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It's all over! Thanks to all for playing the Nonary Game!

It's quite difficult having to maintain the Nonary Game and keeping up with everyone. As such, I am glad to actually have this game done and over with. Given that this was my first time being a NG GM, so of course, I made some mistakes, but hey, it's just me being a rookie GM. Anyway, I have learnt a lot from GMing the 8th Nonary Game, such as don't meta-confirm stuff and stuff.

Moving on to the thanks. First of all, a big thank you to JesusMonroe for teaching me how to do my GM job properly. Without you, the Nonary Game would have been a disaster, but you taught me how to do my job the right way. Next, I'd like to give my thanks to the newcomers, Muzosavr, S4K4MOTO, and Joker. Congratulations on winning your first Nonary Game! And finally, to the other players, a big thanks you for playing the game! And a big thank you to all the players. You all made characters that are memorable. There's character memorable moments, which I'll talk about later as I have to get to the main point of this thread.

Anyway, the Room QTs are as following:

Round 1 Rooms
Dining Hall:
Security Room:

Virgo's Redemption Room:

Round 2 Rooms
Doctor's Office:

Sin's Redemption Room:

Round 3 Rooms
Living Room:

Pitch's Redemption Room:

Round 4 Rooms
Director's Office:

Psi's Redemption Room:

The player QTs will go up when I have got some inputs from the surviving players on their endings.
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Happy Maria

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Yaaaay it's over! Congrats to Hanzo for GMing, I enjoyed the game enough, the first half especially. This might be the most I've ever enjoyed an even numbered NG as well, so congrats on that too. I liked the characters too, though I'm not sure which I'd say is the best character, really. I suppose I liked Blaze, Sin and Pitch a lot, but I don't think I ever disliked anybody at all, really?

Not much really to say for now, I guess as time goes on I'll add onto what the others say.
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I really liked this game, but there were a few really odd decisions you made throughout it. For instance, killing taking away your voting points. I didn't really like that, makes killing really pointless and imo killing should be an integral part of an NG.

Otherwise, good game. Everyone was pretty cool.
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Happy Maria

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Datamatt wrote:
I really liked this game, but there were a few really odd decisions you made throughout it. For instance, killing taking away your voting points. I didn't really like that, makes killing really pointless and imo killing should be an integral part of an NG.

Otherwise, good game. Everyone was pretty cool.

Oh yeah some stuff like that was weird. I did think it was sort of weird to do that because that meant there really was just zero incentive to really kill or do anything risky in general. In fact I think it would've made more sense to make killing increase your voting points since that would've been more interesting. Other than the devices which were pretty difficult to find in the rooms, there really wasn't any other way to increase your voting points either.

That said the final voting phase was cool and intriguing but I wish there were more moments like that throughout the game. Generally I thought the game could have maybe been benefited by an extra phase between just solving puzzle rooms, like the lynching phases in NG5 or the AB game in NG6. It made the first part go by pretty quickly and it felt sort of strange without anything else in between.

I guess you could argue that the redemption rooms existed and stuff but eh. Maybe they would've been better had they been done in pairs or something. Like Psi/Jupiter, Dee/Peri, etc with maybe Deux or Blaze not getting one. Would have required some rewriting but I generally would have preferred that to just one person having a room to themselves mainly because it made things a bit dull for the others.

The fact that there were only 4 of them in total felt pretty arbitrary to me, and the decisions themselves weren't that interesting to me. Psi/Virgo's were simple enough and didn't really have much of a choice to make. Maybe they were given too much freedom on who to spare and whatnot. Sin's was okay but way more puzzleheavy compared to the others? I recall it taking a lot of time to do and checking the room itself, I can see why. That is pretty extreme.

Pitch's was probably the worst to me mainly because it was just blatantly rigged against him? Like the entire game was pretty much rigged against him from the start which was pretty unfair to me. It makes sense from a story perspective but I sort of felt it wasn't really that good from the player's perspective, mainly because he seemed destined to die no matter what. Either he could shoot himself in his own trial (which I think would've been impossible but whatever) or he could've shot Diego, making him lose voting points and also screwing him over big time for the final vote.

And considering how rare the vote increment devices were (I thoroughly searched like 75% of the rooms I was in and found nothing of the sort), that meant that it was near impossible for him to make a comeback. The fact that both Jesse and Fiona both had their vote points doubled also made it really hard for him to prevent his own death. Granted it got close near the end and I think it could have been possible for us to prevent him from dying but yeah, the entire game was just blatantly against him from the start.

Oh and speaking of the redemption rooms, one minor nitpick I had was just that they took a lot of time to do sometimes. And not just the rooms themselves, even figuring out whose it was took a lot of time with everyone usually trying out the key to see if it fit. It was sort of alright the first time but afterwards it felt like a weird formality and I wish those could have been bypassed with a GM post that just details who it belongs to and then commencing the room itself.

In fact the whole game was just sort of filled with these weird formalities where everyone had to post once in order to proceed, especially at the ending part where we had to step on the elevators. That part was pretty drawn out mainly because of how many times we had to do something. First it was confirming we had nothing to discuss and then stepping on the elevator, then it was meeting with the redemption room people (which probably could've been saved for the end) and then it was stepping on the elevator again. Not mentioning the stuff about how we had to leave our weapons behind after that and then we all had to post about getting on the podium, but at least those felt necessary in comparison? That whole phase could have just been skipped entirely. Same with the part after escaping right at the end. I honestly wasn't even sure what we were waiting for but it kept going on anyway.

I realise that's a lot of critical stuff up there coming from someone who claims to have liked the game, but I really did have a problem with those. I enjoyed the game overall but stuff like that was weird.

Also, what were the solutions to the anagrams? Not that anyone actually tried solving them much but it would be nice to know now, I guess.
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Right, what can I say...

I enjoyed the game quite a lot, though I did expect more... AB-like stuff happening. When "Vote Value" was first announced, I was unbelievably excited for really tense VLR-like situations, but it turns out there was only one and, while a direct "who dies" vote kinda works, it basically takes the whole game from 0 (for those who didn't have redemption rooms) to 180 really quick.

The puzzles (at least, the ones I've seen) were really, really nice. I think you mentioned taking most or all of them from a puzzle book -- you've picked a good puzzle book. I'd like to know which one it was. ;)

I agree about there being a lot of formalities that didn't seem necessary. The out-of-room stuff wasn't so bothersome to me, but the fact that, inside the room, you have to examine every single object in order to know what it hides, even things that you, honestly, should be able to see right upon entering the room... I mean, I got used to it pretty quickly, but I do think it wasn't always logical. The overall choice of puzzles, though, again, was pretty nice.

Without knowing Kachu's side, it's hard to say how much rigging the game against Pitch story-wise helped or hindered the experience on that side. Yeah, it's not exactly fair, but it does make sense in the story and it may have enhanced the tension, too... it's hard to say. But Kachu can speak on their own, so... we'll find this out, right? ;)

Story-wise, my main criticism would be the amount of things that just feel ad hoc or arbitrary. The amount of redemption rooms (I get that having this many phases would be painful, but still), Harmony's family's involvement, etc, there are things that just don't connect as well as you'd expect from ZE-like storytelling. Even the electric shocks for failing a puzzle didn't always make physical sense, unless the real source of the shock was the bracelet and not the actual object. Though, it all did add to the sense of "Zero died and left some stuff unexplained", which feels super plausible to me. But I suppose that's part of what the post-game thread is for, right?

I do like the idea of a petty, vengeful Zero, though, that's a good meta twist. ZE had grander reasons for all its Zeroes, but in a universe where Nonary Games are held time and time again, how realistic is it to expect that every single one of them would have grander reasons? It's a good Zero character and I enjoyed Jesse a lot. Fiona clearly having more good in her heart, yet being roped into this because of how much it hurt was a nice touch, too.

On the character side, THE MOM was, of course, my favorite, since Blinky reacted to all of my cues. Playing that out was epic. I liked everyone, generally, but I think post-reveal Pitch/Nigel (after we found out he was one of the bank robbers) has achieved one of the most consistent character voices among all of us... the ending, where he showcased he still had a sensible moral compass, despite participating in the bank robbery earlier, was just great. "I'm a bad guy, and even I think you're off your rocker, Jesse" was how it went down. I loved it. I also felt THE MOM had a very consistent character voice, too, but hey, I'm biased because of which character I played...

Myself, I'm afraid I may have overdone on narration in comparison to all the other players, and I'm also not sure how consistent Clyde's moods are. As inconvenient as "roleplay at the speed of chat" Discord stuff is (since you have to assemble all the players at once at the same time, and that's a major pain), one advantage that it has is that you're playing the character in real time. In a forum game like this one, where posts can be, sometimes, separated for days, it's more difficult to get a feel for how much time things take in-game. It was really fun to write Clyde's mental state, but I may have shifted it back and forth too quickly for it to be realistic.

(Also, be glad I didn't pick Beryllium as my code name. No one would want to spell that. Also-also: yeah, what were the other two anagrams?)

Overall, it was a heck of a time. Some mistakes were present, I suppose, but the positives way outweigh the negatives. The New Leaf Bank stuff all connected really, really nicely, with most characters genuinely having some kind of a relation to it and the underlying event feeding into Zero's motivations. Good game, Hanzo.
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Muzozavr wrote:
(Also, be glad I didn't pick Beryllium as my code name. No one would want to spell that.)

I told you, man, you should have just shortened it to Barry! Then it would have still been an actual name, and also it would have rhymed with his mom's codename! But you didn't, and now you will pay the price. grabs shovel BAD END - BURIED

Oh yeah speaking of nicknames, I wouldn't mind if they just weren't in the next game. There was a reason to have them here (Blaze would have been found out by Sin, for example), but I generally prefer when characters have enough degrees of separation that stuff like that isn't a huge deal. Some of the code names were fine this game, though a lot felt not very original and some of the betters ones were hard to figure out, but maybe I'm a negative Nancy. Sin was still the best codename though

I liked having a sorta small-scale event as the justification for the NG, but I guess I was hoping for a bit more twists? There wasn't really a lot to uncover about the individual characters, as most of them were exactly who they said they were except Pitch and Blaze. The robbery itself was also pretty simple, but I did like how it showed how a fairly average thing could change a lot of people's lives dramatically. I guess I was most disappointed by Zero and his friend. I didn't have a problem with Zero being a separate person (and I really liked his personality), but Jesse didn't have much meaning to anyone. I would have preferred if someone knew him personally, though that can be hard to pull off. Most people also guessed Fiona simply for having the least relevancy, though not having Peri and Son basically deconfirmed might have improved that. I think in the end the only reveals that really surprised were Pitch being the robber and everything about Blaze.

I agree about the pacing issues; it got pretty annoying especially during the leadup to meeting Zero. As a spectator it was probably worse for me. But that's already been discussed to death so whatever.

Overall I definitely enjoyed the game, and none of it's flaws beyond the pacing really hampered that enjoyment. I also liked all the characters, but I think it'd be difficult to rank them in an organized manner since they're all fairly average. Peri and Dee were great together but not that special when separated, which is fine since they never were anyway. Sin and Pitch were probably my favorites though; Virgo's up there somewhere too.
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Last edited by Planetbox on Sun May 26, 2019 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I definitely would've liked if there was an actual choice to make in my redemption room, for instance only being able to save one person. Like, I had the choice to save or kill anyone I wanted. Why would I have killed Harmony's sister and mom, instead of just killing the dad?

Also yeah there only being redemption rooms for a handful of characters was meh. I feel everyone should've either been able to see the redemption room on a TV, or redrooms should've been done in pairs.
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Oh yeah, I agree with Planetbox, Sin is a great code name. It's not just the coolest code name in this game, but might be the coolest NG code name ever. Kudos to Joker on that one.
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Considering that I was learning the ropes of being a GM... Yeah, I could have done more with the formalities. One way, as you guys said, was to make a GM saying everyone did that (getting onto the elevator, trying the Redemption Room door, etc.). It didn't occur to me until after the game, but oh well.

Yeah, about the puzzle penalty... In the Garden, when Peri got shocked for inputting the wrong answer to a puzzle, Virgo was holding the puzzle box. So, she could have got shocked along with Peri, but I felt that would be unfair to have someone penalized for not even trying the puzzle while the person trying the puzzle got penalized. (Of course, you can get penalized for failing to solve a puzzle in NG4. But it was only a gimmick story-wise.). So, yeah, the source of the shock would be the bracelet.

Pitch's Redemption Room.... I actually turned it into a coin toss. Where it works like this:

Pull the trigger
Head = Bullet
Tails = Click

Spin the cylinder, then pull the trigger
Head = Click
Tail = Bullet

So, when Pitch decided to spin the cylinder and pull the trigger, I flipped the coin and it landed on... tail. Imagine my surprise when that happened. I wanted to avoid have this happen and have Pitch get a click, but alas, I felt that it would be weird, so I stuck with what I originally planned. Imo, it'd work better if this was a RNG instead of the coin toss. Perhaps we'd get to know Diego a little more if Pitch got a 'click' on his first attempt. But, well, we all know what happened.

Speaking of Redemption Rooms, I agree with what you guys were saying about them. To be more fair, I felt that if I did pairs, it'd be unfair to the lone player who didn't get a Redemption Room. Speaking of which, I'd like to bring up the talk that Muzo and I have the other day on Discord; that the Redemption Rooms were inspired by the 'Exit/Corners' game. Let's be honest here, at the time that I was designing the Redemption Rooms, I didn't know there was a game with a similar idea. So, you could indeed agree that I unknowingly tapped into that idea. I didn't even know that until Muzo brought it up.

And, let's not forget the anagrams. They pretty much have to do with justice. Anyway, here's the answers to the anagrams that you couldn't solve.

"Tin clone novelists will rubs jet ice dive belt due."


“Interviewers fetch foam emblem.”


Yeah, I left a clue to one of the words in this anagram; when Zero asked the players if it really mattered if they remember what the weather was like when they were kidnapped. I'm surprised that no one was able to pick up on the clue, I literally bolded the word 'remember' to try to clue you into that.

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Alright first thing's first, huge congrats on running and finishing this game! I had a pretty great time playing Pitch, and I'm super glad to see lots of people ended up liking him.

I'm not gonna go into huge detail parroting what everybody else already said. Pacing issues, yeah we've been over that. Redemption rooms being in pairs would've been neat, of course the odd person out would've been weird, but something to think about,

Sin was the best codename, yeah. I'm not against them no longer being used in other games but here Sin would've known who Blaze and Pitch were right away, and to be honest if there weren't code names I'd probably have had Pitch give a fake name instead to get around that.

The elephant in the room, for me, at least, was how the whole game was more or less rigged against Nigel/Pitch from the start. Now I'm not really an expert on this topic, but I think it's just a tad ridiculous that Psi was able to place Pitch's voice from that one day, five years later. Though I might be misguided and stuff like that is totally possible and happens all the time, it made it really difficult for me to hide the fact that Pitch was one of the robbers. I'm not sure what I could've done if Psi was just going to remember naturally, and tell somebody about it. Apparently the dart gun was poisonous too, so I feel like Psi had to have been pretty damn sure Pitch was the robber, so I'm not sure if I could've done anything to make her think otherwise. And if she was going to remember it on a timer, the only thing I could've done (at least that I could think of) was kill her before she could tell anybody. Which, on one hand, I like how hopeless and difficult the situation is from a story standpoint, but as a player trying to reach his win conditions it seemed almost impossible when looking back. I couldn't even really go in a different room than her, because of how the voting worked out.

I'm by far not an expert on math, but to my knowledge, there was a 1/64 chance that both Diego and Pitch would live through that Redemption room. Like before, I like how the game is rigged against Pitch given what Zero's motives are. I guess the win condition only said to Find Diego, but there being a reasonable chance for him to actually live would've been nice. Though at least I'm glad Diego was shot instead of Pitch, because as a player, just dying to a coin flip that I couldn't actually shift into my favour would've felt really unfair. Especially when I didn't even know it was rigged, and thought it was a 1/6 chance. Because I wouldn't really be able to prevent that, I'd just have to hope on a coinflip. But it wouldn't have been just once, I would've had to lucked out on three coinflips in a row, that's even if Pitch didn't shoot Diego first. It feels like it was impossible for both Pitch and Diego to live, and I get that that's the point, but it feels like a no win situation, and those aren't very fun to play.

Now at the end, I know it was totally possible for Pitch to live if one of the other players didn't vote for him. I'm still upset that it was totally rigged, but I had a reasonable chance to make it out of that, and I only died because of another player's direct actions instead of having no control, so that's much less of an issue for me. (Also if Pitch didn't kill Diego, then Zero would've one the vote because his vote count would've been higher.) I also get that at the end, the electric shock was supposed to kill you instantly, but it would've been kinda nice to have some sort of last words. I dunno it's not that big of a deal.

Basically, to summarize, I had a really great time playing Pitch, and I enjoy how the whole game was rigged against him from a story perspective. But being put into those tricky situations that seem possible to get out of with some sort of action, and maybe a little bit of luck, but were actually heavily stacked against me, giving me little chance to actually end up winning the game, hurt my enjoyment quite a bit. I'm really glad everyone else had a great time playing too, though. And again, I had a real blast, but as a player being forced to lose because the game is rigged against you isn't so fun.

I hope those text walls made any sort of sense and I didn't end up using some weird word choices.
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Okay wow PB I spent like 2 years waiting to use 'Psi' as a codename because I was SO PROUD OF IT and this is how you repay me???? As revenge you're officially CANCELLED FROM F6

But yeah I'm fine with there being no codenames or whatever. Having it be like NG7 where you can give your character their own name is cool. I was happy with mine though since my surname was JACKSON

Speaking on the puzzle rooms personally, I liked them. A few were a bit too simple though and maybe could've been fleshed out more but they served their purpose well enough. I think they sort of ran out on interesting stuff to find though. The Doctor's Office had some pretty cool stuff in it, then the Nursery had this weird bear to symbolise Jesse's lost son. A bit underwhelming but yeah.

The puzzles themselves were fine though, I struggled with them sometimes but I ended up solving them in the end. I think I might have even been one of the contenders for most puzzles solved this time which amazes me. The one with the speed bumps was a bit lame but other than that I liked them, barring the occasional riddle which had a really crazy solution. Also personally I disagree with Muzo on how you had to examine everything in a room, usually it lends itself to garnering more cool info and other stuff for yourself. Plus the rooms itself would be pretty short otherwise.

I think my least favourite thing about the rooms themselves were how they tied into the game. They always felt weirdly arbitrary and didn't really feel cohesive or tie in together nicely over the game. The fact that the location of the game itself was just some weird random building in the middle of nowhere which basically means nothing to the players. Personally I think this was a mistake since settings are a cool thing about NGs which can really change a lot and can even be a good part of the story, so the fact that the locations this game felt randomly placed was a bit of a bummer to me.

And yeah speaking on the story overall I wasn't exactly a fan. I wasn't against the idea of a smaller scale NG but it was pretty simple and unsurprising for the most part? I liked the robbery plot enough but it definitely didn't feel enough to carry a whole game. I think there definitely could have been a lot more character subplots that could have been fleshed out for a more engaging experience. Like instead of relegating Diego/Psi's ex/Virgo's stepdad to redemption rooms they could have maybe been actual players instead to vary up the cast dynamic and flesh out the story more in general.

Maybe characters could have been more connected than that. Like maybe if Psi's ex was a bank robber, or if Sin was Peri's husband/the detective who framed Blaze? Just spitballing here but yeah character relationships weren't particularly interesting and thanks to the early reveals it wasn't hard to figure out who was the assistant (plus I kind of figured Pitch was off from the beginning). I think Blaze's subplot was definitely unique on its own but it had basically zero relevance to anything and got resolved immediately.

I also wasn't a fan of Jesse at all particularly. Not only did he not mean squat to any of us but his motive seemed downright petty. I could understand his vendetta against Pitch but he didn't really seem justified at all in getting the others involved. It didn't really seem well thought out and the fact that he was in it for revenge was even worse, since it isn't anything new or interesting at all (it's been done before in about 3 other NGs at this point) but it also wasn't particularly deep or fleshed out. Same with Fiona's motives as well, really.

Oh also I liked how there was a book on Morphogenetics in one room and it turned out to be utterly irrevelant to the game other than like one part in Sin's redemption room.

Pitch's Redemption Room.... I actually turned it into a coin toss. Where it works like this:

Pull the trigger
Head = Bullet
Tails = Click

Spin the cylinder, then pull the trigger
Head = Click
Tail = Bullet

So, when Pitch decided to spin the cylinder and pull the trigger, I flipped the coin and it landed on... tail. Imagine my surprise when that happened. I wanted to avoid have this happen and have Pitch get a click, but alas, I felt that it would be weird, so I stuck with what I originally planned. Imo, it'd work better if this was a RNG instead of the coin toss. Perhaps we'd get to know Diego a little more if Pitch got a 'click' on his first attempt. But, well, we all know what happened.

I... don't really get this. So whether you would have spun the cylinder or not, you still would've tossed the coin? Also, isn't that just RNG anyway? And since Pitch's trial was rigged against him, wouldn't Diego surviving mean that Pitch would have to die instead? It's not as though we would have gotten to know him more anyway since he was a redemption room guy.

Speaking of Redemption Rooms, I agree with what you guys were saying about them. To be more fair, I felt that if I did pairs, it'd be unfair to the lone player who didn't get a Redemption Room.

To be fair 8 players out of 9 getting a room would be much better than 4 :p You could maybe have it play into the story too, with maybe Zero's assistant not getting a redemption room or maybe even the final vote acting as the redemption room in some way.

Also in response to what Kachu said, I don't think it's really unreasonable for Psi to have remembered Pitch's voice given how much the incident traumatised her as a person. But yeah, I agree with the rest of your points. It didn't really seem fun or fair from your perspective to have the game basically be weighed against you from the start, plus with me figuring out your true identity I would've figured it out fast and eliminated you quick. Also I think Psi realising you were the robber was triggered by Blaze or Jupiter suggesting it to me for some reason and not just me trying to place his voice there? So that was weird.
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Yeah it kind of sucks how unbalanced the game was for Pitch, even if it makes sense storywise, it's not really fun for players to be stuck in no-win situations like that.

Most of what I was going to say about the game has been said already so I'll just say my two major critiques are that for the most part the game felt very low-stakes, and that Zero himself felt pretty inconsistent.

It might be because I was just spectating but I never got any sense of danger during the game; the voting system actively discouraged characters from killing each other, failing puzzles just knocked someone unconscious for a short time rather than kill them or even cost them points, etc. Virgo's redemption room didn't reward her in any way for choosing to kill someone and barely punished her for it (she lost half a point towards her voting weight, so what, it's not like anyone was actually going to spend their votes to kill her anyway). Psi's room had the exact same problem. Even the final vote didn't seem all that tense since it was pretty clear most anyone who voted was going to pick Zero.

As far as Zero himself, his attitude and motivations felt all over the place. Like, I guess he was so traumatized by the robbery and its aftermath that he put the whole Nonary Game together specifically to punish Pitch, but then he'd go and do things like laugh at the other players when they got shocked, call them silly nicknames, and act like he didn't care about the game at all with his comments about going to lie down or read a book. It was almost like he was being tsundere about his own game and just made him feel weird and nonthreatening. I also wasn't a fan of the votes at the end being rigged, especially when Zero had previously disclosed all the vote values (so essentially the GM was just blatantly lying). Why would Zero even bother to rig the vote, anyway? The whole point of the game seemed to be showing the other players what a scumbag Pitch was and trying to get them to punish him, so in Zero's mind, he shouldn't have needed to give his votes extra weight since he thought he was doing the right thing (unless I'm just completely misunderstanding Zero's motives, in which case :shrug: ).

To keep this from sounding too negative, I will say the backstory with the robbery and having the players connected to that was neat and apparently the puzzles were good from what I've heard (I didn't check them myself, didn't have the time really).

As a final thought, I'll say I agree with Muzo and the others about a lot of things feeling arbitrary. It felt like a number of things in the game were just there because they felt Zero Escape/Nonary Game-ish, rather than being there because they helped the game. To a degree I guess that's okay, but I'd like to encourage future GMs to think carefully about adding elements like that and consider what doing so would change or improve in their game.
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Alright so I'll give my thoughts as well. Definitely a big congrats to Hanzo for pulling this together successfully and the others for sticking with it, despite some inactivity issues here and there. Running a game isn't easy and spending the time to participate is no light commitment either.

I'll admit my interest in this one was a bit more passive, but I was following it. I'd usually let the game sit for days at a time and then catch up on some posts. Towards the end of the game even this strategy didn't help much pacing-wise because I'd be catching up on like... 10 posts at a time. I also generally didn't read the rooms because I figured the cast would share the info anyway so maybe that colored my impression of things a bit.

Overall, I thought the cast was kind of weak and that's probably my biggest problem. The story was good for what it was. Not great, not bad. I agree that it could've used a few more twists but to be quite honest I don't mind the idea of a short NG with a small and personal story like this one (but when I say "short", I mean even shorter than this one). If the characters were stronger then I really don't think the lack of a bigger story would've mattered. Personally I would've added another layer to it like some conspiracy behind the bank robbery/the motive for robbing the place being more than just some robbers getting money... but whatever.

But yeah anyway, the cast. I have so little to say about any of them. There were a lot of activity issues in general but overall a lot of people just felt kind of there. Sin was my favorite character upon introduction. Amazing codename like others have said and also a really interesting design. He captures your interest immediately about what this insidious and mysterious character could be, but there's also an interesting possibility that he could be a bit more than that. But then he ends up being kind of a normal guy. Now, I don't mind that he is a nice guy and it's definitely not uncommon to have expectations subverted like that in ZE, but I was still hoping there was some larger mystery or complicated history with him. I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I'm not even dissing Salem or anything because Sin still ended up as one of my favorites, it's more just an example of the game setting up something interesting and playing it kind of straight. Also as a sidenote there was too much swearing in this game, not that I'm one to talk.

I don't mind Zero being petty or setting things up against Pitch. I get what people are saying about unfairness but if I were a player in the game, even knowing what I know now, Pitch is probably the character I'd want to play. It just seemed like he had the most going on. But I guess I don't care about winning as much as being a cool character. It definitely didn't make much sense that the other people needed to be involved at all but it's always a stretch to think of a motive for a death game anyway so I didn't mind.

But by far my biggest disappointment with the cast/game/story is that Zero was just some other guy. Yeah, I know the game "made up for it" by having the assistant be among the cast but Deux never had much of a presence and ended up feeling like the worst possible choice for that twist and it was just so unsatisfying. Zero and the assistant should've been in the cast. Any closed circle mystery should have the "killer" among the cast. Period. And yeah, I know that's just my opinion. I get that people might appreciate the game doing something different, or subverting expectations, but I really do think that the mystery and cast just fundamentally improves if Zero is one of the characters we know about for the whole game. It's much more rewarding.

That's about all I have to say for now. I agree with some of the other thoughts that the gameplay could be stronger. Redemption Rooms should've been public and maybe involved the cast we know. It felt a little awkward to have so many side characters that weren't actually played by anyone but the GM, but I'm more just nitpicking. I'll also throw in that I feel pretty done with codenames too. I definitely like the NG7 system the best (most of the cast uses their real names, but the players still get to choose them) but in general I just want the number-system to be gone. A codename can be really cool and can be based off of appearance/profession/etc but the number system just restricts it way too much and we get names that are either similar to other games or just kind of bland. Also sorry SC but Psi is kind of meh as a name imo.
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Great game, everyone!

Most of the issues I had are already said here, but I do have some things to say about Zero. Jesse's motives, like everyone has said, felt extremely petty. He wasn't holding the Nonary Game to save anyone in particular or do some sort of good in an ends-justify-the-means way, he just wanted Pitch to die. That really bugged me. It made it hard for me to sympathize with him, even after learning how much he lost because of the bank robbery. The entire confrontation with him at the end felt less like "I'm talking with the man that kidnapped us for reasons that aren't entirely evil" and more like "I'm arguing with someone who won't realize they're in the wrong no matter how much I tell them and they keep ignoring my points just to feel sorry for themself."

Don't get me wrong, I feel like a petty Zero could work, just not as the main Zero of the game. A petty Zero would probably be better if he was like Ace was in 999 (someone who held a NG earlier now put into another NG by a different Zero with different motives).

I'll agree that this overall did feel more like a vanilla NG, but I think that made me like it more. After burnout from F5 and school among other things, a basic game with no big tricks and gimmicks felt very relieving to me.

My two cents on the nickname bit is...I feel like NG7's style is what we should use in future games. Choosing nicknames is only really fun because we're choosing a name for a pre-made character. For me at least, it helps me grow attached to them. So suddenly switching to using the real, already-chosen-by-GM name feels unnatural after I've spent so much of the game referring to them by their code name. With Peri, I felt really bummed out once Zero revealed her name because I realized I had to start going by that, and it just didn't feel right to me. Contrast with Violet from NG7, who went by her (mostly) real name all game long, so I never felt that.

Overall, it was a pretty fun game. I enjoyed playing Peri and I'd go so far as to say she's one of my favorites that I've played before. I didn't have any issues with the cast, and I liked pretty much everyone. Special shoutout to Muzozavr as Clyde for being both Sylvia's son and a really great character all around.

While I am skipping on F6, I'll definitely join NG9 whenever that rolls around!
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Southern Corn wrote:
Okay wow PB I spent like 2 years waiting to use 'Psi' as a codename because I was SO PROUD OF IT and this is how you repay me???? As revenge you're officially CANCELLED FROM F6

I know you're joking but I'll respond anyway. My only real issue with Psi is that we've had Greek letter names before. It's certainly one of the better ones in this game though, especially since the 3 part is from the shape and now just "it's the third letter!!" or something. rip me in F6 though
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Oh and another small comment to throw in but it felt like the stuff people were restricted from talking about was kind of unnecessary. For future GMs, if you don't want a character to reveal important information, make it a secret. Or something that can hurt them. But expecting people to be quiet about something they have no reason to be quiet about (like a robbery that happened in their past) is kinda iffy. In general you should expect that players are going to be talking and will reveal connections with each other sooner than you expect, so just make sure that whatever they have can only add intrigue and wouldn't be game-breaking.
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*cracks mighty Blaze knuckles* Alright let's do this. Time to murder Soco for heavy dissing my NG4 as inferior to this one.

Congrats Hanzo on running your first Nonary Game! These things are nightmares to pull together in terms of story, player activity, puzzles and effort and I had a good time here with it. I will say that while I prefer NG7's story, I still stand by that I prefer the more 'game' based styles as opposed to the strict 'narrative path' style used in that one. It allows for player choice and agency and the possibility of varying things up. I just don't think this game offered many opportunities for that as there was little need for anyone to betray each other. Most of the cast at the end had nothing against each other and there was only one real villain. We didn't really need to compete for resources anyway because the voting system allowed us to vote for obvious villains.

With regards to searching the rooms I don't mind finding undiscovered stuff as we go. It's probably more natural too but you gotta describe that stuff. We lost time in the kitchen room because we hadn't searched for a drawer in the counter which had never been described in the first place. As the GM you gotta be our eyes and ears.

I thought Zero's motivations were unusual too. I didn't mind Zero being petty so much (though I think I personally prefer grander scale stories) but somethings about it felt like a letdown. I understand that GM's don't need to have planned for every eventuality on the fly and improvise but not having a legitimate reason for everyone to be involved from the get go felt really really off. It really made the mystery a nightmare for me because I couldn't imagine a reasonable explanation for players to be involved. Seeing how Redemption Rooms were basically random choices for players and not having an explanation as to why those players were chosen was weird and the one made for Peri felt last-minute and unusual as a weird way to say "Oh but hey Zero bailed you out." I think it stands that if the goal was simply to torture Pitch (and indeed the system was going to be so screwed against them anyway) then involving the other players doesn't make much sense especially from a "compassionate" Zero and it would have made more sense just to kill him with all the power they had over them.

Blaze's role in the story felt a bit unusual at first but it was alright. Being the outsider wasn't bad but Zero confirming that I was an outsider and therefore not a threat was probably a mistake. Would have left a lot more intrigue into the matter and left Blaze as suspicious considering he would seem wholly unconnected to the events of the past. Clearing so many players off the bat really narrowed down the difficulty on pinpointing the assistant. I mean I get you didn't expect people to reveal so much so early but there was incentive for them to do so and no reason not to so it was a natural action for the players to take. The way it went at times the players were like 2 steps ahead of the mystery. In the Nursery, I was solving puzzles and finding items that were meant to clue in on the mystery but at this point were just telling us things we already knew. Other players didn't really seem like an actual threat though as there wasn't any real PvP elements other than the possibility of open-killing someone. I do wonder what Zero and Fiona would have done if Pitch was already dead by that point.

Favourite Character: Sin was a cool dude. Real Spike Siegal vibes from him.

Favourite Puzzle: While the actual answer for the Seed puzzle was pretty obscure and hard to guess, I liked how you permitted my close enough answer. That's good DM-ing!
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Nah NG4 is great too Pierre, I just never participated in it so I just don't have the same level of entertainment reading through it as I do with playing through these

Also thanks guys for proving I'm just as bad with choosing names as I was two years ago :larry: :larry: :larry:

I liked the cast overall but yeah I'm not super huge on them. I think most of the players played their characters well enough but their roles in the story weren't really ingrained that well. They were mostly average and straightforward. Also this reminded me I've talked about my codename more than my own character so I guess I'll talk about that now.

Theresa/Psi wasn't a particularly interesting or even a memorable character to most people, no doubt, but I did actually enjoy playing her, maybe more than some of my more recent characters. I thought it was pretty interesting to play a more vanilla character and I had a lot of fun with her. She had a very basic character arc but I thought it worked well enough in the context of the game so that was good.

Generally a lot of my enjoyment from this game came from the former half, mainly because I wasn't really aware of how simple the story actually was. Trying to figure out the bank robber/assistant was fun enough and the Doctor's Office was a very well paced puzzle room in general. I think the 'back to basics' part of the game was sort of a nice contrast to NG7 and I did like it, albeit not as much as NG5 but it's not unexpected. Also I really liked the section where everyone revealed a glimpse of their backstory right before the first set of puzzle rooms, that was genuinely intriguing.

Trying to catch Pitch especially was my favourite part of the game. It felt very intense once I figured out who he was and I was just trying to plot how to get him. Conspiring with Jupiter and Blaze about how it was pretty exciting and fun, I'll admit. Even the tiny details like voting to be in the same room as him and what weapons to use I'd got into my head. I somehow managed to get a poison dart gun as well as a syringe in addition to the pepperspray I had with me at the start of the game so basically I was a freakin' weapons lord. I find it even funnier in retrospect because I was busy freaking out over whether Pitch had a knife with him or something while in reality Blaze had one he could have casually used from the start. It was so one sided, Still, even though my plan to poison Pitch failed, I managed to play it off well enough and I still managed to pepperspray him so that's a plus. Those were definitely the highlights of the game for me.

Anyway, a couple other things:

Best Puzzle: Definitely one of the ones in the workshop. I think I like the simplicity and fun of the 123 puzzle and the challenge the 6 puzzle thing provided, but the final puzzle where you had to make a single huge link thing was my favourite because it had a nice combination of both those puzzles while still being super satisfying to solve on my own.

Best Riddle: The Pill puzzle in the Doctor's Office. It's the only riddle I correctly answered I think (other than that weird one which was just addition) but also I knew the riddle already so

Best Music Link: There were like four of these in the whole game but I liked the one for Zero's room. Mainly because I chose it but it also fit the mood way better than the lame ones you guys gave just saying
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Yeah taking the opportunity to conspire with Jupiter and Psi was great. I was a little anxious when you suggested a voting plan against what I thought the agreed goal was but it worked out.

I originally wanted to hold the knife to his back the second we entered the room since by that point he'd already fallen into the trap of the voting but it didn't go through so I was glad to see you could handle it yourself.
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While we're still talking, I'd like to list out my favorite moments in NG8.

Favorite NG8 Moments
- Penalizing Peri for submitting a incorrect answer to the puzzle in the Garden, hence why this is my 'SO BE IT' moment. Also the first time someone screwed up on a puzzle in NG8.
- Literally every Dee/Peri moment. That's how you see the true relationship between a mother and her son!
- Jupiter finding a solution better than the one Zero intended! I was shocked when I checked his answer. I didn't want to be unfair to him, so I have no choice but accept his answer. Lesson learned: Always check your handmade puzzles to prevent any possible loopholes!
- Pitch being leveled-headed during the confrontation with Zero.
- The argument between Blaze and Zero over the bridge puzzle. Zero literally have to talk Blaze through to finding the correct solution.
- The epic confrontation in the Nursery.

Yeah, Pierre, your answer to the seed puzzle was pretty close to the answer I was aiming for. Still, the answer that I explained and your answer are both valid. Which is the problem with lateral-thinking puzzles, as there may be more than one answer depending on how you look at the puzzle.
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I know I'm late but I never know what to say in these post game threads

I don't have much to say that hasn't been said already, but I'd like to thank Hanzo for running this game. It was a lot of fun being in an NG and I really enjoyed being a part of it.

Next I'd like to talk about Pierre/Sin. I'm a bit surprised how well-received he was. I had a lot of fun playing him, and I'm glad everyone else seemed to enjoy him as well. I'm glad people liked his codename too. I originally felt it was a bit edgy, but in the end I'm glad I went with that and not one of the other codenames I came up with. Thank you all for the positive comments and stuff, I really appreciate it.

And that's it I guess. Sorry for not posting in here sooner.
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Alright, the endings are up. And as I promised a while ago, here's the character PMs along with their respective Quicktopics.

Spoiler: Pitch
You have been selected to take on the role of the bad guy! Good luck!

Name: Nigel Rodgers

Age: 38

Gender: Male

You were a criminal who worked along your partner-in-crime, Diego Hernandez. You have committed several crimes while you were growing up, but they were nothing major like the one you commited 5 years ago. 5 years ago, you and your partner stormed the New Leaf Bank, armed with guns and wearing ski masks to conceals your identity. Diego forced the bank customers to get down onto the floors, while you went up to the bank tellers. You threaten the tellers into giving you the money with death threats. While you were collecting the money, three security guards tried to intervene and stop you, causing you and your partner to engage in a shootout with the security guards. You shot dead two of the security guards, and injured the third security guard. You and your partner fled the bank before any more security and police show up.

Seeing as the bank robbery was in the past, you and your partner decided to live life the normal way, as to not arouse any suspicions. Little did you know, that one night, your life will be changed forever. That night, you and Diego were enjoying some cold beers and watching a baseball game on the crappy TV in your trailer home. Suddenly, white gas appeared in your home, spending into the room from God knows where. Realizing that you may have been discovered, you and your partner tried to escape your trailer home when you discovered the door is blocked from the outside. You didn’t have time to search for another exit as you and your partner fell unconscious due to the density of the mysterious white gas.

You woke up, finding yourself in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You have no idea how you got here. Looking around, it was obvious what your situation is. You were kidnapped, so you figured that you might have to find a way out, though. You felt something heavy on your left wrist and discovered that there’s a strange bracelet strapped to it. The number shown on the bracelet is: [1].

- Trickster: You can WHISPER/GIVE ITEM in addition to the usual Action
- Pickpocket: You can successfully steal something from a player if they're watching you, but not when they're watching their back.
- Weapons Training: You are familiar with knives and guns as you used them in the crimes that you committed.

Your Quicktopic:

Spoiler: Deux
Congratulations on getting the role of Zero's Assistant! Good luck!

Name: Fiona Buckley

Age: 33

Gender: Female

You were a simple company employee working for some major company. On top of that, you were dating your boyfriend, Ethan Fairbanks who works as a security guard at the New Leaf Bank. Life was good… Or at least until that fateful day. On that day, you were on your lunch break and waiting for your boyfriend to get on his break, so you and Ethan can go get something to eat. Suddenly, two masked men stormed into the bank. One of the men forced you and several other customers onto the floor, while the second threaten the bank tellers into giving them money. They were robbing the New Leaf Bank! You were scared out of your mind, and mentally prayed that your boyfriend will be able to stop these bank robbers. Your prayers were answered as you see your boyfriend, along with two other security guards, came to the scene. They were trying to stop the robbers, thus causing the robbers to engage in a shootout with the security guards. Things went downhill from there. You watched, in horror, as the bank robbers shot dead your boyfriend and one of the other two security guards. As you stared at Ethan’s lifeless body, the two bank robbers made their escape. Later, you heard that one of the two security guards was shot in the right shoulder. That and the bank robbers apparently slammed the door open onto a pregnant woman. The police interviewed you, but they let you go due to you being saddened by your boyfriend’s death.

Some months passed, during your lunch break, you were at the cafe by yourself. You were sobbing when a man approaches you and introduced himself as Jesse Reyes. “Why did you approach me while I was sobbing over my boyfriend’s death.” You asked, wondering what Jesse’s deal is. He replied that he lost both his wife and unborn son as a result of the New Leaf Bank robbery. He mentioned that his wife miscarried the baby, and then a week later, she committed suicide. So he knows how it felt to lose someone you cared about. Then he said that he knows that you lost your boyfriend, and asked if you ever have had thought of extracting revenge on the bank robbers. You replied “I honestly haven’t thought about it, but now that you mentioned it, I do indeed wants to get back at the bank robbers. What plan do you have in mind?” Jesse replied that he’s working on something called a Nonary Game and he needs someone to help him with the game. Becoming interested and consumed by the thoughts of revenge, you agreed to help him work on the Nonary Game together.

5 years later, the Nonary Game is completed, and all that’s left to do is kidnaps the people that Jesse have had chosen in advance. You and Jesse went on to kidnaps people from their homes. However, things got complicated when Jesse reports that he have to knocks out a man who walked onto him in the midst of kidnapping Theresa Jackson. He have no choice but to puts him in the game, and you agreed with him. You didn’t expect that to happen so suddenly.

While putting the people in their respective rooms, you were filled in on those that you and Jesse had kidnapped. Once everything were done, Jesse strapped a number bracelet onto your wrist. A number is displayed on the bracelet: [2]. You nodded at Jesse to let him know that you’ll be going to pretends that you were kidnapped along with the 8 people that you have placed in the dimly-lit room. Jesse left to go to his room where he’ll be watching the game happen, while you went into the dimly-lit room and sat down on the last remaining spare chair. You rested your eyes for a bit until you hear movements and voices. Well, time to start the game with them. You ‘wake up’ all confused by the situation, smirking to yourself about all this.

- Evil Knowledge: Because you are Zero's assistant, you know the layouts of the building that the Nonary Game is being held in.
- Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: You can WHISPER in addition to the usual Action.

Here's your Quicktopic:

Spoiler: Psi
Well, you got the number you were hoping to get, hey? Anyway, good luck!

Name: Theresa Jackson

Age: 29

Gender: Female

You were a bank teller at the New Leaf Bank. You have a decent payroll, and you loved your job. Life is indeed good… Or at least it was good until that one day. That day, you were helping a customer with a financial issue until two masked men stormed the bank. You were paralyzed with fear, something that you haven’t felt in a long time. You watched as one of the masked men forced the customers onto the floor. Then the other masked man stormed up to you, demanding money. You couldn’t process what was happening and it was so sudden. The man threaten to shoot you if you didn’t hand overs the money. Not wanting to get shot, you quickly gather what cash you can find and handed them over to the masked man. Then, three security guards arrives at the scene. This resulted in a shootout, so you quickly ducked under the desk to avoid getting hit. Minutes later, you heard the doors open and close. The bank robbers have gotten away, having killed two of the security guards. You were interviewed by the police, clearly shaken up by the events that happened. You still answered the questions to the best of your knowledge. But, deep down, you knew that it would be difficult for the police to catch the criminals as you have no idea what the men look like underneath the ski masks. You have been paranoid since that robbery and always carried a can of pepper-spray with you everywhere.

5 years later, you still have your job as the bank teller. About a month ago, you dumped your sorry excuse of a boyfriend, Ronnie Glass when you found out that he have been selling some of your stuff for money to buy drugs. Therefore, you knew about his drug addiction. So, you dumped him here and there, told him to get out of here and that was it. Now, you have gotten home after a day of work, so you decided to take a nap. While napping, you awoke to the sound of something hissing and saw strange white gas. You panicked and tried to escape the room. You only made it halfway across your apartment before you fell unconscious.

You woke up, finding yourself in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You have no idea how you got here, but it was clear to you what happened; you were kidnapped, and that’s not a good thing. Feeling something heavy on your left wrist, you look down at your wrist and noticed that a bracelet was clamped onto it. There seems to be a number displayed on the screen: [3].

- Paranoia: You can WATCH YOUR BACK at the start of the round in addition to the usual Action.
- Stinging Peppers: You are armed with a can of pepper spray. However, this is a one-time use item, so choose wisely.

Your Quicktopic:

Spoiler: Dee
Well, this is your first time playing a Nonary Game, so all I can say is this: Good luck!

Name: Clyde O'Malley

Age: 15

Gender: Male

You were a ordinary teenager boy, raised by your mother, Sylvia. Well, not exactly ordinary. You were a bit above average, meaning that you’re decent at studying and athletics. Life have been tough, especially with your mother having to work to supports you. Still, you sometimes have the nightmare that have been haunting you for 5 years. The nightmare was based off of a actual event that happened to you when you were 10 years old.

5 years ago, you were with your mother at the New Leaf Bank. You and your mother were in line for a available bank clerk when two masked men stormed into the bank. One of the masked men forced everyone onto the floor, including you and your mother. You always thought that holding a gun would look cool, but to have a gun aimed right at your own face? That’s a scary thought, you guessed. As you were lying down on the floor, you felt your mother pulls you closer. You knew she was trying to comforts you. You watched, with a horrified look on your face, as the two masked men shot and killed two of the security guards that tried to stop them. You always saw death on TV, but to witness death with your own eyes?
You were traumatized by this for a while, before you soon bounced back to your normal self. You, however, refused to talk about the bank robbery as it exposed you to the actual reality that there are cruel people who’ll do anything to get what they want. Despite bouncing back to your normal self, you sometimes have that nightmare.

That was 5 years ago, and you prefers looking forward to the future. You are now a high school student. Still, your mother supports you in every way possible. However, you did not know that one day, your life will be changed forever. That night, you were in your bedroom, working on your homework. You were so busy that you didn’t notice the white gas. That’s when you heard your mother screams your name, so you got up from your chair and tried to make your way over to the door. But, your legs suddenly felt weak, causing you to fall to the floor. You soon pass out quickly.

Waking up, you find yourself in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You couldn’t believe your eyes; you were kidnapped. Worried about your mother and trying to make sense of your current situation, you unconsciously lift your left hand up to your forehead. That’s when you noticed a bracelet was clamped onto your left wrist. You don’t remember putting this on, so whoever kidnapped you must have done that. The number on your bracelet seems to be… [4].

- Tech Expert: Growing up with modern technology, you're quite familiar with computers and can figure out computer stuff.
- Hand-held Communicator: There is a hand-held communicator in your pocket. This device only works when you're in your room. The other person must have the second device so you can communicates with them.

Your Quicktopic:

Spoiler: Jupiter
Considering that this is your first time playing a Nonary Game, all I can say is this: Good luck!

Name: Logan Sullivan

Age: 32

Gender: Male

When you were a young boy, you were impressed by the security guards that worked at various companies. You wanted to be a security guard when you grew up… And here you are, years later, a security guard working at the New Leaf Bank. You loved your job as you get to talk with your fellow co-workers about various topics such as sports, girls, and drinks and maintain the peace in the New Leaf Bank. You have known both Ethan Fairbanks and Andrew Grimes since you got the job two weeks ago. Life was good, according to you at the very least. However things will change that very day.

That day, you were chatting with your co-workers about last night’s baseball game when you happened to look at the security camera feed and noticed that two masked men entered the bank. You realized what this mean and told Andrew and Ethan that there’s a robbery going on. You and your co-workers ran to the scene. You yelled for the robbers to surrender. Unfortunately for you, this caused the bank robbers to engages in a shootout with you and your co-workers. You were struck in the right shoulder, which threw you onto the floor. Clutching onto your injured shoulder, you watched in shock as the bank robbers shot dead Andrew and Ethan. Then the bank robbers made their escape. You don’t remember much afterwards, but you do recalls being transferred to a hospital so that the doctors can treat your injury.

5 years later, you were still working at the New Leaf Bank, although… The robbery have changed you. You were cold and distant towards the new co-workers, who were hired by the bank and taken the spots that originally belongs to Ethan and Andrew. They’ll never replaces the friendship that you lost when Andrew and Ethan were killed by the bank robbers. So, one day, when your day shift ended, you decided to go home. Once you got back to your apartment, you decided to have a drink. So, you opened the fridge and as you reached for a bottle of beer, you noticed someone puts a piece of cloth onto your mouth. This happened so suddenly that you tried to struggle to break free. Then you smelt the scent of chloroform. It was so overwhelming that you soon passed out rather quick.

You woke up in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You figured that someone must have kidnapped you, but who…? You have no idea, and frankly, you didn’t care. Feeling something heavy on your left wrist, you lifted your left wrist to see what it was that made your wrist feels heavy. You discovered that someone had clamped a bracelet onto the wrist. The number displayed on the bracelet is: [5].

- Guns Training: Due to your training as a security guard, you are familiar with guns and can handles them properly.
- Observant: Due to you always keeping an eye out for trouble, you have the eyes of a hawk. You can WATCH in addition to the usual Action.

Here's your quicktopic:

Spoiler: Virgo
Good luck!

Name: Harmony Newman

Age: 23

Gender: Female

You were a troubled girl, growing up with your abusive stepfather, Bruno. You remember that whenever he get mad, he would beat up your mother. And when your mother isn’t around, you were beaten up. You endured this for a while until you were 18 years old. That’s when you decided that enough is enough, and ran away from home. If there was one thing that you regretted when you ran away, it’s probably that you left behind your little sister, Daisy. But, you knew there’s no turning back, as you have to get away from your abusive stepfather. Now, you’re in a different state from the one you grew up in. You knew that you have to do something about what to do next. The first thing that came to your mind was money. You obviously needs money and needs a place to store them. So, you decided to open an bank account at the New Leaf Bank.

While you were listening to a bank employee discusses the process of opening a bank account, two masked men stormed the bank. You and the other customers were forced to get down on the floor. You watched in horror as the bank robbers engaged in a shootout with some security guards. The bank robbers killed two of the security guards, while a third one was injured. The robbers then made their escape afterwards. Later, you were interviewed by the police, though you didn’t provide them with much information, as you didn’t want to be sent home back to your abusive father. Afterwards, you took up martial arts classes to learn how to best protect yourself from bad people.

5 years later, after doing a ton of odd jobs, you were able to afford a decent apartment with a decent rent. That night, you were relaxing in your apartment and watching movies when you noticed the white gas. You tried to escape your apartment, but you couldn’t open the door, so you peers into the keyhole and what do you see? An ominous figure in a gas mask and a raincoat was standing off in the distance. That was the last thing you saw before you fell unconscious due to the white gas.

Waking up, you find yourself in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You have no idea how you got here, but you knew that you have been kidnapped, but why? Who would wants to kidnap you? You looked down at your hands, but you were surprised by a bracelet that was clamped onto your left wrist. There seems to be a number displayed on the bracelet. The number displayed on the bracelet is: [6].

- Gossiping Girl: If you are Whispered to, you can WHISPER back in addition to the usual Action.
- Martial Arts Expert: You took martial arts classes to better defend yourself from bad people. You can counter moves that a player attempt on you as long as you're watching your back.

Here's your Quicktopic:

Spoiler: Sin
So, this is your first time being a participant, so all I can say is: Good luck!

Name: Pierre Gray

Age: 44

Gender: Male

You are a detective who upholds the law and maintains the peace in the community. You always make sure the guilty stays behind bars while the innocent stay on the streets. On top of that, you were married to your high school sweetheart, Gwen. Together, you and Gwen both have a son, Tyler. Life was wonderful, indeed. But however, it’ll change all because of a certain case.

The New Leaf Bank robbery have occured, and you were assigned to the case since the case falls into your department. The reason for that is that two security guards were killed and several were injured. Plus, a large amount of money was stolen. Seems like a easy task, right? Well, out of interviews with the people caught up in the bank robbery and evidence collected at the crime scene, you discovered that it’s difficult to make an arrest unless you found some evidence that could proves who did it. The case was so intense and difficult to solve, that you ended up working on it for days to come. You even worked late at the police station, going over the notes.

5 years later, you still haven’t got a new lead on the case you were working on. It have been on your mind since that day. To make matters worse, you have neglected both your wife and son because of the case. On several occasions, you have gotten into arguments with your wife over you working so late. Gwen wanted you to spend time with your son, to have a better bond with him, but you were not having any of it. You refused to even listen to a single thing she said.

It was late at night when you got home from work, you weren’t having any luck with the case. Entering the house, you called out for your wife…. Silence. You think that it’s strange that the house is so quiet. You went to the living room and turned on the lights. The first thing that you noticed was a window which was left open. You were fairly certain that Gwen didn’t leave that window open. You sighed as you went over to close the window. As you closed the window, you were startled by the reflection in the window. No, it wasn’t your own reflection… In fact, the reflection show that there was someone else in the house with you. A ominous figure in a gas mask and raincoat is standing behind you. You believed that this must be a intruder, so you turned around to confronts the mysterious intruder. You tried to approach the intruder, but suddenly, your legs felt weak. You fell onto the floor. From where you were, you see a canister that seems to be letting out a mysterious white gas. How did you fail to notice the gas canister when you came into the house? That was the last thing you saw before you fell unconscious.

Waking up and coming to your senses, you find yourself in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You quickly figured out that you must have been kidnapped along with these 8 people. You suddenly felt something heavy on your left wrist, and you looked down at the wrist. You discovered that someone have clamped a mysterious bracelet onto your left wrist. There seems to be something on the bracelet, and it looks like… a number? The number displayed on the bracelet is… [7].

- Bullet-Proof Style: Underneath your clothes, you are wearing a bullet-proof vest, meaning that you can survives a gunshot to the chest, but not to the face. The other players doesn't know about this.
- Weapons Training: You are familiar with guns and knives, having worked on cases that involves them. In addition to that, you're a member of the police, so you're really good with a gun.
- Watchful Eye: You can WATCH a player, but will fail any puzzle that you attempted to solve.

Here's your Quicktopic:

Spoiler: Peri
I know you're a little burnt out from F5, but I want you to do you best. Good luck!

Name: Sylvia O'Malley

Age: 48

Gender: Female

You are a single mother who have been raising your son, Clyde, even since your husband had passed away when your son was very young. You have been doing odd jobs here and there to get money to supports both Clyde and yourself. You always tried your best to supports Clyde in every way possible, and made sure that he knows that you love him dearly. You tried to make sure that Clyde would have a normal childhood, growing up without his father. However, you could never be able to preserves his childhood innocence, as one day, Clyde will be forced to face the harsh reality of the outside world.

That day, you and Clyde were at the New Leaf Bank. You were there to deposits some cash into your bank account. You were waiting in line for an available bank clerk, hen two masked men stormed into the bank, waving guns. One of them demanded everyone get down on the floor. You quickly pulls Clyde down as you get onto the floor. As you were lying down on the floor, you pulled your son in to comforts him. Then, the bank robbers engaged in a shootout with three security guards that tried to stop them. One of them was injured while the other two were fatally shot, before the bank robbers made their escape. You couldn’t believe your eyes… You son was exposed to the harsh reality of the world; people were willing to do anything to get what they want. You were interviewed by the police for a brief moment and was then let go due to your son. A while later, your son soon bounced back to his normal stuff, but you felt that the bank robbery is probably bothering him in some other way. You never did press him on that matter because you wanted to supports him in every way possible and make sure he grow up into a honest and good man.

5 years later, you were preparing dinner and listening to the radio. You were busy until you noticed the white gas. Realizing what this means, you shrieked your son’s name as you ran towards his bedroom door. But the white gas is so dense that you collapsed before you even reached the door. You blacked out shortly afterwards.

Waking up, you find yourself in a dimly-lit room with 8 other people. You realized that you must be kidnapped. So, naturally, you were concerned for your son’s well-being. Getting up from your seat, you felt something heavy on your left wrist and you lifted your left hand to look at it. A bracelet of some sort was clamped onto the wrist. You don’t remember putting this on, so someone must have put it on while you were unconscious. A number is displayed on the bracelet: [8].

- Handheld Communicator: There is a hand-held communicator in your pocket. This device only works when you're in your room. The other person must have the second device so you can communicates with them.
- Photo: There is a photo of a young boy in your pocket. The boy in the photo is your son, Clyde.

Here's your quicktopic:

Spoiler: Blaze
Name: Darren 'Smokey' Emmott

Age: 35

Gender: Male

You were a firefighter who works at the local fire station. All your life, you have been fighting fires and saving lives. That’s all you ever done for the community, and you hoped to keep it that way… until that night. That night, you were out with some friends at a bar, having some drinks. You have a couple of drinks before you decided to go home for the night. After all, you have to be sober in order to maintains your responsibilities as a firefighter. So, you left the bar to make your way back home. However, the moment you left the bar, you heard some sort of noise coming from an nearby alley. You decided to investigates the source of the noise. You went into the alley, where you found the lifeless body of a man named Rory Barr. You panicked and fled the scene, you didn’t want anyone to see you near the dead body.

A few days later, you were arrested by the police on suspicions of murder. Apparently, you were seen by a bar staff member, who told the police that he saw you run away. You denied killing Rory Barr, but the police didn’t believe you as a search of your apartment yields a bloody knife with your fingerprints on it. You maintains your innocence, stating that you never touched that knife and have never seen that knife before in your life. But still, you were tried for the murder of Rory Barr. And the verdict was…. Guilty. You couldn’t believe your eyes; you worked so hard to get to where you are, only to have it taken away over a crime that you did not commit.

You were in prison for a week before you were told that you’ll be transferred over to a different prison. You were placed on a prison transfer bus with several other prisoners. Soon, the prison transfer bus got into a accident on the way to the second prison. It was a wreck, but you were able to get out of there with minor scratches and bruises. Seeing as it might be some time before the police arrives to investigates the site of the accident, you decided that you need to find a place to stay low for a while. Later that evening, you made your way over to a apartment building, where one of your friends was living. You were going to stay at his place while you figures out what to do next.

That’s when you noticed a door that was left ajar. Did someone forgets to close the door? You decided to go into the apartment to hide from the police and… What’s this? There’s a unconscious woman on the floor, and standing nearby was a person in a gas mask and raincoat. Before you have to a chance to react to this scene, the person threw something at you, and then you heard the sound of hissing, like a gas leak. Apparently, the person used a gas canister, but you’re not sure what kind of gas. But, suddenly, you felt weak in the legs and then you collapsed onto the floor. The last thing you heard was, “Damn it, you weren’t supposed to be a witness to what I am doing… I suppose I have no choice but…” You didn’t hear the rest of the words as you passed out quickly.

Waking up, you finds yourself in a dimly-lit with 8 other people. Uh oh, if they see you in the prison outfit you were wearing, you’ll be in big trouble. You panicking looked down at your outfit and… Huh… That’s weird. Whoever kidnapped you must have changed you out of the prison outfit and into normal clothes. You were confused by this, but you noticed something else strange. There was a bracelet clamped onto your left wrist. You figured that whoever kidnapped you must have puts it on. The bracelet made you felt like a prisoner and you hated that feeling, literally. There was a number displayed on the bracelet and it reads: [9].

- Focused: Due to you being a firefighter, you are able to notice even the little things. You can WATCH a player without the distraction penalty.
- Note: There is a note in your pocket. It reads: "I know you're innocent, and there's evidence that proves your innocence." You have no idea how it got there.

Here's your Quicktopic:

Also, here's the Spectators/Subs quicktopic:
Re: Nonary Game 8 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:42 am

Posts: 4741

Just finished reading all of that, fun times

PB I hope you like my QT btw
Re: Nonary Game 8 Post-Game ThreadTopic%20Title
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Gender: Male

Location: The Other Side of Paradise

Rank: Medium-in-training

Joined: Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:43 pm

Posts: 387

It was pretty good. Would have been better on the PLANE
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

Avatar from over here probably
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