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PyWright Case Engine ver 0.9880! (Finally)Topic%20Title
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PyWright is my case maker that has been in short bursts of intense development, followed by long bursts of inactivity, since December 2007. It sits roughly in the middle between pwlib and aao in terms of ease of use and power. It has grown significantly since it's inception, with the requests of the community as a big driving factor of that growth. It is under sporadic development, mostly limited to bug fixes, ports, and the occasional new feature.

Visit the website at

Download here.

Starting with 0.950, I made an effort to close up some of the gaps that have kept PyWright in the "good" rather than the "great" category (at least in my mind). Not every gap is closed, but enough of them that I feel this is now a very strong game engine for Phoenix Wright styled games.

Current version is 0.988, including an ANDROID version of 0.988 now available for testing!

All downloads can be found here, if the in-game updates do not work.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.

Last edited by saluk on Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:08 am, edited 68 times in total.
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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A fad in a castle

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That's pretty good actually.

I wish you luck on it.
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Pleeaase don't hurt me.

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As Super Judge Bro. said, good luck. It's different, but not so different that it isn't a casemaker any more.

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot it's not a casemaker. :bellboy:
Thanks Elriel for the sig!

Last edited by FlashPoint on Tue May 27, 2008 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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^ Ji Hye Jang

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MediaFire's downloads are so zetta slow (ARGH U METAL, YOU'VE GOT ME SAYING THAT NOW!), you should use something faster...
I'm downloading it now. I'll let you know soon what I think. ^_^

Ok, the first things i've noticed... in the court record, it doesn't show arrows to show that there's more items that you can view on the next page. Which is kind of annoying...
Another thing is during examine, when you select "Talk" or "Move", you can't hit space to back out of these menus.
Also, you can move the Examine box outside the screen...
Also, why did you use that "Check" for the examine rather than the normal one?
When exiting, it gives an error message.
I also got a random hang during Larry's testimony in Turnabout Blue (controls wouldn't respond, but music continued and could exit - still getting the error message when exiting though)
And last thing... isn't it possible to hide the counter in the top-left?

if it matters, I'm running on Windows XP Professional.

Those things aside, it's pretty good, I think! ^_^
Proud creator of the first released PWLib-made fangame! ^_^
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Wooh Python.

I remember back in programming class, how everyone's game projects sucked until a geek came into the lab and started using Python. I'll be downloading this to give it a try; nice that you waited until it was functional before showing it! A lot of us are too impatient for that sort of thing.
I'm gone for so long, and the colors got all psychedelic! Woohoo!
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Katana wrote:

LMAO! My thoughts on Python exactly. Its allowed the creation of some great stuff in the past "SE|PY Actionscript Editor" and "QuArK" (Quake Army Knife Level Editor) but it just felt really bad XD

I may download this casemaker and give it a shot, but man, your 20% compressed JPG's dont help sell it to me :(
CourtEngine Prototype: 69%
"XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you're not using enough of it."
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Thank you for your comments everyone. Obviously this is still pretty rough around the edges.

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
MediaFire's downloads are so zetta slow (ARGH U METAL, YOU'VE GOT ME SAYING THAT NOW!), you should use something faster...

Thanks for letting me know. I have used them in the past and it has seemed pretty fast most of the time, but I will upload to some other services to give people more choice.

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
Ok, the first things i've noticed... in the court record, it doesn't show arrows to show that there's more items that you can view on the next page. Which is kind of annoying...

Aha. This is one of those features I meant to add but forgot about. Thanks for reminding me.

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
Another thing is during examine, when you select "Talk" or "Move", you can't hit space to back out of these menus.

This is a bit of a problem, because of the way the script works. The menu that shows the list of options is actually a separate script, and it has no way of knowing where the interpreter came from. The "back" option when you select it has to be hard coded to show the right menu again. This part of the script language I coded in like an hour 4 months ago, so it needs some better designing. I suppose I could just have all lists automatically choose the "result Back" line when the spacebar is pressed. Now that I think about it, PW games don't ever put a back option on menus do they? It's actually been a while now since I have played a game...

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
Also, you can move the Examine box outside the screen...

The bugs begin to appear :)

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
Also, why did you use that "Check" for the examine rather than the normal one?

As far as I can tell, the real check is not ripped. At least not on court records, which is where I have gotten all art assets. It is easily replaced, but I'm no expert at ripping art. As far as characters, it seems like CR has almost everything, but interface things it has been lacking.

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
When exiting, it gives an error message.

I've noticed this, but I'm not sure the cause. I think it has to do with the debug code or something.

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
I also got a random hang during Larry's testimony in Turnabout Blue (controls wouldn't respond, but music continued and could exit - still getting the error message when exiting though)

Well, turnabout blue is basically unfinished, and there is no way to say, go back to the main menu when a trial has completed. So it stops processing the script (it has reached the end), and continues waiting for input. The only input which will do anything at this point is to quit. Maybe I will add a main menu command or something at least. Or some indication that no further processing can happen.

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
And last thing... isn't it possible to hide the counter in the top-left?

That might be a good idea eh?

Lee Ji Hoon wrote:
Those things aside, it's pretty good, I think! ^_^

Thank you!

DJDarkViper wrote:
LMAO! My thoughts on Python exactly. Its allowed the creation of some great stuff in the past "SE|PY Actionscript Editor" and "QuArK" (Quake Army Knife Level Editor) but it just felt really bad XD

I may download this casemaker and give it a shot, but man, your 20% compressed JPG's dont help sell it to me :(

I don't know what you mean by "felt really bad." My opinion of python is pretty much the same as some famous dude's opinion of democracy (I think Churchill, but too lazy to look it up): it sucks, but it sucks less for me than anything else I have tried. As far as pyphoenix is concerned, the only thing python gives us is a case editor that will run on all 3 major platforms with minimal effort (mac and linux users will need to also install pygame, both those systems tend to come with python).

As far as the actual case editing goes, the fact that I used python doesn't really matter. In fact I'd change the name if I could think of anything better. (open to suggestions) The cases are made in a very BASIC-like scripting language I (badly) designed.

As far as selling it, I am a lousy salesman. If people want to use it, and have input on how I should develop it and what to add, I will try to support them; if other options out there are better I'm not going to put too much effort into beating them. I suppose I could make a video if the screenshots won't do it for you. Or you could just download it and see for yourself (if i get it on a faster download service of course).

I'll be working on this a bit this weekend and will probably release another version Sunday/Monday-ish. Let me know what you would like to see most.

Thank you for your input.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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^ Ji Hye Jang

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Definately would like to see the Penalty system ASAP... also, if possible, a better "examine" marker.
Those aside, it's pretty nice as is if you ignore the bugs.
Proud creator of the first released PWLib-made fangame! ^_^
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Yay, Python! *checks download* Holy crap!! :ack: 49 MB!?

My main questions are: Are the animations (for characters) GIFs? What's the script syntax?

Looking at this makes me want to try making a case maker.... other than PWCA. *shudder* The screenshots of this remind me a lot of it....
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Wow, you wrote a case maker in verge? That's actually pretty awesome! I guess even though I've been working since the beginning of the year, I just came on the scene to late to see the other case makers that have been kicking around.

There is some information about the art format and the full script syntax is in doc.txt. There is maybe enough to use the system, but probably not enough to learn it, unless you really try hard.

The art format is .png (or .jpg or whatever) with frames layed out horizontally. This was actually a pain to convert all the gifs I got from court records into this format (there is a converter that does it automatically), but I couldn't figure out how to load an animated gif. I may try and support agifs again, but it was faster for me to just find a way to convert the art. I am lazy and always find the easiest way for me to do something :)

The script syntax is very simple. Except for dialog lines, which are simple quote-enclosed strings (that contain formatting information), each line contains one word which is a command, and then arguments follow the command separated by spaces. There are no variables, although there is a flags system (which is similar to verge flags actually). So you can basically record that some event has occured, and check for that in further lines. I don't see any real need for full variables, although it would be a 5 minute addition. Then again, I could use variables for the penalty system!

Here is a short commented example.
#play some music
mus intro.ogg
#load a background
bg room
#load a character, and change his expression from normal to angry
char gumshoe e=angry
#make loaded character talk, {n} is next line, {c900} to full red, zero green, and zero blue, {f} flashes the screen
"GRRR, I am so mad!{n}I was {f}{c900}fired{c999} again!
#start a list menu
#add items to the list
li You're mad?  I've never seen that before.
li Why were you fired?
#show the list and wait for player to select
#what happens when they choose first option
result You're mad?  I've never seen that before.
"You're not helping!"
goto end
#what happens when they choose second option
result Why were you fired?
"They told me I was inept.{n}What does that even mean???"
goto end
#where both results end up
label end
#now that the script is over, the game will seem to freeze, although soon I will fix this

The scripts tend to be broken up into scenes, so that you don't have to scroll through really long files to find things. There is a command which calls a new scene for instance. Logic is handled through a goto system, rather than having code blocks. I like code blocks, but for the linear style of Phoenix Wright, I think goto actually fits better. There will be a command that shows a menu for instance, and it will goto the section of the script that matches the option chosen. Cross examinations are similar, with execution going to the line that corresponds with a particular statement when you press or present.

Also, the editor I am writing will basically be a script editor which is aware of what each line means, allowing you to visually choose a background or see the text in a textbox. It's not a real high priority though.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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Allow me to extend an apology, i feel like a total ass for what i said above... When i wrote it, it sounded satrical and funny, rereading it jsut now, felt uncalled for and unjust. So my apologies my friend. i didn't mean for it to sound that mean.

My experiences with python programs isn't that bad, but i just dont liek the language, and i negelected to read the WHOLE post and realize you designed a scripting langauge behind it, which is awesome. Her ei thought youd have to make the cases via Python as well.

As for the "lousy salesman", dude, the names fine, in fact its sort of an unwritten rule that anything written in Python should have PY in the name somewhere, the REALLY compressed JPEGs are what is detracting from the attractiveness of the product. Just retake some shots and leave the compression above 80%, they'll look awesome :)
PWPy, PyPW, PyPhoenix, PyWright (haha this sounds almost like Pirate XD ), WrightPy, AttourneyPy, etc etc etc. Id.. almsot go with PyWright just by how it sounds XD
CourtEngine Prototype: 69%
"XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you're not using enough of it."
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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No offense taken DJDarkViper :)

Yeah I used the windows snip tool for the screenshots, I guess it just doesn't do a very good job (and by my eyes the screens look alright, heh).

PyWright sounds awesome! Thanks for that. Much better than PyPhoenix, which has two capital P's and doesn't roll of the tongue at all.

I see what you meant about python feeling bad. Fortunately you don't have to worry about that here. With most people I run into, they either love python (especially the feel) or hate it, so what you said makes perfect sense. You should have seen the first attempt at pyphoenix's scripting language. Very python-esque :) But I wanted it to be very easy to pick up for anybody, so I simplified it.

So future releases will be called PyWright, and I'll release the engine only with assets a separate download. Still aiming for next release on sunday.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
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one of my goals in life, is to create my own scripting language + interpreter. But alas, my expertise lays with Flash, and alas, Flash will not load anything in externally as plain text for me to read... one of the bigger pains in my ass >____>;;
CourtEngine Prototype: 69%
"XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you're not using enough of it."
Re: Happy Casemaker's eve - here's mine :)Topic%20Title
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I have added the asked for changes to my PyWright engine (now renamed!) I have split the archive into 3 parts for easier downloading. If you have previously downloaded, you should only need the engine part. It also turns out what contributed the most to the size was the music, which is basically the soundtrack for PW1 converted to .ogg. I adjusted quality of the ogg encoding and managed to 1/3 the size, so music is only 20 megabytes. Still, it's a bit large - just skip downloading the music if you don't want to take the time. The art and music packages aren't strictly necessary, although the test cases will look awfully weird without the art. The engine simply loads a black square if it can't find a file. I thought this was more graceful than having it just crash.

Official changes from beta 1 to beta 2:
* Don't crash when music file or art can't be loaded
* Penalty system in place, with temp art and no sound.
* Show arrows in evidence menu, space works properly in evidence menu
* Deleted the "Back" option from menus - use spacebar instead. It will choose the "result Back" line as if the user had chosen a "Back" option, so handling this situation is still in an authors hands
* Allow multiple "result" lines with the same name (there could be many Back's in one script). Execution jumps to the closest one below the current line, or wraps around to the top. Basically makes this behave how one would expect.
* Delete enter key from held list when examining something (to prevent skipping text)
* Allow toggling of fps display (and default to off) with the "d" key
* Eliminate warning which cased an (apparent) crash on exiting exe version
* Improve examine cursor (offscreen and drawing method)

The endgame scenario still isn't handled, turnabout blue still appears to hang.
Saving the game is pretty easy to add but it still isn't coded. I had it coded at one point but have refactored some of the code so this has to be rewritten.

Near future plans:
-more graceful endgame
-better organized asset directories (split art into folders)
-animated gif support (may not be possible)
-scroll animation for evidence
-check evidence
-script stack to allow returning
-a control code to make text go to the next box without requiring user to press enter
-point to spot in picture (basically examine, but hide the checkbox)

Longer term plans:
-Finish editor
-Keep art and music on a server to download only when needed (and then cache locally)
-Keep cases on a server to allow browsing and playing cases without download
-rate cases from the game
-Resolution agnostic: allow the game to run in any resolution with smooth-scaled art so that you can user higher resolution drawn art alongside ripped graphics
-better timing control
-3d (including interface buttons etc)
-autoupdate: update to newer versions of the engine, and automatically update scripts if there are changes in the script language

-dual screens
-mouse control
-exporter to other casemaker engines
-flash version (there is a python2flash script in the works, but I'm not sure how viable it is at this point)
-exes for linux/mac: the python scripts alone might be good enough
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.

Last edited by saluk on Mon May 26, 2008 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Introducing PyWright - my script based case makerTopic%20Title
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-animated gif support (may not be possible)

Check out Python Imaging Library. It can separate GIF frames.

And, thanks for making separate asset downloads! Finally I can try this out!

Also, from the screenshots: You might want to use a smaller font for the nametags.... I mean, just a tiny Arial font would work fine. :yuusaku:
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BigFish wrote:
Also, from the screenshots: You might want to use a smaller font for the nametags.... I mean, just a tiny Arial font would work fine.

Fixed! (As can be seen in the screenshots on the first post, download updated as well)

BigFish wrote:
Check out Python Imaging Library. It can separate GIF frames.

This was my first attempt, however I experienced problems specifically with the agifs on the court records page. I messed around with it for about an hour before giving up, so it's quite possible that I just missed something.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
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Maybe it's something simple you did overlook (like most bugs we programmers have).
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This was my first attempt, however I experienced problems specifically with the agifs on the court records page. I messed around with it for about an hour before giving up, so it's quite possible that I just missed something.

It's possible that some of the CR GIFs are "cheating" GIFs that only store the updated part for each frame. The newer sprites are pretty much all non-cheating, so you might want to try again. :phoenix:
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Hehe, good work Saluk!
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Re: Introducing PyWright - my script based case makerTopic%20Title
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BigFish wrote:
This was my first attempt, however I experienced problems specifically with the agifs on the court records page. I messed around with it for about an hour before giving up, so it's quite possible that I just missed something.

It's possible that some of the CR GIFs are "cheating" GIFs that only store the updated part for each frame. The newer sprites are pretty much all non-cheating, so you might want to try again. :phoenix:


In trying to work with the new AJ sprites directly from this site, almost all of them are "cheating" gifs. They dont look like it on the webpage but thats due to the web browsers renderer working its magic. Upon importing into Flash its quickly discovered that at least some fo the more important of these are cheating sprites.
THERE IS A QUICK FIX THOUGH: Use Adobe Fireworks. WHOA! *dodges a shoe* Its not what yo- HEY! put that down and gimme a sec to explain!
When Adobe took over Macromedia, noticed that theres no more ImageReady? Fireworks basically replaced it while the ImageReady Web Graphic Exporter was integrated directly into Photoshop, effectively eliminating the program altogether, as Fireworks is much more competent int he field, especially when working with animated GIFs.

NOW, the fix is: Open the 'cheating' agif, youll notice it looks proper in Fireworks. If you simply reexport as an agif itll still do what tis doing, lowing the fielsize by only exporting whats changed and layering accordingly based on previous frames. (actually this is exactly what Flash does with SWfs, it only redraws certain areas of the stage thats changed).


go File > Save As..., make sure "Animated GIF" is selected, and click "Options". When the window comes up click on the "Animation" tab, and make sure "Crop each frame" is unchecked and "Save Differences between frames" remains checked.

The resulting save will be a couple more K in size, but the end result is a perfect sequence of sprites with no 'cheating'

CourtEngine Prototype: 69%
"XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you're not using enough of it."
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Maybe I over looked it but I can't seem to figure out how to put in sound effects.
Check out my new video series called...
Do it Quick, Do it Wright!

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Thanks for the advice DJDarkViper, but if I have to resave the files anyway, I might as well just use the converter I have already written (which converts to the better png format). The point of animated gif support would be for users who would like to be able to basically drop in whatever assets they want. My converter uses a command-line program (gifsicle) to convert the frames. I could possibly use this program on-the-fly to load animated gifs, but this makes cross-platform support a bit annoying - another dependancy, or I include a separate binary for each platform. I think the best solution is to figure out how to support dirty rotten cheaters :)

And wow, sound effects. I missed that one. Apparently there is no script command for sound effects. You can play sound effects from a specific frame of an animation as shown in port_phoenix-deskslam(talk).txt:
sfx 3 Table Slam.ogg

which will play the Table Slam effect on frame 3.

I will add a script command for playing them asap.
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Alright, I added a sound effect command (sfx sound.ogg) and a pause command (pause 60). Let me know if I missed anything else, I probably have.

Note that I changed the folder in the zip file to just pywright, so that subsequent releases will be easy to extract, instead of renaming the folder every time (that was silly of me). I added a changelog.txt file to show changes between versions.

I probably won't be able to do anything substantial for a few weeks while school wraps up, but I hope to start making some real headway on the engine (and my fangame) after that. However I will still support it and add bug fixes until then.

Download beta 3
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
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This is both useful, simple and complete!
I will definately by working on a game with this, or at least I'll be trying to.
Can I ask a few questions if something isn't working?
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Re: Introducing PyWright - my script based case makerTopic%20Title
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I am at your beck and call, and if there is something I missed or failed to explain completely, your pain and suffering could save the next poor sap who comes along! Also, other than things I have mentioned that I know about, I probably won't fix any bugs that are not reported. So if something seems wrong please speak up :)

It's cool to hear that you will be using this, I hope it works well for you.
Creator of PyWright, the lovable case construction system!
Also visit the PyWright post.
Re: Introducing PyWright - my script based case makerTopic%20Title
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saluk wrote:
I am at your beck and call, and if there is something I missed or failed to explain completely, your pain and suffering could save the next poor sap who comes along! Also, other than things I have mentioned that I know about, I probably won't fix any bugs that are not reported. So if something seems wrong please speak up :)

It's cool to hear that you will be using this, I hope it works well for you.

I wouldn't call it a bug so much as a failure (on my part) to comprehend your evidence engine.

Everything works fine, all the shakes and the fancy-schamncy effects are fine, then I add evidence. I hit Tab to be sure all is in order, and it hits me with an error. Apparently caused by the 'Badge', which I the first evidence I call to add. Let me hit you with some snippets to help explain better.

The beginning of the current evidence file:

"desc":"It's a badge that looks like a cookie. Don't ask. I should give it to my Attorney, probably."

The beginning of my court.script:
mus Courtroom Lounge - Beginning Prelude.ogg
char  hide
"{c090}March 10, 11:47 AM{n}District Court{n}Defendant Lobby No. 2"
addev Badge
addev BMtest
addev PWAA
bg lobby fade

And the aforementioned log file:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 471, in <module>
  File "core.pyo", line 929, in __init__
  File "core.pyo", line 947, in layout
  File "core.pyo", line 395, in __init__
KeyError: 'Badge'

Maybe I'm writing too much and the Court Record is exploding or something?
Thanks for your help, and if any further information is needed, I'd love you to say so.
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Re: Introducing PyWright - my script based case makerTopic%20Title
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Your error reveals a few things to me. First, one feature I am missing is the green typewriter effect, and centering of text etc. I will add that to my todo list.

Secondly - error handling. If something messes up in the code, it generally gives a somewhat ugly python traceback, except in a few cases where I just gloss over the error (if a picture can't be found, a black box appears instead). I need to go through my code and improve error messages, have nice pop-ups when stuff happens showing why, etc.

In your particular case, my guess is your evidence.txt file isn't formatted correctly. Because of my poor error handling, it silently fails when the file is mis-formatted. I can't tell for sure, since you didn't post the entire file, but I suspect you didn't include a closing bracket "}" at the end of the file. Also, each attribute of a piece of evidence must be on one line. You're snippet itself would look like this if it were properly formatted:


"desc":"It's a badge that looks like a cookie. Don't ask. I should give it to my Attorney, probably."


However it's also possible the other evidence items were mis-formatted. The syntax for the evidence file is basically python syntax for a python data structure, with python formatting rules (one line to load it). I plan on either making it more ini style or somehow adding some syntax to the language to support evidence creation (possible to create new evidence within another script).

Obviously the documentation is rather light, and completely skips over evidence.txt, so it's no wonder you ran into problems. And I need to have nice error reporting to make it more clear where a problem is.

Hope it helped!
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saluk wrote:
Your error reveals a few things to me. First, one feature I am missing is the green typewriter effect, and centering of text etc. I will add that to my todo list.

In your particular case, my guess is your evidence.txt file isn't formatted correctly. Because of my poor error handling, it silently fails when the file is mis-formatted. I can't tell for sure, since you didn't post the entire file, but I suspect you didn't include a closing bracket "}" at the end of the file. Also, each attribute of a piece of evidence must be on one line. You're snippet itself would look like this if it were properly formatted:

the code

However it's also possible the other evidence items were mis-formatted. The syntax for the evidence file is basically python syntax for a python data structure, with python formatting rules (one line to load it). I plan on either making it more ini style or somehow adding some syntax to the language to support evidence creation (possible to create new evidence within another script).

Hope it helped!

Yeah, the coding bracket fixed everything. Seems you noticed the typewritery effect without me, so I guess that counts as helping. Python syntax for a python data structure with python formatting rules? Yeah, okay. I'm probably getting all these errors because I'm running blind with no prior experience and hoping Test and Turnabout Blue will give me enough info to pull this off.

It seems python runs off the Lord of the Rings school of coding design. "One line to load it all, one line to find it, one line to run them all, and in the darkness compile it."

Speaking of the green typewriter thing, (I did that, right?) When I set that up with the blank char call (char hide) I still get the blue box. It's your call, but I thought I'd mention it.

I'll just let you do what you do, and maybe drop by and casually mention things as I see fit.
Probably not though. Thank you!
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I'm a bit confused by the converter. When I try to use it nothing seems to happen.
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If you place .gif files into the reference folder and run, it will ask you to name each one and run the conversion. You are quickly finding all of the yucky shadow areas of my engine. Thanks! I will bump up the conversion and formats as my next highest priority, after fixing the evidence problems. I also noticed I forgot to make an exe for the converter. Sorry?

I'll do some small things this weekend if I have a chance, but due to major pressures with the last 2 weeks of the quarter, the next update won't be ready till later.

evidence.txt and python
Actually python does allow spreading things to separate lines, as can be clearly seen in the evidence file, which is actually one line of code that is split up. But it tends to only allow line breaks in logical places. It is much smarter than the pywright scripting language, which definitely IS "ONE LINE TO RULE THEM ALL", simply because this is easier for me to parse and keeps rules clear. Also, when I finish the editor, it will be able to treat each line individually allowing some cool things. I used to have text split up to several lines, but it made the scripts much longer and gave me problems in the editor.

Anyway, I will probably change the evidence file to get rid of the weird syntax. What do you think about having evidence commands in the script so you can create them anywhere? I think I would have it look something like this:
create evidence badge
set badge.description = "This is a badge"
set badge.icon = "badge"
addev badge

Would you prefer this, or something like an evidence.ini (same as evidence.txt now, but easier format):
description = "This is a badge"
icon = "badge"

description = "A rusty coin, picked up at the scene.  Currency unknown."
icon = "coin"

Of course I could support both styles. With the evidence script commands too, you could change evidence descriptions during a case so it would be pretty useful I guess.

untagged lines
Since the nametag is built into the textbox image, things aren't currently set up for having a blank textbox with no nametag. If it was just changing a line or two I could fix that quickly, but I think it will take a bit of work. Rest assured, untagged lines are something that is important for me as well.
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saluk wrote:
evidence.txt and python
Actually python does allow spreading things to separate lines, as can be clearly seen in the evidence file, which is actually one line of code that is split up. But it tends to only allow line breaks in logical places. It is much smarter than the pywright scripting language, which definitely IS "ONE LINE TO RULE THEM ALL", simply because this is easier for me to parse and keeps rules clear. Also, when I finish the editor, it will be able to treat each line individually allowing some cool things. I used to have text split up to several lines, but it made the scripts much longer and gave me problems in the editor.

Anyway, I will probably change the evidence file to get rid of the weird syntax. What do you think about having evidence commands in the script so you can create them anywhere? I think I would have it look something like this:
u kant haz coed

Would you prefer this, or something like an evidence.ini (same as evidence.txt now, but easier format):
the codin's

Of course I could support both styles. With the evidence script commands too, you could change evidence descriptions during a case so it would be pretty useful I guess.

Well, I'm not the only one here, pal, but I'd have to choose evidence in script if it allows me to edit evidence. (Much easier then my proposed method of deleting a bunch of things, adding new evidence in the right spot, then adding everything back.) Also, don't forget to support Checking eventually. Please.

untagged lines
Since the nametag is built into the textbox image, things aren't currently set up for having a blank textbox with no nametag. If it was just changing a line or two I could fix that quickly, but I think it will take a bit of work. Rest assured, untagged lines are something that is important for me as well.[/quote]

Maybe you could add a side command (like fade, hide, {e}, I mean) labeled 'blank' that ran a text-box image with no blue bar instead of the norm and erased any nt currently set. Then again that might be easier said then done...

The game is going well, thanks to you!
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I have posted beta4 of pywright, and I think it takes care of most of the problems you had B.M. Let me know if you need anything else, or if I created more problems (as is usually the case).

Here is a short list of changes:
  • untagged lines - lines are by default untagged, once you set a character they will be tagged by default, but you can still untag them with a blank nt command)
  • typewritter mode - sets the sound effect and speed, but not the color or centering. Here is a full example of typewritering: "{type}{c090}{center}October 28{n}Outside courtroom 12"
  • scroll effect when cycling through evidence
  • create evidence commands in script (no need for evidence.txt at all, although you still can)
  • memory for dialog choices if you name the list - i.e. "list dialog1" instead of just "list"
    there is no way to access this memory in the script, it just automatically lets the player know which choices they have already made. I am thinking of exposing this memory though, to make checking what has been done even easier. But flags work most of the time.
  • pointing out spots on a photo in court - photo needs to be a background object (bg_photo) and you use the same script commands as you would in an examine script. There is an example in the test.
  • bugfixes - yeah a lot of these. Mostly relating to text layout and presenting stuff.

Ok so it's a long list :)
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saluk wrote:
I have posted beta4 of pywright, and I think it takes care of most of the problems you had B.M. Let me know if you need anything else, or if I created more problems (as is usually the case).

Here is a short list of changes:
  • untagged lines - lines are by default untagged, once you set a character they will be tagged by default, but you can still untag them with a blank nt command)
  • typewritter mode - sets the sound effect and speed, but not the color or centering. Here is a full example of typewritering: "{type}{c090}{center}October 28{n}Outside courtroom 12"
  • scroll effect when cycling through evidence
  • create evidence commands in script (no need for evidence.txt at all, although you still can)
  • memory for dialog choices if you name the list - i.e. "list dialog1" instead of just "list"
    there is no way to access this memory in the script, it just automatically lets the player know which choices they have already made. I am thinking of exposing this memory though, to make checking what has been done even easier. But flags work most of the time.
  • pointing out spots on a photo in court - photo needs to be a background object (bg_photo) and you use the same script commands as you would in an examine script. There is an example in the test.
  • bugfixes - yeah a lot of these. Mostly relating to text layout and presenting stuff.

Ok so it's a long list :)

I wuv you.
I've hit a few bugs, but I've been trying to work them out before running to you. (Personality trait of mine, I've been told.) I think I'm gonna use evidence.txt, but the script for changing evidence. You've been reading my mind on that one. Blank text boxes and unmarked text are good, since you wanted to make a very GS1 game. (and it just happens I did too.) I've actually been having some trouble with lists, so updated dialog and bugfixes should work well for me.
Photo is good. I may have to use it eventually. :P

But really, you are a far greater programmer then I could ever be, and you offer help to users, which is excellent for me who can't write in french, let alone python. I give you many thanks, as I try to push my game into a workable state.
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Please let me know if you have any problems, more likely than not the fault lies with the documentation or the code. A few of the bugs I fixed for beta4 were ones I ran into that I hadn't known about previously, so all feedback is useful! I am working on my fangame, but there's no guarantee that I will catch every bug with one try.

Anyway, the next set of features should be done in about a week, I should have some mechanism for checking evidence, and I'm not sure what else. For checking evidence I'm thinking about just having it run a specific script, and then you can use pywright script to control what the check will show. So a victim photo will run a script that looks like this:
bg victimphoto
"There is no blood on the corpse.{n}How strange."

That way you can have a lot of flexibility in what gets shown.

Other than that though, I'm not sure. Give me some more bug reports or requests, feels silly to put out a release with only one change :)

If anyone is/has considered using PyWright but has decided not to, what is your reason? Maybe it's something I can take care of... Although I suspect most people are just waiting for pwlib. Which I'll admit, I would probably be doing too if I was on the other side of the fence.
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Last edited by saluk on Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Making one CM doesn't mean you can't wait for other too.
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Making one CM doesn't mean you can't wait for other too.

It's true! But I think you have enough people who can't wait. I'll be one of those who will allow you to take your time to make the best release possible instead of hassling you to get it out already :)
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The server you've uploaded them on, despite it claiming "no artificial limits", has very slow download speeds... would you like me to host it on the Wiki's server?
(I got about 15KB/s on average downloading from the host you're using, while I get about 50-60KB/s downloading from the wiki's server)
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That would be great! I guess it's a matter of where you are, it varies but I get from 50-300k/s from

I actually could host it on my own server, but since that is primarily for my other game I kind of didn't want to mix the two. But actually having it on the wiki, which is currently the closest thing to a "home page" for pywright, would make a lot of sense.

I'll probably make a real site for it and host it there eventually.
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A mirror would be perfect in case your site dies for a day or two (or is just overcrowded).
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