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Percei Verita: Ace Attorney (New Logo!)Topic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Location: Just Outside Your Peripherals

Rank: Ace Attorney

Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:47 pm

Posts: 1607



-Seeing as development on this game has been rather sluggish (due to me originally shouldering a lot of the workload and constant gaining and loss of members of the dev team) I've decided to have an open casting call to join the development team. This is a high quality project that features original characters, storylines, and media all centered in the world of Ace Attorney. Joining this dev team will require some dedication to the project, as I refuse to let it disappear. See Post 2 for position information and farther down in this post for the listing openings.

-We need voice actors to do the shouts for the game! See this thread here for more information!

If anyone is interested in helping with the project or just needs to talk to/ask me about something, my E-Mail is, my Skype user ID is JEB53194.

Table of Contents

Post 1


-Project Status
-Team Listing

Post 2

-Team Member Application
-Position Information

Project Status

Spoiler: Timeline
12/24/08 - Project is Announced

3/23/09 - Project is Removed From Preliminary Development, Moved to Ace Fancase, Development Begins.

2/1/2011 - Project comes back from hiatus, casting call announced.

6/7/2013 - Project returns from second haitus, they can't keep us down!

Development Status

Sprites - 30% Completed

Evidence - 15% Completed

Dialogue/Script - 20% Completed

Programming - 10% Completed

Music - 75% Complete

Team Members

--Development Team Positions--

These are all the positions on the team, filled and open

* Team Leader: Percei

-Graphics Team-

* Graphics Team Lead: Percei

* Head Spriter: Skybright
-Spriter: Percei

* Head of BGs: Percei
-BG Contributors: Ceres
-BG Contributors: Tap

* Head of Cutscenes: Skybright
-Cutscene Artists: (OPEN)
-Cutscene Artists: (OPEN)
-Cutscene Artists: (OPEN)

* Head of UI and Various GFX: Percei

* Head of Official Artwork and Promotional Graphics: Skybright
-Promotional Item Designer: Percei

-Writing Team-

* Writing Team Leads: Percei

* Detailed Script (Case Progression) Writer: Percei

* Dialogue Head: Percei
-Main Dialogue Writer: Percei
-Secondary Dialogue Writer: DeMatador
-Tertiary Dialogue Writer: DeMatador

-Sound and Music Team-

* Music Team Leads: Zinle

-Music Seeker/Contributor: Percei
-Music Seeker/Contributor: DeMatador

* Head of Music Composition/Remixing: Zinle

* Head of Music Editing: Percei
-Music Editor: (OPEN)

* Head of Sound Effects: Percei

-Brainstorming & Design Team-

* Brainstorming & Design Team Leads: Percei and DeMatador

* Head of Main Brainstorming: Percei
-Main Brainstorming Contributor: DeMatador
-Main Brainstorming Contributor: Ping'
-Main Brainstorming Contributor: Bad Player

* Head of Case Progression: DeMatador
-Case Progression Contributor: Percei
-Case Progression Contributor: Ping'
-Case Progression Contributor: DeMatador
-Case Progression Contributor: Bad Player
-Case Progression Contributor: Nudalman

* Head of Character Design: Skybright
-Character Design Contributor: Percei
-Character Design Contributor: DeMatador

-Coding Team-

* Coding Team Lead: DDRKhat

* Character Coding Head: DDRKhat
-Character Coder: KSA_Tech

*Case 1 Coding Lead: (OPEN)
-Case 1 Coder: (OPEN)

*Case 2 Coding Lead: (OPEN)
-Case 2 Coder: (OPEN)

*Case 3 Coding Lead: (OPEN)
-Case 3 Coder: (OPEN)

*Case 4 Coding Lead: (OPEN)
-Case 4 Coder: (OPEN)
-Case 4 Coder: (OPEN)

*Case 5 Coding Lead: (OPEN)
-Case 5 Coder: (OPEN)
-Case 5 Coder: (OPEN)

-Testing Team-

* Testing Team Lead: Tap

* Head of Beta Testing: Tap
-Case 1 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 1 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 1 Beta Tester: (OPEN)

-Case 2 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 2 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 2 Beta Tester: (OPEN)

-Case 3 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 3 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 3 Beta Tester: (OPEN)

-Case 4 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 4 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 4 Beta Tester: (OPEN)

-Case 5 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 5 Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Case 5 Beta Tester: (OPEN)

-Full Game Beta Tester: Bletz
-Full Game Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Full Game Beta Tester: (OPEN)
-Full Game Beta Tester: (OPEN)

For information on each position and on how to apply see next post :)


Percei Verita is a young, eager attorney working at Hale and Co. law offices. Although he's been at the firm for two years, he's never headed the defense on a trial. However, when the highest-profile case the office has ever seen, Percei's boss and mentor Gaius Hale convinces him to take the lead. This is where we join our protagonist. After a tumultuous trial against everyone's favorite Rookie Killer, Percei emerges victorious. But not all is well, the night of, Russell disappears, and months later is declared dead. Percei's life is turned upside down as he has the responsibilities of the law firm shoved upon him as almost all his co-workers jump ship. Follow Percei and his number-one fan/assistant/paralegal Jacob Scribe through five cases of excitement, drama, humor, and a variety of locales, interacting with an storied cast of characters, and maybe encounter a few familiar faces on the way.


Spoiler: Percei Verita

Full Name: Percei Verita
Age: 25
DOB: May 29
Gender: Male
Occupation: Defense Attorney

Percei is an eager and passionate young attorney. He knows his trade, that much alone is true, but he has had very little practical application. He is very clearly still inexperienced as a trial lawyer, and it shows, but he does his best to hide it with his brash and cocky demeanor. This attitude will most definitely get him in trouble, because while certainly entertaining for us as players, such an attitude does not always go over well.

Percei is most definitely a sarcastic young man. He certainly thinks he's very clever, and this feeds some of his confidence. However, he is not one immune to his inferiority complex. He's always striven to be the best at anything he works at, but he's more than like to psych himself out. When it comes to his clients, he tries his level best to believe wholeheartedly in them, but sometimes he cannot suppress his own doubts about them, especially after Russell's disappearance.

Out of court, he's fairly easy going, albeit, there is always stress gnawing away at him. Overall, Percei is a brash and witty young man trying to suppress constant inner doubts.

Spoiler: Katrina Rainsford

Full Name: Katrina Rainsford
Age: 26
DOB: March 15
Gender: Female
Occupation: Prosecutor

Katrina is wry and clever, always ready with a quip and tirelessly obeservant. She loves a challenging puzzle or mystery, and often phrases arguments in riddles, or presents information in the form of a game. She has a sharp tongue, and an assured confidence that comes from her faith in her own arguments and suppositions. She is rather eloquent, but not above a bawdy joke or a well placed dig.

As a protege of Miles Edgeworth, she has inherited a number of his mannerisms, and a bit of his self-assuredness has definitely worn off on her, but she is measurably more humble than Mr. Edgeworth is. From him she learned to pursue the truth rather than a perfect record, and does have one of the less desirable win/loss ratios in the Prosecutor's Office.

Spoiler: Gaius Hale

Full Name: Gaius Hale
Age: 43
DOB: November 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: Defense Attorney

Percei's mentor and good friend to all attorneys in his firm, he disappears after Percei's first murder trial.

Spoiler: Tara Denouement

Full Name: Tara Denouement
Age: 45
DOB: September 1
Gender: Female
Occupation: Defense Attorney

The other partner in the Hayes and Co. Law Firm, after Russell's disappearance, she takes a leave from work, allowing Percei to run the firm, but she is always willing to offer advice on his case and is somtimes pivotal in moving forward in investigations.

Spoiler: Jacob Scribe

Full Name: Jacob Scribe
Age: 20
DOB: January 10
Gender: Male
Occupation: Writer

Jacob as an excitable and creative guy. He's always dreaming up plots, characters, and twists for his next story, and he does not hesitate to dream up the most ridiculous ideas and propose them as solutions to mysteries at hand. He's super eager, and fairly optimistic, always working towards a happy ending. He is actually a really talented writer, he just hasn't found his break yet.

Jacob also likes to pretend that he's always on the cutting edge, almost a hipster--but not unlikeable. He is, however, obsessed more with pop culture and bad reality TV than high art and experimental music. He takes to following Percei around because of his passion for writing and Percei's reputation.


Spoiler: Case 1
The Executive Turnabout

When acclaimed investigative journalist and controversy stirrer Colin Bluff is found murdered in his apartment, suspicion is cast on Global Studios producer Cheryl Illbish. Join greenhorn Percei on his first murder trial as he works to uncover the mystery surrounding Colin's death, trade words with a familiar face, and also optimize the synergy of the conglomerated testimony.

Spoiler: Case 2
Turnabout Departure

Fresh off a big win, Gaius Hale, Percei's mentor, disappears without a trace. Instantly Percei's life is thrown into chaos as the law firm is restructured and he's left alone. Following the advice of Tara Denouement, the closest thing to a leader he has, he takes another case to cope: little did he know, he'd be entering into a world of luxury, conspiracy, and air-travel as a airplane designer is murdered at the Hope Springs airport.

Spoiler: Case 3
Turnabout Diagnosis

When Dr. Jonas Knightindale of the prestigious Cratees Medical Hospital is murdered, all eyes are turned onto Reece Pennant, disgraced physician and Knightindale's patient. It's up to Percei to prove Pennant's innocence, but it isn't going to be easy for him, there's more at play than just a simple murder, and everything is not what it seems at this hospital.

Spoiler: Case 4
Turnabout University

Percei, invited by one of his old professors, visits his Alma Mater, Ivy University. His brief visit is bound to be a memorable one, as the Dean is murdered on the quad and Percei soon has to defend a student charged with murder. Surrounded by those who can only be described as characters (both old and new), Percei must connect the dots between a number of unrelated cases as quickly as possible, for more is at stake than just the defendant's life.

Spoiler: Case 5
Turnabout Endgame

Percei gets his highest profile case yet when the Press Secretary for the mayor's office is gunned down in People Park. It falls to Percei to defend the mayor's Personal Assistant, but as the case goes on, it may turn out that it goes far deeper than just this murder.

Last edited by Percei on Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:25 pm, edited 71 times in total.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Rank: Ace Attorney

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Posts: 1607

So you want to join the Dev. Team? Well if you've found a reasonable position for yourself and want more information, here's the post to do it, included here is position information and the team application. Have fun!


To apply, fill out the form and PM it to me, any samples of your work can be uploaded to a filesharing site and linked here or e-Mailed to me at You are allowed to apply for multiple positions, anyone applying for a position on the Graphics, Writing, or Music teams must post at least one sample of their work (unless applying for Music Seeker).


Position(s) Applying For:

Past Fangame Experience:

-What Position You Held:

-Samples (if desired):

Why You'd Like to Work on the Team:

Sample of Work (if necessary):

-Position Information-

Here I'll talk about information for each of the positions that are open.

-Team Lead: A team lead is an important position, while you will be contributing to each aspect of your team, your main job is to delegate to group heads, manage and inspect progress, and make sure everything is coming along well for the game.

-Group Head (Head of X): Your job is to both directly contribute to your assigned task as the other members of your group, but also to delegate responsibilities of your group, and report to team leaders. Some groups only have group heads because the job isn't too much work for one person.

--Graphics Team--

-Cutscene Artist: Cutscene artists create those stills from the AA games that illustrate dramatic moments in the story. Examples can be found here:

-Head of UI and Various GFX: This person will be in charge of desigining the User Interface (buttons and such) and other random graphics pertaining to the interaction with the game. Not a continuing workload, more of a when you're done, you're done.

-Official Artist: An official artist depicts characters in more detailed, up close renderings for use in promotional items and covers.

-Promotional Item Designer: This person will be in charge of designing promotional items (teaser pictures, etc.) for the game and also designing logos and cover art. Photoshop experience is a must.

--Writing Team--

-Detailed Script Writer: A detailed script is essentially how the case flows, what the characters are supposed to say, how they convey it, in detail. When completed, a detailed script is forwarded onto dialogue writers who convert it into dialogue that flows better, add humor, and other things.

-Secondary Dialogue Writer: This dialogue writer will focus on side conversations not necessarily pivotal to the case but still need to be written, such as "What should we do next" and evidence presenting that isn't necessary to move the case forward.

-Tertiary Dialogue Writer: This dialogue writer will focus on odds and ends that the other dialogue writers don't need to focus on, such as presenting wrong evidence, generic responses to evidence in investigations, etc.

--Sound and Music Team--

-Music Seeker/Contributor: This person will be tasked with going through existing collections of music (mostly video game music) and picking choices for the game.

-Composer: Not necessary to the progression of development, but something that would be nice, people to compose custom music for the game.

-Music Editor: This person would work on longer tracks found by Music Seekers to truncate and loop for the game.

-Head of Sound Effects: This person would supervise sound effects, will mostly work closely with beta testers and writers to decide where sound effects should go. Can also contribute custom sound effects when necessary.

--Brainstorming & Design Team--

-Case Progression Contributor: Arguably one of the most important positions, the contributors here take the general ideas and basic progression and expand it out into how the trials and investigations should progress, they work closely with detailed script writers.

-Character Design Contributor: These contributors work in expanding character design into the nuances of character, could range from personality to visual design. No artistic skills are required, but they can be helpful.

--Coding Team--

-Coder: Any coder on the coding team needs to be skilled in or at least familiar with PWLib. I have access to the highly improved PWLib 1.2 which will be used to code this game.

--Testing Team--

-Concept Cheker: The concept checkers will work with design team members to give their input on concepts, if so and so is hackneyed, cliche, etc. Their job is to be a third party to ensure believability, and emotionality.

-Script Checker: The script checker will review the dialogue after it has been written to check for errors, plot holes, inconsistencies, and awkward dialogue. Familiarity with the Ace Attorney time line is a MUST.

-Beta Tester: They will test the game after all other design elements have finished, they will check for bugs and offer opinions on how things can be improved, dialogue can flow better, etc.

Last edited by Percei on Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:36 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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They don't :c

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THIS. SOUNDS. AWESOME. Seriously, I just love how the story is well planned and doesn't contradict itself, how you worded the explanations, and the idea is really cool too!

Just a thingy: Couldn't you change "Turnabout Serenade" to "Turnabout Melody" or something of the likes?, since... well, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Case 3 is called "Turnabout Serenade", as you may know. But away from that I'm seriously looking forward to this.

Oh, and I reccomend PWLib for professionalism, and specially for it's simpler language coming out, which will make it's code like a 70% easier to understand/memorize/use. But that's just my opinion. If you just WANT TO MAKE this game, use PyWright, but if you want to make it and make it look professional and closer to the Ace Attorney series, use PWLib.

P.S: I don't know what time is in other countries, but, just in case, Merry Christmass to everybody!
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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... I put Serenade didn't I?

It's supposed to be Turnabout Harmony.

EDIT: Fixed, thanks for pointing that out.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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That was objectionable!

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If you decide to use PWLib (which I highly recommend) after you finish all of the sprites, I can code them in for you.
Image<--- Friend me!
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Thanks, I am in fact leaning towards PWLib. I just need to get some of the general Idea of what I want for the Game.

EDIT: Ok, after some review, and the fact that its a more intuitive interface, I'm going with PWLib.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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Yo Dawg!

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I can do sprites if you want. My skill has improved some. Theres not much there, but you can check my topic for a few of my custom sprites
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Percei, you put the wrong category for your game, just fixed it to match the List of Fangames.

Good luck with your game.
PWLib 1.2 Under Development

PWLib Casemaker (Version 1.1) at
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I have been waiting for you to put this up!

I will be happy to make you some evidence, and if you need proof of my skills, I can send you some samples.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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PWLib Game-coder at your service.

Observe "Case 1-1 for PWLib" in my signature and consider it as a resumé :)
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!
"(Not)Guilty" for PWLib | Emergency Case Selection Fixes
Case 1-1 for PWLib | Pearl
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Thanks for all your offers guys (sorry I put the wrong category, thanks for fixing it KSA).

@Manella: I'd like to see some yes, you can post it here if you'd like.

@DDR: OK, I'll try it out, but it does look very promising. I had to reinstall PWLib, so it'll take me a bit longer to get back on that.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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I'd say

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Finally got around to make a topic for it huh?
Well, I can help you with some backgrounds i suppose.
Meh, perhaps even a bit of animation should you need it.

So far it looks interesting.

ps: If you're interested, be mindfull that i don't spend time here as much as i used to, so no-rush only. XD
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Ah, thanks for the offer Ceres, I will get back to you on that.

EDIT: Added to the requirements list (What I Need From You!)
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Added some team-members.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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Just another day.

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suppose ill help if ya want me to
I can sprite/draw or even help with brainstorming ideas :godot:
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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1000% Knight

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I can help with the writing and dialogue and stuff. :edgy:

(Once I finish doing it for Prosecutor Manella, of course, but I'm almost done with his case.)

For a sample of my writing I could give you (a part of) the case I'm writing for PM (if it's okay with PM, of course). I have a few (pretty bleh) fanfics, but I write prose differently than scripts. :yuusaku:
Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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I wouldn't mind seeing that, just an excerpt thats not very spoiler-ish for his game.
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Yo Dawg!

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I can sprite characters and evidence and stuff. The sprite link is in my sig.
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1000% Knight

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Percei wrote:
I wouldn't mind seeing that, just an excerpt thats not very spoiler-ish for his game.

Will do once I finish it. (It should be pretty soon! I'm on the last day.)
Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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Sorry Neon, I've been really busy and I forgot to reply to your post. I've got you down, you're freedrawn sprites are very good, so maybe you can help me with sprites.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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Hey Percei. This game looks amazing. ^_^

If you like, I could help with creating evidence/crimescenes, but as I can see many other spriters better than me have already applied to do so. XD If not that, I could write some dialogue for you. ^_^

Good luck with this! =]
^ Click for my graphics ^
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Added team members.

Other team members, please register on Ace Fancase for dev forum, that way we can get started on the major development process.

I've also sent a couple applications to other people for the team.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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1000% Knight

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Oh, you added me to the team list o.O (lol, I don't have a defining sprite :P)

The thing with Prosecutor Manella kinda died, but I can still send you what I got on it if you need/want a sample...
Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
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My name is Judge.

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If you'd like, I trust your skills enough or you wouldn't be applying :)

It wouldn't hurt to have an example of your skills.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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PWLib / AIGE developer

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Percei wrote:
Other team members, please register on Ace Fancase for dev forum, that way we can get started on the major development process.
No wonder I had not heard of anything to do with this since I applied.
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!
"(Not)Guilty" for PWLib | Emergency Case Selection Fixes
Case 1-1 for PWLib | Pearl
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Ok, everyone whos registered in the database so far has been given access to the Dev. Forum.
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My name is Judge.

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I've added another team member.

Also, I've gotten an offer from Purple Angel to help do some of the graphics, and I've sent an offer to LadyK.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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They don't :c

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Oh, shucks. Thanks.

But I rather have that image changed. I'll send you one as soon as I can.
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My name is Judge.

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Added another team member, still awaiting Purple Angel.

So far everyone has registered on Ace Fancase and been given access. Good for you guys!
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I'm looking for a good female singer, I'd like for them to audition by singing the posted song (which will be used in the game) acapella. I will really just judge on how good it sounds and how much I like it. Whoever is picked will have her voice laid over the segment of the full song, get credit for singing, and have her voice in the song!

See this post for downloading the song segment!
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My name is Judge.

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I know this game's kind of been dead like for awhile, but it's not!

I've been doing some under the radar stuff, and recruiting someone.

We now have Foxxis as a spriter! I'm very excited to have her on the team, and now some progress will be made.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Just a quick status report.

-Bad Player and I have begun Case 1 Dialogue.

-I've gotten a number of backgrounds for the games, and also some "Screenshots" (cut-scene type photos)

-Sprites are coming along, finished Katrina's sprite set and DeMatatdor is encoding it.

-Evidence is finally in the starting phase.

-We have our LOGO, thanks to Greeny who is so helpful in the development of many of my projects.

EDIT: I'd really like the help of some skilled artists to do screenshots, as I'm not really able to do it, my area of expertise is in sprites and dialogue. Also, If anyone is interested in doing fullbody concept art for use on the "cover", please contact me!
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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PWLib / AIGE developer

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Hey, Percei. Glad to see things are advancing great. I do apologize a ton but if you do need me for any help, I'm gonna hafta ask you to keep in contact with me on an instant-messenger. Life is getting real busy for me I don't get much time to browse Court Records these days.

This doesn't mean I'm not available for coding assistance, it just means I web surf less.
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!
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Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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I've been hoping to contact you actually, but you've not been on, care to trade MSNs? I'd really like to start on coding.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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PWLib / AIGE developer

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Percei wrote:
I've been hoping to contact you actually, but you've not been on, care to trade MSNs? I'd really like to start on coding.
All of my insta-messengers are in my profile. Have been since I joined here.
If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!
"(Not)Guilty" for PWLib | Emergency Case Selection Fixes
Case 1-1 for PWLib | Pearl
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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a car full of moms

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Pah, I saw the whole song thing and I was all, "bleh, original song, too hard," but THAT I can work with. I'll try to send you something before the week's out for that, if you'd like; unless that's already done.
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Actually nope, you'd be the first :)
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Alrighty everyone, I've got some promotional screenshots to show that the game is TRULY in development!

Anything shown in these screenshots are subject to change, so just be aware :)


Thanks so much to DDRKhat for putting these together!

Also, I hope you people catch the hint towards some of the features...
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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IT'S F(B)-F(A)


Credit to Evolina for the sig+avatar!
Re: Percei Veritá: Ace AttorneyTopic%20Title
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My name is Judge.

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Um... wut?

EDIT: Oooh! Haha! You'll understand later BP, you don't have to do any maths in the game. Don't worry :D
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