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Danganronpa F5 Sign-Up Thread (Sign-Ups Closed)Topic%20Title
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Hello there! And welcome to the signup thread for Danganronpa F5! (Brought to you by Panda and Kachu)

(Amazing Logo made by Lone, thanks a bunch!)

Danganronpa F is a series of forum RPs that are heavily based around the Danganronpa Games. It’s not necessary to have played either of the games, though knowing how they go would help you play a little better. You could also go and read Danganronpa F1, 2, 3 or 4! (So many options!)

An important note for anyone interested in signing up: the deadline for submitting character surveys is one week from now, Monday 26th November. This is to make sure we have enough time to plan out the game. If you miss the deadline, you’ll still have a few more days to get something in, but please note that you may be less likely to be accepted over anyone else. If there’s any reason you can’t sign up within the deadline, please let Panda or myself know as soon as you can.

There are 16 spaces for players, though we may go over that if appropriate for whatever reason. However 16 is the target, so if we receive more than 16 applications, you aren’t guaranteed to get in. Generally, characters will be picked based on how well Panda and I think they’ll fit into the plot we have, and how well they’ll mix with each other.

That said, don’t worry about filling out the survey in a way we’re more likely to accept, a good standalone character will be enough. Newcomers will have priority (not to say all newcomers who apply will be accepted) and those who have shown to be active in the past will also be prioritized.

Spoiler: So how the heck does this go down, anyways?
The game will take place across five chapters. Each of these chapters will have two main segments, being the Daily Life and Class Trial.

Daily Life consists of free roleplaying within the current location, with the currently living students! (We’ll talk more about that later). At this time, the students are introduced to a new location, and for the most part, can freely interact with each other and the environment. Basically, after you see (and read) the GM made post about the new location, you can do almost whatever you want.

During Daily Life, you’ll also be able to send and receive requests for Free Time Events! (or FTEs, for short.) What the heck are those? They’re little personal Quicktopics for you and a new buddy to chat it up. There are limits to these, however, which will be explained some time after the game begins.

‘Oh joy, this sounds like a real fun time, I can’t wait!’ I hear (probably none of) you saying. But this is when the ‘currently living students’ part comes back! Y’see, each chapter also has one student murdering another! (gasp!) (Sometimes more, too.) When that happens, there will be a GM made post about the major events that happened before the murder, and the body discovery itself! It’s also at this time that each student (and player) are sent their specific alibis in their personal Quicktopic. (Oh right, everyone gets one of those. Now you know!) Then, the dreaded Class Trial begins!

The Class Trial has all the remaining students share alibis, and any discovered evidence in an attempt to catch the killer of their recently departed classmate. Of course, the killer is a participant in the trial as well! Voting can happen at any time, and once the majority have voted for a single person, the results will come in.

If the murderer is successfully caught, then congratulations, they get to be executed! If everyone votes wrong, however… Then a (probably) totally innocent bystander is executed instead, and the killer is set free! (Oh no!) This is different from the main games where everyone is executed, to ensure the game can still continue even if the killer wins, which might happen. To make this just a little easier for the innocent players, there will be some nifty lifelines provided. (More on these when we hit the first trial.)

Then, you might get a brief period to chat with your buddies after you realize your best friend was a deceitful murderer, and then the whole cycle begins again!

Like mentioned before, if there’s any confusion, reading F1/2/3/4 might help. Feel free to ask questions too!

Spoiler: Plot Premise (Read this please it’s important.)
Danganronpa F5 takes place in a futuristic, sci-fi type setting. It’s similar to the modern world, but with advanced technology thrown into the mix. There are flying cars, robots, laser guns and more, though some technology is still in its infancy. Self-aware AIs exist but have yet to become widespread, and humans have yet to colonise other planets or meet aliens. Furthermore there are still parts of the world lagging behind, closer to what we’re familiar with now. It’s hard to get into specific details, so I encourage you to ask any questions you have about this! Apparently Overwatch is a good comparison.

The Alabaster Corporation is a large company known for their spiffy inventions and slick white colour scheme. Recently, they’ve announced something new, that they’re calling ‘Project Eden’ where Ultimates from around the world are invited to hone their talent in Alabaster’s facilities. Your character happens to be one of the Ultimates invited, and they’d be foolish to decline such an invitation. You can’t find an Ultimate just anywhere, so you’re bound to see many new faces. How exciting! (Of course, you’re free to come up with your own reasons for accepting the invitation.)

In this world, Ultimates are individual students (aged 16-21, or older if justified) who have received official recognition from their local governments for their unique talents. They receive funding to help promote them and give them the chance to polish their talents, in the hopes that they will one day help shape the future and set a strong, positive example to everyone else.

Despite this talents can range significantly, and some receive funding for talents that others claim aren’t worth it. Additionally some Ultimates end up taking very different paths from what their funders would like; in other words don’t feel too limited by the definition of what an ‘Ultimate’ is when it comes to character design.

Spoiler: Game Rules
1. Please remain active
Yeah, I get it, everyone has lives outside of this. Don’t worry about that. But please try to remain consistent and check the game often, ESPECIALLY during the Class Trials. You don’t want to be that one guy with the key piece of evidence/testimony that everyone needs to progress the trial but you’re just not checking the game and have no idea you’re needed.
If for some reason there will be a prolonged period of inactivity that you know of, come to one of the GMs (myself or Panda) and inform us as soon as humanly possible. (Okay it can wait just let us know when you can please.)

2. Try and develop your character
That’s kinda hard to do, and it’s a little vague, but basically you should use FTEs, and do some cool stuff in thread, and react to what’s going on. It’s important to make other characters feel something about yours, hate, love, or whatever else. If nobody has any opinion on your character, then nobody would care about what they do or say, or anything else.

3. Please keep this game SFW (Safe For Work)
Nothing NSFW (Not Safe For Work) please. Some of the characters might end up being below 18, and some of the players might be below 18, etc etc. Just avoid anything you wouldn’t want your grandmother to read, okay?

4. The GMs can kick you out for any reason
No, we’re not going to go crazy and do something unfair for the fun of it. This likely won’t happen, just don’t do something crazy and ridiculous, and rule breaking. I’m sure this rule isn’t needed, but putting it here just in case.

5. Don’t godmod
Godmodding is basically when someone takes control of someone’s character away from their player. Saying how Character A would react to things when you’re not Character A’s player is a big no.

6. Think of what’s best for the game as a whole
Try and make things fun, dramatic and emotional when you can! You might leave a better impact on the game if you prioritize the narrative over your character surviving, for example. This is more of a community writing project than anything, so working together to make an amazing story is what we really want out of this.

7. Try to be as flexible with your character as you can
It’s really, really unlikely you’ll get exactly the ending you want for your character. And that’s perfectly okay. We want this to be satisfying, though, so just because you can’t kill chapter 5, doesn’t mean you can’t still get something you want. If you have any new ideas as the game goes on, let one of the GMs know!

8. Try to say ‘yes’ when RPing (not always literally)
One of the worst things you can do when RPing is say ‘no’. If Bob says “hey look, a cat!”, Alice shouldn’t respond “no that’s a dog”, as that can bring the conversation to a halt. Instead Alice should say “yeah it is, and look, he’s caught a mouse!”, which both allows the conversation to continue and even advances it. Of course this is only a guideline, and there are absolutely exceptions.

Wow that seems a lot more like advice than rules near the end. Either way you should keep all that stuff in mind.

Spoiler: FAQ, except I don’t think anyone has actually asked these yet but they’ll be answered now anyways
Q: Where are the questions?
A: We don’t have any.

With all that done, are you ready to sign up? No? Yes? Maybe? Well, whatever. Make a post about how you’re interested and are going to sign up or whatever, and fill out the form right here.
(These shouldn’t be too hard to answer, I hope, but as always feel free to ask questions privately or in thread.)

Okay that’s it. Go home, or sign up, or whatever. Have fun.

Spoiler: Final Cast
1. Planetbox
2. Doctor Nanjo
3. JesusMonroe
4. MechaQdogg
5. Collin1002
6. Joker
7. CaptainPancakes
8. Lone
9. DootDootDoot
10. TheLetterF
11. Southern Corn
12. WinterCoat
13. Blinky
14. Cold52
15. Franzise Deauxnim
16. SaizotheSixth
17. Jirou

Last edited by Kachu on Tue Nov 27, 2018 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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first teehee

Also, I'm definitely signing up for this. Hopefully I get in!
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Collin1002 wrote:
first teehee

Also, I'm definitely signing up for this. Hopefully I get in!

I'll kill you smelly binch

And I'm signing up as well. Here's hoping I get in.
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Joker wrote:
Collin1002 wrote:
first teehee

Also, I'm definitely signing up for this. Hopefully I get in!

I'll kill you smelly binch

And I'm signing up as well. Here's hoping I get in.

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I'll sign up! I got a date with.... DESTINY!
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unexpected sign up post appears
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*cracks knuckles

time to get back into this, for real this time
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Doot Doot. (What's that Dooty? You're interested in signing up? What great news.)
Doot Doot. (What's that Dooty? You've sent in your survey already instead of taking a week again? What great news.)
Doot Doot. (What's that Dooty? Timmy fell down a well? What great news.)
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Definitely going to sign up for this.
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Happy Maria

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Guys, I’m sorry. I really didn’t want it to come to this, but something came to my notice quite recently today and I’ve found out that I unfortunately won’t be able to sign up for this game. Many apologies.


Will fill up the survey when I can, most likely during Wednesday/Thursday since I’m currently preoccupied with some other stuff today and tomorrow.
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Hey, sign me up as w-


Yeah that's fine there's no rules against it signing uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
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Tentatively /in but I may be /out if I can't think of a character, which I guess you'll know by Sunday :p
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Yeah I'll sign up for this at some point. This is definitely the least prepared I've been for one of these things like ever though. Besides F4

also someone's gotta post it eventually
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Oh yeah forgot to mention

If lcarus and SiRReN show up in this thread, you guys should threaten to make them Ch1 victim + killer if they don't submit their F4 endings
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Works for me, would be nice to have a confirmed first victim.
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Happy Maria

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KamiPanda wrote:
Works for me, would be nice to have a confirmed first victim.

SiRReN's like one of the few rare non SC first killers already so I approve of making her the new meme.
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The American Dream

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Wow golly gee, I've never done one of these before but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

One could say I'm interested and will have the form in soon

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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WinterCoat wrote:
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

you're welcome ma'am
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I wanted to make a funny post saying I'm super excited for this and already submitted my survey, but I couldn't come up with anything good.
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F5, huh? I guess just the name tells us all we need to know about how...refreshing this game will be.

Now that I'm confirmed to be the first victim, yeah I'm in I guess.
Signature loading, please wait...
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No other way than to make this mistake.

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Yeah ok time to make up a character
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welp, time to make a character and hope everything works out then. :v
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I just realised that we left out something quite relevant in the first post, oops. The start date.

For those unaware, this game will start on December 24th. Yes, that's a long way away, the time is used for planning. Also, you don't need to worry about being busy IRL during the first few days: we deliberately put it on the Christmas period because the game starts with everyone making individual character introduction posts anyway. There won't be any RPing then, so it doesn't matter if you take a while getting a post done, so long as they're all in by the 26th.
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Sent my app in, gl to the others as well
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I'm excited to follow this! I submitted a character. Really glad there's so much interest but it also makes me nervous! Good luck!
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too many people

i gotta kill some
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Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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No other way than to make this mistake.

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its done

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and it was done and there was much joy had that day :v
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Are we supposed to announce when we’re done? I’m done
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I'm not actually done yet, but I'll pretend I am
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Just a heads up for everyone, if you need a link to edit your response, ask me or Kachu for it and we can retrieve it.
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I intend to sign up for this voyage.
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I want to join! I hope I can make a memorable character, if I get in that is. ^^
*coughs awkwardly*
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Happy Maria

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Finally managed to submit my survey. Good luck to everyone else!
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I finally posted my survey! I really hope I get in, and I hope the best for everyone else!! :3
*coughs awkwardly*
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The corpse rises up from its grave, and it wishes to join.

I know I'm late don't judge me senpai
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