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Re: Pretty Super Magical Girl Makoto And Friends!Topic%20Title
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Maybe I didn't make it clear enough that I wasn't being quite serious about it. Though if anyone knows a quantitative way to measure imagination, I'm all ears.
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Regardless, that discussion ends there. XD

Artjumping in general is OK, though, right? With other people able to enter on the condition that Makoto enters along with them, but they don't need her in order to get out?
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I don't they need her in order to get out. They would just find a doorway or something to get out themselves.

As for measuring imagination...I have nothing :B~
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You'll note that "Olga Orly" doesn't exist in the wiki. She is known only as Lady Sakai.
Spoiler: Sakai, by MSOB
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Spirit Channeling!

It's a major power in the AA storyline, but something that hasn't been expounded upon in the SMako universe all that much. Nonetheless, I went ahead and created a threadbare page with my own preconceptions of what it would be like. Bad me, not passing things to the rest of the group before moving ahead with introduction of concepts.

Right now, Spirit Channeling is the use of energy which comes from the realm of the dead. While it provides many stock magical abilities such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, lightning bolts and teleportation, it does have the distinction that the powers must be derived from the manipulation and channeling of the spirits of the deceased.

Any ideas from the rest of you?
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Summoning Lightning.
Gant does spirit channeling? That was the first thought in my head :B

I have an idea however. Depending on the level of your channeling abilities (e.g.: Since JFA Pearl is considered to be more powerful than Maya, even though she is younger and a member of the Branch Family) you can do certain things and other things you cannot.

An idea I had for Maya was that she would be more of a defensive type user and can summon psychic barrier shields. Teleportation too perhaps (although according to Kurain's Destruction while she needed Pearl's help to do this after six years of training her own abilities enhanced). Of course other psychic powers such as moving objects and maybe mind bullets apply as well. She can also talk to the dead and maybe channel them for a while (it would probably take a lot of energy though. According to the games after Maya and Pearl channeled spirits they would usually become very tired)

Question: Can Pearl still spirit channel into the current arc?

Perhaps training with the Steel Samurai for so long she might have lost touch with her psychic abilities, even though she knows she has them.

We also need to work out how the Magatamas can be used to enhance spirit channeling and to what magnitude.
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Yeah, that makes sense with Pearl, having more raw power, but not as practiced. She's powerful enough to channel Mia in the games, just not on-demand like Maya could.

I would actually like to move away from the terminology of "psychic," as that implies the use of the mind. Remember that Spirit Channeling is just that, a spiritual power. I think it borders more on necromancy or voodoo in that it uses the supernatural powers of the dead to affect the realm of the living. In that way, "channeling" could just as well mean summoning a spirit into the vicinity, as well as actually taking the spirit into one's own body.

Phone order poltergeists, lol
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....So Maya is like a human-sized T-Virus -SHOT-

Okay so she can have powers like summoning protective barriers and teleportation? Are we okay on that part?

As for Pearl- does her ability to use most of her Pink Princess powers influenced at times by her spirit channeling power?
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I don't know, barriers and teleportation seem a bit too much of a stretch from what she could do in the games. I could see her with telepathy maybe, but I feel iffy about making her powers too multipurpose...


Though what if she channeled the spirit of a dead Super? Like Neil?
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Channeling the spirits of dead supers, huh? That'd be mighty useful.

I think the barriers and teleportation should be Magatama-activated. They are meant to be quite hax.

Speaking of which, Franziska's HAX has its own entry, too.
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I don't know whether I can submit my OC or not, but since I don't want to read all the pages....

Spoiler: Akito James Fujieda AKA "AJ"
Name/Super Name: Akito James Fujieda AKA "AJ"/Shinigami X(Uncreative name FTW)
Age, Gender, Height, Occupation: 18, Male, Author/Computer Maintenance
An insanely random but intelligent person with a strong sense of what is right.
AJ is kind of the mixed bag type of character. One moment he may be happy go lucky, but the next he's calm, cool, and collected. However, when he sees someone in danger, he always goes to help them, no matter what the risk. He has been known to do risk taking dares, like jumping off the Grand Canyon....
Expert swordsmanship, control over darkness yet still remaining a hero, Tailoring, writing, and pretty much anything that has to do with computers
Random Facts:
AJ has a crush on Minuki, unaware of her powers(same thing goes for Minuki!). He also knows about Makoto being Super Makoto, and helps her and her team out when not doing whatever he's doing. He has a fear of scary women, mainly Sadistress, despite the fact that he knows Sadistress is Kirihito Garyuu.
Friends, Family, Foes:
His only real friends are Makoto, Takita, Matt, Yuuka, Minuki and Pearl. His parents, being a human mother and a Shinigami father, were murdered by Shoe after his parents underestimated that cat. Currently, the people who are in his Big Book of Foes(which he seems to pull from out of nowhere) are the Kiddy Fiddler, Sadistress, Rocktra, and Urami.
History and Background:
AJ is a boy of both Japanese and American decent, and recently entered the same school as Makoto. At first, he is a bit of a loner, but after talking to Makoto, he began to open up a little bit. By accident, AJ discovered that Makoto was Super Makoto, and confronted her about it. He tries to help out whenever possible, but he sometimes may be too busy to do anything about it. While he isn't the last Shinigami, others never show up in this world, so that makes him the last Shinigami on Earth. Apparently, and completely obvious, he has a crush on Minuki.

I can't draw worth a crap, so I'm asking a friend to draw AJ. I'll post the pic whenever I get the chance.
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MoronSonOfBoron wrote:
Channeling the spirits of dead supers, huh? That'd be mighty useful.

I think the barriers and teleportation should be Magatama-activated. They are meant to be quite hax.

Speaking of which, Franziska's HAX has its own entry, too.

Hmm channeling dead supers. Why do I sense a potential angst ;D

Correct me if I'm wrong, Pie, what you're saying is that if she channels a dead super then she can absorb some of their own abilities?
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RE: AJ the Shinigami
I'm afraid that even if we were more open to introducing new OCs to the project, I couldn't put my stamp of approval on this particular concept. It's far too bare, and if we're to construct the details and storyline surrounding what he knows and why, we could very well end up with a bad situation where Canon Characters are being bent too far to accommodate this insertion. The "Shinigami" gimmick (a halfbreed demihuman, comparable to angels, devils, vampires, what-have-you) is also another unfortunate hallmark of flawed "Mary Sue" OC design, and one I suggest you remove from further iterations of this character, in whatever universe you decide to insert him into.

Another issue is that of your not reading through the entire thread. While certainly not a hard requirement, the dissemination of information is of utmost importance to the health of this project, indeed, to the quality of work that anyone in this group can produce. If you're not willing to muster the energy to research and involve yourself with the project, you cannot seriously make a contribution.

No. Please no. And emphatically no.

Back to the subject of Spirit Channeling, here's some sexy Dolly. I don't know what kind of spirits she'd channel to summon lightning... maybe if Kiddy Fiddler actually did die, then she channeled him...
Spoiler: Art by MSOB

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OK. It's no problem.
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Actually, come to think of it, we probably should have a number of villains we can kill for real just so we can empower the Feys. It would make Dahlia and Morgan especially dangerous... well, maybe not so much Morgan.
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MoronSonOfBoron wrote:
Actually, come to think of it, we probably should have a number of villains we can kill for real just so we can empower the Feys. It would make Dahlia and Morgan especially dangerous... well, maybe not so much Morgan.

Wouldn't the bad guys want to kill the good guys and not other bad guys however C:? Or is it the 'other evil person is in my way, so I kill them' defense.

Well I suppose we can do that, but the question is who. I mean- unless we're going to create villains whose purpose is to be killed by the Feys eventually.

In my defense Mimi already died in a sense so

-cough- What >3>~
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I meant in the grand scheme of things, though certainly Dahlia might ask Morgan to orchestrate a death or two so she could channel some vengeful spirits. I'd imagine a spirit would be less cooperative if they knew you killed them just so you could use their power.

Hmm, maybe what makes the Magatama so powerful is that they actually contain spirits, so holding on to them grants you access to the spirits within without having to go through the fuss of normal channeling rituals. It's kind of like a ghost-trap, perhaps.
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I like the idea of a ghost-trap Magatama a LOT. :D
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Okay, applied some conceptual editions to the Spirit Channeling wiki.
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I forget, did we agree to set Super Makoto on Earth and just deal away with the alternate dimension stuff?

Because if we did... we have some major time paradoxes to figure out.

Personally, I would prefer setting it on Earth. Keeps things simple(r), and makes Von Karma more visible as a villain rather than a distant overlord. However, if it were to be set on Earth, then there would be grounds to make the Von Karmas conform to normal human standards of time and aging. If we were to match the original timeline, then that would mean Franziska would be six years old when Makoto is born.

Now, if we wait until Franziska is of age before giving birth to Makoto, we have to account for the jump in Makoto's age, and possibly the placement of certain events that center around her youth.
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I think we need to rearrange the aptitude scale and give a more detailed explanation of the different aptitude measurements.

For example, what does Intelligence imply? A score of 2, I think, would be an average individual with the minimum education requirements. A 3 would be someone who has pursued education to its fullest extent. And what makes "super" Intelligence? I'll be damned if I knew, but we do have some references: if that particular trait is a character's "gimmick," as in the case of the Eccentrist, then it's granted that it will have been cultivated to the level of a "superpower" that they rely on.
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Mm. Agreed.

I thought a general guideline would work, but given we all seem to tend towards "more super = better character", something a little more quantitative might be necessary...
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I agree with the scale part. My idea of an intelligence scale is measuring usually how smart someone is. Like 3 is a college education, 7 is somewhere along a low genius regiment. 10 of course being super genius, like Hotti is.
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So it seems we're getting some advertising done in Mafia~
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Any mafia peeps who wish to come in and see what the hell Bee, Pie and I do when we are not yelling about the Mafia game please do post and chat :D If you need any info feel free to ask~
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Seems the numerical aptitude scales are becoming too much of a hassle to work with and will be disposed of shortly.

Any final words before we bid 'em farewell?
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What I'd like to ask is... what is Apollo Justice's real name? :| That still confuses me to this day.
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I have no idea.

Apparently, we're operating as though it's both his real name and his super name.
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The Blue Badger is a specially assigned codename used by the police department to identify their own "superhero," a covert special agent that does hardcore detective work, especially concerning supers. In the past, the title has been passed among individuals like Dustin Prince, Dick Gumshoe, and Maggey Byrde.

Dick Gumshoe's role in SMako is much like that of Commissioner Gordon's, acting as a desperate liaison to the heroes while maintaining the rank and file of the city's finest. Maggey Byrde could very well be his wife.

Damon Gant's original plot that destroyed SL-6 was his buildup of his own legacy as the hero "Lightning." By posing as a hero, he gained intelligence into the inner workings of the justice system and how it handles superheroes, and he set about attempting to sabotage and dismantle the Blue Badger agency.

The modern Blue Badger could be Ema Skye.
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Another thought I had on that subject, somewhere between 3 AM and 4 AM...

This opens up the possibility of Gant having his own story arc as the big bad, probably preceding Von Karma's. Even exposed as a villain, there's ways he can still continue to break down the legacies and groups which have given so much support to superherodom.

As an immediate threat who is trying to break down the "old" ways of superherodom, he offers a great way to explain the old, "retired" generation and a reason for all these brand new heroes to be encouraged to step up and replace the heroes before them.

If the Current Arc was divided into two pieces, it'd also allow us to work in pieces that will lead to the Von Karma plot while keeping the heroes busy. Maybe it's just me, but Von Karma seems a more satellite threat right now.
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Pie also mentioned that it's possible Klavier may have idolized the Blue Badger during his childhood. Discovering Ema Skye is the current Blue Badger could make him flip over for her.

May I offer the counterpoint that as the Blue Badger, Ema may also have been assigned to investigate the werewolf incidents, thus placing her in charge of the Edge when she does discover his identity? :keiko:

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Nice concept. But I have a question- does that mean Maggey and Gumshoe are 'retired heroes' in a sense? Did Dustin die while being The Blue Badger?

As for werewolf incidents: does it tie to maybe the Blue Badger team trying to investigate Holy Trinity in a sense (after all, Miles was experimented on there)
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...Pie and I just had an awesome PaintChat conversation.

Meekins hasn't been covered yet, right? We thought it would be cool if he had superspeed.

We had a few theories as to why he didn't become a super at first. He could have been too young(he was only 22 at the time--fresh out of college), or Gant might have tried to keep another hero from going against his goals. Either way, after everyone else became a hero(or villain, vigilante, etc), he decided to become a Police Officer, so he was also able to enforce the law--even if he's not using his powers. However, he sometimes can't help but awkwardly dash off and return in a flash when someone asks him to retrieve the files from the last case.

...All other details are so messy that I can't write them out correctly, but I did a little doodle in PChat.

Sucky outfit is sucky because I literally had two minutes to think it up because of maintenance. XDDD;;

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Yes, I'd like to add that while I've stayed away from a super-Meekins in the past, I love Hai's idea for a superspeed Meekins. Speed is certainly a useful power. If nothing else, the supers could use him to deliver things between each other, right? (Admit it, with superspeed, he'd be an awesome mailman.)

I can easily imagine him trying to join Gant's team early on, but getting shot down for his age. Mostly by Gant, trying to crush the dreams of a young rising hero before they got far. But also some rejection by Jake, who I could see picking on him for it.

And then, irony! Years later when Jake's turned vigilante, he cross paths with Meekins, only to find regardless of his aim, he can't land a hit on Meekins. Speed plus erratic movements (maybe even tripping at a few luck moment, this is Meekins after all) equals a target that's highly difficult to hit from a range.

Also, when GS5 rolls around and we decide what we're doing with the Gramaryes, if Zak is a villain, Meekins has to be involved in at least one early clash against him.

We were singing some Speed Racer parodies about the idea, too. But to be a demon on wheels, Speed Meekins would have to have LAWLerskates. And I dunno, seems like he's fine on foot. Maybe with skates as an optional alternate uniform for him.

EDIT: Another thought. From Goodman's profile: "His name was decided along with Meekins' Japanese name, and the staff often thought of the two as a pair that worked well together." Maybe, despite Meekins being rejected from SL-6, Goodman encouraged Meekins to keep at it?

Last edited by Pie on Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Pie wrote:
Yes, I'd like to add that while I've stayed away from a super-Meekins in the past, I love Hai's idea for a superspeed Meekins. Speed is certainly a useful power. If nothing else, the supers could use him to deliver things between each other, right? (Admit it, with superspeed, he'd be an awesome mailman.)

...Well, normally, I'd hate the whole "MEEKINS IS A MINOR CHARACTER AND THAT'S IT >C" thing, but this is an interesting idea. XD

Pie wrote:
I can easily imagine him trying to join Gant's team early on, but getting shot down for his age. Mostly by Gant, trying to crush the dreams of a young rising hero before they got far. But also some rejection by Jake, who I could see picking on him for it.

And then, irony! Years later when Jake's turned vigilante, he cross paths with Meekins, only to find regardless of his aim, he can't land a hit on Meekins. Speed plus erratic movements (maybe even tripping at a few luck moment, this is Meekins after all) equals a target that's highly difficult to hit from a range.

Whoops, I forgot that. Yes, that would be unimaginably awesome. :DDDD

Pie wrote:
Also, when GS5 rolls around and we decide what we're doing with the Gramaryes, if Zak is a villain, Meekins has to be involved in at least one early clash against him.

Yes--this would also be awesome.

Spoiler: GS4
Especially if Little Trucy--a super at a young age--fought alongside her father.

Pie wrote:
We were singing some Speed Racer parodies about the idea, too. But to be a demon on wheels, Speed Meekins would have to have LAWLerskates. And I dunno, seems like he's fine on foot. Maybe with skates as an optional alternate uniform for him.

Forgot about that, too. Well, he IS the Officer of the LAWL, so...I'll have to consider it.

Also edit:

Pie wrote:
EDIT: Another thought. From Goodman's profile: "His name was decided along with Meekins' Japanese name, and the staff often thought of the two as a pair that worked well together." Maybe, despite Meekins being rejected from SL-6, Goodman encouraged Meekins to keep at it?

That would be interesting: Goodman as a sort of mentor, and Meekins looking up to him...It might be after Goodman's death that Meekins was inspired to be a superhero, or something like that...

Another idea plays on the "messenger" concept. What if Meekins acted as a sort of messenger between Goodman and the outside world--or perhaps even the underground network? His superspeed would be near-ideal for this function, as well as his close relations and trust with Goodman. I suppose that the only problem would be that he could still be tracked by something like Satellite...Or maybe if they planted a tracking chip in his jacket....
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And now, for another edition of Why Pie Doesn't Get To Pick Names.

(5) Pie > ... christ. I just got the absolute most facepalm-worthy bad idea for Meekins' supername.
(5) Pie > Putting three thoughts together...
(5) Pie > 1. Superspeed.
(5) Pie > 2. Meekins is really loud.
(5) Pie > 3. The connection with Goodman, whose supername is Shadow...
(5) Pie > ...
(5) Pie > We could call him Sonic.
(6) Hai > ...XDDDDDD
(5) Pie > *DUCK AND COVER*
(6) Hai > THAT
(6) Hai > IS
(6) Hai > AWESOME.
(8) Dinny > XDDDD
(8) Dinny > No
(6) Hai > maybe I'm only saying it because the thought of "the Blue Blur" crossed me mind...
(6) Hai > but...
(6) Hai > yeah.
(6) Hai > you
(6) Hai > know....while that would be awesome...
(6) Hai > ...not realistically, no. XD

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Now I can't get Super Sonic Racing out of my head.

Re: Pretty Super Magical Girl Makoto And Friends!Topic%20Title
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Not humble, goddamnit.

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Sorry, Bee. :sadshoe:
Re: Pretty Super Magical Girl Makoto And Friends!Topic%20Title
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Putting the M in Cobalt

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Dernit, Pie, you included my "Pirate Typo". DX

But we came up with a few other ideas. "Cobalt" and "Zephyr" were some...
Click on the left 'brow and you get the Super Makoto Project; click on the right 'brow and you get Project Kallisti :D
I made my avatar and sig.
You should totes visit my cosplay thread :Db
Tyrell Badd Facts!
Re: Pretty Super Magical Girl Makoto And Friends!Topic%20Title
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Not humble, goddamnit.

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Location: Gaia, usually.

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Posts: 356

So, Bee brought up a good question last night... "how fast is fast?" What would Meekins' top speed be?
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