they had an epic battle, which Brisbane barely won, as he knocked Charley off the counter and killed him before Charley could finish him off. Then he made his 911 call, and blamed Renwick for the crime because he was the one who rickroll'd him. All in all, it was a big, stupid, pointless mess, but this is only ONE of Charley's crimes.

Next are the two murders discussed in what is indisputably the fourth best case in the game, Turnabout of the Snow. First is Cedric Maplethorpes' death. What happened here is fairly obvious. Maplethrorpe was standing in front of the cell window when Charley, who was probably a plant outside, reached through the bars and strangled him! Then he threw Maplethorpe at the dividing cell wall to place the blame on Vulper. So, that one was easy, but what about Perry Docks' murder? There weren't any plants in the interrogation room, and if there was a window with some grass outside, Docks likely never stood near it. Does that mean the theory has hit a brick wall? Of course not.

I believe that Perry Docks wasn't murdered at all. In fact, his death was the result of a tragic accident. The truth is that he thought Detective Snow was really suspicious (I mean, who wouldn't.?) so he went to his office in the hopes of discovering THE TRUTH. However, he bumped the wall a little and knocked Snow's stilleto dagger off the wall. He then bent backwards at a 90 degree angle to look up at it, and the knife plunged into his chest and killed him. I know it sounds incredibly stupid and implausible but it's not. So then Robert Snow went into his office to find the source of all the commotion, saw a dead guy, and was like "what." He then told Schaden Freude about it, and the two agreed that that was a really lame way to die, so they decided to set up a second murder and frame Vex Vulper for it, since they had heard about the Maplethorpe case and assumed he did it. So, Snow drove back home and grabbed one of his five identical stilleto knives and replaced the one that killed Docks with it, thus removing the traces of blood. Meanwhile, Freude went to the Interrogation Room and set up the evidence to frame Vulper for an attempted poisoning. Unfortunately, he goofed up and poured too much atronquinine into the coffee. Embarrassed by his mistake, he went back home and cried himself to sleep. Then, Robert Snow returned to the Interrogation Room with the body (Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure Snow's Office and the Interrogation Room are in two different buildings, but I don't care.), placed it on the table, and stabbed the wound with Docks' knife. Then, he called Vex over for the interrogation, and with that, the plan was complete. It would have gone perfectly if Maggey Byrde didn't see Snow moving the body and arrest him, but in the end, Vulper got arrested for both crimes, as Charley had hoped.

We only know of one more person killed by Hemlock. That person is Blaine Chill. We don't know much about this case so it's hard to say for certain what happened here. We do know that he was garroted, and that the body was found in the reading room. Thus, there are two ways Charley could have committed this murder. The first is the most reasonable: Blaise was killed in another area with plants nearby, and then moved to the reading room. The second explanation is far stupider: One of the many books in the reading room was made out of paper that came from Charley. Since Charley is a network of many different plants, it makes sense that at least one of those plants would be a tree. If that three was turned into paper, then Charley might be able to control that paper like he could a plant. And if Blaise Chill went into that reading room looking for the next Captain Underpants book or something, all he'd need to do is pass by the right book, and then Charley could strike. As for the other "B" victims, they were probably killed in other forested areas. And what does the "B" stand for? It stands for "Bravo", Charley's first name! (Get it? It's like Alpha Bravo Charlie, the military alphabet. I'm so funny.)

However we're missing one thing we need to put the final nail in Charley's weird planty coffin thing: a motive. Now this is easy, Charley was a part of the Cohdopian Smuggling Ring, and the leader of Aculeus. This fact is all we need for a motive. But how did he get involved in the smuggling ring? Charley was one of Quercus Alba's passionflowers, and when he heard Quercus Alba doing smuggling ring work in his office, he offered to join. Quercus Alba was naturally confused when a flower started talking to him, but just assumed he drank too much coffee and started hallucinating and agreed with the flower to get it to shut up. Unfortunately for Alba, during the events of Turnabout Ablaze he decided to switch the statues by using the sticks holding some of his passionflowers as crossbow bolts. In order to do this, he uprooted Charley and threw him out of the window. Charley was filled with rage by Alba's betrayal, so he decided to forge evidence that would get Alba arrested (Most importantly, he forged the Samurai Dogs with the blood on them). When his plan succeeded and Alba was arrested, he took over the smuggling ring and renamed it Aculeus. After this Charley was filled with lots of angst, and he started killing people left and right! He killed most of the "B" victims for business reasons, but he killed Blaise Chill because he thought his name was stupid, killed Cedric Maplethorpe because he goofed up and shot Stan Nyph, and then beat the crud out of Erol Brisbane for the lolz. He was also pretty ticked off because Phoenix wasn't watering him enough, so he kills Miles Edgeworth for revenge in the second half. With that, the truth behind Hemlock, and the various murders he committed, has been revealed!

tl;dr Charley shot JFK.

Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Planetbox wrote:
I know it sounds incredibly stupid and implausible but it's not.

Accurate way to describe the entire theory. Might as well cancel the game now, we found the culprit.
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Mia Payne

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Every time there is a post in this thread i get excited then sad when itS not cardiovore releasing his patented slow update
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Blizdi wrote:
Every time there is a post in this thread i get excited then sad when itS not cardiovore releasing his patented slow update

Lol, same.
Why am I even here?

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I feel the same way, so please stop filling the thread with replies containing trash messages such as "Hello".
We do what we must because we can.
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title

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Um... I ended up not recieving a piece of evidence in case 1 (which the walkthrough mentions and the recent LPs I saw used).

I'm at the part where I'm supposed to present rubber fragments, but I don't have them. Presenting the single fragment doesn't work.

EDIT: I eventually side stepped the problem by modding the script file (scene44titustestimony2) and changed the pass condition from that evidence to some other piece of evidence I had. Let's see if this doesn't crash us later on.

EDIT2: My singular piece of rubber also didn't update at some point, so I also had to change the pass condition on one of the presents in scene45titustestimony3. At this rate, Pheonix Wright will solve the mystery by presenting a cabinet over and over again.

Last edited by ManyCookies on Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:39 am, edited 6 times in total.
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Progress on Case 4 (as of 08/09/16)

Overall status: 85%
Investigation 1 - 100%
Trial 1 - 100%
Investigation 2 - 100%
Trial 2 - 100%
Investigation 3 - 100%
Trial 3 - 10%

Ahhh I am sooo sorry Cardiovore, i got banned and couldnt comment :larry:
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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Cardiovore wrote:
Progress on Case 4 (as of 08/09/16)

Overall status: 85%
Investigation 1 - 100%
Trial 1 - 100%
Investigation 2 - 100%
Trial 2 - 100%
Investigation 3 - 100%
Trial 3 - 10%

Currently working on: Trial 3

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Mia Payne

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Leaked footage of Investigation 3:


Leaked footage of Wright & Co
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Mia Payne

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Yo, Cardiovore, at the rate of updates so far, I dunno if it'll make the end of the year, are you sure it'll be done by 2017?
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Yabba Dabba Doo

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I think it'll be done by then. I'm guessing around December. Maybe Christmas?
Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title

A release of this by Christmas would be a wonderful Christmas present!
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the fire mage

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Christmas seems the most logical at the rate this is heading. unless trial 3 is a 10 hour epic then i have no idea.
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Mia Payne

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Me when I open this thread and the game isn't updated

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Apollon Flame

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Plot-twist: Cardi broke a deal with Capcom/Nintendo and CoC will be a NX launch title! :O


Joking aside, it's been a month since the last update, but I'm sure Cardi is busy. I'm more than happy if he delays it, what with us playing CoI and SoJ this year. Getting something AA related next year would be sweet! :)

But take your time, Cardi.
A King

in name

Re: PW: Contempt of Court ~ Case 4 Part 1 AVAILABLE NOW.Topic%20Title
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Mia Payne

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Scent wrote:
Plot-twist: Cardi broke a deal with Capcom/Nintendo and CoC will be a NX launch title! :O


Joking aside, it's been a month since the last update, but I'm sure Cardi is busy. I'm more than happy if he delays it, what with us playing CoI and SoJ this year. Getting something AA related next year would be sweet! :)

But take your time, Cardi.

Screw that! Let's do the reasonable thing and RIOT! RIOT! RIOT!
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Scent wrote:
Joking aside, it's been a month since the last update, but I'm sure Cardi is busy. I'm more than happy if he delays it, what with us playing CoI and SoJ this year. Getting something AA related next year would be sweet! :)

But take your time, Cardi.

Let it be known that the fandom wants Cardiovore to delay his game for as long as possible.
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