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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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I came up with an idea for a possible special to liven this thread up (since it's been pretty slow around here as of late).
So what we do is we collect any Klavier X Sue, Klavier X Reader fics that are in somewhat of the same vein as suefics about One Direction/ Twenty One Pilots/ Whatever boy band is popular these days-
and we force Klavier (plus any others sporkers of choice) to read them under the pretense that this is in-universe fanfiction written by his in-universe fangirls. Emotional confusion ensues, as Klavier is torn between his respect for his fans and just how horrible the fics are.
So, yea or nay?
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good if I ever use Comic Sans, Arial, Times New Roman, Brush Script, Papyrus, Curlz, Ravie, et cetera."
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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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I may not have as much time these days to spork, but I still check by in case anyone has questions or want a review of their works.
The home of the Gyakuten Saiban vs Ace Attorney blog:
1/3/19 edit: The project has officially been moved to a new blog at Further updates will be pending.

AA fanfiction archive: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=31369
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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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On a road to nowhere.

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Ah-hah. Oh boy, here we go. It’s been a while, but fasten your seatbelts, grab a drink, and unzip your pants, because it’s time for...

Phoenix Drive: Part 2

(okay, maybe not so much on the “unzip your pants” thing)

(Links to Part 1 and Part 3)

Rating: :dahlia:

Dahlia, as usual. Cause sex n’ shit.

And now, our sporkers!

Phoenix Wright!
:phoenix: “Oh, god. Please, no. I had almost erased this from my memory.”

Maya Fey!
:maya: “I’ve already got Mia on hold to take care of this for me.”

And a newcomer to this sporking…
Miles Edgeworth!
:edgeworth: “‘Phoenix Drive’? I can most likely imagine what this will be about.”

[Our three sporkers enter the theater.]

Phoenix: Trust me, Edgeworth. You wouldn’t be able to imagine what this is about in a million years.

Miles: Is it really that ridiculous?

Maya: Less “ridiculous”, more “something you wouldn’t want to admit exists”.

Miles: Well, now the two of you have managed to worry me a fair bit. What exactly is this about?

Phoenix: It’s… just something you need to see for yourself. Let’s sit down and get this over with.

[The three sporkers sit down.]

Management: Aww. You didn’t give me the chance to interrupt you all and tell you to sit down…

Phoenix: Well, it was getting old.

Management: Pah, fine. Just take the mouse and keyboard and get on with it.

Miles: Mouse and keyboard? We aren’t writing a fanfic, are we?

Phoenix: As much of a better option that would be, we aren’t so lucky. This isn’t a fanfic, this is a fangame.

Miles: Video games exist based on us? What a ridiculous notion.


Phoenix: And I’m suddenly flooded with memories of the last time we did this…

Miles: ...Is that Franziska?

Maya: Nope, it’s Mia channeling Franziska.

Miles: Wait, then does that mean-?

Phoenix: Nah, she’s not dead. Apparently, she can channel living people in this game. Don’t question it.

Mia: I watch you anytime…

Phoenix: Jeez, that’s kinda creepy.

Maya: Maybe it’s more of an “on-request” service. Like, she’ll watch you anytime. Watch you do what, I have no idea.


Miles: W-What on earth…?!

Phoenix: Agh! Jeez! This again?!

Maya: Hey, I didn’t see it before, but that’s clearly Xin Ehop!


Phoenix: I’m getting serious deja vu. We didn’t start the game over, did we?

Maya: Nope, we just got out of the scene with Mia...

Miles: So. Franziska makes her appearance.

Maya: She was here earlier, actually, for… a couple things.

Karma: knock it off… ! Do you intend to still fight !? Phoenix Wright !!

Phoenix: Well, so far, they’ve got her speech down, more or less.

Miles: But why is there a space before every punctuation mark ?

Maya: Oh, we might have forgot to mention…

Butz: Nick… Thanks…Give me Death sentence. I’m tired...Good bye my life.

Maya: ...Whoever made this doesn’t exactly get the concept of English. So, expect a lot of stuff like that.

Miles: Oh, joy. By the way, is that Larry on trial?

Phoenix: Yep. Specifically, the Cindy Stone case.

Miles: ...But Franziska is prosecuting?

Maya: Never question anything in this game. Ever. It’s just not worth it.

Phoenix: Hey, Honor !! I elucidate the truth of a case from now on !!

Phoenix: I do what now?

Miles: Elucidate. It means to explain something.

Phoenix: ...Oh. Well, didn’t I always do that?

Karma: No...No way…!!

Phoenix: Again, why are you so surprised? I’ve always done that! It’s my job!

Judge: Mr.Wright… Who is the...true criminal !

Phoenix: Woah, what? Hey, Judge, you can’t just put me on the spot like that!

Maya: Come on, Nick, you’ve done this before! You gotta say something!

Phoenix: We haven’t even seen Sahwit yet! von Karma just presented her “evidence product” and got him convicted!

Miles: He was already convicted? What is this for, then?

Phoenix: Yes….Criminal is… !!

Maya: Ooh, the suspense! It’s almost like we don’t already know who it is!


All: …

Maya: Wait, what?

Phoenix: Wait, what?!

Miles: ...This isn’t canon, is it?


Phoenix: Well, that’s just rude.

Miles: And improper language for the courtroom, at that.

Maya: Hey, I’d be a bit irritated too if my opponent won with a cheap tactic like that!

Butz: ….Nick….?

Phoenix: This case was very simple. Because the criminal was me…

Maya: I really can’t tell if you’re telling the truth, or lying to save Larry.

Phoenix: I’m not sure which is worse.

Phoenix: I had a fierce sexual relationship with a victim.

Maya: Ooh, promiscuous.

Phoenix: W-What?! That’s not true! I’d never even met her!

Miles: Wright, it clearly says a victim. Perhaps it was a different one.

Phoenix: But I’ve never had a “fierce sexual relationship” with anyone!

Maya: Not outside of this game, that is.

Phoenix: There was tangle of blind love with me with her...As a result,I killed her.

Miles: What exactly does that mean? “Tangle of blind love”?

Phoenix: Er… We got into a fight about our relationship and I killed her? Hell if I know.


Phoenix: ...This isn’t exactly the time to be going “Whoo”.

Maya: In this game, any time is a time to go “Whoo”!

Miles: Wright, please, you’re going to give yourself a concussion.

Phoenix: Hey,Miss Karma.Is there a question? Objection…? Please hear anything.

Karma: …...Not objection….

Miles: Bah, Franziska would clearly see through such a ridiculous lie as this. The writer of this game clearly has no regard for anyone’s personalities.

Phoenix: Honor ! Give me conviction !!

Phoenix: ...Well, I guess that’s that, then.

Maya: So… from what I’m guessing here, you lied that you killed the victim in order to win the trial and save Larry. That’s real selfless of you, Nick!

Phoenix: Somehow, that doesn’t make me feel any better about it.


Miles: I would hardly call that atrocious performance “winning”.

Phoenix: Hey, you take what you can get. It’s Phoenix Drive, after all.

Maya: Yeah, there sure is a lot of taking… of certain things…

Phoenix: Also, if I got convicted of murder, why am I not in prison right now?

Maya: Er… Maybe you’re on parole?

Maya: Really ? Congratulations! Nick !!

Maya: However, content of the special training that you performed is unclear.

Phoenix: And may it forever stay that way.

Phoenix: No comment. Special training of adult.

Maya: It is enviable...I want it.

Phoenix: Well, that didn’t last long.

Miles: And what exactly did this “special training” consist of?

Phoenix: Er, well… uh… No comment. Special training of adult.

Phoenix: By the way,Maya…

Phoenix: Why do you wear a sailor?

Maya: I guess I decided to become Hannibal Lecter, wearing a sailor like that.

Phoenix: Huh? I thought Hannibal Lecter ate people.

Maya: He does both! He’s a sort of jack of all trades in the murder scene.

Miles: ...You two are disturbing me greatly.

Maya: Hey,He--y ! Nick. Do these clothes become me?

Phoenix: Y-Yes.become.

Phoenix: Oh god, another line about clothes “becoming” you. I’m getting those vibes you talked about, Maya.

Maya: Do you want to rape meee--- ?

Phoenix: G-DAH! Jeez! What the hell kind of a question is that?!

Maya: Yeah, I can see where this is going. Time to call in the big sister…

Management: Not so fast, Miss Fey. You are prohibited from channeling a spirit during the remainder of this sporking.

Maya: What?! Oh, come on! I don’t wanna watch myself get raped by Nick!

Phoenix: ...For the love of god, Maya, please rephrase that.

Miles: Would you two please calm down and explain all of this to me? Neither of you are making the slightest hint of sense.

Phoenix: Just… you’ll see in a second.

Phoenix: No-No! Don’t joke…. !

Phoenix: I wish she was.

Phoenix: And...why do you shake bust ?

Maya: Yah,My Pretty bust grew up recently.

Phoenix: And we draw ever closer to the inevitable.

Miles: I seem to have developed a sinking feeling in my stomach… I am starting to get an idea of what is coming up. I don’t want to believe it, but…

Phoenix: Umm...Yes...Ah...Yes,Yes.

Maya: My bust grew up since I began a part-time job.

Maya: The reason why I came back to this town is that money was short.

Maya: A part time job? What, did I start working at McDonald’s?

Phoenix: Would you really work for a burger place like that?

Maya: Good point. Maybe Red Robin would be a better choice.

Phoenix: I see…

Maya: Do not you work with me ? Prostitution.

Miles: W-WHUH?

Phoenix: Agh… Somehow, I’m not very surprised.

Maya: That’s not…! No, this isn’t canon!

Phoenix: P...Pros… ?

Phoenix: …… ??

Phoenix: Prostitution----- !!!??

Phoenix: Hey, look, a sensible response. That’s rare.

Miles: Especially considering prostitution is a crime! She should consider herself lucky to have a lawyer as a friend in this situation.

Maya: Illegal or not, I wouldn’t take that kind of job! God, whoever wrote this is some sick pervert!

Phoenix: Calm down, Maya. We know. It’ll be over soon. At least, I hope so.

Maya: An urban person is very rich !

Maya: Prostitution is the easiest to earn money.

Phoenix: Easy, sure. Illegal, also yes!

Maya: And gross! That’s the main issue here!

Phoenix: No-No-No ! Hold it !! Maya !

Phoenix: Yeah, protest all you want. Did you a lot of good last time.

Miles: For the love of God, Wright, what happened last time?!

Maya: I play very good fellatio. Hey,Nick...lick ?

Miles: Oh… no.

Phoenix: Oh no indeed.

Maya: The rhyme-puns here aren’t helping things at all.

Phoenix: No-No-No ! Aww…. !!

Phoenix: ……. !

Phoenix: Ah, screw it. Keep protesting, me! Use your sheer willpower!

Phoenix: ...very good… ?

Miles: ...So much for your “willpower”, Wright.

Phoenix: Yeah, yeah, shut up.

Maya: Pleeeease, can I channel Mia?

Management: You didn’t want to see your sister be coated in various body fluids, and I’m sure she doesn’t want to see the same happen with you. You’re stuck with us, Miss Fey.

Maya: Agh, fine…

Maya: Yeees !

Maya: Does sperm collect to your lower part of the body in large quantities ?

Phoenix: Wow, when you put it that way, I’m sure game-me is aroused beyond belief.

Phoenix: Aww...No...Noo…

Phoenix: H-Hey...Maya. Prostitution is a cri…

Maya: Yah,My Phone call.Sorry,Nick…

Miles: ...Well, at least they acknowledged it, I suppose.


Phoenix: Fay-Fay Land?!

Maya: Great. So I’m a prostitute with the worst business name ever.

Miles: ...I just came to the realization that if I am here, I may appear soon…

Management: Nope. Not yet, anyway. We just wanted a change of pace from Ms. BDSM.

Phoenix: Thankfully.

Phoenix: D-Delivery prostitute… !?

???: Hello-- ! Is there sexy girl today-- ?

Maya: Yes of course. There is a lot of many sexy girls.

Miles: And now you are simply lying. You are clearly the only one.

Maya: Edgeworth, did you just say I’m a sexy girl?

Miles: N-NGOOH! No! I meant you are the only- I mean, you aren’t- Gah! *Grabs the mouse and advances the game*

Phoenix: (Oh..big voice… I hear content of conversation…)

???: Really-- ? Please deliver sexy girl most.

Maya: Thank you !!

Phoenix: (What…? There is a voice of a telephone in memory….)

Phoenix: Is game-me saying I recognize the voice? Oh boy, I wonder who that is…

Miles: Please, tell me it isn’t me…

Maya: They said you don’t appear, right? Let’s just see who it is!

???: Ah...My name is Phoenix Wright ! Please deliver it later. Bye !!

Phoenix: What.

Maya: Ah! I knew it! It’s Xin Ehop!

Miles: It seems you’ve become a victim of identity theft, Wright.

Phoenix: Why would anyone use my name to hire a prostitute?!

Maya: A reservation was made...Nick ?

Phoenix: Fuck you Buuutz !! Don’t use my name without permission !!

Maya: Hey! Language, Nick!

Miles: It was Larry? I’m not even remotely surprised.

Phoenix: I get myself convicted to save him, and this is the thanks I get.

Maya: Variety is the spice of life. Nick.

Phoenix: What does that have to do with anything?

Phoenix: Hey...Maya….

Maya: Yes ?

Phoenix: I eat you earlier than Butz !! Okey !? Okeeey !?

Maya: Oh, are we getting into vore now?

Phoenix: I wouldn’t be surprised, considering what we’ve already seen.

Miles: Just what have I been dragged into watching?!

Maya: 2,000 dollars with a full-course meal.Okey ?

Phoenix: Objection !!

Phoenix: Yes. Please, keep objecting.

Maya: They’re really pushing these eating metaphors. At least, I hope they’re metaphors.

Maya: I do a fellatio properly, and it is 150 dollars.

Phoenix: Hold it !!

Miles: Your lawyering skills aren’t going to get you out of this, Wright.

Phoenix: ...Give me Full-course.

Maya: Hey,Ni--ck. Your [Penix Wright].

Phoenix: Ack, it begins with a terrible pun…

Maya: Why is it always the puns? It’s like everywhere we go, there’s puns. Even in sex games, we aren’t safe.

Miles: ...So this is a sex game. My suspicions were correct. Dear… god. Is it explicit?

Phoenix: Very.

Miles: God help us all.

Phoenix: Sorry, Edgeworth. This isn’t phoenix wright ace christian.

Phoenix: Yes.Objection.

Phoenix: Why am I just saying “objection” randomly? I seem pretty into the whole… er… you know, at this point.

Maya: You should try saying “Objection” at the end of every sentence to see how long it takes to annoy people!

Miles: I’m already annoyed, and you haven’t even started. So congratulations, your experiment is finished.

Maya: Only this sailor has clothes today. ...Are other clothes good?

Phoenix: Umm...Nurse costumes… Swimsuit… Black underwear…

Maya: You’re into some pretty boring stuff, Nick.

Phoenix: ...I’m not even going to bother responding to that.

Phoenix: N-No…! By the way. Do you have a psychic medium ?

Maya: Umm...I cannot call a soul of a dead person….

Maya: Eh? That’s literally the one thing I CAN do…

Maya: I can call a soul of a sleeping girls.

Maya: No! Wrong! This game is so wrong about everything!

Phoenix: (An invited person is a misfortune…)

Maya: Let’s Medium Playing !?

Phoenix: The nuance of a word is fearful…

Phoenix: ...Edgeworth, did you understand any of that?

Miles: No, of course not.

Phoenix: OK...There is the person whom I want to invite to here.

Phoenix: O-Okey… ?

Maya: Okey.I try to do medium at once.

Miles: Without proper consent, you are effectively committing rape against whoever you are calling. I hope you know that.

Phoenix: Yeah, we’ve had experience with fics about spirit channeling and sex before… You remember, don’t you, Edgeworth?

Miles: ! Agh! I had almost forgotten, too…

Maya: Hey,Ni--ck. Your [Penix Wright].

Phoenix: This again? It wasn’t any funnier the first time.


Phoenix: Oh, jeez.

Maya: I’m not the biggest expert on spirit channeling, but I don’t think it doubles your bust size.

Miles: Hm. I can only assume this is Mia Fey that is being channeled.

Phoenix: What makes you say that? She hasn’t changed in appearance other than… well, you know.

Miles: …

Phoenix: OHHhhh….! Nice bust ! Maya !! Cool beans !

Maya: *Snrk*

Phoenix: What?

[Maya bursts into laughter.]

Maya: “Cool beans”? Seriously? I don’t think anyone’s used that saying in at least fifty years! How did the translator come up with that?!

Phoenix: I… don’t know. It is kinda funny, though.

Miles: No, it is not. It was and continues to be an atrocity against the english language.

Phoenix: Ohh...T-tits...tits… !

Maya: AHhnn...Nick. Good time to eat me is now… !

Phoenix: I’m full, thank you.

Maya: Your cock grows big… !

Phoenix: huff-n-puff...Le..Let’s Gooo…. !!

Maya: Gah! Brace yourselves, everybody!


Miles: Gh-! Miss Fey… I feel terrible for you at the moment.

[Maya is speechless.]

Phoenix: Did anyone bring any paper bags, by any chance?

Management: Nope. You’re on your own. And don’t you dare soil our carpets.

Phoenix: Urk.

Phoenix: A...Auu...oooo…. !

Maya: Many ma--ny love juice… Please spunk…!

Phoenix: Please what? Isn’t it a bit early for that?

Maya: No! Let it end so we can get out of here!

Maya: Squeeze a glans...mess up… !

Phoenix: Ouch. What kind of sex talk is this?

Miles: Technically speaking, Wright, it isn’t sex…

Phoenix: That’s really not the issue here, Edgeworth!

Phoenix: OHhh,Gooood… ! Maya… ! Good feeling… !

Maya: HAAAAnnn ! I’m horny… GulpGulp…. !!

Phoenix: Ah,,,uugh…!…!

Maya: Nick,Ejaculate it...cum..cum… !

Phoenix: Ohhh...Maya ! Yes… ! ahHH…. !! go down… ! go down… !!

Maya: NNNnnn…! GulpGulp…. !!

Phoenix: Oh,,,Yeah…! Ohh babe….!!

Maya: Ejaculation it ? Nick? Give,Give… !

Maya: Spunk Come-on...large Sperm… NNu...NNu… !

Phoenix: Ohhaaa…! Maya ! Maya… !! very very Nice… !

[Filler text continues.]

Management: Please stop skipping through all the dialogue.

Phoenix: Why?! None of this is even sporkable dialogue!

Maya: Mess up your peniiiss….!

Phoenix: How is she even talking? Her mouth is clearly full…

Maya: Nick! Seriously?!

Phoenix: I’m just saying… We could do with less talking. You know, so we can finish faster.

Miles: Wright, are you doing that on purpose?

Phoenix: Doing what?!

Phoenix: Jizz….Jiiizzzzzz…. !!!! uugh…! I’m coming. cooooming !!

[Phoenix ejaculates everywhere. Seriously, like, on the walls, all over Maya, even on himself. It’s really fucking gross. No picture because censorship is nigh-impossible.]

Phoenix: Ughh… ! do not lick it… ! ouu...!!

Maya: huff-n-puff-n huff-n-puff…! Meat milk is energetic… !!

Miles: “Meat milk”...?

Maya: Energetic?

Phoenix: I hope the creator of this game doesn’t talk like this during sex.

Maya: Nah, this kind of dialogue clearly takes time to write. Also, I have my doubts that they’ve had sex. Ever.

Maya: Do you feel meee ? Niccck !?

Maya: Strongly suck a peniiis… !

Phoenix: No, we really don’t need me with another man along with this.

Miles: Perhaps she was simply talking to herself? Honestly, I’m grasping for straws at this point.


Maya: “A lot”? That’s the understatement of the century, right there.

Phoenix: Also, anyone who’s able to make that much of… that, would have testicles the size of basketballs.

Miles: Are you trying to flatter yourself, Wright?

Maya: Nnnn...Smell of boy….thick thick cum,mm….

Maya: Do you intend to impregnate meee ?

Phoenix: Again with the impregnation thing?

Miles: Don’t tell me this has come up before.

Phoenix: Well, okay. I won’t. But deep down, you already know the truth.

Miles: That counts as telling me, Wright.

Phoenix: huff-n-puff….Ma,Maya. Is the pregnancy in a full-course meal,too…?

Maya: It’s Okey...Nick.

Phoenix: huff-n-puff….Do not I need to put on a condom… ?

Phoenix: Please do, we really don’t need a subplot of me having a kid with Maya. Anything that would make this last one second longer would be a horrible idea.

Maya: Why would I let people pay me to make me pregnant?! God, this is so stupid!

Maya: Okey...Hey,Nick...Penis erect… ?

Phoenix: D-Do not tempt meee… !

Phoenix: I think we’ve gone beyond temptation at this point.


Phoenix: Ohhhh, my god.

Miles: This just gets worse by the minute, doesn’t it?

Maya: This is so embarassing…

Maya: N-Nick…! Eroticism with having worn a skirt...Ahnn… !

Phoenix: Ugh ! Aah ! Ahh… ! My cock...comfortable… !!

Phoenix: Oh. Well, that’s good to know.

[More filler dialogue].

Maya: AAHHnn ! Cock arrives to the depths of cunt… !!

Maya: A smell of a cock is terrible ! Ahhh !!

Miles: Just what is that even supposed to mean?

Phoenix: ...Maybe game-me has a hygiene problem?

Maya: Cock milk… ! Cock milk….!!

Maya: I...I want to become pregnant with your child...child… !

Maya: Do I, though? Do I really?

Maya: It’s a full-course. Niiicccck…. !

Maya: huff-n-puff-n…! It’s a dangerous… !

Maya: Big chance,Nick… ! I can become pregnant now… !

Phoenix: Why is she so dead-set on becoming pregnant!?

Miles: It is most likely some form of fetish, Wright. Don’t put much thought into it.

Phoenix: Augh ! I’m coming ! Maya ! cum ! Coming !!

Maya: Hurry up,Nick…! Nick---- !!

Phoenix: J-Jizzzzzz---- !!

Phoenix: Aaaaaaah !! Cum ! cum ! cuuum !!!

Maya: Ahh…! Thi...Thick Milk…! cum… !

Maya: Haaa...Nick…! Your very Eroticism !

Maya: Ah… Ahn ! Reservation of your child !

Phoenix: ...Wow.

Maya: Please tell me that means this is over.

Maya: Cancellation is no use...Nick.

Phoenix: Okay, that’s just creepy.


Phoenix: OH. Oh… my god.

Maya: There’s MORE?! Please, god, just let it end!

Miles: Yes, I believe we’ve all seen far more than enough.

Maya: AHnnn...S,Sperm does not stop from my vaginaahh….

Maya: I certainly become pregnant...Nick…

Phoenix: Y-Yes...Okey...okey….

Miles: It seems you are going to become a parent, Wright.

Phoenix: This is, like, the worst possible way for that to happen.

Phoenix: I’m objection… huff-n-puff-n… !

Maya: Haaa….Nick...I love you…

Phoenix: ...Sexual intercourse with Maya was really good….

Phoenix: She returned to a hometown again afterwards…

Phoenix: I pray for her not becoming pregnant…!!

Maya: Nick, you jerk!

Phoenix: ...I’m not commenting on that.

Miles: Honestly, the absence of a pregnancy would be the best outcome here.

[The lights turn back on.]

Phoenix: Oh, is it over? Thank god.

Management: Not entirely. We’ve still got at least one part to go!

Phoenix: Ack...

Miles: ...Please tell me I won’t be around for it.

Maya: Me, too.

Management: Only time will tell.

Phoenix: Well, let’s go before they make us stay for the second part.

[The sporkers leave the theater.]

Last edited by DrOcsid on Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:13 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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What a thing to see when I return to this thread after so long. I have to admit that I'm more excited to see the end... just to see it all end and to see Edgeworth's reaction to his role in this game. Thanks again, Dr.

Hmm... It's been a while since I've submitted anything to the thread. Maybe I might just get back into it, but... I think a piece of meta fanfiction - even if it's not too bad - would suit me better. Now to find it...
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1/3/19 edit: The project has officially been moved to a new blog at Further updates will be pending.

AA fanfiction archive: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=31369
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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Forever Hungry

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*points to "Phoenix Drive"* What was that?!?! The pictures?! Someone explain!!!
Thanks to Vickinator for the sig!
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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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Phoenix has some interesting fan games sometimes.
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Gorii Goriko: Ace Gorilla

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Hey there. Ace Gorilla here.

I've just recently bumped into this thread, and I must say, I am quite impressed! The sporks are so good, they just seem like fics to me. Yes really. Fics indeed.

Now this might seem sudden, but suddenly I have this strange desire to Spork a fiction. Call me a naive amateur, but might there be any fics yet unclaimed?

PS: Love your sporks, Rubius.

APS: Someone should make a spork about defending the badfics......with the usually impartial Deadpool as a judge.

Um, smilies for good measure: :godot: :yogi: :jake: :trucy: :hobohodo: :simon:
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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Rubius, huh. I could get used to it.

It's been a long time since we've updated the suggested fics list, but luck has compiled a good chunk of them here. As for the ones that I had considered taking, I've dropped.

There's also been several that have been suggested since then. I've compiled them here, excluding a few that I'm not sure have been taken or not, but in any case, these ones should be available.
Spoiler: Fics list pt 2
cuteyounggirlplus wrote:
I was searching the kink meme and I found two fics shipping Manfred Von Karma and Miles Edgeworth. Here they are. ... cmt1263732 ... d=25959275

Rysiek wrote:
(Found the first one, not aure if it is sporkable though, since I would give it

- :sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit: ... bout-Weird )

Oliver wrote:
Holy crap it was annoying finding these fics, my internet was like a snail.

I found this fic (It's Spanish) I'm not 100% sure what it is, but it seems to ship Apollo and Kristoph.
Maybe it'd be good for a punishment sporking if he ever gets one?

There's this fic about Apollo apparently being sent to "Gyakuten Saiban Academy" by Zak and Thalassa...
And apparently some characters work at this school? Including Shelly de Killer?
Yeah, it'll be enjoyable to read being sporked.

Have you ever wanted to be able to read Mr Edgeworth like a book?
It's a reader-insert thingy majiggy which I don't get because I'm dumb.
Honestly, I only linked it to say "Read Mr Edgeworth" XD

Rysiek wrote:
(Well, I better refrain from positive and negative Sahwits. It was quite good, though boring at times...)
(Found the second!
:sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit: )

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:
I found this fic. It's called "Turnabout Harem". It's about Nick and Apollo getting a harem. Also, Incest!Trucy.

Oliver wrote:
Who Cares? Apollo x Trucy
I... Don't need to explain.

Technically, this one was the result of a joke in this thread, but Airey did write a fanfic.

Snowthefirst wrote:
Um, hi everyone. Long time lurker making a first post to this thread. Call me Snow, everyone does. :will: ... y-of-Truth

The fanfiction I just linked was one I ran into a while ago. The premise is that the fic's the author's idea of AA6 (made long before the real AA6 was announced, of course) and as such has five cases all emulating the canon games. The first case, while a BLAM plotwise, was okay, and the second case was mostly entertaining. But.....well... :ron:

From the third case onward the plot kind of fell into this vortex of confusion and sadness of doom. The last case, while unfinished, is completely insane, and not in a good way. That's not to say it's horrible! It nowhere near the likes of Law Plus Chaos or the like. The thing is- you see- :junie:

I can't even vocabulise correctly. Just read it for yourselves to see if it needs to be sporked or not. The only thing is that the fic, like I said, is unfinished and already sits at roughly 90k words. Also, the author only recently got the motivation to update again, so no new chapters for the foreseeable future.

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:
An Ace Attorney/ Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Crossover starring Simon Blackquill: ... cmt9801033

Rysiek wrote:
Merdre! This looks promisingc. Call my OC a sue. Why don't you. Well, punk, this being a sporkforum with more tahn six sporkers will blow yer fic aapart. Now,mplease ask yourself: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?

ArrowLawn wrote:
So I found this in the Grand Archive of Awesome Literature (AKA ... The-Agency (Chapter 1) ... gency-pt-2 (Chapter 2)

Rysiek wrote:

Now, this is just ridiculous. Funny, but OOC. Now, how do wwe get Mia to spork it?

Rysiek wrote:
I think, I foundnthe older sibling of one of the fics here ... igh-School

Rysiek wrote:
I am gonna need a nice big bottle of brain bleach. Got some? Or have you already used it up? ... t-daughter

luck wrote:
That "silly author's comments'' reminded me of that fic where Trucy and Athena raped Apollo and Phoenix

Rysiek wrote:
Damn. This is good. Mannys "Adventures". They are quite ridiculous. And the author lacks that big letter key. Now, where was the fanfic where Manny was called Manny? It was one where Manny met My Immortal.

Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
And... this one with "manly" Edgeworth. ... cmt3385660

Oh, this one is beautiful. An 11-year-old's take on Narumitsu.

Rysiek wrote:
Do we have Professah Layton here? I got a puzzle for him. I think not even HE can break it. ... th-sausage

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:
There's also another unrelated Undertale troll/crack fic: ... Fanfiction

Polly wrote:
Well, hello. I've gotten quite a few good laughs out of this thread. Maybe I'll try my hand at a sporking or two, though I can't promise regular sporkings. There are quite a few fics I can think of with sporking potential, though I wouldn't be surprised if some of them had been done. (Admittedly, my own attempts at fics have been less-than-stellar, though I've never written for Ace Attorney).

While I'm here, I'll mention a few fics that have only just been published in the past few days, in case anybody might want to spork them. I see one of them was already mentioned. All of them are vore fics, and the rather odd thing is the casual way the characters react to vore. ... iment-Vore ... -Maya-Vore ... meone-Vore

ArrowLawn wrote:
We got new material! ... nabout-egg
That name look familiar? :V

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:

luck wrote:
You know, I've been getting back into Pokemon lately, and I've got curious about posible crossover fics with ace attorney.

I haven't read any of them, but some sound quite sporkable.
The shpping community is one of the most out there, by the way.

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:

ArrowLawn wrote:

ArrowLawn wrote:
So this Kristoph x Matt fic was made yesterday... ... s-Immortal

sumguy28 wrote:
Anyone remember that time I said that an author wrote two fics involving an OOC rapist Klavier?
...No? Well here's the second one anyway.
And yes, I linked to Chapter 2 on purpose.

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:
Look what the kink meme came up with: ... mt10189560

That put a whole other meaning to the phrase "When something smells..."

DrOcsid wrote:
So, jakkid finished turnabout portal. Relinking it just cause. ... out-portal

Now, I know jakkid's fics may get a bit repetitive, but I am being 100% truthful in saying holy fucking shit this is the best thing i have read in a long time. I am not joking, that went WAY above his other works, especially chapter 5. I could not stop laughing, holy shit. This needs to be sporked. NEEDS.

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:

ArrowLawn wrote:

ArrowLawn wrote:
The author of that last fic has already made another "gem", this one's a crossover with Snow White. And, fortunately, this one ISN'T identical to the original Jakkid trilogy. ... bout-apple

ArrowLawn wrote:
So you've all been introduced to Jakkid the Second, but Jakkid the Third seems to have gone unnoticed.
So let's fix that by linking this slice of magic: ... ut-monster

Polly wrote:
I've lost track of all the fics that have been posted here that are still available for sporking and which ones are or aren't claimed, but here are some more I found: ... olde-tokyo

ArrowLawn wrote:
Just in case anyone was wanting to take a DGS fic... ... ut-gregson
Same guy as the last 30 or so badfics. :yogi:

Polly wrote:
Who's ready for jakkid166 2: electric boogaloo? ... t-portal-2

DrOcsid wrote:


I did not expect this.

Nerdowl wrote:
What the heck did I just read? :udgey:

Not sure whether anyone can do anything with this but I would like to see the characters reaction to whatever the heck this is. It's rated Mature and is a WrightWorth with the Magmata um... well... oh just look at the fic if you're old enough:

Polly wrote:

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:

PS: Actually, I did write a sporking where Phoenix was forced to defend a bad fic he and company just sporked. (Part 2 and the actual defending here.) It was taxing on my mind, though, so I'm not inclined to try it again.

Also, Deadpool should only show up as a sporker or "judging" the sporking if there's a crossover fic with him. It's listed in the rules in the first post.
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@Rubius That's because I have a nick-naming syndrome. Call it the Gant syndrome, if you will :hair:

Very well than, I'll do the Snow White one. Thanks for compiling a list of available fics for me. I mean it.

Expect a spork in a few days or so. Thank you for bearing with me.

PS:Deadpool's not allowed? Awwww, I really wanted to see a spork with him. Oh well...OF TO FIND A CROSSOVER FIC WITH HIM MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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@Rubius Rubia

Thanks for compiling a fic list. Just goes to show you there's more ways than one to contribute to the thread.
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PS: Actually, I did write a sporking where Phoenix was forced to defend a bad fic he and company just sporked. (Part 2 and the actual defending here.) It was taxing on my mind, though, so I'm not inclined to try it again.

I throughly enjoyed it though! The fic itself was quite funny as well... :edgey:
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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Well, I have returned to the mood to spork lately, but I think I'd rather try my hand with a meta fic. It could be interesting to "defend". Any suggestions, guys?
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I've felt worse.

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After episode 2 of the anime aired, some people wanted to see Kyle Rivers: Ace Attorney. Did they really understand what they were asking for?
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Today is a sad day... ... on-the-run
Read that summary: "in dis last final phone wright story"
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Forever Hungry

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My word, Kyle Rivers is pure crack, I couldn't get through the whole cast list. Too much!
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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title

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Here's a fanfic about Edgeworth watching basically the porno version of Apollo Justice.
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ArrowLawn wrote:
Today is a sad day... ... on-the-run
Read that summary: "in dis last final phone wright story"

that fic wrote:
"HEY, i tell u damon gant has BEST FANFIUC have u red this one its called damon gant escaps from prison by balistic dolphin its the BEST FANFIC way better then dat idiot jakkid166"

I smell a conspiracy.

cuteyounggirlplus wrote:
Here's a fanfic about Edgeworth watching basically the porno version of Apollo Justice.

This one actually isn't too bad, but perhaps the most aggravating thing is one phrase at the end: "his favorite theater".

We all know which really is his favorite threater. >:(

Somewhat tempted to take this with all the cameos, actually. There was this one really meta fanfic on AO3 with Edgeworth and Gumshoe I happened upon while browsing tumblr, but I didn't save a link. It broke the fourth wall right from the get-go too. Does anyone know which one I'm talking about?
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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Somewhat tempted to take this with all the cameos, actually. There was this one really meta fanfic on AO3 with Edgeworth and Gumshoe I happened upon while browsing tumblr, but I didn't save a link. It broke the fourth wall right from the get-go too. Does anyone know which one I'm talking about?

Could it be this one?
My Ace Attorney FanFiction Thread (Last updated: 5th August 2018)
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Nerdowl wrote:
Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Somewhat tempted to take this with all the cameos, actually. There was this one really meta fanfic on AO3 with Edgeworth and Gumshoe I happened upon while browsing tumblr, but I didn't save a link. It broke the fourth wall right from the get-go too. Does anyone know which one I'm talking about?

Could it be this one?

That's the one! Thanks, I'm nabbing it for queue.

May expect a sporking sometime later this week, if I can find the time.
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Excuse the double post, but I have an experiment I'd like to try. Yes, it has to do with sporkings.

I've thought long and hard about a certain issue this thread constantly faces. It's quite easy to invite people to write their own sporkings, but often times, they don't complete them and eventually up and quit. I understand writing a sporking is a lengthy process. I too frequently run into the fatigue that comes with it.

So, here I suggest a solution: I've started an ask meme on my tumblr side blog. There, I will ask fans to submit characters and a prompt to which I write a derisive conversation.

Let's call it a sort of short-hand variation to the usual sporking formula. Instead of tackling long and tedious fanfics, it keeps the fun nature of the sporkings without exhausting too much time. I think this is an idea that could easily catch on, but what do you guys think? Could we implement a sort of mini-sporking system in this thread?
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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title

let me REtry that again...

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Good god, I'm dizzy with the amount of sporks I've been reading in the past few....days? Weeks? I honestly don't know.

I'm not too sure whether this forum is still active or not, I guess I just want to say hi and introduce myself?

Hi! Call me Re!

Also, I'm a total newbs but I think the short-spork thing could be p fun, I guess? I like the idea!

...and I'm totes sorry if I'm barging in the wrong time.... (/)(\)
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Welcome, Re! I'm sure this thread is still active since the last few posts, though there tend to be long periods between submissions.

Thanks for taking up to my mini-sporking idea! I'm still ironing out the kinks, but when I get a good grasp of how it's going to work, I hope it helps get this thread running again.

I've also compiled an updated list of fics to spork above (under spoiler tags given the length). Feel free to take you pick!
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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
So, here I suggest a solution: I've started an ask meme on my tumblr side blog. There, I will ask fans to submit characters and a prompt to which I write a derisive conversation.

Let's call it a sort of short-hand variation to the usual sporking formula. Instead of tackling long and tedious fanfics, it keeps the fun nature of the sporkings without exhausting too much time. I think this is an idea that could easily catch on, but what do you guys think? Could we implement a sort of mini-sporking system in this thread?

So, it's not really a "sporking" per se (not picking apart anything), but rather just a dialogue based on whatever prompt you receive? Personally, I don't mind the idea, the interactions and dialogue are my favorite parts of the sporkings anyway. I still think we should come up with a new name for it since it's not really sporking anything.

@irebach, well, we're active. Things used to be kind of hectic around here from, like, August to December... but now activity around here is a bit more sporadic. Thanks for introducing yourself and your definitely not barging in at the wrong time, so don't worry! :will:
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title

let me REtry that again...

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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Welcome, Re! I'm sure this thread is still active since the last few posts, though there tend to be long periods between submissions.

Thanks for taking up to my mini-sporking idea! I'm still ironing out the kinks, but when I get a good grasp of how it's going to work, I hope it helps get this thread running again.

I've also compiled an updated list of fics to spork above (under spoiler tags given the length). Feel free to take you pick!

Oh! Then, I hope I can visit this forum more often... Considering I've already graduated high school and probably not entering university so lots of free time! ...Haha. ...I have no life. :godot:

So in the future, this forum is not just for sporking, but also for the Management to play around with the characters even more, ja? Now I pity the cast. I really do. :will:

I'll pick one soon, then! Um, can you check on the finished product once I finished the spork? I'll admit that I'm not that good with grammar and I rarely wrote AA fanfiction so I think I might go OOC... So yeah. :yogi:

Skittlemask wrote:
@irebach, well, we're active. Things used to be kind of hectic around here from, like, August to December... but now activity around here is a bit more sporadic. Thanks for introducing yourself and your definitely not barging in at the wrong time, so don't worry! :will:

Oh... So the other sporkers are busy... I'll do my best to barge in more often then! :will:

Okay! :mike-salute:
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Ah, I should explain. The mini-sporking series (I have no idea what to call it. Ace Attorney Reacts?) is a separate project of mine I've set on my blog, but I hope it helps draw in more fans to this thread. I miss the days when we were all the hubbub.

And sure, if you've got a sporking, I can help with a few revisions. I've done it for quite a few people before. I'm currently in the middle of one myself, but I'm taking it easy with this one. It's been a while since I've gotten back into the groove.
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let me REtry that again...

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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Ah, I should explain. The mini-sporking series (I have no idea what to call it. Ace Attorney Reacts?) is a separate project of mine I've set on my blog, but I hope it helps draw in more fans to this thread. I miss the days when we were all the hubbub.

And sure, if you've got a sporking, I can help with a few revisions. I've done it for quite a few people before. I'm currently in the middle of one myself, but I'm taking it easy with this one. It's been a while since I've gotten back into the groove.

Oh, sorry! I misunderstood your description orz Then wouldn't it be possible for the sporked authors to... know about our existence?

Okay! I've set my eyes on Phoenix Wright Turnabout Monster... It's a wild, wild ride right from the beginning :karma:
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I'm pretty sure some authors whose works are featured here have realized the existence of this theater and are totally cool with it. We have yet to receive complaints from anyone about what we're doing here, so I believe we're in the clear.

And then there are those who write bad fanfiction for the express purpose of having them be sporked... er, I admit I may be one of them.

Have fun.
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Rubia Ryu the Royal wrote:
Excuse the double post, but I have an experiment I'd like to try. Yes, it has to do with sporkings.

I've thought long and hard about a certain issue this thread constantly faces. It's quite easy to invite people to write their own sporkings, but often times, they don't complete them and eventually up and quit. I understand writing a sporking is a lengthy process. I too frequently run into the fatigue that comes with it.

So, here I suggest a solution: I've started an ask meme on my tumblr side blog. There, I will ask fans to submit characters and a prompt to which I write a derisive conversation.

Let's call it a sort of short-hand variation to the usual sporking formula. Instead of tackling long and tedious fanfics, it keeps the fun nature of the sporkings without exhausting too much time. I think this is an idea that could easily catch on, but what do you guys think? Could we implement a sort of mini-sporking system in this thread?

Ha ha!, don't worry @Rubia, I'm still pretty much active in the writing up of the Spork! :will:

About that mini-spork idea of yours, interesting concept, but an example of it would be nice forgive me for my odd sentence structuring I'm not a native speaker of English bye bye.
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*Still trying to recover from Phoenix Drive* :udgey:
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let me REtry that again...

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Oh, also! I'm not sure if this website is allowed or not for the sporks, but usually, the one on wattpad is spork-able!

There's a lot of x Reader in wattpad, after all. Hehe. :godot:
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title

let me REtry that again...

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I had a lot of help from Rubia-senpai so thank you so much! I can't believe I'm posting my first ever sporking....

Rate : :sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit:
(The grammar is horrible, the spelling is horrible, the story makes no sense at all, but at least they were amusing. Is this a troll fic?)

And now, our sporkers!
:nick-sweat: Phoenix Wright!
"This isn't from that game, right? RIGHT?"
:maya-thought: Maya Fey!
"3 sahwits? Maybe today wouldn't be so bad!"
Aaaand the resident sporker!
:edgeworth: Miles Edgeworth!
"Please, I'm begging you, leave me alone for one spork."

[The three sporkers enter the theater. Maya sits on one of the chair, Phoenix on her left and Edgeworth on her right.]
Maya : This isn't Phoenix Drive, right?
Edgeworth : We do not see a keyboard or a mouse, so I assume that it's just another fanfiction.
Phoenix : Anything is better than that game. ANYTHING. Also, no barf bag. Great.
Maya : Hey, Management! Can we get some food?
Speaker : Unfortunately, since this one is pretty short, then it's a no.
Maya : Awww...
[The light dims.]

phoenix wright turnabout monster, a phoenix wright: ace attorney fanfic

Phoenix : ...What's with that title?
Maya : Monster... Maybe Steel Samurai will swoop in and save the day?
Phoenix : ...Don't get your hopes up, Maya.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ace Attorney, and I don't profit from this.

Phoenix : Good.

Phoenix Wright and Maya were watching tv in the oofice.

Maya : A typo in the first sentence?
Edgeworth : It's inevitable when we face a fanfic with a title in lowercase.
Maya : True, true. It's so got that "crack fic" feel to it!
Phoenix : I wonder why people would still write something like this to this day...

"hey nick shouldn't you be finding clients or something" said myaa

Maya : Myaa? I thought my evil twin is Ayam, not Myaa!
Phoenix : Maybe your evil counterpart has a twin?
Maya : You mean I have a triplet!? *gasp* Maybe I can multiply myself?
Phoenix : Last time I checked, you're a human being, not an amoeba.

"but I get all my clients from watchin tv and hopin someone get arrested" said nick

Phoenix : Excuse me?
Maya : Well, we did get Will Powers' case while we watched the TV...
Phoenix : But I'm not hoping someone gets arrested!
Edgeworth : But, if no one gets arrested, attorneys wouldn't survive, no?
Phoenix : Edgeworth.


Phoenix : It could be anyone else, I'm not the only Nick in this world! It could be Nick Jonas, or maybe other Nick...
Edgeworth : For the sake of the plot, Wright, let's ignore the possibility of the existence of other Nicks.
Phoenix : Nggggh.

"WAIT WHAT THE FUCK NO" yelled phoenix

Phoenix : Exactly.
Maya : Well, how do you know it's not you? Maybe you forgot you did a genocide?
Phoenix : How, exactly, does one forget when they do a genocide?

"nick what you do now" said maya

Maya : Um, hide in Kurain for a while?
Phoenix : Maya, no.
Edgeworth : If Wright did genocide, wouldn't Kurain be the first place they looked into?
Maya : Oh, right.

"FREEZE MOTHERFUCKER" shouted door and the door busted down and the cops came in

Edgeworth : Don't tell me...
Phoenix : Then, I'm not going to tell you.

"WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED PHOENIX WRIGHT" said Gumshoe and gumshoe detective badd mike meekins and damon gant all burst into the room and pointed their guns at nick

Phoenix : Wait, Gant? He's not a police officer anymore! He's supposed to be in jail! What's he doing here!?
Edgeworth : That is what we'd like to know as well.
Phoenix : Better yet, it's surprising that all of them could fit through the entrance. They jammed inside looking like an angry mob rather than police.
Maya : That Officer Meekins looks so small between Gant and that dark, brooding guy! Is he fine handling a gun? He looks like he's a danger more to himself with it...
Edgeworth : Considering how he is in real life... giving Officer Meekins a gun wouldn't be the best idea in any situation.
Phoenix : It wouldn't be any better giving Gant a gun either. This bound to be a disaster.

"oh shit maya run" yelled nick

Maya : But why would I run? I did nothing wrong.
Phoenix : Maybe you helped me? Since I'm a suspect and you're hiding me, I guess?
Maya : Well, that doesn't make sense! This place is yours, remember?
Phoenix : Well, yeah... (But we're associated by trade, so you're bound to be caught up in it too.)

and then pheonix did a backflip through the window on to the highway and landed in edgeworth car

Maya : You'll hurt your old, old back if you backflipped, Nick.
Phoenix : Hey, I'm not that old! (I'm just not good with gymnastics.)
Edgeworth : And why am I assisting a suspect running from the police?
Phoenix : ...Well. Maybe because I'm your old friend?
Maya : Ha! Old!
Phoenix : Oh, shush!
Edgeworth : Also... wouldn't you hit the roof of my car instead of going in? Does this author think I have a car with an open roof?
Phoenix : ...Doesn't that sound fun?

"drive motherfucker" phoenick said to edgeworth

Phoenix : ...I am speechless.
Edgeworth : Wright, cease your idiotic nicknaming this instance.
Phoenix : Bu-but, it's, um, cool?
Edgeworth : If getting those kinds of nicknames is "cool", I do not need to be cool.

meanwhile maya was holdin down manfred von karma (who the cops brought with them cause they needed someone with a taser)

Edgeworth : *twitch* Why on earth would they bring von Karma just for the sake of the taser? They can buy one for themselves instead of asking a criminal to be there to catch another criminal.
Maya : I sound so awesome. And why not go all out? They brought back that Gant guy!
Edgeworth : Ngggh.
Phoenix : Didn't this happen in the police department's records room back then? Even the taser.
Maya : The author was inspired? I dunno.
Edgeworth : von Karma. Tased you.
Phoenix : Yeah, on your case back then.
Maya : After we showed you that letter!
Edgeworth : He must've been desperate..

"after him shouted gumshoe"

Edgeworth : Who on earth said this?
Phoenix : Isn't it awkward if someone said calmly "after him shouted gumshoe"?
Maya : Maybe it's a roleplayer!
Phoenix : Maya, please.

"FASTER FASTER" said phoe nix to edgewort

Maya : Evil Xin Eohp confirmed!
Phoenix : If fic-me running away... then is he actually guilty?
Edgeworth : If I am caught because I aided your escape, I will hunt you down.
Phoenix : (Is it me or did the theater suddenly turn colder...?)

miles and phoenix were driving down the highway at 500 edgeworth per hour but they were being chased by the polices elite team of blue badgers

Edgeworth : Blue Badgers? ...Now that's an image I wish I never see again.
Phoenix : I've had enough of the Blue Badger, to be honest.
Edgeworth : You've had enough? Imagine being assaulted by a badger. In a haunted house.
Phoenix : ...That sounds pretty scary. You win.

"oh no" said edgeworth as the blue badgers tackled his car and he and phoenix were arrested by the blue badger army

Phoenix: How did they even catch up on foot? We were driving!
Maya: Well, if you were only going 500 Edgeworths per hour, maybe it's not that fast?
Edgeworth: If I saw that many badgers after me, I would be driving as fast as I could.
Phoenix: How fast can you run anyway?
Edgeworth: My running speed has nothing to do with my car's speed, thank you!
Maya : But, it's Edgeworths per hour, so your running speed has to have something to do with it!
Phoenix : Yeah, Edgeworth. What do you say to that?
Edgeworth : Can we drop this? *exasperated*

so phoenix get sent to detention center.

Phoenix : Whoop. *flatly* Wouldn't be the first time.

then gumshoe come into center. "sorry nick it looks like we had the wrong nick"

Phoenix : I told you so!
Maya : Ooooh, it's not you, Nick! It would be much more fun if it were you, though.
Edgeworth : True, it would at least be a twist I'd be more willing to accept.
Phoenix : Why must I suffer for your pleasure...
Maya : But Nick, it's a crack fic! Someone has to suffer some way and you're it this time!

"wait what" said phoenix

Phoenix : Our thoughts at this moment.
Maya : Excuse you, I was thinking about burgers and Steel Samurai!
Phoenix : Wait, what?

"yeah tv just said nick commit mass murder but it turns out it was actually SAINT nick"

Phoenix : ...Saint Nick? Are you kidding me?
Maya : Maybe this St. Nick is such a religious zealot that he'd go crazy? Wouldn't surprise me if there's two St. Nicks at this point.
Edgeworth : One insane "Nick" is already too much, thank you.
Phoenix : ...Are you saying something about me, Edgeworth?

"WOAH" say phoenix "santa commit murder. what happened?"

Phoenix : Santa committed genocide. A sentence I never thought I would see.
Maya : Santa committed mass murder? Whoa.
Edgeworth : Maya, it's not real.
Maya : The image is horrifying, though... Just imagine his ho-ho-ho turned into this maniacal laugh... on and on... like a broken record......
Phoenix : Another image I wish to forget. Thanks, Maya.

"yeah it was at gourdy lake" gum shoe said

Phoenix : Why there.
Maya : Famous murder spot!
Phoenix : Don't say something so dark like that.

"OH NO" shouted phoenix "that wasn't santa at all!"

Phoenix : Oh, don't tell me...
Maya : But Nick, the Santa on Gourdy lake that time was...!


Edgeworth : Detective Gumshoe is in-character. Amazing.

"yeah the santa at gourdy lake is actually LARRY IN SANTA COSTUME"

Phoenix : I KNEW IT!
Edgeworth : When something smells, it's usually the Butz. Do you forget the saying, Wright?
Phoenix : No, but this is the- what, the second time?
Edgeworth : Actually, it should've been the third time, not second. He was a suspect in my game.
Speakers : The Management would like to remind Miles Edgeworth not to break the fourth wall.
Edgeworth : *Groan*

"oh no" said gumbshoe "are you going to defend him"

Phoenix : One time was enough, thanks.

"yes but first I have to get out of prison" said nick

Phoenix : No. Why, fic-me? Why?
Maya : At least you're innocent!
Phoenix : Then why am I still in prison?!
Edgeworth : It wouldn't surprise me if Detective Gumshoe forgot to fill out the papers... again.
Maya : Give the poor guy a break, Mr. Edgeworth.


Phoenix : Wait, a prison riot? What? Why? How?
Maya : Whatever! It's a riot! Whooo!
Edgeworth : Maya, please sit down and stop jumping around. The riot is in the fanfiction, not here.
Maya : Boo, killjoy.

"OH SHIT HALP" screamed the cops be cause kristoph gavin had broken out of his cell and was laughn maniacally and was splashing atroquinine in everyone's faces

Edgeworth : ...That's a poison. This is a prison.
Phoenix : A poison? In prison? How in the world could he have...
Edgeworth : Atroquinine is a rather rare poison, so normal civilians wouldn't be able to get their hands on it... let alone a prisoner.
Phoenix : So... how?
Edgeworth : Don't ask me.
Phoenix : Well, fine... Anyone want to take a guess how the heck he broke out of prison?
Maya : Maybe he just bent the bars?
Phoenix : He looks way too skinny. There's no way he could bend his way out!
Maya : But he had that poison and stuff! Maybe it weakened the bars!
Edgeworth: Atroquinine cannot melt through steel.
Maya : Oh. Well, I'm out.

"TAKE THAT OFFICERS" laughed kristop

Phoenix : I don't think splashing poison on their faces is going to make them ingest any, though.
Edgeworth : Wright, stop questioning the fanfic. You're going to give me a headache too.
Phoenix : Right. (I just can't help myself, okay.)

"oh no" said nick and gumshow

Maya : Oh no, indeed!


Phoenix : *Shiver* (What's with this guy...)
Maya : Is it me, or does that sentence sound so wrong out of context?
Phoenix : Please don't bring it up.
Edgeworth : After everything we've force-fed so far, it unfortunately does... *Shiver*
Phoenix : Don't bring it up.

but suddenly godot jump out off his cell and throw coffee mug at kristoph

Maya : Mr. Godot suddenly gained the power to go through cells!
Edgeworth : Wouldn't he escape jail if that was the case?
Maya : ...So the cell was unlocked? Lame.

"OH NO I CAN'T SEE" said gavin and he tripped and fell into sirhan dogen cell and got attacked by assassins

Edgeworth : Good riddance.
Phoenix : Wait, what? Who's Sirhan Dogen?
Edgeworth : A blind assassin who always did his hits with his beloved dog, Anubis.
Maya : He had a dog? Cool!

meanwhile maya broke into prison to rescue nick and was beatin up the cops when suddenly nick and gumshoe arrive

Maya : It's-a me, the rebel!
Phoenix : God, Maya. That looked painful as heck.
Maya : At least they know I can punch well.
Phoenix : (...Well, at least someone's happy.)

"ok come on nick we have to break out edgeworth now" said maya

Edgeworth : About time.

"no leave him" said phoenix "that way they have no one to prosecute larry"

Phoenix : (...I had a feeling that Edgeworth is glaring at me right now.)


Maya : Noooo, Ayam! Why did you leave Mr. Edgeworth alone?! That's wrong, go back and break him out of his cell!
Edgeworth : ...Why am I here in the first place?
Maya : Because you broke the speed limit? Maybe it was only 200 Edgeworths per hour!
Edgeworth : That measurement made no sense at all in the first place!


Edgeworth : I had a feeling it would turn into chaos, instead of the 'truth'.
Maya : Law plus Chaos, right? *wiggles eyebrow*
Edgeworth : No, Maya. Never again.

"court is now in season" said the judge

Phoenix : Season? Seriously? The judge made the court like a trend or something! "The court is like, totally in season, you know!" or something like that.
Maya : Nick, you totally sound like a teenage girl just now.
Phoenix : Ugh! (That totally strikes my manly bars...)

"thee defense is ready" said phenix

Edgeworth : Thee? As in your defense?
Maya : Oh no! The Judge is the defendant!
Phoenix : I'm pretty sure that's not the case, Maya.

But there was no prosecutor because edgeworth was in prison

Maya : You could've called another prosecutor! Like, you know, there's Franziska! Or Godot, since he has the power to go through walls!
Edgeworth : Franziska is away at the moment, so I wouldn't expect her to show up so suddenly...
*A whip crack could be heard in the distance*
Maya : Did you know about the urban legend? If you say Franziska names three times... *lower her voice ominously* She shall appear in front of you, ready to whip you into submission...
Phoenix : ...I may have heard it just now, but that's the scariest urban legend I've ever heard in my entire life. *Shiver*

"detective gumshoe give us the facts" said the judge

Phoenix : So... Detective Gumshoe was already standing in the stand?
Edgeworth : It is possible.
Phoenix : Dang, that must've been boring.

"okay so all the people at the lake had their heads bitten off and were pulled into the lake according to their autopsies" said gumshoe "except for larry because he was the one who bite their heads off and robert hammond because he was already dead. we will now hav him testify about seeing the murders"

Edgeworth : What.
Phoenix : It seems that the author really likes to bring up people involved in the DL-6 case. There's Manfred Von Karma and now Robert Hammond.
Maya : No one's going to point out Larry bites their heads off?
Phoenix : It's Turnabout Monster, Maya. Maybe he was the monster?
Maya : And... no one's going to point out the fact that Robert Hammond was called to the stand because he was dead?
Edgeworth : I am trying not to gain any more headaches by questioning everything the author writes, Maya.
Maya : Oh, sorry.

so robert hammond took the stand.

Edgeworth : Ngggh. (Curses, I still got one...)
Phoenix : Ha-hang in there, Edgeworth.

"I was just sitting at the bottom of lake from when I got killed." said robret. "suddenly larry burst out of lake and start eating every body"

Phoenix : His body should've been in police custody, though. Why is it there?
Maya : And Larry burst out of the lake! Is he the new Gourdy?

"OBJECTION" shouted phoenix "larry can't eat people they wouldn't fit in his mouth. rOBERT HAMMOND, THE KILLER WAS YOU!"

Edgeworth : But he was dead. How in the world a dead man could eat another human being? Forget that, how on earth a dead man could even move right now?
Phoenix : Ma-maybe you really should take a break from questioning the fanfiction, Edgeworth.
Edgeworth : I am trying, Wright.

"wtf no" said hammond "I can't eat people either"

Phoenix : Yeah, so who's the monster?

"oh yeah, never mind" said foenix "unlss you were actually a GIANT SEA MONSTER"

Phoenix : How the heck did fic-me even get that conclusion?
Edgeworth : Is it not one of your bluffing 'techniques', Wright?
Phoenix: As great at bluffing as I may be, even I couldn't pull that off.
Maya: But everyone's really dumb in this fic, remember?
Phoenix: True... so maybe I could?
Edgeworth: I'd rather see you fail, honestly. It'd somewhat make up for all the grief we've had thus far... but I know it won't happen.

"oh shit how did you know" said fobert

Maya : Gasp! Mr. Hammond was a monster?!
Edgeworth : Nggh... I knew it.

"I have you now GOURDY" shouted phoenick

Phoenix : Here comes the monster..

and then hammond's disguise exploded and he was actualy GOURDY THE SEA MONSTER

Maya : ...That sounds totally disgusting.
Edgeworth : The disguise... exploded...
Phoenix : The courtroom is gonna be nasty, ew.

then GOURDY smashed open the court rook and started eatin all the people in the court room

Phoenix : What.
Edgeworth : Open the court rook-- what?
Maya : Aaaah! It's GOURDYYY! *keeps moving mouth*
Phoenix : ...Maya, what are you doing?
Maya : What? Isn't that how it went in the old monster movies?

"oh no" said the judge

Edgeworth : Indeed, Your Honor.

and gourdy went on a rampage and started destroying the city

Phoenix : How.
Maya : Plot!
Speakers : The Management would like to remind Maya Fey-
Maya : Shh! It's finally getting interesting!
Speakers : Sigh.

"nick what do we do" asked maya

Maya : Yeah, Nick. What do we do against big monsters?!
Phoenix : Uh... I don't know?
Maya : We call the Steel Samurai, of course!

then phoenix transformed into a GIANT FIGHTING ROBOT

Maya : Well, it's not the Steel Samurai... but Robo-Nick sounds cool too!
Phoenix : Wow. I turned into a giant robot. How?
Edgeworth : It would be best if you keep your questions of the author's intentions to yourself, Wright.
Phoenix : (Oh, right. So you don't have to share my pain, huh? Get real, Edgeworth.)

robo-nick used his jetpacks to fly out of court

Maya : Jet pack?! You had one?! Let me borrow it!
Phoenix : I don't have a jet pack, Maya!
Maya : Phooey. You're no fun.

"HOLD IT" shouted mecha-nick and he punched gourdy in the sea monster stomach

Edgeworth : Your robot counterpart seems to be in character, Wright.
Phoenix : If you mean that whenever I say "hold it!" I go around punching people, then sure, fic-me is in character.

"TAKE THAT" yelled phoenix and he and gourdy started fighting over the city and gourdy was slapping robo-nick with his tail and takin huge bite out of his robot body and robo-nick was shooting rockets and lasers at gourdy

Phoenix : I... am not going to comment on that.
Maya : Go Robo-Nick! Defeat the evil Gourdy! But you're definitely less cool than Steel Samurai, Robo-Nick!
Edgeworth : (...Indeed.)
Phoenix : Can't I find a moment of glory even as a giant robot? (Ouch, that actually stung a bit.)

then robo-nick picked up gourdy and flew to the moon and they started beatin each other up

Maya : Whoooo! Go Robo-Nick!
Edgeworth : Maya, please sit down.
Maya : WHOOOOOO! *flail arms*

"nick" shouted maya "use your SECRET WEAPON"

Phoenix : What secret weapon?
Maya : Ooh! Maybe it's your pointing finger! Like when you said "Objection!"
Edgeworth : That... certainly sounds plausible.

"OBJECTION" said robo-nick and a giant super laser came out of his hand and struck gourdy in the face

Maya : I was right!!
Phoenix : I- you know what, I give up.
Edgeworth : Congratulation for holding on for so long, Wright.
Phoenix : Thanks, Edgeworth.

gourdy roared and fell down unconscious then gumshe handcuffed him and took him to prison

Phoenix : I thought they were in the moon? Did Gumshoe suddenly become an astronaut and get a rocket going and then arrest Gourdy and carry the monster on the rocket? ...That makes no sense at all.
Maya : Let's just imagine Detective Gumshoe had rockets built inside of him and so he flew to the moon and then he dragged Gourdy with him!
Phoenix : .....

"this sucks" said edgeworth cause he had to share a cell with gourdy the sea monster

Edgeworth : *eyebrow twitch* How.
Maya : Ahahahaha!
Phoenix : ...Heh.
Edgeworth : *glare*


Phoenix : That... was confusing.
Edgeworth : But anything is better than Phoenix Drive, to be honest.
Maya : So, Law plus Chaos is better than Phoenix Drive?
Phoenix : I thought we agreed not to bring up that one.
Edgeworth : Nggh... Maya...
Maya : Sorry, sorry! I'll stop!
Speakers : Now what are you guys doing here, leave now. Or are you planning to stay for another round?
[The three sporkers immediately leave the theater, and brings today's sporking to an end...]

This spork had been corrected three times (I think?) since the first version, so if there's any mistakes, it's fully mine. Thank you for reading and I think I'm gonna need a critic... :yogi:

Last edited by irebach on Tue May 31, 2016 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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I'm not actually sporking anything right now, because I have finals and all of that stuff to deal with. Maybe I'll start again sometime over the Summer.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Hello! Hello! *squawk*

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ArrowLawn wrote:
Today is a sad day... ... on-the-run
Read that summary: "in dis last final phone wright story"

Jakkid will be missed.

@Irebach great sporking,e specially for your first. I couldn't stop laughing.
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title

let me REtry that again...

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Polly wrote:

@Irebach great sporking,e specially for your first. I couldn't stop laughing.

Thank you! But seriously, Rubia-senpai helped me a lot. The original spork wasn't that funny tbh :bellboy:
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Been a while since I've sporked something.

Title: larrys childrens story
Rating: :sahwit: :sahwit: :sahwit:
A very short crackfic that's supposed to be written by Larry (DAE larrylawn?). Spelling/grammar, stupid plot, and absolutely not suitable for children.
Author: Larry Butz barrylawn
Original Fic: ... rens-story

And now, the sporkers.

:phoenix: :edgeworth: :maya:

(The sporkers are teleported into their seats)

Phoenix: Great. Another sporking adventure with the classic trio.

Edgeworth: Can this wait? I have a lot of work right now.

Speakers: Don't worry, my dears, we're doing a short one today.

Edgeworth: No fic that appears here is "short." Not for us.

Speakers: No, really. You'll be out in about 3 minutes. So don't get too comfortable.

Phoenix: That's 3 minutes too many.

(The lights dim, and the screen lights up.)

Spoiler: larrys childrens story
larrys childrens story
By barrylawn
larry butz must write a story suitable for children of all ages CAN HE DO IT?

Maya: That name sounds familiar.

Edgeworth: As I recall, he is the person who wrote trilo x hotti and turnabout goat.

Phoenix: I see he hasn't changed a bit.

the attorney and the prosector

by laurice deaxnim

Edgeworth: I thought this was by Barry Lawn.

Maya: I guess this means this isn't a fanfiction, then?

Phoenix: I'd rather not live in this universe if this becomes canon.

once on a tiem ther was a spike lawyer man called phenix wrigt

Edgeworth: "A spike lawyer man?" What on earth is that?

Phoenix: I think he's talking about my hair. And my name is Phoenix Wright. I'd think Larry would know how to spell my name...

Maya: Wow! Nick, look at that picture on the screen!

Phoenix: Well, I guess it is a children's story. Gotta make it look appealing to kids.

Edgeworth: Though I wonder how the author got it to appear on the site...

Speakers: He didn't. We made it ourselves.

Edgeworth: Oh... well, moving on.

phoenix was a sexy man but he was holded back by his fucking stupid asistant maya fey

Edgeworth: Larry! Language! This story is targetted at children, is it not?

Phoenix: Maya's not stupid! And she's certainly not holding me back from anything.

Maya: Why would Larry think I'm stupid, Nick?

Edgeworth: Because this author has no grasp on Larry's character. Well, perhaps a little bit.

phonix one day met a beutiful man called miles edgeworth

photix was in love

Phoenix: Seriously? Another scene of love at first sight?

Maya: This guy really loves skipping the character development and skipping stright to the action.

pheonix asked maya if he cud go out with edgey but maya said no because she sercertly crushed him but he didnt no.

Maya: Who? Nick or Edgeworth?

Edgeworth: I would assume he's referring to Wright, but I could be wrong. It's hard to tell.

"fuck you maya" shouted phoetix and he decided to come up wit plan to get rid of her

Phoenix: I don't like where this is going.

Edgeworth: Again, language. Who is this book targeted at?

Maya: It's set up like a children's story...

Edgeworth: But the language is foul. There is no targeted audience here!

phenis went up to pet toy mays cousin. he stab perl in the chess

Maya: Pet toy mays cousin? What?

Phoenix: I think it means I went up to Pearls, but that'd be a really weird typo.

Maya: Right... wait, Pearly's dead? You killed Pearly?! NOOOOOOO!

Edgeworth: To kill a young girl just to go out with me... just how badly do you want me, you dark man?

Phoenix: I didn't do anything! Blame the author! Blame Larry!

blood was everywhere and there was a horrifying picture of her ded body on the page


Edgeworth: Management! Get that horrific image off the screen at once!!!

Phoenix: I hope Larry didn't actually put that image on the page!

Maya: This... this is unacceptable! No parent would ever buy this for their kids!

pherix then framed maya for the murder

Edgeworth: You're heartless.

courtroom may 18 10:00 am

"I DIDNT DO IT" cried maya

"yeh u did" said pheotis who was her defense attorny

Speakers: Have a picture.

Phoenix: I'm not doing a very good job at defending her. And I'm making that fact way too obvious.

Edgeworth: Do you want fic!you to get away with this?

Phoenix: No, I want this to make sense.

Edgeworth: I'm afraid you'll have to ask another author for that, because neither of these authors will deliver.

"i beleev you" said miles edworth who was the prosecutor and phoenixs crush "your honor i wud like to change the defendant to PHOENIX WRIGHT"

Phoenix: What?!

Maya: He can't just change the defendant for no reason, can he?

Edgeworth: Why on earth would I have had Maya arrested if I figured out Wright was the killer so easily?

"WHAAAAAAAAT" shouted phoenix

the judge noded


Maya: Wow, too easy. Not complaining, though!

phoenix was guilty

Phoenix: That was fast. Did Edgeworth even have any evidence on me?

Edgeworth: There was no evidence presented during that trial. Makes me wonder how exactly you framed Miss Fey.

defendant lobby may 18 10:01am

Edgeworth: Th-The trial lasted one minute?!

Phoenix: Why are you surprised? It checks out perfectly.

Maya: That's gotta be a world record.

"thank ya edgey i lov yu" said maya and tears of happy and love flowed out of her eyes

Maya: No! Please, no!

Edgeworth: Unbelievable!

"you love me me too" said edgewotrh

Edgeworth: Since when?

Phoenix: Since that romantic moment when you forfeited your case and accused me.

Edgeworth: For no reason.

and day got together and had sex and lived happy forever again

Maya: We had sex? That's it? We didn't get a house and start a family or anything like that?

Phoenix: I guess the relationship didn't work out.


Edgeworth: Thank goodness!

(The lights turn on)

Speakers: See? What did we tell you? Short and sweet.

Edgeworth: Short, yes, but I swear on my badge, I shall sue anyone who dares sell this to a child!

Phoenix: Not if I get to it first!

Edgeworth: Now, I have work to do. Return me to my office at once!

Speakers: Nah. Walk back. You know the way.

Edgeworth: Curses! You're all cruel!

(They leave the theatre, making sure to investigate every bookshop and library on their way back)
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Last edited by Ana R. on Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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Thank you for the pictures. They really added to the fic.
The home of the Gyakuten Saiban vs Ace Attorney blog:
1/3/19 edit: The project has officially been moved to a new blog at Further updates will be pending.

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Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title

The man for your trials!

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As a new user, I can say that this easily one of the best forum threads ever. I was partially convinced to join CR because of this thread, and have spent the past week binge reading it.

Also, you might want to know that there is now someone following the footsteps of 'DAMON GANT ESCAPS FROM PRISOOOOOOON', this time starring :dahlia:: ... rom-Pirson
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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So, Jakkid finished Phoenix Wright on the Run, his final work welp never mind hes back. ... on-the-run
Now, go all the way to chapter 6 and you'll find a dropbox link.
That file contains the secret of jakkid166, but you must solve a puzzle to open it. There's a hint to opening it somewhere in this fic.

I already know the secret.
But I'm not telling yous.
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Last edited by Ana R. on Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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So I found this fanfiction: ... rom-prison
and I want to try it as my first spork, unless somebody else is currently working on it. I'll start it soon, I'm still planning a bit of it :will:
Re: Let's spork some horrible Fanfiction!Topic%20Title
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Racing through the sky like a Missile

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Have fun. So who's doing the Dahlia one again?
The home of the Gyakuten Saiban vs Ace Attorney blog:
1/3/19 edit: The project has officially been moved to a new blog at Further updates will be pending.

AA fanfiction archive: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=31369
Yakuza/RGG fanfiction archive: ... /rubia_ryu
My misc translation and work promos here at
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