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Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: EndTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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(This is a forum game, as such only people who have signed up for the game should post here.)
Spoiler: Logo

Inside a solemn alleyway, a shrouded figure enters.

They lie in wait.

Slowly, another figure comes.


The second figure slowly slumps onto the cold concrete ground.

Then another person walks in.

Seeing the unconscious figure on the ground, they kneel down to check whether they're alright.

Only when it is too late do they notice the cloaked induvidual.

They run, reaching towards it, but they stop abruptly, collapsing to the ground, as a gas slowly starts to fill up the alleyway.



9 Pod Doors slowly open up. Inside are 9 very confused people. They slowly start to get up, taking in their surroundings. Or at least, try to get up. The pods they're in are rather limiting, and they seem to be suppressed by metal restraints on their waists. The best they can do is sit up a bit, allowing them to view each other properly.

The room they seemed to be trapped in is filled with 10 identical looking elliptical pods, presumably for sleeping. One of the pods in the bottom left corner remains closed, however; and they cannot see into it, no matter how hard they try. As they continue to look around, though, they see two doors, only one of which has a keyhole in it. Near the other one, there appears to be a small safe. A rather large desk is in the middle, with a laptop and keyboard on it.

Due to the restraints, however, none of the 9 people cannot access any of these. So, it appears that they're all trapped to their pods, with nowhere else to go, and nothing else to do but talk to each other. Perhaps they can glean information by communicating with each other?

(This is the Introduction Phase. Use it to introduce yourself and get to know the others. You will not be able to move around or interact with the room, however. Hopefully it should last about a day or so. Phase change occurs on Sunday, 5:30 AM EST.)

Spoiler: The Characters (Yellow= Captives, Red= Dead, Blue= Escaped, Orange= Unknown, Green= Host)
1) Doctor Nanjo- Unity. A polite old woman wearing a lab coat and blouse. Apparently a doctor who's worked in China; now a university professor. Real name Elaine Miller. Bracelet number 1.
2) Kachu- Gemini. Nervous woman in her fifties in a sweater. Bracelet number 2.
3) Pierre- Trix. A brown haired unassuming man with a blue jacket, knee length shorts and a flat cap. Co-founder of a chat service called 'Discard'. Real name Jacob Regnier. Bracelet number 3.
4) MechaQDogg- Quarter. A silver haired old woman with a cane. Very severe. Bracelet number 4.
5) Datamatt- Leeloo. A girl in her early twenties, wearing red glasses and a lab coat. Bracelet number 5.
6) KamiPanda- Ben. A disheveled, lazy man with unkempt facial hair and mismatched clothing. "Entrepreneur". Bracelet number 6.
7) Planetbox- Sette. An orange haired, vaguely European man with rather torn clothes. Also an "entrepreneur". Bracelet number 7.
8) SiRReN- Abbot. A somewhat nervous Chinese man wearing a red leather jacket. Bracelet number 8.
9) Blinky- K-9. A thoughtful man wearing a suit and some sort of badge. Apparently a detective. Bracelet number 9.
A) ???- ??? A 11 year old girl in Pod A with blood all over her. Current Status Unknown.
B) Southern Corn- The Bookworm. A green worm with glasses and a bow tie who is the facilitator of the game. Presumably from a video game?

Spoiler: Actions
Players can perform one Action per room. With the exception of Watch and Watch My Back, Actions can be performed at any point during the exploration. To perform your Action, please state it in your QT.

Watch and Watch My Back must instead be declared at the beginning, before the player does anything in the room itself – it's fine if other players have done anything, however, and you can go as soon as the message of your Action declaration is sent, you don't need to wait for confirmation. These two Actions also come with consequences – if you choose either, then you can miss other things due to your focusing on an individual, be it yourself or someone else.

The possible Actions are:
Watch – Keep an eye on someone else, receiving basic information about what they did during this room. Doing so distracts you from everyone else and also gives a 50% chance of failing a puzzle if attempted.

Watch My Back – Keep away from everyone else and make sure no-one tries any funny business around you. Doing so distracts you from everyone else and also gives a 50% chance of failing a puzzle if attempted.

Give – Give an item to another player. This can be done covertly – if they aren't Watching, you can slip an item into their inventory without them realising, perhaps to plant evidence.

Steal – Take an item from another player. This has to be done covertly, unless they consent. If you don't know what you're trying to steal, you'll get something random; if you try to steal a specific item and they don't have it, you'll get nothing.

Whisper – Say something to another player, without anyone else hearing. You can choose to stay anonymous when you do so.

Use Item – As it sounds, when you find a free moment and no-one is looking, you use an item you possess. If the item happens to be a weapon, you can try to covertly kill another player with it. Or you could just...

Open Kill – Throwing subtlety out the window, you try to kill someone directly with whatever you've got. Such a bold action succeeds even if the target is Watching you or their back, but you'll also clearly be seen or heard by everyone else in the room. In addition, there are situations in which the target can resist, fleeing to the others or even fighting back.

Spoiler: Table of Contents


Last edited by Southern Corn on Fri Jun 08, 2018 7:15 am, edited 50 times in total.
Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for ABTopic%20Title
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"Hmm? What is this, then?!"

An older woman in a lab coat struggles against her restraints.

"Huh?! Let me go! I did not consent to this!"

She frantically moves and tries to search her clothes. She wears a blue-green patterned blouse with silhouettes of giraffes. Her gloved hands search the pockets of her tan work pants. On her feet she wears a pair of closed-toed white shoes. Atop her head is chin-length bright grey hair with straight bangs.

"Oh dear, my phone..." she mumbles.

It is at this point that she notices a brcelet on her wrist with the number one on it.

"Excuse me, have I been tagged?!"

She inspects the bracelet thoroughly and looks around, seeing the others have them as well.

"What are these pods we're in?! I don't believe I require treatment for anything! I am in quite fine shape believe me! Quite fine! I do not wish to be anyone's patient! Assuming, of course, that that is what we are..."

Even in spite of her anxiousness she seems to smile politely to the others. The deep wrinkles in her face mark that she has smiled this way many times before in her storied life.
Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Introduction PhaseTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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(Just popping in to say that there is indeed WiFi here! Hooray!

Also, I've added a list of the current participants to the main post for convenience. It will be updated as the introductions continue.)
Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Introduction PhaseTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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An unassuming man awoke from his slumber, his flat cap balanced precariously on his head as his body drooped in it's shackles.

"Mmmmrhmmhmm...hmm?" he sleepily mumbled as he came to, his head tilted in the direction of the shrieking woman in the labcoat.

"What's your problem lady? Can't you see I'm trying to sle-" he paused becoming aware of the constricting shackles around his body before jumping with a start causing the precariously balanced hat to fall to the floor revealing the wavy brown hair underneath.

"What?!" he started, fully awake now as he began to take in his surroundings. His eyes darting around everything trying to take it all in before settling on himself. He recognised his familiar clothes: light open blue jacket over a loose black-tee shirt followed by knee length black shorts with a flame pattern over one of the legs. Between his feet lay his beloved flat cap. Returning his attention to the shackles, he gave them all a slight pull but they felt very rigidly locked in place. "Huh...what's going on?!" he muttered quietly, more to himself than anything else.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Introduction PhaseTopic%20Title
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"Hey, could you be quiet for a second? I'm trying to think.

The voice comes from another pod, occupied by another man. He wears a simple suit and tie, and the light suggests a pin or badge of some sort is pinned to his collar. Once the room gets quiet again, he begins examining his restraints. After several minutes, he speaks up again.

"Alright, nobody panic. We've been kidnapped, probably by a large organization. Our captors will probably be here soon, or are watching us from another room. Stay calm and don't do anything stupid."

He motions at his wrist as best he can, twisting it to allow everyone else to see the bracelet with a large 9 on it. "Everyone, check and see if you have a bracelet. If you do, say the number you have. It could be useful in discovering who's behind this."
Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Introduction PhaseTopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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The sound of rattling constraints could be heard from another pod as its occupant pulled at them with an expression of mild curiosity on his face. He didn't seem outwardly panicked at his situation. "What in the heck is all this, then?" He muttered slowly and quietly to himself, before raising his gaze and taking in the room they were all in. He stared intently at the ones who had spoken so far, eyes drilling into them as though he could find answers etched on the inside of their heads.

The man was very dishevelled, with facial hair grown out of control and clothes that had clearly seen better days. He had the look of a noble down on his luck, if said noble had been chased out of their house with only just enough time to grab whatever items of clothing they could, with no consideration to how they matched. His coat had clearly been very flashy back when it had been in prime condition, yet his jeans gave the impression they'd probably never looked much better than they did now, even as ripped and ragged as they were. He, too, had a bracelet on, with the number 6 displayed on it.

Seemingly satisfied with his examination of the others, he turned to stare blankly at the man with the 9 bracelet. "Word, boss-man. Tell me if anything new comes up." And with that vague statement declared, he laid back down in his pod to rest.
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(EDIT: Let's call that a mulligan)

A woman, perhaps in her mid sixties, strained to try to see over the lip of her pod. After a brief, futile struggle against her bonds, she leaned back against her pod. She quickly glanced down at herself, finding herself in familiar clothes: her heavy down coat, a long skirt, and long trousers.

In a rather severe voice, she asked, "I assume someone here can tell me what I'm doing here in this... thing... and who you all are. Oh, and what the meaning of this... contraption is."

She held up her wrist, and a bracelet with a digital 7-segment display showing the numeral four.

After no one volunteered an answer, the woman added, "Well? I haven't got all day."

Spoiler: Definitely Not What Happened
A woman, perhaps in her mid sixties, sat up and, after briefly surveying her surroundings, extricated herself from her pod. After taking a few labored steps, she turned back to her pod and fished out a cane with a metal handle. After a few taps, she leaned on the cane to walk forward to where there was a group gathering. As she walked, she smoothed out the ruffles in her heavy down coat. She was wearing a long skirt, but the legs of long trousers could be seen around her ankles.

She ran her hand threw her silver hair and cleared her throat. "I assume someone here can tell me what I'm doing here and who you all are. Oh, and what the meaning of this... contraption is."

She held up her wrist, and a bracelet with a digital 7-segment display showing the numeral four.

After no one volunteered an answer, the woman added, "Well? I haven't got all day."

Last edited by MechaQdogg on Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Introduction PhaseTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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MechaQdogg wrote:
A woman, perhaps in her mid sixties, sat up and, after briefly surveying her surroundings, extricated herself from her pod. After taking a few labored steps, she turned back to her pod and fished out a cane with a metal handle.

(I feel as though I should clarify this point to prevent any confusion. Basically, all the players are strapped to their seats by metal restrains. Essentially, they cannot be removed at the moment, meaning that the players will be stuck to them till further notice. So you cannot get out of your pod, nor can there be a "group gathering" yet.)
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"Ch- Che cavolo!"

Another man lets out a shout as he awakes from his slumber, pulling loudly at his restraints in a panic until it becomes clear that his efforts probably aren't helping matters much. Eventually, he finally sits up and looks around. He sighs and mumbles, "What have I gotten myself tangled up in this time..."

The man has short, messy orange hair and a face marked with stubble. He wore a brown overcoat that looked incredibly worn out, a white shirt with numerous stains, and a pair of jeans with a few tears in them (but probably not as a fashion statement). All in all, it looked like his clothes had been worn numerous times for many years. However, contrasting with the rest of his ensemble, he wore some sort of red and gold necklace around his neck, which had a large brooch-like thing hanging from it (but it wasn't large enough to make out any details from the other pods). Despite seemingly having lost some of its luster, it was probably still more expensive than everything else he was wearing. As with the others, he wore a bracelet around his wrist, but this one had a "7" printed on it.

Looking around at the other people in the room, the man speaks once more, his voice having a vaguely European accent. "Well, uh... maybe we're looking at this the wrong way by calling it a 'kidnapping' and such! Maybe we should think of it as more of a, uhh... non-consensual party! Yeah! See, this is lookin' better already!" He grins, looking pleased with himself.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Nonary Game 6- The Quest for AB: Introduction PhaseTopic%20Title
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Gettin' Old!

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Flat Cap was in the middle of trying to stretch his feet to collect his hat when the others around him began to stir forcing him to address his neighbours.

A smart looking man with some kind of pin seemed to know what was going on. His voice projected a sense of calm authority, the kinda guy who was probably used to getting his way Flat Cap suspected.

"W-well you seem to have this pretty well figured out." He said pausing to take Smart Man's advice to check out his wrist noticing for the first time it had a bold "3" on it.

"Some kinda smart watch?" Flat Cap figured making a note to tinker with it later on as other people began to stir. A Dirty Noble seemed to defer to the Smart Man, seemingly not too fussed about his situation. Based on his clothes and beard Flat Cap figured he'd probably seen worse in his life.

A sudden motion out the corner of his eye and Flat Cap's head spun...but it was only an Old Woman still stuck in her restraints, definitely not moving about but demanding answers as to who everyone was.

As if in reply a cry from another language, mexican? spanish? Flat Cap was never sure of the difference. In any case Mexican? Man seemed to rail against his chains in a fit of frustration. Flat Cap's face pulled a bemused expression as he realised how clunky his inner monologue was with all these stupid nicknames and so addressed the Old Woman:

"Alright, I'll kick off introductions then. You can call me Trix and I'm a software developer. I can't figure why someone would really want to kidnap me but...well...I suppose we'll find out if you've got the right of it." he said addressing the last part to the Smart man. Mexican? Man was seemingly pleased with himself having rephrased his situation so Trix gave him a grin in reply "Well if that helps, but non-consensual parties are the kind you tend to get arrested for." he said unable to resist a joke.

"What can I call you people?"
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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"Fake names? Ayup, sure, why not." The "Dirty Noble" called out from his pod, still lying down. He was silent for a slightly uncomfortable period of time before continuing. "Call me Ben. 'm an entrepreneur." He announced vaguely. Another slightly too-long pause, and then "Let's all get along swell."
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As another one awakes, the room is quickly filled with a shout.

"Wh-What the hell is going on here!? Where are we!? Who are you people!?" The source of this shouting was a woman, somewhere in her mid fifties. It was clear from her face that she's already calmed down a bit.

"Erm.. Okay, don't panic.." The woman mutters to herself, as she does some strange shuffle in her restraints, unintentionally showing off her long sleeved, dark purple sweater, black tights and skirt, both with rather intricate designs on them, all topped off with a small black scarf around her neck. Her whole outfit seemed to be dulled, as if it's seen a lot of dust. Her hair, a dark red-brown goes just past her shoulders, with several gray strands mixed within.

The woman groans. "I can't believe this... This is asinine!" She manages to show off her wrists, revealing a bracelet, numbered with a "2," and on her right hand, she wore a diamond ring.

"I've certainly been in more comfortable situations.." the woman says as she looks down, most likely investigating her bracelet.
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Gettin' Old!

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Trix grunted, the restraints beginning to hurt a little as he felt the weight of his fifty-odd years of age.

"Well whoever's tied us up up here I hope they let us down soon enough. Have some consideration for the older folks." he said looking at the Shouty Woman beside him "I don't know what's going on here, I don't know where we are, we've probably been kidnapped, my name is Trix." he said turning his head to Ben "And it's not a fake-name, it's just what I go by online mostly." Trix said.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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A grunt of acknowledgement could be heard from Ben's pod. "My mistake. Said your number was '3', 'Trix' as in 'Tri', figured that's what we were doing."

More rattling could be heard as Ben tried to raise his arm and point at the suited man, to no avail. A few seconds later he gave up and just said what he meant. "Let's just leave it all to the smart guy. Nice to have someone to blame when it all goes wrong."
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The man with the 9 on his bracelet glared at Ben. "i assure you, Ben, nothing will go wrong. So long as you do as I say, we'll all be out of here.

"As for aliases," he continued, now addressing the group, "you may call me K-9. It's best if we don't use our real names for the time being."
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"'Ben,' huh?" The man flashes a grin at the 'Dirty Noble.' "Good to see 'ya. Are you, uhh... feelin' alright, though? You seem a little out of it..."

The man then looks back at the fellow wearing the badge. His grin fades and he starts to break out in a cold sweat, for some reason, but he eventually shouts, "Yeah, uhh... seems like this guy's right on the money. Probably knows what he's doing..."

He glances at his bracelet bearing the 7 and continues, "Hmm, let's see... I guess I could just go by 'Seven,' but that's kinda lame..." He suddenly snaps his fingers and says, "Aha, I got it! How about Sette? Adds a little bit of exotic-ness to it, y'know?"
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"Oh yes, greetings Sette."

The doctor clears her throat.

"Alright, well it does seem are quite kidnapped, and I can't say that bodes well for this party, as it's been called. I will try to remain calm, but it is hard for me to find it in myself to do so. To me these pods seem to indicate maybe we're guinea pigs in some terrifying human experiment."

"However, I will admit it's best to be as cohesive as possible. We only have one another as allies after all. So, you guys may refer to me as Unity. It's simply just a word related to both what's necesary for me, and the number one, which is the number on my bracelet."

"It does not seem like the numbers on the bracelets repeat. It seems we have been enumerated for some perpose. Perhaps this number means I am the first patient. If so, please continue to save yourselves even after I am perhaps taken."

Unity looks down at her attire, and she explains her appearance.

"As you may have been able to tell, I am a doctor of medicine. I formerly worked in the treatment of patients, but now I am a professor at a medical university."
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Shy guy

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Planetbox wrote:
"'Ben,' huh?" The man flashes a grin at the 'Dirty Noble.' "Good to see 'ya. Are you, uhh... feelin' alright, though? You seem a little out of it..."

The man then looks back at the fellow wearing the badge. His grin fades and he starts to break out in a cold sweat, for some reason, but he eventually shouts, "Yeah, uhh... seems like this guy's right on the money. Probably knows what he's doing..."

He glances at his bracelet bearing the 7 and continues, "Hmm, let's see... I guess I could just go by 'Seven,' but that's kinda lame..." He suddenly snaps his fingers and says, "Aha, I got it! How about Sette? Adds a little bit of exotic-ness to it, y'know?"

" 's a nice name. Short. I've often thought, 'wouldn't it be nice if I was called Ben'. And now I am." Ben replied, sitting up with a few groans. He didn't seem that old, under 40 most likely, but his movements were a little stiff. He probably didn't have a very healthy lifestyle.

"Anyway, 'm fine, don't mind me Sette-dude. I figure, Fido over there can do my thinking for me." He continued, inclining his head towards K-9. He paused for a while before adding " 'm just gonna take it easy for now, no need for me to get worked up I reckon."
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Gettin' Old!

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"Unity, Sette...alright though I'd really rather not have such a grim outlook as to assume we are all goi to be picked off for weird experiments I mean...does anyone know why they might be taken? Any powerful enemies or what?" Trix said adjusting his body to try and be more comfortable, muscular legs stretching in their shackles.

"Would be nice to figure out what people might want from us, then maybe there'd be something we can bargain with if someone does come like K-9 thinks." Trix added with a grunt as he finally got as comfortable as he could.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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"C-Code names?" the 'Shouty Woman' says aloud. "Err.. That can't be too hard. If we go by our bracelet numbers.. I'll be Gemini. Y'know, twins and all that." she grins.

"I-If Unity is first, then that means..." Gemini's face goes pale before violently shaking her head. "I can't think of any reason as to why I'd be kidnapped.. God, I want out of this mess!"
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"Oh, perhaps we should not call K-9 Fido? That seems unnecessarily diminutive for someone who seems to be helpful."

"Ah... Gemeni, I'm sorry for acting all too paranoid. We just awoke from our pods, correct? Perhaps we have already undergone our experiments. Just because we have been enumerated does not mean it is the order in which we would be taken away. I got ahead of myself. Clearly I am a little shaken."

"Anywho, although doctors are often maligned for this reason or that reason, I cannot say I've ever been personally maligned by anybody, and I cannot think of anywhere that I've worked that has faced any sort of major controversy. I have worked in China though. Perhaps some of the rest of you have worked there as well? That could have something to do with this."
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"You're digging your own grave, you know." K-9 warns Ben. "Unity is right. I'm only trying to help. Without me, you'd all be dead. Be grateful for that."

Last edited by Blinky on Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Y'know, dogs are pretty swell fellas." Ben declared, taking another long pause before elaborating. "Friendly, loyal. Sometimes smart. Nothing wrong with being compared to a dog."

"Can't think of no-one who'd want me held captive." He then said, trying to add something more helpful to the discussion. "I ain't really done nothing wrong. Ain't been to China neither. Ich komme von Deutschland, but I live in the States now. Or, uh, I did. No clue where we're all at now."

Apparently worn out from speaking so much, he abruptly lapsed into silence after saying this.
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Gettin' Old!

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A complex expression crosses Trix's face. K-9 seemed to think he was integral to everyone's survival so far...which might be true depending on what he knows or it could be something absurd. Plus Trix tried hard to hide the amusement from his face at the "digging your own grade" comment.

"Well there's no need to be so antagonistic, either of you." he said to Ben and K-9 "Though I'm interested in what you mean by how you've kept us alive so far K-9. You look just as trapped as the rest of us, you'll need to explain a little more to earn my gratitude."

His head clearing a little from whatever sleep had afflicted him, Trix looked over at Gemini hearing her screaming out and tried to remember her code name. "Gemini huh? Just...just relax a little bit ok? No one is going anywhere yet. It'll be alright." he said giving her as good a thumbs up and reassuring smile as he could muster given his bindings.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.

Last edited by Pierre on Sat Apr 21, 2018 4:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Happy Maria

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[Notice: JesusMonroe will be dropping out of the game. As such, Datamatt shall be taking his place. Please welcome him aboard!]
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After hearing Ben's response, Sette gives him a somewhat confused glance but then get distracted by Unity's comment.

"Hmm... China, huh? I actually was there for a three years... but that was a long time ago, and I'd hardly think I was there long enough to get wrapped up in some weird plot! I'm still pretty interested in their culture, though..." He gestures down to his necklace with his head, which upon closer inspection has what looks like a Chinese character on it... not that anyone could make it out from this distance.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
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Choosing not to continue with Ben, K-9 turned to Trix. "I'm saving your lives in advance. Given the way some of you have acted, you wouldn't last long in a situation like this on your own. I'm just trying to help, that's all."
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"It seems a little too soon to be speculating on how we would do in this situation without you, K-9. We have not yet had any successes or failures to our names since we have awoken. Let us save that for after we have made it to safety and out of this imprisonment."

Unity smiles in surprise as she hears Sette talk.

"Ah, Sette! Perhaps we were there at the same time? It must've been in the late 80's for myself."
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K-9 simply shrugs. "Whatever. I didn't expect any of you to understand anyway." He returns to examining the room.
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"Umm... It's nice that we can get along and all, but shouldn't we try to be getting out of these stupid pods!?" Gemini nervously shouts.

"S-Sorry for shouting.. But I think we need to get our priorities straight here. We can chat all we want when we're not strapped down!" Gemini tries to calm herself down by doing some breathing exercises. It doesn't work too well.
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Doctor Nanjo wrote:
"Ah, Sette! Perhaps we were there at the same time? It must've been in the late 80's for myself."

"Ah, interesting, that was when I was there!" Sette replies. "China's a big place though, so I doubt we ever met up. That's an interesting coincidence, at least!"

At Gemini's comment, Sette says, "While you do have a point, I figure getting to know each other will at least help us work together so we can get out of here... and I can't see is getting out of these pods anytime soon anyway." He pulls against the chains to emphasize his point.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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The metal restraints, unfortunately, still seem to be rather firm and cannot be removed by force, no matter how hard the players push. It seems that they'll have to stay there for quite a while.
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"I getcha, boss-man Fido." Ben called over unhelpfully. " 's why I'm so calm."

"Don't reckon we'll be getting out o' these pod things so easily, though." He then said, agreeing with Sette. "What good's a prison that can't hold a prisoner? Best chance of escape'll be if someone comes for us, then we can try tricking 'em. The weakest part of any security system is its people."
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Trix nodded "Yeah, let's just slow down a bit and think about this. Information is really all we can get right now although..." he nodded his head over towards the empty pod "Looks like someone is worse off than us."

"Anyway, anyone want to volunteer to start explaining themselves a little bit?" he suggested hopefully.
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Last edited by Pierre on Sat Apr 21, 2018 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The pod itself is technically closed, so none of the players can see inside it, meaning there is a chance that it contains something.

However, on closer examination, it appears to have been labelled "Pod A".
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Southern Corn wrote:
The pod itself is technically closed, so none of the players can see inside it, meaning there is a chance that it contains something.

However, on closer examination, it appears to have been labelled "Pod A".

Suitably Retconned
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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(Well, I never said the pod itself was empty :p All I said was that it couldn't be seen into. The label simply wasn't mentioned since it wasn't inside the pod, technically. Now now I do realise I should have mentioned that before anyways. My apologies.)

(Never mind. For a second there I thought you were saying I retconned it, Pierre XD My bad.)
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"What a fascinating coincidence that Sette and I were in China at the same time. That is quite perplexing to me though. I do not believe that it has anything to do with what we are doing here if nobody else has even been to China at all. My brain is wanting to fit a pattern to the people who are here though, and so I keep trying to see it as anything other than a coincidence."

"Well, Trix, I believe I have told about as much as is practical about myself. Did I overstep myself when I told everyone my occupation? Even if I was not wearing my lab coat I would have told you all as much. I figured that nobody would object to sharing something rudimentary like that, but perhaps I was mistaken."

"Could it be that Pod A contains some sort of experimental control? I would assume somebody is inside. It seems like they will not be treated the same way the rest of us will."
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Just when everyone else was done fiddling with their restraints and speaking, the sound of more struggling came from one of the last three pods. Said pod held a young woman, looking to be in her early twenties. She wears red top-brimmed glasses and has long, brown hair that reaches down to her midriff with matching brown eyes.

She wears a white labcoat that seems used, having a bunch of folds. Under the labcoat is a simple grey long-sleeved shirt, devoid of any characteristics. She also wears a pair of grey, loose trousers, held together by a neat knot on her waist. They seem to be a size too big, forming bags at her ankles. To top her outfit off, her shoes were, yet again, quite bland white trainers. On her wrist sits a bracelet like the other participants'-- you can make out the number as a '5'.

"W-- What is this...?" She keeps struggling with the restraints until she realizes it's futile and lets out a low, exhasperated sigh, looking around the room with a frown sitting on her face. Upon noticing the other participants still speaking she straightens out her expression, clearing her throat.

Her tone seems to be more impartial, different from the last time she spoke. "Uhm. Yes, I suppose it would be my turn now. Considering you have all explained your situation, and given that nobody seems to know where we are, I will jump to the codenames. My bracelet has a 'five' displayed on it, as you may have seen, and since you have all chosen a codename, mine will be..." She ponders for a few moments, her expression remaining the same.

"Leeloo. Yes, that will do. I do not have any other questions for the time being, as all of them were already answered, it looks like."
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K-9 examined Pod A. He frowned a bit. "None of the other pods have anything written on them, correct?"
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