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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title
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Those were the segments written by Uchikoshi
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Happy Maria

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That makes sense. To be honest, I was more interested in the VLR characters than the newcomers, or even Junpei and Akane tbh.

Spoiler: ZTD
The bonus files this time around were pretty crappy. The Post-Payoff stuff feels so forced. Plus we don't even get one for D-Team

The ending was also kind of a strange cliffhanger even though it's the final game in the trilogy. We never get to find out if Carlos shot Δ or not

Δ himself was kind of a weak villain. Plus his (supposedly complex) motives don't even fit in with what we learnt of him in VLR. Pretty stupid if you ask me

Also, I found this gem on the Trivia section on the game's article in ZE wiki

Once Virtue's Last Reward was released, Uchikoshi was told by someone above him at the company that his career was washed up and he would never ever get to make a sequel, so he should quit while he was ahead. In the end, he proved them wrong, showing the power of not giving up, perseverance and will.

How oddly wholesome for a supposedly objective wikis. I love it
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Socot wrote:

Spoiler: ZTD
The bonus files this time around were pretty crappy. The Post-Payoff stuff feels so forced. Plus we don't even get one for D-Team

Those ending bonus files felt cringey and amateurish. Like someone's first fanfic. Not trying to be mean, but that's what I felt by them. Like yaaay~ Everyone gets a happy ending~ Except for D-team, I guess.

Spoiler: ZTD
Also, the Q-Team after ending made no sense. Even if they went back in time, it would be another history, so Mira would've still killed Eric's mother and all the events would've stayed the same in their history, so why even bother? Was it to clear Mira's conscience? She still committed the crimes and couldn't undo them. Besides, the real her would've just stayed behind in their history anyway, so she's just going to get in even more trouble for breaking out of prison. I don't understand what they were thinking with that one.

I finished the game a year ago, practically to the date, so my memory isn't the absolute best to talk about it. But I remember I liked the game, but the ending was ridiculously flat and
was definitely worst Zero. And I thought Akane was severely disappointing and too different from how she was in 999 and VLR.

Considering how much it was put-off, the fact that Uchikoshi had to go a different company, other random people had to write the scenarios for C-Team and Q-Team, and the budget was most likely very low (awful visuals with really bad framerate drops and color banding), I have a feeling that we didn't get the game that Uchi wanted to give us. If you look at the questions he answered after VLR, there are so many questions where he answers "That will be revealed in the third game, please look forward to it." Like
What happened to Snake? Did he just search for Clover for years? What happened to Aoi? Was Alice actually All-Ice? etc.
But they weren't touched upon at all.

I'm grateful that the series got a conclusion, and I still honestly did like the game. Like, there honestly were great themes in it, and the Zero Escape feel was pulled off really well despite all the changes to the narrative; but I just know it wasn't truly what Uchi had in mind.
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Happy Maria

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I mostly agree, but
Spoiler: Whole game
Aoi is actually referenced in the game. He's one of the main men behind Crash Keys, and apparently he's going to be the first man at Junpei's wedding.

As for Snake, we already got a good deal of backstory on him in VLR Clover Ending. It's very likely that Clover was returned to him at the end of the game since the AB Project was no longer needed. As for Alice, she was just a red herring. That's it.

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I'm about half-way (?) through the game and it's "okay", it does have some good parts and
Spoiler: ZTD/VLR?
genuine WTF scenes like when Q takes his helmet off, and also one of the endings with Sigma and Diana... - but... I have a feeling Q will be Zero for some reason, maybe Q is something Sigma in VLR was working on

However, I really don't like the lack of interactivity from the player. The puzzles are good but the narrative lacks the sense of urgency or danger that 999 or VLR had, and half the time I feel I'm just watching a movie, not making any choices myself or playing a game.
Spoiler: Beginning of game
Dropping you right in the action at the start was a mistake imo. Being stuck with the same group of people with the "teams" and not mixing things up is a shame too

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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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grim_tales wrote:
I'm about half-way (?) through the game and it's "okay", it does have some good parts and
Spoiler: ZTD/VLR?
genuine WTF scenes like when Q takes his helmet off, and also one of the endings with Sigma and Diana... - but... I have a feeling Q will be Zero for some reason, maybe Q is something Sigma in VLR was working on

Pretty much what I feel about the game.

Which ending are you referring to btw?

Spoiler: ZTD
D End 1 or 2?

However, I really don't like the lack of interactivity from the player. The puzzles are good but the narrative lacks the sense of urgency or danger that 999 or VLR had, and half the time I feel I'm just watching a movie, not making any choices myself or playing a game.
Spoiler: Beginning of game
Dropping you right in the action at the start was a mistake imo. Being stuck with the same group of people with the "teams" and not mixing things up is a shame too

Oh yeah, definitely. Way fewer puzzles this time around than the other two games. It feels more like a sitcom here tbh. The start was so confusing too because it doesn't tell you anything. Like you said, it's rather tiring to just be stuck with three different groups of people. They could've done something better. I don't really remember if there's even a purpose to it other than to give suspense and stuff.

Anyway, continue playing on. I wonder how your reaction to /that/ twist will be. :viola:
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Spoiler: Sigma and Diana
In the 2nd D Team ending theyre stranded together with the transport pods, Diana becomes pregnant and has twins, and decides to send them back in time to 2009 (even though they were born in 2029).
She calls the girl Phi and the boy Delta.
Phi... hmmmm.


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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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grim_tales wrote:
Spoiler: Sigma and Diana
In the 2nd D Team ending theyre stranded together with the transport pods, Diana becomes pregnant and has twins, and decides to send them back in time to 2009 (even though they were born in 2029).
She calls the girl Phi and the boy Delta.
Phi... hmmmm.


Spoiler: Response
Were you a Sigma/Phi shipper? :p

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Is it safe for me to click on your response if I havent finished the game yet? :)
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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Yes. Don't worry.
Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title


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Just completed the game.

Spoiler: Thoughts, Big Spoilers
Much like VLR it ends on a cliffhanger with the gang ready to take down the villain and I just thought "Is that it?"
It's interesting because we all thought the goal of the game was to stop Radical 6 and save humanity. HOWEVER, ironically Radical-6 will save SOME humans if it kills a terrorist that would have wiped humanity out. Zero/Delta is a compelete bastard but it does make an interesting point. Zero's goal was to make sure he was born, but why did he become such an evil asshole? Phi didnt turn out that way. You can argue Akane became cold toward Junpei and everyone else but I wouldnt call her actually evil.

Overall ZTD was a good game and experience but I dont know if I liked it as much as VLR or 999
I remember crazy theories I had that Phi was the dog, and Gab is just a normal dog lmao
Does make me think of VLR differently though
Does that mean Dio in VLR was the real evil all along, he was the religious terrorist Zero was talking about?

Who actually raised Phi and Delta? Baby Phi was sent to 1904 and then transported to 2008, then the 20/21 year old Phi jumps to 2074 in VLR (which would make her in her late 60's chronologically)

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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title


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Spoiler: Response
I think one of the files explains that some scientist that was researching the transporter raised Phi. I don't remember if who raised Delta was explained, but if so, they certainly got separated somehow.

Maybe the idea behind Delta is that he's another Akane with the primary goal of making sure they continue to exist and a secondary goal of saving others. The difference is that he decides to put them through much crueler situations to achieve his goals. I guess you could say he likes the idea of making people suffer, but in the final timeline, he doesn't actually do any of that since his power doesn't involve jumping through time. Maybe it's his power of observing the future and all the horrors of alternate timelines that made him that way?

But really, this answers all questions:
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I think the Zero of each game
Spoiler: Thoughts on Zeros
is not 'good', but theyre doing what THEY see as The Greater Good I guess - in 999 Akane was trying to save herself and stop Hangou (sp?) from killing those kids. In VLR you've spent 45 years trying to stop Radical-6. in ZTD I think it really flips that by saying Rad-6 is necessary? Killing 6 billion people to get to 1 seems harsh. So either way, humanity is fucked. Also Akane wore those FTS robes quite a lot, was she just playing along or working with Brother?
Remember the message in VLR - My Brother
Knowing what we know now, maybe Phi could have written that, as her brother was Brother. But didnt Snake wear FTS robes in 999?

I don't know... I enjoyed the game, but ultimately I feel disappointed
Spoiler: End
All that work, and I couldn't save anyone. It would happen anyway :( Also the twist with Zero/Delta being with them the whole time - what? How we were supposed to know things like he was blind and deaf, couldnt speak etc?

Nick and Maya - Friends and Lovers....
Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title


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Spoiler: Response
I don't remember much about the FTS stuff, so no comment on that.

Well, the idea at the end of the game is that the team now has all the powers and determination needed to find and stop the terrorist, so there is a way to save the world now through that timeline. We just don't get to see it.

The game actually drops a ton of very subtle hints for Q actually being Delta, like Q team being overly hostile to Sean since he is an impostor, several situations where a line said by someone would make more sense if there was a fourth person in the room, shadows of someone off-screen, and the status screen giving Q an unknown status when Sean (but not all of Q team) is dead. However, the problem is that this is not a very plausible twist, requiring certain things to happen to prevent plot holes. Like, surprise! You are looking at the game from Delta's point of view, but for some reason every time someone says Sean it's substituted with Q! So it doesn't work as well as major twists from prior games. It's also a very shallow twist that could easily be spoiled, so they had to hint so subtly that my first impression was immediate skepticism instead of being blown away.
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It kind of makes me wish there would be a 4th game or a "Zero Time Dilema: Director's Cut" or something like that. Uchi only wrote the scenario for D-Team and I read he rewrote the whole script at one point? What would his original idea have been?

I think the problem with the twist of
Q being Delta was it was so subtle it was easy to miss - I remember the part when he says "You may call me Q" at the beginning and Q Team are mean to Sean (actually, thinking about that - thats kind of like how Dio treats Quark in VLR). in VLR there were lots of hints to Sigma being old. I wish theyd gone with the typical VN style. I agree I wasnt blown away by it either

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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Eh, yeah, pretty much. I wasn't too big a fan of this game like I was of its prequels.

Does that mean Dio in VLR was the real evil all along, he was the religious terrorist Zero was talking about?

No, he was working for Free The Soul. The identity of the terroirst guy is up for debate. Hell, for all we know Delta could've just been lying the whole time about it.

Who actually raised Phi and Delta? Baby Phi was sent to 1904 and then transported to 2008, then the 20/21 year old Phi jumps to 2074 in VLR (which would make her in her late 60's chronologically)

This one's actually a pretty interesting tidbit. Both Phi and Delta were sent to 1904, then Phi was sent again to 2008. But the transporter only replicates DNA, it doesn't send it. So the Phi retransported to 2008 would still remain in 1904. The couple who raised Phi were said to be really old researchers, leading to the theory that the Phi from 1904 raised the Phi from 2008. Makes sense, honestly.

grim_tales wrote:
I think the Zero of each game
Spoiler: Thoughts on Zeros
is not 'good', but theyre doing what THEY see as The Greater Good I guess - in 999 Akane was trying to save herself and stop Hangou (sp?) from killing those kids. In VLR you've spent 45 years trying to stop Radical-6. in ZTD I think it really flips that by saying Rad-6 is necessary? Killing 6 billion people to get to 1 seems harsh. So either way, humanity is fucked. Also Akane wore those FTS robes quite a lot, was she just playing along or working with Brother?
Remember the message in VLR - My Brother
Knowing what we know now, maybe Phi could have written that, as her brother was Brother. But didnt Snake wear FTS robes in 999?

Akane was just an accomplice in the AB Project, though what Brother sent her there for is debatable. There's another theory that C Team End-Akane knew what Delta made the Decision Game for, and only helped Sigma with the AB Project to make Delta reach his goal. It would certainly explain why she never told Sigma the details of the Decision Game, which was just weird.

And Snake wearing the FTS Robes is easily explained. Since Nijisaki was wearing Snake's clothes when he died, it only makes sense to think that Snake switched clothes with him, meaning that the robes belonged to Nijisaki. Not really a stretch considering VLR tells you that Hongou and Cradle Pharmaceuticals was with FTS.

I don't know... I enjoyed the game, but ultimately I feel disappointed
Spoiler: End
All that work, and I couldn't save anyone. It would happen anyway :( Also the twist with Zero/Delta being with them the whole time - what? How we were supposed to know things like he was blind and deaf, couldnt speak etc?

There's a lot of foreshadowing to Delta's true identity. A lot. Regardless, I do agree that it was still very poorly telegraphed. Especially that he was 'Q'. Sigma being old and Zero was a good twist because he didn't know he was old, and didn't have any reason to. From his eyes, he was still 22 and the twist worked in that regard. Delta being Q was not because it's only a twist to the player, not to the characters. Hell, they even lied in the trailer by explicitly putting 'Q' near Sean. That's a blatant lie.

So yeah, overall my thoughts are that the D Team segments are great but the story overall is really vague and leaves way too many open ends and plot holes for even a ZE game.

Edit: Also:

I have a feeling Q will be Zero for some reason

Congrats on calling who Zero was "correctly" :p

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Spoiler: Phi, Delta
Yeah, the impression I got from reading the files is the Phi from 1904 became a great scientist and was researching the transporter, and lived to be really old (like over 100), so 1904 Phi raised 2008 Phi. That might be why VLR Phi looks young but old at the same time? (white hair etc)

As for the terrorist, I thought Delta said "He was the son of the couple who raised me", maybe Lord Gordain was in there somewhere.

I enjoyed the game but I wish it had a better conclusion thinking about it.
Spoiler: Unfair
I guess it drives home the "Life is unfair" message - whatever we do, humanity is doomed (made me think of the Terminator 3 movie - Judgment Day is inevitable).

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Re: Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma (3DS/Vita/PC, June 28thTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Spoiler: Phi, Delta
As for the terrorist, I thought Delta said "He was the son of the couple who raised me", maybe Lord Gordain was in there somewhere.

You're getting slightly confused. That was his stepbrother Left he was referring to, the man he based the Myrmidons (including Dio) on. Little about the terrorist is revealed except he dies in the VLR timeline.

There is some speculation that Gordain is the terrorist, though it mostly depends on some stuff revealed in the 999 Q&A.

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