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Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title


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Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

psYchlocks are «k i n k y»

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[ Thx darling. <3 ]

“Papa had been unable to pull off the perfect revenge. His plan had a single fatal flaw that doomed him from the beginning. You broke the Golden Rule: Emotions are trivial and serve no real purpose save for clouding all rational thought. Consumed with raw hatred you were, oh papa …” Felicia von Karma, the elder of the von Karma sisters, stood before her father’s vacant desk. Perfection, sheer perfection she was. Golden blonde hair coupled with a voluptuous figure would have any male, or even female, drooling in an instant. Her intelligence was far superior to most, however, her lack of common sense made her out to be just another dumb blonde.

Lucid blue hues were staring down at what had been the memoirs of a perfectionist. It was all there – an intricate map of her papa’s life that included all those around him. Each person was merely a pawn, one that could be sacrificed for the good of the King if necessary. “Miles Edgeworth should be the one behind bars. Him! It should be his head beneath the blade.”

There were a mere seven days before Manfred von Karma’s execution and his –last request- had still not been fulfilled. It was all left to her considering her younger, and more naïve sibling had gone gallivanting off with that spiky haired dimwit.

Slender fingertips slid along the tattered pages of the journal as she skimmed the words, a single sentence capturing her interest. “Gregory Edgeworth’s death was the beginning, while his son is to be the end.” The blonde haired woman felt her chest tighten all of a sudden, and it was at that time that she knew what she was to do. “I must finish what papa has started. I must … I must make Miles Edgeworth suffer.”
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

Hail to the Princess

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In a different location -- that being one of a certain office which housed Los Angeles' finest prosecuting attorneys -- said "naive" younger sibling sat at her desk, staring down furiously at a long piece of paper which was clutched firmly within leather covered digits.

Every now and then, the prodigy would crumble the paper a bit. Ice blue gaze narrowed dangerously at the document in question, which was the last will and testiment of one Manfred von Karma. Finally, Franziska closed her eyes and slipped the document into a drawer for safe keeping, before standing from her seat. Her joints protested the sudden move to stand, giving out loud pops and cracks, which in turn, caused her to frown.

"For being so perfect, papa, you certainly had many imperfections, which is painfully obvious from your lack of judgement on whom you will these belongings to. . . along with certain other events of the past." Shaking her head, the young prosecutor was quick to gather the belongings she needed -- purse, keys, whip, things of the such -- before pausing and staring at her desk. Something seemed off with the usual perfection, and had seemed this way for a while now. Hesitant hands moved out to pick up a picture frame that was lying face down, and she stared at the picture long and hard. A faint smile crossed her beautiful face, before she sat it upright on her desk. She suddenly straightened and moved out of her office, making sure to lock the door, and began walking briskly down the hallway, nudging past anyone in her way. Eventually she had made her way towards, and into a lone elevator, leaving the picture of herself and a certain 'little brother' alone in the dark confines of her office.

Upon reaching the ground floor, Franziska moved outside, and down the sidewalk, heading towards the familiar home that had once belonged to her 'younger sibling' and she. Truthfully, she was only borrowing it for now. After the. . . events that had taken place in the home, she had been searching for a new house to live in for a while, but to no avail. A tired sigh ensued, and she moved to the front door, unlocking and stepping into the dark home.

Flipping on the lights, she kicked her heels off and sat them neatly beside the door, before quietly padding upstairs to retire for the night.
xXx____________________________chains of love got a hold on me
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

psYchlocks are «k i n k y»

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Revenge. Was it even worth it for the elder von Karma to consider such thoughts? No, it wasn’t. Her family and her career could erupt before her hues if even the slightest mistake was made. But Felicia’s considerable lust for approval in her father’s eyes lead her astray and because of this she would stake it all without so much as another thought.

Drawing a deep breath the golden haired beauty felt her chest clench, her heart aching as she began to consider such a horrible deed. It isn’t worth the risk, think about it Felicia. Think about Dimitri and Leyna. You cannot abandon them for the sake of your father’s revenge. Her mind attempted to reason with her but the thoughts fell on deaf ears. Nothing could deter her now. Nothing.

“I will make Miles Edgeworth wish for death. He will plead and beg and squirm and I will laugh, mocking his pitiful existence.” Felicia set her hand upon the desk and arched her back as she began to laugh, smiling the /von Karma/ smile.

Mapping out such this particular revenge would call for perfection and precision. There wasn’t a detail that could be left unscathed. “Perfection. I am perfection.” Felicia murmured under her breath, her gaze elevating to the phone that rested upon the far corner of the papa’s desk. “Franziska.” She spat, as though the words were poison to her tongue. “Her perfection has been tainted and now she’ll infect us all. I’ll bring her back; I’ll resurrect what was! I cannot have her interfering because she still has feelings for that man. Feelings deeper then what meets the eye.
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

Hail to the Princess

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It wasn't long, before the prodigy was in bed, reclined peacefully upon the pillows, and dressed for the occasion. Turning onto her side, her ice blue gaze narrowed at the door -- it didn't matter how calm she looked on the outside, on the inside, she was a mess.

"It will be over soon. . . papa will be gone, I. . . hm. Where will I be. . .? Here?" Her brow furrowed, before she turned back onto her back, clutching the sheets tightly within sweaty palms. "More importantly. . ." Franziska trailed off, realizing how foolish she must have looked, talking to herself in the dark confines of the bedroom. Her eyes closed for a few moments, before she breathed out a soft sigh.

". . .More importantly, where is he?" Her eyes opened again, and she stared up at the ceiling. Somehow, she knew this was going to be another sleepless night.
xXx____________________________chains of love got a hold on me
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title
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. p r o s e c u t o r .

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Fourteen minutes had passed since Miles Edgeworth had stepped off the plane and the demon was still as unsettled as ever. His hands were still quaking beneath the paper cup of tepid coffee he had ordered from the residential Starbucks. It had been that damn turbulence. Noises. Bumps. Shakes. Dips.

Grey hues slipped shut and he watched as the flight reeling through his mind. Several people had been watching over him the entire time due to his peculiar behavior and looking back at that, he felt rather childish. But holding a firm grip on the armrests had been all he could manage to keep from passing out, or even falling victim to cardiac arrest. “Damn airplanes.” He scowled as his hues flittered back open. Still, over all these years it still took a decent amount of strength to keep from breaking down during events like this; … those that reminded him of the DL-6 Incident.

He shook his head with a displeased sigh, a hand rising to clasp the side of his head. “It’s going to be a long night …”

[Short. Bah.]
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

psYchlocks are «k i n k y»

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"Before I deal with that bastard child, Miles Edgeworth ..." Felicia brought her hand up to her face, an index finger poking at the corner of her pursed lips. "... I'm going to have a little /chat/ with my dear Imoto-chan."

Emerald orbs glimmered with envy and hatred for the pair that her papa had nurtured. So much more then she! Cast off to the side the moment she refused to become a prosecutor. Since that moment the sweet little girl had become a hell spawn, gaining her papa's approval though various deemening actions upon the two younger siblings. "Even now ... I'm going to wreck the both of them and when I finish papa will realize MY superiorty."

Lacing her fingers along the phone she drew it upon into her hand. Dialing her sister's cellular she swallowed hard, thinking up some excuse to call the younger over. Something that would make her show without a moments hesitation. "Hm ..."
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

Hail to the Princess

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"Well, I pray he does well. I suppose the only thing left to do is pray for his safety. . ." Orbs of blue glimmered for a few moments wtih something akin to remorse, before they closed, and stayed closed for a good ten minutes. "Still. . . I cannot help but be concerned." It was at this point, she remained silent, a worried look plastured to her pretty face.

The prodigy had just drifted off to sleep, when her phone rang. Sitting up, she frowned, and fumbled about on her nightstand, looking for her phone -- ah, there it was. Picking it up, she frowned and answered.

"Franziska von Karma speaking, how may I assist you?"

][ Mine r short 2. D: ][
xXx____________________________chains of love got a hold on me
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

psYchlocks are «k i n k y»

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"Something horrible has happened." Felicia blurted out without a moment's hesitation. What of course, she hadn't thought that far ahead but such a simple phrase was sure to grab her sister's attention. Felicia paused, knowing that these seconds would add to the dramatic tension before she spoke again. "It's Miles Edgeworth. I need you here as soon as possible, to the estate ... please." Her voice cracked and without another word she hung up, a sadistic chuckle errupting from the woman.
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

Hail to the Princess

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"What-- horrible? Who-- Felicia, is that you?" The prodigy frowned, unable to understand what the big hurry was. . . that is, until Miles Edgeworth had been mentioned. "Wh-what? What is wrong with him-- why is-- . . .yes, of course. I'll be there shortly." Hanging up, Franziska did not bother to pack. She was already outside and hailing a cab to the airport, reserving her tickets via cell phone.

When the cab pulled up, she immediately stepped in and began barking orders, the cabbie driving off and to the Los Angeles International Airport. "Why didn't he contact me. . .? Was he unable. . .?" With the shake of her head, she pushed the thought to the back of her head. To make a long story short, she got her tickets, boarded her flight, and was off to her home country.
xXx____________________________chains of love got a hold on me
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title
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. p r o s e c u t o r .

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Sipping on the luke warm coffee he glanced around the desolate German airport. It was quiet, thank goodness, the demon couldn't take much more noise as his head was already throbbing. He had come to Germany as a bit of a vacation, and as a favor to the elder von Karma sister. Felicia wouldn't disclose the reason she had brought him there, but instead leaked out small details to which he pieced nothing together. What did it matter though? He was away from work regardless of how laid back that had been. "Nothing like L.A." He muttered, clasping the cup in hand as he stood up, the chair screeching against the tile as he did so.

Without another word the demon strode through the airport, suitcase in one hand and coffee in the other. "Someone should be here to pick me up." He paused in a rather open room, the man squinting to peer through the windows up ahead. Outside the caught sight of a tall man garnished in black, holding a sign with what appeared to be his name.

Quickly, Miles strode through the doors and towards the other. "Miles Edgeworth." He spoke quickly, casting a glance off to the side as the other gentleman took his suitcase and motioned to the limo. He didn't need to be told, so Miles simply climbed inside.
x♦x________________chains of love got a hold on me.
.much ♥♥♥♥ to Vickinator for the beautiful signature.
Re: Redemption. Closed Plz.Topic%20Title

Hail to the Princess

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It wasn't long, before Franziska had too arrived at the airport in Germany. She had just gotten off of her flight, and was currently pushing her way past people, occasionally cursing in her native language. She gave an annoyed sigh as a child collided with the back of one of her legs, which almost -- ALMOST -- sent he toppling to the ground.

"Foolishly foolish child-- nnngh. . ." She glared at the child for a moment, who backed away under the prosecutor's rather intense [and scary] gaze, before she moved on, exiting the airport via the automatic doors. As soon as she stepped outside, a hand flew up, and a taxi was hailed. Getting in, she ordered the cabby to her sister's address, and huffed.
xXx____________________________chains of love got a hold on me
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