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Re: Danganronpa F1 - Chapter 3 Daily LifeTopic%20Title
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Wibbly wobbly timey-wimey stuff

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"Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo!" Jay cheered from the front row. He waited for a moment to see who was up next. After noticing nobody was making a beeline for the stage, Jay decided he was up next. He stood up, ran towards the stage, and vaulted up onto it.

"Thank you for that splendid performance, Ryuji! No, not just splendid; it was perfect!" Jay complimented as he made his way to the microphone. "Okay, for my performance, I'd like to read you a short poem I wrote about my time here with all of you. When I'm done, hopefully there won't be a dry eye in the audience, but not because it was a horrible poem. Anyway..." Jay cleared his throat and began.

"On the first day that I arrived here at Hope's Peak,
I felt quite excited, if somewhat meek.
But thanks to all the friends that I have made,
I'm able to present you this serenade.

Karega tried to kill me, that's a fact,
And Subaru doomed himself by his own act.
Poor Cesar's life came to an untimely end,
By someone whom we thought was our good friend.

We must remember those whom we have lost,
And avenge their deaths no matter what it may cost.
It's tough, you see, to stand here on this stage,
To cast my grief aside and turn the page.

For life goes on, you see, there is no doubt,
That someday we must find our own way out.
Is all of this stuff really just a game?
Truth or lies, my message remains the same.

We have to make a promise to survive,
And make a pact to keep our hope alive.
For all of those waiting for us outside,
We mustn't run away, nor should we hide.

I'm sure you're bored, but this is almost done,
'Cause I have certainly had a lot of fun,
When this is over--I'm not going to lie--
I'll probably just break right down and cry.

Because, you know, this may sound pretty scary,
But we really are all merely temporary.
The real us, when this game is done and gone,
Will move on with their lives and carry on.

Hopefully they will remember us,
But if they don't, I won't make any fuss.
'Cause how can I, as I have said before,
Get mad when I don't exist anymore?

That thought runs through my mind every day,
But I can't just get up and walk away.
What does it all mean to be real or fake?
'Cause we all do exist, make no mistake.

You're reading this. I'm here. Can you deny?
And after this, you're going to reply.
I've done my job, so now it's time for you,
To show us all what you're able to do.

Thank you! Thank you very much! I'll be here until the game is over!"
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
Excellent source of puns.
Refrigerate after opening.
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"Yes, yes, thank you Jay," said Flo, clapping as she walked on stage. Jay gave a bow before returning to his seat.

"Okay," Flo pointed at the audience, "I'll need a volunteer to help me with this one."

Arthur raised his hand. Flo and everyone clapped as he got on stage.

"Thanks Arthur. So let me explain sociology… without boring anyone hopefully. Sociology is the study of society-including minute one-on-one interactions to giant commodity chains." Flo could feel the audience's attention waning. Even Arthur looked bored.

"Err, but sociology is USEFUL. A sociologist can bring out the best in people using nothing more than the power of words."

Flo whispered something into Arthur's ear. Arthur nodded. He had this twinkle in his eye now. Flo grabbed a one of the giant hoops. She threw it in the air.


Arthur did a backflip right through the hoop. The audience cheered.

"Thank you, thank you," Flo and Arthur said. The hoop landed somewhere in the audience. It bonked Matt on the head.

"So as you can see, you can use sociology to make people do crazy things they would never be able to do on their own. And yes, you can even try this on yourself… it's a lot harder though. Anyways, thank you for watching. Arthur, you're up next."

Flo scurried back to her seat, looking pleased with herself.
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After Ryuji and Jay's performances left Sayako drying her eyes, Flo's left her equally impressed, but slightly confused. She applauded at the end as she had with the others.
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"S-Sayako, why don't you perform next?" Ryuji asked. "I'm sure you can do something live with your talent."
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"Me?" She jumped in surprise at the suggestion. "I-I don't know... I'm not sure what I'd be able to do as an act, and nobody was really thrilled with my idea at the banquet..."
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"I-It'll be fine!" Ryuji said. "W-We're all talented. I'm sure you'll think of something."
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"Well, if you insist..." She smiled at the Ultimate Actor, encouraged by his support. "I'll give it some thought and go up if I come up with anything."
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After a moment, Arthur recovered. "I suppose literally jumping through hoops for you all doesn't count, right? "

After some nervous laughter, Arthur continued, adopting a bit of a stage presence. "Well, initially had wondered what I could do to impress you fine folks. I considered a dramatic reading, but how could I out-drama the Ultimate Actor? How could I choose words more laboriously and effortlessly than the Ultimate Wordsmith?"

Arthur shook his head. "That way lies madness. Or at least mediocrity!"

"And so, in an effort to entertain you all, I present that which Mystery offers to differentiate itself from my colleagues."

He held up a set of canopy curtains about himself. When he dropped the curtains, he was wearing his normal jacket no longer, but was instead wearing the teal blue button-down shirt SiRReN had made for him for the banquet.

"The Art... of Misdirection!"

A quick bow later, and he brought out, from behind the curtain, a handsaw and what looked to be a long, person-sized box on wheels, with a small seam down the middle.

"Now, this box contains all of what I like to call 'The Magic of Mystery'. I will use this box to saw one of you..." he motioned out to the crowd. " HALF! But fear not, my friends, for I will use this magic to mend that which is in twain!"

"Now, I need a volunteer from the crowd. " No one's hand went up, but upon looking around, everyone seemed to notice that Flo was no longer in the audience. But before anyone could point this out, Arthur was among his students, hamming up his search for a volunteer, until he finally arrived in front of his 'volunteer', Jay.

"You, sir! I sense that you are the one whose energy is needed upon the stage today. If you would..." Arthur motioned for Jay to return to the stage. He whispered something to Jay when they both arrived on stage, at which point, Arthur continued his act.

"If you would, sir, into the box with you!"

Jay paused, and then entered the box, with his head visibly poking out the top. A pair of feet, daintier than those one would expect Jay to have poked out of the bottom of the box, clad in black stockings. A smattering of giggles escaped from the crowd.

Arthur made a great show of sawing Jay in half, placing steel plates in the seam in the box and separating the box in two. He paused for some applause and a smattering of laughter with an overdone bow.

"Go ahead, Jay, wiggle your toes for us!"

A bit more laughter escaped the crowd as the toes obliged.

Arthur wheeled Jay's head around so that his head was next to the toes of the other box, but as he wheeled Jay's head around, Jay collided with the feet. "Er, sorry... That must've been quite the odd sensation!"

Arthur wheeled Jay's head and feet back into their starting positions, draped the curtain over the seam, removed the plates, and with a flourish, opened the box, helping Jay to his feet, amidst applause. He sent the Wordsmith back to his seat with another bow.

He wheeled the box backstage, somehow with the feet still protruding from the box.

A short time later, Arthur and Flo unceremoniously rejoined their seats in the crowd.
Re: Danganronpa F1 - Chapter 3 Daily LifeTopic%20Title
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Beware of the Dog

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Charlie clapped, grinning, and then got on stage, grabbing the microphone while hiding something behind her back with her other hand.

"I guess we can all agree that this was quite an... interesting experience." She glanced at Flo from the corner of her eye. "Thank you, Arthur."

"As an osmologist, I know most people don't have single clue about what I do. Like at all. To make it short, I study the production and effects of scents. I also run research on how to detect them, for example by training dogs, rats or even bees. And when I happen to be stuck in a place which has a crazy futuristic chemistry lab on the moon..."

She held up what she had been hiding.

"...I might also make something like that."

It was a bottle, and it looked exactly like Arthur's "olive oil" one, only that it was full.

"This is a replica of... let's say, whatever we had at the banquet. I was able to synthesise it from memory. Does anyone want to take a sip? Crimson, maybe?"

After Crimson got on stage too, Charlie handed her the bottle with a large grin. After Crimson had taken a few gulps, Charlie added:

"If you like it, you might wanna know that this is completely water-based. Not a single drop of ethanol in there. I'm still a somewhat decent person." Then, she got back into the audience and sat down again.
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"Yay," said Flo, not really comprehending the 'water-based' part. "Now we can actually have some fun."
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Sakura applauded the acts heartily, liking each one of them. It was interesting seeing what some of the students were capable of, but hadn't yet been able to entirely demonstrate. Flo and Charlie in particular had shown a level of skill that greatly surprised her.

Then it seemed it was her turn, so she hastened to get to the stage and bring her prop on. After a minute or so a piano was wheeled in, then Sakura ran off again to bring on a pile of origami paper. With that everything was set up, so she sat down to play.

The piece was played with just one hand, and Sakura sang along with it. It was a whimsical, storylike song about cute animals playing in a field of flowers, and as the story progressed, Sakura used her other hand to fold models in time with the music, creating the very things she was singing about. Soon the piano was decorated with rabbits, kittens and flowers, and by the end of the performance a complete diorama of the story had been made. With a flourish Sakura played the last note and threw confetti over the scene, before standing up and bowing cheerfully.

Afterwards the piano was wheeled off again to clear space for the next person. Sakura sighed with relief as she took her place in the audience again - even for her a performance like that had been difficult, and she was glad it went well without any hitches.
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Beware of the Dog

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Even though Sakura's song involved neither dogs nor rats nor bees, Charlie got teary-eyed at the end of the performance, which probably had nothing to do with the chemicals she had been exposed to recently. She lowered her head to hide it while she clapped for Sakura.
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A new dawn.

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Alchie clapped hard for every performance, a smile on her face. It was pretty beautiful to see everybody using their talents in some way, and each seemed to outdo the one before.
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"Alright, everyone, could uh, I get some space?" Van asks everyone to clear out the first few rows of the auditorium. They can see that in his left hand he carries three fifty-pound weights.

"Everyone's been doing some really interesting stuff, so I hope you guys don't mind me doing something really simple that I learned in less than two hours two years ago," Van laughs.

He looks up and down the stage, and after a little bit he says, "doesn't look like I'll hit any building systems, but maybe I should be on the beach so that these don't roll. I've been practicing, but I could drop."

After everyone is a safe distance from the stage, and Van has double-and-triple-checked the stage, he begins to juggle the fifty-pound weights. The audience can tell that with each throw, he has to use all of the muscles in his arm. As they fly into the air, the weights look weightless, like something that heavy could never be launched in the air over and over. Sweat rolls down Vans brow, and after less than two minutes, he throws one to the floor in front of his feet with a crash, catches the other two, and looks exhausted.

"Alright, well there you go," he says between steady breaths. "I figure that about how's my ability to keep my cool under pressure too."

Van takes a bow, and before he leaves the stage he says, "also, I can wiggle my ears. Not much of a hidden talent, but--" he turns his head to the side, and the audience can see his ear move in place, "it's something I guess."

"Again, thanks guys, everyone's doing really well, and I can't wait for everyone else's turns!"
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Sakura, clearly impressed, applauds Van's act and cheers. "That was incredible!" She exclaimed. "I can't even begin to imagine how strong you have to be to do that... Plus, juggling is a complicated skill! I've never seen someone combine strength and skill like that before." She hadn't been sure what to expect from the firefighter, but his performance went way beyond anything she'd imagined.
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"Wonderful! Amazing! Fantastic jobs so far everyone! Let's keep it going!" Jay shouted from his seat as each performance concluded. He had a massive grin on his face. These students truly were the future's hope and Jay was content merely being in their presence.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
100% pure Joy.
Excellent source of puns.
Refrigerate after opening.
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Ryuji clapped profusely at all of the performances, his eyes sparkling at the marvels his classmates had pulled off.

"T-This is all so cinematic!" Ryuji exclaimed. "W-When we get out of here, I'll find a spot for you guys in my next movie!"
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Arthur was agog. "Er... if I have a say in what we do next, I veto an arm wrestling competition. "
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Beware of the Dog

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"Didn't know you're into arm wrestling Arthur!", Charlie exclaimed, who had recovered by now. "Sounds like a great idea, but I'm afraid there's no one who has a chance of winning against Van." She turned towards the firefighter, smiling. "That was so awesome. Never seen something like that in my life."
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[Thank you all for being patient, took some time because I ran into plot holes ;-;]

[ I just need to proofread now and then the phase will change. Phase changes for the following chapters will be the fastest yet, I promise]
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Map of Door 3, which is longer donut-shaped :p

(Probably helpful to look at before you read your alibi)

Spoiler: Wednesday
“So why’d you call all of us over here, Mr. Cognomen?” Everyone had gathered in the auditorium at Matt’s request.

Matt held out his hand and displayed four small metal balls with a single socket. “I found these all in here.”

“I’m sorry, I’m lost.” Charlie scratched her head. “What are those?”

“They’re bugs. Mini microphones basically. Monokuma may claim to be a God, but I guess even he has limits. He’s using them to spy on us.”

There was a brief silence before Flo spoke up. “Do you think he can hear us now?”

“I don’t think so.” Matt said, curtly. “These are small, but once I found one I made sure to scour every inch of the auditorium. They’re all disabled for now, but I’m sure Monokuma will replace them soon.”

Slezak sighed. “I guess it’s not an easy way to get Monokuma to bug off then.”

“Nope, but it’s an inch.” Matt shrugged. “We know these exist now, so we know to look out for them in each room. It’ll increase our mobility around Monokuma and allow us to plan a counterattack.”

“That’s incredible, Cognomen-kun!” Amachi smiled. “Monokuma’s clearly getting frustrated with us, so maybe he’ll start to make mistakes too!”

“How do they even work?” Alchie asked.

“It’s interesting, actually. If you touch two of them together, the bugs become ‘linked.’ Then you can just plug headphones into the socket of one of them and listen in.”

“So t-that means M-Monokuma probably linked all of them to a ‘main bug’, right?” Ryuji pondered. “So we should be able to listen in on him as well!”

“Not quite. Each bug also has a small button that lets you disable the mic. So you can use a bug to listen in on other people without them hearing you as well.”

“Of course it’s not that simple.” Arthur frowned. “Well, good work regardless! We might just get out of here yet.”

The group left the auditorium with a renewed vigor.

Spoiler: Thursday
It was 5 AM on Thursday morning when alarms started to go off. Everybody got off their bed, sleepy and confused. Some were panicking, thinking a murder had occurred. It wasn’t long before everyone gathered in the main hall, Van waiting for them. The alarms turned off.

“Ehhh, we can do better than that.” Van tsked, disapprovingly.

“What the hell was that?” Flo asked, pissed and nearly slumped over from lack of sleep.

“A fire drill, of course.” Van pointed at everyone. “From now on, we’re doing random fire drills until I’m confident all of you can exit an environment in a quick, orderly, and calm fashion!”

“Are you serious?!” Ryuji yelled. “ beauty sleep…”

“There’s a gas stove behind Door 1, highly flammable brush and a volcano behind Door 2, and several bunsen burners with gas faucets behind Door 3. This place is an incendiary bomb waiting to go off, and I need us all to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.”

“Aye yai yai…” Slezak looked weighted with defeat. “Can’t we just with it when it comes?”

“I think it’s a great idea!” Sakura pepped up. “If Monokuma wants to throw danger at us, we’ll throw it right back at him! We won’t bend to what he says!”

“We don’t need a plan, though.” Crimson decided. “All we need is to run through the fire, faster than it can burn us!”

“Yeah, let’s not do that.” Van suggested. “The best course of action is preparation. We’ll never need to use this knowledge if we’re lucky…”

“Isn’t ‘stop, drop, and roll’, enough?” Alchie said.

“Of course not! There’s still smoke that can suffocate you before the fire kills you, dangerous gasses...Anyway, listen up everyone!” Van went over various escape routes to take depending on what location you were at in any door. He said that he already took the liberty of gluing them on various walls in the school. He also mentioned that Monomi was gracious enough to lend him materials like smoke detectors.

“Here’s the big catch.” Van revealed a chest to the group and opened it. Inside were three thick suits, each with Monokuma’s face over the right breast. “They’re not really for fire, they’re just specified as ‘safety suits’.” He explained that they came equipped with masks, oxygen tanks, and very thick material that was hard to penetrate. “There are only three in total. I took the liberty of keeping one in my room, I figured that made the most sense.”

There were no objections for that, just nods of agreement. “The other two are in Door 3, since that seems to be where we’re spending the most time recently. Walking through a fire shouldn’t be a problem with these.”

“Seems safe to me.” Charlie smiled. “Thanks, Van.”

Van nodded. “I also got these from Monomi.” He pulls out four walkie-talkies, two pink and two blue. They look like they were made for children.

Matt observes them. “These aren’t exactly professional-grade…”

“The voice quality is really good, though.” Van assured. “Surprised me.”

“Doesn’t look like they have much range, though…” Matt was peering at it like his eyes were magnifying glasses.

“It’s just in case of emergency. I’m leaving one of each pair in the main hall, and I’m leaving the other two in rooms of Door 3 that I’ll mark on the map. If you’re in trouble, get to a walkie-talkie and holler.”

Despite things seeming a bit too obsessive, nobody could argue that the plan was thorough. That didn’t stop the groans when Van announced that the drills would happen the same time tomorrow.

Spoiler: Friday-Sunday
Van held random fire drills at different periods of the day. Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes during lunch. There didn’t seem to be a pattern, but perhaps that was the intention. Many began to get sick of them and just ignore the alarms altogether.

Spoiler: Monday
After the chaos and explosions had died down, it seems almost everybody was accounted for. 10 heads gathered at the door outside the anti-gravity chamber.

“Maybe they’re in here?” Slezak asked.

“Let’s hurry up! One last person to save!” Amachi shouted, resolved.

Alchie simply shivered as she attempted to walk towards the door. “S-S-S-s-ssss-orry.” She murmured.

“Don’t push yourself too much.” Matt smiled, putting another blanket around her. “Just try to stay warm, ok?” With that, he pressed the button next to the door.

Everything in the room was floating. The items suspended nearby were a gun from the armory, a mask from the safety suit, and tiny specks of dirt, rock, and ash.

A person in a safety suit hung in the air, red hair floating around and tiny fragments of glass orbiting like moons of a planet. She almost looked angelic, with a calm smile across her face.

Crimson Callow, the Ultimate Stuntwoman, had passed on.

“A body has been...oh wait, you’re all already here.” The announcement clicks off and Monokuma pops up to address the crowd. “Man, I was getting bored of all the lovey-dovey friendship crap! Things have finally gotten exciting again!”

There was no anger directed towards Monokuma this time. The class had just hung their heads in resignation. “J-Just give us the Monokuma file.” Sakura said.

“Hmph, alright then. Here ya go!”

Slezak took it and read it off. “Monokuma File #3…” He looked at Monokuma questioningly.

“What? Third trial, it’s easier if the numbers match up.”

Slezak shook his head and started again. “Monokuma File #3: The victim is Crimson Callow, the Ultimate Stuntwoman. Her body was found suspended in midair in the anti-gravity chamber, wearing most of a safety suit. She was wearing time of death is around 7 PM. No apparent cause of death.”

”W-We have to do it again, don’t we?” Ryuji stammered.

“We don’t have a choice.” Sakura sighed. “If we don’t, one of us will die. A-And the killer will get away…so let’s pair off.”

“T-T-That’s not a good idea.” Alchie said, gripping the blanket tighter around her. “T-The killer might have an acc-acco-acc-accomplice. S-S-So if we pair off, we might put the w-wro-wrong people together.”

“She’s right.” Flo frowned. “I’ll stay at the crime scene with Arthur, Alchie, and Ryuji. Sakura, Amachi, and Matt can look at the computer room, quantum computer dome, and armory. Slezak, Charlie, and Van can look at the time machine and chemistry lab. All the other rooms don’t seem to be of interest, but they should still be looked at even if briefly. careful.”

The group all nodded and headed off towards their respective investigations. Eventually, Monokuma called for class trial attendance.

Crimson was a lively spirit, who always made sure to pull the class together and lift them up in the worst times. Her bravery during the fire wouldn’t be forgotten, nor would her ‘live like it’s your last day’ attitude.

Almost every head in the room thought the same thing...“The one who killed Crimson is…one of us.

“No matter the killer’s intentions, no matter the truth behind this case, we need to find it. We can’t let an innocent person die again.”

(Please standby, do not post until after I do so again. Do not post in the thread if you haven’t read your alibi)
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"Welcome to the class trial blahblahblah and all that. Find out who killed Crimson, start by talking about what you were all doing during the fire! Go!"
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“Monokuma...” Arthur said. “Before we begin, I’d like to clarify something. In the previous two cases, we’ve been ‘lucky’ enough to have the killer confess. But what if that doesn’t happen? You seem to fashion yourself the arbiter of who the murderer is. Can we trust you? What’s stopping you from lying and framing one of us for murder with your near limitless control over this place?”
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"…" Flo looked down. "Three times now. No matter how many times we go through with this I just can't get used to it."

She took a deep breath.

"Okay, that afternoon I was with Charlie and the others. She gave us this pink liquid. It tasted like strawberries. After that we heard something and the fire drill went off. Charlie collapsed, and I searched the room to see if there was chloroform or anything. I… couldn't understand any of the labels and stuff. There was a bunsen burner just left on though. R-Ryuji helped get me out of the room right before there was an explosion in there. We tried heading to the emergency stair case but it was blocked by this h-huge pillar of fire. We tested the elevator but it didn't work. Ryuji forced the door open and jumped down to the first floor.

I-I didn't have that courage, so I looked around our current floor, the second floor. I checked the halls and the computer lab but it didn't look like someone could've started the fire. F-from what I saw at least. I couldn't see anyone so I jumped down after Ryuji. That's where Van was, and he piggybacked me out of there. Th-that's where we reunited with the others and Monokuma put the fire out."
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Ryuji turned to Flo and nodded, looking down at the floor and twiddling with his thumbs.

"I-It's as Flo says," Ryuji started. "B-But let me start with my alibi...I exited door 3 and in the main area I saw Crimson, Arthur, Charlie, Van, and Sayako."

Ryuji looked miserable as he held his arm. "U-Um...Van and Crimson went in to door 3 to save the others who weren't at the main area, and, well...Crimson took the safety suit from me, and I just felt like a loser...I-I was inspired by their heroics, so I went back into door 3 myself to help as much as I could. W-When I ran into door 3, I saw Van in front of the armory, which was blocked off by some rubble. He said the chem lab was in trouble, s-so I went up there through the emergency staircase and that's when I saw Flo."

Crossing his arms, he went deep into thought, trying his best to remember the order of events. "As Flo said, the emergency staircase was blocked off. I-I then forced the elevator door open, and Flo and the others left through that way, b-but Slezak, Sakura, Crimson, Matt, and Alchie were left behind, s-so...I stayed behind...I was able to meet up with Slezak, and Matt carrying Alchie who was frozen, and then we left door 3."

Last edited by CaptainPancakes on Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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"That's right, Flo." nodded Arthur. "As I recall, Flo, Jay, Charlie, Sakura and I were in the chem lab-- Charlie was showing us some strawberry drink she'd concocted, and afterwards Sakura left the room. As I recall, we were talking until we felt a rumbling, and the alarms sounded. Charlie collapsed immediately afterwards. I sent Jay for help, and Flo guessed that Charlie collapsed due to her chloroform sensitivity. While she searched the Chem Lab for the source, I took Charlie to the main hall, at Flo's suggestion. I was hoping she'd get far enough away from whatever was causing her unconsciousness."

"I saw Van, clad in one of the safety suits, emerge from the second story door to the emergency staircase, where he reminded me not to use the elevator. Not that he needed to."

"I carried Charlie down the stairs, and opened the door. There was some noticeable amount of smoke and heat, but I was able to make it through the door, where I found Ryuji in the second suit, and Crimson. Van and Sayako joined us not long after that. After Van left us to get more people out of the blaze, Crimson convinced Ryuji to give him the safety suit he was wearing, just as he says, and she ran off, despite my protestations."

"Then, Ryuji, in what I can only describe as a fit of lunacy, went back into Door 3 despite not having any protective gear. Sayako, Charlie and I were waiting at Door 3. Well, I say waiting, but Charlie was unconscious. Anyway-- the next person I saw leave Door 3 was Sakura, I think, and then Van and Flo came out. Then Jay, alone, and next were Matt, Ryuji, and Ms. Alchie-cicle. That's when Monokuma put the fire out and we went to look for Crimson."

Last edited by MechaQdogg on Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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"I, uh... I guess I'll go next..." Sayako volunteered, eyes lowered. "I was playing a game in the computer room when I heard an explosion below me. The alarms went off, and then Waterfield-kun showed up in his safety suit. He, uh, h-he led me out of the room, but... A-anyway, the smoke had already reached the second floor, so he gave me his breathing mask. As we got to the stairs, there was another explosion. I... think it was from the computer room, but we didn't stop to check it out, of course. We got down to Door 3. Arisato-kun, Ranpo-kun, Bloom-san, and... Callow-san were already there. ...Arisato-kun and Ranpo-kun already explained what happened next. That... th-that was the last... last time I s-saw..."

Her voice shook and gave out before she could finish. She took a moment to compose herself, coughed into her fist, then took a deep breath. "S-sorry... After that, I stayed at the door until the others arrived."
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"Thanks everyone," said Flo. "Boy this is going to be one timeline to manage."

She whispered to Sayako: "All those honorifics must be tiring for you. I'm sure everyone's okay with just their first names now; we've known each other for long enough."
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"C-Crimson, why...?" Jay whispered into the air as he stood behind his podium. He knew a killing had to happen for the game to continue, but it didn't make it any easier. His eyes were full of tears as he tried his best to pay attention. He was listening to the others as they gave their alibis, then finally piped up himself. "Okay," he sighed, steeling himself.

"As Flo and Arthur said, I was in the chem lab with them, Sakura, and Charlie throughout the afternoon.

After the strawberry drink experiment, Sakura left to use the bathroom and never made it back before we heard the rumbling and the alarms started.

Not a moment later, Charlie collapses from what I assume was chloroform, but I didn't stick around.

That's because Arthur asked me to go for help, so I did.

I um... ran up the staircase too fast and banged my shin. I'm so embarrassed... Anyway, that immobilized me for a few minutes.

I then heard an explosion coming from the second floor. I rushed down there, only to be greeted by a fire, spreading out of control.

Like a fool, I ran into the computer lab. I didn't see a body. Becoming blocked in by the fire, I ran to a corner and did my best to avoid the smoke.

I eventually saw my chance and ran out of there, heading by the elevator.

The door was open. Ryuji, from the first floor, called for me to jump down. I complied immediately. Luckily, even with my shin bruised, I didn't injure myself further.

I reunited with the others and remained outside Door 3 until Monokuma showed up and extinguished the fire."
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
We got down to Door 3. Arisato-kun, Ranpo-kun, Bloom-san, and... Callow-san were already there. ...Arisato-kun and Ranpo-kun already explained what happened next. That... th-that was the last... last time I s-saw..."

Her voice shook and gave out before she could finish. She took a moment to compose herself, coughed into her fist, then took a deep breath. "S-sorry... After that, I stayed at the door until the others arrived."

"I'd like to think that we're familiar enough with each other such that you don't need to use an honorific with me-- you can just call me Arthur." Arthur said. "Unless that would make you uncomfortable."
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"W-well, it would expedite discussion at the very least, so if you're all okay with it, I'll try to keep it in mind..." Sayako gave Flo and Arthur a faint smile.
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MechaQdogg wrote:
“Monokuma...” Arthur said. “Before we begin, I’d like to clarify something. In the previous two cases, we’ve been ‘lucky’ enough to have the killer confess. But what if that doesn’t happen? You seem to fashion yourself the arbiter of who the murderer is. Can we trust you? What’s stopping you from lying and framing one of us for murder with your near limitless control over this place?”

"I'm no liar. Why would I kill an innocent student? What kind of precedent does that set to ensure the killing game's continuation?"
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JesusMonroe wrote:
"I'm no liar. Why would I kill an innocent student? What kind of precedent does that set to ensure the killing game's continuation?"

Arthur gave a curt nod. "Then you wouldn't have any objections to adding it to the rules for this and future trials, I would assume?"
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"W-wait a minute!" Sayako practically choked. "What do you mean 'future trials', Ra- Arthur? Are you really expecting us to have to go through this again?"
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MechaQdogg wrote:
JesusMonroe wrote:
"I'm no liar. Why would I kill an innocent student? What kind of precedent does that set to ensure the killing game's continuation?"

Arthur gave a curt nod. "Then you wouldn't have any objections to adding it to the rules for this and future trials, I would assume?"

"Uh, sure I guess. New rule everyone!"

-Only the true blackened or a rule-breaker is free to be killed by Monokuma
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Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"W-wait a minute!" Sayako practically choked. "What do you mean 'future trials', Ra- Arthur? Are you really expecting us to have to go through this again?"

Arthur looked to the ground. "I just wanted to be precise in my language-- so that Monokuma wouldn't revoke the rule later."

"That doesn't answer your question, though. I hope the answer is 'no', of course, but unfortunately I can't rule it out any longer. I was sure, as you were, that SiRReN's trial would be our last, and yet, here we are." Arthur said grimly.

"Anyway, I don't want to spend any more time on this matter. We have the current trial before us."
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MechaQdogg wrote:
Franzise Deauxnim wrote:
"W-wait a minute!" Sayako practically choked. "What do you mean 'future trials', Ra- Arthur? Are you really expecting us to have to go through this again?"

Arthur looked to the ground. "I just wanted to be precise in my language-- so that Monokuma wouldn't revoke the rule later."

"That doesn't answer your question, though. I hope the answer is 'no', of course, but unfortunately I can't rule it out any longer. I was sure, as you were, that SiRReN's trial would be our last, and yet, here we are." Arthur said grimly.

"Anyway, I don't want to spend any more time on this matter. We have the current trial before us."

"...You're right." Sayako sighed. "So everyone that's given their alibi so far was in the chemical lab at the time of the first explosion except myself... and maybe Ryuji? Were you with the others in the chemical lab too?" she asked the Ultimate Actor. "You mentioned what happened when you reached Door 3, but I'm a little unclear on what came before that."
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"Sayako, quick question: Had you been playing in the computer lab all afternoon?" Jay asked, hoping to fill in some more blanks, "I agree with Sayako. Ryuji, Where had you been when you 'exited door 3?'"
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"Pretty much," she replied to Jay. "I was there long before this mess started, at any rate."

She sighed again. "Unfortunately, I was alone, so nobody else can really confirm that for me. As usual..."
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"It's okay Sayako, I trust you," Jay replied with a smile as he scribbled on the timeline.
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