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Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title
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larie wrote:
I have to say that I agree with most of what everyone said: Iris = annoying, Dahlia = evil x 1000

So far, then, you=person I like
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title
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I think I'm finally ready to ramble about the ending.

I honestly held off on beating it for quite sometime because I wasn't ready for the Phoenix arc to be ended. I've warmed up to Apollo finally so I decided to bite it and complete the game.

T&T was really amazing. I wasn't completely thrilled with case 3 (it had endearing moments but didn't hold me like the rest of the game), but the game as a whole I was blown away with. The creators are complete geniuses really, how the story more or less became full circle. Things you thought weren't too important from earlier games turned out to be part of this expansive plan. By the time I got basically three quarters through 3-5 my brain was almost exhausted from all the plot twists they beat you with. :P The last few minutes of 3-4 had me in utter shock, I didn't see it coming and I completely understand why Mia was so traumatized...

Back to case 3-5 though, oh man... I had my feelings that Misty was Elise, but that didn't make her unveiling any easier considering the circumstances. It completely tore my heart up honestly. Believed dead for so long, basically living a new life, and yet still killed in the end. :larry: I can't listen to her theme without getting a little teary eyed. Maya might annoy the shit out of me most of the time, but I felt for her with basically seeing her mom killed right in front of her eyes. The photo that she kept safe in the talisman... Misty loved her daughters above all else. It really must've been so hard to remain out of their lives and watch from afar. I can only imagine what hearing of Mia's death did to her.

Now onto our beloved 'final boss' and her sister. Genius, absolutely genius. Listening to Dahlia's theme while watching her manipulate the court so easily gave me chills. Sure she's a cold, heartless, sociopathic bitch but you can't help but love her for crafty she really is. I'm a sucker for villains you hate to love (even if I don't hate them completely, more am in awe of them) and Dahlia Hawthorne takes the cake there. She was goading Phoenix in Maya's body, calling him Feenie with that venomous grin on her face and I was in awe. The dynamic between the twins was amazing as well. Iris was obviously very submissive and even dependent on her twin, and thus became a pawn in the greater scheme of things. I don't ship Phoenix/Iris and I actually liked the fact that the creators really did leave it open for the player to decide if they did with the last bit between them, Iris getting all gushy and Phoenix more or less acknowledging what they had in the past but not reacting on it.

Now let's talk Godot shall we? It's hard not to love the cocky bastard, especially when he's bleeding his heart about his want to save Mia and his utter frustration that he couldn't. Maybe his plan was selfish and all that, and he did unfairly blame Phoenix for it, but in the end he realized his faults. Them slipping back to the scene of him telling Mia lawyers can only cry when it's over, while he's crying himself, was incredibly powerful.

Larry's final piece of art made me absolutely teary eyed as well. The final image in this arc, with a handful of the more important characters. I can agree that it's also kind of showing past and present, but at the same time I think the top three shows closure that they are all dead, but together.

*Phew* Okay I think I've rambled enough, I'm looking forward to AJ, and hoping that this new cast of characters can be even half as endearing as all the faces that came through Phoenix's arc.
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Haha, I absolutely luuurved this game. I got it for Christmas, and it was the first PW game I played. I was kinda confused at first, but now I've played the others. Anyway, I am sooo glad I found this website, 'cause my other friends scream and run away when I talk about law, books, John Grisham, art, science, history, or...anything I like.
Aaaanyhoo, I think we should start a club. We could call it Iris-Haters 'R' Us. Hee...
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title
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Peoples here seems to hate iris as much as I loved her. ;_;

Really guys, what do you have against Iris ? :(

I found her really important for the ending, I mean, she is the main vector of emotion in it, even before Maya.
If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have like the ending as much as I did, it would have been a quite similar ending than the one of GS2, would have been deceiving. And the revelation in the end about her and phoenix, simply awesome, cute and awesome. I almost (I said ALMOST) cried.
Oh, and I really like how she call Phoenix "Feenie".

As for Godot > best prosecutor in the game by far. Too bad he doesn't make any appearance in the ending. :/

I might want to create a club for Iris lovers, but I kinda feel like I would be the only member. XD
Woops, I fail. ;_;
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Nah, there's plenty of people who love Iris. It's a mixed camp out there. Either people really love her, or really hate her xD.
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I must say, upon reading many a teary-eyed testimony of my fellow members' frolics through this glorious game, I feel as though it is my time to speak of mine.

Alas, I shall not, for just last night, within the hour of midnight, I penned in the privacy of my room my own take on the ending, as well as the entire series as a whole... it was written for my blog, that of the demonic networking community we generally refer to as "MySpace".

But I suppose it's not completely away from my guidelines to repost it here.

-----------From the Blog-------------

Ahhh.... I just finished the third game in the Ace Attorney series. Closure feels nice.

So why in the bloody Hell would I write a blog about something like this, you ask? Fact is, like any other sort of story that someone gets into, I got really attatched to the characters, and the feeling of the game and story as a whole. As one would expect, I have both things I love and things I want to gripe about.

Not that anyone I know has played all the way through this series like I have, or likely will. The only person I know who touches their DS enough is Carly, and I'm fairly sure she's not interested in an overly dramatic/comedic game about lawyers. But then again, maybe someone I know would be, and now they're interested because of this blog. But I digress.

As far as the good sides go, I do like endings in which we get to see the good in potential badguys. In the end, Edgeworth, Franziska von Karma, and even Godot/Armando all ended up showing their good sides. Granted, we've already seen Edgeworth's kindness in the first game, and just a glimpse at a human-ish side of von Karma in the finale of "Justice For All", but you really get a sense of how good they were when they help Nick out in the last trial, although it does sort of come off as being for Maya's sake.

And Godot, while his methods are questionable and his judgement is quick... he did have pure intentions all along. He felt responsible for a lot of things and was willing to serve his necessary punishments. I was happy about that, especially considering he was one of my favorites all along... something about his laid-back nature, despite drinking exactly 17 cups of coffee per trial.

On that note, I found in laugh-out-loud hilarious to see Phoenix Wright drinking a cup of coffee out of nowhere near the end of the last trial when Godot asked, "Isn't this the best cup of coffee that's ever been had?" Where in the Hell did that mug come from? And what was the purpose of that entire scene? Maybe it was supposed to serve as comic relief in the middle of a stiffly serious trial. I know that's what it did for me.

I was oddly happy to see the less important characters come out well. Gumshoe and Maggey finding each other as fellow giant-screwup-cops and falling for one another was really cute to watch. I won't lie about it. And I was glad to see Larry actually find something he was good for for once. Hopefully later installments will show us his picture book about Franziska, but maybe that's just that weird side of me showing through that happens to find her incredibly... nevermind.

THANK YOU, Capcom, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, for NOT revisiting that Steel Samurai shit a third time. I was practically nauseus upon putting the game in with worry that I would have to go through another trial of all that crap with Will Powers and worst of all, that FUCKING Security Lady who I hate more than anyone else in the entire series. She showed up once, in the credits, talking about how nobody likes her and she feels left out, and there is no better way to see her.

Speaking of good and bad trials, I have an official new favorite trial in the whole series: The Stolen Turnabout. First off, it's very refreshing to deal with a theft instead of a murder for once, even though it does turn into a murder. Secondly, Mask DeMasque/Ron DeLite is a somewhat interesting character (moreso when he is in costume), and I just love the idea of this masked theif. Third, I liked their newer take on Adrian Andrews in this case. She was just sort of a bystander, a victim, and something about her felt very cool now.

My fourth and final reason for loving this case (and anyone who has played it would know what I mean already) is undoubtably my new favorite character from the series: the Freelance Detective, Luke Atmey. He is so completely insane with drama over his ruthless pursuit of Mask DeMasque that I laughed out loud countless times, and he makes it that much better by being just insane in general. When he falsely confesses to secretly being both Mask DeMasque AND the detective pursuing him, he just becomes so out of his head... it's beautiful. Notably, he was also my main inspiration for writing the stories I've been doing about Theodoric Wilson Turnabout, whose last name is blatantly taken from the series anyway.

OMG!! Did you hear that? O-M-G, as in, OH EMM GEE, as in OH MY GOD, as in HOLY FUCKING SHIT IN AN EDIBLE WAFFLE CONE. What's this all about, you say? For the first day of the final trial... you get to play as Edgeworth. And that, my friends, is just how much I love the shit out of Edgeworth as a character. Yes, I thought it was nifty, getting to play as Mia for two of the cases, but Edgeworth is just so undeniably cool... and going up against von Karma, no doubt? MORE points. And having Gumshoe as his Maya-esque sidekick? Well... I guess that was kinda cool, somehow. Either way, this was one of my favorite parts of the whole series, for sure. I'm such a fankid.

Now, for my gripes...

This Iris woman... yes, she's cute, and yes, we've now been informed that she was in a relationship with Phoenix a long time ago that still means a little something to both of them today. But seriously... she came the fuck out of nowhere. If you want to make a pairing like that, I just feel like it should be with someone who's been there the whole time. If you've played the games, it's impossible that you're not catching my drift... you know who I mean.

Yeah, so maybe Phoenix has a few years on Maya. They had chemistry... everything seemed like it would lead up to this, and it never happened. At the end of the game, he looks at Maya and says "Alright... here it goes...", and the music changes drastically... and then he loudly yells his trademark "OBJECTION!!" to the group's idea of him taking part in the training ritual. Yes, this makes for a funny ending, but... I kinda always wanted to see something happen with them. Makes me sort of feel like Pearls.

On that note, Pearls is now left with half of her family dead and two in prison, one of whom, her mother, will probably never get out. Yes, she still has Maya, and Phoenix is practically family, but... it's a little depressing. I'm not saying there's another way they could have done this, but, come on, one can't help but gripe about feeling depressed.

Everybody's revenge plots became quite a bit hazy. I think Morgan Fey wanted revenge on Misty Fey, and Godot wanted revenge on both Dahlia Hawthorne and Phoenix Wright, somehow, but didn't need that revenge because Mr. White got revenge on Mia in the first game, which is why Mia doesn't want revenge on any of these people, although Dahlia wanted to kill Maya as revenge on Mia, and throw on top of that that Ms. von Karma wants revenge on... was it Edgeworth or Phoenix? I don't remember, I think it was a bit of both. Too much damned revenge for one game. Maybe that's just me not being able to keep track of stuff. Perhaps it's my fault. Now I feel like the Judge.

I recall on several occasions various people (namely myself and Steph) talking about how ridiculous it is that in the entire Star Wars movieverse, everyone is connected by about two families all the time. By the time you finish the Phoenix Wright trilogy, you realize that this is also true of Phoenix Wright.

I mean, seriously... half the cast is revealed to be part of the Fey clan. I was wondering how long it would be before they revealed that Edgeworth or Gumshoe or someone would be... although it would have made the whole game for me if Detective Atmey popped up and screamed about how he was the true Master of Kurain while simultaneously wearing half of a Mask DeMasque outfit.

So, important characters within the extended Fey family: Mia Fey, Maya Fey, Pearl Fey, Morgan Fey, Dahlia Hawthorne (Blindsided the fuck outta me), Elise Deauxnim/Misty Fey, Iris of Hazakura. That's a bit of an overload. Important characters NOT within said family: Phoenix, Godot, Edgeworth, von Karma, Gumshoe, and the Judge. That's about all. Not that that clears up any ridiculous relations being overdone, since they revealed that the series' only two judges were actually brothers.

Every Ace Attorney game has that one case that you hate with a flaming passion. Mine, in this game, was "Recipe for a Turnabout", a.k.a., the coffee poisoning case. This case was so incredibly long, boring, and repetitive that I was playing the game for 20 or so minutes at a time because I just hated it that much. Every other case in the entire game either fits somehow into this large plot centered on Dahlia Hawthorne, or is the Mask DeMasque case, thus making it cool by default. But this coffee poisoning one... it's nothing but pointless. I don't give a rat's ass about Glen Elg, or how dead he is, or how gay the restaurant manager is, because I would boldly call him the gayest video game character I've ever seen.

The best thing that came out of the entire case was Victor Kudo being revealed to have a strap fetish, and Maya summoning Mia while wearing the waitress uniform to get information out of him. A very funny scene in the middle of an otherwise ridiculously boring trial.

On the note of that trial, there was that subplot with the mafia... I was very pissed that they didn't expand that at all. Violetta was an awesome character, no matter how lame Furio Tigre was opposite her. She was very creepy, goth-kid-like. I loved it. But I'd never trust her with making me a cup of coffee, and neither would Godot.

But overall, I loved the series. It's been phenomenally addictive and the characters are brilliant, no matter how cheesy some of their names are. Everything happens at exactly the right moments, and when something hits you and you realize just what you need to say or do, it's an awesome feeling. I also love how they don't have voice acting (other than lawyers objecting), which gives you a chance to put some imagination into the characters a bit more.

Overall Awards:

Best Characters:

1. Luke Atmey
2. Miles Edgeworth
3. Prosecutor Godot/Diego Armando
4. Franziska von Karma
5. Maya Fey

Worst Characters:

1. Wendy Oldbag
2. Furio Tigre
3. Victor Kudo
4. Will Powers
5. Morgan Fey

Best Cases:

1. "The Stolen Turnabout" aka The Mask DeMasque case
2. "Farewell, My Turnabout" aka The Hotel Murder/Finale of "Justice for All"
3. "Turnabout Big Top" aka The Circus case
4. "Turnabout Goodbyes" aka vs. von Karma Sr., the trial of Miles Edgeworth
5. "Bridge to a Turnabout" aka The Murder of Misty Fey/Trilogy Grand Finale

Worst Cases:

1. "Turnabout Samurai" aka The Steel Samurai SHITHEAP
2. "Recipe for a Turnabout" aka That Stupid Thing at the French Restaurant

Those are the only ones I particularly hated, I guess...

So, I think that's a pretty good wrap-up. All that can be said now is, it's time for me to play this new installment, "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney". Phoenix is retired, and while they say there are lots of cameos, the fact is that this is going to be a wholly new series altogether, in that it will play a lot like that bonus case from PW1, what with having forensic evidence to examine and all. On the good side, Ema Skye is back, from what I've heard, and she was pretty cool. I'm excited about it, but it had better be damned good to live up to its predecessor.

If you read this, you're either bored enough to read crazy shit about games you've never played, or you have somehow also played the Ace Attorney series like me, and we're just weird together that way. But seriously... if you're in the first group, I would greatly suggest changing that. This is a phenomenal series, and without a doubt one of my very favorites.

------------End Blog----------

There we are... however, I find it profusely difficult to believe that a one of you will read that in its entirety.
Someday I shall create a signature... in due time.
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title
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GS3 is my favourite Phoenix Wright game and I enjoyed the ending, though I guess I would have liked a bit more closure as to what the characters would all be up to following that.
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title

yeah so I left.

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I don't see what evryone has against Iris. I thought it was about time there was some romance in PW, because it was really annoying me, because I'm a romantic person :bellboy: (I love these smileys :hotti: ) . And I was so proud that I could tell Iris was different after she swapped with Dahlia! :gant: Hahaha.
Im totally addicted to PW. Ive played it so many times and I still cry at the end of 3-4 because Dahlia is an evil evil person, which proves my theory, that,

Alll gingers are evil!
Including meeee!

:chinami: :chinami: :chinami: :chinami: :chinami:
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title
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[qoute]Phoenix would have to be Solo.

But, I can imagine...

The Judge never told you about your father.

He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

No... I am your father!


:karma: Naw just follin with ya.

:karma: He's right I did kill him.
:wacky-edgy: You suck!
:javado: :youngmia: :phoenix: :godot: :udgy: :maya: :pearl: :edgeworth: Needs more DESU... no exceptions.
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title
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i think the ending was terrific...left me hanging a bit, but i assume that phoenix and iris started dating afterwards...i mean, if after all of this time i was finding it hard to believe that the girl i loved tried to kill me, and all of a sudden find out that it was a different girl all along to try and protect me from the evil thorns of her twin sister, it tells me that what i had in my relationship with "dahlia" was actually real...just the person had a different name. i would pursue her by all means.

Spoiler: GS4
since she doesnt appear in GS4, im really hoping she does in GS5 :(...i really liked her
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I *just* finished it, and all I can say is:


What an amazing ending; what an amazing game! So many twists, my heart was pumping the whole time.
When Dahlia appeared as Iris and had that sick smile on her face, I literally gave a little yelp. A classic villain she is - no super powers, no powerful connections - just a twisted mind with determination.

I would have liked to see them all at Tres Bien...but oh well.
like a beautiful disaster
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title

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My favourite part of the ending was when Phoenix opened up Misty's talisman and found the picture of Mia and Maya fixing the urn. Cliched that their mother would be carrying around a picture like that, but it was still touching. :')

The only thing I'm complaining about the ending was that Franziska never gave Phoenix the Shelly de Killer card like she said she would. >.>
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I loved and hated the ending, both at once. I loved how complicated the plot was, how it took all the loose ends from previous cases and tied them into one huge knot. There were so many things that I could never have guessed at. It was really overwhelming, in a good way.

Then again, I was so upset when I realized what had happened. I remember when the judge asked about the real murderer and/or how Maya saw him, I dropped my DS several times. I couldn't bring myself to present Godot's profile. Then his monologue, and what Mia said at the end, were both really sad and touching.

As for Iris, what in the world can you people possibly have against her? She risked everything and put her life on the line to save first Maya, then Godot. She was willing to take a guilty verdict to keep them safe. How can you NOT like her?
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serpensortia wrote:
As for Iris, what in the world can you people possibly have against her? She risked everything and put her life on the line to save first Maya, then Godot. She was willing to take a guilty verdict to keep them safe. How can you NOT like her?

I completely agree with you there! There's so much hate for Iris, yet she's such a darling character. More support for Iris please! :ayame:
like a beautiful disaster
Re: How did you feel about the ending? *spoilers, of course*Topic%20Title

yeah so I left.

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Let's have us a "Love Iris" club instead!
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I agree with the posters above. I like Iris and admire her, even if her existence contradicts the possibility of my favorite yaoi pairings. :< But putting my silly OTPs aside, I do think she was quite courageous and quite sweet.

I loved the ending. To be frank, I was almost in tears, because I couldn't believe the game actually ended. I love the Phoenix Wright series and it was heart-wrenching to know it was over. I don't mind Apollo Justice, but since it involves a whole new cast of characters instead of the ones I've grown so attached to, I just can't get as into it as I did with the Phoenix Wright trilogy.

And Godot... oh hell. I felt so bad for him. Dahlia, you little snot. :<

On a lighter note, there was actually something small during the credits I really, really enjoyed, and that was the aftermath for Victor Kudo. Him mentioning that his grandchildren threw him a birthday party was oddly touching, especially since he apparently cried during the party because he was so touched. It was also great to see Viola, I was really worried about her after the third case. Also, it was nice to see Gumshoe finally got the girl. :) He really deserved it. After the third trial, Gumshoe/Maggey became one of my favorite pairings.

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KeatontheBlackJackal wrote:
On a lighter note, there was actually something small during the credits I really, really enjoyed, and that was the aftermath for Victor Kudo. Him mentioning that his grandchildren threw him a birthday party was oddly touching, especially since he apparently cried during the party because he was so touched.

I thought that was very cute too, at first I said "Whoa, he has grandkids?" It was really sweet how he was so happy about them throwing him a party. So darling :acro:
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:phoenix: + :maya: =?
:phoenix: + :franny: =?
:phoenix: + :uramidn: =???
:phoenix: + :ayame: =?
:phoenix: + :zap: =.....
:phoenix: + :edgeworth: =................................ :wtf:
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Just finished T&T last night, and rather annoyingly I can't seem to shake thinking about the game/PW universe even though I've got plenty of other stuff to do, so time to join in the discussion.
Spoiler: April Fool's Day
heh, with the "convenient" time I finished I had to deal with manually translating the character names from AJ back to PW, up until a few minutes ago anyway

This is probably going to look like some long essay/rant so forgive me; like I said my mind is a bit messed up at the moment :yogi:

I'm with a lot of people here and say it was a good ending, but could've done more. Like obviously it was a case designed to close everything up, but fell a bit short in a couple of places, at least in my sucker-for-closure opinion.

Bringing back the Cornered theme from AA1 for the final "blow" was a very nice touch in helping to close off with the original games.

With the way the story was left I was a bit disappointed. I haven't played AJ4 (it's out ready to go, just want to resist playing it for now, like I said I'm trying to shake being obsessed with PW atm :sadshoe: ), but being a sucker for closure especially in romance/couples I went searching for spoilers on that front, and well, those who know know what's happened. Yeah I'm :phoenix: + :ayame: shipper, and whilst it would've been nice to see it happen in the real game, I can understand the notable omissions from AJ4 as a way to not turn players off in needing to play the previous ones (as well as keeping the fanfics open). The problem I have then is you've done it for most of the characters we love ... but not for Phoenix.

So I guess the best way to put it is the ending is good (still a bit short cos like I said like a bit more closure), but kinda messed up with AJ4, at least from what I've mini-spoilered myself on.

Spoiler: Rant and saving space for those who don't want to read/care
One of the reasons why I can't seem to shake PW is the FeenRis thing. She's only introduced in the last case, but is a huge part of Phoenix Wright the person. So was disappointed to not see anything concrete happen; which is fine in itself for some imagination/hope/fanfics, etc. but then ruined by that choice of him in AJ4. Guess the real detail of my rants would be in the debate thread
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dufflover wrote:
Yeah I'm :phoenix: + :ayame: shipper, and whilst it would've been nice to see it happen in the real game, I can understand the notable omissions from AJ4 as a way to not turn players off in needing to play the previous ones (as well as keeping the fanfics open). The problem I have then is you've done it for most of the characters we love ... but not for Phoenix.

See, if they paired Phoenix up with someone (whether it would be Maya or Iris etc.), sure, they'd make those particular shippers happy but there's a chance they'd lose some fanbase because not everyone likes pairing Feenie with anyone.
Just giving my 2 cents :godot:
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Panicakes wrote:
but there's a chance they'd lose some fanbase because not everyone likes pairing Feenie with anyone.
Just giving my 2 cents :godot:

Yeah the thing is they've paired him up with no one and introduced [umm, name omitted] too, so rather than bursting the bubble of no one, they did for everyone :uramidn: .

Spoiler: Reminds of this other game
Kinda reminds of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (SW: KotOR); the ending for that was VERY generic/open too which just like PW I reckon could've been more "conclusive". But then in the sequel (also set later with a different main char) they basically trashed the previous universe and your character.
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I thought the ending was very beautiful. I felt that a lot of closure was given to all the members of the gang throughout the game. Gumshoe, Larry, Edgeworth, Franziska, Peals, Maya, and even Phoenix received the closure they needed in my mind. Heck even Mia got closure as well in regards to her relationship with Diego, and even Diego and Iris learned from their mistakes.

As for plot lines I think everything was wrapped up. This last case especially felt like every single storyline the series has introduced up until now was tossed in and it was done well, and all the threads were woven into one final truth. One final happy ending.

I also have to admit I shed a tear during the congrats. Knowing that this would be the last time I'd see these characters who I've come to grow and love. It was really sad to say goodbye to them, but to me that just made it all the better. It just shows how powerful these characters are and how powerful the plot of the series is.
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Few things:

I'm disappointed as to how the guy who did Manfred and the person who did the Dahlia scream weren't credited...I want to know who they were.

I also love their way of bringing every character back, just to avoid a third day.

I love Iris. I don't really know why people don't.

:chinami: I hate her for case 3-4

I loved how the case within a case idea

Also, how they pracitcally made every PW character in the AA universe tie together is cool as well.

Lastly, poor...poor...Godot...I really liked him in the end.
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:sadshoe: I literally finnished the game at about 12 last night...OMG i'm gonna miss that game so much all three games are toptally awesome and i only have one PW case left (5-1), i'm on AJ case 2 right now but may i ask what the heck has happened to Phoenix?!?! He looks like a hobo lol

Anyway...I didn't mind the ending but the bit with Iris in the Credits really iritated me as i found her sooo annoying and i'm not a great " :phoenix: /Anyone" shipper (though i wouldn't of minded it if he's got together with maya at the end).

Aww the bit with Godot was soo sad and when he cried and said "a lawyer only cries when it's all over" and that he woke up to find uot the women he loved was dead...and now he has to go to prison!?! I think that was unfair (then again he did kill someone i guess..).

I liked the whole playing as Mia in the flasback cases, but i LOVED the playing as Edgeworth bit (he's my joint favourite charecter!) also i found playing as him reasuring because whenever someone contradicted his contradiction he stayed really calm (except when he goes into his zombie pose lol) instead of looking all shocked and sweaty like phoenix. lol

I was also happy that i strongly hinted at Maggie and gumshoe getting together, that was soo sweet. I found Iris so annoying and i know alot of people liked her but i really couldn't stand her! so like i said the slight hint at them getting together at the end :zenitora: (<<<<you get the picture)

Another thing...Poor Pearl! as someone else pointed out half her family are dead or in jail! she only has maya left.

I also don't get why :franny: never gave :phoenix: the cute card picture ( i love that picture lol)

(Just to say sorry if it seems like i'm copying the person who wrote the long blog with this list)

My 5 favourite cases where...

1.)Turnabout Goodbyes
2.)Turnabout sisters
3.)Farwell, My turnabout
4.)Reunion and turnabout
5.)Turnabout big top
6.)Bridge to a turnabout

Favourite charecters...

:godot: aka :javado:

Anyway to sum up, overall i liked the ending of the last game, it did tie up alot of unanswered questions but left a few aswell. Also i'm gutted that it's all over, i'm seriously addicted to these games and i can't believe they're over! They should make it a quadtrilogy! ( i didn't come up with that idea btw, someone else did) I miss it already :sadshoe:
Please click my signiture to read Mia Fey - The Story
A second chance - Gumshoe centric oneshot
Finding Mr.Wright - Phoenix/Maya
. x
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♥Sara L. Wright♥

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Well, that game was my favorite in the series! I loved it! I have nothing against Iris, really, even if I'm a really a Phoenix Fangirl. Dahlia was annoying though..being like "I'm an angel, everybody love me!"

But I have a question....

What was the cause of death regarding Godot? Was it because of the poisonning or was he executed?
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Do you mean when he "died" (went into a coma)? That was because Dahlia poisoned him.

Also, I don't have anything against Iris, she's quite cute really, but I agree it can get annoying at times. Might just be because she gets in the way of Phoenix and Maya though. :kissy:
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No, that's not what I meant

I'm gonna use the spoiler tag then(I thought everyone in this topic finished the game so I didn't bother putting one before)

At the end of the credits, we can see at the bottom screen everyone except Mia, Diego, and Misty Fey. Those three are on the top screen, so it means they are dead, the three of them...

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Oh wow, i didn't even realise that's what that means... Oops. Yeah, I don't know sorry :oops:
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Don't worry, I didn't even notice at first either, someone showed it to me. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe what I'm assuming isn't the truth.
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I really loved the ending, and I loved the story for that case, too. But I really didn't want the game to end. I never expected it to end the way it did, but I was extremely worried for Maya and Pearl while playing through it, though. And poor Godot~ Plus, playing as Edgeworth for a while was pretty fun! I had always wanted to know how he thought about things...It was funny seeing him be a defense attorney. And I thought it was awkward to see Phoenix holding that coffee cup near the end of the trial. XD

...I kind of wish the game had you say "Objection!" at the end, like with the first two. I was actually looking forward to that~ But at least he said it anyway. XD Also, I expected it to be a lot longer - like as long as 1-4 or 1-5 or something. On those cases I spent about a week on, but 3-5 took me two days to finish. I was hoping for more investigations, but oh well...I enjoyed it immensely. :D
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Yes! Phoenix drinking coffee was epic :keiko:

I must say the ending music for T&T must be the best out of all of them..
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I loved Iris, she was so cute, and friendly :)
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I loved the ending; the song made me shed a tear *sniffles*...
I do think it brought closure to all the characters, though Iris just didn't really get any sympathy from me. When the case started, I thought that Dahlia had dyed her hair black and put on the "nice girl" routine to kill more ppl :K
Even when I found out Iris wasn't Dahlia, I still didn't like her... if I were to explain why, I would take up too much space and I'd get so off track I'd forget what I'm talking about. Oh, not to mention I don't really like the whole Phoenix/Iris thing.... like other people have stated, I probably wouldn't have minded if he ended up with Maya though.

But anyways, considering that we don't need to put this stuff in spoilers (I hope) I'll just say it. The whole thing about Godot, I thought it was pretty sad what happened to him, no matter how stupid his actions were. The ending picture showing Godot, Mia, and Misty on top is, I think, a way to show that he's kicked the bucket. :larry: I had to have someone point it out to me, but I do believe that he's dead. I hope it wasn't because he got the death sentence though, because I think that might be a bit too severe for what he did... maybe he poisoned his own coffee, just for the irony? :will:
..... yea, my jokes aren't that humorous... :sadshoe:
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Jade wrote:
I loved the ending; the song made me shed a tear *sniffles*...
I do think it brought closure to all the characters, though Iris just didn't really get any sympathy from me. When the case started, I thought that Dahlia had dyed her hair black and put on the "nice girl" routine to kill more ppl :K
Even when I found out Iris wasn't Dahlia, I still didn't like her... if I were to explain why, I would take up too much space and I'd get so off track I'd forget what I'm talking about. Oh, not to mention I don't really like the whole Phoenix/Iris thing.... like other people have stated, I probably wouldn't have minded if he ended up with Maya though.

But anyways, considering that we don't need to put this stuff in spoilers (I hope) I'll just say it. The whole thing about Godot, I thought it was pretty sad what happened to him, no matter how stupid his actions were. The ending picture showing Godot, Mia, and Misty on top is, I think, a way to show that he's kicked the bucket. :larry: I had to have someone point it out to me, but I do believe that he's dead. I hope it wasn't because he got the death sentence though, because I think that might be a bit too severe for what he did... maybe he poisoned his own coffee, just for the irony? :will:
..... yea, my jokes aren't that humorous... :sadshoe:

I think the blood in the end probably had something to do with it. Too bad, though.
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sad and shocking
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one word: it's super amazing wtf-ingly brilliant.(1..2..wa-hey! that's more than one!)

Spoiler: i started loving iris
once i found out that she was the one who was really dating phoenix.

too bad phoenix doesn't have a lovelife after T&T. :godot:

Last edited by CoffeeAddict on Fri May 09, 2008 4:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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coffeeaddict wrote:
one word: it's super amazing wtf-ingly brilliant.(1..2..wa-hey! that's more than one!)

Spoiler: i started loving iris
once i found out that she was the one who was really dating phoenix.

too bad phoenix doesn't have a lovelife ofter T&T. :godot:

:holdit:'re right.

But, I still hold a candle for Nick and Maya. Every game in the Phoenix arc has given us progressivly more evidence to support that pairing, I want them to grow a pair and just seal the deal. But that's just me.
Sig links to my fanfic. MayaXPhoenix. Romance/humor. Final chapter is up.
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I loved the scene with Phoenix drinking Godot's coffee, and I loved Iris, she was a darling, so sweet and kind. :)
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♥Sara L. Wright♥

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Yeah that's the question I've been asking myself for a long time...I wonder what Godot really died from...
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maybe he was executed, he did kill someone, after all.
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