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Black Fable: The Town of Moonview (Epilogue)Topic%20Title
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[This is a forum game. Please do not post in here unless you have signed up for the game.]

Spoiler: List of Participants
#1 Southern Corn as Howard Dawson
#2 Kachu as Vaughan Halloway
#3 JesusMonroe as Cooper
#4 CaptainPancakez as Amory Tote
#5 Pierre as Andre DuBois
#6 Blinky as Avis Rosco
#7 DoctorNanjo as Forsythia Schumate
#8 Slezak as Jonas Taylor
#9 Cesar as William Whiteford
#10 DataMatt as Emilia Retti
#11 KamiPanda as Pétur Riolo
#12 Collin1002 as Xander Arroway
#13 UkuleleLady as Esther Lewis

Spoiler: Table of Contents

Spoiler: Letters
Every player may now send a private, confidential IC letter to another player, which they may choose to sign or leave anonymous. All you have to do is DM/PM me your character's letter, and I'll forward it to the character you want. These letters will appear in your Court Records PM inbox, and not in your QuickTopic. You may send as many letters as you'd like to any of the other (living) characters.

Thirteen individuals gather around the town square, where a wooden podium stands solemnly under a large willow tree. A sizeable banner is strewn along the tree branches, which reads: "MOONVIEW TOWN GRAND OPENING" in large red letters. The town itself is built in a fairly simple manner, with thirteen houses standing somewhat near each other in a ring formation, with the town hall placed in the center near the town square. Further off from the ring of houses lie a few extra buildings and facilities including a bakery, a library, a trading area and a bar.

The thirteen newly arrived townspeople look around in wonder at how a nice little town managed to be built in such a strange and unwelcoming place as the Woeful Woods, where only madmen have dared to explore. Just as that thought enters their minds, a man promptly walks up to the podium.

The distinguished man who appears to be in his thirties, dressed in a sophisticated attire, top hat and all, beams before addressing the small crowd before him.   "Greetings, everyone!" The man exclaims with a confident and booming voice. "Welcome to the newly founded town of Moonview! I am none other than your new mayor, Victor Timm. But please, just call me Vic!" Mayor Timm says, flashing a smile before clearing his throat.  "I'll try and keep this brief."

"Thanks to the terrific endeavours of the workers of the Timm Association, our project of birthing civilization in the Woeful Woods has finally come to fruition!" The mayor turns around before continuing in a slightly sheepish tone. "Unfortunately, it appears that the workers have all turned down the invitation to the opening party...Well, flummery." He says with a sigh. "Please excuse my language. Anyways, enough about that. Look around, citizens! All around us is an untarnished land, ripe for the taking, with treasures aplenty! Are we really going to let some old myths and children's tales ruin our pursuit of prosperity?" Vic bellows extravagantly before pausing. "Tarnation no! Of course not! Because you know what we are? We are pioneers, explorers, conquerors! Our names will be written in all the history books, as the first men and women to build a wonderful home in a legendary land!" The mayor exclaims, banging his hand on the podium.

Vic then presents a sizeable black book to his spectators and flips through its thick pages before addressing the crowd. "To commemorate this spectacular occasion, I invite you all to sign your names in this book, which will archive our joint experience as a community of adventurers, and provide a definitive list of citizens of Moonview." The mayor places the book on the podium.

"Anyways, I'll stop running my mouth now and let you folks do some talking. Why don't you all introduce yourselves?" Vic asks, turning to the small mob of citizens.

Last edited by TheLetterF on Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:12 am, edited 10 times in total.
Re: Black Fable: The Town of Moonview (Prologue)Topic%20Title
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An elderly man, seemingly in his late fifties seemed to be looking around contentedly, a satisfied sort of smile on his face. His hair appeared grey, though it was somewhat hidden by his flat cap he was wearing. His clothes also appeared dusty and old, and seemed to have not been properly washed in a while. His face was quite aged and worn out but his satisfied look managed to hide a good deal of the wrinkles that’s would be normally present upon his face. He had a pipe in his mouth and was thoughtfully smoking it, occasionally taking it out to empty the ashes within. After the mayor finished his speech, he gave a small clap.

“Ay, ‘tis is a grand commemoration. Nice to get a good, cozy town in a place like this. I could use some peace and quiet meself. So I suppose we better start now, ah? I’d be honoured to be the first to start this off. Me name’s Howard. Howard Dawson. Pleased to meet ya lot. Let’s not let them rumours get to us, eh? It’s a peaceful place, this town. Doubt any wrongdoing’s goin’ ta happen.” He tipped his flat cap amicably to his fellow citizens, before going over to the podium and signing his name on the book. He returned, taking a puff out of his pipe and looking in the direction of the bar with interest.
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"Goodness, and here I thought I'd be alone in this town," another old man said, nodding amicably at Howard. He was a very weathered man, who evidently kept himself fit even in his old age as it was difficult to tell just how old he really was. Older than even Howard, though, most likely. He was dressed in slightly fancy but well-worn, practical travelling gear, and carried a pendant of clear personal importance around his neck. As he introduced himself he met eyes with each of the other soon-to-be residents, and they all found themselves looking into the sad eyes of a man who had lived a long life and seen much.

"The name's Pétur Riolo. When I heard about this little expedition, well, I thought you all might be in need of some elderly wisdom. Little did I realise we would be overbooked in that area!" he said with a light chuckle, making his way a little slowly over to the signing tome. "I know things will be a little rough here: we'll all be working hard to make ends meet and ensure we're all fed. So maybe you don't want an old man weighing you down; certainly you don't want multiple. But I hope that I can fill a gap in skills that you young folk might otherwise be lacking in, owing to my many years of being alive. Picked up a good few tricks, I have, which I'm hoping will be useful to you all."

With that declaration, Pétur wrote his name in the book with minimal flourish and then headed back to where he'd stood before, clearly having no intent to speak any longer.

Last edited by KamiPanda on Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A boy looked around at the other townspeople, nodding as Howard and Pétur introduced themselves. Once the latter was finished, he cleared his throat. "I suppose I will go next..." he timidly muttered to no one in particular before he stepped up.

One thing was certainly noticeable--he was much younger than the men who introduced themselves before him. He looked to be in his early teens, although his demeanor did not reflect that. If one was to not look closely, they could possibly even mistake him for a girl. He had a head of long blonde hair, bangs falling over one of his eyes, completely obscuring it from view, and his other eye was colored a deep blue.

"My name is Xander Arroway," he stated simply. "I do not have much to say, but I hope that this town will thrive and become a great settlement," he added with a sweet smile. "Um... Should any of you want new clothing, or just any rips in your current clothing or the like sewed, please let me know. I know my way around being a tailor, haha," the boy elucidated. "A-Anyway, enough about me," he stated before stepping up to the book, writing down his signature, and stepping back, waiting for the next person to be introduced.
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Another, older looking man walked up to the podium behind Xander. It was clear that he wasn't anywhere near as old as Pétur or Howard, and had a large scar going across his face. He approached the podium with a smile. "Well then, seems like we've got a good selection of friendly faces here! Name's Vaughan." His outfit was filthy, covered in dirt and stained with wine. His jacked sleeves were tattered, ripped in various places. His hair was shiny, almost wet, and strange markings were on either side of his neck. The only relatively clean thing about him was his scarf, and given the rest of his appearance, it seemed as if that wouldn't last very long.

He then raised an arm to wave. If anyone was unfortunate enough to be standing near him, they'd notice the almost rancid stench coming off of him, made all the more apparent after lifting his arm up high. "Aye, I trade. Sell, buy, all sorts of junk. Thought there'd be lots to gain from a new place like this. Stuff to find, money to make, maybe settle down with a lovely lady or two?" He chuckled at his last point and gave the other townspeople a quick smile before jotting his name into the book. "Don't be shy now. I'm sure I got a thing or two that you sorts of people would be interested in." He then turns around and walked off.
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A woman of average height in what looked to be her mid twenties walked up to the podium after Vaughan, quickly signing her name and turning around, smiling. She had long, black hair and wore typical worker clothes, her shoes dirty of earth and grass - although the clothes themselves looked relatively clean and tidy. An old and worn book is hung around her waist via some sort of belt, along with an empty green bag - which stood out quite a lot from her drab clothing.

"Good morning! I'm Emilia, the town herbalist! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, hopefully we'll all get along. I'm sure it's obvious what I do for a living, so I don't have much to say." She waves and steps off of the podium, turning back and awaiting the next person.
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"Looking for a lady, huh? We should talk about that later, over tea."

A gloved hand lands on Vaughn's shoulder, gently pushing his arm down, either to move past him or prevent him from further stinking up the place. The glove seems to be sewed from plaid fabric.

The owner of the hand smiles at Vaughn from beneath a large, black sunhat adorned with a white bow. Most of the woman's face is obscured, and all that can be seen is a button nose and pearly white teeth.

On her torso she has a short-sleeved sundress with a floral pattern on a black backgoround.

"Pleased to meet you all. I can't wait to spend time together. My name is Forsythia Schumate."

She takes off her left glove revealing a dozen or so rings on her long fingers, and she signs the book.

She steps away, taking a bite from a ripe plum. Temporarily, her teeth are stained red as the black fruit splits open.
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A young, slender man suddenly rose up and walked meekly to the sign-in book. He adjusted the large mask on his face a bit before turning to the others. Glaring at his fellow neighbors as he picked up the book, he positioned the book so that others could not see it, as if he were hiding his name.

"...Everyone is so noisy," the boy sighed, as he continued to scribble. "Especially the relics..."

He was referring to the old men who he knew would tire him dearly.

"Two dusty oldbags trying to reinvent their lives...kind of makes you think."

Slamming the book down and leaving it open, he pointed at one of the houses that seemed more tucked away than others. "I want that one."

After deciding his place of residence, he looked with great interest at the bar. "Aaand...That bar is mine. I make potions and what not. Some are more fun than others. But I don't want any undesirables coming over, so I hope everyone knows to stay out."

Finally, he sighed and crossed his arms. "If you ever need me for...whatever, my name is Amory Mote. You'd best remember it because I don't really feel like saying it again...probably."

Scribbled in the book in place of his name was a large and bolded 'FUCK YOU.' "...Thank you, Mr. Mayor," he said as he disappeared into the crowd.
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A bright giggle emerged from the crowd. Its source, a woman apparently in her early twenties, looked around and waved her hands apologetically.

"An herbalist and a potionmaker! I might be driven out of business!" she chirped. She gestured to the covered cart next to her. "I'm an apothecary. But I've also had some medical training, so I can make house calls if we don't have a doctor."

The young woman cleared her throat and made her way to the front of the group. Her clothing was worn but well-tailored, simple and easy to move in. Her brown hair, tied back from her face, bounced and brushed against her shoulders as she walked to the podium. She blinked at the book's contents before signing it, and then looked up as if she had just realized something.

"Oh! My name is Esther Lewis," she said to the crowd. Esther turned to the mayor and bowed. "And this is a lovely town, sir. Thank you."

She went back to her cart and looked around. "Um, are we choosing our own houses, then? Hm . . ." After glancing around the ring, she pointed to the one that was closest to her, which happened to face toward the banner. "I suppose I'll just take this one, if it's all the same to everyone?"
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Another woman approached the podium. Her attire was much different than the others. She was dressed in a black coat, grey top and black pants. Atop her head was a pointed hat. The woman signed her name in the book, then looked up to face the crowd.

"Avis Rosco. I am a ranger. Most of you won't see me, unless you are interested in joining me on a hunt. You might, however, see my falcon flying about." She motioned towards her house, where a large grey falcon was perched in a nearby tree.

"Anyways, I don't see much point in staying up here anymore. I've said what I need. I'd prefer it if none of you bothered me unless it is of absolute importance." Avis quickly made her way off the stand.
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"Ah, this is truly excellent!"

The sudden exclamation came from a nicely dressed man in his thirties, sporting long, blond hair.

"So many different kinds of people here...this town's story will truly be something to behold." The man walked towards the podium, facing all the others. "The name is William Whiteford. I suppose I could be called an actor, but I'm service to any sort of art, which is why I want to be a part of the tale of the birth of a town like this. But that's enough about me, I guarantee that all your stories would be much more captivating. I'm looking forward to working with all of you to make Moonview into a great town!" With a dramatic bow, he proceeded to quickly sign his name into the book before walking off.
Signature loading, please wait...
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"Aha, normally I am the one who gives attendance, but I suppose it is I who must now partake in the roll call," a grayish-haired man beginning to show his age remarked as he observed everyone step forward one-by-one.

He paid particular attention to the unruly kid who refused to write his name in the book, instead tarnishing it with profanity. While most people would frown and scoff in contempt at the masked kid's (lack of) manners, the green-robed, proper-looking man regarded the hooligan stoicly, expression unchanging.

Still, it took him a while to gather his thoughts as several more people came forward to introduce themselves.

He decided to succeed William in the lineup, striding forward as the actor stepped down. Once he reached the sign-in book, he turned to face the others. "Jonas Taylor is how I am called by those who know me well, but if you could please refer to me as Professor Taylor - at least until we are better acquainted - I would appreciate that. I am honored to be a part of this historic moment - the founding of a new settlement - alongside the rest of you. If you have any questions about the more academic facets of life, you need but ask and I shall answer to the best of my ability." He smiled and bowed first toward the mayor, then to the rest of the townsfolk.

As he returned to the book, adorning it with his elegant signature, he marveled at the variety of different handwriting patterns present on the single page. With a sigh, he stepped away from the podium, returning to the crowd.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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A loud clink from the bar and the smooth satisfying sound of a pint glass filling up graced the villagers ears as a young tanned gentleman with wavy brown hair and fine clothes flashed the others a dazzling grin before sliding the pint down the bar to Howard as he arrived. "On the house, my friend, on account of this most special of occassions" he said waving casually to the old man from the temporary bar table that had been set up for this event. His accent carried the soft allure of foreign shores conjuring images of warmer climes and long evening sunsets.

Sliding out from behind the bar, the young man appeared to be in his late 20s. He wore a brown waistcoat over a clean white shirt while he strutted over to the ledger in some clearly expensive patterned brown snakeskin trousers. He signed his name with a flourish.

Andre DuBois

"That's right, ladies..." He spun elegantly to wink at Esther "...gentlemen" he swiveled to face Vaughan, cracked some finger guns and also winked at him "and...esteemed elders of our community" he bowed low with an exaggerated flourish towards Howard at the bar.

"I am your tavern keeper, local friend and...dashing rogue...Andre DuBois." He began to move back over towards the bar, every motion carrying the grace and elegance of a world-class ballet dancer before sliding back into place behind the taps. "I own and live in the local tavern down the road, friends. I'm sure I'll get to know you good time over a good ale." He laughed leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands and watch the rest of the proceedings.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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A grizzled man was watching the proceedings with apparent disinterest. He seemed fairly disinterested in the proceedings but it could've just been exhaustion.

He wore a slouch hat and a poncho that seemed due for a wash. His trousers were very obviously worn in, covered in many patches of different material. His beard was greasy and unkempt, and any time someone stared at him he barely even noticed and just continued trying to pick a fly out of his ear.

He walked up to the book and quickly scribbled a name, turning to the other inhabitants. "Cooper. Bounty hunter."

He didn't seem to think more was necessary than that, and headed straight to the bar. He sat on a stool near Andre and took off his hat, letting a mat of hair unleash wildly. "Ale. Your tallest glass."
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"...Oh, shit...they're taking my bar," Amory sighed to himself. "That's not good..."
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Flipping a glass up from under the table it spun in the air while Andre grabbed the tap, landing perfectly on the bar as he filled it to the fullest. "Well I'll certainly feel safer having you here friend." He said sliding the ale across to Cooper.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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Esther froze when the bartender winked at her. She bit her lip nervously as indecision furrowed her brows for a moment. By the time she opened her mouth to respond, the man had turned and winked at someone else - Vaughan - and she changed her mind. He wasn't flirting with her. He was just being friendly with everyone. Right?

Her eyes drifted to the table, then to the other two men at the bar, then snapped back to the bartender.

She approached him with a nervous smile. "Hi there! Pretty smart of you to set up a temporary bar here!" she said, lilting slightly. "Um. Do you have any mead? I'd just like a small glass."
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Andre flashed Esther a dazzling grin "Ah the pretty young lady. Esther right?" He said as his hands moved with the dexterity of an experienced magician "I've got mead, fine company and all the other vices your palette could desire." He finished pouring the mead with a bashful smile "Within the realms of the law of course..." He said with a knowing wink at the bounty hunter sitting further up bar as he pushed the drink across to Esther.

Leaning back satisfied with his work, Andre crossed his arms "Of course this is just a small taste of my hospitality," he looked down towards his tavern fondly "You'll find much more comfort at my humble tavern once we're fully open"
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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"Best way to make friends. Smart," Pétur said with a nod, heading over to the makeshift bar as well. "Nothing brings people together like a good drink. Something strong, my good man!" he added, inclining his head towards Andre.
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With an apologetic smile and a wink at Esther said "Enjoy your drink" before sliding behind the bar down to where Pétur was, somehow a bottle of fine whiskey was already in André's hand "Perfectly aged for such a distinguished gentleman such as yourself," he chuckled, his laughter gentle and playful as he poured a shot for Pétur.

Pouring one for himself he raised his own shot to toast with the others around the table.

"Well about we drink to a fine future here in Moonview my friends?" He suggested.
Made by Chesu+Zombee

You thought you could be safe in your courts, with your laws and attorneys to protect you. In this world only I am law, my word is fact, my power is absolute.
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"Ah the pretty young lady. Esther right?"

"Ahah!" she answered, caught off guard. "Yes, that's my name."

"I've got mead, fine company and all the other vices your palette could desire ... Within the realms of the law of course..."

She glanced down and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "U-um. Just the mead for now, I think. Thank you." She took the glass and, with a quick bow to Andre, took a step back from the table which was now starting to get crowded. She looked around, trying to remember which names went with which faces, her gaze repeatedly coming back to check on her cart. Her fingertips tapped against the rim of the glass.

Then the bartender proposed a toast, and she remembered she was supposed to drink.

"Cheers!" she replied, smiling, and took a sip.
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After everyone had introduced themselves, Jonas eyed the makeshift bar and approached with a bit of pause.

"Excuse me, Andre, Sir. While I am not normally the drinking sort - must remain uninebria--erm, sober--for academic work, this is indeed a special occasion. If you perhaps have something which could take off the edge, please, I would not pass it up," Jonas greeted and explained with a bow. He tried his best to not present an air of being stuck-up, which always went somewhat awkwardly since that's just the kind of person he was. He hoped he wasn't too late to join in on the toast.
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"Jonas, it's a commemoration! You should be excited to live it up today! This is wonderful!" Forsythia's voice bounces with waves of energy as she leans in on the table.

"Cheers! Thank you Andre!!" she says as she takes a glass.
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Avis approached the bar. "I suppose a drink wouldn't hurt for now. Only one small glass, though. I'd rather be sober while planning my next hunt. Or at the very least, as sober as I can be."
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Noticing everyone head to the makeshift bar for the toast, Xander made his way there as well, taking a seat when he arrived. He sheepishly looked around at the others before directing his gaze to the bartender. "Erm... Do you have any non-alcoholic beverages, by chance? I have not had a drop of liquor in my life, so..." he let that word trail off and ended his sentence with a mere shrug.
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Amory watched in disbelief as everyone headed towards the bar.

"...Well, shit."

He shrugged and lay down on the ground, staring at the sky. "Well, at least they clustered far, far away."
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"Cheers." Cooper said unenthusiastically as he clinked his drink and took a hearty sip before slamming his glass down on the counter.

"Now that's a drink." He raised the glass to Andre in appreciation before gluttonously taking another large sip.
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André inclined his head with a grin to his new customers as he began pouring suitable drinks for all of them and lined a few spares up on the table for other newcomers.

"Why of course! Everyone is a friend at Dubois'! And tonight my friends is definitely a cause for celebration!" He said turning his attention to the small lad at the table.

"Ah Xander no? Well don't worry my young friend. DuBois' caters for all tastes." He said a bottle of white grape juice swirling in his hand as he poured it into a wine glass for the boy "See how that suits you eh? Might find you grow into the taste of wine later on in life." He said ruffling the lads hair.

Raising his hands high, shot glass in hand André called out to the others "Please my friends, enjoy tonight and let this night be full of all the joy and delights Moonview has in its future! Cheers!" He said taking his shot.

And with that André began to whizz around the bar serving whoever needed drinks with grace and speed.

(Goodnight, assume you get your drink in fantastic fashion if you want one from here on)
Made by Chesu+Zombee

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"Yes, truly a cause for celebration..." William said as he watched the others gather in the makeshift bar. He walked up to André, getting a drink for himself. "Here's to a bright future for this town! Cheers!" He said, dramatically holding up his glass.
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Xander took the bottle, a light smile on his face, though that expression changed to slight bewilderment as Andre ruffled his hair, his visible eye blinking in confusion. "Er... Thank... Thank you, sir." He then delicately took a sip of the white grape juice, the taste rather exquisite. "Oh my, this is delicious..." he mused to himself before taking another sip, only to notice William's toast. "O-Oh, yes, the toast!" He quickly held the bottle up to make his toast. "Um... To this town's prosperity and growth!"
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"Keeheehee" Forsythia lets out a laugh smelling strongly of wine as she sees Xander take the grape juice. "Don't get too crazy now."

She sips some more from her glass. Her lips turn a shade of deep red.

"Ooh, let's do something to get to know one another! I know! Who would be your dream wife? Husband? Are any of you married?" she speaks emphatically, stretching out some words and letting them sink low.
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Howard also arrived at the bar where everyone else was. “Mind if ah have some o’ that? Me throat’s parched after all this waitin’, ya see”, he explained calmly.
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"Ah, yes, of course. Um, cheers!" Jonas managed to proclaim as he received his glass, which he promptly raised and continued, "To a great future for this humble village! Hear hear!" He took a good drink and immediately felt more relaxed.

After Forsythia asked her questions to the group, Jonas began to ponder his answer, as well as whether or not it'd be a good idea to answer in the first place.
Thank you for reading. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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"Of course you may have some friend," André said pouring another ale for Howard and sliding it down e bar where it clinked gently against the other...still full and untouched pint that André had already poured Howard.

Maybe it was dementia but the drink was free so it didn't matter.

Spinning around to face Forsythia, with a flourish André produced a beautifully embroidered Crimson and gold cloth which he began to clean a glass with as he gave her a coy smile "Ah my lady? You wouldn't happen to be scouting for a new dance partner yourself would you eh?" He laughed mirthfully as he flipped the clean glass back on the table and poured her another drink.

"Ah but for me...I've been touched by love one too many times and by too many people." He said wistfully before leaning back and sighing "It's hard to say who could be my true love when there is so much to love in this world no?" He added with a light chuckle watching Forsythia for her response.
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Howard, clearly not noticing the other drink that had already been poured for him, took the ale (though not before emptying his pipe and putting it into his pocket) and gulped it down in a single shot. Clearly he was used to drinking. He put the ale down, suddenly realising that the other pint was still there. "Eh? Why's 'ere two of 'em? I-is this wha' they call witchcraft? Andre, lad, ya seem to have a penchant for bein' prepared", he commented, clearly impressed. "How'd ya even know I wanted another?"

He took the next glass and started drinking from it, albeit sipping more slowly now. He paused for a moment, looking at the other patrons thoughtfully. "Aye…not that witchcraft is actually true anyway, right? 'Is all a bunch of balderdash, if ya ask me", he commented. "Fools and idlers making up all sorts o' bullshite these days, I tell ya. Absolutely unbelievable, eh?"

"Love's a fool's game as well. Never been married, and at me age I doubt I'll ever find a 'true love' anyway. Though I suppose some o' ya lads and lassies might be."
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"You call yourself a man, Howard?" Pétur demanded, though his tone remained light. "A good home, a good wife, a good job. All men should strive for that! Take it from me," he added, raising his glass at all the young men around the bar. " 'Course, my wife's long since passed. Probably should have gone with her, but I felt I should stick around to help out the new generations best I could. Still, we'd had a good, long life until then, I've no regrets. When you get to be 82 like me, it's inevitable you're going to outlive most of your acquaintances, so you'll be best not to let it get to you."
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"All ah need is peace and quiet, chap", Howard muttered morosely. "That quaint ol' cottage I live in is enough for me. Ah don't need no one else, least of all a wife. Aye, I'm retired anyway. All ah need now is a nice cosy place ta live'n, and I got it right 'ere. What more does a man need, eh?" He sipped the ale again, though from the look on his face made clear that the alcohol's influence was starting to show.
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"Oh, a dream spouse..." Xander blankly repeated before he took yet another sip. "Um... Well, I must admit, I have not thought that far ahead yet," he mused with a chuckle. "Though I suppose I would want someone who just, uh... likes me for who I am."
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"Can't say I have time for wives." Cooper grumbled. "Or money", he added with a laugh.
Southern Corn wrote:
Howard, clearly not noticing the other drink that had already been poured for him, took the ale (though not before emptying his pipe and putting it into his pocket) and gulped it down in a single shot. Clearly he was used to drinking. He put the ale down, suddenly realising that the other pint was still there. "Eh? Why's 'ere two of 'em? I-is this wha' they call witchcraft? Andre, lad, ya seem to have a penchant for bein' prepared", he commented, clearly impressed. "How'd ya even know I wanted another?"

He took the next glass and started drinking from it, albeit sipping more slowly now. He paused for a moment, looking at the other patrons thoughtfully. "Aye…not that witchcraft is actually true anyway, right? 'Is all a bunch of balderdash, if ya ask me", he commented. "Fools and idlers making up all sorts o' bullshite these days, I tell ya. Absolutely unbelievable, eh?"

Cooper raised an eyebrow at that and got up from his stool, planting himself down next to Howard. "Witchcraft, eh? I have to wonder what gives you such confidence of their falsehood."
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"I've not thought about it yet either." Avis replied to Forsynthia's question. "If I'm being honest, I haven't thought about marriage in a while. Though I suppose I should start thinking about it, now that I have been old enough to do so for a few years." She paused to sip her drink. "I suppose, if I had to choose, my dream husband would be someone who enjoys doing the things I enjoy."

At Cooper's remark, Avis shook her head. "Witchcraft is nothing more than an excuse to ruin your neighbor's life. Unless you can show me solid proof that witches exist, I'll assume you're just delusional."
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