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Danganronpa F5: Delusions of EdenTopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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Welcome to Danganronpa F5: Delusions of Eden! Only those who have been accepted into the game may post here.


(Logo courtesy of Lone.)


TheLetterF as Rose Péchard, the Ultimate Perfumer
DootDootDoot as Althea Agnes, the Ultimate Plague Doctor (officially the Ultimate Early Modern Period Medicine Scholar)
Lone as Nina Smith, the Ultimate Juvenile Delinquent
Southern Corn as Evelyn Rosemary Scythe, the Ultimate Coroner
Blinky as Annabella Hale, the Ultimate Doll Artist
WinterCoat as Skylar Culver, the Ultimate Card Collector
Jirou as Siri Hall, the Ultimate Motivational Speaker
MechaQDogg as Hoshiko Izumi, the Ultimate Astronomer
Franzise Deauxnim as Nana Izumi, the Ultimate Lucky Student

Collin1002 as Taylor Fournier, the Ultimate ???
JesusMonroe as Kyoya Okamura, the Ultimate Toaster
Joker as Honda, the Ultimate Minstrel
Doctor Nanjo as Marshall Keyes, the Ultimate Quarterback
CaptainPancakes as Nicos Agne, the Ultimate Swordsman
Planetbox as Elijah Miller, the Ultimate Detective
Cold52 as Vic Terry, the Ultimate Challenger
SaizoTheSixth as Nick Anderson, the Ultimate Teacher

Spoiler: Sprites

Spoiler: The Rules
1. Please remain active
Yeah, I get it, everyone has lives outside of this. Don’t worry about that. But please try to remain consistent and check the game often, ESPECIALLY during the Class Trials. You don’t want to be that one guy with the key piece of evidence/testimony that everyone needs to progress the trial but you’re just not checking the game and have no idea you’re needed.
If for some reason there will be a prolonged period of inactivity that you know of, come to one of the GMs (myself or Panda) and inform us as soon as humanly possible. (Okay it can wait just let us know when you can please.)

2. Try and develop your character
That’s kinda hard to do, and it’s a little vague, but basically you should use FTEs, and do some cool stuff in thread, and react to what’s going on. It’s important to make other characters feel something about yours, hate, love, or whatever else. If nobody has any opinion on your character, then nobody would care about what they do or say, or anything else.

3. Please keep this game SFW (Safe For Work)
Nothing NSFW (Not Safe For Work) please. Some of the characters might end up being below 18, and some of the players might be below 18, etc etc. Just avoid anything you wouldn’t want your grandmother to read, okay?

4. The GMs can kick you out for any reason
No, we’re not going to go crazy and do something unfair for the fun of it. This likely won’t happen, just don’t do something crazy and ridiculous, and rule breaking. I’m sure this rule isn’t needed, but putting it here just in case.

5. Don’t godmod
Godmodding is basically when someone takes control of someone’s character away from their player. Saying how Character A would react to things when you’re not Character A’s player is a big no.

6. Think of what’s best for the game as a whole
Try and make things fun, dramatic and emotional when you can! You might leave a better impact on the game if you prioritize the narrative over your character surviving, for example. This is more of a community writing project than anything, so working together to make an amazing story is what we really want out of this.

7. Try to be as flexible with your character as you can
It’s really, really unlikely you’ll get exactly the ending you want for your character. And that’s perfectly okay. We want this to be satisfying, though, so just because you can’t kill chapter 5, doesn’t mean you can’t still get something you want. If you have any new ideas as the game goes on, let one of the GMs know!

8. Try to say ‘yes’ when RPing (not always literally)
One of the worst things you can do when RPing is say ‘no’. If Bob says “hey look, a cat!”, Alice shouldn’t respond “no that’s a dog”, as that can bring the conversation to a halt. Instead Alice should say “yeah it is, and look, he’s caught a mouse!”, which both allows the conversation to continue and even advances it. Of course this is only a guideline, and there are absolutely exceptions.

Wow that seems a lot more like advice than rules near the end. Either way you should keep all that stuff in mind.

Spoiler: Table of Contents

Spoiler: Resources
Signup thread (applications closed)
Q&A QuickTopic
Evidence Doc (for trials)

These are special actions you can take to help solve the case. Each lifeline can only be used once throughout the entire game, so use them wisely! Also, lifelines can’t be used to give an answer that would directly identify the culprit, or point too strongly at the culprit.

NOTE: Due to use of a PTA, you have one less total lifeline available.

Hangman’s Gambit (Unavailable): All the characters jointly decide on a question to ask. The answer will be hidden, but each character gets to guess a letter. Two wrong guesses (or multiple, depending on the length of the answer) and the minigame ends. Order can be decided before minigame, but no discussion on which letters to guess can take place.

Rebuttal Showdown/Scrum Debate (Available): Two (or multiple) characters can argue on a point, at the end it’ll be revealed which side was closer to the correct answer.

Climax Reasoning (Available): One character is chosen to put together a numbered list of everything they know about the case (the number of items in the list is determined by the GMs). At the end, they’ll be told the first three items that were incorrect.

Logic Dive (Available): One player is chosen to answer multiple choice questions about the case privately in a rapid fire manner. It ends when two incorrect answers have been given or the point of discussion for the dive has been resolved.

Last edited by KamiPanda on Fri Mar 29, 2019 12:29 pm, edited 64 times in total.
Re: Danganronpa F5: Delusions of EdenTopic%20Title
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Shy guy

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"Now boarding. There will be an announcement in the lounge shortly, so please make your way there after leaving any luggage in your room."

The students hanging around the station didn’t need much of an announcement to notice the train arriving: the grandiose Alabaster Express stood out from the other trains like a king among his subjects. Sleek, white and nearly twice the size of the others, it was as much a status symbol as a vehicle; fitting for the sole line of access to Alabaster’s main facility, hidden away in a remote location as it was.

Following the instructions of the cold, slightly mechanical voice of the announcer, the students boarded the train and headed for the cabin cars where the 3-person bedrooms were located. Some of the rooms were already occupied by students who’d boarded at earlier platforms; indeed, one of the bedrooms seemed to have been claimed by a single boy, who refused to open up when asked. Thankfully there were enough rooms to go around, and after a brief period of activity the train departed and the students all began to head for the lounge car, as requested.

The lounge was spacious, luxurious and, oddly, entirely unoccupied. It seemed the students had the train to themselves. Now seemed like a good time for everyone to introduce themselves, as the students began filtering into the lounge to wait for the announcement.

(Please take this chance to introduce your character. Everyone gets one post each, then you can post freely after that until the next GM post. You should all be aware by now, but just to be clear, over the 24th and 25th there’s no hurry to get a post done, just post whenever you have time. Consistent activity won’t be expected until the 26th.)
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A girl with long, flowing pink hair struts in to the room, an expensive-looking purse hanging from her arm. As she walks in, she briefly glances at the others before imposing her presence, eager to introduce herself.

"Make way for the stunning heiress of the Péchard family, the one and only Queen of Hearts, the Ultimate Perfumer, miss Rose Péchard herself!" The girl exclaims. "Thanks to the power of science, the Péchard Parfumerie has found all sorts of innovative ways to develop their products!"

She then takes out a small heart-shaped bottle of perfume from her purse before spraying a light puff of its sweet-smelling aroma into the air.

"I call this one Eau des Épines. It's sweet, but with a certain indescribable sting to it. Oh, and it's also been scientifically proven to reduce stress and boost confidence." The Ultimate Perfumer adds with pride. "You folks should feel honoured to be the ones who get to sample our new product!"

Rose then holds the perfume bottle to her head and strikes a playful pose. "How's that for an entrance?" She says with a wink.

Last edited by TheLetterF on Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Danganronpa F5: Delusions of EdenTopic%20Title

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A girl wearing a ridiculously out of place beaked mask cleared her throat.
"If I may have your attention, I would like to introduce myself." she said, with a curtsy, "My name is Althea Agnes. Now, my official title recognizes me as the Ultimate Early Modern Period Medicine Scholar, but to call me a mere scholar would be a grave mistake! I am the Ultimate Plague Doctor, and you may call me Doctor Althea,"
She was interrupted by the train shaking... Very slightly. Despite that, she was thrown completely off balance, very dramatically leaning against a wall for support.
"Ah! I'm, ah, I'm... Sorry. I mean, apologies!" she stammered, trying to regain composure. "I've... Never been on a train before. Is it supposed to shake like this?"
She cleared her throat again, intent on resuming her clearly rehearsed speech, before another wobble of the carts made her silent.
This time though, it seemed those straps on her mask weren't properly fastened. As she crashed against the wall, the thing slipped off her face, showing... Just a face. A very flustered face.
"I... This isn't. I mean! Apologies? No, stop looking! Stop looking!" she scrambled to get the mask back on, shouting out nonsense and pleas for privacy.
Finally, she was masked again.
"... Just move on to the next person, please. I'm, I'm a doctor. That's it. Doctor Althea. That's me." she pulled down the brim of her hat, possibly in an unsuccessful attempt to hide. "I just want to be friends..."
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A girl with long brunette hair, bright blue eyes, and a gray suit huffed and crossed her arms. Right under her collar, was a bright pink ribbon, a stark contrast to the rest of her clothing. She also appeared to be wearing gloves, tight fitting black gloves.

"Nina..." she muttered. "I'm the Ultimate Juvenile Delinquent... it's a talent. Those suits in the government scouted me as their agent, they said it was a waste for someone like me to rot away in jail. I don't know what they mean by 'someone like me', not that I care either way. I'm just Nina, agent Nina."

She looked around at her brightly colored classmates, and then at the lavish lounge they were in. She goes off and finds a seat by the corner.


Last edited by Lone on Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Danganronpa F5: Delusions of EdenTopic%20Title
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Happy Maria

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"Kee hee hee hee!" A strange sort of laughter was heard in the lounge. It sounded quite innocent, childlike even, but had a strangely sinister tone to it. A few of the passengers aboard tilted their heads to the direction of the strange cackling. It appeared to be coming from a tall, ashen girl, almost appearing to be a corpse at first sight due to her unnaturally pale skin, though that wasn't all that was unusual about her.

The next thing that immediately would catch the others' attention was her ominously blood red hair, which was put up behind her and tied up with a rather fancy bow. It appeared well done and seemed quite well maintained. Lowering attention to her face, one would immediately notice the rather posh-looking golden monocle sitting upon her eye. A napkin was covering her mouth, though it appeared more like a surgeon's mask with the way she wore it. Directing attention towards her outfit, one could notice that she wore a clean, completely spotless white lab coat over a dark blue two-piece suit, with a blood red tie, matching her hair. As for leggings, she simply wore featureless black trousers. Indeed, she did appear quite the oddity in this cast of passengers.

"Kee hee hee, how absolutely exciting!", she said airily, casually raising her hands up, which appeared to be covered with rubber gloves. "It's not very often that I get to meet normal people, let alone such talented ones like you!" She beckoned to her fellow passengers with glee. "Oooh, I can practically sense it now! We're all going to get along splendidly, won't we?" She took off the napkin covering her face, revealing a friendly smile (albeit too friendly).

"Of course, introductions should be first, yes? Well, I suppose that's simple enough! My name is Evelyn Rosemary Scythe. Most people I know simply call me Dr. Scythe, but since you all are esteemed experts in your fields, you all may have the privilege of calling me simply Evelyn." She grinned, showing all her pearly whites. "Oh, I almost forgot! My talent! Yes, well, simply put, I'm the Ultimate Coroner. I work day and night on corpses, and it's absolutely fascinating", she gushed excitedly. "I know you all look quite stunning yourselves! I'd absolutely love to examine your corpses! That would be a most fascinating study." She chuckled a little perversely.

"I simply can't wait to interact with you all! What an honour it is to be invited to such a prestigious event! This is absolutely fantastic!" She took out a scalpel rather absentmindedly and twirled it around in her hand. "Well, I suppose it's someone else's turn now, isn't it? Well, go on! I shan't interrupt you", she said happily, awaiting someone else to introduce themselves now.

Evelyn Rosemary Scythe
Ultimate Coroner

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“Great. Introductions to complete strangers. My specialty,” a voice spoke up from the doorway with a sigh. “Ah well. May as well get this done and over with…” A young teenager stepped forward with some reluctance, and by his looks, one thing was rather evident -- he was quite boyishly pretty. He had medium-length jet black hair with some bangs falling across his forehead, rather pale skin, and light, icy blue eyes, with a completely neutral, stoic expression on his face. He looked bored, to say it bluntly.

The clothing on him was simple, really: A light blue hoodie -- hood pulled up -- with a black undershirt, a necklace around his, well, neck, a pair of slate jeans, and two white and blue sneakers on his feet. And despite his pretty and casual appearance, it was quite evident that he was in rather good shape, with a lithe, lissome build.

He let out a slightly exasperated sigh as he pulled on the hem of his hood before speaking, and placed his hands in his pockets as he looked around at the others. “Taylor Fournier is my name. Ultimate… well... oh, this'll be fun to explain," he murmured to himself before continuing.

"I have no clue what my talent is. Yeah. Can't remember. I was invited for some reason, but I can't remember it either. It's odd, I know, especially since the rest of my memory is crystal clear...” he mused, scratching behind his head before awkwardly clearing his throat. “... Well, anyway, I'm Taylor. Hi.”

“So, is that all you need to know?” Before anyone could respond, he spoke up again. “Cool. Don't really feel like being up here. Not good with crowds, so, uh, if you'll excuse me...” He then stepped back, brushing some stray strands of hair out of his face as he did so, not wanting to be the center of attention for a moment longer as he took an empty seat for himself.
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Almost suddenly, there seemed to be a warming presence in the room. A strong smell of something freshly cooked filled the air. It was a very piquant scent, and it didn’t take long to find the source.

It was a small toy car that was roaming around the train floor. Mounted on top of it was a toaster with freshly cooked toast donned in the slots.

“Interesting.” The toaster said, stopped by Althea’s feet. “How decadent.”

Almost immediately the toaster spun towards Nina. “And this one's a delinquent?” It seemed there was a camera mounted on the car as well that was slowly zooming in and out on her, lens adjusting slightly. It directed itself towards the others in the room. "Mwahaha this is sounding more thrilling.”

Next, it went over to Taylor. “And this one can’t remember his talent? Yes, yes, only the truly odious could be behind this stratagem.”

“This is most excellent.” The toaster chuckled, moving to the middle of the room. Its voice (or rather the voice coming from the microphone) was very deep and masculine, sounding as smooth as slightly melted butter. “I can see from your looks of utter perplexity and complete befuddlement that you’ve already realized who I am. It is not an unusual occurrence to meet the truly starstruck.”

The toaster spun around quickly as if to dramatically build up to its introduction. “Yes, it is I! Genius extraordinaire and the culinary mind behind Captain Toasties: KYOYAAAAAA OKAMURAAAAA!

Kyoya Okamura
Ultimate Toaster

“I look forward to getting to know all of you.” He laughed almost too sinisterly. “Any of you can feel more than welcome to come to me for any toast-related desires… if you’re willing to pay the price.”
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As the others introduced themselves, they slowly became aware of a girl talking quietly in the far corner of the lounge. She was much shorter than the other students, and was dressed in a frilly pink dress with matching ribbons in her long brown hair.

Noticing the eyes on her, she turned around, revealing a porcelain doll she held tightly to her chest. She stared back at the group with wide, vacuous eyes. It was almost as if she were a porcelain doll herself.

"...why are you all looking at me?" She said. Her voice still sounded young, but it's tone was empty, and even a little cold. " Am I...supposed to introduce myself? Fine then. My name is Annabella Hale, the Ultimate Doll Artist. That means I dress up my dolls all fancy and let museums put then on display for a little bit."

Annabella then lifted the doll in her arms up for the others to see. "This is Lydia. She likes trains, so I wanted to let her look around. I have hundreds more dolls in my room, but they're all tired so I let them rest."

Satisfied with her introduction, Annabella turned away from the group once more.
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"Challenger approching!" a loud, somewhat nasally voice bellowed from just outside the lounge.

An absolute goon of a woman flew into the room, nearly falling over as she attempted to come to a halt. She regained her balance by flailing her lanky arms and leaning backwards, accidentally cracking her back in a mostly satisfying way. Roller skating isn't easy, you know.

"Never fear, my fellow freaks and geeks. Skylar Culver, the most ultimate Ultimate Card Collector, has arrived." She pointed at herself with her tacky, blue leather gloved-hands. Tattered, torn, and ripped red shirt with a potentially famous character on it? Check. Useless belt on a skirt? Check. Blue socks and roller skates? Check. Yep, Skylar was an absolute dork of a girl, and don't you forget it.

"'But Skylar, that sounds like a useless talent,' I hear you say. Well, have no fear. I assure you that this talent of mine will be one hundred percent useful at least thirty-five percent of the time. Trust me, if you ever need someone to examine the legitimacy of your first edition Charizard, I'm your gal." The pale basket case twirled her lengthy hair and wore a stupid grin as she swiped a seat near Taylor.

"Who knows? Maybe I can add you all to my collection of friends and confidants! Wouldn't that be swell?" she chuckled, "Anyway, next!"

Last edited by WinterCoat on Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A young, royal looking man clad in white stood up from his seat, violin in hand.

He walked forward towards the center of the train car, and upon his arrival had begun to play a song on the aforementioned instrument. The green haired man closed his eyes and smiled as he played, as if he was the only one in the room. Once he was finished with his song, the man opened his eyes and looked around at the others.

"Greetings and salutations, my fellow Ultimates." He spoke in a calming and pleasant voice. "You may call me Honda. I am the one and only world wandering Ultimate Minstrel. Perhaps some of you may have heard about me and my travels before. Or perhaps not. Either way, it is a pleasure to meet all of you. I do hope we all get along." He smiled as he finished speaking and quickly returned to his seat, his cape fluttering behind him as he walked.
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Music plays quietly, as if very loudly in a pair of headphones. A man who can't be any older than twenty walks in, bobbing his head gently with a bulky gym bag slung over his wide, thick shoulders. His mouth slowly pulls back into a warm smile as he assesses the others. He carefully takes the pair of blue headphones off, wrapping them around his neck.

His face is handsome and a little impish. His eyebrows arch steeply, giving off a certain intensity and seriousness, but that intensity manifests currently in his enthusiasm for meeting them. His black hair, buzzed on the sides, is died blonde on the tips. His skin is bronzed with a natural tan. His ears are pierced. His neck is long and attractively muscular, with a puka shell choker, emphasizing his proportions. His chiseled jaw and hulking form give him the appearance of an Adonis.

"Cute mask," he chuckles at Althea.

The man wears a blue letter jacket with gold arms and four American high school football championship patches adorn his left arm. His right arm has a patch with a single patch with the number one on it. On the front is a large capital P and, in cursive, the letters QB with the name Keyes underneath it.

"Don't mind if I do," the man laughs, snatching a slice from Captain Toasties, as he rolls by. He takes a couple of large bites and it vanishes in a few moments.

As he moves past the others to find a place to stand, he accidentally slams his bag into Taylor's head in his seat. It sounds a little painful.

"Huh? Oh sorry, I didn't see you there! My bad, bud," the man seems like he can't help but let out a snicker in surprise. He pats Taylor roughly on the back and keeps moving.

He drops his gym bag with an uncomfortable clang. The others can see that adorning his right hand are four championship rings of various colors, though all are very pretty. On his left wrist is a designer gold watch with lots of little details. He wears tan slacks with expensive-looking electric purple shoes. After he drops his gym bag, the others can see the words, "St. Peter Academy" sewn into the back of his jacket.

"Hey charmed to meet you all! My name is Marshall Keyes. Y'all can call me Marshall. I'm from Florida or whatever," he says, apparently finding the idea of being from Florida funny, "I'm the Ultimate QB. If I were a kind of vegetable, I'd be an onion."

He smirks, satisfied with himself. He sits down in an armchair, stretching his legs and arms as he does so, putting on a bit of a show.
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A set of hands threw up a long sheet of beige colored paper -- it looked like a banner as it rippled through the air, fluttering to and fro. Suddenly, a large sharp blade cut through, from corner to corner. It was a perfect slice. Two evenly cut triangles, no imperfections in sight. The desecrated banner soon fell and revealed a passionate looking young man, in a striking pose as he adorned his ruby red sword, which he soon pointed at his fellow classmates.

"It is I! The one! The only! And who am I, you may ask?"

He drew his sword away and pointed a finger in the air.

"My burning passion sets my heart on fire!! The wind roars as I slice it away!! The bell rings...and off we go!! Nicos Agne -- the Ultimate Swordsman -- will strike down evil wherever it appears!"

Suddenly, he theatrically took out his sword once more, twisting it around himself. He soon thrust it into the air, the sharp tip of his blade pointing up at the roof, glimmering from the sunlight peeking in through the windows. Soon his entire being was in view. An edgy white streak ran through his hair. A stylish white jacket on top of a black shirt, a small white necktie attached clumsily near his throat, an aerodynamic pair of black jeans -- but most important of course was the glowing, red sword that is guaranteed to take one's breath away. It's long and intimidating blade was nearly as tall as Nicos, and seemed to shimmer with a soft, fog-like glow. He slowly brought the sword on its side and held the blade with his hands.

"This sword is Akrasia! It is my one and only...the glow you see are the trapped souls of a thousand evil spirits..! Slayn with cruelty at my own hands! Villains from all over...they collide with great suffering inside the soul of my sword! And see..."

Suddenly, Nicos' expression darkened. It's as if the world had turned black-and-white around him. It sounded like it was raining outside, despite scientific evidence that it wasn't.

"...Also embedded in the sword is the soul of a wonderful being. I had named the sword after their passing, and I feel their soul connected with mine every was a dark day, indeed. I could smell the rain as it pattered away, no care in the world...the fog billowed around, and on the ground was had flown away from their body, and regret had swollen inside me..."

He had transitioned into a kneel, leaning the hilt of his blade onto the ground. His left hand was still rested on the blade, and it cut slightly as he applied pressure, causing blood to trickle slowly down his wrist.

"Akrasia's soul fights within my blade everyday...And so I swear with my being, that I shall never let evil prevail..! Do not worry, fellow comrades! As Akrasia and I will be the one and only protector of the world! We shall make it known! Evil must not remain! For I, Nicos Agne, destroy it as it appears! En garde!"

Placing Akrasia away, he nodded to himself in satisfaction, unaware that he was irritatingly over-the-top. His performance, to him, was exemplary.

"...Woo! I sounded pretty cool, huh? Who's next?"
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As the introductions began to slow down, the group was made aware of a faint tapping sound from the edge of the lounge. Turning to the noise, they saw a young man pacing back and forth across the floor, walking parallel to the train’s windows.

He wore a fairly drab outfit consisting of blue jeans and a light red shirt. A single black glove adorned his right hand, and an eyepiece with a light blue screen covered his right eye. A gray hat rested atop his head, with sweeping strands of brown hair peeking out from beneath it. Pinned to the fabric of the hat was a small silver brooch, shaped like some kind of cross, with a green gemstone in the center. It seemed to be more expensive than anything else he wore.

Floating in the air before him was a blue holographic screen, seemingly being projected from the eyepiece. Lights shined from the tips of his gloved fingers as he scrolled through various menus.

Eventually, he stopped pacing for a moment and just stared at the screen. His expression hardened as he put his finger to his chin. “Hmm…No connection. Strange.”

The young man turned towards the others, staring at them with a calculating, skeptical expression. He seemed to be only slightly older than the others, but the faint stubble on his chin and the rigidness of his expression lended him the look of someone much older.

“So…you fellas are the faces of the future, huh?”

His voice came out rough and a little disinterested, as if he wasn’t entirely at home in a conversation.

He shrugged and continued, “I’ll admit, this is a rather strange gathering we’ve got here…Not quite sure how some of you are meant to contribute to, well…much of anything…” He glanced pointedly at some of the stranger people in the group. “But don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there’s some reason why all of us were chosen, even if I can’t imagine what.”

The young man sighed and looked back at his holographic screen. “Frankly, I don’t much like meeting new people. Makes me,” He paused, looking for the right word. “…Nervous. In fact, this whole trip’s got me feelin’ apprehensive. And my intuition ain’t off very often…”

“But whatever. I don’t mean to bring down the mood. Point is, my name’s Elijah Miller. Folks call me Eli. That’s all.”

Eli fell silent and began typing something on the screen. He didn’t seem to have anything more to add.
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"Hello friends!" A peppy upbeat colorful girl jumped up very suddenly, waving her hands. " I am excited to get to know every single one of you guys I want to know EVERYTHING! The more people you connect with the smarter you get, the more you'll know about the world, I want to be the smartest I can be!" She laughs randomly,"I connect to the people I speak too, and inspire them to do better, inspire them to be more then they are, I'm the Ultimate motivational speaker! My words move world's, make a difference, change the way people think, I want to make a difference in the lives of those around me in any way I can!"

She clasps her hands together, "I'm Siri Hall, just call me Siri by my first name not my last. Be sure to share this with your friends. Have you heard the story of the porcupine and the mole? The porcupine was cold and was looking for a place to live during the cold winter. He found a cave that was occupied by this family of moles who let him stay-" She realized she was getting off topic. "Oh no I'm rambling you must not want to hear about something you already know about, again you've heard it before, I remember, I'm here, I'll always be here, let's be friends and I'll help you okay? I'm a very supportive person, very easy to talk to, I can hold conversations with anyone I'm very sociable, I like learning about people, be sure to share this I'm Siri, good bye friends." She practically was vomiting up words to say, her eyes moving back and forth very quickly, smiling with excitement, almost a bit too happy.
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A man with short black hair, a red headband entered the traincar where the others had been gathering, in spite his looks he was surprisingly calm and easygoing.

"nice ta meet yall, i'm sure your all wondering who I am. the names Vic Terry, The Ultimate Challenger."

Vic Terry
Ultimate Challenger

"If anyone's curious what that means...well...Just feel free to challenge me to anything and find out" his tone began to change to a far more passionate one "just don't hold back and ill assure you it will be an unforgettable experience, a clash of wills facing off between one another, unrelenting full of resolve, blood and adrenaline pumping with the only goal being the victor" he closed his eyes and clenched his fist. his tone went back to being more relaxed "if i cant do at least that much then I wont be worthy of this title."
he proceeded to move to find a seat, sit down, close his eyes and pass out.
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A girl who looked to be in her late teens in a typical Japanese high school outfit, complete with gray pleated skirt walked forward. She sported a comically oversized backpack with bits of equipment poking out of it.

Her right eye was green, and her left was amber, but both had bags under them, as if she didn’t get much rest. She ran her hand through her long hair, and gathered herself to speak.

“I guess… um… I suppose it’s my turn.” the girl said. “I’m Izumi-- my given name is Hoshiko, and I have been invited here as The Ultimate Astronomer. I was awarded this title after my treatise on using pulsars as density diag… di… dihyaaaaaaa…” she raised her hand in front of her mouth as a long yawn escaped, causing her to arch her back slightly and stand on the tips of her toes.

As she yawned, she bumped into a wall of the train car, and a case that was partially sticking out of her backpack dislodged itself and scattered its contents-- dozens of white boxes made of thick cardboard-- onto the car floor.

“Ah! My eyepieces!” she scrambled to the floor to quickly retrieve the small boxes and cradle them in her arms. After counting them out she quickly retreated. “I have to re-sort these right away.” and then, she bowed slightly. “I’m so sorry! I hope we will get to know each other well while we are together!”
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"Aww, Hoshi, you work too much," another girl giggled airily, seemingly unperturbed by Hoshiko's distress. She wore the same school uniform, and aside from a few minor physical differences - no bags under her eyes or on her back, ruby stud earrings, and a red ribbon tied around her left thigh - she appeared to be an exact double of the Ultimate Astronomer. "Like, we're on this cool train with all these cool people! You can sort your box things later, right?"

The girl waved her arm at the other passengers as she lazily rocked back and forth on her heels. "I mean, come on, there's even a real live toaster! I've never seen one of those in person before... Well, not a living one, anyway. Uh, unless the one on that TV commercial counts. I don't think it does."

Hoshiko's twin gasped then and bashfully scratched her cheek. "Oops, sorry! We're doing introductions, right?" She turned to face the others with a big smile and waved again, more enthusiastically this time. "Hiii, everyone! I'm Nana Izumi, and, uh, I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student! Nice to meet you!"

Nana blinked and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "...Huh. That's kind of a weird title, now that I think of it. When you hear the word 'Ultimate', it makes you think, like, the best in the world at something, right? I'm sure there's totally been luckier people than I am. Maybe not in high school, though, so..." The Ultimate scrunched her brow as she racked her brain for a solution. "Maybe something like... Super... High School Level Lucky Student would be better?" She frowned. "Wait, but I'm graduating next year, so that'd mean I'd lose my title, right? Actually, what happens when I graduate now? Do I just become 'Ultimate Lucky'? That sounds kind of dumb, doesn't it?"

After standing in silence for a few moments, apparently thinking her conundrum over in her head, she grinned brightly. "Well, whatever. I'm sure it'll work itself out at this Project Eden thing we're going to. Let's have fun until then, okay?"

Nana Izumi
Ultimate Lucky Student

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Finally. It was time for his entrance. Perfectly timed, as was expected of him.

The door that led deeper into the train hissed open, the chrome entry sliding easily to lock into its docking point, and a seventeenth member walked through.

He was dressed in the colors of Alabaster; white from head to toe. White jacket, white shirt, silvery gray tie, white pants, and a pair of shoes that were so white they clearly hadn't been worn before whatsoever. He pushed up his glasses; thin, wiry things that had the glint of silver, his sleeve slipping down just enough for a silver strap for a watch to peek through. Really, it was a wonder this man didn't blind himself every day when he looked into the mirror in the morning… or right now in the chrome of the train.

Yet all of that was cast aside as one looked at the… problem that was his hairdo. Wild, messy, and auburn, he had the half-baked appearance of someone who had wanted to look presentable, yet woke up too late to do anything about how they actually looked, thus causing a first impression that was… less than favorable. But it seemed like he was used to it, as he bounced on his toes and grinned regardless.

“Heya, kiddos, howzit goin’?” he asked cheerily, saluting them with two fingers. “Good to see everyone's getting along… or perhaps not. I digress. I'm with the Alabaster Corporation, who, as you all know, have graciously allowed you sixteen, the best of the best, the brightest of the bright, the most Ultimates of the Ultimates, to go to a school specifically geared toward honing and sharpening your skills to an end that benefits both you and society as a whole.”

He then placed a hand on his chest. “As for me? Well, I happen to be your teacher. The Ultimate Teacher, Nick Anderson, at your service. But I do expect you to call me Mr. Anderson from now on, as you are my students. Calling me ‘Teacher’ or any other nickname is fine, just so long as you keep it respectful.” He tapped the side of his nose twice. “I do, after all, report directly to Alabaster HQ. So do be on your best behavior, if you would be so kind.”

Anderson then pulled his sleeve back to check his watch, the bright shine of silver reflecting off his glasses for a brief moment before he nodded to himself. “Right on schedule. We should be arriving at the hotel shortly. It'll be an overnight stay, since the train needs to recharge, so don't be forgetting anything you'll need for a night in. Everyone will have their own rooms, replete with whatever you may need, and if something is missing, just let me know and I'll do what I can.”

He pulled his sleeve back up, then gestured to the way he came. “But if waiting for us to reach the hotel would be too long of a wait for you, there are enough rooms on the train for you to rest and relax from the strain of being around new people. Obviously your choice, of course, but as always, don't forget what you're bringing. Otherwise, you are welcome to hang around here and quiz me if you so like.”

So saying, he plopped down into one of the free seats, smiling radiantly. It really seemed like he was wholly into this...
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"Aw yeah! What's up Nic?" Nicos exclaimed, ignoring his request for a respectful address. "You can call me cousin Nicos! We got common names, eh?"
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"Yo, Teach," Eli leaned against the window and scanned the crowd as he spoke. "In your own words, not those of the shiny pamphlets they sent out...what do you suppose is the purpose of 'Project Eden'? Why were we brought here in particular?"
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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Taylor rubbed his head right where Marshall's bag had hit him, a look of slight annoyance on his otherwise stoic face. "Well, that fuckin' hurt..." he quietly murmured to himself as he rubbed his head.
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It appeared as if Annabella hadn't noticed the teacher's prescence, or even the other student's introductions. She seemed entirely focused on the doll in her hands, playing with it and talking to it as if she was a young child.
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"A teacher...? Well, I suppose even I have yet to learn a few precious things. Ah! I have to ask..."
She fidgeted a bit with the brim of her hat, before continuing, "I would assume Eden is equipped to receive us, yes? I have a few necessities that may be a bit, ah, unorthodox. How many tanks of leeches does the corporation keep on the premises?"
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It seemed when Marshall grabbed the toast without asking a failsafe triggered that fired up a small flame, burning the toast and making it a decidedly non-delicious treat.

Kyoya made no comment about this but a low grumble could be heard.
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"W-Woah, woah, woah!! That's not safe, little toaster! And burnt toast is bad for the soul..!"
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"Aw yeah! What's up Nic?" Nicos exclaimed, ignoring his request for a respectful address. "You can call me cousin Nicos! We got common names, eh?"

His lack of respect earned him a sharp glare. "While you are perfectly allowed to speak to your fellow Students in such a manner, I believe I made myself clear when I asked for a polite acknowledgement."

Planetbox wrote:
"Yo, Teach," Eli leaned against the window and scanned the crowd as he spoke. "In your own words, not those of the shiny pamphlets they sent out...what do you suppose is the purpose of 'Project Eden'? Why were we brought here in particular?"

Anderson spread his arms and hands wide, his smile broadening. "An excellent question! If nothing else, I'm just interested in seeing your Ultimate skills and figuring out their applications. Take Ms. Ultimate Luck as an example. What all does her luck apply to? Will she always happen upon just the thing she needs to finish or understand a task? Does she play in any form of sport extremely well, even if she's never played any of them ever? What does it cover, and where does it end?"

He leaned forward and tapped the side of his nose twice. "That is why we are here, if you were to ask me of my own opinion. An excellent and astute question nonetheless, Mr. Miller."

DootDootDoot wrote:
"A teacher...? Well, I suppose even I have yet to learn a few precious things. Ah! I have to ask..."
She fidgeted a bit with the brim of her hat, before continuing, "I would assume Eden is equipped to receive us, yes? I have a few necessities that may be a bit, ah, unorthodox. How many tanks of leeches does the corporation keep on the premises?"

"Ah, yes, Doctor Althea." Anderson nodded twice in her direction, frowning. "Unfortunately, despite my own best efforts, Alabaster could find no correlation between needing leeches in the numbers you requested and your Ultimate skill; thus, it was ultimately turned down. My sincerest apilogies."
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"C'mon, Nic! We're all fellow pals here! You're a Nic, I'm a Nic...what more do you need?"
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"... Denied? That's, that's, no, no." Althea stuttered, "I need those leeches. I require them! Otherwise..."
She couldn't finish her sentence before getting distracted with the odd moving toasty machine.
"... What a volatile, foul contraption. Teacher, is it safe to be around this?"
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"W-Woah, woah, woah!! That's not safe, little toaster! And burnt toast is bad for the soul..!"

"He's a thief, Nicos. I simply gave him toast that would match his truly putrescent soul, that is all."
DootDootDoot wrote:
"... What a volatile, foul contraption. Teacher, is it safe to be around this?"

"You are in no danger, Doctor Agnes. I've decided to stay my hand and not destroy all of you." Kyoya's words were steady but a subtle maniacal laughter came through at the end.
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"C'mon, Nic! We're all fellow pals here! You're a Nic, I'm a Nic...what more do you need?"

"For you to be approximately twice your age would be a good start. Then perhaps a good dose of humbleness and an extra dash of knowing when to be polite. And, to finish it all off, addressing me in the way I wished for you to address me as."

The teacher then shrugged. "Then again, some people just won't get it, and it seems you are one of them, Mr. Agne."

DootDootDoot wrote:
"... Denied? That's, that's, no, no." Althea stuttered, "I need those leeches. I require them! Otherwise..."
She couldn't finish her sentence before getting distracted with the odd moving toasty machine.
"... What a volatile, foul contraption. Teacher, is it safe to be around this?"

"I'm afraid I can't help with that one. That creation is intrinsic to the Ultimate skill, much in the same way Mr. Agne still has a deadly bladed weapon. And which of the two do you feel more threatened by?"
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JesusMonroe wrote:
"You are in no danger, Doctor Agnes. I've decided to stay my hand and not destroy all of you." Kyoya's words were steady but a subtle maniacal laughter came through at the end.

"Oh, in that case, I suppose it's fine." she said, genuinely unconcerned. "Could I ask for some toast, then?"
She seems to have completely forgotten about her leeches, and her prior conversation for that matter...
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"You're sorta killing my vibes, Nic..." Nicos sighed.
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DootDootDoot wrote:
"Oh, in that case, I suppose it's fine." she said, genuinely unconcerned. "Could I ask for some toast, then?"
She seems to have completely forgotten about her leeches, and her prior conversation for that matter...

"Absolutely!" Kyoya beamed, sounding excited to show off his ability. "What type of bread is your preference? White? Wheat? Multi-grain? Something else? Either way, it's ten dollars with the Ultimate discount. Twelve if you'd like butter." He edged closer to Agnes. "I highly recommend the butter."
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SaizotheSixth wrote:
He leaned forward and tapped the side of his nose twice. "That is why we are here, if you were to ask me of my own opinion. An excellent and astute question nonetheless, Mr. Miller."

"Hmm. That's reasonable enough, I suppose," Eli said, nodding slowly. "Of course, in that case, I can't help but be a little concerned that I was invited...but I'll just assume we'll be with more hypothetical scenarios."

He looked away and sighed, "I could use a break, in any case."
Vesti and Lauren's Interdimensional Investigations
This CYOA follows Vesti Gates and Lauren Tehra, two detectives who search for the truth, whether in their own dimension or otherwise.

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"Oh, goodie! Alabaster Corp. sent us a babysitter! Good thing, too. I think those freaky-deaky twins are one dialogue tree away from a reference to The Shining! 'Come play with us, Mr. Anderson...' hah!" She laughed a little too hard at her own stupid joke.
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JesusMonroe wrote:
"Absolutely!" Kyoya beamed, sounding excited to show off his ability. "What type of bread is your preference? White? Wheat? Multi-grain? Something else? Either way, it's ten dollars with the Ultimate discount. Twelve if you'd like butter." He edged closer to Agnes. "I highly recommend the butter."

"Oh. Oh, money... Just a moment, please." she started digging around in her pockets.
She managed to find a few dried plants. At least they smelled nice?
"I suppose I'll have to abstain..." she muttered.
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"You just have to ask nicely, Agni!" Nicos smiled. "Watch! Not even a machine can resist my boyish charm."

Nicos cleared his throat and held his arms out in request for food. It seemed like he has done this before.

"May you spare some toast, little dude?" He asked, his head bowed
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CaptainPancakes wrote:
"You just have to ask nicely, Agni!" Nicos smiled. "Watch! Not even a machine can resist my boyish charm."

Nicos cleared his throat and held his arms out in request for food. It seemed like he has done this before.

"May you spare some toast, little dude?" He asked, his head bowed

"'Agni'...?" Althea gasped, "did you give me a nickname?"
She stared as Nicos bowed to a toy car like he was her goddamn hero.
"... Does this mean we're friends?!"
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"Sure thing, Agni!" Nico said, still bowing with his arms extended. He turned to Althea and nodded towards the ground. The two were bowing graciously towards each other.
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